HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-11-23 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI • I • I I I ADJOUR ~ RllH7LAR .S~TIUG OF THE CITY COUlfCIL OP 'l1HE CITY OF EHGLEWOOD,OOLORADO, THIS KOJiDAY U Vli.IB 23,1926, A. D. u .lnr John Simon oalled Roli CALL: the meeting to order and asked for Roll Call. • Bullen Present, 1'oCord .ereaent, Cavender present, Horris Present, Lemon Present, Winkler Present. 6 Present, Absent none. Alderman Borrie J.loTed,) Winkler Seconded,) That to proceed with the neoeeeary steps iiOLL CALL: the City Engineer and City Attorney be instructed toward paving Broadway. Bullen J.7e, J.loCord '-3•, 6 J.7es Cavender Aye, llorris Aye, Ltayor so ordered. Nays None Lemon Aye, Winkler A.7e• llerman Norrie Uoved,) Bullen Seconded,) Th~ Broad 97 PaTing,aleo bide on Bonde 40 L CALL: the Clerk be instructed to advertiae for bide on for same on same night. Bullen J.7e, J.loCord qe, Cavender Aye, Norrie Aye, 6 A7ee Jilayor eo ordered. Alderman Bullen Uoved,) lie.ye !lone. Lemon J.7e, Winkler Aye. CaTender Seconded,) That a second estimate Bridge be allowed. Said estimate to be $2600. to C,L,Wilber on Hampden Avenue BOLL CALL: Bullen qe, 1.loCord Aye, 6 Ayes Cavender Aye, llorrie Aye, Llayor so ordered. Nays None. Bille presented by Clerk and O.K'd by Finance Committee. o. 678,. 6786. 6'186. 6787. 6788. 6789. ' 6'190. ' 6791. 679 2 . Warrant 1.1.P.Wintz r.w.ilenneke C.H.Hogue A.W.Andereon E.Lindstrom E.L.Thompson P P Wilson I.Herrmann C.L.Wilber PUBLIC ILlPROVEL1fillT FU!lD • Truck Driver Laborer Laborer Laborer Laborer Laborer Laborer Teamster & teams 2nd estimate on Bridge Lemon qe, Winkler qe, • 40.00 38.00 41.00 22.00 e.oo 10.50 e.oo 142.60 2600.00 12810.00 .Glen A.Izett,the City Engineer,presented the following estimates Ho. 3,in connection with Hampden Avenue Paving District llo.l. Whereupon the following estimate was by the Clerk read in full: Englewood,Colorado,November 23,1926. Contract,-Hampden Avenue ?aving District Uo.l. Contractor,-The Western iaving I Construction Co. Part If la'";' of contract price retained, said lOi~ being t3ooo. 66. The a"' of 600.66 being retained until work is completed. Amoun' due this estimate ------------.----------t2600.00 Glen A.Izett APPR OVED: City Biliineer. The Oit7 Engineer,Glen A.Izett,stated that all the paving on West Hampden Avenue had been completed,exoept about 200.00 worth of paving remaining to be done, but this could not be done until next epring,due to the fact that tho bridge over Dry Creek had not been oompleted,and freezing weather had now set in • • Isett euggeaten and recommended that the above amount be paid to the Western taving • Conatructi on Co.,tbe contractor,at this time,inas much as the work was practically done. ereupon Alde rm an Bullen moved, n'inkler aeconded,that the above estimate be allowed, and that the abov e etatod sum of ~2600.00 be paid to the contractor out of money to come into the fund from the sale of bonds,and that bonds nwnbered 69 to 64, inclucive,aggregating the sum of ~600.1 be delivered to Gray.