HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-02-24 (Special) Meeting Minutes [1]I I I I COUllCIL CBAMBBRS CITY OP BllGLBWOOD, COLORADO FEBRUARY 24, 1964 SPBCIAL llBBTillG 1 'l'h• City council of th• City of Bn9lewood, Arapahoe county, COlorado, met in apecial ... tiftCJ on Monday, February 24, 1964 in the Council Challbera, City Hall, Bngl.wood, at th• hour of 8100 P.M. Mayor Pro-tem Braun preaiding called th• meeting to order and ••k•d for roll call. Upon th• call of the roll, th• following persona were pr•••nt: Councilaens Allen, Fullerton, Banaon, Kreiling, Rice, Braun. Also Pr•••nt: City Manager Dial, Adlliniatrative Aaaiatant Malone, City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaan9, City Bngineer Davi•• Abaent: Mayor Love. 'lb• Mayor Pro-tem declared a quorum pr•••nt. 632-34 ULA'l'IllG '1'0 PAVIllG DIS'l'RIC'l' 90. 14 'l'h• Mayor Pro-tem announced that a resolution paaaed on February 3rd, ••t•b- liahed th• public hearing on th• formation of th• Paving Diatrict at a apecial ... ting to be held on Pebruary 24, 1964. 'l'he Mayor Pro-tam aaked the City Manager to di•cu•• th• propoaed Diatrict. 'l'h• City Manager reviewed th• procedure• for formation of paving diatricta. !'be City Bngineer reviewed the price• for varioua type• of atreet improvement• per front foot of property abutting on the llorth-South atreeta generally. Be ••t out the proportion• for a•••••ing of aide atreeta and th• method of determining son••· 'lb• Mayor Pro-tem aaked that the public hearing be opened with the reading of written proteat, then oral proteata by tho•• pr•••nt would be heard. COUllCIIMAll RICB MOVBD, COUllCIIMAll PULLDTm' SBCOllDBD, TBA'!' 'l'BB PUBLIC HEARilfG BB OPSllBD. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ay••1 COuncil .. n Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Fullerton, Allen, Braun. ••y•s llone. Abaent: Mayor Love. !'he Mayor Pro-tem declared th• motion carried. !'he City Clerk read written proteata aa followa1 In general Mr•. Regina Mulchay, 154 Baat Bat•• Avenue, Alley •••t of 4500 bloek South Aco .. , Petition aigned by 18 property owner•, South Cherokee Street from Weat Jefferaon to Weat Kenyon Avenuea, Mra. Ruby B. Puhlendorf, 3690 South Cherokee, Mra. Bdith M. Zweygardt and Ruby R. ZWeygardt, 309 Weat Kenyon, Mr•. Bllory J. Dalan, 3650 South Cherokee, B. D. and B. M. Bilderbeck, 3698 South Cherokee, South Lincoln Street between Baat Stanford and 'l'ufta Avenuea, Letter petition bearing 9 aignaturea, Alley between Waahin9ton and Pearl Street• in 3500 block South Petition bearing 16 aignaturea 3100 block South Clarkson Street Petition bearing 4 aignatures, Baat Bat•• Avenue from Broadway to Sherman Street• Mra. Bdna H. Powera, 2901 South Sherman Street Weat Bate• Avenue from Broadway to South Delaware Street• Mr. H. c. Ball, 2900 South Acoma 'l'h• Mayor Pro-tem thanked the Clerk for th• reading of the letter• and proteat petition• and atated that he would like to conduct the meeting by fol~owin9 the liat of atreeta which each Councilman had giving an opportunity for thoae preaent to aak queationa or proteat the proposed street improvement at that time. 322 Minute• of February 24, 1964 ·~ak Mr. Martin A. Zabel, 3156 South Clarkaon Street, wiah~~to/further in support of hi• written proteat. He expressed his concern of the steep grade required be- tween Dartmouth and Ea•tman which are improved at each end of the block. Mr•. Viola Curry, 3142 South Clarkson spoke of the financial demands on her and stated that if ahe could not make these payments she would lose her home. Mr. Deirhold Martin, 3151 South Clark•on, expreased hia satisfaction with the preaent street. The Mayor Pro-tem co .. ented that thia street waa petitioned for inclu•ion in the District by more than fifty per cent of the owners effected by the improvement. Mr. Loui• T. cangilla, 5000 South Delaware Street, •poke for the paving in the 300 block Weat Grand Avenue. Mr. R. J. Chumley, 3550 South Cherokee Street, spoke in oppo•ition to the paving of that atreet, atating that the street wa• already paved and if it were maintained it would not need paving again. Mr. Robert Maifarth, a•ked to speak on behalf of her parents Mr. and Mra. Jacob Skerlj of 3601 South Cherokee Street, who own • large tract of unimproved land aDd would aubject to a tremendous co•t for the illprov ... nt