HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-08-24 (Special) Meeting MinutesI I I I SP IAL CALL 1lEE1ING OF THE CITY CUONCIL OF ~HE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLCEADO, THIS MOBDAY TB~ 24 DAY OP AUGU~ A. D. 1926. AT EIGHT O'CLOCK P. •· ~or John Simon oalled the meetang to order and asked for roll call. ROLL CALL: Bullen Preaut, lloCord Present, . CaTender .,eaent, Borris Present, Lemon Present, Winkler Preaent 6 Present None Absent UOTICB OP SPECIAL CALL J.lEETIBG OF THE CI'l1Y COUllCIL OF ·~1 HE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COUNTY OP AIAPAHOE, STA~E OF COLO lWIO to-Geo. c. Bullen, B. W. Cavender, L. H. Lemon J. c. UoCord, We. E. Horris, Geo. A. Winkler. The undersigned, The ~or and Three menbers of the a1ty ~ouncil of the City of l ewood,County of.Arapahoe, State of U~lorado, hereby tive notice that a Special Call eeting of the ity ~ounc l of said City, is oalled and will be held in the City Hall of said City, 06 Uomday 24~ Day of August A. D. 1925, at the hour of eight o'clock ?. • of saisd day. You are further notified that said meeting is called for t e purpose of considering the ordinance for the paving of West Hampden Avenue, also the ordinance of Water District Bo. 1. and such other and further business as may come before the Council fot ooneideration at this til:le. L. H. Lemon ldepaan ard llo. I. Geo. c. Bullen ---~-----------------~lderman ard No. 2. Enelewood, Colorado Auguat 21, 1926. John Simon Uayor B. w. Cavender ----------------------Alderman Wa :..1 d Uo. 3. The undersigned, Councilmen of the eity of !ng1wood, County of ~apahoe, State of Colorado, hereby cert1f1 that we and each of us ieceived notice of the above and foregoing mention Special Call Ueeting of the City Council of said City, to be held on Mond&I' Aug. 24, l'J G5 At the hour of eight o' clock P •. 1. of said day e.t the City Hall of said Cit7. ~aid notice having been served at least twenty-fours before the date of said meeting. wa. I. Horris J. c. .1 cC otd L. H •. Lemon B. w. CaTender GJeo. c. Bullen G. A. Winkler --------------- lder:i a.n Bullen '.l ved,) cCord Seconde•,) That proposed ordinunce Uo . Series of 1926 "AH ORDIBNB c· · .i.: IUG ~:1 I ll>.HJV2!!l.i ~. T DIS 'r · IC'l' I ~ T.!~ C l .i. Y uF E lG!.EVIOOD, CC5t'nliADO, TO BE XNOWli AS ILW?D " VE!lU.E ~ VIl G DIS ·.i.:rtIC~ ~Ju . 1., ,~~lD UH ;;t IHG AllD AU~,HORIZElO THE COllSTRUCTIOH AUD LAYIUG OF 9.ilDI.G, PbVIUG .A.ilD CUl\BI:IG ALOH G JdfD UPON 'rHAT C&·.'