HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-10-14 (Regular) Meeting Minutes&DJ U RD RmULAR l.IEETIUG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OJ' DGLDOOD, 41lf:Wj£'NtP0,~HIS WBDBESDAY OCTOBKB Lt,1926,A. D. Jia¥or fohn Simon oalled the meeting to order and asked for roll oall. HOLL CALL: BUI.LD MJ'efent, MeOord Present, 6 Present CaTen4er Preeen•, Borris Present, Absent llone L•OD Preaent, WiDlcler heeent. I Allerman KoCord lloYed,) Winkler 8eoon4ed,) That the bid of United States la•ional Co.,8en~ Wiloex and Son, Gr~,Blle17,Yaaoonoella • Co.,for purchase of 5~ Bonda of •a•er Main •1•t•1•• •o.l,and Hampden AYenue PaY1ng D1atr1ot Bo.l,be aooep,ed as eet oui in ea14 proposal or b14 under Group Bo.l. t BOLL CALL: Bullen qe, KoCord qe, 6 A7ea C&Yender qe, Norris A7e, Nqa None ~or so ordered. Lemon qe~ Winkler qe. Clerk read the following resolution: • WHBiSIAS, it is deaired b7 the City Council to definitely fix and establish •he rate of in'ereet on bond• to be issued in Water Kain District Ho.l,and in Hampden AYenue PaYing D1atrict Bo.l,in the C1t7 of Englewood,Colorado, and WBBR&AS, thi• Council is permitted b7 the prooeedings,resolutions,ordinancee and lawe to fix a rate of interest,not exceeding six(6)per cent.; BOW THEREJOBB, BB IT li&SOLVKD, that the rate of interest on the local improvement bonds iaaued for Water llain ·Diatrict Bo.l,within the Cit7 of Jm8lewood,Colorado,ahall be it' per ann111a; that the rate of interest on the local improvement bonds issued for Hampden AY•n•e P&Ying D1atrict Bo.l in the Cit7 of &nglewood,Colorado,be fixed and determined a• 6-t' per annWD. Alderman ~oCord Uove4,) WiDkler Seconded,) iiOLL CALL: Bullen qe, oOord J.7•, 6 qes That resolution be adopted. CaYender qe, Borris qe, IQ• lone Lemon qe, Winkler A.7•· Mayor so ordered. 'Alderman W1Dltler ¥••ed,) Bllllen leoonded,) change• in Wa,er Main Dietrict BOLL CALL: that Clerk be inatruoted •o adYertiee tor bide for''•P .No.l. Bullen qe, f KoCord J.7e, Cavender qe, .lorria J.7•, ~or so ordered. Clerk read the following resolution: llQ • l'I one L•OD qe, Winkler qe. WB&d&AS,-lee. 12 of Ordinanoe Bo.l, Series 1925,providee for the appointing of a :aoart of examiners of a1eotricians in the following manner,to-wit; The Board of ~inere of 3leotrioiana shall consist of the ~or,or a member of the Council designated b7 the ~or,who ahall be chairman of said Board,the eleotrioal inapeotor and a .I.laster Bliotrician appointed tor one 7ear b7 the ~or,b7 and with the adYioe and consent of the Council, And, fBldBAS,-The ~or hereb7 announces the appointment ot Alderman B. w. Cavender ant A. B. Hanwell,a ilaater Eliotrioian,who together with the electrical inapeotor, ahall oonatitute said Board ot Examiners of Eleotrioiane in aooordano• •i•k the aboYe ordinance, Therefore, . a.1IT ~OLVBD,-That the Cit7 Council of Englewood consents to the appointment o~ 1 A. B. Banwell, and agrees that the Board of ~1nera of Eleotrioiana o~ •he C1t7 of &iglewood shall consist of the following, to-wit B. w. CaYender, • '?he Wleotrioal Inspector, A. B. Banwell,Jlaa\er •11e•r101aa. Altel'll&D W1DJcler ~OTed,) Lmon seaond ed, ) i.iOLL CALL: That resolution be adopted. Bullen qe, • KoOord J.7•, 6 A7•• Cavender qe, Norrie 1.7e, ~or so ordered. ur. KoCord waa exoueed and left at this time. Alderman CaYender Moved,) liq• Bone Lemon qe, Winkler qe. Bullen Seoonded,) That proposed ordinance Bo. Series of 1926, "Alf OBDIBABtes ~tABLISHlllG LICKHSK 7E&s AlfD PROVIDING FOrl THE RlmULATIOB OP VABIOUS BUSIBB88B8 AIJ> ~US~TS so LICUSED AllD PROVIDING J'Oli TH~ 1'AlfliKB o• coLLgCTillG THE S.MlE WitllU !BB Lll&ITS o• TH6 CITY o• &rlGL&WOOD,COLORADO,AllD AJ.IJUllilfG CEiiTAIMBIJWTIO.IS OP OBDia.ll'CB JIO. 2, SKRI.13 1924', a!ITLRD: 'Ali URDUlAHC& ~STABLISHlllG LIC.IWSE J'EIS AliD PROVIDIR :POB fHB RIDULl!IUlfS OF TH~ VAliIUUS BUSill&sS&S AUD AUUS&oaiTS SO LICEUSKD AllD PROVIDDIG l'Ull!llllii •OR TBB UillfBR AJID LlETHOD OP COLLECTING TH& SAUR WITHili YH.6 LlilITS O• Ill& Oift OP &IULlllOOD,OOLORADO A1ll> TO RRPKAL OBDiliAliC& lf0.19,SBBIJIS 0. 1918 .. TITLBD,'AI Odl>IJlAJrCB ~~ABLISBn.G ~lU~~A ,~~ AliD PROVIDI~G ru~ THE RKGULATIOM OP VA4l l U8 I I .I I I I I I . I I BUSIKBSSIS A.x> AKU8.IAlBliT8 80 LIOBNSED AllD PHOVIDIHG lOR THE WANNER AND METHOD or OOLIBQTI 0 THE S.Alill WITHIH THE LIUITS OP THE CITY or EllOLBWOOD',ABD ALL AKBlfDlllEl!S TBBill!o AID TO RRPBAL ORDI~AJC~ N0.3,SKRIES or 1916,ElfTITLBD,'AB ORDINAHCB 18!.&BLISB- .ui LICJISB •BB ADD PROVIDIHO POH THE REGULATIOli8 or T~ BUSINESSBS 01 BU!IllG SBC OJID JIAJI]) ARTIOL&8 OR JUU-A or AllY KIBD AND PROVIDING roa THE WABBBR AND METHOD o• OOLLBCT!m 'lU 84MR WITBIB THE OI'fi LIUITS OP THE OITY 01 DGLJMOOD, COLORADO, 'All> .ALL ACT~ AliD PAR TS OP ACTS Ii OOHPLICT WITH THIS ACT." be introduoed1 an4 read as a proposed ortfnanoe for the o1'7 of Ifnglewoo4,Colorado, ~OLL CALL: • Ballen 1.7•, ' UoCord Abaent, • a 1.7•• CaTencler qe, Borris J.7•, 1 Absent ~or so .. ordered L•en qe, Winkler qe, Clerk read propoaed orclinanoe •o. Serie• of 1926 "il OllDIJIABCI ESTABLIIBUQ LJC .Y BB •us AJID PllOYIJ>IlfG JIOH