HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-04-23 (Regular) Meeting MinutesADJOtr.aHED R~U~3 1 EE 1'I~G 01 'rHE Cl~Y COU llCIL OF 'l'HE CITY OP EUGL!WOOD, COLORJ.DO,
lllll UOHDAY ~HE 23rd DAY 01 ..lPRIL, A.D. 1928.
~or J.E.Abbott called the
Cullison Present,
lioCord Present,
meeting to order and asked for roll call.
Rall Present, John Present,
Nielsen Present, Pearoe Pre1ent.
6 Present, Absent None,
Street and Bridge Committee reported a coat of $310.00 for togaa ~treet fill,
'l'he county to pa.v $100.00, the City ~100.oa and the District fllo.oo.
Alderman UoCord Koved,)
John Seconded, )
That the Committees report be received and approved.
Cullison qe,
UoCord qe,
Hall A3e,
llielsen ~e,
John J.¥e,
Pearce A7•,
6 ~es, Haye Hone,
Llayor so ordered.
Clerk read petition f o r widening Br ou dwBy fro~ ~ittle Dry Creek to Girard Avenue.
~lderm an llielsen Uoved, )
Cullison 8 e c onded,) rhat le tition be received and filed
• uLL U •L~:
Cullison ~e,
Uc Cord Aye,
Hall Aye,
llielsen 'y e ,
Ayes, llays .ione,
~or so ordered .
Alderman Cullison int r od u c ed the followin g resoluti on.
John Aye,
Pearce Aye,
"a esolution defini n~ the boundaries and s e tting f o rth the desoription of the
propert3 and directing t h e City En gine e r of the City of Englewood, Colorado,
to prepare raape, plane a ncl specification s in full detail, for all work neoeaeary
for the widening of South Broadway in said District with the constructi on of the
necessary paving, curbs and wal i~s and directing said Jmgineer to make t.)l ·~eport
to the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, with all oonYenient •P••4
ae to the total cost thereof and of all of the said improvements."
WRBRBAS, a petition has this day ~een presented to the City Council of •he
C1'7 of Bnglewood, Colorado, at a Regular Adjourn Meeting of aaid Counoil ~
the ownere of a majority of the frontage and of the lots and lands situate
within the Ci tJ of Englewood and within the fol .lowing described boundaries,
Beginning at the intersection of the center lines of East Girard AYenue and
the alle7 between South Broadw~y and South Lincoln Street; thenoe South to an
interaeotion-with a line which is parallel to and one hundred and e1ght7-one (181)
feet south of the South line of Kast Hampden Avenue; thence Weat to an interaee•ioa
with the Bast line of South Broadway; thenoe Northwesterly to a point on the Weat
line of South Broadw~ which is one hundred and thirty-six (136) feet South of
the South line of West Hampden Avenue; thence West to an intereersection with
a line which ie parallel to and one hundred and thirt7-three feet West of the
weat line of South Broadw~; thence Uorth to an intersection with the center line
of West Girard &Yenue; thenoe ~st to the point of beginning.
Englewood, Colorado • .April 23rd,.1928.
l'O rH & Hull ufu\BLE UAY O~t AllD CI '~Y C u U.aCIL OF EllGL&VIOOD
G UTL?'.il?Jl:
Thia is to certify I have carefully checked this petition tor w14ening
of South Broadway, paYing, curbs ans walks and find the following
Total assessable frontage in District l6l?
Total frontage signed for the improvement 784
Llalting a total of 51.67~ signed for the improvement.
Respectively Submitted,
Glen .A.Izett,
B7 Glen A.Izett Cit7 Bngineer.
Rngineer in charge.
WBlalAS, eaid petition is a request to said City CoUJ"cil to create an iaprovement
Diatrlot witbin the boundaries aforesaid, for the purpose of widening of South
Broadw~ •ix (6) feet on either side of the present portion ot said street uaed
for trafic, with the oonstruction of the necessary conorete pavements and concrete I
ourbe, together with the necessary inoidentals, such as remodeling catshbaeina,
repairs to aidewalka destroyed and other incidentals.
WHKR~s. aaid petition authorizes and empowers the Cit7 Council to proceed
UJMler and by virtue of the Authority ot the statutes ot the State of Colorado,
and more particularly under the authority of an act entitled," An act relating
to local improvements in Cities and ~owns," approved April 9, A.D. 1~23, being
Chapter 180 of the Session r.ws of ~olorado for 1923, and all other acts amen-
datory or in aid thereof.
