HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-05-21 (Regular) Meeting MinutesADJOURNID •\~UL.AR 1lE~·fI~ID OF THE CITY COU.lCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COT.OBADO. THIS IiOllDAY ~R 21st DAY op J.IAY. A .D. 1~28. M1117or J.E.Abbott oBlled the meeting to order and asked tor roll oall: anT.T, CA T,T,~ Cullison "Preeent . llor.ord Present. & Present. Alderm•n N1eleen aoved,) Ha1 l lbeent ~ . llie1 sen ~eaent. Absent 2. John Absent, Pe~roe Present, ~•~roe Seconded,) ~hat Agreement between the Cit7 of Bnalewood and Sanr1Jel E.Buftm~n and Ann~ U.Huttman tor one (ll tBo on water main at Weat outnoy Avenue and Sonth Huron Street. be aooeoted and filed. iiOT.T, 0~ T,T,~ Cullison ~e. Hall A~eent. John A)••nt. MoCord Aye. Nielsen Aye. Pearoe A7•. 4 Ayes. Absent 2. 1187or so ordered. Clerk read application of E.E.Uonzingo for P.olioe Work. but no aotion waa t•ken. Dr.John oame at this time. Alder~!lD Nielsen Uoved, ) Pe~rce Seoonded.) 'l'hRt oropoeed ordinanoe No. Series of 1~28. "AN lE>I~AliCE l?ROVIDIUG POli THE PliEV&NTIOll OP PTUES 4ND POU TilT-CONSTRUCTlOll. BOUI'PllBNT Alm USB OP BUILDINGS AND POR 'lHE I!lSP.ECT IOH OF PREMISES BY THE 1IRB DBl'ARTDliT TO SAJEQ.UARD . THE PUBLIC Aiill PHO.PER'2Y AGAINST FIUE," be introduced and read &I a proposed ordinance tor the City of E11a~ewood. ROT.r, c-r.r,: Cullison A7e, UoCord 1..7e . Hall Absent. llielsen Aye. 5 Ayes. Ab~~it l. Uayor so ordered. John Aye, Pearce qe, Clerk read oroposed ordinance Uo. Series of 19~8."~H OlU>IUAliCE PROVIDilfG POli ~ 'PREVJ:UTlu.ll 01 llii&S ~lD 1Uli Tlm ·coUSTHUCTIOli. EQ\JIPlSUT AUD USB OP BUILDiliGS AllD POii ~HE l~S?ECTIOll OF :.e~~ISES BY THE Fla~ DE:t>All'l'UEH'l' TO 5APFXIU.A.1D THE PUBLIC Am> PltU.Plii~Y AGAI.1.lS'~ 1IiiE," in full. Alderman U1elsen Uoved,) ?earce Seconded. ) That proposed ordinanoe Jio. . Seri ea of 1928. "41 OlU>lliAllCR .PltUV ID.WG FUii THE l'liEVEilTIUIJ OF IIrlES AUD POii THI COUSTitUC'.rIOll, BQUI21WfT Al'iD USE ul BUILDilJGS AliD JfOit THE l1l~.PKCTIOll 01 PR&lISBS BY TH.I 1Iil D~AHTUEJT '~U ~AJ.IEGU~ '~HE PUBLIC Al:lD .Pl~U.PErl~Y ACiAillST B'IliB." do now .., ••• firat reading as read. liOLL CALL: Cullison Aye KoCord A.ye. Hall ~JleQt, llielsen Aye. 5 Ayes. Abaent UAyor so ordered • . Alderna~n llielaen Uoved ,) 1, John A7e. Pearoe qe, PeAroe Seoonded,) ~"hAt whereas oroposed ordinance Bo. Series of 1928, "Of ORDlliAHCB PiiOVIDIUG POrl THE PR~V£llTIU~l OF lfliiE~ A!lD POU 1~llE COISTRUCTIWI, BQUJP~ AllD USE u1 BUILD~GS A.UD JfUli ~llli lll3PECTIO~l or P.d&Jli).ia BY TBB J'IHI DK'PARTa&IT 'rv SAJlliUAi@ ;~liE PtraLIC 4HD riiUPE.tTY AGAI~lST '~·" h•• been introduced and paaaed at ita firet reading. NOS, ~ORI. 