HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-02-18 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• ' • ADJOUUED REGULAR LIEETING OF THE CITY vOUNCIL OF 'I'Hl!; CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO, THIS KOlfDAY THS 18th DAY OF FEBRUARY, A.D. 1929. AT 5 O'CLO~K. P.M. K&yor Pro Tem L.Uorval Pearoe ROLL CALL: oalled the meeting to order and asked ~or roll oall. Cullison PreRent. Ma\iord .Abeent. Hall Present. Nielsen Present, 4 ?resent. Ahsent Alderman CUlliaon oved.) 2, Joh" Aheent, Pearoe Present , Nielsen Seoonded,) ~'hat nroposed ordinanoe No. Series ot 1929, ".A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE Fil.Il4G '1.L!E Ala;uAL 1.10MPfilJo:iATION OF T.tlE CITY TREASURER OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. ARA?AllO.!i IJOUU~Y. COLORADO.AND REPEALING ALL ORDIN.ANC~ OR PARTS OF ORDINANJ~ IN co YLICT ~tl~HE ~I~tl. he introduoed and placed unon its seoond reading. ROLL CALL: Cullison Ave. .t.toaord Aheent. 4 AveR, .. tayor Hall Aye, Nielsen kve. Ahsent Pro Tem so or~ered • 2, John Ahaent, Pearce Aye, Clerk read proposed ordinanoe l ·o. Series of 1929. "A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE ANNUAL CO.L.U?El'.::>ATIO ~· Till:. ~I'l'Y TREA.::>URER OF TdE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD.ARAPAHOE COUNTY. COLORADO, a· D HEPZALI 1 ~ ALL ORDII~A l: c~.3 OR ?ART!;) OF ORDINANCES HEREWITH," do now pass seaond readin u as read. ROLL CALL: Cullison AYe, UoCord Absent. Hall Ave. Nielsen Ave, John Absent. Pearoe Aye, 4 Aves. Ahsent 2. ~avor ro Tern so ordered. Alderman· Cullison .. 1oved, ) Nielsen .::>eco-nded, ) That Ordinanoe entitled "AN ORDINANCE FI.XIlHi THE ANNUAL COM?El SilTIO . OF ~·.t~ ~ITY 'l'Id~.A.:>URER uF 111 ~ CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUN'I'Y. COLORADO. A D REP.l!;ALI 'G ALL ORIJIHA.NCJ:i.:> Oh J?Alt'l'o;) O~, ORDINANCE~ IN COBFLICT HEREwlTd,"do now pass as Ordinance No.3. Series of l~~~. ROLL CALL: Cullison Aye, McCord Absent, 4 Ayes, Mayor Alderman Cullison Moved, ) Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye, Absent ?ro Tem so ordered. 2, John Absent, Pearce Aye, Nielsen ~eoonded,) That be it resolved that Ordinance No.3, Series of 1929, this day pa s ed b the City Council of the City ot Englewood, Colorado, be published in the Englewood Monitor, a weekly newspaper ot general oiroulation published in the City ot Englewood,as required by the Statutes ot the State ot Colorado. ROLL CALL: Cullison Aye, MoCord Absent, 4 Alderman Nielsen Ioved, ) Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye, Ayes, Absent Mayor Pro Tern so ordered. John AJ•tnt, Pearce Aye, 2, Cullison Seconded,) That proposed ordinance No. Series ot 1929·,•A BILL FOR AN ORDINANOE ~UAHAr.T1;ELJU ON B~dAL~, OF '11tlE CITY OF ENGLEWtfOD, COLORADO, THE BONDS OF SOUTH BROAD~AY PAVI l'G DI~TRICT UU1IBER FOUR,"be introduced and placed upon its seaon4 reading. ROLL CALL: Cullison Aye, McCord £bsent, 4 Ayes, Mayor Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye, Absent Pro Tem so ordered. 2, John Absent, Pearce Aye, Clerk read proposed ordinance No. Series of 1929,"A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE (lU.ARANTEE~G ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF E ~GLEWOOJr;9 COLORADO,THE BONDS OF SOUTH BRO.ADW..Y DISTRICT mnlBER FOUR," in full. Alderman Nielsen Moved,) Cullison Seconded,) Thut proposed ordinance No. Series ot 1929,• A BILL FOR .1N ORDINANCE tiUARA ri;t;EING Oj:l BEHALF O~, THE CITY OF~GLE'liOOD, COLORADO, THE BO JDS OF SOUT1i BROAD"~iAY ?k VI u DIST t!C'I NUMB~R FOUR,. do now pass seoond reading as read. ROLL CALL: Cullison Aye, . cCord Absent, 4 .Alderman Uielsen .1 oved,) yes, Mayor Hall Aye Nielsen Aye, Absent Pro Tem so ordered. 