HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-05-12 (Regular) Meeting Minutes~OtraHED i JGUliR UEZT illG 0? TH.! CI 'i1Y COUUCIL OF THE Cl'l1Y OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THIS BDUJSDAY,LIAY,12,A.D. 1926. ~or John Simon oalled OLL CALL: the meeting to order and asked for roll call. Bullen Present, 1loCord Present, 6 Present ~lderman Bullen Moved,) Cavender Present, Horris Present, Absent lione. Lemon Preeen t, Winkle~ Present, Winkler Secp~lled,) That a Committee of three be appointed to Paradox Land and Trans:tV'rrComp~ to close the final details on contract bus. Committee to be Bullen,Cavender and Winkler. · meet with the tor municipal BOll e OAQ~. Bullen Aye. 1 oCord Aye, 6 Ayes Alderman Bullen Uoved,) Cavender Aye, llorris Aye, ~or so ordered. Na7s None. Lemon A7e, Winkler qe, Winkler Seconded,) That proposed ordinance No. Series of 1926,•AB I ORDilfAHCE AUEHDiliG AUD o>Ui..>PLE.AElf..rLm PROPmLm ORDIUAUCE IiO. SERIES 1926, 'EITITLBD I 'All 0.dDlllAllC~ CHEAT ING All Ii.IiHOV3il 2Jl'i' DIS'l'iiICT IN TH•: OITY OF EllGLEWOOD, COLORADO, TO BB ~~01.ll AS 1A'~EH LIAIN DISTRICT N0.2,AliD ORDBi1IHG AllD AUTHOl1I:~nlG mm UTIB&IAlfD COllSTRUCTIOlf OP ATt2 WAI.US,TOOE'l'HKH WITH HEC3S~ARY APPURTAllCES ALOllG,THHOUGH AUD UPOB CERTAIB S'l'BEE'l'S . I TH I.J TH:; CITY OF EllGLE\YOOD,AllD PROVIDUlG lf'OH THE ISSUE OF BOllDS OJ.P 'l'HE DISTBIC! Ill PAY ~JT ?Orl ~ID LOCAL IUPiiOVELl filJT ' ,AND PHOVIDillG FOii TH£ QUARENTEE BY THE CITY or THE BUD~ o~ 1HE DI3THICT".be introduced and read as a proposed ordinanoe for the Cit7 of :?!nglewoo4~Colorado. BOJ.l CALL: Bullen Aye, Cavender Aye, Lemon J..7•, UoCord Aye, Horris A7e, Winkler qe,. 6 Ayes, !'lays None, uayor so ordered. Clerk read proposed ordinance No. Series of 19~6, "AN OliDINA!JCE AUEUDING AND SUPPLBl J.iENTIHG PROPO~ED ORD INAUCE NO. SERI~~ UF 1~26,'EHTITLED'AN ORDINANCE CREATlBG All L.U>. V.&J~T DI::>T.LUCT I.Ii 'l'~ CI'.l'Y 01!1 ~G~WOuD, COLORADO, TO BE KNOWN AS WATER JilAilf DISTRIC~ . 0.2.au uaD~IHG HD ALTTHO.dIZiliG THE LAYING AUD COUSTiiUC~IOl'l or WATER UAIN3,TOGJl'lBBR ITH llEC&;SAUY PPUiiTAllCE~ JLLO.UG, THROUGH AllD UPOU O&HTAil:l :lTHE~TS WITHIN THE CITY OP 3iiGL..s D, llD >ii VIDillG FOii '1 llli ISSUE Ul BOUD~ 01!1 1.L1 Hl~ DISTHICT IN PAYl!EllT l"OR SAID L C L DJl>rlul ~l'J." ,Ji.llD i>RO VIDIHG ~'OH TH~ GUAHE!JTEE BY 'l'H i ~ CITY Ol.i' rl'HE BONDS OJ.P THE Dio)' .iICT", in ful 1. Alderman Bullen ~oYed, ) Lemon Seconded,) ·~at proposed ordinance No. series of 1926,"AB 11c~ AU r~ING AUD o>ui>j.>L&11t.~11Tum i>R0Pos 1~n uHDINANcE Bo. SERIES 01 1926,UTI!LBD I RDI.UAlfC~ c ~T IIlG ~ll I iJP iiOV ~J~ilT DISTHIC'l' Ill THr: c ITY oP imGLEWOOD, COLORADO, TO BE , 0 •s ,,\,L •• Ill Dlo>~.Li!C~ llu.2,AUD OrlDEHillG AllD AUTHORI ~IllG THE LAYING AHD COlfSTRUCTIOJr l , "' . UAlil~,J:OOZ!'II~ ,Jll1H N.r.;C..!:::>~ArlY Al?J:lUi1T~lAllCEJ ALONG,THROUGH AUD UPOB CKR!AUf ~·1aA&T~ ~I'.rHI ·~H~ Cl'J.'Y u~, .i.!:llGLE 'iOOD,AUD PROVIDillG f 1 U.L 'J.'H~ IS~UE 0~1 BUllDS OF THE DISTRICT r rAY 'IT 10 ·• I LOC L .W.rJOVEI.lliliT. ,AUD PH0 '/ID!liG :b,Oii 1.l.1 H~ GUAiii~fl'EE HY THE CITY o• i:H.E Bv · D;) UJ! ·.i'H~ Dhh rlIC·.L ", do nov1 pass first reading e.s read. a :'.,L CALL: Bullen A.7e, Cavender ~ye, Lemon A7e, oCord A.ye, Norris Aye, Winkler Aye, • 6 Ayes !iaya !lone • ~or 80 ordered. lderman Bullen l oved,) Norris ~econded,) That whereas proposed ordinance Ho. Series of 1926, "All ORDI CE ~ .:. DlilG .tt. JD ..1U.2 i>L~I~f.r IlJG P.i;{O t?u~ «;D ORDIUAIJCE NO. ::>EiiIES OF 1926, ~illi: IJ.AD'i .ll o· DI n.LJC~ C.i: E; 'J.1 Il G All I'.lPiiO'/E1.