.'Aill STREET KNOWN AS WEST !WUDEN AVEllUE, AlfD P:iOVIDIUG Fv \ TH t; ISSUAUCE OF BOUDS OF THE DISTRICT I!f PAYMENT FOR SI D LOCAL r~ >tt 0V£.U · ... l'l'" ;be introduced and read and placed upon its second reading. ROLL CALL: Bullen cCord Aye, Aye, 6 1 A·"es .1ayor Cavender Aye, Uorris Aye, Uays Hone so ordered • Lemon qe, Winkler Aye, Clert-:·read proposed ordinance llo. Series of 1925. "AN ORDINANCE CREATING AN IMPROVEYUT DIST: :&:CT Ill THE CITY or EUGLEWOOD, COLOH1~Do , TO BE KNOW!l AS ILUIPD&N AVEllUE PAVIUG DISTRICT lfO. l., Am> ORDEHIUG A!lD AUTHOHIZillG THE COliSTRUCTION AND LAYlllG 01 GHADIBG, .PAVDIG ilD CURIIUG ALONG ID UPuil THAT C~trl'Alll STREET I:UOWN AS IEST HA11PDE1l AVENUE, AND PROVIDIHG FOR THE I8SUAllC3 01 BOllDS OF THE DISTHICT Ill .2A YUmlT FOH SAID LOCAL I~OllMD!". 1m full. · lderman Bullen Uo ved,) Cavonder Seconded, ) That propo ed ordinance llo. Series of 1926. "All o: DillAllC! c: El j, IllG .:~i~ J j~PROVEUKll~ nur~l\I CT Ill THE CITY OF Eil GLEWO'UD, COLORADO, TO BE ~~lOWll AS HA.IPDJ~il AVfilHJE PAIIIIG DISTl !CT NO. 1., AUD uhDJfilillG AND AUTHORIZING THE CONSTR! UCTIOB .lllD LAYIIIG OP GHADillG'l PAVIllG : HD CURBIHG ALOHG AUD UPON THAT CERTAIN STREET .;.:.. 'lil , S WEST HAlJPDKll AVEUUE, AllD >HOVIDI!JG ~, l< 'J.'HE ISSUAUCg OF BOUDS OF THE DISTRICT Ul P~HT FOH s.aID LOCAL I JPitO VMEll T." do now pass seconded reading as read. :dOLL CALL: Bullen Aye, Ll oCord Aye, 6 Cavender Aye, llorris Aye, Ayes !lays None ula.Yo r so od ered. Alderman Bullen Uoved,) Lemon Aye, Winkler Aye. t Cavender Seconded,) That ordinance entitled "All ORDI.NAllCE CREATillG Alf IWPROV~T DIS'i'HICT I~ THE CITY OF EliGLEWOOD, COLORADO, TO BE KNOWN AS HAMFDE?l AVEUUE PAVIllG DIS~~ICT !JO. l. , AND OHDEt\IliG AllD AUTHOiiIBillG THE COllSTRUCTION, Alll> LAYillG or GiiADIHG, .PAVIllG ~~un CifrllHllG ALONG AND U.P04 '1HAT CllliT.IIll STREET KNOWN AS \iK~'~ HAUPD~ "'VEllUE, .AllD .PiiOVIDIUG 1''0ii 'J.1HE ISSUAUCE OF BOllDS OP THE DISTRICT IB PAY~ FOii SAID LOCAL IilPROVEll.fillT." do now finally pa88 aa ordinanoe Bo. 6.of Seri•• o! 1926. BOLL CALL: Bullen lloOord A.ye, Aye, 6 qea ~or Cavender Aye, Horris Aye, llqs None so ordered. Lemon Aye, Winkler qe. 3~J/ • • Alderman Bullen Uovet, ) CaYender Seconded,) That be it reeolYed that Ordinanoe lo. 6. Seriee of 1926. htie d&.7 passed by the City Council of the ~ity of Englewood, Colorado, •• • published in the Englewood Hearld, a weekly newspaper of general oaroulation in the Ci~ of .w.nglewood, Colorado, aa required by atatutuee of the State of Colorado. . ROLL CALL: Bullen Aye, UoCord Aye, 6 CaYender Aye, ?lorria Aye, Ayes Hays llone Uayor so ordered • . Aldercian .WUllen Uoved,) L mon Aye, Winkler Aye, Horris Seconded, ) That propos·ea ord inanoe No. Series of 1926. "AJJ ORDIHAUCE CREA ''" I.a.lG AU Ill.PRuVl'l.IElf.