HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-02-08 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I . I · I I :aJDULlR K&3l'UG or ~Hl CITY couaCIL OP' TH~ CITY OF Ji~IGU.'WQ ,)D, COLORAD0, 1'HI5 llOHDAY THE . -8Tll D y OP rm tWiY ,.A.D. 1926. ·. : • ~or John Simon oalled the meeting tt order and asked for roll call. BOLL CALL: Ballen Preaent, Cavender Present, Lmnon Preaent, lldeord Present, Borris Present, •~tir Preeent. 6 Present Absent none. or asked Clerk to read minutes. Clerk read all minutes of aegular Ueeting of Janua17 11,AdJourned Regular meeting of Jan11&17 18,and AdJourned ~•gular ~•eting of February 6,1926. · ldermaD llorrie I.loYed, ) Winkler Seoonded,) That all minutes Just read by the Clerk be approYed as read. 40LL Cil.L: 1 Bullen A7•, Cavender Aye, Lemon J.7•, oCord J..7•, Borris Aye, Winkler 1.7•· ~or so ordered. Cler read all reports of Officers for January. ld•rman 1Dkl•r UOYed,) Uqs llone Borri• Seconded,) That all reports of Officers read b7 Clerk be accepted. OLL CALL: llen J.7•, CaYender A1e, Lemon A7•, J&oCord J.7•, llorrie qe. Winkler "7•· 6 AJ'•• Nqs None. ~or so ordered. All billa O.K'd by the Pinance Committee. SALABY PUG ••• Warr•' 6961. Jobn SinaOD llqor 196'. r..ora ••11• Clerk 6966. Ben~ ••• a. •• , Attornq 6~66. •al 'er •1110' Chief of Polio• 6111. ..bt. G. 11-ara Aeai. c. •f Polio• H6t. a. L. Bigh=h ~-aeurQr 1968. Dr. A. O. lf•1 t Health comm. 1969. A. W. •i:e Street Com. 6960. Geo. c. llen .Alderman 6961. B. •· CaYender Alderman 6961. L. B. Lemon Alderman 6963., J. c. MoCord .l ld el'lllU 696'. • B, ••rria Alderman 6966. O. A. •1n1tler .A.ldeeman 6966. Yiotor Balow l'ire Truck Dr1Yer LIGHT FUND 696'1. Arapahoe •· L • P. Co. LIBRABY PU.ND 6968. Brlglewoo4 !»Ubllo L1br&17 69'10. 69'11. 69'12. 6971. 6974. 6976. 69'16. 697'1. 6978. 6979. 6980. 6981. 6982 •• 6981. 6984. 6986. 6986. 6987. 6988. 6989. hank llallahon P. •· Wilaon B•er ilaon c. B. Bepe John 011111 • .•. ....,.,.k. Balpb CelelMlrn •· J. Andera•n a. W. Weloh (AS) •••••• •• L. lh•peon •· Cneker Clitfort Siil th Clittort 1th D. I. Kirklin (AS) Waleh Motor Co. JM Boot HQ Boger• J>. A. Sutoon L. II. Phillipa •• J. llabu•k• Lenora fogle G D al~L ------------ Aldel'llall CaYender lloYe4,) P Iii~ .lf'Ulil> DriYer PUBLIC IUPROVEU&NT PUllD 'lruclc DriTer 1Tactor l>riYer Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Hauling Snow " GraYel " .. " .. Snow OraYel Bootleg Squad GENERAL PUND Booileg Squa4 Wire Iaapector Special l'olioe Dog Catcher Supplies • 10.00 116.00 33.sa 160.00 1"1.00 16.00 26.00 &6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 26.i tfii. 1666.66 •100.00 49.00 • 62.00 62.00 11.00 32.00 14.00 H.00 18.oo 16.00 6.00 11•.7& 43.00 13.00 ao.oo 160.00 1678.'IS. tl60.00 69.8'1 &.00 16.00 •• oo ta2t.31 tiaH.99 •orria Seoon4e4,) That all bills O.X'd b.J •1nanoe Ooaaitt•• ~· a11 .. et. BOLL CALL: Bullen Aye, Cavender ~·· Lemon Aye, lloCord qe. •orria ~e, Winkler qe, 6 qes B113s lfone l1&7or ao ordered ..:.-.on Mo0or4 lloYecl , ) Winkler See»nde4.) That a statement be publ1ahe4 in the paper regar.llng the aual oon41tlon ot atreeta and aaJcing the people to haYe patienoe in regard t• aeme aa sraY•l haa been parohaae4 b7 the Cit)' and the work la being P*•h•4 aa faat a• pe .. 