HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-07-27 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI
<mDAY 'l'HE 27th, DAY OP JULY 1925 A. D.
11&7or John Simon oalled the meeting to order and asked for roll call.
Bullen, Preaen*,
UoCord Present,
Cavender Present,
Norrie Present,
Lemon RJ'eeent,
Winkler RJ"eaent.
6 Present .None Absent
Clerk read the following reeolutioO;
lhereaa, Cit7 Bngineer, Glen Isett, has reported to this Cpunoil that the South
16 feet of lot 36 in block 3, Birches Addition to So. Broadw~ Hts. Cit7 of llngl .. oo4
ColQ. haa been erroneoua17 plaoed upon the assessment roll aa being included in the
Straight S14ewal and Street Grading llltrlYement Diatriot, and
lfhereaa, the recorcla conoerning said district ahow aa14 report ot aai4 Ci'7
Bngineer to be proYe4,
ow, 1'heretore, Be it BeaolYed b7 the Cit7 Oouncil of the Cit7 of Inglewood, that
the aa14 ~uth 16 feet ot lot 36 in blook 3, Birohea Addition to So. Blnl7. Hta. Ci~
of l .. oot, Colorado, neYer ••• included in the Straight Sid .. alk and Street Qra41Dg
Iapro• ent Diatriot Diatrict, but wae erro .. eoual1 inol1l4e4 there1a,cantii•edaaae ... ent
11ga1.Dat aai4 lot wae erroneouelJ certified to the Cl'7 ~eaaurer of the Cit7 of 11ng1 .. ood
an the Coant7 'lreaaurer of Arapahoe Count7, and aaid aeaeeement ie tdloll7 Yoi4 and
of no effect in .._, and
Be it further reat1Te4, that the aaid Treasurer of the Oit7of ang1 .. 004 ant the
Count7 9reaaurer of Arapahoe Count1 are hereb7 authorised and impowere4 to make the
record• 1Jl their office to ahow that no tax ie due or become due against eaid propert7
on aooount of eaid Straight Sidewalk and Street Grading ImproYement District, and to
strike aazae from aa14 aaaeeament roll.
And be it further reaolYecl that the Oounty Treaaurer of Arapahoe Count7 be
authorised to refund the amount of $3.36 which baa been paid on the aboYe propert7 for
th le iJDproYemen t tax.
Paeaed and approved this _ day of ----.l. D. 1926
---------------------------------Clt7 Clerk
.Alderman inkler MoYe4,)
orria Seoonded,) that resolution be adopted.
Bllllen A7e, Cavender Aye,
KoC~ qe, Borris A)e,
6 qee li~e
J.1a7or ao ordered •
.Alderman rri• WoYe4,)
Leaon qe,
Winkler qe.
' Lemon Seconded,) That protests
on the propoeed water system be closed.
Bullen J.7e, CaYender ~ye,
MoCord qe, llorria qe,
6 '7e• B~s Bone
~or eo ordered.
Lemon qe,
Winkler .l7e.
Clerk re .. report of protests by Special Water Committee. After much 4iaoueeion
.Alderman •orria MoYecl,)
Ballen Seconded,) That report be aeeepted and fileA.
Bllllen qe,
MoOh'cl qe,
Cavender ue, q
llorria qe,
qee "'aye .None
U91'or ao ordered.
Alderman McCord Mowed,)
Lemon qe,
Winkler Aye.
Winkler seconded,) That in oonaideration of all protests
creation ot the propoaecl "Water Main District liumber One" be continued
eTentng, Jul.7 29th, 1926, at which time this Council will continue and
and •ill aleo oonaider an ordinance to create said propos•d district.
Bullen qe,
MoCord 1.:3•,
Cavender Aye,
Borris qe,
6 qea Nqs Bone
~or so orde~.
the following letter was read by the Ulerk:
Lemon Aye,
Winkler Aye.
To 'l'he Bonarable Cit7 Council of the City of Englewood.