~UT .DI ~'.r IC'J. Ill TH.!~ CI'l'Y 0.F ~NGLE~/OOD,COLORADO? '~u n~ ~s ,, 1 ,~~ .: T .·~i UAHI DI~rr.ucT H.l. 2,il JD u.;ii).iliIUG A.UD AU'rHO:LtI ~nm TH~ LAYING -ABD C il:>L UC 1 I ~ c1 • ,,,.·~ •;..: l.1Alll ;),1:1 00 ....;'1'H 1 ·~1 \I I 'rll l ~C~ dA~--r.Y .~1:1 .. ?U:aT E!JANCE::> ALO.NG,THROUGH A.ND -n cj,L 'l' HI S'r: E~'i'oi WITHill THE CITY O? Wl'lGLE\VOOD,AliD PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUE OF BOliDS ~ '.LHu DI:hii!CI I PAYU~T FOH ~AID LOCAL IliPHOVill!IBNT," AllD PROVIDING FOR THE GUARFJITBB BY TH CITY O 'rH ·~ BO~::; IJF 1.i'ii~ DI~l'HICT" .has been introduced and passed at its first r reading . uOW,THEitJn'i ,BK I T rl~OLV~~,by the 6ity 6ouncil of the City of Englewood that the proposed ordinance Jo. ~eriea of 19 2 6 uforesatd,be published in the .~glewood Herald, a weell.y new~paper,pub!Iihed in the City of lmglewood,Colorado,as required b7 the State of Colorado,and do now go over for further consideration at another meeting LL CALL: Bullen Aye,) Cavender Aye, Lemon Aye, l.loCord Ay e, Uorris Aye, Winkler qe, 6 yes lderaan orris d oved,) Bullen ~eoonded,) ater Allin District 0.2 • .tO~L CALL: Bullen Aye, LloCord 7e, 6 A.yes Alderman Cavender Uoved,) Uays llone, .Jayor so ordered. That the Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for Cavender Aye, Norris Aye, Llayor 80 ordered. !Jays llone. Lemon Aye, Winkler A7e, inkler deoonded,) That ?ire Uhief,Wilfred E.Hamlin, be approved. 40LL CALL: Bullen Aye, Cavend~r Aye, Lemon Aye, oCord 1e, Norris Aye, Winkler Aye, 6 Ayes Nays None, Uayor so ordereu. I I I I I I I ' ar.Glen A.Iaait,the City Engineer.presented the following estimates for \YAT&1 11AIU DISTnICT NO. l. whereupon the following estimates were read in full: Englewood,Colorado,llay 12,1926. Contract, -ater llain District No.l 8et1mate to the Englewood Denver Transfer. 23 lengths of 6" pipe from Denver to Englewood. $ 16.00 Glen A.Izett, City Engineer" .lpproYed. I Estimate No.2. Contract, -Tap Chunges we:ter Uain District Uo. l. Contractor,-The Cities ~ineering and Contracting Co.Inc. 4~~ Of 7720.00 ~•ea amount paid in estimate No.l Amount due this estimate ApproYed. 3stimate No.7. Cont ot, -ater Uain District No.l. i347.40 1154.44 $192~96 Glen A. Izett, City Engineer. Contractor,-The Cities Engineering and Contracting co.Inc. of Of 145694.78 133063.69 Leaa amount paid. uetimate llo. l " " 2 " " 3 " " 4 " " 5 " " 6 Amount due this estimate pproYed. ~stimate No.l Contract, -Wat er l.lain District No.l. &etimat • to Ur •• a.Ardell, i 972.75 1483.32 1926.10 403.26 574.08 748.88 ~738.47 ' ~987.86 726.33 $617. 94 Glen A.Izett, City Engineer, or 1260 feet of 3 inch pipe 'ogetber with 2 inch main on Be.et Bates and Q.st Cornell. 1260 feet in place on ~o.Logan Street between Yale and Bates East Bates from Logan to Penn.and on so.Pean. between .39¢ t491.40 ApproYed. Contract, -ater U&in District No.l. Estimate to the Denver Water Board for connection at wood main 360 ft.of c.1. pipe 12240 lbs. l>rQ Plua l°" OD f4.69 t7o.oo per ton Glen A.Izett, City Engineer, So.Deleware and Oxford to 48" t223.23 $428.40 4.69 .47 $656. '19 Glen A.Izett, pproYed. City Engineer, ' Estimate llo.2. Contract, -Tap Changes Yater Uain District Uo.l. Contractor,-c.L. ilber· und kok iiogers. 