HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-07-09 (Regular) Meeting MinutesRalTTT..\.~ .l.IEETI~lG OF THE CT~Y COUHCIL OF THE CI"~Y UJ' EllGT~\'IOOD. COT,QRADO, '.l'HlS YWIDAY THE ~th D'Y OF JULY, A . D. 1928. Jb1.7or J.E.Abbott o&lled the ROTT, c' T,T,-: meeting to order and asked for roll oall. Cullison Present, UoCord ?resent. HR l l ?resent. John P.reaent. Nielsen rresent, Pe"roe ?reaent. 6 Present, Absent Uone. 1'&.Yor asked Clerk to re&d Uinutes. Clerk re&d all minutes of Regular l.leeting of June 11 ... Adjoutned Reaular Jleetin« ot June 18th and Adjourned lie~l~r Ueeting of June 20.-1928. Alderman Cullison Uoved.) ~cCo:rcl Seconded.) 'l'h&t all minutes read by the Clerk be ••••tTe4 aa .rtd .. d RnTT, CAT,L· Cullison Aye. llcCord qe. Ha11 Aye, John A7•. Nielsen Aye. Pesroe A7• 6 Ayes , Absent Uone. IIBYor so ordered. Clerk read all reports of Officers for the month of June. Alderman Cullison Uoved.) · Rall Seconded. ) 11'hat all reports of Officers read by the Clerk be receiYed and filed. iiOT.T, CA T,T,: Cullison Aye. WcCord A.ye . Hall Aye. John Aye, Nielsen Aye , Pearce Aye, . 6 Ayes. lla~s lfone. ilayor so ordered. Aldel"lllari Hall Uoved.) fieleen Seconded,) ~hat the lots in the 3600 block on south BRnnook . be given one number to each lot. ,dOT,L CA. T,T.-: Cullie.on Aye , Hall Aye, John Aye , ~oCord Aye . Nielsen Aye , PeArce Aye , 6 Ayes. NRys llone, 14ayor so ordered. All Billa read by the Clerk and O.K'd by the Finance ConuDittee. 7987 J .~.Abbott 7988 Lenora Po~le 7~89 c .r..con(Ult 7990 Jaok auaaell 7991 Barl B•atinge 8017 D.1'.Weat 7992 J.A.Skerritt 7993 A .'). Tiedt 7994 r..w.rrerrell 7996 Jl.Wlea B.Cullison 7996 C.U.Hall 7~97 Grant H.John 7U98 J.C.1'cCord 79g~ N.S.Bielsen 8000 L.Borval Pearce 8001 JltlDee .dobinson 8002 Wm.i.Wright 8003 C.Bladholui 8004 A•erican L&J'ranoe 8006 &nglewood ?ublic ~1brary S ~A T.ARY FUUD U&yor Clerk Attorney Chief of J?olioe Asst. Chief of Police Treasurer Street Cot'llDl. Health co~na. 2olioe M8gistrate Alderman Alderman Aldermun Alderman Alderman Alderman Hight fire truck driver P'Tli.~ FUl'ID Day Driver Hight & Sunday 1irul BRdges LTBiiAhY FUllD LUJll FUUD i tn.oo 126.00 33.33 160.00 140.00 26.00 160.00 26.00 26.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 26.00 J'f44.33 $126.00 41.00 -6.12 1172.12 $126.00 8006 Colorado ~entral Power Co. Light & Power ·. $648. 37 8007 Joe ~heeler 8008 C.D.Langhorn 6009 r.w.uocauley 8010 Chae.U.Witt 8011 B.J.Anderson 8012 Earl Hastings 8013 Chas Smith 8011 Bell Plwabing & Htg.Oo. 8015 R.J.Switzer(as) State BBnk 8016 Walsh Uotor co. 8018 Arthur Halberaon 8019 O.C.Al~erson 8020 Pl"nnert., a Garatte 8021 Hivelya Garage 8022 J .E.Bltes ilJBLIC I111?1tOV~3UT FUUD L~bor Labor Labor Labor Labor TetfJD cutting weeds Cecent & suclcs :tenuir ~'/JJter Service, Hauling gravel Labor & Supplies Gravel , Gravel L~bor & Sunnlies GiiB Cutt1n~ two trees Refund $112.00 106.00 60.00 108.00 62.00 42.00 4.10 17.66 80.00 148.7:3 2.e.26 70.00 14.70 ~.18 36.00 8023 Wise & Ferguson 8024 Ji'I Wilson 8025 The Ao~e Se.nd & GrAvel Co. 8026 RsJ' Rteele 8027 Ches.O.Sevier 8028 A.Christensen 8029 D.A.Sutton BO~J Stste ComDensation Ins.Fund 80Zl •l~nnery•s Gar&ge . 