HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-11-29 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI • I I I I ,lDJOtnUIBD ~ULAR UKE'l'IBG 01 1'BB CITY COUUCIL 01 THE CITY 01 ElfGLEWOOD,COLOBADO. DIS UOllDlY THB 29 DAY OP liOVBllBBR. A.D. 1926 ~or John 81.llon called BOLL C.ALL: the meeting to order and asked for roll oall. Bullen .,•tent. MoOorcl .Preeent. 6 CaYender Pr•••nt, John Present. Korrie Present, Winkler Present, Present Absent Bone. ~or asked Clerk to read all bids on bonds for Hall-Sinclair Sidewalk and St~eet Grading Dietriot and Bnglewood S~dewalk District Bo.2. Clerk read bide aa follows; •or •oD4• bearing interest at the rate of ~ per annum, for each tl,000 of ~D48 tg20.30 •or bond• bearing interest at the rate of ~ per annum. for eaoh tl,000 of 'bon4• · t951. 03 •or bonda bearing 1nt9reat at the rate of 6~ per annum, for eaoh tl,000 of ~D48 tg71.16 BOBTTCBBR • OOJIPAIY, GUY, lllBRY, YASOOBOBLLS • 00 bJ Jer'r7 O.Yaeoonoells. •or bonda bearing interest at the rate of 61" per annum, for eaoh tl,000 of bonds t347.60 UBITBD STA!ES BOlfD OOllPilY b7 B. L. Shaffer •or bonds bearing interest at the rate of 5t' per annum, for each tl,000 of bon4• t946.40 •or bonde bearing interest at the rate bonds •or bond• bearing interest at the rate bonds of of PllOJC•IBOWll ilD 0 OllPilY · by •107d ··••lah. 5t' per annum, for each tl,000 of t943.70 6~ per annum, for each t1.ooo of t962. '70 DOIULD 1.BBOWll • C~ABY by B.W.Larson BllfWBLL &. CCllPABY b7 Oswood Benwell. •or bonde bearing interest at the rate of 6~ per annum, for eaoh tl,000 of bonde t967.91 · •or bonde bearing interest at the rate of ~ per annum, for eaoh tl,000 of 'bonde t947.91 Alderman Bullen KoYed,) GBO.W.VALLBRY • CQ. by C.B.:rreeman. liDltler Seoonded,) That the bid of Boettcher• IOJ1t•IJ7, and Gr-., .. e17, Ya•oonoelle and Comp~ for $951.03 for 61" bonds, on Ball-Sinclair Sidewalk and llaal•wood Sidewalk District Ko.2, be accepted. ROLf. a.u.L: BULLBI A;r•, CaYender J.7•, John J.7•, MoOord qe, Borris Aye, Winkler qe 6 J.¥•• llqs Bone ~or so ordered. Al4eJ'llall Bullen KoYed,) CaYender 8eoonded,) That proposed ordinance Bo. Series of 1926, "d (IU)IJWIOI APPBOVIW THE WHOLE COST OP THE LOCAL IlJPROVBiU'1'8 OOlfS'lBUO'l'BD IB AID BY YIRTUB OP HOSI:lliS GRADillG AllD SIDEWAU: DISTRIC'l' llOUBER OllB AllD ilPROfIIG ftB APPORTIOJOOllT o• SAID COST TO THE SEVERAL LO'lS OR TB.