HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-12-08 (Special) Meeting MinutesI I I • I I SP UL 0 !-L dE'f ING OF ~HE CITY COUllCIL OF TH~ CITY OF &HGL~WOOD, COLOUADO. 518 WED·~sD~Y THE 8th DAY OP DEC~EB, A.D. 1926, AT 6.46 O'CLOCK P.U • • or John Simon called the meeting to order and asked for roll call. R LL CALL: Bullen Present, llcCord bsent, 6 i>resent, Cavender Present, Borris Freeent, Absent One, John Present, \finkler Present, The llerlt read the n"tice of this meeting, and reported that the same had been dul.J' giYen, ei ned bJ the ~or and three members of the Counoil, and pereonall7 eerYed or left at the usual place of residence of each of the members of the Counoil. Said notice appeared to be in due form, and having been dul1 exeouted and aerY .. , it waa ordered filed. lderman CaYender Uoved,) John 8econded, ) That proposed ordinance Bo. Seriee of 1926,"All OR.DI CK Ari>aOiRI~TlllG PU!lDS PO .rt ALL UU!HC IPAL PUHPOSES oP THE CITY OP ElfGLEWOOD PO,;~ TH .... .PISC.d.L YEAH BPnlllllill G JAlWAHY 1, 1927, OU!l8TI'rUTIQ WHAT IS TERMED TD .AlGit1AL APPROPRIA~IOU BILL FOR THE ?ISCAL Y3A..~ 1927, be introduced and read as a proposed ordinance for the City of Bnglewood, Colorado. ROLL CALL: Bullen A.ye, Cavender Aye, John 1.7e, UoCord ~a,nt, llorris Aye, Winkler Aye, 5 Ayes Absent One Mayor so ordered. Clerk read oropoaed ordinance lfo. Series of 1926,"Ali ORDINANCE APPROPRIATIBG PU!ll>S POR ALL UUllICIPAL PURPosgs 01 THE CITY OP EllGL.~OOD POR THE PISCAL y~ B$IliHillG JAlWARY l, 1~2', COllSTITUTIUG WHA T IS TE '<lflt~D THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL P~ ~HE PISCAL ~ 1927, in full. Alderman CaTender UoYed,) John Seoonded, ) That proposed ordinance Bo. Series of 1926,"AI Hl>IlWiCI APPROPRliTIJG JIWfDS POR ALL UUUICIPAL PUHPOSES OJ THB CITY OP BllGLIWOOl> •oa TU •ISCAL YEAR BEGilUiIIlG JANUARY 1, 192'1, COlfS'l'ITU'l'ING WHA'l' IS TBROD TD AKlflUL APPROP RIATION BILL POR THE FISCAL YEAR 1927, do now pass first reading •• read. ROLL CAIJ' .. : Bullen qe, CaYender Aye, John q .e, UoCord Absent, Borris Aye, Winkler 1.7e, 6 !7ee, Absent One, ~or so ordered. Alderman CaYender "oyed,) John Seoon4e4, ) That whereas propoeed ordinance Bo. Series of 1926, "All ORDIN~CE APPRvPRIATiliG PUUDS FOR ALL UUUICifAL PURPOSES OP THE CI1'Y OP EllQLl- WOOI POR THI ~I30AL YE&a B~IUllING JAllUARY 1, 1927, COHSTITUTING WHAT IS TBPJIBD !KB &lfllUAL &PPROP~IATION BILL PO~ THE FISCAL Y~ii 192'1,has been introduoed and passed at it• firat reading, •ow,!BKRJDPORB,BE IT RESOLVED, by the Cit7 CoWJoil ot the City of Bnglewood, that the proposed ordinance Bo. Seriea of 1926 aforeeaid,be publiahed int~• Bnglewood B•rald,a weekl; newspaper, published in the Cit7 of lnglewood,Color .. o, aa required bJ the State of Colorado, and do now go over for further ooneidera•ioa •' another meeting. llOLL CALL: Bullen A7•, lloCord Absent, CaTen4er qe, lforria qe, John A7e, Winkler qe, 6 qea, Abeent one, Al4erca&11 Bullen UoYe4,) John 8eoon4ed,) That Council, Council adjourn. ROLL C~LL: Bullen 1.7e, lloCord Absent, Ji1a7or so ordered • there being no further business to oome lefore the CaYender Aye, Borris 1.3e, John qe, Winkler qe, 6 qee Abaent One, ~or ao ordered. JHnutea of 8peoial Call Meeting of the Cit7 Council of the Cit7 of lngl;.604, Colorado, this 8t;&:!,;of December, A.D. 1926, stand approvecl as 4//41 'hia Ii dq of l, A.D. 1926. -~~--cf[;_~_ Cit7 Clert. (J-r- '