HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-02-11 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREGULAR Z\IE:i.'T INJ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T.d~ CI 'l'Y OF El~G LEV OOD, COLORADO, THIS KONDAY THE 11th D~Y OF F~BRUARY, A.D., 1929. taYOR J.~.Abbott oalled the meeting to order and asked tor roll oall. ROLL CALL: Cullison ?resent, Hall Present, oOord Absent, Nielsen Present, 4 ?re•ent Absent Mayor so ordered. John ~bsent, ?earoe Present, 2. Mayor asked Clerk to read minutes. Clerk read all minutes of Regular Meeting of January 14, January 28.February 4 and February ~. 1929. Alderman Pearoe Moved,) Nielsen Seoonded,) That all minutes reat by tbe Olerk be approved as read. ROLL CALL: Cullison Aye, KoCord Absent, Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye, 4 Ayes,. Absent Mayor so ordered. Clerk read all reports ot Oftioers tor January. Alderman Nielsen Moved.) 2, John Abeent. Pearce Aye. Cullison Seoonded,) That all reports ot Ottioers read by the Clerk be reoeived and tiled. ROLL CALL: Cullison Aye, McCord Absent, Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye, 4 Ayes, Absent Mayor so ordered. 2, John Absent, Pearoe Aye, All Bill's read by the Clerk and O.X'd by tne Finance Committee. 84J6 J.E.Abbott 8 437 Lenora Fogle 8438 c.c.conant 8439 Jaok Russell 8440 Earl Ha.stin6s 8441 J.A.Skerritt 8442 D.lt.Yiest 8 44.3 '1.0.Tiedt 8444 Luke ~.T errell 8445 James E .'Oullison 8446 C.M.Hall 8447 Grant H.John 8448 J.C.KoCord 8449 N.S.Nielsen 84 00 L.Norval Pearce 8451 James Robinson 8452 Englewood ?ublic Library SALARY FUND Mayor Clerk Attorney Chief of .Police Asst.Chief of Police .;)treet Comm. Treasurer Health Comm. Police Magistrate Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Night Fire Driver LIBRARY FUND LIQ!ft! FUND 84b~ Colorado ~entral Power Co. Li~ht & Power d489 American LaFrance 8454 James Robinson 8455 C.Bladholm 8456 Hively ~arage 8457 Charles M.Witt 8458C.D.Langhorn 8 459 Englewood Filling ~ta. 8 4 60 Blakely Garag e 8 461 Al. ·cassidy d462 a ise & Ferguson a463 L.C.Pikes 8464 Bell P.& H.Co. 8465 L.M.Phillips 8466 C.Y.Gustafson 8467 ?.W.MoCauley 8468 C.A.3mith E.E.Anderson Johnson Heating Co. Floyd Clymer Hamilton Towel Supply FIR E FUND Coats & .Pi:i nts Day Driver ?Iight & a:>unday Man Gas PUBLIC IM?ROVEUENT FUND Labor Labor Gas Gas Supplies ~upplies Gravel Repair w·ater Main Labor Labor Labor Bridge E.Dartmouth liENERAL FUBD Lioense tor Truok Metal Plates Supplies Towels 8469 8470 8471 8472 8473 8474 8475 Coal Wise &: Ferguson Brad.ford-Robinson Printing EnSlewood Monitor Printing $ 10.00 126.00 33.33 150.00 140.00 150.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 25.00 ·i 744.33 • 125.00 59.0l $125.00 41.00 4'.96 ~P.9.9f $112.00 11.00 11.37 1.54 7.60 108.60 32.40 45.80 14.00 2.00 4'.00 14'5.00 1495.31 • 10.00 2.00 .40 l.2~ 27.35 1.75 16.13 47G Uountain ~tates ~-~ T.~o d477 Board of hater Comm. a478 Englewood Fillin ~ta. 8479 Hively Garage 8480 &.O.Tiedt 8481 Englewood Herald ~tB3 f~e 5 ~~f~~re11 8484 James E.Adams 8485 R.Geo.Woods 8486 Jerry Boyer J.:·hone .Jervioe _,ater Rent a.as Gas 18 trips to Laboratory ?rinting Wi~e I~s 1 & oollect dog Aoknowlengements Cheok 3 Imp.Distriots Speoial Police " " Gas tax ., 20.60 1232.25 3.80 8.99 18.00 7.84 71.00 3.00 15.00 6.00 5.·00 4.00 8487 .Earl Hastings 8488 William L.Wilkins V/ater Main Hampden & Wash. 60,00 $1514.36 Grand Total $3677.67 AldermRn Cullison 1Ioved.) Nielsen Seconded, ) Th~t 011 the Finance Committee be ~110 ed. Bills reRd by the Clerk and O.K'd by ROLL CALL: Cullison Aye. oCord Absent. 4 Ayes. Hall Aye, Nielsen A:ve. Absent Mayor so ordered. 2, Jon" Absent. Pearoe Aye. Clerk read bids on makin~ assessment rolls for Englewood Sidewalk District Bo.3 and .South. Braadway Pavina: Distriot lJumher 4. Engle ood ~idewalk District Numher J, South Broadway Paving Di~trict Nwnber 4, Total .Ta"' ea E. Adams Englewood Sidewalk Distriot Nu~ber J. South Broadway Pavin~ District Number 4, Total Mar:v ~.Jo1'tn ~le ood Sidewalk DiRtrict Nu"'her 3. ~outh Broadwav ?avin ~ Diqtrict Numner 4 , Total Jolin W.Blaok ~o.oo 10.00 '30:-00- $30.00 10.00 i40.00 Alderman Nielsen Uoved,) ~ullison ~eoonded,) assessment rolls be accented. That bid of J 0 mes E.Adams tor the •aking ot ROLL CALL: Cullison Aye, MoCord Absent. 4 Hall Ave, NielseYl Aye. Aves, Absent Mavor so ordered. John Absent. Pearoe Aye, 2, Alderman Cullison ~oved,) Nielsen Seconded,) That betore the Counoil, Council a d .1ourn at 5 o'clock, P.il . there being no further business to oome ROLL CALL: Cullison Aye. oCord Ab~ent, 4 to meet Monday evenin~. February 18, 1929, Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye, Aves, Absent Mavor so ordered. John Absent, Pearce Aye, Kinutes of Regular Meeting of ine City Council of the City of 1Yialewood. Oolorado, this onday the ll~h day ~f Fehruary, A.D.,1929, stand approved as ,uµguel.; this II day of <Jwwclu , A .D., 19&:!9. c1t1Tri. I I ( I I .. I • ...