~ery,Vasconcelle & Co.,the purchasers,on the above ,estimate,and tha~ a oopy of the above estimate be spread upon the minutes. c OL:L CALL: 1 Bullen 7e, "a lloCord Aye, 6 Ayes Cavender Aye, llorris Ape, ~or so ordered. Uays llone, L~on Aye, Winkler Aye, The ayor as ;:ed t ho Clerk whether or not there were any protests filed or presented regarding South Broadway Paving District Uo. 3. 'The Cler!:: announced that there were none. '!'hereupon tho ayor announced that the meeting was in order for the receiving of arq prote t or objection by any party interested on South Broadway Paving District Bo.z. ilo protests or objections were presented; thereupon the following resolution wae read b7 the tllerk: ~ ll RE LVED by the City Council of the City of Bbslewood,Colorado,that no protests or objections have been filtd or presented to the City Council regarding South Broadw&.1' Paving District Uo.3,and that the consideration of a propoaed ordinance for the creation of this District be continued until an adjournment of this meeting to be held on December 2, A.D. 1925. Alderman Bullen Uoved,) ~ Dorrie Seconded,~ That the resolution as read,be adopted. O.uL CALL: Bullen Aye, LloCord Aye, 6 qes Cavender Aye, Uorris Aye, ~or so ordered. ll&1'S llone. The Clerk read the following resolution: Lemon qe, Winkler qe, B IT HE~ LVE!> that the map,plane,specifications,eetimate and schedule heretofore prepared b)' the City Engineer for South Broadway raving District Bo.3 pursuant to instruction given by the Preliminary Order passed on lct.26, 1926,be further approved and their adoption further ratified. £lderman Cavender Uoved,) ~orris Seconded,) RO LL CALL: , Bullen Aye, cCord Aye, G A.yes That the resolution as read,be adopted. Cavender Aye, Uorris Aye, llays !lone. Lemon qe, Winkler qe. ~or so ordered. Alderman oCord oved,) Bullen Seconded,) That the question uppliee Committee with power to act. of purchasing a traoter be ref erred to OLL CALL : Bullen Aye, oCord A.ye, 6 qee Alderman oCord oyed,) Cavender Aye, Uorris Aye, Uayor so ordered. !lays None. Lemon Aye, Winkler qe, . . Bullen Seconded,) That the matter uppliea Committee with power to act. of purchasing one truck be referred to the . OLL CALL: Bullen Aye, liloCord qe, 6 qee Cavender Aye, llorris Aye, llqs None. J.layor so ordered. Lemon qe, Winkler Aye, Pire Chief orton came before the Council with a request for ohains,flexible hoae,male and female coupling,two reducers,21xf,ohemical hose,and wrenches. Alderman Bullen moved,) CaYender Seconded,) That this re quest be referred to the J'ire CoDBDittee.