1ble. BOLL CALL: Ballen qe. i.aon -'II•, lloCcrd J.7•, llorria itye, Winkler.,_, 6 q•• liq• JI one i1&7or so ordered ~or Simon being called out at this time, ~or Pr••tem,Bullen, toet the ohair. !he l>eDTer And South Platte Ba11•&1' Co. oame before the gounoil a1t1Dg thea '9 enter into an agreement whereb7 t•e ComapDT would be pel'llit,•4 'o take up thier ~11• without iapaft'ment ot their tranohi••· Alderman Borri1 MoYed,) Winkler Seoonded,) that 1aid resolution and oentraot be referred te the Couno11 aa a o ... lttee of the whole. ROLL CALI.: lllll• .,., lloCord ' CaYender ~·· •orr 11 Af1e , Winkler qe, Lemon qe, 6 q•• liq• Bone •or ao ordered llr. s. L. ilghbaagh, Oit)' !reaeurer, reported to tht Counoil, that an 1Dterea• ~ent en outatanding b•D4• of Water llain liatriot 9waber <me, and Ballp4en A••ra• PaYing »ietrio Bo. l, wulcl be due and pqable on llaroh t~£1126, an4 that it welt 'be neoea1&r7, in order to meet 1a14 intere1t P8¥ment1, to issue a4441tioaa1 ben4a •• ln4ioate4 upon the atatemeataa tollowa: TBEASUBD' S 5 rfA'l'll.lBUT AND ESTDIATE WATER KAIB DIS'l'HICT BO. 1. lnglewoo4, Colt. 'eb. 8, 1986 • • 89,600.00 2,t61.2& Total amount of bonda iasaed and f'ltatanding to date Aoov.ret intereat on aboYe bonds, due Uaroh 1, 1926 HAllPDJUI AVKlfUK ~AVIJIJ DI~TBICT NO.l t1aa1 amount ot bonds issued and outstanding to date Aooured intereat on aboYe bonda 4ue llaroh 1, 1926 • 82,000.00 880.00 S. L. Highbaugh Treasurer. UPliOID; Glen A. Isett Oit7 ~gineer UP OYD: John Simon liq•'-· the following bill was also preaented to the Counoil 1D oonneo•ien with the ab••• · J>11ir1ota: WATER KAIJI DISRICT Jll. l, Due '• a. L. Highbaugh for serYioea aa Treaaurer on bond• eto. 16&.oo IWIP U AVUUB PAVIUG DIS!BIC!' BO. l. Da.e to ». L. •1ghbaugh for serYioea as treasurer en bond• eto. taa.oo ~PBOV!D 1191 I1e•t ---Cit7 angineer APPBOYBJ> John Simon---~or s. L. Highbaugh ---Treasurer Alderman ~llen MOY .. ,) Wintler Seoonde4,)filat a OOP7 of the aboYe atatement and estima•• be in• rporaie4 in and spread upen the miDutea, and that the following reaolutien be a4•pt .. , which resolution •••~thereupen rea4 in full; _ "Bl If R&SOLYBD bJ' the ~1t7 Council ot the wit7 et jnglewee4, Ool•a4e, that the aboYe aild foregoing statement a :1d eatimate be approYed, aa4 that the •ount1 ahewn therein •111 be due and owing tn llaroh l, 1926, to '9 holder• ef the outatan4Ang bond• in Water Jlaln• J>iatriot Bo. 1, and 1D BallptennAYenue PaYing »ietrict Bo. l, ae aooured interest on said ben4a, on Maroh 1, 1926, be paid to the holder thereof out of mone~a in the han4a of the 9reaaurer to the credit of the reapective d1str1o••. or to come ln•• hia han4a f•om the aale of bonds of said diatriot, and to oharge the aame en aooount ot •h• reapectiYe matters therin contained, and that the aa•GD' shown therein to be due and owing to s. L. tlighbaugh be pa14 and oharge4 1D lille manner.1! BOJ.L CALL: Bullen 1.7e, lloCar4 "7•, CaYender q e, Jfoaria qe, 6 Aye1 Bay• Hone ~or so oa4•••d Ma¥or Simon returned at thia time. Alderman Bullen JiloYe4,) Lemon qe, Winkler "'7•· •orrie Seooned,) That the requeat tor Quit ollim 4ee4 ter I l••• •' 28t6 South Broadway be referred to a1t7 Attorne7 and Uit7 ~ng1neer. ROLL CALL: B1lllen qe, lloCord • OaYJDder A78. lforrla Aye, 6 Ayes Haya Bone •lderman Bullen MoTe4,) ~or so ordered Lemon qe, Winkler qe, •orria 8eoonde4,) That there being no further Ceunoil, ~eunoil adjourn to meet Kond~. 1eb. 15, 1926. buaineaa to oeme befere the ROLL CALL: atllen •7e, lloCord qe, CaYender Aye, llorris qe, 6 qea Hqs .None J.la7•r so ordered. Lemon Atqe, Winkler 1.7•· llinutea of Beg1lar Ueeting Of tbe Ci th wouncil of the ~it7 Of iillzlglewoo4, Colora4•. thia 8th ~ ef hWuaz7 , 1926, A. D. atand approTed aa 2 v""'V thie z-: dq ef ?ng..t,jJ1916. I I I I ·I