Qentl en:-
regarding the
to Wednead97
aot upon the same
'l'h• Skerritt lDTeatment ia desirous of creating a water district aurroun4ing
block 6 Skerritt'a Addition to Rnglewood Second d Piling. Street deaignated ae 1111rrounding
aald block being -.Onoo~ on the .East, Jefferson on the South and Cherokee on •he •••'·
Tl• Skenitt lmTea•ent Co.
B7 M. s. Skerritt (8eo'7.)
Alderman Bullen KoTed,)
CaTender Seconded,) That thia be referred to the Water Committee.
Bullen qe,
Ko0or4 -e.
CaTender Aye,
JJorria qe,
6 A)••, liq• Bone
Mqor so ordered.
Bon. ~or of ~lewood and Cit7 Council
Bngl .. ood, Colorado
Lemon Ay,,
Winkler ., ••
Aa •• underatand that the city engineer, .Llr. Isett, haa been ordered to wort out ,laaa
in te\ail for water main• for the city of -nglewood, we would reapecttull.7 requeet 1~
it ·oult be poaa1bl• to place a six inch main on Girard in•'•ad of Hampden and tor
\be following reaaona'
•• will, within the next f .. yeara, erect several large buildings on the north end of
our grounda. Amoung these buildings will be an infirmar7 with a '•d oapaoit7 of a-.Out
thlrt7-f1T• beta and a dormitOJ'J with about the aame number of rooma. ~thermore, the
medioal building and labortiee will also be placed in oloae proximit7 tt the lDfil'll&r)'.
The • builtinga will need the beat of fire protection, which the7 will no\ ge\ if the
aix inoh main and fire hJdrants are plliced on East Hampden.
Aa •• understand that we will get out proportionate ahar• of the expenaes •or thia illpre-
Temen\, •• are aak1ng that thia particular condition of looation of our buil41D8 will
be talcen into due oonaid•r•tion in the tlacing of the aix inoh main• and fir• !J71ran\a.
Guataf J9wall
1Alderman linkl•r loTed,)
. Lemon Seconded,) That this alao be referred to the later Committee.
Bullen A.ye,
l.loCord qe,
6 qea
CaTender A.ye,
Jlorria qe,
Bqs lone
ao ordered.
Lemon qe,
Winkler qe.
&T~~cllert rea4 letter f991D the Chamber of Commerce faToring the water s•atem~ alao a
n .. on Hampden Str••'·
Alderman Bullen UoTed,)
»orr1a 5eoonded,) That '11• letter be reoe1Ted and filed.
lklllen qe,
JioCard qe,
CaTender jye,
Borris A.ye,
6b qea Nqs Bone
L1&7or ao ordered.
Ald•rman Bullen KoTed.)
Lemon qe.
Winkler qe.
McCord Seconded,) That Cit7 Engineer be instructed to prepare plan• and
apecifioationa for bridge on Weat Hampden ATenue and report baok ~ to Oouno11.
6 qee
•:derman Winkler liloTed,)
Ca Tend er ~e,
Dorrie J.7•,
... ._. Bone
ao ordered.
Lemon qe,
Winkler qe.
orria Seconded,) filat the Uat•ter of an .. Parking ordinano• be relerre4
to the Streets and Bri4ge Commi,tee, to report baok to the Qounoil on Aug. 10, 1925.
Bullen qe,
KoCord qe,
6 qea
CaTender qe,
liorria qe,
lq1 lone
ao ordered.
0) South Broa4•a-7 PaTing Petition, as read by Clerk:
To th• Mayor and Citp Council Englewood, Colorado
Lemon ·J.7•,
Winkler qe.
•• the un4eraigned ownere of a majorit7 of the propert7 abutting on the following named
atreet here'b7 petition 7our honorable for paTement, 4ra1nage ourbe, and gutters on .. 14
atree\, namelJ, outh Broa4wq from the Sou'thea~·eal efdthll present paTement tt the BORh
aide of ~uin07 AT•, esoepting the east half of said atreet from KeDJon to Jlana11el4 A•eau••
• width of said improvement to be sixty feet between ourba and to extend to the propeJtt7
line• th intereeotione.
