HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-09-08 (Special) Meeting Minutesmt•cial Meeting of the Cit1 Cpuncil of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thi• '11• .. ~. the 8th day of September A. D. 1926, at eight o'clock t. K. lilqor John Sirno n called BOLL CALL: the me•ting to order and asked for roll call. Bullen Present, lioCord Absent, 6 Present Cavend•r Present, Norrie Present, One Atlsent Lemon Present, Winkler Present. The Uayor asked the Clerk to open and read the bids on the Weet Hampden PaT1Dg D1etr1et ;1erk then p,ened and read in full the following Bids, each be1Jll aooompanie4 'b7 a certified check &a • guarentee of good faith to-wit: P R 0 P · O S A L •or one course concrete pavement in place: the sum Of 1.97 per sq. 7d. 1or street excaTatio~: the sum of .60 per cu. 7d. Por curb and gutter in place: the sllm Of .89.per foot. Por culverts in place: the sum Of 1.90 per foot. Por 10 inch et•rcasewer in place: the sum of 1.00 per foot. lor catch basins: the sum of o.oo each. I propose to start the work in 8sod faith on or before the 20th deq of September, and to complete the same on or before the 15th day of November. Andrew J. Collins 2363 Blake Street Denver, Colorado PHO.POSAL or one course vibrolithic concrete pavement in plu ce: the awn of 2.14 per sq. 74. Por street exoava ~ion: the sum of .ao per ou. 74. or curb and gutter in place: the sum of .76 per foot. Por oulTerts in tlaoe: the sum of 1.43 per foot. Por 10 iOch strom sewer in place: the sum of 1.00 per foot • • or catch basins: the sum o!" 6. 00 each. We propose to start the work in good faith on or before the 16th deq of Setp. and to co•plete the same on or before the 30th day of November. Por Par or ror Por ror and PROPOSAL one CJurse concrete pavement in place: street excavation: curb and gutter in place: oulTerte in place: 10 inch air .. aewer in place; catch -naine: ~. Evertt Young Construction Service by J. Everett Young 412 Tramway Bldg. Denver, Colo. the awn Of 1.80 per sq. 7cl. the sum Of • ao per ou. 74 • the Bum of • 75 per foot • the sum of 1.43 per foot. '\.a• ...... Of 1.00 per foot. the sum of 65.00 each. e pr pose to start the work in good faith on or before the 16th dar of Sept. to c~mplete the work on or belore th o 30th day of November. J Everett Young Construction SerTice bJ J. Everett Young 412 Tramway Bldg. Denver, Colo. PROPOSAL or aaphaltic concrete Por street excavation: pavement on a black base, in place: the sum of the sum of the sum of the sum of the sum of the sum of 1.9'1 per aq. 7cl. 1.10 per aq. yd. 1.00 per toot. 1.75 per foot. 1.60 per foot. o.oo eaoh. for ourb d gutter in place: lor culverts in place: Por 10 inch atrom ae er in place: Por catch basine: e propose to start the work in and to complete the aame on or before the good faith on or before the 16th day of December 1926. 21st 48.1' of Sept. or one course cono .ete pavement ror etreet eaoaYation: or ourb and gltter in place: 10 inoh atrom ee er in place: oulTerte in place: catch baaine: e propose to start the 1926, and to oo•plete the same on The Levy Construction Co. by IA. S. Levy P a ~o l? o s A L in place: the sum of 2.25 per sq. 74. the sum of 1.00 per sq. yd. the sum of .85 per foot. the sum of 1.60 per foot. the awn of 1.60 per foot. the sum of o.oo eaoh. work in good faith on or before th 18th of Se_ptember, or before the 10th day of November. The H. c. Lal11er C•.E. Co. by N. c. Lallier, Pres. Golden, Colorado P R 0 P 0 S A L one course concrete pavement in pluc~: the swn of 1.97 per sq. 74. street excavation: the sum of .50 per cu. yd. curb and gutter in place: the sum of .90 per foot. oulTerts in place: the sum of 2.26 per foot. 10 inch atromse t•r in place: the sum ~ 1.60 per foot. oatah baeina: the sum of 50.00 each. 