WHEREAS, said petition on its face purports to be in legal form and is signed
b)f the re ·1uired number of o\Vners of the frontage of the lots abutting on said
improYemente in said district aforesaid, as will more particularly and fully
appear by said petition whioh is filted with the Clerk of said City and to which
referanoe is hereby made and which sarae is hereby made a part of this resolution
tor any and all purposes whi~h may be necessary, and
IHIR.llS, said petition does not specify any material nor any method nor a117
plane for the widening ot said Street nor tor the construction for curbs and etc.
EIBR3AS, full discretion and authority is given said Counoil by said petition
in all matters concerning the kind and quality ot said materials to be used in the
oonatruotion of any and all of said work and in all matters concerning the widening
of said Street and the construction of said curbs and etc., and
WKRR3A.S, in the opinion of said CoWlcil said petition should be granted and
an improvement district created including said property aforesaid, and 1D aooordanoe
with said petition and for the purposes set fourth in said petition, and
WHRaJU.S, no preliminary order can b• made b7 said Council until full detail•
and apeolflcations definitely describing the materials to be used together with a
map of the district in which said improvements are to be made, has been preaented
to said Council tor its consideration and adoption.
COLORADO, in regular adjourn meeting convened this 23rd d~ of April, A.D. 1928,
tllat an improYement district to be known as South Broadw~ Paving District Bo.4,
3nglewood, Colorado, to include all ot the lots and frontage heretofore definitel1
described and within the boWldaries aforesaid, be and the same is hereb)r created
for the purpose set fourth in said petition and in accordance therewith and 'b7
the authority thereof and the power granted to the said Counoil by the Statutes
of the State of Colorado, and more particularly t•e authorit7 of "AD act relating
to looal illprovements in Cities and Towns," approved April 9, A.D. 1923, being
Chapter 180 of the Sessions Laws of Colorado, for 1923 and all other acts a11endato17
or in aid thereof, and
'BE IT PURTHEH ~ESOLVED, that the City Engineer of the Cit7 ot Bnglewood,
Colorado, be and he is hereby instructed to proceed with all convenient speed
to prepare a map of said district and to also prepare full details and specifi-
cations for all of the work to be done in said district. and in aocordinance with
aaid petition, said details and specifications to fully set forth the ·kind of
materials to be used, the araount and kind of work which will be necessary to
oomtlete the widening ot said street, and to report to said Council when said
plans and specifications are fully completed for the further action in the matter
adopting full details and specifications in contormitJ with said report and for
further action of said Council in definitely describing the materials to be used
and determining the nWAber of installments and the time in which the cost of the
improvements shall be payable, the rate of interest on unpaid and deferred install-
ments and the property to be assessed for the same as in said act provided, and
suoh other action by said Council as r11ay be necessary in ordering an estimate
of the whole cost to be made by said 3ng1neor and li ecedule of said cost and the
amounts to be assessed, before said improvements are ordered as by ·eaid act
£lderman Cullison Uoved,)
John Seconded, 1
the adoption ot said resolution as read.
Cullison qe,
UoCord J.7e,
Alderman Pearce Moved,)
Hall Aye,
Uielsen Aye,
so ordered.
John Aye,
Pearce 1.7e,
Nielsen Seconded,) 'l'hat the Ordinance Ctmmittee, a Committee from
the ?ire Departrnent and the City A. t torney prepare a · fire ordinance to subaai t
to the Council.
Cullison qe,
UcCord J.7e,
6 Ayes,
£lderman McCord Uoved,)
Hall Aye,
Nielsen Aye,
lla7or eo ordered.
John Aye,
Pearce Aye,
Hall Seconded,) rbat the need of new fire hose presented by Fire
Chief Bladhol~ be referred to the Supply Committee and Fire Committee with
power to act.
Cullison qe,
Uc Cord A.7e,
Hall Aye,
llielsen ~\ye,
Ayes, !lays llone,
Uayor so ordered.
John Aye,
Pearce Aye,
h~ire chief asked that ".:lo Parking" signs be placed at the North Englewood
School on both the iest and llorth side to provide protection for the children,
also to leave the fire hydrant clear in case of fire.
