HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-12-27 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I I Al>J OU. KD XGUUH !f~.'...,T l .1.lG OP' THE CITY COilllCIL OF THE Cl~Y OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, ~HIS aoUDAY tll& 27th DAY OF DECEIJBER, A.D.,1926. UQor John Simon oalled the meeting to order and asl:ad for roll call. ROLL CALL : Bul len Rr•••nt, Uo0or4 Abaent, 4 Present AldeJ'llan Bullen UoYed,) Cavender Absent, Borris Present, Absent 2 John Present, Winkler Present, Winkler Seoonded,) That proposed ordinance llo. Series of 1926, " ORD I J& C AP Pa OPH lil'DUG PUNDS POR ALL l!UUIC IPAL PUHPOSES OP THE CITY OF LBWOOD ~ THB PISCAL YRAH BEGI !UfING JAllUARY t, 1927, AND ElIDillG DBCEILBER 31, 192'7, CO ST I :dJT i llG WHAT IS TERUED THE AllNUAL APPHOP HIATION BILL FOR THE PISCAL YBlB 19 2 7," be introduced and read and placed upon its second reading. OLL CALL: Bullen J:#e, Cavender Absent, John Aye, MoCord Absent, Norris Aye, Winkler J:#e, 4 qee, Absent 2, llayor so ordered. Clerk read propoaed ordinance Bo. Series of 1926, "AN OHDIBA!fCE APPROPRIATING 1UliDS •OR AL1 lllJli ICIF~~ PURP OSES OP THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD POR THE FISCAL YEAR Blll I Blf I DG Blm l lflf i llG JAWAHY l ·, 1'327, AND ENDUlG DECEL!BEH 31, 192'7, CO.NSTITUTillG WHAT I S T jlKD THE AUllUAL Ai>P ROP RIA'.r IOlf BILL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 192'1," iD full. •lderman Bullen Uoved,) Winkler Seconded,) That proposed ordinance Bo. Series of 1926,"AB OiU>I l CE APPaO PRIATiliG PlJNDS POR ALL UUNICIPA~~.~~~~~~.CITY OP ENGLEWOOD J'Oli TH& J I SCAL YlWi BBGIUNillG JAUUARY L, 1927;-cOirS"TI~U°fillG.:.·WJU~ IS TERWm THE AlrJUAL Al?PBOFli lATI.Dll BILL FOR THE FISCAL Y~ 1927", do now pass second reading aa read. Bu l len J.7e, JioCord Absent, Cavender Absent, Norris Aye, 4 ~es Absent 2 Llayor so ordered. Aldenaan ~llan .Uoy•d,) John Aye, Winkler A.ye, Winkler Seconded,) That Ordinance entitled,"All ORDINAlJCE APPRO!BlaTING ~liDS IOlt LL LIUHICI.PAL PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF EllGLJMOOD POR THE FISCAL YEAR :as; I UHillG J A.IIUAH Y 1, 1921, dB E!lDillG DECEIIBEH 31, 1927, COlJSTITUTIUG VIHAT IS ifBiRD TH .. AllIIUAL A:PHOPH IATIO N BILL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1927", do now i'ir .ally pas s aa Or d inano e Ho.33, Series 01' 1926. ao LL CALL: Bull en qe, l.l oCord Absent, Cavender Absent, Norris Aye, 4 Ayes, Absent 2 lla;/or so ordered. Alderman Bullen Uoved,) John Aye, Winkler qe, Winkler Seconded,) That be it resolved that Ordinance No.3~, Series of 1 9 2 6 , this da.v paaset by the City Council of the City of Inglewood, Colorado, be publishe d in the Inglewood Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in t h e Cit1 of Rnglewood, Colorado, as required by the Statue of the 3tate of Co l orado. ROLL CAL ~: Bul l en J.¥e, UoCord Absent, Cavender Absent, Borris Aye, 4 Ayes, 2 Absent, Uayor so ordered. Al derman Bullen Koved,) John qe, Winkler J.:te Winkler Seconded,) That proposed ordinnnce .No. Series of "il 03D l llAllC.E LI CEll SiilG All D itEGULA~IUG AU'l'O BUSSE ti '9 'J!Dllt Mifll!BHAUOI &lfB 01D- 4T I OU OV3a ~H& STli~~S AllD AVEilUES OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, PROVIDING lOR A L I O.Ill~~ TAX TO B~ !'AID ~HErlYOH, AllD THE PEllALTY l!1 0~t FAILUHE TO COI.IPLY WITH ~H~ T~ 11.