'RE T~ l1ESOT.V&D by the City r.ounoil of the City Of Inglewood. Colorado, that the ~roposed ordinanoe Ho. Series of 1~28 afor••~ld be ~ubliahed in the ~tewood Her!tld and Enternrise. a weekly newel)al>er publiahed in the Cit7 ot Inglewood. Colorado. and do now go over for further oonaideration at another meeting. R•lT.T. c• r.r.~ Cullison qe. JioCord qe, HRll Absent. llielsen Aye. 6 ~yes. Absent UByor so ordered. Alderman liielsen Uoved.) 1. John qe. Pe~roe 1.7e, ~•Broe Seoonded.) 'lhst nrooosed ordinance No. Serie& of 1~26,"~N OlU>Uf.UCE .d1LA 1iI.1.lG ~\) COJSuLIDATED llrtE DISTRICT .UULmEl\ ollroF :£HE CITY OP &lGLiWvUD, C\lL04ADO . AllD :.ru A1lliliD OiiDLlAliCE llUUBRli a. SllilBS a. 1921, Bl'?ITLBD '.U Ulil>lliAJCS J.t3LATIJG '10 BUILDIUGS, THEIR COiJSTRUC'rIOll , REUOVAT •. AT·TKRATIWi A!ID .i.\.il'AI~~ A~ THE Iil8.PEl,;1f !Uil U1 THE S.Alil~ AT,so E8 11ABLISHIUG CU.USOLIDATBD JIBE DI~T~ICT uo.t.OJ' THE CITY OF ~LEWUOD. ITS BOUuD~I&S AllD 2ROVIDING fOR THB :IX!tBUTiv~ UP THE SAilE. AND rullOLATlllG ~HE &.1ECTIOll OF ASH.1.'ITS, THE CONSTRUCTIOll Alll> liJU1 Aii1 vi BUILDUG~ AHD STltUC 1ru~a3 TH&li3Ili ~D ltJl"iULATillG THE CO.ll8Thl1CTIOlf or ASlifITS A.UD STOlUGE OF CONBU~~IBLE All]) EXPLOSIVE UATlliIALS I.ti SAID Dl~T.l.iIC~ AllD C~C&\JIJG THE RELluVAL 01 BUILDillGS THER3IU." be introduoed and rea as a oropoeed ordinwioe tor the City of Enalewood. ROT,T, C~ T,T,: Cullison Aye. Hall Absent. John A.7•. UoCord £7e, Bieleen Aye. P•~roe A7e. 5 A7es. Absent 1. Uayor so ordered. Clerk read wopoaed ordinanoe No. Series of 1928, "All ORDINAliCE RELATIOO TO COISOLIDATBD PIRE DISTRICT NO.l.OY-T11E CITY OF WlGLEWOOD, COLORADO. AND TO AUBID UBDUANCK 10.8 , SKBIES OF 1921.EI'lTITT.ED'All OlU>lilAHCE HET.ATIUG TO BUILDDIOS. 1'11BIB COlfS!AUC~tOU . li&IOVAt .AT,T.Jlli4TlOll AND REPAIRS AlfD THE IBSPBCTIOlf O'I THE SAUB: AT.SO ISTABLISBillG CO~SULIDATKD PIRE DI5T4ICT ao.1.01 THE CITY or BUGLBWOOD. ITS BOUJJDBRIBS UD .PROVIDIHG POR THE E!TKNTTO.lf o• THE SAUE A:ID Hll}ULATIUG TH• BUCTIOll o• ABJIPITS '?llB COlfST.liUCTION A.ND HEPA IR OP BUILDillOS -'llD S~liUCTl1H38 '.mJIR.llll AllI> RIDULA.TlllG THB COlfSTHUCTIOll OP ASHPITS AllD S~OiiAOE OP COllBUS~'IBLE AUD EXPLOSIVB MTBRIAL8 ID SAID 13~ DISTRICT A.JD COliCERlllliG ROLL CAT.L: THE !t31.IOVAL OP BUILDIHGS THEHEIU." in full. Culliaon qe , J.loCord A7 e . 