HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-10-08 (Regular) Meeting Minutes.. • ~EG UT~: UE~'.1 I~lG o~, '.r HE CI'l1Y C0 U!lGIL Of , r HE Ci i1 Y tJ :b, EllGL F;w uO D, COLORADO 'l'HIS lJOUDAY 1l'HE 8th DAY OF u~'.i'uBEH, A.D. '1<)2 8. Uayor J.~.•bbott called the RO!.L CALL: meeting to order o.nd asked for roll call. CullisAn Present, LloCord Present, Hall Present, John Presebt, Nielsen Present, Pearce Present, 6 Present, Absent llone. !Aayor asked Clerk t o reed r:iinutes •. Clerk road all l4inutes of iiegular L1 eeting of ~eptember 10th and AdJourned Regular Ueeting of September 12th, 1928. Alderman llie laen .. loved, ) Hall Seconded,) '.rhat o.11 minutes read by the Clerk be approved as read. RO:!J. OALL: Cullison qe, J.loCord Aye, Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye, John Aye, Pearoe A;/e, G Ayes, Nays None, Uayor so ord e r e d. Clerk read all report-a of Officers for the month of September. Alderman Pearce Uoved,) Nielsen Seconded,) 'l'hat al 1 reports of ufficere read by the Cleric be received and filed. ROLL CALL: Cullison A.7e, UcCord A:Je, 6 ~es, Hall Aye, liielsen Aye, John Aye, Pearce Aye, llaye llone, Mayor so ord~red. All bills read by the Clerk and o.~'d by the Fino.nee Committee. 8180 J.E.Abbott 8181 Lenora Fogle 8182 c.c.conant 8183 D.Ji.West 8184 J&ok Russell 8186 ~~l Hastings 8186 J.A.Skerritt 8187 A.O.Tiedt 8188 Luke W.Terrell 8189 Jamee E.Cullison 8190 c.~.Hall 8191 Grant H.John 8192 J .c.uocord 81~~ N.S.Nieleen 81~4 L.Horval l?earce 8196 James aobinson 820 2 J~aea -obinson 8196 Colorado Central Light co. 8197 Englewood J.>ublic Library 8198 c. Bladholm 81V9 Wm.B.Wright -S200 JI. w. Ham lyn 8201 Jamee Robinson 8203 •lanne17 1 s Garage 8204 J.H.Sudmier 8206 Ji11 Wilson 8206 Hiveleys Garage 820'1 American Le.Prance ~208 Chaa.U.Witt 8209 Joe Wheeler 8210 S.P.Hemler 8211 Wiae & Ferguson 8212 ~lalcely Garage 8213 J.H.Sudmier 8214 Englewood Billing Station 8215 Hivelya Garage 8 216 Continental Oil Co. SALAliY }1 U 1D IJ!a.yor Clerk Attorney 1reasurer Chief of Police Asst.Chief of Police Street Oomm. Heal th Comrn. l?olioe Uagistrate Alderman Alderra'l!l Alderman Alderman Alderaan _.ldermun Night Fire ~ruc k : Driver Lost Warrant No.8001 'Light & Power LIBRAaY ~,UllD FIRE FUJD Uight &c Sundq I.Ian D1q Driver 1 day 6 days OYerhaul chemical truck Gas Supplies Gas Chemical Nozzle l?UBLIC ILU>HOVE1 .12 ill '~ 1UUD Labor Labor ~epa1r oeM~nt wall Supplies Labor & Supplies Gae Gas Gas Gas • 10.00 125.00 33.33 26.00 160.00 140.00 160. 1)0 25.00 26.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 26.00 26.00 • 769.33 • 560.61 $ 125.00 * 46.00 125.00 6.oo 26.00 34.36 1.10 10.49 2.20 16.00 1263.14 • 96.00 4.00 2.00 1'1.13 22.80 11.00 1.00 4.94 6.66 tf65.oe JiO G ELlEHA L FUllD 8P.l 7 i\oy D. ii llt 8218 Uttn8aer lll~rovementa . & 821~ C ••. Hoeakel RenPt ir Chi1aney P~rks PR~er anoks 8Z~O ~lewood Her~ld(Ra) lst 8221 T'h• ~lewood Uonitnr 8222 SU~erior S8fety Ink 8223 Ji• Wileon 8224 Jolmaon Besting Co~~~ny A22Caountain.