2, John Abse~t, Pearce Aye, Cullison Seco~ded,) That Ordinanoe entitled," AN ORDINANCE GUARABTEEING Oli B~dALF OF T!IB CITY F r;;{-1LE\"iOOD, COLORADO, THE .BONDS OF SOUTH BROADWAY P.AVIBG DISTRICT NIDJ.3ER tOTJR," do now pass as Ordinance No.4, Series ot 1929. ROLL CALL. Cullison Aye, KoCord Ab e nt, Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye, 4 Ayes, Absent 2, J ayor Pro Tem so ordered. John .Absent, Pearce Aye, Alderman Nielsen ~r oved, ) Cullison Seconded,) That be it resolved that Ordinance No. 2, Seri•• of 1929, tnis day passed by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, be published in the Englewood Ionitor, a newspaper or general o1roulat1on,publlehed in the City of Englewood as required by the Statutes or the State of Colora4o. ROLL CALL: Cullison Aye, McCord Absent, Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye, John .Absent, Pearce Aye, 4 Ayes, Absent 2, Mayor Pro Tem so ordered. Alderman Nielsen .... 1oved, ) Hall Seconded,) That proposed ordinance Bo. · ·stries of 1929,•A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE GUARA I~TjIBING ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, BONDS OF ENGLEWOOD SIDE\' ALA DISTRICT NUMBER 3. "be introduced and placed upon its second reading, ' ROLL CALL: OUllison Aye, i.lcCord Absent, Hall Aye, llielsen Aye, John Absent, Pearce Aye, 4 Ayes, Absent 2, Iayor ?ro Tern so ordered. Clerk read proposed ordinance No. Series of 1929,"A BILL FOR .AN ORDIBABOE GUARAN- TEEING ON BE.QALF OF TdE CITY OF ENGLEVfOOD, COLORADO, TUE BO~lDS OF ENGLEWOOD SIDEWALK DISTRI~T NU-.iilBER 3, in tull. Alderman Nielsen Moved, ) Hall Seconded,) That proposed ordinance No. Series ot 1929,nA BILL FOR JU: ORDIUANCE GUARAl;TEEi l~G 0 1 BEtlALF OF T.dE CITY OF !fmLEWOOD, COLORADO, ~BS BO NDS OF El u-LE\';OOD SIDEWJ.Li<: DI.;)TRICT W~ER 3, "do now pass second reading as read. ROLL ~ALL: Cullison Aye, MaCord Absent, Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye, 4 Ayes. Absent Mayor Pro Tern so ordered. Alderman Nielsen oved,) 2 • John Absent, Pearce Aye, Hall Seconded,) That Ordinance entitled,"AN ORDIN~UCE GUARANTEEING ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EN"LE\'iO OD, COLORADO, THE BONDS OF E?JGLEWOOD SIDEWALK DISTRICT NUMBER 3,n do now pass as Ordinance No.6, Series ot 1929. ROLL CALL: Cullison Aye, cCord Absent, John Absent, Pearce Aye, 4 Hall Aye, Nielsen Ay~, yes, Absent 2 • Mayor Pro Tem so ordered. Alderman Nielsen Moved,) Hall Seconded.) That be it resolved that Ordinance No. 5, Series of 1929, this day passed by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, be published in the Englewood Monitor, a newspaper of general oirculation, published in the City of Englewood, as required by the Statutes or the State ot Colorado. ROLL CALL: Cullison Aye, McCord Absent, Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye, John Absent, Pearce Aye, 4 Ayes, Absent 2, Mayor Pro Tern so ordered. Clerk reaa resolution AS follovs: RZSOLUTIOH B~ IT rtLSOLV~ BY T'IE GI1·Y . .;ou:NCIL OF' '.!.~ CI'l'Y OF .lli GLE\1UOD. COLORADO. That tne bond of tne First ational BAn~ of LamRr, Colorado, as ?rinoi»Al and tne United ~tAtes Fidelity And GuArAnty Com~Any as ~'ll'etv, in the awn of _.,000.00, dated FebruRry dth, A.D. 19?.9~ be received and filed and that the proper City · orrioials be and they are hereby authori z ed to executea1d deliver to the First ational ~ank of Lama ·, Colorado, du ~licate bonds as follows: ~a ter Ma1n Diatriot ~umb er vne, Bonds ~os. lob-A. 160-A , lti4-. a nd 168-A . d•ted Seotember 1. 1925. Furtner that the Citv ~lerk is hereuy Rut n orized and uireoted to send a cony or this Resolution to 'l1he .!!"'irst l~ational ..:.o. Jc o! Lamar. Colorado. Alder ~u.llison .:oved, ) Nielsen~eoo fi ded,) ~he ~doption of sBid r e solution. U~on roll Ou ll the councilmen ore~ent voted as follows: ROLL CALL: Cullison A:ve, lalcCord ~bsent, 4 .Ayes. Ma;vor Pro Hall Aye, ielso·n .Aye, Absent Tern so ordered. Jonn Absent, Pearce Aye, Alderman Cullison 1oved.) Nielson ~econded. ) counoil, Counoil adJourn to 5 o'clock, ?. lJ . 'l'hat there he no further buisness to come before the meet viednesda:v evenini11:, FebruAry ?.O, 1929, At Roll Call: C\llli.son Ye, o~ord Absent, Hall A:ve, Nielson .i\ye. 4 Aves, Absent 2, avor ?ro Tem so ordered. John Absent, ~earce iiYe. · inutes of adJourned le'lUl :r Meeting of tne C1t;v Council o:t the Cttv o:t Bn~lewoo4,. Colorado, this Monda:v the IAt 11 day o! ~"ebruarv, A.D. 19~9,StRnd enproved as----. this day of A.~ •• 19~9. --------c .... r-=-t-y-c-1-.r-t-. - I I I I I