THE RlEULATIOJI or VARIOUS BU8IJIB8SB8 Alf]) AKU8-~8 80 t.ICUIBJ) A.JI)) PBOYIDIJJG roa THE DOBB or COLLBCTim THE 8AKB WIDIJJ THB LDII!I al nm CIT! C1I &lllLIWOOD, COLORADO, ill> AMDDilfG CBHTAIB SIO'l'IOlfB or OBDilfilOB •o.a s 118 19H, lftI!LID: 'Alf OBDllilOE ESTABLISHIIG LIOUSB JDS ilD PBOVIDllG rca DB llmlJI.l!IOIS o• THI YABIOUS BUSIDSSBS ilD AJIUSlliWl18 80 LIOUSBD AliD PROVIDIBG JUB!DB POK TllB ~ ~ ~BOD al COLLECTING THE SAUK WITHIB TH! LIMITS OP TBB CITY f1' BllOLIWOOD, OOLOH.AJ>O,'ilD TO RBPBAL OliDIBAUCB lMIBEB 19, IBBIBS 0. 1912 BITITLBD, 'Al <BDIIAIO• 18 TABLISB~ LICB.NSE JBBS AHD PliOVr.IDG 10B THg ~ULATIOIS OJ V.ABIOUB BUBIIBSS ill> AllU81MKllT8 80 L!CJlll9D AND PROVIDIUG .FO~ THI J.WllllB Alf]) JBTBOD or OOLLBCTUG TD BAMI WIDX. Tm F. LL ITS 0., THE CITY ~ &HGLEIOOD', ilD ALL AKDJ>JmliTS THEHBTO ill> TO llDSlL OBJ>IAJICB JIO, 3, SERIES 0. 1916, KUTITLKD, 'AB Olil>IllAHOB BSTABLISBIJJG A LICJllSB , .. ill> DOYIDIJrG 1Qi THE RmULA'l'IOJIS or ·~HE BUSilflSSBS or BUYIBG SBOO.D !WfD .A&ICLBS (Jl JUB ca Aft JCDIJ) ill> f>RuVIDIBG lOR ·rBE lUlf:IEB AllD ill'lHOD OP COLLBCTIBG THB BAIO WI!JIB TJIB CIT'! LIUITS OP 'l'HE CITY · OF UGLEKl OD, COLOlUDO, ' AJID ALL ACTS ABD PARTS 0. ACTS . X. COJl•LICT WITH THIS ACt,• 1D fUll. . Aldel'll&D orria KoTe4,) Lemon 8eoon4ed,) Thai propoae4 ordinanoe •o. Seri•• of 1986 •.& B· OBDI1UC• ll8TABLI8BX.Q LICBHSB JIBS AND Y.dOVIDillG JOH ~HI RZ17ufIOI or YilIOUS IUBIDSSIS AID AllDBW•BS 80 LIOBISBD AHD PBOVIDUIG roR THI llUBBB °' COLLEOTilfG THE SAD Wifllll '1'BB LIJ.11!8 0. TBB CITY °' UGL~ OD, COLON\DO, AlfD AUDDDIG CRBTAIB SBCfIOlfS O• QB])UJ.lfOB •o. 2, UBIB8 0. 19U, UTITLED: ' Alf ORDINilOB B8TABLI5HIJIG LIOB!ISB FIES ill> i»BOVIDIKG IOR 'l'llB BIOULA'l'I<la8 0. THE VARIOUS BUSID88 ADD AWJSIWUfn 80 LIOBISll ilD PBOVIDIIG •UBflllB JIOB 'l'llB JiWrDR AD JIBTHOD 01 COLLECTllfG Tiii SMB WITHI• THE LDII1'8 OP TD CITY o• LnOOD, OOLOBADO, ABD TO RBPEAL ORDi llANCI llO. 19. SBRIBS o• 1912, DTITLD 'il <llDIIAllJ• B8filLISBim LICDSB JIBES AND PHOVIDIHG P<E THB RmUU!IOBS W VARIOUS BUSO'DSSU ill> AKUBBKEll'l'S SO LICENSED AND PROVIDillG FOR THE JWlllBB AllD M.ITBOD Of OOLLBOTIJIQ 1'HB IAO WITBll 'l'llB LDIITS OP THE CITY OP EUG~EWOOD, 1 AllD ALL A.llDDllDTS TBEBl!O ill> TO UPilL QB.DllfAllCB llO. 3, SBBIBS OP 1916, ENTITL&D, 'il ORDiilCB 18!ABLI811IBG Al LIOaSB DB ill> PBOVIDDfQ POR TUE RJEULATIONS 81 TH& BUSillBSSBB o• BUYIBG SEOIBD lWm ARTIOLBS OB JUJIJC 0. ilY ~IBD ABD PROVBillG POii 'i'IIB J.Wf.NBR ill> UITBOD O• COLLEOTIBG THE Sdl WIHTU 4~ CITY LL.LITS o• TH~ CITY OF