- oll Call: Bullen qe, oCord Aye, 6 qee Cavender Aye, Norris Aye, ~or so ordered. llays Uone. Lemon qe, Winkle!' Aye, I.Ir. ergueon delegated by the Chamber of Commeroe,cane before the Council requesting the matter of open ing up more streets in Englewood be considered: namely Lincoln north from Hampden t o l oyd and Bannocl1: from G iru.rd to Eastman. lderman Bullen · oved,) Horris Seconded,) and general proceedure. -OLL C.U.L: Bullen oCord ye, Aye, 6 ~es That the Street Committee investigate and report on oost Cavender Aye, Norris Aye, lie.ye llone. Lemon qe, \Yinkler Aye, ~or so ordered. I Alderman orris J oved,) inkle r Seconded,) ~18nee on aixt7 days trial. That the Cretny Traffic Guide Co.be allowed to send sireet OLL CALL: Bullen 1t7e, aloCord Aye, Cavender Aye, llorrie Aye, 6 Ayes Uaye Uone. Ue.¥or so ordered. Lemon qe, Winkler Aye, • kerrett caae before the Council in regard to using slot machines in his plaoe of busineea. lderman Bullen oYed,) Horris Seconded,) That the matter be referred to the Mayor and Police Depart- men t. OLL CALL: Bullen qe, MoCord e..r ··A7es Ca Tend er qe, llorris J.7e, ll&1'S One. ~or so ordered. Lemon ·qe, Winkler qe, I I I I I I I I I I lo ran oved,) Caveu r econd d,) .i.1h t .l.l r. McCord Close d e a.l \J i th 'fexas 011 Co., St. Clair Co., o r y other l r o oil Co . for t n l: nu pump to be inst lled in or nea.r City Barn property. :t ,J.;,.j VJ LL: e, e , 1 'err.um v end e r ·lo ved, ) Ca vend e r Aye, .i.J'o rri s Aye , '1l ayor s o ord r e d U93s Hone Lemon Aye, Winl:l er aye • '/inc e r Seconded,) That proposed ordinun ce Ho. Series of 1~25. "AN LI li lllG LIC~.L ~~ E...!.....!..~ J~~ D Plt v VIDI G ..:,o:~ '.[Ji~ HEGUALTIOU OF .VARIOUS BUSIHESS -1cE1 :sED ;.,.· D .?rl VIDLm FOR :..H !·; ·,wnl~ OF CO"SLEC TION 'rHE S11AE WITHIN THE .;1 1Y ilF .• ;rG!.,'~h'Ov D, CO!.i :ti~:DO , ~ :rn .Al .i.!.lJ DIUG c ... a12 Ill 5ECTIOllS OF ORDINAllCE NO. ~ r :~ .•'0 l~ ' , .:; fi1 I'.i1LED : '/, 1 BI lAl c-,, J ~d 'luBLIS HillG LIC~USE FEES AHD PROVIDillG FOR THE . UL.\'iillG 0 •' VArtI u BU Ill ~.o~~s '.l D AlAU~"' llil 11.1 ~ Su LICEHSED AHD PHOVIDIUI FURTHER B'OR ::.;· ' ID . ~'l"HOD OF cu11gt;r;'l r G j_'HE i:>A AJ<~ '/I'.i1Hill 'i'H~ LI11IIT~ OF THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, C . :!:> , ',JD ... O n 'i'.2,.1.EL U.·.D!~A~lCE ·10. 19, ::3t;l !ES 0~1 19!2 'i'lJTITLED: 'All ORDillAllOE ESTABLISH! IllG LIC~ .'E li~.;,~ ..' ~D ~ROVt'T)r ;:' 1'1 0rt 'l'HI.; . ~GUAL'fIOH 01'1 VARIOUS BUSINESSES AllD AMUSEMEllTS SO LIC f .)3I) .ulD r:tuV IDil (j '~OH .L1 H~ 1Wl JEl A ID 1.1~THOD OF COT1L~C'l'IllG THE SAUE wrrHIN THE LIMITS l'N 0 ·~ G !...; OJD ' ill ALL AI.!BBmLEl lTS 1H :~L~'.f0 AUD '.;.10 REPEAL ORDil:iAllCE llO. 3 SERIES 9 6, fillTIJ.L:ID: 'All l Dil AllCE E 'lABLISH IUG j If L!C l~USE l!1 EE AilD PROVIDIUG FOR THE ··~u L 'r I us OF .i.1!