HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-03-16 (Regular) Meeting MinutesADJOURNED R~ULAl UEETillG OP '1HE CITY COUUCIL OF ~HE CI'l'Y °' F.UGLEr/OOD,
COLOaADO, THIS PRIDAY THE 16th DAY or li&AiiCH, A.D.,1928, AT 6.30, P. JI.
~or J.E.Abbott called the meeting to order and asked tor roll call.
Culliaon .Present,
LloCord Present,
6 Present
Hall Present, John Present,
Nielsen Present, Pearce Present,
Absent None,
Clerk read Committee report as follows:
Your Co1111ittee appointed to investigate the coamunioation ot George
Wheeler, dated J.laroh 9, 1928 and presented to the City Council on !.larch 12,
1~28, concerning lnglewood Sidewalk District No.3, haYe caade an inYeat1gat1on
ot the statements set forth in aaid oomraunication and report aa tollowa:
'!'hat notice ot the establishment of Englewood Sidewalk District lhulber 3,
waa introduoecl on the 19th d~ of December, A.D. 1927, and ordered published;
tha~ the7 are intormei a copy of the petition requesting the inoluaion of
oertain propert7 incltding a part of the lots described in said communication
aa belonging to George Wheeler was left at hie place ot residence prior to the
introduction ot said Notice; that said Notice was published in the Bnglewoo4
Herald and Enterprise, for a period of three (3) conaective weeka, atating that
all oomplainta and obJeotions that might be made in writing cenoerning the
propoaed improvements by the owner or owners of any real eatate to be ••••••••
would be heard and determined by the City Counoil on the 15th d111 of Janua17,
A.D. 1~28, that no objection or protest in writing were filed on or prior •o
aaid date and eaid City Counoil thereafter proceeded with the formation ot aaid
D1•triot and established the same by proper 'rdinanoe and let the oontraot tor
the oonatruotion ot eaid improvements. ~at by reason of th•se taota said
oommunication ot George Wheeler, not being filed within the tille allowed 'b)'
law for obJeotions and the District being at this time eatabliahed could not
be ot ~ effect and the reoomraendation ot the Co111tittee ia that the request
made at this time for the exclusion of said lots be denied.
Alderman MeCord MoTed,)
Reapeottull7 Submitted,
Jamee B.Culliaon
Glen A.Isett
Pearce Seconded,) That the report ot the Committee be receiTed
and filed.
Culliaon A7•,
KoCord qe,
Ball Aye, Johll qe,
Bieleen Aye, Pearce qe,
6 Ayes, lfqe Bone,
M~or eo ordered.
Alderman UoCord Moved,)
Bielaen Seoonded,)
aotr. CALL:
That the request of George Wheeler be denied.
Culliaon A:#•.
lloOord qe,
Hall qe,
liielaen Aye,
6 A.yes, Hqs None,
l.layor eo ordered.
John AJ•,
Pearce A7e,
fh• ~or asked the Clerk to open and read all bdds tor bonda tor Inglewood
Sidewalk Diatriot Bwaber 3, the Clerk then ppened and read the following bide,
Por bonda bearing interest at the rate of 6~ per annwa the au.a of $936.00
6 ~ 96&.oo
Gr~. Emory, Vaeooncella • Co.
ror bonda bearing interest at the rate ot 6*% per annum the &WI ot t960.10
Peck, Brown and Comp&n7.
Por bonds bearing interest at the rate of 5 -}"~ per annum the sum ot $9?.60
N. s. Walpole
Por bonda bearing interest at the rate of 6~ per annwa the awa of &8.00
lnglewood State Bank, C.W.Bieh, Pr••·
Thereupon Alderman Pearoe introduced the following resolution, which waa
read in full b7 the Clerk.
lfHBREAS public advertisement in tho lll~ttwood Herald and Bnterprise, a
weekly newspaper ot general circulation published in the City ot Jmglewood,
Colorado, had been made for more than ten (10) days prior to the 27th day of
Pebruar;y, A.D. 1928, the same having been published in said newspaper 1D ita
iaaues of the 9th, 16th and 26th, 1928, wherein publio notioe wae given tha'
th• City Council ot the Cit7 of Englewood would convene in adjourn regular ..
aeaaion on the 27th d81 o! ~bruary, A.D.,1928, at eight o'oiock P.U.
tor the purpose of publicly opening, reading aloud and oanvaeeing anJ and
all aealed bide for bonds of Englewood Sidewalk District Nwaber 3, !nglewoo4,
Colora4o, and oertif1 the results thereof to the U1k70r of aaid Cit1 with
reoommendation of the City Counoil, and
\fJllR&\S the said City CoWloil did on the 27th day of February, A.D.1928,
meet at the Cit1 Hall of said Cit1 at the time aforesaid and thereupon publiol1
opened and read aloud the sealed bids so made, and
WHRHRAS aaid City Counoil did thereupon consider all the bids offered for
aaid bonds and did deter~ine to reJeot all bids foe the reason that the same
were to low and that in the opinion of the Council a better prioe could be
obtained for said bonds, and
\YH&R?.AS other bids were thereafter on the lGth day of U&roh, A.D. aubmitted
to the City Counoil for the bonds of Englewood Sidewalk District Humber 3, and
WHRREAS canvass of said sealed proposala have been duly and regularly made
and completed and said City Council and attorney havo oaretull1 considered
the reliability of each of the bidders who raude said proposals, and
WHll.\&\S in the opinion of the Council The Englewood State Bank of Englewood,
Colorado, is the highest reliable and responsible bidder for said bonds ae
shown by the comparison of all the proposals so made and in the opinion of
the Council said bid is e'}ual to the fair mar l:et value of said bonds.
NOW, ~li3HEPOHE, BE I'1 ::tESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Englewood,
in adJourn ·regular meeting held in the City Hall in said City this 16th def
of .Llaroh. ~.D.,1928, that said bonds be sold to the Englewood State Bank of E
Englewood, Colorado, and that J.E.Abbott, the Uayor of said City be and he is
authorized and direoted to enter into a oontraot with the Englewood State Bank
of Englewood, Colorado, in accordance with the purpose heretofore auboitted.
Aldermo.n Pearce ilo ved, )
UoCord Seconded,)
adopted as read.
That the"above and foregoing resolution be
Cullison Aye,
l.tcCord Aye,
Hall Aye,
llielsen ,\ye,
Ayes, Uays
Uo.yor so ordered.
Aldercian Cullison Uoved,)
John AJe,
Pearce Aye,
Nielsen ~econded,) That the Clerk be instructed to write a letter
to ~.H.Holderneee that no objection would be made to the building of a six
room terrace for monthly rental, but a Cottage ClWlp to accommodate tauti''
will not be permitted
Cullison Aye,
LlcC orcl Nay,
Hall Aye,
llielsen Aye,
Ayes, One
liayor ao ordered.
~ldeman llielsen aoved,,)
John Aye,
.Pearce Aye,
John Sooonded ) 'l'hat there being no further bueinees to ooce
before the Council, Cow1cil adj urn.
~h>!JL c.t~LL:
Cullison .1\.ye,
lJoi.}ord Aye,
Ho.11 Aye,
lUel son Aye,
o ~es. UflYB None,
1.Iayor so ordered.
John Aye,
Pearce A.ye,
LU nutes of .ddJ0urned .:. egulo.r i.Ieeting of the City Cow1cil of the City of
imglewood, Coloro.do, this Frido.y the 16th do.y of Uurch, A.D.,1~28, stand
approved as 41@cf! ih1s 'l da.v vf ~· A.D., 1928.