which they cannot afford. Mr•. Irvin J. Bland, 4103 South Pox Street, reported that the petition for the •tr .. t illprovement wa• not filed within the deadline for •uch circulation. She al•o atated that the street waa not in bad condition and thr•• owners who signed the petition have now moved away and the new owner• were not informed of the propoaal and object. She alao stated the procedure followed i• contrary to the State and Pederal COnati tutiona. Mr. Loyd Parker, 4185 South Pox Street, apok• for the paving. Mr. Da•id Greenwald, 4135 South Pox Street, •tated that h• had juat bought th• property and i• on Social Security. If the improv•ent i• installed h• would need to give hi• boll• to the City or aomeone elae. Mr. Leo Roffman, 4198 South Pox Street, spoke in favor of the improvement. llr. Irvin Bland stated that one of the aiqnaturea on the petition wa• illegal •• th• -n wa• out of town at th• time and baa not returned. Th• City Manager ca ented that it did appear that the handwriting of Mra. Reyer and that of her lluaband Harold, may be the •am• handwriting. Mr. Bland stated that Max Ambrozic, 4138 South Pox, alao opposed th• street improvement but waa unable to attend. -.; . -..r. Hugo G. Olsen, 690 Baat Hampden Avenue, stated that nearly all of th• property owners who petitioned for the paving of the alley between Pearl and WaahinC}ton Streets in the 3500 block w•r• now oppoaed to auch improvement. lfb• City Mana9er reviewed th• varioua atreeta and alley• which were petition and reported th• percentages aa follows: 3100 South Clarkaon, 54.7 per cent favorable, Mr. Martin of 3151 South Clarkaon, aaked that hi• aignature be withdrawn. Diacuaaion enaued. 'fh• City Manager reported that with the signature r .. oved th• percentage would lte 51.43 per cent. 3500-3600 South Cherokee, 59 and 73 per cent favorable reapectively, Kra. Maifarth proteated that there were no owners of home• on th• weat but that her folks owned nearly all of th• property and counted for only one aignature. 4100 South Pox, 51.28 per cent favorable, 'fh• City Manager explained that on the laat day for aublaiaaion of paving petition•, at approxiaately 4:00 P.M., th• petition for th• i11Proving of 4100 South Pox waa presented in th• City Mana9er'• Office. 'lh• Secretary, before acknowledging receipt of th• petition, reviewed th• petition and noted that huaband• and wives had •igned for each other or only th• huaband or wife had •iqned. She inatructed th• petitioner t:o keep th• petition and circulate it &110ng only tho•• who had previoualy indicated their approval and ••cur• legal aignaturea. !be petition waa then filed and found to be sufficient. llr. J-• c. Rector, repreaenting the Cherry Bill• Manor lluraing Bo-, atated he waa very favorable to th• paving of South Waahington Street in the 3500 block but oppoaed th• paving of the waahiDCJton-Pearl alley in that .... block. He diacuaaed with th• Council th• inability of the •ur•ing Boaae to pa•• th• coat of th• improve- -nt on te the patient•. 'fb• Mayor Pro-tem aaked for di•cu••ion on th• Council initiated alley•. Th• City Manager di•cu••ed th• propoaed paving of the alley between Acoma and Broadway in th• 4500 block South. Be stated thi• had been •ugg••ted for Council initiation due to the heavy commercial traffic and bad condition of th• alley in poor weather. llra. Bdith Kent, 4596 south Acoma, aaked why •h• ahould pay for an alley uaed by ao•aone •l••· Mr. Clarence B. McDanial, 4564 South Aco .. , indicated hia oppo•ition to th• alley. Mr. Buddy •. Richardaon, 4500 South Acoma •tated that he had no need for th• alley or it• being paved. llr•. Joe McDaniel apok• of th• ••rioua drainage probl-. Kr. Bl-r Auafahl, of A and A 'l'radiag Poat, 4545 South Broadway, •poke for II I I th• paving of the alley, stating that where reaidential property abut• upon C01111•r-I cial property there are difficult!