{ ~ BUSillESS~S OF B'IYillG .. .i-J Cv ID HAUD j HTICLES OR JUliK OF ANY 1:IUD AND R VIDI G ua 1 H~ lUBii AUD Lb~HOD Olt, CDEEEC 1rnm ~HE SAHE WITH!ll THE CITY LIUITS OF THE I?i u -~ GL ·• /UuD , GULOhii.DO! , ~lD ALL AG 111 t3 AHD )AH 'r::) OF All:.TS Ill COUFLICT HTH THIS ACT." be 10troduoed bd r ad and plac e d upon it s second reading. ·tuLL CALL: Bull en Aye, cCor Aye, Cavender Aye, llorris Aye, 6 A; es Hays Hnne 1.lay J r :::1 0 or u er0d. Lemon Aye, Win h:ler Aye. Clerl: read pr o oaed ordinance lo. $eries of l <J25, ".All Oi{DHIAllCE ESTAB.LISHil'fG LICENSE . 'lD .t>< VI I G FOR 'J.'H Z n :<;GULAJ.!Oll O:b1 Vii!\!OUS BIDSI~lESS AUD AUUSEUEUTS •o LICENSED AllD P VIDIIG j, n nH .~ LLUHI~ 01'1 C LL i~C'.i'IU 'i'HE d Ai.15': r /I'~HIU ""'HE I ... Il.UTS ·oF '11 H T~ CITY OF EUGLEWOOD, COLO' DO , .~;m ·~1n1;m G ~~H '.i.'Aill ::):.:C :i'I llS 01'' OiiDIUAliCE uo. 2 SBHIES.1924 . ENTITLED: I All • Ill 'CK ~ '1AB I 'HillG LICrulSE h,EES A ID .PilO VIDillG }"'OH 'i'H~ rt00U1ATIONS OF '.i'HE VABIOBS B I I ·.ES . ; D '''U ·:jJ~l 1J.1 J 10 L IC~lJ::.rnD .. dm 'H VIDIHG FUR'l'HEH FOH THE IWUlER AUD METHOD OP O"',.:.J::cTruG ~113 .; ., .!i ITHIU (lJI..:. LI'.IITS OF 1.1.1Hg CI '.i'Y OF 2UGLEVIOOD, COLORADO, I AllD TO REPEAL :mru CE ll • 19, ~ r•s OF 1912 illl?l'j.'L~D: • AN OrtDIHAllCE ~TABLISHillG LICENSE FEES A.ND >: VIDI!lG F . 1 li~ RIDUALT IOll OF VARlotlS BUSIIlESSZS .. llD ALIUSEUEllTS SO LICEllSED AlfD PROVIDillG F •. '"'H E . . lL~"-t .• ID .IETH CDD OP COLLECTING '""1HB SA :.ra \'/I'.i'Hill 111HE LIUITS OF THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD~ ' .ID .ALL AJ.lEUDlail J ""1 H~TO, .AHD TO HBPEA L ORDIHAllCE UO. 3. SERIES OF 1916, ENTITLED: 'AB u hDIUAliCE ~~TABLI!:iliI.llG AJ LICfillS~ ~,~ .AUD PHO VIDI.UG Ful\ '.;,lli~ HEGULATION OF 'I'HE BUSilfESSEB OP BUYillG SECullD HAUD AHTICLES OR BUliK OF AllY LillD ~liD .2HOVIDIUG FOR THE UAlUfER AND KBTHOD O? COLLECTllG '~H::, 'AUE WITHIN '.fflZ CITY LiilITS OP 'J.1 H~ CI'"'Y OF EllGLEWOOD, COLORADO, ' AND LL · AllD P J.J OP .. 1.CTS Ill CUUPLICT '/ITH 'J.'H IS ACT." in full. Alderman Lemon Uoved,) Borris Seconded,) That proposed ordinance Ho. Series of 1926. "Alf ORDill~G~ ~.jT BLISHIUG LICEUS..!. FEES "llD PHOVIDillG ~'OH THE HB1tfALTI01' OP VAROIUS BUSIBESSEB AllD USWIDh:S ao LIC&lfSED 'IlD PHuV -'!:>IllG FOR .1.'Hr~ HANIIEH OF CO!...L~CTING THE SAME WITHill THl LlllIT~ 01 J.lit. CITY O? :·JlGLI!;WOOD ', COLOHADO, AD &lllBKDllQ OBR!AIJi 8BOflOlll O• <llDllAIOB lfO. 2. Jl!..."\IKS P 1924, EllTI'l'LED: 'All ORDillAllCE E~TABLISHING LICEllSE FEES AllDP PBOVIDilfG , . 1HR . muLA?IOUS UP THE VAiiIOUS BUSillESSES AND &LIUSELmllTS so LICENSED AND PROVIDIJG lfaTH.lB JIOR 'i'H~ J.WJ : .. a HD ilETHOD OP COLLECTillG 1J.1 HE SAME WITHili THE LD.IITS OF THB CmTY OP ~ GLZWCJ)D, COLO D , ' All]) TO BEPEAJ. ORDillAllC.1!; llO. 19, SERIES OP 1912, EliTITLBD: 'il Olil>~.3 ES~ BLISHI.UG LICi:aiSE ~1 EES AllD PROVIDIUG 1',0H r.1HB HIDUALTION OF VAR<IOUS BUSilfBSSES AliD AKU~EW~llTS SJ LIC&llSBD ~ D PROVIDilJGJ l!1 0H ~HE IJAllllER AUD l..lr:THOD OF corJLECTIBG THE SAME ITHIU .i'H.