( DIS'l'HICT Ul T'HE CITf CB dCtnODJ>Q COLORADO, !0 BE I:HOFJ S YA '~!!:H UAI.l DIS.1i-<ICT 110. 1., AllD AUTHORI ZillG THE LAYING A!lD COBSTRUCTI011 al A .,ZU JUI11S, TOGETHER IT!i UECESSARY APPURTE:U.llCES ALOllG, THRU AllD UPOll CERT.Alli SfBBB'IS ITHI!l THE er~· v F BNGLBWOOD, .'i.llD PROVIDillG .b,OR ~HE ISSUE OP BONDS OF THE DISTRICT Ill PAYLlENT FON ~AID LOO~ IUPROVUENTS" be introduced and read and placed upon its aeoon4ed reading. ROLL CALL: Bullen lloCord Aye, A;/e, 6 A.yea Cavender Aye, Norris Aye, Nays !lone. ~or so ordered. Lamon qe, Wini:ler Aye. · Clerl: read proposod ordinance No. S .... ries of 1~25. "AN ORDIBAllCE CREATIBG AN DIPBOVE- LIZHT DISTaICT IJ TH~ CITY OF EliGLBW°OOD, -co::.OH i .DO? TO BK ~OWll AS WATER llAD DIS!JlICT IO. l., ,WJ) ORDSRIDG : llD AUTHOl I.ZING THE LAYING AllD CONSTRUCTION OF ·WATER JUIHS, T();B'!m ITH llECESSARY .IPPURT~CES ALO.NG, THRU A .. m UPO!l C&HTAI.11 ST'.dEETS WITHIB THE CifY OP l-~: EHG~ifOOD, AHD 1.>ROVIDI G FOH THE ISSUK OP BO!lDS OF THB DISTRICT IN !>ADIE.NT POR BAD> LOCAL IJ.U>ROVBLIEllT." dn fui'.lf)ns c ~:; t.: Jj :.--_:~1 1 u..· · _.·1 • Alderman MoCor4,~oYe4,) t Lemon Seoonded,) '.rhat proposed ordinance llo. Series of 1926. •u ORDIBANCE CREATUIG All IJ.U>ROVB".IEUT DIS.a.HICT Ill '.i1HE CITY OP Elm'tt.."OOD, COLORADO, !O BB UO ll AS WA '.C~ l.lAIU DIS1RICT l'lUJllBEB l. , AllD OR ...;DERIDG ABD AUTHORIZIIG THB LlYIJQ OF ,lliD COJISTRUCTIOB u• WA~.ER WAI.US, ~OOETHER WITH llBCISSARY APPURflmilCES .lLcmG, 'rQU AllD UPOB CEl<TAill STRUTS IITIUN THE CITY OP EllGLDOOD, Alm PROYIBING FOB TU I-OI BOJIDS °' 'ml DISTRICT IB PAY l.iEHT FOli BAID LOCAL IllPROVE..IEllT." do now paae eeoOM re•illg ae,read. ROLL CALL: Bullen qe, McCord qe, 6 ~·8 Uayor Cavender qe, Norrie Aye, Nays None. so ordered. Alderman Cavemder ~oYed,) Lemon qe, Winkler ~e. Winkler Seoonied,) ~at ordinance entitled "AN ORDIHABCB CBBATIIG All IllPHOVELIEllT DISTRICT IN THE CITt Q"g ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, TO BE KllOWlf AS WATBB KAIB DISTRICT NO. l., Alfi) ORD&aING AUD AUTHOliI~IliG THE LAYillG AND COUSTRUCTIOll 01' WAT~ JUINB TOG~THER I7'H llEC&SSARY .