HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-10-26 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI 1. I I I · ADJOUUBD BllHJLA.B llEETIUG OP THZ CITY COUllCIL OP THE CI'l'Y OP BJIOLBWOOD,OOLORADO, !118 llOJIDAY OOT OBIR 16, 1926, A. D. ~or John Simon oalled the meeting to order and aaked for roll oall. llOLL CALL: llllleo Preaent, KoCorcl Pre a en t, 6 Present Al4•1'11AD Bullen UoTe4,) CaTen4er Preaent, llorrie Presen,, Abaent Bone. Lemon Preeent, Winkler Preeeni. Jorrie Seoondecl,) That any and all protests regarding South Broad•~ PaYing Diatrioi •o. 3 whioh might have heretofore been tiled or presented be oTer- ruled an4 held tor naqbt. BOLL CALL: Ballen £:#•, lloOorcl J.7•, 6 qes Alderman Bullen KoTed,) Cavender qe, Borris Aye, l1&7or so ordered. B&7• !lone. Lemon qe, Wintler qe. lorrla Seoon4ecl,) That pttition tor paTing ot South lroadw&,7 and oreation of Looal IaproTement Diatfiot in oonneotion therewith be declared sufficient and 'that the following Prel1miD&1'7 Order tegarding said Diatriot be passed. BOLL CALL: .. llea J..7•, CaTender A7e, Lemon J..7e, KoCorcl J.7•, Norris J..7e, Winkler A7e• 6 qee Jfqa lone 11&7or so ordered. Clerk ••a4 Prelimina17 Order as follows: ..... --.s,-,h•r• haa heretofore been presented to and tiled •1th thia Council,& P••ition aoribed 'bJ •he owners of oertain propert7 abutting on louth Broad•&7 in •he Cit7 ot i .. ood,requeating that this Counoil,under Chapter 180 of the Session Lawe of lolora4o for 1923,proTide for tbe oonstruction and laying of pavement,drainage,ourbing and gutters on and along sou'h Broad•~ from the southerl7 end of the present paTement to the nor•h aide of Gu1D07 ATenue,exoepting the east halt ot said street from ~·~on to Jlanatield ATeoue,and tor the oreation ot a local improvement district in aco•rdanoe with •he aforeaa14 Chapter 180 ot the session Lawe of Colorado for 1923,to proTide for the p&71Dent ot. the ooat ot aaid proposed improvement, and WBIBIAS,-1t ia the deaire of this Council to proceed with the necessary atepe tor the oon•truotion ot aaid improvement and the establishment of a looal improvement die•rio• ill oonneotion therewith, OW TIDIBR10BE,BI IT RESOLVED b7 the City Council of the City of Bnglewood~ 1. !laat South Broad•~ PaTing District Bumber Three be oreated as a local impr.oTement 41• rlo• 1D aooordanoe with Qhapter 180 of the leesion Lawe of Colorado for 1923,o,herwise lcDown aa that cartain Act" Relating to Local Improvements in Cities and toWDs•p••••• '7 th• legielature ot Oolorado,an4 duly Sigmed by the GoTernor on April 9,l923p 2. Tbat 'h• propoaed South B~G"4•a7 iaving District Bumber Three,ehall include all ot •h• real ••tate,lota,lands,parcels and aores,exoluoive ot public highw~s,within 'he following bound17 lines to-wit: ... 1DD1Dg at a point on 7he center line of South Blati Street whioh is 369 fee• aou•h of 'h• oenter line ot West Hampden avenue, thence south along the center line of Sou'h lla•l ltr••' to an iDteraeotion with the oenter line of Weat Quinc7 ATenue,th•nce eaat to an ia'•raeotion with tbe center line of South Pens7lvania Street,thenoe north to an 1.Jltersee- •lon •1~ •h• Oeuter line of le.at Kansfield Avenue,thenoe west to an intersection •i'h •i• o•n•er line ot ~outh Broaclw~,thenoe north to intersection with the Oenter line of at ~9117on ATemae,thence east to an intersection with the center line of South Pen97lTaaia A• •,thence north to an intersection with a line whioh is parallel to and 369 feet aoath of 'he oenter line of West Hampden Avenue, thence west to the point of beginning. s. That th• detail• aa4 apeoifioations as set fourth in said petition and again atated therein,are herebJ adopted,aaid details and epeoifioatione being as follows,to-w1t: Tile •14th ot aaid imprtTement to be 60 feet between the ourbs amd to extend to •h• propert7 line at lntereeotiona. The kind of pavement to be either one course concrete 7 inohea thiok,or 2 inoh Warrenite bithulethic on a 3i inch asphaltic concrete base, •· Th• materials to be used in the proposed improvement are those described above,aa4 alao 'h• following to-wits Curb and gutter to be concrete in the proportion of one part cement,to two par8a aan4,to three parts gravel. Storm a .. er to be of TAtrified tile or concrete pipe. Catoh basins to be of concrete, 6. l)aat •h• ooat ot aaid improvement shall be p~able in twenty annual inetallmen••· t the firet of aaid installments shall become due and payable at a time to b• ~1X94 upon the oompletion of said improvements by the final assessing ordinance,an4 onfl 1.Datallment each 7ear thereafter until the same are full7 paid,all of the oosts of . ·;. aa14 illproTemente being due and payable within thirty days after the final passage of the aeeaeeing ordinance. 