966 'l'ap changes Lees l~ retained f8.00 each .7720.00 712.00 Lese amount paid in estimate Ho.l. Extra work as per. attached bill Amount due thia eatimtt.te pproYed. Estimate No.7 Contract,-ater 11.ain Dietrio~ uo.l. Contraotor,-'l'he J.3.Swartz Construction Co. 29917 Lin.ft. 6" pipe in place 83662 Lin.ft. 4" pipe in pluoe 8381 Lin.ft. 2" pipe in place 61 Pir• 1l7dranta 18 6" ValYes 168 •" ValTee 9 2!! ValTes 114 6"b76"-6"b74"-4"b74" tees and crosses 122 6" and 4" plugs 63 placing of olamps 9.6• to 4" reducers G2 2" plugs 3 6" sleeves 6 4" sleeves 2 6" 460 bends 16 4" bends 12369 Lin.ft. 5'to 6' out 4625 Lin.ft. 6'to 7' out 1462 Lin.ft. 7'to 8' out Jorce account to NoT.10,1926 Leae $3000. retained Lese amounts paid in estimates Mo.l to 6 inc. ApproYed. N94e.oo 3088.80 ¥3SS9.2o 320.00 '4179.26 Glen A.Izett, Ci t;y Engineer, ~ $ .l.20 per.ft. @ .8'1 per.ft. @ .39 per.ft. @ 110.00 each @ 42.00 each ~ 26.00 eaoh 4 16.00 each J l '7 .oo each @ 2.50 each ~ 3.00 each ~ 13.00 each @ .60 each ~ 11.60 each @ 9.60 each ., 16.50 each @ 11.60 each ~ .06 per ft. ~ .02 per ft. @ .03 per ft. Glen A.Izett, $35900.•0 '12'1'1'1.24' 3242.0'1 9180.00 756,00 4200.00 135.00 1938.00 306.00 189.00 117.00 31.00 34.50 4'1.60 31.00 18'1.20 613."6 91.60 43.86 337.12 113011¥.A 3000.00 119789.36 - Cit;y Engineer. The Cit7 3ngineer stated that the foregoing esticates had received his approval,and thereupon presented them tor the upproval of the Council. Alderman CaYender Joyed,) Ballen Seconded,) That a copy of the foregoing estimates be incorporated in the minutes,and that the following resolution be adopted,which resolution was thereupon rend in tull,and is as follows: ' BB IT rt.330LVBD b7 the Cit;y Council of the foregoing estimates presented to the City certain amounts to be due at this time to to-wit: City of lmglewood,Colorado,that the Council by the City Engineer,showing the parties mentioned in said estimates, Th• Cities Engineering and Contracting The Cities Engineering and Contracting Board of ~1ater Commissioners, co.Inc. Tap Changes. Co. Inc. • W .H.Ardell ~lewood Denver Transfer, c.L.Wilber and Jack aogers, J.S.~wartz Construction Co. be and the eace are hereby approved,and the mayor and the City Clerk are hereb7 authorized to sign,and the City Treasurer to countersign,and the Cit7 Treaaurer is hereby &.)'thorized and directed to deliver bonds of said district numbered from to illoluaive,to the purchasers thereof,and to receive in payment therefor t_h_e_am-ount as determined b;y the agreement of sale for said bonds heretofore enterecl iato with said purohaeer,and to deposit said amount to the credit of said district. and to p~ to th• above mentioned parties the amounts shown b;y the foregoing . estimates to be due and owing to them at this time out of the funds to be deriYecl from the sale of said bonds,or from the funds now in his hands to the credit of said district,and to charge the s~me on account of the respective matters stated in said estimates. I I I I ·I I I I I I · The question of the adoption and approval