HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-05-23 (Regular) Meeting Minutes.. AD.TOUlUlllD .a~ULA ~ UEETillG OJ ~HE CITY COUUCIL 07 T~ CITY 01 BUOT.JWOOD , COLORADO. !HIS WBDllBSDAY TBB "3rd DAY O' UAY. A.D.,192A. AT 5.30 p.11. ~ u.:ter J.J.Abbott oalled the meeting BO!.T. CAT.T,• to order and 8aked for roll oall: OUlltaon Pr•••nt , 11o0or :! Absent, 4 Present. H11t 1 1 '?re aent , Nielsen Preaent, Abaent 2. Jolm Abaent . Pearce PreaeDt, ~pplioation made bJ are. dice for water tap outside the C1t7 at 4700 blook Be. Clarkaon waa referred to the later. Irrigation and sewer Committee. Aldel'll&D Uiel••n MoYed,) Pe.roe 8eoonded,) ~t proposed ordinanoe Bo. Seri•• of 1928,"Alf oaDIJiilCll C3 KATillG Ali IDaOV~T DISTRICT WITHill THE Clft oP UGLBWOOD, n"",tlll'DO, fO BB .I:JICJfll A..S SOUTH BROADWAY J?AV n~G DIST.tIU~ llUMBllU~ IOUB." be 1 ntroduoed .... d re.-d •• a ero•oaed ordiaanoe for th• Cit7 nf Knalewood. ao1.r .. c•. "·T·. Cull 1 aon A7•, KeOori a baent , Bsll aye, Hielsen aye , Jou Abant. Pear~• A:ve, 4 A:rea, Abaent ". M~7or ao ordered. Cler~ re~d ern~oaed ordinanoe Bo. Series of 1928."•ll Olil>IllANCE CREATil'D AM IKPROV&UIUT DISTRICT WI~HID TH~ CITY OP EliGLE~VOOD, COT,OR~Dn, TO BE ZHOWN AS SOUTH BliOADWAY P~YI.00 DISTHICT liUUBEit l!'uUli," in tull. ATDBRll~ll JillLSllf auvxn.> . P .. roe Seoo•d•d.) 'l'h~t 'P'?'O~oeed ordinADoe Do. Seri•• of 1928."~N OlU>IIABCI OR.IA'JlfO AB IUP~uVILl&HT DISTliICT WI'l'HIN THE CIT!--01 llGLBWOOD. COT.(llAJ>O. fO Bl lOIOWlf AS SOtnH BliOADWAY 'PAVIlfG DISTRICT UWIBKR 'vUli." do now-·· flret rea41Dg •• read. RnT,T. 0' T,T.• Oulliaon 1.'7e. UoCord -baent . Ha1l Aye, H1elaen Aye. 4 Ayes, Absent Uayor so ordered. Alderna•n Nielsen aoved ,) 2 , John Abaent, Pesroe A7e, P••roe Seconded.) Thet wheraas ~ro~osed ordinance Do. S•»iea of 19~8." Alf ORDillAllCi C~&ATIHG AN ILlP40V~lT DISTHICT WITHIN TBB CI'lf 01 EUGLBWOOD, COLORADO , TO BJ ~OWll AS SuUTH B~OADWAY PAVI~G DISTiiICT HOUBBl.i IOUli ," hsa been lntruduoed and pasaed Bt its first reading. lll'Ytf, THllilD'ORI. Bl IT RESOLVED. by the City Counoil of the Oit7 of Bnalewood, tlaat the propoaed ordlnRnoe ~o. Series of ig2e aforesaid, be ~ubl1alle4 1• the 1wr1 .. ood Herald ~nd Rnternrlae, a weekly newspaper publillhed in the 01t7 of Blurlewood, Colorado , as reuuired by the st~tnte of the State of Color~4o. ADd do DOW go oYer for further ooneideration at AJlother meeting. linT T. c• "·'·· °'111 iaon Aye, Be.11 •7e , Jo)m -baent . UoCor~ Abaent. Hielsen Aye. P••ro• A~e. ·· 4 A7es, Absent ~. Us7or so ordered. Lioenae COllllittee revorted OD the inveatig~tion made in reg~rd to allowi~ «A• 1'WIV to be lnatalled on Weat Bam1'den Avenue, find that on ao1ount of th• narrow atreet it might oauae oongeation ot traffio and therefore not ooneidered a4Yiaeable. A14el"len Oulliaea Moved,) B1elaen Seoonded,) aoT .T. c~ r.r.: 1'h8t the renort of the Co11111tteee be aooepted. C11lllaoD A7e, llof1ord Abaent , HR1, ~:re t llie1aen •:re . 4 Ayes , Abaent 2, U~yor so ordered. Aldel""~n Oulliaon Uoved ,) John Abaent , Pearoe ~7•. lfielaen ~eoonded ,) 'l'h!'!t threa before the Oounail, Co11no11 adjourn. beina no further bualness to oome HOT,T, C_._ T,T,~ Cnl 1 iaon A7 e . J.1or.orc1 Abaetit , Bel 1 -~:re. lite 1 sen Ay~ • 4 Ayes, Absent lblyor so ordered. 2. John Abaent, Peero1t ft.7e, lilinut•• of £dJourned aegular Ueeting of the Ctt1 Cowiall of the Cit1 of 1ng1 .. ood, Colorado, this Wednesday the 23rd day of Uay, A.D. 1~28, stand approved ••A,Ltgye(,.> thle // dq of~ • A.D. 1~28. I