8032 U&rshall Gsrsge 8033 Harlan Garage 8034 John Ballard 8035 Uountain StAtes T.k ~.co. 8036 A.O.Tieclt 8037 B.E.Anderson 8038 JiN Wilson 8039 J.B.Sraith 8040 Bdw~rd Uonzingo 8041 ~rl Hastings 8042 Suuerior Ssfety Ink Co. 8043 ll&llilton Towel su~nly 8044 B .B.Biohols 8046 11.A '?Uttle 8046 C.A.Bllia 8047 Glen A.I~ett Sunnliee Gas Gravel T,sbor k Snllnl iee Excav on LogRn GrRvel G~lEHAL FUUD Wire Insnector Insurance Labor on ~otor Cycle Gae Gaa Po11oe BlRDkS Phone Service 12 trins to l~borator1 Vital Statiatios Gas S'!'ecial Officer s~eoial Offioer Gss Tynewriter Ribbon Towels Annraising alley " " " " Gr11des 8048 Jn«l .. ood Ber~ld(as) 8049 John Do7le State Dante !:Tinting 8050 B.B.caaaid7 Grand ~o.tal _./),_ . €t>6/ ~ ~;!·+ t..J • "WI Alderman Pearce Uoved.) Refund 2 Exoav. Refund on ExcAv. $ 9A. 10 82.20 310.60 102.86 100.00 93.00 t1°661.(~ • 33.46 24A.89 2.76 2.03 6.26 2.00 20.60 12.00 14.26 2.33 6.00 6.00 3.60 1.00 1.26 3.00 3.00 3.00 20.00 29.12 e.oo 4.00 fi"2r.61- t.'i6A0.69 I~ -"l> Culliaon Seconded.) 'l'hst the Pillanoe CO"mlittee be allpwed. all bills read by the Clerk and O.X'D 'b7 ROLL CA~t: Cullison A7e, J.loCord Aye. Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye , 6 Ayes. ll~s U~yor so ordered. llone, John A7e. Pearce qe. Clerk read oo•omanioation from Dr.John Simon asl:ing that sewer be installed at the jnalewood ~ibrery Building or nermission be granted to dig a oeaa~ool • . A ld e?'IMD li 1 el sen Uov ed • ) Hall Seconded,) :rh8t nermiss1on be granted Dr.John Si-on to did aeaa»ool as reQuested. HflT.T. CAT,T.~ Cullison Aye, WoCord Aye. H.ill Aye, llielsen Aye , Johll 47•. Pearce qe. 6 Ayea, Ua7s Uone, Usyor so ordered. Councilman Pe~rae introduced the following resolution: RESOT,1J'.L'IOU WREaEAS, The City Engineer. Glen A.tzett. has presented hie fifth eetimate showing the amount due c .n.sevier. ContrRctor. construotiag the im~rovementa in Bnglewood Sidewalk Dietrict Humber 3. En~lewood. ColorBdo. which estimate ie in words and figures as follows, to-wit: Estimate llo. 5 Contract -Enarlewood Sidewalk District Uo. 3 Contractor-c.n.sevier 66000 ea.ft. walk 11000 ou.yds. excav. 300 r.1n. ft. ti le 1Tees etc •• ae ner attached r.ess WllOWl t naid . .A 121-d ~ 40 <I. di 60 I statement O.K. Jul7 9. 1928. 8437.50 4400.00 180.00 127.50 13146.oo 1314. 50 -11e30.&o '116~.63 -466o.s7 Glen.A.J~ett. WHERE!