•• with re9ard to the alley or atreet in between. , llr. Willia• T. McGlone, 4572 South Acoma, expr•••ed hi• oppoaition due to the pr•••nt uae of the alley a• a drag •trip at night. Be aug9eated that th• alley be made one-~ way. Kr. Robert Craig, 4566 South Acoma, •poke of the alley being intended for utility ,I I I 'I Minute• of February 24, 1964 u•• only and it ahould be r••tricted to that u••· Jira. Richardaon, 4500 South Acolla, expr•••ed th• need for traffic control in th• form of a atop ai9n at Acoma to protect th• reaident• and diacoura9• heavy truck traffic. llr. Lydia M. Shuater, 4542 South Acoma, atated •h• wa• located behind th• parking lot and waa being flooded by apring rain• which left gravel and .other debri• on her back yard. She al80 objected to payin9 for concrete when it wa• not uaed by her. llr. Brn••t R. Shulda, 4552 South Acoma, informed th• Council that h• wa• llra. Shuater'• nei9hbor Ind had water damaqe in hi• ba•-•nt recently which coat $75 • 00. Mr•. McGlone, 4572 South Aco-, commented that th• alley received more traffic tban south AcOll& str-t and inquired about th• acreening of th• alley from th• co-•rcial u••. Mr•. Shulda, 4552 south Acoma, objected that •h• wa• unable to have buah•• or •hrub• vrow at th• rear of her yard becau•• of th• car• who would cut aero•• th• back of her yard to 9et by a lar9• truck breaking down and runnin9 over th• plant• and ahrubery. Mr•. Albert c. corner•, 4534 south AcOll&, reported that her incinerator ha• ~n daaaqed ao often that th• inaurance company refuaed to pay any more claima. t'h• Mayor Pro-tem aaked if there were any other• to •peak on thi• alley. 'lb•r• were none. Mr. M. v. Kendal, Sr., 4175 South Lincoln, atated that h• waa not aqainat th• paving of th• alley between Lincoln and Broadway in th• 4100 block but aaked what waa intended to relieve th• drainaqe problem in that alley. Be reported that water backed up into hi• qara9e regularlly when a aprinq •how•r occured. 'fh• City Mana9er reported the City would inatall a atorm drainage inlet at th• •iddl• of thi• alley then a atorm drain from that point to Princeton thence weat to Cherokee Street. Robert Slyter objected to th• 9rade level of th• Miller Super Market parkin9 lot• 11lich drained toward th• alley. Be alao expr•••ed hi• objection to payinf for an alley needed by Miller'•· llr. Bo-r T. Dunn, 3430 South Pennaylvania, apoke fo~ the propoaed paving. llr. Cbarl•• Scheirer, 3409 South Pennaylvania, ,, ... .,•lllD•t~Hn•a-~ I.at South Pennaylvania, aaked about th• curb and gutter. t'h• City Mana9er replied that if th• curb and gutter i• adequate and to grade it would not be replaced. llr. Bu90 Olaen, 3810 South Blati, atated he owned 690 Baat Bampaen and objected to the paving of th• 3500 block South Waahington due to the large tract of land 11bich waa reportedly to be built on in the near future. llr. Ray R. Leininger, 3595 loath Waahin9ton Street, atated th• •tr••t waa .well traveled and ahould be paved now rather than waiting for development of property at •om• future date. llr. llorvel Pout, 1025 Weat Quincy Avenue, inquired about th• pavin9 on Weat Quincy. B• atated h• had conaiderabl• property facinq on Quincy and would like to know about a.wer ••rvic• and other utiliti•• before th• aurfacing. 'fh• Mayor Pro- t .. apoke of th• policy to notify all utiliti•• of propoaed atr-t illprov .. ent• aaking that they make extenaion• and improv .. ent• to their ayat.. in advance of th• atr••t paving. B• oomnented thi• alao appli•• to City utiliti••· llr. rout allked what proviaiona for heavy truck traffic i• intended. !'be Mayer Pro-t- revi.wed that th• pr•••nt paving apecif icationa have been in effect aince 1956 and have ••rved under both reaidential and co-•rcial traffic. Be explained that where r••identially zoned.property abut• on an arterial atreet that property i• a•••••ed only for 36 foot width although th• atreet may be conaiderablly wider than that. !'be difference between th• width i• paid for by everyone in th• City. llr. Pout aaked about th• improv-nt at th• railroad croaaing. !'be Mayor Pro-t-atated thi• wa• entirely within th• City of Bn9lewood and would be paved aimilarlly to We•t Oxford Avenue. llr. Raymond Pickrel, 4495 South Acoma, aaked about th• paving at her curb cut near th• alley. She aaked if •h• would be required to place a driveway up to th• property line when •h• waa not uainq the curb cut or driveway and had a aolid fence aero•• her yard at that point. 