HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-06-24 (Regular) Meeting MinutesADJOUlUfBD BBGOLAB MBBTIBG OJ TBB OI!l'Y COUNCIL OJ THE CITY 01 BBGLBIOOD, CGLO!til)O, 'l'BIS llOlfDAY 'l'HB 24th DAY OJ Jmra, A.D. 1929, At I 0 1 0LOOX, 1.11. ~or J.B.Abbott oalled the meeting to order and aaked for roll oall; BOLL CALL: C11111aon Preaent, lfiel aen Preaent, Ball Present, KoCord Pre .. n,, Pearoe Present, lllllth Pre•ent. 6 Present,· Absent lone. j,l4el'llall Pearoe a8lced to be exoused at this time. j,ldel'll&D Blelaen llOTed,) 011111aon aeoonded,) !hat propoaed ordinanoe Bo. lerl•• of 1119, "A BILL roB All OlU>IKAllCB C~TIBG THI OPFICB OJ BUILDIBQ ISSiidtOB, PBOYIDIBG 10B HIS DU'l'IIS AID OOJIPBBSJ.TIOlf WI'l'BIB 'l'BE CITY LIKITS or DI Oift or DCJLllOOD, OOLOBAJ>O,• be introduoed and read aa a proposed ordinanoe tor the llt7 ot Baal••oo4. BOLL CALL: OUlli•on qe, •l•l••n qe, Ball '7•. Pearoe Abaent, 6 qes, Absent 11&7or so ordered. KoOort qe, lmith qe, 1, Clerk read propo .. d or41nanoe Bo. Series 1929,"A BILL 101 il OlU>IIAIOI Clll!IlfQ 1'BB o:r:rICB or BUILJ>IlfG Ihi'ICTOR, PBOVIDIBG roB BIB lJV!lBI All> OOllPBISA!IOlf WI'l'BIB THE CITY LIMITS OJ THE CITY OJ BBGLBWOOD, COLOUDO,• in fQll. ~erman lfielaen lloTed,) Oulliaon Seconded,) That propoaed ordinanoe Bo. lerl•• ot 1111,• A BILL JOB AB ORDilfABCB CRBA.'l'IIG 'l'HB OfJICB OJ BUILDilfQ IISPidfOB, PIOYIDX.Q JIOB HIS DUTIBS Alll) COJIPBlfSA'l'IOB WI'l'HIB THE CITY LIMITS o:r fJll OI!'Y o:r ..OJ.BWOOD, COLOBAJ>O,• do now Jaas tirat reading as read. HOLL CALL: Oulliaon qe, Bieleen qe, llall qe, 6 qea, Pearce Absent, Absent 11&7or ao ordered. ildrman lfielaen lloTed,) KoOord qe, lllith qe, 1, Oulliaon Seoonded,) that whereas proposed ordinanoe Bo. 8eri•• of 1921 of the ord1nanoes of the c1t1 of Englewood, Colorado, bei, eiill'tled•J.m OllDIBAICB OBBA.'l'IllG 'l'HB OJPICB OP BUILDIBG IBSPBCTOB, PROVIDIBG OR Bii DU!Ill AID COllPBISJ.TIOli II'l'Bilf THE l)lft .LIMITS OF THE CITY OP BIGLllOOD, COLOJW>O,• ha• been 1ntro4uce4 and passed at its first reading, •ow. fRJIBVOll, BB IT BBSOLVBD, b7 the Cit7 001111011 Of the Cit1 ot a1g1 .. ooa, Colorado, that the propoeed ordinanoe Bo. ___ seri•• of 1921 atoreaald, be JU"11ehet in the llDglewood Herald, a weelcl7 newspaper publiala•d in the Clt7 ot IDIJ.ewoo4, Ooloraclo, aa required b7 the Statute• ot the State ot Oolora4o, and go oTer tor further ooneideration at another meeting. ROLL CALL: 01lllieon qe, lfielsen qe, Ball qe, Pearoe Absent, 6 qea, Ab1ent 11&7or eo ordered. Clerk read reaolution in full aa followe: BBSOLUTIOB. llo0or4 qe, Bllith -·· 1, 1QDIB••s, the Cit7 of Bnglewood, Colorado, haa through it• Oouno11 al1119d a :petition tor a oonaerTano7 district to be known ae the lnalewoo4 oon .. rTa11e7 Di•triot tor the purpoae of straightening the ohannel ot fd.•tle DJrr a .. ek, tor the preTentlon of floods and the building of bridgea aoro•• the ..... an4 WJIBR•A8, the oost of the proposed improvement• haa not been tetel'lllDed aD4 the J114ae of the Dietriot Court of Arapahoe Count7 Colora4o, Jaaa no-D4e4 Prout1 Brothers BDgineering CompaDJ to oheok said f>tatrlot aD4 the eatlaat•• ot ooet tor the pirpoee of determining the maximum ooet ot the 1aJrOT ... nt1 oont•plated, and WHBBIAS, the Cit7 Counoil of the Cit7 ot Englewood, Colora4o, be11•T•• that it i• tor the beat interest tor the people ot lh1 ~att7 :ot Inglewood, Oolora4o, that the ooet be asoertained at thia time before orooeeding aD7 t.arther with the Diatriot, and f111BIA8, eaia Prout1 Brothers Bngineering Comp&117 haTe agreed to oheok aald Diatriot and to male• an eetimate of the maximum amo1111t o• aald ooat tor the nm of three h1111dred and no/loo <tzoo.oo) dollar•. lfOW 1 THBBID'ORB Bl IT RBSOLVED, b7 the Cit7 Counoil of the OltLot lftglewoot, Coloraao, that eald Prout7 Brothers Bngineering Ce>m»&D7 be ant t 1 are herellr eaplo7e4 to oheok aald l>1atr1ot and make an estimate ot the Mri•• •out ot ooat ot aaid 1mpr0Tement1. Aldel'll&ll 01all1aon KoTedJ) Ball leoon4e4, the adoption of said reaolutlon aa reat. BOLL CAI.La 01ll.11aon qe, •i•l .. n not Toting 3 qea, Ball qe, Pearoe Absent, 2 not Toting Abaent 11&7or eo ordered. I I I I Alderman KoCor4 lloTed,) llall 8eoon4e4,) !hat ot the Counoil for Hal.1-Sinolair BOLL O.ALL: 01allieon qe, the Clerk burn unused bon41 in the pr•••noe Sidewalk District, bond lo. 70. Ball A.7e, KoCor4 A7•. Pearce Absent, lalth qe, •leleen qe, 6 ~es, Abeent 1, 11&7or so ordered. Alderman Cullieon Moved,) KoCor4 Seoo~ded,) !hat there being no before th• Counoil, Counoil adjourn. further bu•1n••• to oome BOLL CALL: C11111•on qe, •1•l••n qe, Ball qe, Pearce Absent, 6 ~es, Abeent 11&7or so ordered. aoeort qe, lllith .., •• 1, 111D1lt•• of A4Journe4 Regular Meeting of the Cit7 Oduno11 of th• Clt7 of Bnal••oo4, Colora4~ this llondq the 24th dv~o June, A.D.iltl9, •tan4 apJrOY•4 a• Ofl4J~ this ci= dq of ~-• A.D •• 129. d