HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-04-19 (Regular) Meeting MinutesaJOlT.dDD am uua lil~TlliG 01 THJ CIT'l COUUCIL O? ~HE CITY OF E!lGLEWOOD, COLORADO, HIS UO HD AY TH 19th DAY cm APRIL.A.D.1926. · 17or John Simon culled LL LL: the meeting to order and asked for roll call. Bullen .?reaent. uor.nrd Preaent' CBvender Present. Uorris Present, Lemon Pr•••nt. Vlinkler Preaent, 6 .Present Billa oreaented b7 th• Clerk and Absent Uone. O.K'd by the Finance Committee. ;J o. 619 8 . 619 9. 6 200 . 0 ·0 1. 6 '0 2 . 6 0 3 . 6 20 4. 6 "06. 6~0 6. 6207. 6 "0 8. arrn nt. •·•· ennek e Homer 1lson Geo.DioJceraon P.Jl .W1laon DioJc Clover B.Rermann Joe Ooett• G.S.Dangler .T. r.ong Bo~ Elmer ll elaon Alderman Bullen Uoved.) PUBLIC 114PHOVEL1Elfr PUllD. Labor Traetor driver BlHdeman Truell driver Labor TeW!lster Labor Lah"~ r,~bor Labor Cement Uixer • 32.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 12.00 7.60 14.00 14.00 8.00 a.oo a.oo 123!.&o CBTender ~•oonded.) Th Kt ull bills o.~'d by linance Committee be allowe4. o ~ , c•L :,~ Bullen .il7e. oCord qe. C"-Y•nder Aye, liorria Aye. Lemon J.7•, Winkler A:T•· 6 ~·· HR.ya ~one U"7or so ordered. ~B7or asked if there were liJlY protests _,.uinet ~later Main District Bo.2. -t-.Smith presented protests which were read by the Clerk. oved,) lderman .U orr111 Bullen and C1t7 Bngineer. 5eoonded,) Th~t said protests be referred to City Attorney BO L CALL: Bullen qe, liloCord qe, Cavender A:ye, Horris Aye, 6 i\7•• Ila.ya Hone. Usyor so ordered. Le~on qe, Winkler qe, .Yr.Glen A.Isett, th• Cit7 !ngilleer.presented the following estimates connection with South Broadway ?aving District No.3 Whereupon the estimates were read in full by the Clerk. Eatimu.te .Uo.l• Contru ot. -South Broadw~ PaTing District Uo.3. Contractor.-Th• e11tern Paving Con11truction Go. 1766 lin.tt. ia~ .... r pip• in plao• 1Y 6 lin.tt, 16" ••••r pipe in place 062 lln.tt. 12" ••••r ~ip• in pluoe 9 man hol•• 18 oatoh basins L••• l °" retained AIDount due this eatimate Eetimate Ho.2. Contra ct. -~outh Broadway Diatriot Ho.3. Contractor.-'?he Cities 3ngineorini and Contracting Co. 4 ~ ot ~848.18 I Bnglewood,Colo,A~ril 19,1926. t 1.50 per.ft. 1.20 per.ft. .94 per.ft. 45.00eaoh 45.00 eaoh -1'otai Glen A•Izett t2632.&o 23'78 • .0 622.28 406.00 810.00 16848.18 684.81 616!.!' -·- Cit7 Engineer Glen A,Ize'tt Cit)' llngiJlen I I I • I I • I I I 1. I Alderman Bullen Uoved,) WiDkl•r Seconded,) That a copy of the above estimates be incorporated in and spread upon th• minutes.and that the following resolution be adopted,which resolutioa was thereupon read in full: . BE I T a&SOLV~D b1 the City Council of the City of Englewood,Colorado,that estimate Bo.2 of th• City Engin••r,ahowing the amounts due at this time, to parties mentioned therein The Western Paving Construction Co, Th• Cities Engineering and Contracting Co.Inc. be and th• same are h•r•b)' approved,and the City ~reasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay to said parties the amounts shown by said estimates to be due and