of the above resolution was dul7 put,and the Tote th9~•on taken,with the following result: BOLL CALL: . ' Bullen Aye, UcCord Aye, 6 Ayes Cavender Aye, Norris Aye~ Ulayor so ordered. Nays Hone. Lemon Aye, Winkler J.7e, lderman Bullen aoved,) Lemon deconded,) ire Truck be posponed un~il ROLL CALL: That consideration of the applications for day drivers for Adjourned Ueeting of lAay 25. Bullen Aye, cCord e, 6 qes Cavender Aye, Horris Aye, Uayor so ordered. llo.: a !lone. Clerk read Preliminary urder as follows: Englewood ~idewalk District Uo.l. Preliminary Order. Bw IT RESO!.VED BY THE CITY COUllC IL OF 1.r!IE CITY OF EllGLEViOOD, COLORADO. Lemon qe, Winkler Aye, Sec. 1. 'l'hat the neceasit7 exists for the oreation,and the Cit7 Council now intends to create a local improvement district within the City of Enllewood,in conformit7 with Chapter 180 of the Session Lawe of Colorado for 192~,and with aD1 other act or law in a14 thereof,to be known as ENGLEWOOD SID~'WALK DISTRICT NO.l; and to construct within said diatriot certain looal improvements hereinafter described,and to that end adopts this prel1mina?'7 order. ec. 2. The nature of th~ proposed improve~ent consists in the construction of side- walk• 6 feet in width,and 4 inches thick,along certain streets hereinafter designated. Th• bottom of base of said sidewo.ll:s is to be 31 inches thick,mixed in the proportion of one part cement to 5 parts pit run gravel,and the top is to be i inches thick,mixed in the proportion of 1 pate cement to 2 parts sand. Said sidewalks are proposed to be constructed as follows: ithin the leot Hampden Avenue section or portion of the diatrict,which section or portion is hereinafter described.the sidewulk is to be constructed on the south side of est Hampden venue from the end of the present sidewalk between South Bannock and outh Acoma Streets to the City limits. ithin the douth Broadw~ section or portion of the district.a sidewalk is to be oonetruoted on the east si e of Broadway between a point which is ~86 feet south of the center line of Hampden Avenue and u point 1002 feet south of the Center line of Hampden venue. ithin the Oxi'ord Avenue ~ection or portion of the district,a sidewalk is to be constructed on the north side of Oxford Avenue from the alley between South Lincoln and douth herman to Clarkson,and on the South side of Oxford Avenue from Broadw~ to Clarkson. ~•o. 3. 'l'he cost of said improvement shall be payable in twenty equal annual 1Dstall1nents. Sec. 4. The first of said installments shall become due and payable at a time to be fixed upon the completion of said improvement by the final assessing ordinance,and one installment each year thereafter until the same is fully paid. •11 of the cost of said improvement being due and p~able within 30 days after the final publication of the assessing ordinance, Seo. 5. 11 unpaid principal of said costs and assessments shall bear interest at the rate of not more than six per cent.per annum.and any and all installments not paid as each installment becomes deferred,shall bear interest at the rate of one per cent, per month,or fractional part of a month until paid,as provided by statute. dec. 6. s hereinabove noted,Englewood Sidewalk District No.l will consist of one or more sections or portions which are non contiguous,and which are hereinabove and hereine after referred to as est Hampden Avenue section.