&al l~ 3ET Pu~~H", be introduced and read as a proposed ordinance f or t he Ci t y of lnglewood. RO LL CALL: Bullen J.3e, Cavender Absent, John Aye, UcCord ~baent, Norris Aye, Winkler Aye, 4 Ayes Absent 2, U&yor so ordered. Clerk r e a d pr opo sed ord 1!1ance No. Series of ''All ORDINANCE !..ICEllSilJG AlfD amU!.A.T I JG AUTO-BtJSS ES, THEI H LL\IN'l'EUA . .JCES AND OPERATIO:l OVER THE STREETS AVEJUES OF THE C I ~ OF ENGLEWO OD, PROVIDillG FOR A LIC~llSE TAX TO J3E PAID THBH310R , AllD 'i'nE P&UAL '.i'Y .FOa FAILlf.ri~ TO c OlJIPLY WITH THE TEillAS HElH~IN SET PORTH"' in full. Alderman Bullen Uoved,) ink ler Seconded,) ~hat proposed ordinance lfo. Series of "All Oiil>I l'AB CB LIC !NSillG AUD liEGULA TirlG AUTO-BUSSES, THEIR ?lllltTElfANCES AND OPBNA?I Oll OVER THE STREETS AND A'l&lruES OJ~, THE CITY OF ENGLEWO OD, ?ROVIDING POB A LIC U SE TAX TO B:!!! PAID THEHE F uH , AllD '!1HM .PEUALTY FOR FAILURE TO COl.IPLY WITH THE T&RUS H!nE I N SET P OHTH", do now pass first reading as read • " .dOLL CALL: Bullen McCord qe, Absent, 4 Cavender Absent, Norris Aye, Ayes Absent U ~or so ordered. Al de rman Bu l len Uoved,) 2, John Aye, Winkler Aye, i nkl er Seconded,) That whereas proposed ordinance No. Series of O;U>I :U!iC LIC~~I NG A!i D HIDULA TIIlG AlJT O-BU3SES, '.l.1HEIH lJlAINTENAlrnls :~lfD OPERATIOJI //, 11 ~ Alm AIEUUS S O? 'i1 E3 CI'.:'Y 0 ~1 -~;J ,J,;~u o )l), PHOVIDIIIG FOR A LICEllSE 0 BE P ID T HgH -~ OH , AUD 'l1HE P~UAL~Y ~,OR FAILURE TO COUPLY WITH THE TERMS SET F RT H", has been introduced and nassed at its first reading, H , TH3RK.P OR E, B! IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of ]Inglewood, that the proposed ordinance Ro. Series of 1927, aforesaid, be published in the *1gle o d llerald, a weekly new8paper, published in the City of Englewood, C ol o~do, ns required by the State of Colorado, and do now go over for further consideration at another meeting. ROLL CALL: Bul l en UoCord Aye. Absent, 4 Ayes lder:nan Bullen J:Joved,) Cavender Absent, l'lorri s Aye, Absent Uayor so ordered. 2 John Aye, Winkler Aye, John Seoondod,) That the applicutiJns presented by the Bus Traaspor- tation Co. for bus lioenee be referred to the License Corruni ttee. R LL CALL: Bullen A¥e, UoCord Absent, 4 Ayes, Clerk read aesolution as follows: Cavender Absent, Horris Aye, Absent 2, John J.ye, Winkler Aye, WHKREAS, the fiaoal year for the City of Englewood ends on December 31, 1927, and there is uo and will be on date, a surplus in several funds of the Treasury of the City of 3nglewood over and above the amount sufficient to defray all out- standing olain s against aata funds, and certain other funds of the Treasury are and will be on said date overdrawn unless sorae provision is made therefore. and it ia desired to transfer from said funds in which there is a surplus, sufficient monies to oare for the charges of said other funds which would be overdrawn, UOW,THBH!P RE, BE IT RESOLVED, that there be transferred, and there is hereby transferred the following awns of money from certain funds to certain other funds designated as follows: to-wit: '.l'here is heraby transferred fro~ the Salary Fund $1780.35 to the Public Improvement Pund. Prom the 8alar, '1lnd ~04.07 to the Genera~ l"'und. 