EllGLBWOOD, COLORADO, I A1ID ALL ACTS All]) PARTS o• ACTS lJf COlll'LICT WITH 'J.'Bll ACT." 4o now pase first reading as read. BOLL CALL: Bullen qe, lloCord Absent, CaTender J.7•, Borris J.7•, 6 ~ea One Ab1ent ~or so ordered. Lemon J.7•, Winkler Aye, Alderman Lemon lAoTe4,) That whereas a proposed ordinanoe lfo. Seriea ot 1916 ".ll ORDIJIAMOI ESTABLISHUG LICBlfSE FEES AHD PROVIDIIG FOR THE HlllULATIONS OP VAlllUS BUBiJIB8818 ABD AKUSBllJOITS SO LICENSED AHD PROVIDillG FOR ~HE UAllN&B OJI COLL!CTill !JIB 8AllB IftU TH E LIUITS OP THE IITY OP BHGLEWOOD, COLOBADO, AlfD AllBBDI.IG CERT.AU UCTIOJ18 O• <IU>Dl.lJICB lfO. I, SBRIBS a. 1914, 1UITITLED; 'AB ORDilfANCB ISTABLISHIBG LIClllB •BBB A.BD PBOYID~ POR THE lU»ULATIOBS .., THE VARIOUS BUSINESSES Alfl> AKUSBllEBTS SO LIOBllBJ> ill> PROV IDillG 101i'.L'H&R j'Qli 'tHE ILUIHER AND UETHOD or COLLECTING THE SAME w ITBIN TD LIUIT8 or 'l'JI R CITY OP JUIOLEIOOJ> • COLOBADO, AllD TO ~iE2EAL ORDINANCB NO. 19. SERIES o• 1911, fl L..:J>: 'Al OllDllAHCB &sTABLISHim LICEll5E F.EEs · AND PBOVIDillA G FOR THE REGULATIOB8 0. VARIOUS BU8Ill R8SB8 AllD .ALIUSEM~S SO LICENSE!J AllD PROVIDDJO FOR THE MAllllBB ill> llftJIOD °' CO~LBCTDIG THE JAMB i IHTill THE Ll1lITS OP THE CITY OF ENGLBWOOD,' AliD ALL AllUDKElfTI 4B no ill> TO . &l>ilL OR "'.;lN.lNCB 110. 3, SERIES or 1916, EITITLED; 'il OBDIJIAlfOB SS'l'llLIBBIBG il LIOUSI PKB .um PBOVIDIIG FOR THE RBJIULATIONS or THE BUSilfBSBE8 °' BUYIJD SBCIJO> JWm ARTICLBS OB JUB 0. AllY KIND AND PBOVX.UG FOR TD IWfDB il MBTBOD 0. COLLICTi.G TBB SAllB WITBilf THE CITY Li a ITS 01 THE CITY OP EBGLBWOOD, COLOBADO,' A.ID ALL .lCfS AllD PABTS OJ ACTS IB CONPLICT WDIS THIS ACT.• haa ~een introduoe4 ala4 paaa .. at the first r•adiJll. •as THDPOHB .. I! RESOLYBD, by the Cit7 Oounoil Of th• Qit7 Of Inglewood, '1la' the proposed ordinaDo• •o. Series of 1926, aforeaa14, be, publiahed in the Jraslewoo4 Bearl4, a weekJ.7 n .. apaper published in the Oit7 of Alnglewoo4, Colora4o, aa reqaire4 1'J S'8tu'• of the State of Colorado, and go oTer tor tur,her oonaidera,ion at another meeting • Alderman orria Seconded aaid motion,) BOLL CALL: Bullen qe 0.Tender 1.7e, Lemon J.7e, ' lloCord Abaent, Borria A.ye, Winkler J.:¥•. o A7e• One Absent ~or so ordered Alderman CaTender reported a Tacant buil~ina in 4angeroua oondition nortll•••' ooraer ot Osfort and llaerman, -Bleolc 26 and 26;i/Blook 10 South Broacl•Q Heights, Alderman aorria KoTe4,) Wlnltler 8eoonde4,) that a Co111Dittee ot one •e appointed to aee owner in r .. U'tto ••• • BOU. CALL: Bullen qe, CaTender A:1e, Lemon A7•. MoCord Abaent, Borris .,., Winkler "8•· 6 A7•• One Abaenl ~or ao ordered Alderman •orria Appointed ~ .L1&7or. Alderman CaYDe4er ~Te4,) Lmon leoon4e4,) !hat proptaed or41Dano• •o. Beri•• ot 1911. •u OBDIBJJCB BSULATUO THE PDS ill) CHAliGES or THB CITY ATTOBl!Y ilD AllENDilfG A.LL ORD iiu.CB8 AND SBCTIO•S or ORDIB.ulCBS nr C..,LIOT HBBIWITB.