owing to them at this til:l• out of moneys in hie hands to the credit od said district,or to come into his hands from the sale of bonds of said district,and charge the same on account of the respective matters therein contained. Th• question of the adoption and taken with the f ollowing result BOLL CALL: approval of the above resolution was put and the vote Bullen qe, UoOord A.7•, 6 qes Cavender Aye, .Norrie Aye, lilayor so ordered. Nays lione. Lemon Aye, Winkler A7•, Glen with A.Izett,the City Kngineer,presented the following estimate Uo.2 in 001111ection HOUUI GRADi llG AUD S ID~WAU: DISTrlICT l'lO. l ereupon the e s tll:lates were read in full by the Clerk. Englewood,Colorado,April 19,1926. Estimate on Hoskins Grading and ~idewalk District No.l. To C.A.B•rg 12 days inspecting .6.00 $60.00 Glen A. Izett, Approved. City Engineer. Alderman Bullen a oved,) inkler Seconded,) That a copy of th• above estimate be incorporated in an4 spread upon the minutes,and that the following resolution bev adopted,which reaolution was th•r•uton read in full: · .BB I ~S O LVBD b' th• City Council of th• City of Englewood,Colorado,that es~imate Bo.2 of the Cit7 Engineer,ehowing th• a mounts due at this time, to parties mentioned therein C.A ?3erg be and th• same are hereby approved,and th• City Treasurer is hereb7 authorized and directed to pay t o said party the wnount shown by said estimate to be due and owing to t h e m at t h is t im e out of moneys in his hands to the credit of said distriot,or to come into his hands fro m the sale of bonds of said district,and charge the same on account of th• res pective oattere therein contained. The q uestion of the adoption and t ak n ·r i th t h e !ol lowing re t1 ul t: dO L L CALL: approval of the above rosolution was put and the vote ~. Bullen A.7•, UoCord Aye. Cavender Aye, Uorrie Aye, U&yor eo ordered. .Nays None. Clerk read resoluti un amending Jr•liminary Ord~r ilSOLU 'l'IuN A l.I~ DING PR ~LIUil'IAl:tY OHD~ • . Lemon Aye, Winkler A7•. WR!i lAS,th• Cit7 Council heretofore on iJarch 16,1926.duly passed a preliminary order for t•r Ua in District Uo.2 ,adopting eertain details and specifications stated in laotioa 3 thereof; and .. 11148, notice of the creation of said district has been heretofore duly given,ae proYitecl b7 law,and th• date !or hearing protests · and objections eet on this date,to-•1': -April 19.19 26; and WBB d &4 S,1t now appears that there are no protests or objections to the creation of the said district or the conat~uction of the improvements therein; but that certain euggeetiona haY• been made b)' in••rested parties and property owners within the •1atrio' !or the omisaion from the District of certain pipes described in the said section 3 of th• Preli.mlnare Order; and WRB~&AS,th• Cit7 Council desires to grant the request of said parties and .to now male• certain minor ohangee i n the details and specifications set forth in said Preliminar7 Or4er. NCM ,THEHE10hB ,B3 IT~SOLVED,that Section 3 of the Order for Water Uain District No.2, heretofore paaaed and adopted by the City Council on to-wit:-the ~~d~ of Uaroh,1926, b• amended so a s to read as follows. SEC .3.