& LIUIT OP TH3 CITY OF :am LE YOOD. Alm ALL ALtEliDMF-J.lTS THERETO AllD TO REPBAL . DlliAUCE UO. 3 SZRIES OP 1916, ~1TITLED: 'il ORDIUANCE ESTABLISHillG Alf LICENSE PD AND ~'>ROVIDUG F ~H.:: ilmULATIOlfS OF .i1HE BUSINBSSES OP BUYillG SECOllD HAllD ARTICLES OB JUIK or AJIY KUD AID .t'ROVIDI.00 FOR 'i'lm l.WlliER O? CuLLECTIIIG THE SA11E WITHill TJ£ CITY LIMITS 0. THE CITY OJI Ki1GL3 OuD ·, COLClL~DO, I AllD ALL ACT::> AllD PARTS OF ACTS IN CONPLICT WITH THIS AC! •• do now pea• aeooncl reading ae read. ROLL CALL: Bullen A.ye, Cavender Aye, Lemon Aye, McCord qe, Borris Aye, Winkler Aye, 6 Ayes Uqa llone auyor so ordered Alderman Uorris ~oved,) CaTender Seconded,) That ordinance entitled "All ORDillANCB ESTABLISHilfG LIClllfSE DIS AllD PROVIDilfG P04 '1H:; liIDULA'fID9 OP VARlllOUS BUSilJESSES Alm AWSEUDTS SO LIODSED AUD P. OVIDIHG POR J.HE 1WUlER OP COLLECTIHG THE SAME WITHill 1HE LIMITS OF THE CITY or ElfGLBl WOOOD't COLOliADO, AUD .AliIBUDI.UG .;~\'J.Alli 6.bX:TIOll OF ORDIUAllCB llO. 2. SBRIES o-, 1924, BNTITLBD ' \JtD.I.u~CB ~ABLiaHIUG LICEllSE l!,EES .t UD PHOVIDillG l!,OR '"'1HE lilllULATIOli OP THE V.ARIOUS BUSI.Ii~~::>~ AllD au u s~TS so LICE.USED .Al'JD .t>HUVIDI~lG FUliTHER J'OR THE J.a.N.N&R AND .LIETHOD OP C LLEC!IllG THE ~ E WITHIK ~H~ LI~.HT:::> OF 1.1.'H!!; UI~ OP ::UGLEWOOD, COLOiiADO, '.AllD TO RKPBlL BDIH~C.I .uo. l~' o>ElU.isS ur 1912, ~lTITLED: • AllD OHDillAllCE ESTAB ~ISHIHG LICfillSR 188 D dlOVIDI.llG '~llli :rtmUL&TIOU OF VARIOUS BUSillES~EB AUD ALlUSEMEUTS 80 LICBHSBD ill> OVI8UIG •OH J.H 1'AllliER ~ UETHOD OP CULL~CTIIIG '.L'HE .'AME \IITHill THE LI.UTS or THE CITY , G ·, OOD' AliD ALL AKEllDJJElJTS THERb;TO AllD 1 .£. 1 0 Ji&P&AL OnDlHANCE NO. 3 SERIES al 1916, ~ITLBD : lil uRDI.NAllCB ~ST .• BLISHIUG All LICElfoE b,~B AND PROVIDING FOli TH& RB»UALtIB o• TBl BUSI.JI SKS B'IYillG SECOllD HAllD ARTICLES 03 iJUllK OP ANY ~nm AND PROVIDillG FOR THB • U11E: AUD W~HOD OP COLLECTIHG 11H~ ~ HTHill THE CITY LI1UT5 OF THE CITY OP E11GLftOOD, COLORADO, • JJfD ALL AC~S ~UID i>Aifi'S OP ACTS Ill COlil'LICT IITH l 'HIS ACT.1'0 cltiOdoifI•UiY17 paaa ae orclinanoe lo. 9 series of 1926. ltOLL C LL: Bullen ~e. Cavender Aye, Lemon J.7•, MoCord J.7•, Horris Ji3e, Winkler A;ye. 6 Ayea Nays Bone J.layor so ordered. Alderman CaYender moved,) Lemon Seconded, That it be reeol~ed that Ordinance Bo.9,Seriee of 192& this dq paeaed b7 the Cit7 Council of the City of ~glewood,Colorado, be published in the Bn g Bnglewood Herald,a weekly newspaper of general circulation in the City of Englewood, Colorado,aa re uired by statutes of the State of Colorado. OLL CALL: Bullen A7e, Cavender Aye, Lemon A7e, ~ocord £7e, Horris Aye, Winkler A7e• 6 Ayes Nays !lone. .t.1a7or so Ordered. lder~an CaYender UoYed,) inkler Seoonded,) That proposed ord inanoe llo. Series of 1925, •Alf OBDIIUJICB Rm I lG THE E~S AllD CHARG ES OF ':'HE CI '11Y A~'.L'O.dll.i!J"'Y AUD AlJEllDIUG ALL ORDUl.ANCKS llD S ECTI0'1S ~, llRDilfAllC ~ Ilf COlJFLICT H~i L~\IITH"be introduced and read and