\CTS or LU'D Ill SAID DIS!RIO! IK PROPOBTIOll TO THE ACTUAL BENEPITS ACCRUING TO THE SEVEBAL LOTS OR TBACTS <YI I.AJID .II SAID DISTRICT AliD ASSESSIUG THB SHARE OP SAID COS! AGAIBS! '!Bl SBVBBAL LOO'S OR TRACTS OP LABD Ill SAID DISTRICT Ill PBOPOliTIOI 'l'O TBB BD•ItS ill> PBBSOliIBillG THI, lWUIBR OP PAYUEllT AND COLLBCTIOll OP SAID ASSESSllBllT, be 1Jltro4aoe4 and read and placed upon its second reading. BOLL CALL: BOLlen k#•, Cavender qe, John £.7•, lloCorcl qe, Borris qe, Winkler qe, 6 1.7es llqs llone ~or so ordered. Olert read propoaed ordinance Bo. Series of 1926, "All ORDillABOB APPBOYIJIQ RB WJIOLB COST <YI THB LOCAL DIPROV!ii!BTS COBSTRUCTED Ilf ill> BY VIRTUB OP BOBKilfS OjU.DUQ ill> SIDBW~ DISTRICT BULIBER OBE AliD APPliOVIllG THE APPORTIOlDWfT 01 Bill> Ci>st !O THE SBVBBAL LOTS AllD TRACTS 01 LAND IN SAID DISTRICT Ill PROPORTION !O 'rllB ACTUAL BUBJ'ITS ACCRUING TO THE SEVEHJ.L LO'l'S OR TRACTS 01 Lill> IB SAID DISTBim AUD ASS.!SSIBG THE SJUBR 0., SAID · COST AGAINST THB SBVBliAL LO'l'S OB TB.ACTS o-. WJID ll ~ID DIST IC'l I1f PBOPOHTION TO THE BKBUITS, AUD PRRSCliIBillG 'l'HE MAllDB 0., PilllllH ~ COLLBO~IOll O' SAID ASSESSKBNT," in full. Alderman Bullen UoTed,) CaTender Seconded,) That proposed ordinance lo. 8erie1 of 192&,•AJ ORDIBJfOB APPROVIBG THI IBOLB COST o• THE LOCAL IMPBOVBJlEBTS COllSTRUODD Di ill>. BY YIRTUB OP HO~IJJS GRADillG A1II> SIDBWALK DIS'l'BICT llUllBBR on ill> APPROYUO tu ilPORTIOJDOlf'l OP SAID COST TO THI SEVIRAL LOO'S OR 'l'RACTS or LAID Ill SAID Dil!BIC! PROPORTIOlf TO 'l'HB ACTUAL BEUD'ITS ACCRUillC TO THE SBVWL LOTS OB !RACTS fa IB SAID DISTRICT AllD ASS3SSIDG THE SJIABE 01 SAID COST AGAIBST THE SB'IBBAL S OR TRACTS 01 LlliD Ill SAID DISTRICT ID PROPORTIOU TO '?HE BBllBJIITS, ~ PB-. SCRIBIJIG THE JUJIDR °' PAYUBl'l' ill> COLLECTION OP SAID ASSESSllBIT, • 4o now pa88 ::::·_· ~reading aa read. OLL CALL: lullen J.7•, CaTender J.7•, John '7•. KaCor4 qe, Borris qe, Winkler qe, 6 A7•• Dqs Bone ~or ao ordered. Ald•~ Bullen JilOTed,) . 0.TeD4er seoonded,) That Ordinanoe entitled "Alf OBDIBAJICB APPBOYi.I 'lD IBOLI COST <:a '?BB LOCAL IUPROVELIEBTS COlfSTRUCTED Ill AlfD BY VIImJB O• BOSKI•S QJW>IJIG ill> SIDD.u.K DIS'l'BICT lfUllBER on AUD APPBOVIBG !KB APPORTIOlDIBH °' SAD> COS! TO !Bl SBYBBAL LOTS OB 'l'RACTS OJ' LllfD III SAID DISRIOT I.I PBOPOBll<m !O ~ AC!UAL BalBlITS ACCRUillG TO THB SEVBBAL LO'l'S OR 'l'BACTS OF LAlfD II SAID JBISTBIO'l AJf)) A38B88IlG THE SHARR OJ' SAID COST AGAIBST THE SBVBIU.L LOTS OB ~0'18 o• ~ Ia SAID DISTRICT IB PROPORTIOD TO THE BBHEJ'IT8, AlfD PRESCRIBIJIG !Ill ~Ill 0. PAYllll'l .4lfJ) COLLECTION OJ' SAID ASSESSUBNT," do now final17 pa88 aa