HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-04-09 (Regular) Meeting MinuteslialULAli Wl&!I~G OP 'l'HE CITY COUNCIL OP ~HE CITY OF ElJGLEWOOD, COLORADO, IBll KOIDAY '1'113 9th DAY OJI APaIL, A.D., 1928. ~or J.B.Abbott called the meeting to order and asked tor roll call. BOLL OJ.LL: Culliaon Preeent, KeCord Abaent, 6 Preaent, U.,or aaked Clerk to read Kinutea. Hall Present, lfielsen Present, Abee~ l. John Preaent, Pearo• Preaent, Olert read all ainutee of Regular Meeting ot liaroh 12, and Maroh 16, 1928. Al4eJ'llan •1elaen Moved,) Cullison Seoonded,) That all minutes read by the Clerk be appro•ecl aa read. ROLL C.ALL: Cullison 1.7e, WoCord Abaent, Hall Aye, Nielsen A.7•, 6 ~ea, Abaent 1, ~or so ordered. Clerk read all reports ot ottioere tor uaroh. Alderman Cullison Moved,) John J.7•, Pearoe J.7•, Hall Seoonded, ) That all reports of Oftioera read by the Clerk be reoeiTed and filed. ROLL CALL: Oulliaon J:le, KoCord Abaent, 5 qee, Ball J.7e, JJielaen Aye, Absent Jia7or ao ordered. 1, John qe, Pearoe qe. All Billa read b)' the Clerk and o.K'd by the Pinance Co~ittee. '7'180 J.l.Abbott '7'181 Lenora ~ogle '1'782 c.c.conant 7783 D.K.Weat 7'184 l.W.Baal.7n 7'186 L.S.Brown '7'186 J.A.Skerritt '1'18'1 Jaok Buaaell '7'88 A.O. tied t '7'789 L.W.Terrell '1'190 Jamee B.Cullieon 7791 c.u.Hall '7792 Grant H.John 7793 J.c.uocord 7794 li.S.Uielsen 77~6 L.li • .t>earoe 77~6 Jamee Hobinson 77~7 ~lewood Public Library 77~8 Wla.&.Wright 77'.l'J C.Bladholra '1800 American Le'ranoe 7801 G~'• Garage 7802 W.H.lleveu '7803 Cit7 • County of Denver '1804 American Larranoe 7806 Alaerioan Larranoe '1806 Central Suppl~ Co. 7807 .Phil Tangye 7808 Kephart • Kephart '1809 J.B.Hardoaatle '7810 Jlarehall Garage '7811 B.P.feteraon 7812 B1vel.7a Garage '1813 Biveqa Garage '1814 Joe Wheeler 7816 '1074 J.Cardwell '1816 P.W.KoCauley 781'1 •.J • .An4eraon '1818 J.liioe 7819 C.D.Langhorn '1820 E.B.rl eeeer '1821 C.G.Guatafeon 7822 B.Herr11&.nn 7823 Plannery'a Garage 7824 Continental 011 co. 7826 Lillian Hardcastle 7826 GQ'& Garage 7827 Caaeid7 Brothers '182 8 QualitJ Sand & Gravel Co 7829 A caristensen SALARY FUND ~ J.layor Clerk Attorney i'reaaurer Chief of Police Aaet.Ohiet of Police Street 001111. Speoial Offioer Health co-. Polioe Magistrate Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Night Pire Truck Driver LIBl\A.-{Y FUllD Flag .FU~lD .• 10.00 186.00 33.33 26.00 110.00 140.00 160.00 110.00 26.00 21.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 26.00 1884.33 tl26.00 D&7 Driver tl26.00 Bight & SUDdfl1' U&n 41.00 Laat f117ment on ~ruck,& Int2968.,0 Batteries 26.70 Cleaning & Repairing a&diator 7.35 overhaul of Pwaper 2''·20 Labor & Repairs on Truok 2,8.00 Labor & Supplies 6.36 Zenith Carburator 60.00 One D&7 Pire Truck Driver 4.00 Batter7 Service 6.50 Gae 1.62 ~b~ 2.00 Repairs on Battery Box 3.60 Gae ,,00 t378 .82 PUBLIC IlAPl\OVEUEUT P l.JliD Gaa Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor & Supplies Gae Truck License Tires & 'iube !.ab or 33 loads gravel 264 loads of gravel • 18.63 108.00 10.00 40.00 18.00 6.00 48.00 48.00 7.00 10.60 62.10 32.19 10.00 48.80 11.60 19.80 162.00 ' I I I I I ·7 a 30 H.~.U oore 3qu1 p . 78 Zl J.B.Hardoaatle 7832 Blatel.7 Garage 7838 •alah ~otor Co. 7834 John D07le 7863 Alo7aiua Appiok 7864 J.lu Mqer 7816 'l'bo-• h'anoia •ole7 7836 Bi'leqa Garage 7836 1.l.AD4eraon 7817 ~.G.Bowq 7118 Wl•e • ferguaon 7889 K0111lta1D States T.• ~.co. 784'0 0 ... 147 Brother• 7841 Citle• Bag.