5 Ayes. Alderman B1eleen UoYed.) HAll Absent. lf1elsen Aye. Uayor so ordered. Absent 1. John qe. Pesroe qe. ?esroe Seconded.) That proposed ordinance No. Series of 1928."All OlU>llWIC.S RELATING TO cu.ISuLIDA'2ED FLt~ DISTrlIC'l' llUl.IBEH on-op THE CITY or BllCLB- •OOD. COLOitADO, A.JD TO .iWZilD OnDI.l.AllC E ll\11..IBEi{ A. SEHIES 01 1921. EUTITLllD, 'Alf ORDillAUC3 RELATING TO BUILD! IGS. THSIH CU llS'i'HUCTIOll. !iEUOVAL. ALTERATION Alf]) R3l'A.IliS A.JD ~HE IHSPJW '~Iull 01 ~a.:; ~~m~ AL30 ESTABLISHillG.CONSOLIDATED PIRE - DISTRICT llO. 1. OP 1.L'Ira Cll'Y OP lOOLEVIOOD . IT3 BOUllD~iiIES AllD PliOVIDlllG POR THE n •.r&ilTIOll OP THE SAllE AilD l \EGU!..AlltlGTllli Elt~CTTL>N OP ~SlfPTTS . THE COHSTliCJCTIOll ADD RKPAIR UP BUILDUGS A.ilD RTl1'JC'~lJiiM8 THErlET N AllD HEGULATillG THE COJlSTRtrCTJUU or ASHPITS AND STORAGE UF CUl lBU3T4BL3 ~~JD EXl'LUSIVE iJL\'2.IrrlIALS Ill SAID DIST~iICT . !llD COllCEiiliI1iG THE :i~OVAL OF BUILDIJ'GS TIIEliEill ," do now pu.aa first reading as read. I~OLL CALL~ Cullison qe. UoCord qe. H~ll Absent. lfielsen Aye. 6 ~es. Absent l. Uayor so ordered. Al4e~aan ~ielsen aoved.) John qe, Pe!!rce A7e, Pearce Secondet.) That whereas proposed ordinance Bo. series of 1928. "All o.aDI~AllCE ~LATI.UG 'lu COl'SOLIDATED PliiE DtSTHIC '2 IIULD3RU OllE Or!H.E CITY or BJGLEWOOD, COLOliADO , A:ID '20 AUE.UD Ol\DlllAllCZ UUUBEH A, SERIES OP 1~21, entitled. AU ~DUIAllCE H3T..ATTllG 'i'O :3LJJTJ)IlJGS. THETR COllSTHUCTTOll, REUOVAT., ALTBRATTOll ABJ) Ul'ATBS AlfD 'lU TllSVBC '2TOU OP' 1iilE ~i\I ,fg~ AT.SO EST~BT.TSRTNG CONSQT,TDATBD rrBB DTS'IRTC'I' 10. 1 t or '1'111 crn or JliQT,JWOOD , TTS BOUllDBRIIS ~liD l>ROVIDillG JOR TD BnBN!IOI O'I 'PllB suo .~liD l\mITT.A'lTliG THE &BCTJOa a., ASHPI'1S . THB CONSTRlJOTJOI .41fD RBl»AIR OJ' BDTT.J>TUGtS AllJ) S'l.kitJOTlfAIS 'lHIWIIll All]) Rmtl'LAT IIG THE 00.l'iSTliUCTlliG or A8Jll»IT8 AID ~aa•GB or COJIBU8~ABLB AliD BXPLOSIV~ U~TEliTALS Ill SAID Dl8TRTOt AID OOBOJIRJftll) 1'111 BlllOVA~ 01 BUILDIBGS ~HllliBTI ." h8a been introduced ll?ld ~88884 ~tit• f1r•t r_.tu . lf09 . 