Or41Dano• •o. 21, Seri•• of 1926. BOLL CALL: Bullen £:#•, CaTender J.7e, John J.7•, lleCord J.7•, Borria qe, WiDJcl•r J.7•, 6 J.7•• B8l'• Bone ~or ao ordered, Alderman Bullen UoTed,) • CaTender Seoonded,) That be it resolved that Ordinance Bo.28,Seriee of 1926, thi• d&7 passed b7 the Cit1 Council of the Cit7 of Erlglewood,Color .. o, be pabllahed 1D th• Baglewood Herald, a weekl.7 newspaper of general circulatloa 1D the Clt7 of Inglewood, Colorado, aa required b7 the Statute of the s•ate of Colora4o. BOLL CALL: Bullen J.7•, CaTender Aye, John qe, KoCord qe, Dorrie Aye, linltler A.7•, 6 A7es li&l'S Bone, l1a7or so ordered. There being no protests against Aeaeescent for Englewood Sidewalk District Bo.l, Alderman CaTender UoTed,) 11Dltler seoonded,) ~hat proposed ordinance Bo. series of 1926, •u OBJ>UilCB APPaOYIW THE WHOLB COST OP LOCAL IJil>ROV~OlfSTRUCTED ll UD BY YIR'ltra OJ' ml>LKWOOD SIDEWALK DISTliICT BmmBR OBI ill> APPROYIJIG TJIB APPOllTIOJIUll'? a. SAID COST TO THB SBYBRAL LO'l'S OR TRACTS or Lill) Ill SAID DISDICT IB PROPORTIO• TO TBB ACTUAL BEllDITS ACCRUING TO THE SBVERAL LOTS aa TRAC'IS O'I UJfD ll SAID DISTRICT AllD ASS.lSSIUG TH .~ SHARE! OJ' SAID COST AOAillS~ TH S3VBRA.L LOTS OR TRACTS OF LAUD Ill SAID DISTRICT IB PROPORTIOB !O !BB BBH~ITS, AllD PR~CBIBIBG THj UAHUER OF PAYUIUT AlfD COLLECTION or SAID ASS~SYBl'?s,• be introduced and read as a proposed ordinance for the Oi'7 of ' ' 1 .. oo4, Colorado. ROLL CALL: Bullen J.7•, KoCorcl qe, CaTender J.7•, Borris qe, 6 A.7•• Jlqa llone, ~or ao ordered John qe, WiDJcler 47e, Clerk read proposed ordinance Jfo. Series of 1926, "All ORDilfABCB APPROVIIG 'lD WBOLB cos ~ 01 LOCAL IUPROVEl.LllTS COlfS'l'UUCTED DI ADD BY VIRTUE O'I BIQLBWOOD SID ALK DISTRICT JIUUBJrd ozra AlfD APPHOVIUG 'l'H& APPORTIOmLmT OJI &All> 008'l: • DB SIYlliAL L0!8 oa DACTS o• LlUD Ill SAID DISTRICT IB PROPOHTIOJf TO TU AC!UAL B DITS AOOBUim TO THE SBVKRil LOTS Oli TRACTS OJI LAllD m SAID DISDICTS 4D A88188IliG mB DARB OJ' SAID COST J,GAillST THg SRVIRAL LOTS OR .TRACTS OJI LUI]) IJ SAID Dll'fBiot DI PllOPOllTIOI TO THB ~ENUITS, ilD PRBSORIBilfG .THE MAIQR 0:. l\\YKlllT AllD COLLBOTIOJI' O• SAID ASSBSSJilUTS," in full. Al4el'llaD 0.Tender KOTed,) WlDlcler Seoonded,) That proposed ordinance Bo. 8er1ea of 1926, •.11 (BJ)IJLUOB UPliOYUG THI IHOLB OOST OP LOCAL IllPROV~OllSTRUC!JID I• ~ BY YIR'?UI o• UGI.ROOD SIDBWALK DISTRICT NUUBBR QUE AllD APPBOVDIQ !KB APPQftIOB-..... .