• Coa.co. 7842 taxi 8el"lloe Co. 7843 Jill Wll•on 7844 J.B.Bar4oaatle 7841 D.A.Sutton 7846 c.r.Bookel 7847 Jaok Iill••ell 7848 Baslewoo4 Beral4 (aa) flr•t .. tional BanJt 7849 Baailton Towel Suppl7 7860 L. rogle 7861 &.O.Tie4t 7862 &uperior Safet7 lllk Co. Grand Total Alderman ?earce a oYed,) Heater Gaa Kerosene Labor Labor on Water Senioe Alley Condemnation " .. .. " G DBRAL IUllD Oaa Vital Statiatioe Brlok Work Suppl lee Phone Servioe Toilet at Cit7 Hall Xoppe i'111ng Taxi Service Gae• Oil Gae • Oil Wire Inspector t Doz Piles Gae & Plash Light Printing Towels ioatage Stamps 29 tripe to Laborato?7 Paper. • 61.00 44.46 .14 .60 28.40 18.40 16.66 36.72 '882.oo •. 2.38 1•.26 68.76 38.90 19.60 80.'10 6.90 6.00 9.62 11.16 37.66 4.26 8.04 28.00 1.26 2.00 29.00 ltfg p&I. t60l9.70 Cullison Seoonded,) That all b7 the 1inanoe co .. ittee be allowed. bills read b7 the Clerk and O.K'd ROLL CALL: Cullison ~e. KoCord Absent, Hall qe. lfieleen Aye, 5 A.7ea, Absent John ~e. Pearce qe, • 1, Alderman Bielaen UoYed,) Pearoe Seconded,) ao.waahington. BOLL CALL: Oulllaon qe, lloCord Ab•nt, ~or ao ordered. That the City repair broken atop box at 3371 Hall qe, Jolm qe, lfielsen A7•, Pear•e 1.1e, 6 ~ea, Absent . l, ~or so ordered. Alderman Pearoe UoYed,) Hielaen Seoonded,) Petition for widening Broadwlll' HOLL CALL: ~hat the Lla7or and Clerk be authorised to aign 1D the 3400 Blook. Cullleon J.7e, KoCord Absent, Hall J.78, lfielaen qe, 6 J,7ea, Abaent ~or ao ordered. Alderman Pearce Uoved,) John A7e, Pearce qe, 1, Bielaen Seconded,) That the Street Co1111iaaioner open •lley in th• 3400 Blook between Broadw~ and Linooln. be instructed to iiOLL CALL: CUlliaon 47e, KoCor4 A)aent, Ball qe, llielaen qe, 6 qea, Abeent 1&a7or ao ordered. John qe, Pearoe qe, 1, Inglewood, Colorado. April 9, 1928. Oontraot -Ball-Sinolair Street Grading and lllproveaent Dietrict Oontraotor-Bnglewoo4 Herald (aa) Pirat Jational Bank Printing Ordinance Bo.3 Series of 1928. Coatraot -llall-BiDolair Sidewalk, Street Grading • lllproYement Diatriot. Coatraotor-11arJ G.John btendiag Booka p7.60 ' Alterman Pearoe Uoved,) John Seoonded,) that a 0017 of the above eatillatea be iaoorporated 1D and spread upon the minutes and that the following resolution be adoptecl, •hioh resolution was thereupon read in full: "Beaolution of the Cit7 Council of the City of Bnglewood,authorisi.Jls 'he Oit7 lr•aaurer to pat certain estimates in the matter of Ball-Sinclait 8id ... lk, Street Grading and lJlprovement District. /~J "Be it reeolYed b7 the Cit7 Counoil of the City of Inglewood, Coloraclo, that the estimate of the Cit7 Engineer, showing the araount due at . this ti.lie to The llaglewood Herald Cae) Pirat Bational B~nk, being the awa of tl&.48; the amount clue J.1u7 G.Johne being the swn of •3'1.60; be and the aarae are hereb7 approYecl, and the Cit7 Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to ~ to aaid partiea, or their dul7 aooredited representatives, the amount apeoifiecl b7 aaicl eati11atee out of mon97 in his hands, to the credit of said Diatriot, or to come into his hand• frora the sale of bonda of said Diatr1ot, and oharge the ... eon account of the reapective matters therein contained." 1'h• queation of the and the Tote taken with iiOLL CALL: adoption and approval of the aboYe resolution wae put the following result: CUlliaon A7e, KoCord Absent, . Ball qe, · lfieleen ~e, . 