'l'lmBDre.. •• TT rucsnr.vim, '.87 the City Cn11nct l nf the Ci t7 nf Bnal .. oo4. tlaat the ta"O~o•ed ord11111noe lo. Series of 192A ~foreaaid,b• 1'Ubll8he4 in the ~l .. eo4 Jlera14 snd Bllter1'r1ae . & weekl7 newsNt~er 1'Ubl18hed 1n the Oit7 ot 11n•l .. oo4 ,Co1orado , aa re~uired b7 the St~tute of the State of Colorado and 4o now RO OYer for further oona14eration at snother meet1na. 40T.T. na T,T. ~ Culliaon A7e, Bstl ~baent. Jolul ~7•. MoCord A7e. lli•laen ~ye. Pettroe Are. 6 ~.)fee. Abaent l , ~'!Yor so ordered. Al4el'lalUl Cullison introduced the following resolution. WJlllB&,8 , Notioe hsa been regulsrly nub11shed. RiYinR Uottoe to th• uro9ert7 owner• of the creation of a looal tm~roYement Diat~iot within the Oit7 ot Bna1ewoe4, Co1ora4o . to 'be lalon •• "RnTJ'l'H lUin•DWAY l>AVnG DTS'?RICT N0.4".in whtoh lotio• it wsa atated thst st sn adjourn regular meetin~ to be held Gn the llat d•7 of lla7. A .n l9P.R , all vroteata IUld obJeotiona thst might haYe been filed •l'h th• Ot'7 cterk . aenoerain« the oreation of aa1d nronosed D18tP1ct would 'be heard an4 4ete!'!!1De4 at '111• time. and WRBH~'S , the ti.lie for filing said »rnteat hRe 1'&8aed Nid no vroteat nr obJeotions haYe been filed. llrllf, 'l'RBR3'0lill BE IT liaBOTNSD. th~t the C1t7 Couno11 of the Cit7 nf lbrt .. ood. Color94o . hereb7 f1Dda that no ~roteat or objection• to the oreation of 'h•· looal i.llftrOYeaent D1st~1nt within the Cit~ of Englew~od. Colnrudo. to be known &8 "Rl\llTli BRO.ADW_.Y PAVIllQ DISTRICT UUJ.fBER FOUl\".haYe been filed or made with tlle Cit7 Clert or with thia Conno11. A14•J"ll~n C1llliaon UoTed ,) John Reeonded.) anT..r. C&!.L: Cull180D ~7e. ~oCord Ue. 'l'he ~do~tion of eaid reeolut1oa •• ree4. H"''' Abaent, B1 e1 aen .~•;e , Jobn A'I•. P••roe A~G . 5 •yea. IIRYB None. U"7or ao ordered. A reqae8t for ~riYilege to 1natR11 a gRa »WIO ~t the Cotte«• Oft•~ on Weat R"111"len •~8 re~erred to the Lioenae CO".!M1ttee. ... Alderm•n McCord ~eked to be •~ou8ed at 'hi• ~1~•. Ald,,.._f!n Cal 1 iaon UoYed.) I1•l••n Seonnded , l 'l'hlat there being no tile Conftoil Couno11 IU!Journ to meet Wed"eadsy the BOT.r, a~ T,T. ~ eu ~ii•on J.7•. ~11 Absent, UoCord AJl••nt. Bielaen A.7•. :further bu11D••• to ooae before 23r4 4R1., V•~.198A •t 1.80.~.v. John qe Pearo• A7•. 5 uea. llQs Uone. Uayor so ordered. Minutea of A4Journe4 Regular Meeting of the Cit7 Cnunoil of the Ctt7 of llngle:o::· C•lorado, thi• Kon4~• 21st d97 of ~7. A.D.,1~28, stand approYed a• 4.e~""-- thia // 491' of • A.D •• 1928. Cit~?. I I I -I