HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-06-17 (Regular) Meeting Minutes~OtJRJIBD RBGULAR llBBTilfG or 1'HE CITY COUlfCIL OF THE CITY or IBGLBWOOD, OOLOllADO, 'l'BIS KOJJDAY TBB 17th DAY OF JUKE, A.D. 1929 AT 7 O'CLOCK, P.K. ~or J.B.Abbott called the meeting BOLL CALL: Oulliaon Preaent, BielaeD Preaent, 6 Present, to order and asked tor roll oall. Ball Present, MoCord Pre .. nt, Pearce Present, 1111th Pre .. nt, Abaent Bone. il4eman JJlelHD lloved,) Ball Seoon4e4,) That notice be given in both 1Dglewoo4 Beral.1 ~4 !he Bngl.Woo4 Monitor that garbage •ill be colleote4 '91 .. eaoh week ill the .reai4enoe 41atriot and three times in the buainess 41atriot. ROLL CALL: Oull iaon qe, Ball qe · MoCor4 qe, B1elaen A7•. Pearce A:Je, laith A7•, 6 A:Jes, B&78 Bone, ~or so ordered. il4erman Ball Kove4,) Smith Seoon4ed,) That the Chief of Polio• be 1natraote4 to inforoe the Lioenae Or4inanoe in regard to oolleoting lioenae t•••· . BOLL CALL: 01lllieon qe, Bielaen qe, Ball qe, Pearoe qe, MoCord kl•. Saith kl• •. 6 qea, B&7S Bone, ~or ao ordered. il4erman Ball Moved,) . Blelaen 8eoon4ed,) That the Cher17lJn Auto Wreaking oo. be given aixt7 ~· in whioh to P&7 the remaining f60.00 of their ~link deal.era 11oenae on oond1t1on the premises are cleaned up to the aatiataotlon ot the Chief of Police. BOLL CALL: 01111180D qe, Bielaen qe, Ball qe, Pearce qe, lloCord ~·• Smith "7•. 6 A:Jes, llqs Bone. ~or so ordered. il4erman Ball Kove4,) Smith Seoonded,) that proposed ordinance Bo. leri•• of 1111, •Alf OBDIJIAIJCB PROVIDIBG FOR THE IBSTALLATIOJJ, USB AND K.ltl!'ll-'IO• 01 IQUiiw.11! USIBG GAS ~OB llBAT, LIGHT OB POWBB," be introduced and read aa a propo .. d or41n- anoe tor the Cit7 ot Inglewood. BOLL CALL: 01llliSOD qe, Bielaen qe, Ball qe, Pearce A:ye, Ko0or4 kl•. lmith kl•. 6 qes, B&7• lone, ~or so ordered. Clerk rea4 propoaed ordinance Bo. , Series of 1921, •AS OJU>IBABO• PaOYIDIJJG .OB TBJI I•STILLATIOB, USB AUD llA.INTElllN'CE ·O• EQUIPKEJJT USIBG IA& •OB JllAf~ LIG~ OB POlrD,• 1n f1111. Alterman Ball Moved,) Smith Seoonded,) That proposed ordinance JJo. Seri•• of 1921, a ... beina entitled "Al OBDIJJABCB PROVIDING ~OR THE IIBTftlfIOB, U81 AID KAIBTBli .. CI 01 BQUIPlllJJT USING GAS ~OR BBAT, LIGHT OR POWBR," do DOW P••• firat reading •• rea4. ROLL CULL: 01111 i aon qe, B1elaen kle, Ball A.7•, KoOort qe, Pearoe qe, 1111th qe, 6 ~··· B&7s None, l1a7or ao ordered. Al4erman Ball Moved,) Smith S.oonded,) That whereas proposed ordinano• Bo. Serie• of 1929, I I .I of the ordlD&Dc•• ot the Oit7 of ~i .. ood, Colorado, being entliiet• AS OBDI•- AICI novIDIBG •oa TD 11sTAIJ·ATIOlf. us1 AUD MAIBTBBIO• or IQUIPMBBt us1•; 1 GAS .OB BBAf, LIGHT OB POWER,• has been introduced and read and paa .. 4 at it• tirat rea41Dg, BOW, fHIRlfOBI, BB IT BESOLVBD, b7 the Oit7 Oounoil of the OitJ of a:.gi .. ood, Colora4o, that the proposed ordinance Bo. Seri•• of 1111 aforeaa14. ie publiahed 1n the ~ewood,Konitor, aweekl7 newapaper publlahet 1n the OltJ of Bnglewoo4, Colorado, ae required by the Statute• ot the ltat•·Of OololSto, an4 go over tor :tv.rther oonsideration at another meeting. BOLL ~OALL: Qalliaon kl•• llall qe • KoOord A-6• • I liel .. n A7•• Pearce ~·· Smith 47e, 6 kl••, Bqa Bone, 11&7or so ordered. ilderman Pierce Moved,) KoCor4 seoonded,) That the Ordinance Co111Dltt•• be lnatruoted to draft an ordinanoe•proviiing tor a gas, building and .. wer inapeotor for the CitJ of Bnglewood. llOLL a.ALL: 011111aon kl•· li1•l••n qe, Ball qe, Pearoe qe, 6 ~ea, B&7B l1a7or so ordered. lloOord qe, 8111th 47e, Bone, Alterman Pearoe lloYe4, ) Blel .. n 8eoon4e4,) that there being no fu*ther b1la1n••• to oome before the Oounoll, OOUDoil &4Journ to meet Kon4&7 evening, June 10, 1919, at 6 o'olook, P.K. BOLL 0'1.Ls Challiaon qe, Hall qe, lloCor4 qe, Blel aen l:J•, Pearoe qe, lml th qe, 6 ~ea, I~• lone, ~or ao ordered. 111Du••• of ~4Journed Begular Meeting of the Cit7 Oounoil of the 01*7 of 1Dglewoo4, Color~o thia Mondq the l'1t~ ot June, •.J>.,ltlt1.1atan4 approYed &8 IJ<at:£. thia <( 4q Of , j,.]). ,1929. 0