'lhey propoe to start the work in good faith on or before the 16th diq of Sept. ant to complete the same on or efo r e the lat day of December. J. L. Bueselle Do. by J. L. Busselle 203 SwPf18Avenue, Colorado Spgs., Color.Ao. I I I I I I I I I ' PROPOSAL or Por Warrenite Bitulithic street excaTation: pavement on a black bnse im place: the sum of 2.25 per sq. 7d. the sum of .90 per sq. yd. or lor curb and gutter 1~ place: the sum of .91 per foot. oulTerta in plaoe: or 10 inoh at•rmeewer in place: or catoh baaine: the sum of 1.80 per foot. the awn of 1.20 per foot. the sum of 25.00 eaoh. and e propose to start the work to completet t h e same on or before in good faith on or before the 20th day of September, the 16th day of November, 1925. PROPOSAL Strange-Maguire Paving Co. by V. P. Strange, Pres. Por aaphalito ~concrete pav \,;ment on a black base, in place the awn Of 1.85 per sq. yd. or street excaTation: the sum of 1.00 per cu. 7d. Por ourb and gutter: the sum Of 1.00 per foot. l'or oulT rte in place: the sum of 1.50 per :foot. or 10 inch etormse o r i n place: the sum Of 1. 25 per foot. Por oatch basine: the awn of 5.00 ..... propose to eturt the work in good faith en or before the dq Of 1 (; c t e the .... OD or before t he day of • - The Western Paving and Construction Co. by w. s. Broderic Alderman Bullen oved,) W1Dkler Seconded,) and the Cit7 Engtneer. That paving bide be referred to the Street and iridge Committee LL CALL: Bullen KoCord Aye, Absent, 5 Cavender Aye, !lorris Aye, Ayes One Absent J.Layor so ordered. Lemon Aye, Winkler Aye. The M~or a sked the Olerk to open and read the bids on West Hampden Bridge. Clerk then op e ned and read in full the following !ids, each being accompanied by a certified check as a garentee of goo u faith, to-wit: PROPOSAL Por class A concrete in place the awn of L20.70 per cu. yd. for olass B concrete in plaoe the awn of 16.00 per cu. yd. or remoTing present bridge as specified the sum of 125.00 or steel re-inforcing in plaoe the sum of 00.06t per lb. e propose to start the work in good faith on or beforet the 18th day of Sept. 1926, and to complete the same on or before the lJth day of llovember, 1925. Olsen Construction uo. By John Olsen A. W. Olsen John Olsen 507 Foster Bldg. Denver, Colo. PHOPOSAL Por olaaa A concrete in plaoe the swn of $ 19.00 per cu. yd. lor class B ooncr t in plaoe the sum of $ 19.00 per cu. yd. or remoTing the prtaent bridge as specificied the sum of $100.00 Por steel re-inforcong in pluce the swn of $ .5l per lb. We propose to start the work in 0 ood ftith on or before the 15th day of Sept. 1925, and to complete the same on or before the last day pf October, 1926. P o r o r for Por The N. o. Lallier Cr. and E. Co. Golden, Colorado by N. c. Lallier, Free. P HOFOSAL o~s A c onoreee in place the sum of I 22.00 olaas B oonor te in place the sum of 22.00 rec oving pre · nt bridge as specified the sum of 50.00 steel re-intoroing in plaoe the sum of .06 per cu. yd. per cu. yd. per lb. I propo b e to start the work in 6 00d faith on or before the 20th day ot Sept. and to complete the same ~n or before the lat day of llovember. Andrew