HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-04-16 (Regular) Meeting MinutesADJOtTrlH.ED R~ULli\ UllTIUG OF THE CITY CuUUCIL OF THE CITY OF EUGLEWOOD,COLORAl>O!
!BIS UOHDAY ~HB 16th DAY Ol APHIL, A.D. 1928.
Karor J.B.Abbott called the meeting
Cullison Present,
J.loCord Abeent,
4 Present
to order and asked tor roll oall.
Hall Present,
Nielsen Present,
John Present,
Pearoe Abaent, a,
Counoilman Cullison 1Dtroduoed the following resolution
WHBR3A.S, The Cit7 Treasurer, D.U.Weat, was heretofore on to-wit: the 27,h
d&7 of ••bru1U7, A.D. 1~28, authorized by the City Counoil of the Olt7 of
Bnglewood, b7 resolution duly passed on that date to PS¥ to the Cit7 JIDglneer,
Glen A. Isett, the ewa of three hundred and no/100 Ct300.00) dollar• ou• of
the mone7a in hie handa to the oredit of the i>ublio ImproYement Pund aat 'o
olaarge aald aaount to Knglewood Sidewalk Distriot Uwaber 3, on aoooan' of
Jngineera feea and to re-emburee said fund tor moneys thereafter reoeiYed,
'o the oredit ot ••id Diatriot from the sale ot bonda tor the purpose of p~lag
engineering, olerioal and other inoidental expenees in oonnection therewith,
~. The Cit7 ~easuaer has now in hie poseasion tunda and mone7a ~om
the eale of bonda tor the purpose ot paying engineering, olerloal and othe~
inoidental expense• in oonneotion therewith to the oredit ot Inglewood Sidewalk
Diatrlot Hwaber 3, auttioient to re-emburse said Public ImproYement Pund, tor
the amounts ohar~ed thereto aa herein stated.
!lOW l'H<EFORE be 1 t resu 1 ved by the City COWloi l of the Ci t7 of Rnglewoocl
in a regular adjourn session convened this 15th day of April, A.D. 1S28. the
City rreaeurer, D.U.Weet, be and he is hereby authorized and directed •o p97
to the Public ImprOYement Fund the SWU Of three hWldred and no/100 f t300.00)
dollars, tor the purpose ot re-emburseing said Publio Improvement Pund ou•
ot the moneys in hia hands to the ored of Jgiglewood ~idewalk District Ho. a,
and to oharge the same to said District, for the purpose ot pa7ing engineering,
olerioal and other incidental expenses in connection therewith.
Alderman Cullison Moved,)
John Seconded, )
.d OL !. C£LL:
~he adoption of said resolution ae read •
Cullison a.ye,
Uo~ord ~"sttnt,
Hall Aye,
llieleen Aye,
4 ~es, 2 Absent,
John Aye, .
J.>earoe Absent,
Uayor eo ordered. • #
~lderman Pearce ow~e at this ti~e.
Alderman John l!oYed, )
Pearce Seconded,) That the filling of Logan ~treet be referred
to the Street and Bridge Co1111ittee with power to act.
Cullison qe,
McCord Absent,
Hall Aye,
Nielsen Ji3e,
qes, Absent
aayor eo ordered.
John A.ye,
Pearce qe,
a&70r aet the first week in !day as clean up week for the City.
Clerk read Applications of E.E.Ellis and J.H.Blaok for cement inspeoter for
Qiglewood Sidewalk Ho.3.
A ballot was taken with the following result:
K.3.&llie 3
l.W.Blaok 2
~or declared ;~.~.~llie as Sidewalk Inspeoter.
J.~.Cullison declared himself as being opposed to an inexperienced inspector.
Alderroan lt!el••·'llbved,l ·.· .
Hall Seconded,) l'hat Agreernent betwoon i>.A.Cassidy and R.E.Q ,,eaidy and
the Cit7 of llnglewood tor the purohase o'! the 2" watermain located on south Pearl
Street between East Oxford and Eaet Mansfield Avenue ·s be acoepted and filecl.