Th• tlDd of PaTement to be either one courae concrete aeven inohe thick, two inoh Warren-
1\e Bi,ul1,h1o on a three and one half aaphaltio conorete baa• or two inch A~altlo con-
crete on a three an4 one half inoh aaphaltio conorete baa•
The maximum prices to be
PaTement t2.31 per aq. yd.
Curb and gutter $1.00 per lin. ft.
Grading t1.oo per cu. yd.
t the ooat of eaid improTement to be aaaeeae6 on the propert7 in the vioinit7 of aa14
atreet 1D proportion to the benefit aoo*11ing.
!hat the improT•ent ahall be paid for bJ the isauen•• of apeoial improT•ent bon4a and
in aooor4ano• with Chapter 180, seaaion lawa o fColorado, for 1923, relating to apee1al
wproT enta ln oitiea and towna.
!he following soning plala 1• auggeeted.
All son•• to be 126 feet 1D depth
·Ion• ~·-All lota abutting on touth Broa4•1Q'-•&J' or •132.26 per lot.
. '
lone .,o-All lote abutting on the weet aide of South Lincoln and the east aide of
8o1l\h AcOll9-l~ ot t!&.75 per lot
lone three-All lo t a abutti}lg on the east aide of South Lincoln and the West aid• ot
801lth Aooaa-~ or t25.87 per lot
lone four-All lota a1Ntting on the west side S .herman and the eaat did• of ~outh BannooJc
'-• or tas.oo per lot. w
lone Ti••-All lota a"1t•1JMI on the Kaat aid• of wouth _herman and the West 4ade of South
Bannook-., or f!0.18 per lot. •
Ion• •is-All lota abqtting OD the lest a14• of South Q•ant and th• laat aid• ot South
Cherokee-&J ~rl 17.23 per lot.
zone aeg .. -All lota abutting on the east •1de Of South Grant and the west side of so.
Cherokee-~ o~ tl•.37 per lot.
lone •1111'• All lota abutt~ OD the weat •14••of South LelaD and the eaat aid• ot So.
Del.81rar•-'~ or tll.50 per lot.
So n• n ine-Al l l lot•_!butting on the east aide of So. Logan and the west aide of So.
Del .. ar• 2"' or te.62 per lot.
Zone ten-All lote abutting on the west •ide of So. Penn. and the eaat aide of South
Blatt ~ or t6.75 per lot.
All lota a'bo•• mentioned are underatto4 to be 25, b7 126 feet. whether aubdiTi4e4 or not.
fh • aboTe Aeaoriptiona ahall be underetoo4 to mean extended atreet where eaid ••reet are
no t enmdM or o pen to the publio.
'?be a.glDeer reported that the petition being auffioient,
Al4erll&D WinJcler JIOTe4,)
•orria Seoon4ed,) that the petiton be reoe1Ted &lad filed, and that the Cit7
Bngineer and Oit7 Attornq be. and thq are hereb7 authorised and inatruoted to prooee4
with the neo•••&r7 and approflease '''eps looking toward the creation of aaid dietriot.
Ballen qe,
JloCord £7•,
CaTender qe,
llorrie qe,
6 A.7e• B&7s Bone
Leaon qe,
WiDJcler qe,
Mayor so ordered.
Al derman ink ler MoTe4,)
Bullen Seoonted,) That the four goat petittona presented to City Gouncil be
referred to a oo aa ittee oompoeed of Alderclµ'l Dorrie ant Chief of Polio• Blliot.
Bullen ~··
lloCor4 ~·· 6 I.yea
Uay or
CaTender Aye,
llorria A¥e •
so orderet.
