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1929-11-18 (Regular) Meeting Minutes
ADJOUBDD BBGUUB JIDTillG or TD CI'l'Y COUlJCIL or TD Oift o• DGLaOOJ>, COLOBADO, !JIIS MOIJ>AY TD 18th DAY o-. •OVllVUB, A. D. 1929. Jl&Tor J.B.Abbott oalled the meeting to or4er and oalled tor r~~l oall. BOLL CULL: C11111aon Pre .. nt, Ball ~b .. nt, Ko0or4 ~baent, ll•l••n Preaent. Pearoe Preaent, Slll'h Pre .. nt, 4 Preaent, Abaent I. Alderman Bielaen MoTed,) Saith Seoon4e4,) ftaat proposed Or41Dano• lo. Seri•• of 1929, •AJ OBJ>IIABC• APPBOPRIATIJJG BUllS .JOR ALL KUJfIOIPAL PUBPOBif IJJ THI CI!! 0. llGUIOOJ>, OOLOlW>O, IOR fD JIISOAL YliB BIGilllllllG JilUilY 1, 1930, All> BIDllG acmu E., 19..30 .. COIS!IfUfilfG Wlli.1' IS DBM.ID !BB illllJAL il'PBOPllI- AfIO. BILL JOB !JIB rISC.AL YBAR 1930," be 1Dtrt4uoe4 and read an4plaoed upon i•• .. oond ·rea41Jag. IOLL Cilts Chllliaon qe, ll•l••n qe, Hall Abeent, Pearoe qe, · 4 qea.,. · ·:\ Ab•ent 2, 11&7or ao ordered. MoCori Abaent, Smith A7•. Glerk nu propoaet Orclinanoe lo. Seriea of i;3 1 "il OBDililCI UPBIPlllifIOI SUKB J'OB ALL KU11IC1PR PUBPOSBS II O:l!Y or DGLDOOD, COLOJW>O, JIOB TD l'ISOAL YBAR BBGillllIBG JAllU.ilY 1, 1930, ill> UDilfG lmOBllBD 31, 1980, COBSTI!U'l'IJJG Wlif IS DBIOD 1'HB AllllJAL APPBOl'BIA1'lOB . BILL 101 1'111 1180.AL YBAll 1930, • 1D full. Al4er-.n li•l ••n MoTed, ) . laith 8eoon4ed,) That propoeed Ordinanoe Bo. Seri•• ot 1929, •u OIDllAICB ilPIOPRI.lTIBG SUMS IOB ALL llUIICIPAL PUBPOlll DJ DB Cift QI DOLllOOJ>, OOLOJW>O, JIOB fD 1I8CAL YtiB BBGIDDJG J.UUBY 1~ 1930, .lD DJ>UQ DIOIMBIB 11, 1980, co•&fI1'trl'IIG lflif IS !IBYID fBI ililLil ilPBO- l'JllifIOI BILL JIOB !Bl 1ISCAL YBAR 1930.• 4o DOW pa•• ••oon4 reading •• rea4. BOLL aa.I.: 01all180D qe, 11•1 .. n qe, Hall .lbaent, Pearoe qe, lloOort Ab8fn't, lllith qe, 4 ~··· Abaent 2, ~or eo ordered • .il.4erman 11•1 .. n Moved,) Smith Seoonded,) !hat Ordinanoe entitled •AJJ OlU>Il.llOB ilPBOPiliTIBG 8Ull8 JIOB ALL llIJJIICIP.A.L PUBPOSBS Ilf fHII Clft OJI DGI.•OOD, OOLOlW>O, roa !Bl JIISCAL YliB BBGIDilfG JABUilY 1, 1930, ilD DDDG DICIMBIB 81, 1930, COlJSTITUfilJG IB.lf IS TBRMID THI AllWAL ilPBOPRli!IOB BILL JIOB !BB •ISO.AL YB.lB 1930," do now tinallJ pass a• Or41nanoe Bo.10, leriea Of 1929. ROLL O~: 01al.11aon qe, Bieleen qe, Ball Abaent, Pearce qe, MoCor4 Abaent, Smith qe, 4 ~ee, Absent 2, ~or ao ordered. Al.4el'll&D li•l••n Moved,) Saith Seoonde4,) that be it resolved that Ordinanoe Bo.10, Seri•• of 1929, th1• d~ paaaed b7 the Cit1 Counoil of the Cit7 of Bnglewoo4, Colora4o, be publiahed in the Inglewood kerald, a weekl7 newspaper of general oiroulation 1D the Cit7 of Bnglewood, Colorado, ae requir•4 b7 the Statute• of the State of Colorado. ROLL C~s OUlliaon qe, •i•l••n qe, Hall Absent, Pearoe qe, 4 ~··· Absent ~or so ordered. Al.4el'llall Pearoe lloTe4, ) 2, lloCord .lbHnt, Smith qe, Smith 8eoonde4,) !hat propoae4 Ordinano• Jo. Seri•• of 1929, "Al OBJ>IUIOI UMIDa A 8IllKIIG JIUlfl> roR fBI BM'IR1DIUT bl ... I88UIJ> BY 1'D CI!f or UGLIWOOJ>, COLOlil>O, roR SPICIAL IllPROVDDts II OBlfAD MMIPI*'" J>ISDICfS IJJ Sill> Olft, fD P.A.YllUT or WHICH -GUil81DID BY fBI Oift 01 DOUWOOJ>, OOLOlW>O, ilD LIVYDG A SPBOUL illlSSllll! 