-~ a. SAID COST to THB SBVBBAL LOTS OR TRACTS or LAID Ilf SI.ID Dl8!BIO'? u ftlOP<ll!I !O THI ACTUAL BUDITS ACCBUDfG TO THI 8BVIRAL LOTS OB !BA0!8 OJI li&ID U SAID DI8'lltIOT ill> A88B88Il'G THB SHARE OJI SAID COST AGAIJfS! THE SBfBRAL LOii . !BAOT8 '11 J.AJI]) Ill SAID DISTRICT Ill PROF~RTIOB TO THK BBllBJIITS, Alf]) PBB8CllZJDIQ !JO JIUJXKlt (11 PAYllBllT AJI]) COLLBCTIOU 01 SAID ASSB88MB11TS,. do DOW paas fir•• reactiq u r••· BOLL caLL: Bull .. £7•, Cavender qe, John Kl•, .JloCord qe, Borris qe, . WiDJcler 'qe, 6 qes Jfqs lion•, ~or ao ordered. Alderman OaTen4er KoTecl,) 1 WlDkler 8eoon4ed,) fiaat whereaa propoaed ordinance Bo. Berl•• of 1926, •u CllDUUO• APPBOYIJIO TJIB WHOLB COST <1' LOCAL IllPBOVBIDIHI d0.8ftl1- U All) n YinUI "' BIQLBWOOD SIDBWAIK DIS!BIO'l lfUllBlii on ill) APPBOYIJIQ !Q APP<llf IOllM'DT a. SAID COST TO T1lll SIVBBAL LOTS OR TRACTS "" LU]) or SAID D!IDIC! DI PBOPOMIO. TO RB AO'IUAL BlllfDITS ACCRUIBG '?O TD SBVBRAL LO'!B <ll !BAO'I 0. r.&D U IAID DISDIO!I ill> ASBBSSIBG THE SBAHB O'I SAID COB! AQAllft HI 8BYWli wr1 Cll !BACJ!t8 0. r.uD I• SAID DISTRICT DI PBOPOlt'l IOB !O THI BDDI'llr. 48 .E"-~mm HI JIUDB or PAYJOUft' AllD OOLLBOTia. ar SAID A88188111ft8, .. b,-1Jl'rot aDI Ja•• .. at ita tirat readuqr, I I I I I I I I I -, •CJr..ftW•OBl,U If BDOLVD, b7 the Oit7 Oowioil of the Oit7 of 1Dglnoo4, tlaa' 'h• propoaed ordinanoe lo. Series of 192& atoreaai4, be publi1hed 1A ''• ... 1 .. ood B•rald, a •••kl7 newspaper, publiahecl in the Cit7 of Baglewoo4,0olol9111o aa required b7 the ''•'e of Colorado, and do now go over for turthe~ oona14era•1on a' aaot~•r ae•tiJll. BOE. OAll: Ballen 47•, Cavender qe, JoJm j;fe, MoCord 1.7•. Jlorria £7•, Winkler qe, 6 A,7ea ll&l'• Bone, ~or ao ordered. Alderman JNllen Kovecl,) . c...-ender 8eoollcle4,) That the Cit7 .Attorne7 be inatruo'e4 to draw up an ort1Dano• vaoating all of that part of South Clarkson between Danaou•h and •lo,d whloh 1• wee• of line 30 feet west of and parallel to center line of South Olarkeon. ROLL CALL t> Bullen qe, lloOord qe, ! A7•• Cavender qe, 11orr1a qe, lfqa lfone ~or ao ordered, John qe, Winkler qe, Alderman John ~oved,) A OaYender Seoonded,) That the Cit7 lngineer be 1na•ruoted to grade , / . uacl a14 ... Uc South Pennqlvania Street 1n euoh manner that the aaid south ~ c,u f L_~ l,. /,_. ~ Pean.,1van1a Street will be 61 feet wide at 1lo7ctlan4 aou•h Pearl, South ' ~ •iulng•on ancl South Olarkaon in such manner that thq will be parallel to • at line of south Penn97lvanla Street. BOU. OAJ.L: .Ballen J.7•, Cavender qe, John A'#•, lloCor4 qe, Ionia qe, Wiatler qe, 6 qea lfqa Bone, ~or