J. Collins 2363 Blake ~treat Denvcr,Colorado P R 0 P O . .J A L P o r class A conc•ete in plaoe or class B concrete in place For remo•tng present bridge as specified For steel re-inforo o ing in place e propose to start the wort in and to complete th o s aroe on or befor e the the sum of J 22.50 per cu. yd. the swn of 17.50 per ou. yd. the sum of 100.00 the sum of .06 per lb. good faith on or before the 15th day of 15th day of Uovernber. J. L. Buss•lle Co. by J. L. Busselle Swope Avenue, Colorado Spge., Colo. Sept. PROPOSAL for class A concrete in place for class B concrete in place ror remoYing present bridge as ~pacified or steel fe-inforoing in place the sum of f 22.50 per cu. 7d. the sum of 23.50 per cu. 7d. the sum of 100.00 the sum of .06 per lb. We propose to start the work October and to complete the same on or in .good faith on or before the let d~ ot before the 15th day of November. For or ror class A concrete in place oales B concrete in plaoe Spotts & Malcom By r107d llaloom Association Bldg.; Loveland, Colorado. PROFOSAL the sum of I l .40 per ou. 7d. the sllm of 19.eo per cu. 7d. the sum of 200.00 removing present bridge as specified a~eel re-inf orcing in place t We propose to start th \'1ork in d to complete tho wne on or befor e the I the sum of .06 per lb. sood faith on or before the 15th da7 of Sept. 3oth day of Novem;er. ' J Everett Young Construction Sertioe J. Everett Young 412 Trwnway Bldg., Denver, Colorado. PHOPOSAL e hereby prop e to furnish all labor, materi ,1ls, and all other incidentals neoesaar7 fer the complete construction of a ·ingle arch reinforced concrete bridge including concrete slab, rails snd ourh•, aleo remov!De the present brAclge aoroee ~ Creek for ~e sum o• Sevec-thousand dollars C 1000.00) Thia estimate ia re octf l ~•'l:.. .. 1 .. d u an alternate proposal and is in full aooor4ance to bidders, oontraot, apec~fieationa ~and location, applicable to the original epeoifioatioae etc. furniahed b)' Jir. Glen A. Izett, City Engineer, in aocorda.noe with tetail 4raw1ng spbcitted b7 ue. e pr pose to aturt work in good faith on or before the 16th d~ of September, and to oompletee same on or before the 30th da;r of Uovombor. J. Everett Young Construction Service By J. Everett Young PROPOSAL I I The undersigned hereb1 declare that e h&To carefully read the aooomp~ing IDa'ruotiona to Bidders, Contract and Speoificationa o.nd axamined the maps which we nderet1o11d4 and I personally examined tho aite of the proposed brid~e, und hereb7 propoee that we will furnish all labor, materials, equipment and all oth r tnoidont.ale necessar7 for the complete oonst- ruct1Cn of the imp r ove ent specified aocordin t our pl na and specifications, and that we wo l, at our own cost, completely inetal 1 suid irnprov ment, read7 fer the uae tor •h1ohsit ia intended, at the following prices. Plan 1-herewith submitted, complete in pl ces, for the s um of: m H u~ D s . VEI llU lDRED lllllETY DOLLAhS ( $4790. 00) lan 2-herewith submitted, complete in place, for the surn of IX ... u . llD .61'l>lf.i aumnzn lllllE~Y DOLLAHS ( ~6490. 00) .Pum 3-he r with submitted, complete in pl ace , :i."Or the sum of ... IX J. • .UD I II lD l :.:;D ... OBY lHllE DOLURS ( $6249. 00) P an 4-hero ith submitted, complete in place, for the 1::3um of IX ~aous D OliE HU DR~D 4 ilD lll.U :TY ~:IGH '.r DOLLI.rt~ c $6198. 