6 £.7ea, Absent ~or so ordered. John J.7•, Pearce qe, Inglewood, Colorado. Contraot -.llnglewood Sidewalk District Bo. 2. Contraotor-Bnglewood Herald (ae) Pirst National Bank Printing Con,raot -~lewood Sidewalk District No. 2. Contractor-11&?7 G.John April 9, 1928. Bxtencliug Book• rio.oo Alderman Pearce Uoved,) John Seconded,) That a aopy of the above estimates be incorporated 1D and apreacl upon the minute• and that the following resolution be adopted, which reeolution was thereupon read in full: "Reeolution of the Cit7 CoWlcil of the Cit7 of Bllglewood,Coloraclo, authorising the Cit7 'treasurer to p~ certain estimates in the matter of jnglewoocl Sidewalk District No. 2." "Be it resolved bJ the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, that the estimate of the Cit7 &lgineer, showing the amoWlt due at this tiMe to lh• Jnglewood Herald (aa) 'irst National Bank, being the awa of f09.56; the aaaount due JJary a.Johna, being the sum of $10.00; be and the same are hereb7 approved, and the Cit1 Treasurer is hereb7 authorized and direoted to P&7 to said parties, or their duly acoredited repreaentatives, the &aOllDt specified by the said estiraates out of money in his hands to the credit · of aaid Dietrict, or to come into his hands from the sale of bonds of said District, and charge the s8.l1le on account of the respective matters therein oontalned. '' "The question of the adoption and approval was put and the vote taken with tho following result: auLL CALL: Cullison Aye, lAcCord Absent, Ilall Aye, lliel sen Aye, of the above resolution John AJe, Pearce A.7•, 6 Ayes, Absent 1, L!ayor so ordered. Counci l rlan Peare introduced thA fo110V1in g resolution: \1H2; ~~S, '~he City ··n tneer, G J en Izett, has presented his first esti.Ilate showing the amount due c .o.~evier, Contructor constructing the irnprovernents in Englewood idewul k Distrtct Il o.3, of 2nglewood, Colorado, whioh estimate is in words and figures as f o llows, to-wit: Apri 1 9, 1928. ~s ti 111a te No. 1. Contract -imglew1.1 U: Si dewal k District Hu1aber 3. Contractor -Chas •• Sevier 4000 Cu.yds excavation ,., .4 0/ O.K. Glen A.Izett, ~1600.00 City Engineer. ;Vl!AJtE.."3 ,. In tho opinion of the Council the said C.O.Sevier is entitled to receive payment of s1.!id esti:nu te. !I J .... I ~i ""'F'O~\ ··~ be it raso l ved by l o 6i t/ 6 ounci 1 o f the City o f Englewood, Colorado, that estirr.ate .Jo.l of the City ~ngineer showing the amount due to C. J. ~e\' !er, the Cont ra ct or construct inl the i mprov "!'lent in Englewood Sidewalk District lio .3 of s aid City, on n count of material furnished and work done, be Md the aw:ae are hereby up prove<l in th e tota 1 amount <lue for said ostimate Uo.l of siY.teen hundred and no/100 (:1 16JO.OO) dollars and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to deliver to the ~nglewood Stato Bank of Englewood, Colorado, buydr of said bonds of su1d ZnB lewood Sidewall: District Uumber 3, in the aggregate sum of two thousand and no/100 ($2000.00I dollars, consisting of four (4) bonds nu r bered one (1) to f our (4), inclusive, being in the I ,, I I I I ' d e no rn i n~ti on o f :t'i v e hundr ed April, A.D. 1928, and out of P«I to o.o.sevier the ewa of aa14 eatiute. and no/100 ($600.00) dollars eaoh, th1a 9th 4~ of the prooeeds reoeived trora the eale ot uid bonda sixteen and no/100 ($1600.00) dollara aooording to Alderman Pearoe Koved,) Bielaen Seoonded,) iOI.L CALL: The adoption ot resolution aa read. Culliaon &J•, MeOorcl Abaent, Hall qe, Bielaen qe, 5 £7••, Abactnt 1, 11&7or ao ordered. A14el'll&D Pearce introduoed the following resolution: John £7•, Pearo• Ar•, WlllBIAS, ~· 11rat Bational Bank ot Knglewood, Colorado, as aaaignee ot the 1D1l .. oo4 Herald and lnterpriae, haa preaented a 8tat .. ent of 1n4ebteclneaa tae it frOll lbllewoocl Sidewalk Diatriot Bo.3, llnglewood, Colorado, on aoooun• ot aervioea performed b7 the aa14 Jnglewood Herald and &lterpriae, in publiahing or41nanoe an4 lo•1o•• tor Inglewood Sidewalk Diatriot Bo.3, whioh ••at .. •nta 18 in word8 an4 fisures aa followai to-wit: ••brua17 23, 1928 To publishing ordinance Bo.