Th • Li gh t Comm ittee reported ,as fol&owe:
o ~ e Bon aora b l e J.1a7 or and Oi\7 ~ouno i l.
Lemon Aye,
Winkler Jqe.
We 7ou• Ligh ten i n g Comm ittee •i•h to report that we have inTestigated the light
a ltuat ion at Dar t amo uth and Penn.,and at Eastman and Penn.,also at Jefferson and Deleware,
and fin4 t hat light• are necessary at these points, and recommend that they be installed,
and re que et t hat t h e Cit7 ~lerk be instructed to notify the Light Co, to install same.
Jul.7 27 t h 1 925
Geo. A. Winkler
Wm. E. llorrie
L. H. Lemon
Al derman Bu llen lloTed,)
CaTender Seconded.) That the report of hbe Light Oommittee be aooepte4.
Bull en qe,
KoCord ~-.
CaTender Aye,
Dorrie Jaye,
Lemon Jqe,
Winkler Jqe.
6 67ee ..;aye Uone
•. Iqor so ordered.
Cl er ~ a a ked f or information reard i ng iaeueing license for Wholesale petato 4ealer.
' l deramn Bul len lil oTed, )
L on Seconded,) That th~a matter be referred to the lieense committee to
r epo ~t b c k to the ~ouncil at the next meeting •
Bul len
· oCo rd
q e, ""7•.
6 Ayes
Cavender Aye.
Horris Aye,
IAay or so
U aye
ord e red.
l derman Bul len "ov e d.)
ll one
Lemon Aye,
Winkler "ye.
· i n kl er Second e d,) ~hat1 the following resolution be adopted.
BB IT \B~ LV&D J.HA'. the t im e within wh ich bids will be received on the conetl"llotion
and ot pavement in th e proposed "Hampden Avenue Paving District ·number One" be extended
to ~ t 21 , 1 25 . and th at the ~it y Clerk be, a nd s he is hereby authorize4 to publieh
said notice in accord n~e wi th law on ce a we e k f or t h ree coneective weeks in the Bnglewoo6
Hea rlland ~n t e rpriee. and f or one pub li cat i on in the Rocky MountaiO Hews, said notice
to be suba t anti•l ly the s~ae a s that notice her e tofore ordered published be a resolution
ado~ted on July 15 . 1 25 , except the date f or reoeive i ng the bids be therein changed.
Bul en
Ay e,
y e,
Coglnd e r Aye,
~orris Aye,
Ayes lays non e
U~or so ordered •
• l d er.nan · ,, Jo r d IJo v ed, )
Lemon Aye,
•linkler a.ye.
t..vcr:c<c r Second•d,) ~hat gun s used by the ·Jlire Department be turned into
City Ha l l.
R LL c~LL:
Bu llen Ay e.
oC r d Ay e.
Cav ender Aye,
llo rrie Aye,
Ay es ~ Nay s
ayor so orde r e d.
Lemon A.~e,
Winkler Aye.
After s om e expanantion by the ~iremen as to the uee of the guns,
Alderman oCord Uoved,)
orrie Seconded.) That the moti n be reooneidered, and the matter be referre4
t th ire Co mmi ttoe.
Bul en ye, Cav·ender Aye, Lemon Aye,
oCord Aye,. Norris Aye, Winkler qe.
6 Ayes Nays lone
i.lay or eo ordered,
Alderman Cavender.Uoved.)'
orris Seconded,) Th a t there being no further business to oome before the
Council, Council a dJourn to meet •edne~qay, July 2~. 1925.
Bullen dy e,
· oC o rd e,
Cavender 0 ye,
llorria Aye,
6 ayes A Nays
~or ~o ordered.
Lemon Aye,
Winkler Aye,
inutea of Adjourned Regular Ueeting of the City Oounoil of the City of .iafnglewoo4, QQ.lt,ado
this Uon tq, July 27, 1925 A. D. stand approved o.e a (}.H·LJdJ this f(J d13.7 ort'a6 .A.ll.