00) e propo e to start the work in good faith on or before the 8th day of and to complete the ame on or befure the 16th day of ~ovember, 1925. Reepectfull7 submitted, MONARCH ENGIUEERIUG COl!PUY, by John A. Crook, Owner PROPOSAL October, 1925, or Bridge according to aooomp~ing plo.ns $7600.00. For Spindle rail t-4.oo per ft. P or earth fil 1.0 0 per ou. yd. The Levy Construction Co. ~ma Bldg. Denver,Colorado. I I· I I I I I ldorcnn Bullen Uoved,) CaYender Seconded,) That Bids on Bridge be referred to the Street and Bridge o 1ttee and Git7 gineor. RqLL CALL: 1 Bullen e Cavender Aye, Lemon 4ye, · oCord beent, Horris A.ye, Winkler A7e, 6 Ay a One Absent • l.layor so odered e or as ed the ~lerk to open und read th~ Bids on Water Main D:hltriot No. One Clerk then opened and read in full the following bids, each being accompanied by a certified ohec ~a a garentee of good faith, to-wit: PliOPOSAL for 6 in c. I. pipe in place the sum of 1.27 per ft. or 4 in. c. I. pipe in plaoe the sum of .a1 per ft. for 21n. galTaniz d iron pipe in place the sum of .46 per ft. or fire-lqdrante in plaoe the sum of 148.00 each Por 6 in.T lvee in place the sum of 39.00 each Wor 4 in.Talve in plaoeb tthe sum of 24.00 each or 2 in . valv a in place the eum of 10.00 eaoh or 6 in. X 6 in.X 4 in.X 4 in.croeaee in plaoe the sum of $ 27.00 each or plu&s in pl o the sum of 6.00 each. for tap ohflll in plnoe tthe swn of 2.00 ea.oh. or extra in.lea pipe in place the cum of · 1.60 per ft. or extra i in.lead pipe in place the sum of 1.60 per ft. or one fo t x'r epth tthe sum of .02 per ft. ~or t o foet extra depth the sum of .04 per ft • .:> j·-· _ ~ "' , 7"r o (' 1. the sum of .06 per ft. e propo e to start the work on or before the 14th day of Sept.1925,and will complete the BW11 by tha 30th u.y of Dec.1925. Sampson Bro. By T.H.Sampson. P H 0 P 0 S A L. for 6 in.a.l.pipe in pl~ce or· 1 in.C.I.pipe in place ?or 2 in.galvanize iron pipe in place for fire.=.~drants in place or 6 in.valves in place •or 4 in.valves in place or 2 in.v lves in place the su:.1 of f 1. 24 por ft. the swn of i .9ot per ft. the sum of .43 per ft. the sum of 165.00 per ft. the sum of 37.00 euch. the swn of · 26.oooeaoh. or 6 in.XG in.X4 in.X4 in.crosses in place ?or pl gs in place the sum of 10.00 each. the swn of ig.oo eaoh. the sum of 2.50 each. or tap ohanges in place or extra 5/8 in.lead pipo in place ?or extra in.lead pipe in place ?or one foot extra depth ·or to feet extra depth Por thr e feet extra depth e propo e to start the work on 111 complete the same by the 20th day of the swn of 3.00 eaoh. the sum of .60 eaoh. the swnoof .65 each. the ~u.c of .02 per ft. the sum of .00 per ft. the sum of .04 per ft. or before the 20th day of September January, 1926. H.· B. Morrill West Hotel PROPOSAL ,,_ 6 in. c. I. pipe in place the sum of 1.26 per ft. ror 4 in. C.I. pipt in place the swn of .92 per ft. ••r 2 in. galvanized iron pipe in place the sum of .44 per ft. Jor fire ~drants in pl a ce the swn of 145.00 each. or 6 in. Talvee in place the sum of 36.00 each. or 4 in. valves in place th e sum of 26.00 each. Por 2 in. valves ln plaoe the swn of 23.00 each. or 6 in. I 6 in. I 4 in. X4 in.crosses in place the sum of $15.00 each. lor plugs in place the sum of 1.00 each. Por tap oh&QgeB in place the sum of 6.00 each. or extra 6/8 in. lead pipe in place the sum of .80 per ft. or extra i in. lead pipe in place the sum of 1.00 per ft. Por one tt. extra depth the sum of jo6 per ft. or two ft. extra depth the sum of .12 per ft. or thr e ft. extru depth the sum of .20 per ft. 