-That the following details and specifications are hereby adopted: P our inch mains on the following streets: south Clarkson from Oxford to Union; South aahington from Princeton to Union; south Pearl from Princeton to Union; South Penn117lYania f rom Princeton to Quinoy; South Galapago from Princeton to Quino7; South Huron from Princeton to QuAa07; ~outb 8annook from Hampden to Oeffereon; the all97 between s outh Penna7lYania and South Pearle Streets from a point 200 feet north of K e~on to a poiOt ~O feet north of Hampden, thence northeasterl7 to a point on South Pearl Street 1 00 feet north of Hampden Avenue; South 'earl from said laat named point to a point BOfeet South of Girard Avenue. Six inch main• on the following streets: East Princeton Avenue from Washington to Clark on; &a at li adoliff from Pennsylvania to Clarkson, east Tuffa Avenue from South Penn97lYania t o 'larkaon; est Princeton from ~outh liurun to South lox. '?wo inoh mains on th• following streets: West Quincy Avenue from South Huron to ~outh P ox; ~at Union from ~outh P•nne7laania to south Clarkson. l ire ~4ranta on the following named corners: South Clarkson and Eaat Raclolitt; So uth Pearl and E at Radcliff; ~outh Washington and East Tufte; South Galapago &114 eat .Pr inoeton. 'f . ld ercian Horris ~OY•d.) inkl•r Seconded,) 'l'hat resolution amending Et•limin•ry Order be adopte4 • . OLL C ~LL: Bullm 14:3•, JloCord 47•, lderman Bullen ved,) CaYend•r Aye, Jlorris a.ye, 6 A.7•& Uays Hone '4a7or so ordered. Lemon Aye, Winkler qe. inkler ·eoonde4,) 'l'hat th• City Attorn•J and City ~in••r be 1nstruote4 to t • th• •t•P• necee •'r7 'o oreat• a sidewalk district on th• South side of Hampden Avenue from th• end of the present sidewalk at the alley between Broadw~ and Bannoot ftreeta ao th• railroad tracka,-.. id diatriot to be created as quickly as th• law will permit. ROLL CALL: Bullen ~·· oCord ~r•, Ald erman UoCo rd UoY ed,) CaYejder at.ye, Horris Aye, 6 qes llqs Uone Uqor ao ordered. Lemon qt, Winkler qe. I !Ar!ion econded,) That proposed ord inane• llO. Series of 1926 "AN ORDillAllCE I I! G ~ Lit. I ~;~T DISTliICT IU '.4'H~ CI'l'Y CD l'' ~~lGLEWOOD, COLO.hADO, TO BE KNOWlf AS Ill DI 'l ICT aO . 2 AllD OrtIUiUHG AU D AU'l'HORIZING Tllli LAYING AHD CO I•STRUCTIOB 0'1 I S, 'i'OG ~:dmB . I 'l'H U~CESSARY APi>Ul TEUC l~SALOllG, 'i1HHU A!ID UPON CERT~IN S!REBTS 'J.H~ Cl~ P EllGL:. OOD, AJID .t'ROVIDIIlG ~"'OR 'l'HE t;;sUE OF BONDS OP THE DISTllIOT DJ 4 OR ID LOCAL ILIJ?:OVWKNT." be introduced and read as a proposed ordinanoe of the of dnglewoo4, Color~do • . OLL CALL: Bullen qe, CaYender Aye, Lemon Aye, KoCordqe, Borris Aye, Winkler Aye, 6 '-¥•• Nays None ~or so ordered. Cl el'.k rend proposed orclinanoe Uo. ~•ries of 1926 "AN O.HDIHAUCB CR&ATOO AH nu>liOV~ DI ' IO!' I . ~HK CI ' Y OP ~GI.6 OOD,~L O~DO, ~U BE KNOW~ AS WATER UAI.N DISTRICT BO. 2 D ORD I Q D UTHOH IZI~G 'l'HA LAY IUG All D COUSTHUCYION OF WAT?