&\PPURTEUAHC~S ALONG?, THRU AND UPOU CEHTAIN STBDTS WI!BD '.i'HK C~TY o• ~HGLEWOOD, ..UlD ?BOVIDING FOR THK ~SSU.B OP BONDS or THE DISTRICT Ill PADllH POB ~AID LOCAL IllPBOYBLIENT." do now finally pass as ordinanoe No. 6. of Seri~• ot 1916. BOLL C.ALL: - Bullen Aye, CaYender Aye, Lemon Aye, lloCorcl Aye, Horris I.ye, Winkler •ye, 6 ... yes Hays llone Llayor so ordered Alderman Winkler ~oYed,) Ballten Seconded,) That be it resolved, that ordinance No. 6. Series o~ 1925 thia day passed by the City ~ounoil of the Uity of -nglewood, Coltra4o, be publiahe4 in the 3nglewoo4,&earl4, a weekly newspaper of general oiroulation in the City ot Bnglewoot, Coloraclo, aa required by the statute of the State of Colorado. auit. ROLL C.iLL: Bullen ~e, UoCord qe, 6 qea Cavender ~e, Norris Aye, Nays !lone ordered. llayor so Alderman Bulleri Uove4, ) Lemon Aye, Winkler Aye. Winkler ~econded,) Th ~t City Attorney be inatruo8ed to defend 1'1074 B'reet li01L C LL: Bullen Aye, Cavender Aye, aocord '41e, Horris Aye, 6 Ayes Nays None U~or so ordered. Alderman Winkler Uoved,) Lemon Aye, Winkler Jqe. Bullen Seconded,) That propoed ordinanoe No. Seriee of 1926. •.&11 ORDIUArlCE lifil>EALillG AN URDUlAHCE 110. 3. SERIES OF 1925 !illTI'l"t!D 'AN ORDINANCB CBEATIBG Ali I ilPRO VEUENT DISTNICT IIJ THE CITY OF Ji~llGLi<.;rlQOD, 60LOliDO, TO Bb! lalOWl~ AS SOUTH Bil .dDWAY PA."./ IUG ,\!ID Il.IP. ov~~llT DIS'.i1~\ICT uo. 3. AllD OHDEHUIG THE COllSTRUCTIOll AND LAYIBC 'i'HE:-iEW O• ~AV &D:ll'i' ALOilG "'llD UPOll TH"''l1 CBlir.(A!Il ~T.ttg~1i" :~.;O'IW AS SOUTH BROADWAY Alfl) PH VIDillG FOH Tli& ISSUE OF B01lDS OF THE DISTRICT IU PAYUBllT FOR BAID LOCAL IllPROYlllJlllf." be introduced and read and placed upon its second reading. ROLL CALL: Bullen Aye, oCor• Aye, Cavender Aye, Horris Aye, 6 Ayes !lays None Uayor so ordered. Lemon qe Winkler Aye. Clerl: read proposed ordinanoe !lo. Series of 1925. "Ali ORDlliANCE REPAELIN G AJID Olil>l AUC~ ll0.3. S:!:iiIES 01 1925. EUff'l1LED 'All ORDI lAHCE CiiAi~'~IOO Al~ IJIPliOVEL&ENT DISTRICT Ill T!ra CilY 01' EUGLE\YOuD, 0010.fuiDO, TO Bl!: .:HO\VU .;\.::> SOUTH BROADWAY PAVING AND IliRPOYBllUT DISJ:RICT HO. 3. All OnD&rtillW · THE COllSTRUC'J.'IO N AllD LAYING 'rlIEREOP OF PAVFJBNT ALOBG ill> cr.eou THAT C~'.i'Alll STHUT KilOWll AS SOUTH BROADWAY AND PROVIDillG FOR THE ISSUE OJI BOJID'S F 'diE DISTrl ICT :w PAY .