•, oreating Sidew~lk •o.3 t37.62 Jan.26 • ••b.29, 1928, To proposed ordinance oreating dietriot 1tb. 2 • 23, 1928, To notioe to bidders To notioe to bond bidder• tl6.96 9.88 PIS.84 Ti.20 AllD WlilidlAS, the City .imgineer has submitted hie statement ot indebtedneaa du• to the Cities 3ngineering and contracting Company in the eum of two hun4red and no/100 ($200.00) dollars, to John Doyle in the awa of twelve and 36/100 (tl2.36) 4ollara and to J.W.Blaok tor the IWI ot thirtJ•two and 60/100 f 131.IO) dollar•, due them respeotive17 from the ~glewood Sidewalk Dlatriot Buaber 3, on aooount ot aervioea performed b7 them ae stated, and IDllalAS, 1D the opinion of the City Council the said !he Pirat aational BaDk of Ballewood, Colorado, Citiea Brigineering and Contrao,ing Comp&D7, Je~ Do7le and J.W.Blaok are entitled to receive payments in the reapeotive amoun'• aa aet forth in aaid atatementa. 110 .1 'l'HJIRUORI lt• it reaolved by the Cit7 Council of the Clt7 of Baglftoocl, Colq~o, that the atateaenta showing the &11ounta due to Th• ~1rat •atioaal ~(l't Inglewood, Colorado, Aaaignee, Cities Bngineering and Contracting ClllfaD7, John Do7l• and J.W.Blaok be and the same is hereb7 approvecl in the total au of thr•• hundred and eightJ-aeven and 31/100 ttsat.31) 4ollara an4 th• 01'7 freaaurer ia hereb7 authorized and direoted to deliver to 1'b• Bllglftood State Bank ot Bnglewood, Colorado, blJ7er of said bonde of •aid BnClewood 814twalk Diatriot So. 3, in the swa of tiYe hundred and no/100 (t600.00) 4ollara oonaiating ot one (1) bond n1111bered f1Ye (6), being in the denooination of five hundre4 and no/100 (ti>00.00) dollars, this 9th d~ of April, A.D. 1928, and out of the prooeecl1 re~eived fro~ the sale of said bonds tor the purpose ot pa71ng lngiJleering olerioal and other inoidental expenses in oonneotion with said Inglewood S1dewal~ D1atr1ot Uo.3, puy to the Pirst Uational Bank of llllglewood, Colorado, aaaignee, the aum ot one hundred and forty-two and 56/100 Cti•2.66) 4ollara, to Citiea lngineering and Contracting Compa111 the awa ot two hundred and no/100 Ct200.00) dollars, to John Doyle twelYe and36/100 Ctl2.36) dollar• and to J,W.Blaot th• awa of thirty-tw~ and60/100 (~2.60) dolla~a. Alderman Pieroe Woved,) Bielaen Seconded,) ROLL CALL: Cullison A7•. MeCord .Abaen t, the adoption ot aaid resolution aa read. Ball qe, llielaen qe, John qe, Pearoe qe, 5 '1••, Abaent l, ~or 80 ordered. ~~tter aome tisouasion of water tape en ma6nes between Broadw1q and Clarkaon, and Hampden and Ae~on the matter of investigation was referred to .. ,er c .... Alderman Cullison Moved,) Bielaen Seoonded,) 'that there being no further buaineaa to oOlle before the Council, Counoil adJourn to meet ?land~ April 16, at '·30 P.K. R ~T.L CALL: OUllison A.7e, MoCord £beent, Hall qe, Nielsen qe, 6 ~··· Absent ~or ao ordered. 1. John qe, Pearce qe, JU.nutea ot Regular Meeting ot the City Council ot the Cit7 ot Inglewood Colorado, this ~on~.~h~ gth d~ ot April, A.D.,1928. stand approv.a aa...d«ud'~ 'hia If •• dq ot~, A.D., 1928. ~a/~,,g, i dierlt. U -..