HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-09-29 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I I ADJOtla.BJ> RBDULAR J.lllRTIJfG 01 'lHE CI'l'Y COUNCIL OP THE CITY OJ EIGLBWOOD,COLOBAI>Oi 'l'JIIS 'l'UUDAY,SBPTIYBBR 29, 1926, A. D. ~or John Sillon oalled the meeting to order and aaked tor roll call. BOU. CALL: JMlleD Qe, lloOord Ab••n•, 6 Preaent CaYender qe, •orria qe, ~or aake4 Clerk to read all bids on Hampden AYenue Bridge. ell.erk read bid• aa followe: PROPOSAL •or olaaa A~oonorete in place !be 81111 of I 20.10 per ou.74. •or olaae B oonorete in place the ea of 16.00 per cu.74. •or r .. oYing preaent bridge as specified '1• •1111 of 126.00 tor •t••l re-inforoing in place the aum of .oai per lb. •• propoae to atart the work in good faith on or betorethe 8th dlQ' of Ootober, 1986,aa4 to co•plete the same on or before th• lat d~ of December,1181. P~OPOSAL Olaon Oonat111otion co. b7 A.W.Olaon. 10B AHCI BRIDGI .llil> APPUHT&IAllCES THF.R.ETO,ACROSS DliY CliERK,EllGLEIOOD,COLOJlADO, fO ~ BOMORABL.I .U10R A1iD CITY COUlilXL 01 EHGLEWOOD,COLORADO. 'l'h• 11Dd•r•tcned hereb7 declare that the7 haYe carefull7 read the accomp&1l7ing 1D8*raot1ona to biddera,contract and apecificationa and examined the maps whioh th97 antera,ancl,an4 peraonall.7 examined the several sites of 'he p•opoeed work and hereb.J propoae tbat the7 will turniah all labor,materiala,equipment and all other 'inoidentals n•o•••&r7 tor th• oomplete construction ot the improvement• specified and tlaa' •he7 wlll,at their ooat,completel7 install said improvement,re&47 for the uae for waioh it l• lDlended,at the following prioes,which price includes all ro7alt7 feea,aa4 ltate ai.1aw-., atandarcl railing; a reinforced concrete arch bridge according to the plans on file tor the sum of t6863.50. We propoae to etai~t the work on or before the 10th d~ of Oo•ober,1926, ant to oomplete the aame on or before the 10th day of !lovember ,A. J>. 1926. Curing and taking down forms;Deo.lOth. Bridge t61S2.00 81apera,ruoter f67•.oo Bonde t67.60 Total t68&3.50 Pilina ooat plus l~. PROPOSAL c. L. Wilber, 3620 Osceola .Street. DenYer. '°R ABCB BilIDGK AJID APPURTEIAllCES TB&liETO,ACROSS DBY CREEK,ENQLEWOOD,COLOB.AJ>O, TO fJIB BOUOliABLK J.IAYOR AllD CI?Y COUNCIL OF ENGLA"WOOD,COLORADO. !h• u.nderaigued ber•'b7 deolar.e that the7 have carefull7 read tbe aooomp~iJll 1Datnaot1ona to b14dera,contraot and speoifioationa and examined tbe maps whlola th97 anderatan4,an4 peraonali, examined the sites of the proposed work and hereb7 propose tlaa' th97 will furniah all labor,materiala,equipaent and all other incidental• neoeaae.17 tor '~• ooaplet• cona,ruction ot the improvements specified and 'h•' the7 will,at t~eir eoat,o011pl•t•l.7 inetall aaid improvement,read7 torvthe uae for wbich it 1• intended, t th• tollowing prioea,which price includes all royalty fees,and 8tate .B1g)awq atandart railt.ng; a reinforced oonor•'• aroh bridge according to the plan• on file for the awa of *7•00.00 ••ear•• to •'art tbe work on or before the 10th d&.7 ot Oo,ober,1926,and to complete th• ••• 1D 30 working dqe. LeY)' Construction co. B7 W ••• Le'Y7• After •uoh diacuaeion all bide were referred to a co .. ittee aa a whole to report baok •h1lreda, eYening at aix-thirt7,8e)Ober lat. Ur.Jobnaon came before the counoil asking that ·paving on Weat B .. pden AYena• fro• '-1197 between B&nnook and Aooaa to conform with tb• pr•••n' ~oa4w.,-paYement otf 34' a• ) tlalr~-tour feet, two inoh••• · Alderman Winkler Jlove4,). •orrl• a.oonded,) that the work \e done aubJeot to approYel of Cit7 Attora97. • ' • ROLL CALL: Ballen At•. lloOori Abaent, I qea llqor OaYender qe, Borria qe, One Abaent ao ordered • r..on J.7•, Winkler qe. ) J jl4•rman l.illen KoYed,) WlDkl•r leoon4ed,) .. ~ .. ~at the Oit7 Clerk •'••• ottio• at one o'oloolt on BOLL CALL: .. ll•n '7•, •eCor4 .l\eent, CaYender J.7•, •ent•hq•, 6 qea liqe 1191'or eo ordered • lone Lemon q!, Winkler £7•· .llderman Ballen Moyet,) CaYen4er Seoon4e4,) ~at Chere being no further buein••• to eoa• •~ore the C011Doil, Ofnbloll a4Journ to meet at 6:30 P. 11. !'hure4&7, Oo•o••r 1, 1186. llOLL CALL: BRllen J.7•, CaYender J.7•, r..on 1.7•, Ma0or4 Abaent, Borr11 J.7•, Wintl•~ '-7•· 6 J.7•• lqe lone ~or ao ordered 111Du,ee of A4Journe4 &eplar Meeting of the Cit7 Oounoil of the 01•7 of .. l•oo4, Colorado, thia 29th 41Q' of Sep•ember, A. D. 1926, atand approved as a"'L'lz;t~i• ~ 4q of f},;j::-1926 A. D. .· I I I I