ao ordered. •lr• COllllitt•• reported ae follows: •• th• •tre Committee beg to report the following on the reaol~•ion preaen•ed to the 001Ulo11 at the laet meeting regarding the diaoon•inuance of th• de, fire truck driver. Should the Council decide to retire th• driYer •• reoo .. end the date of retirement to be changed from Bov.30, to Deo.31, 1986. !Illa 001111i•t•• alao reoomaenda that a paid fire department oonaiating of tov aen be oonalderecl b7 the OOUDoil. Grant B.John George A.Winkler Wm.I.Borris c~. Aldel'll&D John MoYed,) Bullen Seoon4ed.) !hat the report of lire Committee be ••P•t'e4 and tiled. BOLL CALL: Ballen qe, lloOord q•. Cavender qe, Borris qe. 6 qea Ba¥• lfone, ~or ao ordered. Clerk read reeolution aa follows: RBIOLUTIOB John A7•, Winkler A,7e, WRIBUI, aa,lnood hae grown to be a Cit7 of about eight thouaaDd inhabi•an•a wl~. approxi'18,el7, f1ft7 fir•• per 7ear; and lllll«IA8, !be fzp .. a~ of the Volunteer •ire Department is increasing rapi4~ ••oh 7ear; and WJllRIAS, !la• preaent lire Department is unwieldly and oramped in ita preaent quarter•; '?BIB.,~, B• i' reaolved; That all present volunteer and paid aervioee for for th• llr• Departaent be eubatituted by a paid •1re Department oonaiating of tour ••n who aball aaawae their duties Janll&r7 1, 1927. Alderman WiDJcler lloYed,) •orrla leoonded,) that the foregoing resolution •tr• OOllll1•t•• aad a Oomalttee from the lire Department. aor.r. CALL: Ballen qe, Cavender qe, lloCorcl qe, lf orr1 a qe, 6 qea lfqe Bone, MaiJor so ordered. Alderman Bullen Uoved,) be ref erretl to the John qe, W1Jlkler qe. cavender Seconded,) That the petition in the matter of Pire 87draat at •l~d and Clarkaon be granted to the extent that all propert7 situated aore than 900 t••t from preaent ~drant be eliminated from aaeeeament, said propert7 being Balak• Addition, Blook •. Lota 26 to 28~and Hawthorn Addition, Blook 8, Lota 33, io '8, 1ncluaive. ROLL CALL: Bullen qe, Cavender qe, John qe, KoCord J.7•, Borris qe, Winkler A7•, 6 J.7e• Ba,a Bone, ~or ao ordered. Alderman Bullen UoYed,) John Seoonded,) ~hat there being no :turther buaineae to oaae befo~• the Counoil, Counoil adjourn. ' ROLL CALL: Bullen AJ•, II.Cord qe, Cavender qe, lforrie A7e, 6 A7•e lf&78 None, ~or so ordered. John ..,., Winkler ~·· Kinutee of Adjourned Regular Ueeting of the City Council of the City of lag~od, Colorado, this ~ d~ of November, A.D. 1926, stand approved aa A1!f!dd. thi• I 3 dq of ~J , A.D. 1926. • • • • • ' ' • --~ai-~~,,2_ Oity Olerk. 0-P· / I I I I I