placed upon 1 ta socond reading. ROLL CALL: Bullen aye, LloCord qe, 6 A7es Cavender Aye, Uorris Aye, !Jays Uone. lJayror so ordered. Lemon A7e, Winkler qe. Clerk read pro posed ordinance llo. Series of 1925," AN ORDIUAl'iCE aEGULATING THE J'BES D OlLUtGES 1 ~HE CirY AT~Ofill~'Y AllD Al.IBUDIHG ALL OHDIUAUC~S AllD SEC~IOUS OF ORDINANCES IB COUFL I CT H&.. E ITH"in full Alderraan inKler Uoved,) Cavender Seoonded,) Thut proposed ordinance No. ~eries of 1925,"Ali ORDilfABO• aallJL.\TillG THE J'™ ~HD CHARGES O~, 'i1II~ CITY AT~ORllEY AllD AU&NDiliG ALL ORDINANCES ill> o>JSCT I Oil:l F OaD L..AllCisS Ill CU~lFLIC T H~t.:.;WI~H. "do-now pass seoond reading as read. ~ LL C LL: Bullen ye, oCord ye, 6 qes Alderman in klor iloved,) Cavender Aye, Norris Aye, Uays Llayor so ordered. Hone Lemon qe, Winkler Aye, CaYender o:>econded,) 1.rho.t ordinance entitled "AU ORDIUAlfCt; HEGULATillG THE B'EES ill> HaliG~S v~ "H.:: I"' Y AT "U~C:.~ .AND i I.I ~lDI1lG AL T .. OitDllfANC~S AllD SEC~IOilS OF OBDU~lfCKS ru O.U LICT IlAL ~~ ITH. "do now finally pass as Ord inanoe No.10. leries of 1925. HOLL ~LL: Bullen e, I.lo Cord A7e, Cavender Aye, Norris Aye,. 6 Ayes Nays Uone l!ayor so ordered. Alderman inkler Uoved,) Lemon Aye, Winkler A7e, • C••ender Seconded,) That be it resolved that Ordinance No.10,Seriea of 1925, this d~ passed b7 tho City Council of the City of Englewood,Colorado, be published in the lewood Herald,& weekly newspaper of general Circulation in the City of Englewood,Oolo aa requ ired b7 Statutes of the 3tate of Colorado. R LL CALL: Bullen lloCord e, e, Cavender Aye, llorris Aye, Llayor so ordered. or was oalled away it this time. Aldercan Uo rrie uo ved,) .Nays Uone, Lemon Aye, Winkler qe, inkler ~eoonded,) That the contract as made for tap changes be allowed to atand. LL CALL: Bullen e, JilACoH liq, 3 A7es Cavender Uay, Norris A7•, J.lotion lost, 3 .Uays, Lemon liq, Winkler qe, lderman Do rrie UoYed,) Winkler Seconded,) ta changes. That Clerk be instructed to re-advertiae for bide on BOLL OA~., Bullen qe, CaYender A.;e, 6 ~es Cavender Aye, Norris Aye, ~or so ordered, ~lderman orris UoYed,) Nays lione. Lemon J.7e, Winkler £7,, kler Seoonded,) That the Clerk be instructed to notify Board of Water Co iasionera of the proposed paving of louth Broadway. OLL C LL: Bullen A;fe, Cavender Aye, Lemon j;ze, UoCord Aye, Uorris Aye, Winkler qe, Hays Hone, Ua7or so ordered. Alderman Ho rris Uoved,) CaYender Seconded,) That there being no the Counoil,Oounoil adjourn to meet Uonday llovember further business to come before 30,1925,A. D. f ' H LL CALL: Bullen e, lloCord J.7e, 6 Ayes Cavender Aye, Norris Aye, IA&7or so ordered. lfays None, • Lemon qe, Winkle~ qe, inutes of dJourned Regular Ueeting of the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorad°Mtbie ~3 rd d.q of llovember A. D. 1925, stand approved as /Z&odJ this /fo- dq of ~w • D. 1926. --~~P-__(lj~-- Cit7 Clerk, I I I I I ··I