ROLL CALL: . . .
CUllison Aye, Hall Aye, John Ayo .,
UoCord Absent, Uielsen Aye, Pearoe 1t7e,
6 ~es, Absent 1,
~or eo ordered.
Alderman lielaen introduoed the following resolution:
WHlijJUS, the City ot Inglewood has this day taken over that oertain , two 1noh
(2~) watermain located on South Pearl Street between East Oxford and Bast Manafield
AYenuea, in the Cit7 ot Englewood, Colorado, by an agreement with P.A.Caea147
and R.E.Caesidy, and
WHKR&.\S, certain parties on said waterr11ain advanced money for the purpoae of
helping to build said watermain and in order to re-emburee said parties, the
said P.A.Caeaid7 baa paid the &WI of one hundred and sixt7-two and 60/100 Ctl68.60)
dollars, whioh mone7 the City of Englewood desires to have refunded to the eaid
P.A.Caaaid7 as proYided in this resolution.
HOW ·l'HERRPOliE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Englewood,
Colorado, that all persons desiring taps on said watermain, exoept those tape
heretofore granted, shall pay therefor the swa of ten and no/100 ($10.00)_ 4ollara
per lot tor the taps so used. it being understood that there shall be one tap for
two (2) lots and out of the money received tor tape so sold the City of Inglewood
shall p~ one half (1/2) to the said P.A.Cassidy uhtil the sum of one hun4re4 an4
sixty-two and 50/100 ($162.50) dollars has been refunded.
# .•
' ·,
. '
I ' . , ••
A ld ennan ~a el aen Iit ov ed, )
' John Seoond e d,) the adoption of said resolution.
Cullison Aye,
lloCord ~been t,
Hall Aye,
Ilielaen Aye,
Ayes, Absent 1,
I.tayor so ordered.
John Aye,
Pearce A3e,
Alderman Cullison in tr od uced the followin resolution which was read in tull
b7 the Clerk.
itesolu ti on .
WH~F~s . H.;.I .8evernn e has paid to the City of P .. nglewood, Colorado, the sum
of one hundred and f orty and no/100 (~110 .00 ) dollars for five (5) tape on the
watermain pu rchased by the City of i ~n g lew o d fr or:i i:>.1~.c assidy and a.E.Cassidy.
:JJW ·:lf..$Lt~10~tz 3~ I '~ :·~s0::.·1~D BY 'i'H ~~ CI 'i.Y 01', ~mL2NuOD , COLOlu\DO, that the
said H.U.Severance shall be i 1titl ed to receive fiv e taps on said water main
without additional char · e to him by the City of Englewoo d and the said P.A.
oaaaid7 ahall.not ·.be · e11titled to receive any money on aooount of the granting
of •id taps as shown by his agreeioent.
Alderman Cullison Uo•ed,)
Bielsen Seoonded,)
adopted as read.
That the above and foregoing resolution be
Cullison qe,
lloCord Absent,
Hall Aye,
llieleen qe,
5 ~ea, Absent l,
I.1&7or so ordered.
John J.7e,
Pearoe £7e,
Aldel'll&Jl 111elaen UoYed,)
John Seconded, )
the Counoil, Council adjourn
That there being no further bueineee to oome before
to meet Uonday, April 23, at ,.30. P.u.
· Cullison A.ye,
1'oCord Absent,
Hall Aye,
Nielsen Aye,
A.yea, Absent 1,
uayor eo od ered.
John 1.7•,
Pearce A:#e.
Klnutea of Adjourned aegular Ueeting of the City Council of the City ot Bnglewoocl,
Coloraclo, this Mon~the 16th d~ of April, A.D. 1928, stand approved ae Ll&tt.%<Pf1
thla l'f dq of °7j: , A.D. 1928.