~outh Broadway section and Oxford Avenue aeotion,the boundaries of each section being hereinafter defined. The cost of the construction of the West Hampden Avenue section, together with ita proportionate share of the expenses incident to the district is to be born by the propert7 within aaid section and likewise the cost of construction of sidewalk within the other eections,together with the proportionate share of expense incident to the district is to be borne b~ the property within said respective sections. It is the intention and purpose of the City Council,however,that in the event that ~ one section or portion hereinabove referred to, shall be protested out,or shall be o~ omitted for other cause,that the said .Qlglewood Sidewalk District Bo.l shall include ~ one or two of the remaining sections. Th• property to be assessed for the coat of said improvement within each section or pottion as hereinabove set fourth,shall be and include all of the real estate,lota, lande,paroels and sores within the boundart o linea of the respeetiY• sections or portiona, ae tollowe, to-wit: E.JT !Ulil1DEH V&lUE SECTION C to be assessed for cost of sidewalk within said section as hereinabove noted and for proportionate share of the expense of district); Beginning at u point which is 368 feet west of the center line of South Broadw~,and the oenter line of est Hampden Avenue, thence west to the right of way line of the A.T.• s.1.a.R.,thenoe south 2~ feet, thence east to a point ~68 feet west of the center line of ~outh Broadway, thence north to the place of beginning. SOUTH BrlOADWAY SECTION (to be assessed for coat of sidewalk within said section as hereinaboYe ••• .. and for proportionate share of the expense of district); Beginning at a point on the center line of ~outh Broadway which is 365 feet south of th• center line of Hampden Avenue, thence south 617 feet, thence east 183 feet to the oenter line of the al.ey in Block l,Higgins Broadway Addition,thence north alongeaid center line 617 feet, thence west to the place of beginning. ,1G X ORD ,\V lt~lU & :::>;~cTIOll (to be assessed for cost of sidewalk within said section aa herelnaboYe s aoted and for proportionate share of the expense of district); Beginning at the intersection of the center lines of Oxford Avenue and South BroadwSl' thence south ~30 feet,thenoe east to the southeast corner of Lot 37,Blook 17,South Broadway llights,thence north to the northeast corner of Lot 36,Blook 36,South Broadway Heights, thence west to the northewat corner of Lot 36,Blool: 10,South Broadway Heights, t h ence south to t h e center line of Oxford Avenue, thence west to the place of beginning. S eo. 7. 'l'he Ua xuuum cost of the improvement pro p osed as shown by the estimate of the ~in e er now on file at the City Halt. is as follows, to-wit: 'l'he maximum total cost for the improvement, including the incidentals expenses within I the est Hampden Avenue section, is the sum of ~700.00. The maximum front foot cost for the i mprovement within the West Hampden Avenue section, is the sum of $1.46 per front feet. '?he maximwn total cost of the pro p osed improvement,including incidentals,within the 'outh Broadw~ seotion,ie the sum of ~760.00; and the maxi ia wn front foot cost within this section is t h e sum of 1.45 per front foot. The maximwn cost of the proposed improve1nent,including 1ncidentals,w1thin the Oxford venue secti on a s shown by the estimate of tho ..mgineer,is tho sum of $5700.00. ~he maxi wn fro n t foo t c o st within said section,is the 1::>urn of $1.57 per front foot. ~e e s timate of th e llilgine er showing said maximum estimated front foot csts,and the sch e d ule s howing t he app roximate amounts to be usaeased upon the several lots or tracts o f lar:.d within said district are on file at the City Hall,where the same 111~ be seen and examined by any pe r s on interestod. ec. 8. 1 he auth orization and instruction heretofore given to the City F4llgineer to pre pare an e s timate of the cost of said improvement, together with a map of the district and a schedule sh owing the approximate amounts to be asseosed upon the several lots or tra c t s of land within the district,are hereby ratified and conflrmed,and the said estimate map and e oh ed u le h eretofore prepared and now p resented to the council,are hereby adopted w1d a pp roved as t he es timate,map and sched ule of .~glewood ~idewalk District No.l. Sec. 9. Th at t he City Cleri: b e und s he is hereby authorized and instructed to give no ti c e to th e owners of the property to be assessed, by advertisement once a week for thre e c on cutive weel :s, in the 3 nglewood Herald and Enterprise,a newspaper of general ci r cu ti on publ i shod in th e City of Englewood,which notice shall contain the following: 1 1. Th e k i n d o f i u1proveme nt proposed. 2. l wnber o f in s tallment s . ~. '1he t il!le in which tho co s t will be payuble. 4. ~he rat e of interest to be paid on unpnid and deferred installments. 5. The ex t en t of th e district to be improve<l. G. ~he probable cost per front foot as shown by the estimate of the engineer. 7. The t im e not less than twenty days after the first pueaa.ge when an ordinance authori ~in g the improvement will be considered. 8. That the map,eetimate und schedule showing the approximate amounts to be assee s ed,and all reso l utions and proceedings ure on file,and can be seen and examined by any per s on int e re~ted,at the office of the City Clerk at the City Hall,at any time within said period of twenty du.ya. 9 . That all complaints und objections that may be made in writing conoerning the p p~opoee d i mprovement by the owner or owners of any real estate to be assessed ill be heard and dcterc ined by the City Council before final action thereon. 4ld erman Uorr i e ·.i oved,) Lem on · e cond ed, ) 3vLL CALL : 1.r hat .lJ relirn inary Order read by Clerk be approved. Bull en ye, UoCord y e, 6 Ayes Al der~tW Cavende r ~oved,~ Cavender 1ye, l'l orris Aye, i ayor so ordered. llays !lone. Lemon Aye, Winkler Aye, Limon Seconded,) That there being no further business io come before the Counci l ,Council a d journ to meet 'rueeday lil ay 2 5,A.D. 1926. OLL C LL: Bullen Aye, a ocord Aye, 6 ~yes Cavender Aye, Norrie Aye, Uayor so ordered. Uays lone Lemon Aye, Winkler Aye. inutee of dJourned it egular l4eeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, ol rado,thi s ednesday,Mq 1 2 ,1926, A.D. stand approve• &&t >c ad this 11--d&J of ··. A.D.19 2 6 . I I I I