HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-07-15 (Regular) Meeting MinutesADJ UR ·m . ID ULAB ETillG F ·!'HE CITY COUDCIL F THE CITY OF ENlrEEWOOD, COLORADO,
~HIS EDilESDAY TBB l l~tl :PA¥f OF JULY 1925 A. D.
In the absence of ~or John Simon, Llayor Pro-tem,George c. Bullen, took ihle
chair and called the meeting to order.
Bullen Present, Cavender Present, Lemon Present,
UoCord Present, llorris Present. Winkler Present.
6 .iz'esaat Uope Abaent
. ... ... . , <J •
There being no further protests on the West Hampden PaTing District,
Alderman inkler introduced the following resolution, whioh was read in full bJ
H:lli3A.S, A certain petittlm baa heretofore been filed aeeking tbe cDeaation of an
improT .. ent diatrict to be Jcnown as "Hampden ATenue PaTing Diatriot Bo. l."; &114,
WBER&AS, A notice to property owners relatiTe to the creation of said diatriot
hae been duly published, aaid notice containing all the matter• and thing• requlr .. b7
i .. , ond atating lhat all protests in writing regarding the oreation of said 41••~1ot
would be heard b7 the Ci~7 Council at a Regular Ueeting to be held July 13, 1926; and,
~s. The City Qtunoil duly met in a regular meeting July 13, 1926, to consider,
and did then consider , all protests and objections which were filed or presented oonoer-
ning said district, and continued the consideration of &1'J7 and all protests to thia day,
at whi c h time said meeting was regularly adjourned; and,
WHER!AS, Thie Council has fully covsidered the queation of protests;
1. That the said petition heretofore filed with this Council, requesting the oreation
of Hampden ATenue Paving Diatrtct No. 1., is not subaoribed b7 the owners tf a maJor1i7
of the frontage directly abutting on that portion of the street sought to be improTe4
within the east portion thereof; i.e.,that it is not aubecribecl by the owners of a
maJorit7 of the frontage directly abu ·tting on that portion of the street known ae Bast
Hampden ATenue from the west line of South Clarkson itr•et to lhe end of the paYement near
2. That said petition is sufficiently and regularly subaoribed by the owners of a I
majority of the frontage directly abutting on that portion of the street sought to be
improTed within the West portion, i.e., that i* is sufficiently and regularily aubaor1be4
b~ the owners of a majority of the frontsage directly abutting on that portion of Weat
Hampden ATenue from the end of the pavement near Braadwq to the right of •&7 of the
Atchison, Topeka & Santa le Railway Company; that said petition duly and regularlJ' requests
the grading, paving and curbing of West Hampden ATenue from the end of the paTement, aear
Broadwtq, to the right of way of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Pe Railwq Comp&J'J7, and the
creation of an improvement district embracing the property to be assessed for the ooets
of said improvement, the boundaries of which district are desoribed in the Preliminary
d c r and in the otice to Property Owners as the West Portion, and taat ii is complete
and regular inform and substance as to all other matters required; that it contains all
he catte rs requir e d by law, and is legally sufficient to authorize the creation of aait
d i s t ri c t.
3. That no protest or objections have bee cn filed with or presented to this Council
c on c e rn in the cr e ation of sa i d proposed distri c t •
• l e r r:ian ink ler :.t ovecl ', )
Le on Seconded,)
Thnt reso l ution just read by the Clerk be adopted.
Bull en r.:• ,
.c Co rd ·e .
Cavend e r Ayo,
Norr i s Ay e.
6 Aye s !Jays · one
·.t ay or so ordered.
lde ~c c rd ~ v e d,l
Lemon Aye,
Winkler Aye,
'avend r Second e d,) fha.t th e re b e ing lo further business to come before the
ur.cil , Co unci l a d ourn to meet again i.lo nday, July 27, 1925.
• L!,
Cav e nd e r Ay e ,
Horris Aye,
6 Ayes lleys ·~one
a yo r so orncr c d.
Lemon Aye,
Winkler Aye.
·in tc of d jo n e d egul nr "e ting of the City Uouncil of the Oity of Englewood, Colorado,
t hi o d11 esd ~, J ly 15, l • • D. stand a p prov e d a.a // g,a 14< this / o day of W<Jo/
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