1925, and e propose to start the work on or before the lat day of October, 1926, will complete the ammne by th• lat fay of May, 1925. The Gordon Construction Co. by D. G. Gordon Barclay Bldg. 206 Denver, Colorado. PROPOSAL Por 6 in. c. I. pipe in place or 4 in. c. I. pipe in place the ?or ! in. galvanized iron pipe in place or fire hydrants in pl .oe For 6 in\ valve in place For 4 in. valves in plaoe or 2 in. valves in place Por 6in. X 61n. I 4in. X 4in. crossess in place Por pluga in place Por tap ohoages in place Por extra 6/8 in. ead pipe in place Por extr i in. lead pipe in place the sum tf 1.40 per ft. the sum of 1.00 per ft. the sum of .40 per ft. the swn of 177.60 each. the swn of 48.00 eaoh. the sum of 30.60 each the swn of 9.50 each. the sum of I 27.04 each. the sum of • 3.90 each. the sum of 3.00 each. the surru:iof • 55 per ft. the sum of $ .66 per ft. lor one foot extra depth Por two feet extra depth Por three feet extra depth e propo e to start work on or complete the some by th lat day of Lla.y, the sum of i: .02 per tt. the sum of. .04 per ft. the sum of .06 per ft. before the 21st d~ of September; 1925, and will 1926. Bell Plbg. & Htg. Co. Geo .w. Bell- Fra.nk A. Bell PHOPOSA~ , 6 in. c. I. pipe in place the sum of l.~o per ft. I 4 in. c. I. pipe in place the sum of .98 per ft. 21n galvanized iron pipe in place the sum of .48 per ft. - fire b7dra.nte in plaoe the sum of 130.00 eaoh G in. valvee in place the sum of 40.00 each. 4in • valves in place t he sum of 25.00 each. 2 in . valve s !n plaoe th e sum of 16.00 each. Gi n. x Gin. x 4in. x 41a. orossess inplaoe the swn of 16.00 eaoh. or plugs in plaoe the sum of 1.00 eaoh. or tap change in place the sum of 5. 50 each. I or extra 5/8 le d pipe in place the awn of .66 per ft. Por extra in. lead pipe in place the sum of .62 per ft. ror one foot extra depth the sum of .Ol per ft. or two feet extra depth the sum of .03 per tt. lor thr~e feet extra depth the sum of .07 per ft. e propose to start the work on or before the 20th day of ieptember, 1926, and will co plete the same by the 16th day of July, 1926. Tap changes base• on price of ~2 .00 for furnishing corpor a tion cock and goose neok and installation by others. An7 variations to be added or deducted. Por 2 in . c. I. instead of galvanized add $ .07 per ft. Pittsburgh Des •oines Steel Co. by Hubert Miller PROPOSAL or 6 in. C. I. pipe in plaoe the sum of 1.82 per ft. 4 in. C. I. p i e in place the sum of .96 per ft. 2 in. g lvanized iron pipe in place the sum of .40 per ft. i re-hydrants in place the SUI:\ of 165.00 each 6 in. valve in place the sum of 36.00 each. 4 in valves in place the sum of ' 22.00 each. 2 in. v ves in place the sum of 10.00 ea.ch. 61n. x 61n. x 4in. x 4in. crosses in place the sum of 20.00 each pl e in place the sum of 2.00 each. ta oh~ee in place the sum of 6.00 each. extra 6/8 in. load pipe in place the sum of .eo per ft. extra in. lead pipe in place the awn of .85 per ft. one foot extra depth the sum of .03 per ft. two feet extra depth the sum of .07 per ft. three feet extra depth the sum of .11 per ft. • e propose to start the work on or before the 26th day of Sept.1926, and will c mplete the a e by the 26th d~ of December 1925. D. s. Reid nonstruction Co. by D. 8. Reid Por 6 in. c. I. ipe in place or 4 in. c. I. pipe in place PROPOSAL or 2 in. galvanised iron pipe in place or ire-1l7dranta in place or 6 in. Talvea in place 4 in. valves in place 2in valves in place 