01 •• I UPO• !Bl illESD V.lLUil'I<m or THI PBOPIRft II!llIB SAID Ol!'Y OJI DGLIWOOJ>, OOLOlW>O, ilD PBOYIJ>IJJG •OR DB OOLllOTIOI OJI THI SAKI," H 1Dtro4•o•4 and re .. and placed upon ita aecond reading. BOLL CALL: OUlliaon qe, lfiel .. D qe, Hall Abaent, Pearoe qe, 4 qea, Absent ~or ao ordered. I, llo0or4 .A.baent. Saith qe. Clerk rea4 propoaed Ordinanoe Bo. Seri•• ot 1929,".ll OBl)DJ.AIJOB ORBA.!IJJG A BIIKDG .OJI]) JIOR TllB BBTIRFMBNT OP BONDS ISStraD BY TD OIR or JDJGLBlfOOJ>, OOLOliDO, JIOB SPBOI.AL IMPROVBDlfTS Ill CBRTAIB IJIPROVBllDf DI8DI01'8 IB 8ilD Oift o-. UGLBWOOD, OOLOlUJ)(), ilD LBVYilfG A SPECIAL ASSBSSllDT o-, •• IG06 UPOI !Bl .l88B8SBJ> VALUATIOB or THB PROPBB!'Y WI!llIB SAID Oif'! or ' DQLBSOOD, OOLOliDO, AIJD PROVIDIBG POR THE OOLLBOTIOli or THI S.lllll," 1D hll • .il.4eraan Pearoe MoTe4,) Blli•h leoon4e4,) !hat propoeed Or41nanoe Bo. Seri•• of 1929, •Alf OBJ>IBJJ«m OUAfDIG A SIBKIJJG JIUBD '-BODS IBBUB BY !D Oift or DQL800D, OOLOIW>O, II CD!.ill DIPBO'lalft DIBDIOfS Ill SAID Oift' PA: or GUililDID BY fBI Oift 0. DGL•OOD, COLOIW>O, ill> LBVYillG A SPBOIAL ilBDBMll! 0. •• 0006 UPOI DI ilU88BD VALUATIOll or TBB PROPDft WI!llII SilD Oift <a DGLmOOD, OCJLOIW>O, AID PBOVIDillG POB TBB OOLLICTIOB or DI BAD," •o ,. ..... ond rea41ng •• read. I ' I I I I Hall Absent, Pearoe qe, BOLL CALL: 0.111aon J.7•, J11ela~D qe, ' A:t••, Absent ~or ao ol'clere4. Alterman Pearo• JloTe4,) 2, JloOord AbMDt, Smith qe., 8111th 8eoon4e4,) !hat Or41Danoe aat1tle4 "Al OBJ>IBAIOI CBIA!Il8 A IIHUG J'UIJ) JOB fD D!IBIMll! OJI BOBDS ISSUll BY THI Oift or am.a:~; IGLOB•DO, JOB lnOI.AL IllPROVBllll'8 U OD!Alll IJIPBOVBlllH DillBIO!B II Olft, !Bl PilJllllf OJI DICK DBI QU.ilWITBID ' BY TBB Cift or um.•001>, OQLOJW)(), AD LIY?IJIG A BPIOI.AL ASBISSllll! or •• 0006 UPOJJ ,TJIB .A88Dlll> VilUA!IO• or fD nonan •IfBU SAID Oift OJI DGLaOOD, COLOIW>O, ilD PROYIDIBG JIOR 'l'BB " oarJ.IO~IO• OJI !Bl 8.Allll," do DOW t1nall7 P••• •• Or41D&Do• Bo.11, Seri•• ot 1119. BOLL CALL: 011111•oa A.79. Ball Absent, KoCor4 Abaent, •1•1Mn Q•, Pearoe qe, Saith qe, • qee, A.baent 2, ~or ao ordered. A14el'll&D Pearoe KoTed,) Blllth Seoon4e4,) !hat )e o i•~~••01t64:.that Or41Dano• 10.11, Seri•• ot 1929, thia 491 paaae4 b7 the Cit7 Counoll ot the OitJ of -.aa1ewoo4, Oolora4o, be publiahed l~ the Bnglewoo4 Monitor, a •••kl7 ... •P•P•r of general oiroulation in the Cit7 of BDglewood, Colora4o, •• reqa1re4 bJ th• s•at•t•• of the Stat• of Colorado, BOLL CALL: . fhlll1eon 1.7e, Ball Absent, KoCord Abaent, Biel aen .J:#•, Pearce qe, 8a1 th kl•, ' 1.:1••· .A.baent a, ~or . ao ordered. flae reqaeata tor tax titles from the Count7 Treaaurer waa referred to the JliJlaDo• O.cwmitt••· Alterman CUlllaon MoTed,) haroe Seoon4ed,) that there being DO before the OoUDo11, Oounoil adJourn. BOLL QjLL: CUlllaon 1.7•, Ball Abaent, •t•l••D J.7•, Pearte J.7•, further bu•in••• to oo• , JloCort Abaent, Saith qe, 4 ~··· A.baent 2, ~or ao ordered. IU.D•t•~ of A.4JollrDe4 ~l&Z Keeting of the Cit7 Counoil of the Oit7 of Braglewoo4, Ooloracle, thie Kond&J the 18th dtal'.of loT:!•r, ~ 1929, a•ant approTe4 aa -·NgJ,/ thia, 1 dq of ~'''d~ A.D. 1929.