·SRtea T.& T .Co. 8226 Be~ilton Towel Suftnly 8227 Baalewood •tlliJUr st~tion 8228 Wiae • lerRU&On 82~9 £.O.?iedt 8230 J>.A.Su,ton 8231 Harl Rsatinga 8232 Jerr'7 Bo7er 8233 B .E.Non•in«o 8234 Bnalewood Her~ld Grand Total Alde~~n Pe~rce Uoved.) ?147 Roll sheets Hqtl.B~nk Pr1nting Printing 'l'Ynewriter ribbon Gas &: Oil Ch 1 r11ney C""' Phone Service '?owe le Gaa Cosl 10 tr1ns to L~borRto17 W1r~ '!neneotor G'\s S•ot-.1 Serv1.oes Sneo1~1 8er~1ces Pr1,,tina t 6.no 3.90 2.14 38.00 6.00 1.00 .87 8.76 17.A6 l.25 4.10 10.76 10.00 26.'16 4.00 12.00 12.00 26.64 lf8t7.o& po&3.11 Cullison 5eoonded.) Th~t all bills bJ the ~tnanoe Contmittee be allowed. read by the Cler~ IUld o .~'d aor.r. c•T.L: Cullison qe . ucoord qe . H"l l Aye. lfieleen Aye. 6 Ayes . llAYe Hone. U&yor ao ordered. John Aye. Pe!!roe qe. After s00&e disouaaion about oleaning un the City it wae deoided to ·1nstruct the Street COlllD1seioner to burn the weeds in sorae sections. Alderman Cullison UoTed,) Hall Seconded ,) That the Clerk give r nottoe in the paper that any person having clai11e against Englewood Sidewalk Diatriot Bwaber 3, C.O.Sevier, Contractor, also South Broadway Paving District Bwaber 4, •ret Brandt, Contraotor,ehould present said claims at once.that aotion might be taken by the Council at an Adjourned ~egular Ueeting to be held,Kond~ evening, October 22. 40LL CALL: Cullison Aye, J.loCord qe, Alderman Jolan Uoved,) Hall qe, llielsen .~e. 6 Ayes, N~ve Hone, Uayor so ordered. John A7•. Pearoe 1..7e, uocord ~eoonded,) That the Treasurer be inetruoted to canoel Warrant Bo.8001, issued to Ja11ee ilobinson for the sum of t25.00 whioh has been lost and issue new Warrant for the ~arae w3ount. RuL:::. CALL: Cullison A.ye, .i.loCord qe, Hall qe, llielsen Aye, 6 ~es, Ilays llone, U~or so ordered. John J.7•, Pearoe £7e, The request of ~eter Owens to raove a frame house from 21st & Larimer to Hampden and PeDD was referred to the Fire and .Public Buildings Co1111ittee. After reading a letter from ~.J.~i11011eon in regard to fire escapee on hie building the Clerk was instructed to write Ur.Simonson to provide auoh fire eeoapea and that Janua17 lat would be the ti~e li~it to comply with that part of the ordinance which 8&7S that no hall shall be located over a garage. Alderman UoCord aoved,) Ball Seconded,) That there being no further bueineee to the Counoil, Couneil adjourn to meet Uond~ October 22nd, 1928. ROLL CALL: oome bef,re Cullison Aye, liloCord A,Je, G Ayes, Hall Aye, Nielsen A.ye, Na.ye Uayor so ordered. John qe, Pearoe qe, None, Uinutea of Regular Ueeting of the City Cowioil of the ·Cit7 ot Englewo~~olora4o, this Uond~ the 8th day of Oc~ober, £.D.,1928, stand approved aa --~>~£Q!.[!d;llM6i~ .... --------- thie l'J... day of h pVf444J!u; , A.D •• li28. I I I I I