~ :Jl'l FON SAID LOCAL u.U?ROVWEllT." in full. I I I I I I I I Alderman Bullen Uoved,) Borris Seconded,) That proposed ordinance Bo •. , Series of 1926. "AB ORDIJWIOB REPA.ELillG AN ORDINAllCE NO. 3. SERIES OF 1925. EllTITLlm 'All ODINANOB CREATIBG ILIPRO~ DISDICT Ill THE CITY OF EllG~"OOD, COLCEADO, TO BE Y..llOWll AS SOUTH OADWAY PAVING AllD ILU?R O VEil.l~T DISTRICT NO. 3. AllD OHDERIH THE COHSTRUCTIOB AB]) LAYIHP Tli&REOJ' OF .PAVELIEllT ALOllG AUD UPOH 1'HAT C.i!:RTAilL STREET KNOWN AS SOOTH BROADWAY ill> .PROVIDillG FOR THE ISSUE OF BO!lDS OF THE DISTRICT FOR SAID LOCAL IllPSOV.EI.lENT." 4o now paaa aeoond re ading as read. • ROLL CALL: Bullen Aye, CaYender ·Aye, KoCord A.ye, Morris Aye, 6 Ayes Ila.ye Done. Uayor so ordered. Lemon qe, Winkler A;ye, Alderman Bullen Uoved,) Winkler Seconded,) That ordinanoe entitled "All ORDIBABCE .-PJU.LIBG All OBDmilCB BO. 3. SEaIES OJ' 1926. EHTITLED 'AH OHDIBAllCE CREA1IlfG AB IJ.IPBOVBYDT DIS'lllIOT Ilf '1'HB CITY OP BllGLE' !OOD, COLORADO, 1ro BE KHOWN AS SOUTH BROADWAY PAVIBG AD DIPBOOllDT l>ISTHICT 10 •. :a~ UD :OBJ>EBIJIG THE :J COllSTRUCTIOli AUD LAYING 'l'HERE01 or PAVmBIT ALOJQ ilD OPOll TIU! CERT.AI U STRUT lGIOWB AS SOUTH BROADWAY AND .l?HOVIDIHG 10R THB ISSUll O• BODS • TllB DIS'l'llICT POR SAID LOCAL IIlPliOV&lENT."' do now finall7 pass aa ordinanoe Bo. '· aeries • of 1926. ROLL CALL: a&•l•n .A.7e, liloOord .A.7e, 6 Ayes Cavender Aye, Norris Aye, Bqs Bone ~or so ordered. Alderman Bullen UoYed,) Lemon Aye, Winkler Aye, Lemon Seconded,) That be it resolved, that ordinance Bo. '· Ser1e1 of 19~6. thia d~ passed by the City Council of ~lewood, Colorado, be publiahed in the Inglewood Bearl4, a weekl7 newspaper of general circulation in the Cit7 of Bnglewood, Colora4o, aa req,ired b7 the statute of the State of Colorado. BOLL CALL: Bullen ~·· Cavender Aye, Lemon A.ye. lloCord Aye, Horris A.ye, Winkler Aye. 6 A.yes Nays Hone ~or so ordered Billa o. K. '4 b7 the Pinanoe Committee and allowed August 24, 1926. Labor •or •irat Half llo. Warrent 6666. K. P. Wintz 6667. '· W. Minneke 6668. B•Dl7 'l'rueloYe 5669. Olareno• Hogue General hnd Of AUCUst, 1925 Truck Driver Labor, Labor Labor Alderman Lemon KoYe4,) pz.oo 13.00 e.oo ~ tl'!t:'lRJ CaTender Seconded,) That there being no further business to oome before the Counoil, Council adjourn ~o meet at a Special Meeting September 8, 1926 A. D. tiOLL CALL: Bullen A.ye,, Cavender Aye, Lemon £ye, KoOord Aye , Norris Aye, Winkler Aye. 6 Ayes Nqs !lone Uayor so ordered Kinutee of Special Call Ueeting of the City Co~cil of the City of Jlnglewood, Colorado, thi• Uond&¥. the~th d&¥ of Septe~~A. D. 1925. at eight o'cloBk P. u. stand approved as l £«d1 this /If day of _ 1925 A. D. __ (~--~~~~------- 01 ti7c1erJt