~. in the oninion of the Council the said C.O.Sevier is entitled to reoeive payment of said estimate. BOW, TH~.OOaE BE IT l\E!;O!.V&D BY TH~ CITY COUllCIL OP THE CITY OP DGLEWOOD, COLORADO •• Thst estimate Bwaber 6. of the City Engineer showing the amount due to C.O.Sevier, the Contractor oonstructing the imnrovement 1D ~l .. oo4, Side- walk Dietrict .Ifumber 3. of said City. on aooount of material furniahed and work done. be and the same is hereby approved in the total amount due tor said estillate Bo. 6, of forty-six hundred and sixty and 871100 ('4660.87) dollar• and the Cit7 - I I :1 I I .. Treasurer is hereb7 authorized and direoted to deliver to The Englewood State Bank of :Inglewood, Colorado, buyer of said bonds of ~aid Englewood Sidewalk Di•trict Bwaber 3. bonds in the aggregate awa of forty-five hundred and no/100 f t.500.00) dollar•. consisting of nine (-9) bonds numbered ·ninteen (19) to twent7-•even (27) 1nolua1ve. being in the denomination of five hundred and no/100 f $600.00) dollare eaoh, this ~th day of July. A.D. 1~28. and out of the ~rooeecle reoeiYed from the sale of aa1d bonde 1>81 to C.u.sevier the awa of forty-six hundred eixt7 and 87/100 (8'660.870) dollars acoording to said estimate. Alderman ~earoe Yoved,) McCord Seconded,) RULL CALL: the adoption of said resolution as read. Culliaon Aye. lloCord A.7e. HBl l ~ye, .Uielsen Aye. John qe. Pe~roe A.7e. 6 Qes. u~ys llBJs. Ltayor so ordered. Alderman Pearce introduced the following resolution: RES0LUTIOli. WRBRR&S, The City Engineer had submitted ... statement of indebetnees due to the Cities Engineering and Contracting Com~any. c.c.conunt and B.E.Bllie from Englewood S1d81'alk District JwAber ~. which statement is in words and figures ae follows: July g. 1928 Estimate .. Contraot -&iglewood Sidewalk District No. 3 Contractor c.c.conant Services R.R. Bl lie " Cities Eng. & Cont. Co. 0 .K.. @'15.00 90.00 30.00 Glen A.Izett WHELtEAS, 1ri the opinion of the Council that the said c.c.conant, B.E.Bllia and the Citiea 3ngineering and Contracting Co. are entitled to reoeive p&)'Dlent of eaid estimate, as set forth in said statements. BOW, THFJtRPORE BE IT HESOLVED BY THE CITY COUllC IL OF TH& Clft OP EllGLEWOOD. COLOll.ADO. that the statements showing the amounts due ~he Oitiea Engineering and contracting Company. c.c.conant and l ':·Z.Ellie be and the same is hereb1 approved in the total sum of one hundred ninety-five and no/100 (al96.00) dollars and tAe Cit7 Treasurer is hereby authorized and direated to deliver .to The Englewood State BaDlt of Bnglewood. Colorado. bUJer of said bonds of said Englewood Sidewalk Di•triot •waber 3, bonds in the sum of five hundred and no/100 f $600.00) dollars, oanaisting of one bond numbered twenty-eight (28), being in the denomination of five hundred and no/100 f $600.00) dollars. this 9th day of July. A.D. 1928, and out of the proceeds ~•oelved ~rom the eule of said bond for the purpose of paying engineering, inspecting and legal aa;vioes and other incidental expenses in connection with _ aaid Englewood Sidewalk District Humber ~. puy to c.c.conant the sum of sevent7- ~five and no/100 1i10.00) dollars, to E.