~ lUIHS TOGE'l'HBB WITH 5 ARY Ai.PURJ. .A.1'C3S AU>BG, THR U AND IPO.N C.:.RTAilf STID~ETS WITUIN TH~ CITY OP BSLEWOOD, P OVID:raG R TH~ IS SU~ OP BOlIDS 01 TH~ DI STHICT IN PAYflENT P'OR SAID LOCAL IllPROV111•T." lJI full. Al&..,,._M c....... Alert .. '{ ) WiDJcler Seconded,) i'laat proposed ordinance llo. Series at 1926 "il ORDlliilCI Clt&TillG AU IJOHOVJl.lENT DISTRICT IN 'l1HE CITY OF 311Gt!WOOD, ODDO.BADO, !O BB KlfOlli A8 A'f Jalli DISTRICT MO. 2, ~ ORDEIRI.NG AUD AUTHORI~IBG 'l111E LAYING ABD COJJS!BUCtIOB OJ' I.Tia us, TOGDH.Jm ITH liECESSAHY APPURTE.NAllCES ALOlfG, THRU AND UPOll ClllUU amns ITHIB '11H~ CITY OP lGIOLEWOO D, Al~D PROVIDING FOR 'i'H ~ ISSUE OP .BONDS OP THE DISTRIO! I• PA ·~· T PW S, ID LOCAL I . .u>rtOV~ENT." do now pass first reading as read. ROLL CALL: f !hll len qe, K.OaN Aye, ld erm zn inkl•r iloYed,) 6 Ayes CaYender Aye, .Norris Aye, ?lays None Ja_yor so ordered. Lemon A~•. Winkler Aye, Uvrria ~econded,) That whereas proposed ordinance No. Series of 1926 •jJJ 1.J° IA;ICE CREA ldG ll LJ.l'_.OV~J~'l' DISTRICT IN 'l'Ht.: CITY OF J ~lGLJ<;w1mD, C )LORADO, TO BB UOWB AS AT ' WAUl DISJ:RIC '1' liO. 2. AHD O.:iD.l';lilllG AliD AU'l'HOliIZIUG 'i'H?; LAY nm AND COHSTRUC~IOll OP A ' ' I S, '.L1 0G8l1H.m .Jl'lH 1H Z l~ECESSARY AP l'URTENA!ICES ALONG, 'mRU AUD UPOlf CKllTAll ftllBftS I'l'Hlll 'lHI CITY OP &UGLE OOD, n.llD PrtOVIDIUG FOH '.i1HE ISSUE OP BONDS OP Tllli DISTRIO! ll FAY T F ~A ID LOCAL lllPiiOV&:rarl T." has been introduced and passed at ite first rea41.Dg. OW , i'H~ 31'oaE, BE IT ii~S LVBD, b7 the Cit7 Council, of the ~it7 of &ll!:wood, that the proposed ordinance Ho . ~•ri•s of 1926, aforesaid be publillh•d in th• leweot Bearl4 a •••kl7 newspaper, pui!'iahed in the City of &lgl .. ood, Colorado, aa required b7 th• iaiuie of th• ~tat• of Colorado, and to now go o••r for further consideration at another •••ting. uLL CALL: Bullen J.7•, cCor4 .A.7•, 6 J.7•8 Cavender Aye, Nortis Aye, Haya .Ilone Ma_yor ao ordered. Lemonqqe, Winkler A7•· Ald•fDUW orri• "oYed,) inkl•r ~econded,) 'l1hat the grade be changed 10 that drain .. • be north on Cherokee instead of West on Cherokee Street 1n the 8700 bleok OD Lehigh. 'OLL 'ALL: Bullen 4•, Ko0or4 qe, Ald •fDAn Bull en ved,) WiDkler ·eoonded.) open up the Pool Hall at 35 ~OTL 'ALL: Bullen qe, JioCord qe, Cavender AY9, Horris Aye, 6 Ayes lfqs Hone. Mqor so ordered. L•on J.7•, Winkler A.7•. That th• matter of granting a license to Mr. Breitkieats to E. Hampden be referred to the license committee. Cavender Aye, Horris Aye, 6 qes .Nqs None Uqor so ordered. Lemon J.7•, Winkler A.7•, ldermon CaYender oYed,) Horris Seconded,) Council adjourn. That the~being no further bueinees to come before the Council, ROLL CAL "'.',,L: Bullen A.7•, • Uo0or4 A7•, Cavender Aye, If orris •y •, 6 qee N~s Uone Uayor so ordered. Lemon qe, Winkler Ape, · inu .. a of Adjourned .Hegular Ueeting of the Uity Council of th• Uit7 of Rnglewot4, Colorado, thl• onday the 19th day of April. A. D. 1926, stand approYed aa 4 L«d-<c/; th1• -J.IJ,. l&7 of IU7 A. D. 1926. I I