HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-07-26 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I I t ADJOURJIBD RlfGULlR KBE'l'IllG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP lUIGLEWOOD,COLOBADO, THIS KOIDlY JULY 26, A. D. 1926. ~er John Simon called the meeting to order and asked tor roll call. BOLL CiLL: Bullen Preaent, Cavender Preaent, Lemon ~baent, KoCord Preaent, llorrie Preaent, W1Dkler Preaent, J" Present Absent l .&LL Bille O.X'd b7 the 11nanoe Co111Dittee. •o. 6426. 642'P. 6428. 6429. 6430. 6431. Warrant. •.w.Kenneke P.•.Wilson Bomer Wilaon Qeo.Diclteraon C.B.Bogue I.Berman PUBLIC DIPROVEIWIT 1l1HD Labor '!'ruck Driver · Tractor Dri Yer Blade llan Labor Team Pill PUBD 6432. aig1ewood Volanteer Pire Dept. ConYertion Jlund 6433. Oee.B.Ballard Premium on •ire Truck. GUKRAL PU.ND 14M. Board ot Count7 Comm.of Arapahoe co. Purchase ot Right ot W&7 • 8.00 12.00 48.00 48.00 16.00 90.00 2112.00 210.00 38.26 288.2! Grand Total 1750.00 p300.26 Alderman Bullen KoYed,) KoCord Seconded,) 1'hat all billa O.Kld bJ the •1nance Comnittee be allowed. ROLL CALL: Bullen qe, lloCord qe, CaYender qe, Korrie qe, Lemen A)apt, WiDltler ~·· 6 ~ea l Abeent ~or so ordered. ~or aaked Clerk to read all bide oa sa,t .. ••d Sidewalk Diatriot •o.l. Clerk read all bide aa follows: PROPOSAL •or 4 inch two couree concrete aide walk the aum of l~ par aq.ft. •er 4 lDoh monollthio concrete sidewalk the 8WD of l per aq.ft. •or 6 lDoh monolithic concrete cross walk the awn of 17 ' per aq.ft. f •or exoaYation the sum of 46 -; per 9'1-#1· ••r 12 1Doh Yitritied tile in place the ewa ot 65 ; per ... !~ ' PROPOSAL ror 4 inoh two courae concre•e aide walk •or 4 1Doh monolithic ooncrete aide walk R99.~ lDoh monolithic ooncrete croae walk ••r uoaYation •or 12 inoh Yitritied tile in place PROPOSAL •or 4 inch 'wo oouree concrete aide walk •or 4 inoh •ono11th1o concrete aide walk ••r 6 1noh monolithic concrete oroas walk ••r exoaYa\ion •or 11 1Doh Yitrtfl .. :~ tile in plaoe PROPOSAL •Or 4 lDoh two couree concrete aide walk •or 4 lnoh monolithic ooncre'e aide walk •or 6 lDoh •onolithio ooncrete oroaa walk ••r exoaYation •er 11 inoh Yitritied tile in tlace PROPOSAL ••r 4 inoh two oouree concrete aide walk ••r 4 lDoh monolithic ooncrete aide walk ••r 6 lnoh monolithic concrete cross walk •or exoaYation ••r 12 1Doh Yitritied tile in tlaoe B.cawthra. the 8WD of 12 '7/.10¢ per aq.tt. the awn ot 11 7llo-; per 11q.tt. the awa of 17 ' ; per aq.t,. 'l'h• ewa ot 46 per ou.74 the 8WD ot 76 ~ per ti. C.O.SeYier the awn of 14~ per aq.tt. the awn ot 14 per eq.tt. the 8WD of 22 ' per eq.tt. the 8WI ot 58 ' per ou.7d. the awn of 80 -; per t,. Andrew J.Oolline the awn ot 14 ; per aq,ft. the 81111 of 14 f,_ per eq.tt. the awn of 20 -; per aq.tt. the aum of 45 --. per ou.7d. the BWD of '70 -; per ft. s.•.H•ler the aum ot 17.3 per eq.tt. the 8WD of 16.6 per aq.tt. the awn of 21; per eq.t,. the 8Ulll of l.oo per 011.7d. thebawn of '76¢ per ft. hed Bran.It .... Al4el'll&D Bullen lloYecl,) WlJlkler leoon•ecl,) b• &11&1'494 to c.o.anier. BOLL CALL: lalleD 1.7e, lleO•rt qe, I '7•• That the oontraot for Bnglewood Sidewalk Dietriet ••.l C&Yender 1.7•, Berris '7e, l .l'baent Lemen Abeeat, Willkler qe, ~or so ordered. ~or aated Clerk to read all bids on bonda on Inglewood Sid .. alk Dietriot ••.l Clerk r•a4 bid• •• followa: PROPOSAL ••r 'bon4• 