Alderman ~ullison llo ved.)
1lielsen Sec0nded,) J.'hat a Warrant be drawn to David H.Li.Strong for
$1140.0u for a rdlease from all clairas, causes of action and demands that he may
have against the City of ~nglewood.
Cullison Aye,
UcCord Aye,
6 Ayes,
Hall Aye,
Uielsen Aye,
l.~ayor so ordered.
John Aye,
Pearce Aye,
Clerk read petition fr ora some forty signers in regard to the poor water service
in the 32 & 3300 blocks on So ~earl, So. P enn & So.Washingtog Streets.
4lderrnan LfcCord Uoved,)
Hall Seconded,)
J.'1}iat said petition be referred to the Water Coomittee.
Cullison Aye,
UcCord 43e, 6 ~yes.
Hall ii.ye,
Uielsen Aye , Hays Hone
i J!ay~r so ordered.
John Aye,
Pearce b.ye,
J 31>
llr.Sullivan came before t he Council e xpr e ssi n. hi s u ~~reciation for the opening
of the alley in the 3400 block between tincoln and lit'oo.dway.
Alderman KoCord presented the following resolution.
WHEaEAS, on April 20th, 1928, a disastorous fire oocured in the Cit7 of Bngle-
woo4, in which m&Jl1' people lost their lives, and
WHEREAS, the fire department, the police department and the Hospitals and
Uedioal Staff of the City and County of Denver responded promptly and efficientl7
to the call tor help sent to t•em.
NOW THERJDIORE, be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Englewood,
extend to the fire departmen,, the police department, the Hospitals, the Medical
Staff and other officials and employees of the City and County of Denver, their
thanka and appreciation for the valuable and efficient aid given to the Cit7 of
Bnglewood and those suffering from the effects of the tire, further that this
resolution be spread upon the minutes of the adjourn regular meeting of the
Cit7 Counoil of the City of Englewood, held this 23rd d1&7 of April, 1928, and that
the Cit7 Clerk mail a copy of this resolution to the Chief of Police, the Chief
of the Pire Department, the head of the Uedical Staff and --the Hoepltals of the
City and County of Denver, who rendered assistance as aforesaid.
Alderman KoCord UoYed,)
CUllieon seconded,) That the foregoing resolution be adopted.
Culliaon A:1e,
J.loCord qe,
Hall A.7e,
Nielsen Aye,
Ayes, Hays
~or so ordered.
John A7•,
Pearce qe,
\YHEREAS, on April 20th, 1928, a dieasterous fire occured in the City of
Englewood, in which many people lost their lives, and
WH ER ~S, the Volunteer Fire Department of the City of Englewood responded
promptly to the call and gave loyal and efficient service in checking and
putting out the fire and the saving of lives and property.
CO L OlUU>O, extend to the rner~bers of the VolWlteer Fire Department of the Ci t7 of
Englewood, their thanl:a and appreciation for the valuable and efficient work
done by them in handling the fire and further that this resolution be spread
upon the minutes of the adjourned reg ular meeting of the City Council of the City
of 3nglewood, held th i s 2 3rd day of .il.pril, .A.D. 1~28, und that the City Clerk
transmit a copy of t his r e s olution to Edw•rd Bladhol m, us Chief of the Volunteer
?ire D epart ~en t of this City.
~ld e r 1nan j.:l oCord llo ved. )
Cullison Seconded,)
~H)L!.. C.d.LL :
?hut the fore go ing r e solution be adopted.
Cullis on ay e,
UcCord Aye,
6 ~es,
Alderman l ieleen ~oved,)
Hall Aye,
llielsen ~e,
so ordered .
John Aye,
Pearce Aye,
2earce Seconded,) That ther e being no further business to come
before the Counoil, Cou n cil adjourn to meet Uonday, i\pril 30, 1'428 at 7.30.
: i OLL CA!.L:
Cul l ison Aye,
:.1 0 9ord Aye,
Ha.11 A.ye.
Nielsen Ay e,
Ayes, Ua.ys
a&yor so ordered,
John Aye,
Pearce Aye,
inutes of ~dJourned it e g ular deeting of t he C ~ty Council of the City of E.~glewoo!f
Col orado this U on~~ 23rd day of Apri l , A.D.,1~28 0 stand approved au .df'/a/.
this .1#--day of _, A.D. 19~8.