61n. x 6in. x 4in. x 4in. crosses in place plugs in place taps in place extra 5/8 in. lead pipe in pla ce ex r · ·n . le ~d pipe in place o e ·foot extra depth two feet extra d epth three feet extra depth the sum of the sum of the sum of the sum of the awn of the swn of the sum of the sum of the sum of the sum of the sum of the sum of the sum of the sum of the sum of I propose to star' the work on co pletc the same by the 15th day of Uay or before the 21st 1926. John Doyle .PROPOIAL • or 6 in ,. c. I. pipe in plaoe or 4 in. c. I. pipe in plaoe or 2 in galvanized iron pipe in pluoe Por fire-hydrants in place or 6 in. valves in place or 4 in, valves in place F or 2 in . valves in place or 61n x 61n . x 41n. x4in. crosses in place Por plugs in place or tap cha.mg s in place or extra 5/1 lead pipe in place extra i leLd pipe in place the sum of the S..ll l Oi the sum of the sumof the sum of the sum of the swn of the sum of t h e sum of the sum of the .. :wn of the surnof . 1. 36 per ft. .99 per St. • 39 per i"t. 140.00 each. 50.00 each. 22.00 ea.ch. 10.00 each. 22.00 each. 2.60 each. 6.50 each. .48 per ft. .57 per ft. .05 per ft. .10 per ft. .16 per ft. of Setp. 1925, a.ad l.63 per ft. 1.06 per ft. .62 per ft. 117.00 eaoh. 43.00 each. 27.00 ea.oh. 17.00 eaoh. 23.00 each. 2.50 each. 2.00 each. .74 per ft. .76 per ft. will I I I I I I I • Por one too' extra depth t h e s um of ! .25 per ft. r two feet e:xt r depth th e sum of .40 : p'r.i:ft t . o r three te•t extra depth th sw:i of .60 per f t. I propos e to et~r t the wo r k on or befo r e the 14th day of S e~tember, 1925, and will oo pl t h e ~ '!1 8 by the 14th day of January, 1926 . Rob e rt F i n dl ay PROPOSA L or o in.C.I. i p e in place or 4 in.C.I.pipe in place or 2 in .galvani z ed iron pipe in pluce or !ire-hJdre.n ta in place or 6 in.valves in place or 4 in.valves in place or in.valves i n place 80 i I n ter s tate Trust Bldg. De nver, Col o rado. the sum of 1.20 per ft. t h e sum of • 87 per ft • the sum of • 39 per ft • the sum Of 145.00 each. the sum of 42.00 each. •t he sum Of 25.00 each. the sum of 15.00 each. or u tn.x o in. x 4 in .x 4 in .crosses in p l a c e the awn Of 17.00 each. or pluge in place the sum o f 2.60 each. tap changes in place the sum of 4.00 each. extra 5/8 in lend pipe in p l a~e the sum of I 2 .00 per. ft. e~tra in lead pipe in p l ace the sum o f .. ;.-2. 50 per ft. on foot extra depth the sum of .05 per ft. two feet extra depth th e S'WD of .07 per ft. three feet extra depth the sum of .10 per ft. I propose to start the wo r k on or befo re t h e lat day of Oct.19 2 5, and •111 complete the B&Ule in 14 0 wo r king d ays. J. s. Swartz. Colorado Springs, Colo. · oved) lderman Bullen Horris :!ngineer. Seconded) Tha t ater bide be r e f e rred to the Water Committee and .Q1)7 OLL CALL: Bullen LloCord ~e, Cavende r Ay e, Absent, Nor ri e Aye , 5 Ayea On e Ab s e n t J.layo r so ordered Alderman Bullen Uov e d ,) Lemon Aye, Winkler Aye. ~orris Seconded ,) That there b e i ng no f urther business to oome before the Counoil, Co uncil adjourn to mm e t Thrusd ay e v e n ing S eptember 10, 19 25. ROL.u CALL: Bullen Aye, UoC rd Aye, Ca vender Aye , llo r ris Aye , 5 Ayes One Ab sent May or s o ordered Le mo n Aye, Wi nk ler Aye, inute of Special Ueeting ol the uity Coun c i l of t h e Ci t y of Englewood, Colorado, this ~ eadq the 8th da of September • .A . D. 19 ~~5 , stand approved ae ALadi this ''9' dya of ~;~;1; A. D. 1925 . ,