'bearing 1D'ereat at the rate of 6~,•• will paJ 7ou t602.60 tor ea oh eaoo. of 'bon4• ••r bon4• 'bearing iD'•reat at the tate of 6~. we will P&7 7ou t69&.oo for eaoh teoo. of 'bon4• ••r 'bon4• bearing 1Dtereat at the rate of ~. •• •ill pq 7ou ttez.oo tor ••oh teoo. Of bOD48 , PROPOSAL ••r t&IOO par Yalu• of theae bon4e bearing intereat at the rate of ~ due one '• twentr two rear• 4ate4 August lst,1926, in denomination of t6oo eaoh,guarantee4 both pr1Do1pal and intereat b7 the Cit7 of Bnglewoo4 'b7 ordinance,•• will bid 7ou 98.61, and aoorued interest todate of deliYer7 for th••• bon4s,81lbJeot t• the · legal tapproYiDg opinion of our .lttorne7s,upon del1Yer7 to ua. ' PROPOSAL •.a.Walpole 'b7 A.M.8haYer •t•• peroent (~) t98•.21 fer eaoh t1000 of bonda,plua aocrued interest frem the •a'• of bond• t• the date of p&71Dent. PROPOSAL !be American Bational 0•mJ>aD7, B7 B.Clarke. •or bon4a bearing interest at the rate of 6~ per annum, t974.20 for each tl,000 Of l>on4a •or bond• bearing interest at the rate of •tc per annum,'993.20 for eaoh tl,000 •f bonde. PROPOSAL BOBTTCHBR • COKPAlfY GBAY,WIBRY,VASCOBCBLLS • CO. b7 OIU.Y B.GRAY. ••r bend• b .. ring intereat at the rate ot 6 per cent per annum t96l.06 for eaoh tl,000 of b nda plua aoorued interest. Al•el'll&D Ballen WOYecl,) BBDBLL Alfl> COJIPilY b7 Gerald L.Sohleaaman. O&Yender 8eoonde4,) That the bid of B.S.Walpole of ... 1 .. 004 Sidewalk Distrlot Bo.l be aooepted. BOLL CALL: of 98.61 ~or ~ bon4a Bullen 1.7e, ' MoCorcl J:I•, CaYender qe, Jlorrie qe, 6 '7•S l ~or so ordered. Abaent Lemon Absent, Winkler A7•, Tile Light comm. reo ... ended that a 100 Watt light be inatall•d at Brea4W&7 an4 UDien Street. t Al4eraan Bullen JleYed,) Winlcler aeooncled,) That the City Clerk be 1natructe4 to not1f7 Llaht Ce.to 1Detall euoh light. BOLL CALL: Ballen .17•, CaYender J.7e, Lemon .lbaent, MoCercl qe, Borris qe, Winkler qe, 6 '7e• 1 Absent. J1&7or so ordered. Al4el'ID&D Bullen MOTH,) Winkler Seoonded,) That the Clerk be inatructed to iaeue t26Q.oo to •ire Department foe ConYention Bxpenaea. Warran' tor . BOLL CALL: Balla qe, lloC•rcl '7•, CaYender qe, Borris qe, 6 J:le• Abaen' 1 ..,or ao ordered. L•on Absent, Winkler J:I•, I I I I I I I I I I Alderman Borris KoTed,) W1Dlcler Seconded,) '!'hat the following resolution be adopted. HESOLUTION BB IT RESOLVKD b7 the City Council of the City of Knglewood. THAT, WllBREAS, a oertain oontraot for the purohaae of property belonging •• •h• Ceunt7 of Arapahoe haa been considered b7 the Cit7 Counoil of •he City of Bagl .. eed, ... WllBBBAS, aaid propoaed contract is in words and figures,as follows, to-wit: THIS UlllORABDO OP AGREELIEllT, Made b7 and be,ween •h• Count7 of Arapahoe,a bod7 politio and oorporate,by i•• preper offioera heretofore duly authorized,of the first part,and the City of Bngleweo4, a •anioipal oorporation, aoting through ita Utqor and Cit7 Council,of ~he eeoen4 part, WITDSSBTH: I THAT WHKRBAS, that part of Broadway in the City of Englewood, between Hampden and Quino7 AYenue is being paved by the City of Englewood, and . WBllUIA.S, a certain segment of Broadw&1', described as follows: Beginning at a point which is the intersection ot the center line of Sou•h Broa4•&7 and the oenter line of Ke117on Avenue; thence south along the center line of le~-h Broad.., to the intersection of the center line of U&nafield •venue; thenoe eaat along the oenter line of Uanafield AYenue to the interaeotion with the line whioh ia parallel to and thirt7 (30) feet east of the center line of South Bro&dW&J'i thenoe noe•h to the interaeotion with the center line of Ke117on AYenue; thence west along the cen,er line ot Xe117on ATenu• to point of beginning, and lying oontiguoua to that part of Bre&dW&J' betwwen Hampden and Quincy Avenues, Arapahoe Count7, Celorado; ia excluded from the paYing contract for the reason that said segment of road is not within the corporate limits of the c1t1 of Englewood but is now a Count7 road •r highWQ, an4 llJIBKBAS, it is necessary that said segment be paved in conformity with the paving 4one b7 the Cit7 of Englewood to secure the unitormit1 of said street, and WJllRIAS,the Cit7 of Englewood desires to acquire the title to aa1d stt .. , of road if paTed in conformit7 with paving to be done b7 the Cit7 of BDglewood. •OW,tHIBlfORB, for and in consideration of the aum of One Thousand leven Bun4r•4 1ift7 Dellara (l,60) caah in hand paid b1 the Cit7 of Bnglewood 'o th• C•UD'7 et •rapahoe, reoeipt of which 1• hereb7 acknowledged, and other Taluable ooaai4eration 'h• Ooun,7 of Arapahoe, does hereb7 agree to oonve7 to eaid Cit7 of llaglewood aaid •esm•nt of road when aame shall have been paved in conformity with contiguous paTemen,. •1t 1• further underatood and agreed that if for an7 reason the paving ia not oo pletecl within one 7ear from the day of the date hereof that a proportionate part of aald tl760 will be returned to the Cit1 of Inglewood and only that ,.at1on of ... id a ... ent that ia paTed shall be deeded to th• Cit7 of Bnglewood. X. WITBISS lllBRE01, the parties hereto have,b7 their proper offioere,hereunte ••' their~•• t~i• d&7 of ,1926. Clerk Lenora rogle Clerk Board of County Commiaaioners of Arapahoe Oount7, Chairman Cit7 ot Bnglewood, By J Ohn S ilaon Jlayor ~. WHBallS, it i• deemed by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood t• be tor the beat intereata of the Cit7 of Englewood to purohaae the propert7 deeoribed in •aid contract upon the terms and oonditiona atated therein. IOW,fJIKRBfOB,BK IT RESOLVBD: That the within oontraot be and it ia hereb7 appr•T•d b7 1he Clt7 Counoil of the Cit7 of Inglewood and the lllqor is hereby authorised •e en••r into the aforeaaid contract; IT IS ~K.il ~ 'hat a warrant ahall iaaue in th• awa of tl760.00 to the Count7 Commiaeioners in the County of AraP9)aee 1a aooortanoe with the within contract. Lenora Pogle, \or.r. CALL: Cit7 Clerk. CaYender Aye, Lemon Absen•, Norrie '7•. Winkler A7e• Bullen J.7•, t KoCord qe, ' 6 "7•• l Absent. iu,-or •• ordered. Alterman MoOord Moved,) Winkler Seoonded,) 'be approTed. That the Board ael•eted b7 the Libr&J'1 Conmittee ltOLL CALL: i Bullen qe, MoCord qe, 6 J.7es CaYender A¥•, Borria qe, . ~or so ordered. 1 Abaent Lemon Absent, Winkler '7•, Alderman Winkler KoYe4,t ••rrl• Seoon4e4,) th Ceuoll, Counoll a4Journ. t'hat there being no further buaineae to oome bet•r• BOU. Q&LL: · Ballen qe, lloOord qe, 6 1.7•• Cavender qe, Borria qe, 11&7or ao ordered. l Absent, rpan Abeent, Winkler qe, ' 111.Dat•• of A4Journe4 Regular Meeting of the City Council of the Oit7 of Englewood, Colora4o, thie Kon4.,. the 26th day of Jul.7, A. D. 1926, atan4 approved ae &«~ thla ~ ·~ ot , A. D. 1926. -~CU-d£~-- c1'7 Clerk. I . ·I I I I I