• 'be 1n,roduee4 an• reat •• a propoae4 or41nanoe tor the Git7 of ~glewoo4, Colorado. I BOLL CALL: BalleD qe, MoCor4 .1\aen•, 6 qea OaTedner qe, lorria A.J•, One A'baent w..yor ao ordered i..on qe, 11ntler '1•· Clert rea4 proposed ordinanoe lo. Seri•• of 1921. ".AB ORDilfANCB BBIUJ.lfl.18 !Ill I •US ill> ClWlG 38 or THE CITY ATTORNEX Aln>'IMBNDilfG ALL OBDilfilCB8 ill> 5BCfIO•I ca OllD liBCJm I• CODLICT Hl(H~WITH." in full. . AtAezmaa C&•en4mr MoTe4,) Lemon 8eoonde4.) 'Jhat propoe• ordinanoe Bo. Seri•• o~ 1911 ·~ OBD iilCB R11>t7LATIH THI n&S ~ CHARGES or THE CI'l'Y ATTOdlf ill> AKEBDIBG ALL ' ·auuuoa AD 8BC!IOl8 ~ ORDillAIIOBS Ill COHPLICT H&.EWITH. • do now paaa the fir•t rea41q .. re ... BOLL CALL: I all len 1.7e, CaTender '67e, Lemon "7•, MoC ord A'b•en', Jlorria Jqe. Winkler Aye. 6 A-yea One A 'baent ~or eo ordered Alderman CaTender UoTe4.) '!hat whereas a propoae4 oor41nanoe Bo. 9er1ea ·Cllf 1911 •u OBDAI BCB RimULATIJIG THE F3E S AND CHARG ES or 1HE CITY ATTOlillBY ABD Illto>IBO .lJ.L OB.D~CB8 l.lfl) SJWTio•s a. OBDiliAliCES Ilf COlllLICT HBREWITH." ha• 'b••D in,or4u• .. ant ~··· at 'h• firat rea41Dg. 109 TllmtRJI ORB, BB IT RESOLVED, by the Oi t7 Oouoil Of the "1 ty Of _1 .. ot ,., the propoae4 or41Dano• Ho. __ Seri•• of 1926 •• aforeaai4~ be publiahed in the ... 1 ... ot ••arlt. a •••kl.7 n .. apaper pu'bliahed in the Cit7 of &rlglewoot, Colora4o, aa r•t•1ret '7 sia,v.e of '11• State ot tolroa4o, and go oYer for further ooneidera\ion at anot~er •••'iDS· Alderman Lemon 8eoonded aaid moiion.) BOLL CALL: Bullen .,.. 0.Tender Aye, Uo0or4 .A'baent, lforria li:I•. 6 qea a.a Absent ~or so ordered Alderman f inkler UoYed,) Lemon J.7fl , Winkler "7•· J orrie 8eoonde4,) Tha' ther being no further buain••• to oom• )efo~• ••• Counoil. 'ounoil a4Journ to ••et Kond&l' aotober 19, 1916 A. D. ' ROLL CALL: • Bullen ••· CaTender qe, Lemon ~, . KoCor4 Abaent. Morrie J.¥•, Winkler 1&7•. 6 A7•• One A'baeni ~or ao or d ere• 1Dv.••• ot A4Jouned liegular J.leeiing of the Ci t7 Qounoil of th• ~i ty ot -1 .. oet, Colora!:, \hie l•ih dq Of Ooto'ber A. D. 1926, atand approTe4 aa 4£aUdt thia r ot ':Jl P:1C 1916, .A. D. ____ f::~cy __ efffl_~----- Ci t7 Qlitft ' • I I ·.1 •