6. !hat all unpaid principal of said coats and assessments shall bear interest at the rate of not more than 6 per cent,per annum,and ~ and all installments not paid as eaoh installment beoomes deferred,shall bear interest at the rate of one percent, per.month,unt11 paid,as provided by statute. '· That the Cit7 &ngineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare an estimate of the ooat of aaid proposed improvement, together with a map of the Dietriot in whiola tile taproYement ie proposed to be made, and a schedule showinl the approxi~ate amo11Bta to be aeeeeaed upon several lots or parcels of prop•rty within the District. ' 8. That the Oit7 Glert be,and she is hereb7 authorised and inatruoted to giYe notioe to the owners of the property to be assessed, by advertisement onoe a week,tor thl'ee ooneeoutiYe weeka,in the Boglewood Herald and Enterprise,& newspaper of general oirou- lation pabliehed in the City of Englewood,whioh notioe shall oontain in auba•anoe 'h• following: ' l. the kind ot improYemante pcpposed. I 2. Bumber of installments. . 3. 'lhe tice in whioh the coat will be ptQ'able. 4. 'lhe rate of interest to be paid on unpaid and deferred installments. 6. The ex t ent of the district to be improved. 6. The probable cost per front foot as ahown by the eatimates of the •na1Deel'. 'I. 'nle time not leae than twenty days alter the first paa ... e when an or4:1Jlanoe authorising the improYements will be considered. 8. 'lhat the map, eati.Jllate~ and schedule showing the approximate amounts to )e aaaeaae4 and all reaolutiona and proceedings are on file, and oan be aeen and examined b7 8D7 I pereon 1ntereate4, at the office of the City Clerk at the City Halli at an7 time within aaid peroid of twenty dqe. 9. That all complaints and abJectiona that •81' be made in writing oonoernins the prcpoeed iaproYemente by the owner or owners of an7 reat eetate to be aasesse4 will •• heard and determined by the City Counoil before final action thereon. Alderman Bullen MoTed,) inkler Seoo~ded,) That 1c1erk be authorized to write the 9rannr~ Co. requeating a ooncrete walk be plaoed aoross the front of their lot, and pave or graTel approach to oars. ROLL CALL: Bullen qe, UcCord A.ye, CaYen de r I.ye, llorria A.ye, , 6 A.yes Na.ye U&¥or so ord e red Hone Lemon Aye, rlinkler A.7e. Clerk presented prtition signed by residence and property owners near the corner of Ithaoa and Chero l:ee requesting a streei light be installed at aaid oorner. Ald erraan liorris uoved,) inkler ~eoonded,) That petition .Lt LL CALL: Bullen Aye, LlcCord Aye, Cavender Aye, Horris Aye, be referred to Light Committee • Lemon Aye Winkler qe, 6 A.1es Uays llone Llayor so ordered Alderman Horris OYed,) Bullen Moved,) Ae per request of the City Engineer that all work in oonneotion with paTing and watvr mains and all together with all moneye now due and to become "Cities Engineering and Contracting Co, Ino.", Bngineer of lnglewood • • OLL C LL: Bullon Aye, UoCord Aye, Cavender Aye, • ~o rris Aye, work pertaining to office of Oit7 11181D••~ due be transferred and assigned •o tie and that this Co.be reoo1*teed ae the 01•7 Lemon J.ye, Winkler Aye • 6 ~es Nays None Uayor so ordered. Ald errnan Bullen Moved, ) Horris Seconded,) Dartemouth and Yale be referred County Co111Diaaionera • ... hat the question of tal::ing care of Logan Street \eneen to the Street and Bridge Committee, City Bngineer, and • tOLL CALL: Bullen lloCord A;Je, Aye, 6 Ayes .t.lqor Alderman Bullen Uoved,) Cavender Aye, Uorris Aye, Nays None so ordered • ~emon Aye, Winkler Aye, Cavender Seconded,) That there being no further business to come before the Council, Council adjourn. ROLL CALL: Bullan Aye, Cavender Aye, Lemon Aye, LloC ord Aye, Norrie Aye, Winkler ~·· 6 Ayes llays llone Uayor so ordered. Kinutee of Adjourned Regular Ueeting of the City Counoil of the City of B nglewoot, Colorado, this 26th dq of Ootober A. D. 1926, stand approved ae 4gra rcfv1 tbia 9 dq Of ,.. 1926, A. D. ____ £71d/UW..cv.. ___ r:{bi afi _____ _ City cf';k:' I . . I I •