~.Ellia the Sllll of ninety and no/~00 (90) dollars and to 1rhe Cities Engineering and Gontraoting Company the sum of thirt7 and no/100 ($30.00) dollars. &lderman Pearce Uoved.) accord Seconded.) the udoption of said resolution as read • .dOLL CALL: Cullison Aye, accord A7e. 6 Alderman John ;Joved , ) .tiyee. Hall Aye, .Nielsen Aye. Uays Uayor ~o ordered. lione, John A7•. Pearoe qe. UaCord Seconded.) ~hat and work given to lowest bidder • bids per line for all printing be received ... OLL CaLL: Cullison Aye. UcCord Aye . 6 Ayes. Hall Aye, Nie1aen Aye . !lays Uayor so ordered. rJone, John 11.ve, PeRrce Aye. Ur. Scott of the Southern Surtty Co. an~e~red before the Council in regard to insurance for the Volunteer Fire De"artment. Ald•r"'an lloCord iioved, ) Cullison Seconded ,) ThRt the matter be referred to the lire CoPUUittee. HOTT, C4. T,T,~ Cullison Aye. UoCord Aye, 6 Ha11 Aye , Uieleen Aye, Ayes , Nays ~ayor so ordered. Alder·u1 Cu111.eon Lloved. ) llone. John Aye. Pe~roe Aye. . John Seconded. ) '.l.'hat resolutions of sprapathy be drawn up on the death of Ur •• T.W.tlurrAy. to be published in the En~lewood :oa-oers and spread upon the minutes of this Council. R nT. T, c-r, r. ~ Cullison Aye , LloCord Aye, 6 Hal1 Aye, Nielsen Aye , Ayes. Hays Uayor so ordered. John Aye. Pe~roe Aye, Hone. WHEREAS-It has pleased the GreAt Giver of all life to re~ove from our midst 1'R. J • \Y. Ilurray. and WHEREAS-Ur.Uurray tor many years has occupied a prominent plaoe in our Cit7, feeling a personal responsibility in all its sooial and buaineaa activities, and WHEH&AS-The deceased served in the cal)8city of lblyor and Aldernian, winning the respect and confidence of his oo-workere. and the high eatee11 of all who knew him, and WHEREAS-We, the llayor and Cow1oil of the City of En~lewood, together with the many friends of the deceased have reconized his sterling worth, ll&D7 virtues and untiring efforts, ·l'HmEPORE. B& IT ii&aOT.VRD, that we offer to his bereaved faiai)Jr and mourning friends at this time of their irreparable lose ,our ainoere aympatb7. BE' TT PU-.dTH&a HESOT.V.ED, that these resolutions be written in the minutes of this body, a copy forwarded to the fauil~ of the deceased, alao oopiea furnished the Englewood papers tor publication. Alderman Cullison ~oved.) J .3 .Abbott, Uayor J.B.Culliaon C.tl.Hall CrM~ H.John J .C.l.loCord N.8.llielaen !...Norval .ee"roe. UoCord Seconded.) 'l'hat there being no further buaineaa to come before the CoWloil. Council adjourn to meet Uonday, July 16. A D. 1928. at 8 o'olook. ROT,T, c A. T,T,: Cullison Aye, UoCord Aye. Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye, 6 Ayes. llRYS lJ&yor so ordered. ~inutes of Re6llllar Ueeting of the City Council of this Uo"d~y the 9thJ:~~;[f Ju1y, A.D .. 1928, stand -~ _ dq of (J,_.uo=c~ ~.D.,l\128, .. . . John qe, Pe!!rce A.7e. llone. the City nf lnglewo~ Color8Clo, upproved aa aLtq.<q{J_ this I I ·. I I I