'rom the Light Pund the swu of $1338.89 to the General Pund. Prom the lire Pund the BWl of t202.76 to the General Pund. AlderWUl inkler Uoved,) Norrie Seconded,) That said resolution be adopted. ROLL CALL: Bullen Li o Cord I.ye, A)afnt, Cavender ~sent, Horris Aye, 4 1..7es lJ~or Absent so ordered. Alderm&n Borris Uoved,) 2, .John A.ye, Winkler Aye, John Seconded,) That proposed ordinance Bo. Series of 1926, "AB WD IJUilC U TllI.rfG ON BEHA!.J' OF THE CITY OF EUGLB\VOOD THE PAYWWT OP · A.LL BOllDS ISSURD I ll CO.llllECTIOll WI~H HALL~SillCLAIR SIDEYIALi: AIID STREET GRADillG IllPR OV &i.IEll~ DIS~ICT", be introduced and placed upon its second reading. ROLL CALL: Bullen UoCord A¥e, CaTender Absent, Absent, Borris Aye, 4 Ayes Absent l.l~or so ordered, 2, John Aye, Winkler Aye, , Clerk read proposed ordinance Jlo. Series of 1926, "All ORDIIlAliCE GUARANTEEING 0 BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD Tl!E PAYMEllT O? AJ,L BOlfDS ISSUED Ill CONNECTION I~H HALL-SINCLAIR SIDEWALK AND STREE'~ GHADillG UAPROVELLENT DISTRICT", in full • .Alderman Borris Moved,) John Seconded,) That pronosed ordinance No. Series of 1926,"AJI QRDI .UC! GtWiANTUIHG ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD THE PAYIAEHT o-, ALL BOlfDS ISSU ED Ilf COliUBCTION WITH HALL-SINCLAIR SIDEWALK AUD STREET GRADING lllPRO- Yll.l.alrr •llTKIO!," do now pass second reading as read. ROLL CALL: Bull en Uc Cord A.ye, Absent, 4 Cavender Absent, llorris Aye, ~es Absent Llayor so ordered, Alderman Borris Uoved,) 2,. John Aye, Winkler qe, John Seconded,) That Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINAllCE GUARANTEEillG Oll BKIULF OF BB CI 'l'Y OF EUGLEWOOD THE PAYUEUT O? ALL BONDS ISSUED Ill CONllEO'?IOB r~H H~SillCLlIR SIDBWALl: AllD STREET GHADillG IMPROVErJIENT DISTRICT'" do now finall7 paaa ae ordinance lo.~. Serie• of 1926. a oLL CALL: IUllen qe, UoCord .Absent, 4 qes, Alderman Uorr s Uoved,) Cavender Absent, Horris Aye, Absent M~or so ordered. 2, John qe, Winkler A.7e, 1 hn 8•odn4ecl,) That be it resolved that Ordinance Bo.34, Series of 1986 thl d~ paaaed b)' the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, be publ1ehe4 in the Inglewood Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in the City of Inglewood, Colorado, as required by the Statute of the State of Colorado. ROLL CALL: Bullen A7•, UoCord .Abaent, CaTender Absent, Norris Aye, 4 ~8 ~or so ordered.2 Absent John qe, Winkler qe, I ·I I I I I I I I I Alderman Uorris Koved,) John Seoonded,) That proposed ordinance No. Series of 1926,"Alf CftDillABCB G UAilll~EEllJG O~ BERA~, OF THE CITY OF .EUGLEWOOD THE PAY'~T OF ALL B01 D ISSUED I ll C0.1 lEC'i'ION WITH EllGLEWOOD BIDEWALK DISTRICT liUMBER TWO", be introduced and read and plaoed upon its second reading. ROLL CALL: Bullen qe, UcCord Absent, 4 qes, CaTender Absent, Borris Aye, Absent ~or so ordered. 2, John Aye, Winkler A.ye, Clerk read proposed ordinance Bo. Series of 1926, "AH ORDINAUCE GUARAllTEBIBG B™LP' • '~Hg Cl'fY OF EllGLE\VOOD ~HE PAYUIE!lT OF ALL BOlfDS ISSUED Ill CONllECTION ITH GL&W VO D SIDEWALl: DISTl:iICT .lUUBER TWO", in full. Alderman Dorrie UoTed,) John Seconded,) That proposed ordinance Bo. Series of 1926, "All . IT33IHG O~l BEHAL? OF THE CITY OF EllGLE\10-0D-THE PAYLl.~HT OF ALL B DS ISSU I COUBBCTIOll WITH EllGLEWOOD SIDEWALK llULIBRH TWO", do now pass second reading aa read. ROLL CALL: Bullen qe, KoCord Absent, 4 Ayes Alderman Horris UoTed,) Cavender Absent, Norris Aye, Absent ~or so ordered. 2 John Aye, Winkler qe, John Seconded,) That Ordinance entitled, "All ORDINANCE GUARAllTEEING BBHALP o-, THE CITY OP E.UGLE\VOOD TH~ PAYU~lT OP ALL BOUDS ISSUED Ill CONNECTION ITB OLBW OO D SIDBWALK liUKBER TWO", lo now finally pass as ordinance Bo. 36, Serie• of 1926. 40LL CALL: Bullen J3e, UoCord .Absent, Cavender Absent. Norris Aye, 4 Ayes, Absent 2, J.la.vor so ordered. John Aye, Winkler Aye, •lderman Uorris Moved,) John Seconded,) '.!'hat be it resolved that Ordinance Bo.35, Series of 19 6 , this 4&¥ passed b7 the City Cowioil of the City of Englewood, Colorado, be published in the &lglewood Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in the City o f Englewo od, Colorado, as required by the Statute of the State ot Colorado. ROLL CALL: Bullen UoCord J.7e, 6beent, 4 Ayes Cavender Absent, Horris Aye, Absent u-.vor so ordered. John qe, Winkler qe, 'lhe City 3ng1neer presented the following estimates in oonneotion with Water Uain District Number 2. atillate c ontract: ater Uain Distrtct No.2 Contractor or Obligee: H.L.Highbaugh, Treasurer. Interest on t24,000 at 'fi1, for six months t&oo.oo .ApproTed: Glen A.Izett, City Engineer. Alderman John Uoved,) Borris Seconded,) That a copy of the above estimate be incorporated and spread upon the minutes and that the following resolution be adopted, which resolution was thereupon read in full: • RESOLUTION RES OLVED; That the City Council of the City of Englewood,Colorado, authorize the City Treasurer to pay certain estimates in the matter of Water U&in District Number 2, BE IT :ESOLV&D, by the City Council Of the City Of .Inglewood that estimate Uo. showing the amount due at this time S.L.Highbaugh, City Treasurer, for interest in the sum of $600. be and the same is hereb7 approved, and the City ~reasurer is hereby authorized and di•ected to use said amount for tho purpose of paying interest on the bonds of said district as the same m~ becooe due. The,question af ·adoption and approval of the above resolution was put and the 'yote was taken with the following result: ROLL CALL: Bullen qe, LlcCord Absent Cavender Absent, Norris Aye, 4 Ayes Absent 2, IAayor so ordered • .Alderman Winkler Uoved,) John Aye. Winkler Aye, Borris Seconded,) That there being no further business to come before the Council, Council adjourn. 13 ROLL CALL: Bullen qe, llcCord Absent, 4 Cavender Absent, Norrie Aye, Ayes, Absent Uayor so ordered. 2, John Aye, Winkler Aye, ainutee of Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this Z7th d1q of December, A.D. 1926, stand approved •• l14d this JO dq of Ja44t1P!Uf • A.D.1927. I ' I I ·I