'l'h• City Bngineer indicated that •h• would not have to. Mr. William Garver, 4301 South Buron Street, aaked how truck rout•• are deaig- nated. ft• City Manager reported that the City Council deaignat•• tr•ck rout•• by re80lution or ordinance after revi.w and recomaendation by th• Traffic Director. llr. Morri• s. Woodard, 5684 South Preacott, Littleton, owner .of property at 1403 W••t Quincy Avenue, atated that he waa an induatrially zoned owner and under- •tood that h• paid one-half of th• pavinq aa inatalled. Be inquired a• to other coat• which may be levied again•t induatrial land. !'be City Manager and Mayor Pro- t .. anawered hi• queation•. Mr. William Lucking, 835 W••t Quincy, aaked about a••••• .. nt of land under th• Denver City Ditch. !'be City Attorney infenaed him that depending upon whether he owned the land or th• ditch company had an ea•-nt or if the ditch ooapany owned the land, the a•••••ment of property would vary. llr. Barry B. McCormick, aaked the method of a•••••-nt for hi• property which i• not ;·alalttinq on Quincy. Diacuaaion enaued. Th• City Manager explained that all pro- perty within one-half block of an improved •treet waa aaaeaaed either for proportion of the front footaqe or by zonea dependinq upon th• circumatances. Mr. Rudy zweyqardt, 309 Weat Kenyon Avenue, atated his opposition to the open- ing of South Cherokee Street between Jefferson and Kenyon. Be ~onmented that every- one above the ditch i• againat the opening of the street and that there was a con- aiderable number of persons involved. Mr. Harold Corah, 3644 South Cherokee Street, apoke in favor of the atreet because there was no full width atreet serving property below the ditch. Mr. William H. Childress, 3650 South Cherokee, spoke against the openinq of the street because of the traffic hazards it would cause. Mr. Herman 324 Minute• of February 24, 1964 Bilderbeck, 3698 South Cherokee, commented that there were few objections on the north aide of the ditch to opening of Cherokee and only the four on the south aide of the ditch were objecting due to the very steep grade and difficulty in dirving. Mr. zw,ygardt apok• further that the opening would have no advantage to the owners and W'luld reduce their privacy, provide a very dangerous situation with regard to the ditch croaaing and potential accidental drownings. The Mayor Pro-tem aaked if there were any others that wiahed to speak on the propo•ed improv-ent of South Cherokee. There were none. Mr. Clarence Bobba, 3200 South Delaware, a•ked why the atreet was being con- •idered at thi• time. 'l'h• Mayor Pro-tem informed him that this was recommended by the City Bngineer'• office a• being neceaaary to •ave the •treet. Mr. Bobbs com- .. nted that th• atreet waa about 12 year• old and a•ked what aaaurance waa there that the •treat would be adequate upon the greatly increaaed traffic when the shopping development i• completed. The Mayor Pro-tam aaked what the condition of South Delaware Street w••· The City Engineer replied that no •treeta are recommended for overlay unl••• there ia four to aix inch•• of good b••• under the present aurface. Mr. Clifford Brown, 3201 South Delaware, aaid he wa• on Social Security and it was a wa•t• of money. Mr. Robert Weiahaupl, 3290 South Delaware, stated he lived at the corner of Delaware and the proposed shopping center. Be asked for a review of the reeo1111endation that the atreet be overlaid in consideration of the extreme heavy uae during conatruction of the shopping development, if approved. Mr. Paul Saville, 2936 South Sherman Street, asked a delay in the improvement of Ba•t Bate• Avenue until the sanitary relief line was completed. The City Bngineer reported that thi• was being taken into conaideration in connection with the conatruction of th• line ao that newly paved atreets did not need to be torn up right after paving. 'l'be Mayor Pro-tem reported that he had completed the list of streets to be illproved and aaked if there were any other per•ona who wiahed to •peak. Two que•tion• were aaked about the program. COUllCILMAll RICI: MOVBD, COUllCILMAlf BAllSOll SBCOllDBD, THAT '1'BB PUBLIC HBARillG BB CLOSBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ay••1 COuncil .. n Rice, Kreiling, Hanson, Pullerton, Allen, Braun. •ay•1 lion•. Ab•ent: Mayor Love • '!be llayor Pro-t .. declared th• motion carried. Be thanked all the citizen• present for their coming to the public hearing to expr••• their views and informed them that the Council would carefully consider each objection and proteat. RECESS • '!'be Mayor Pro-tem called a recess of the Council at 10145 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 'l'be Mayor Pro-tem called the meeting to order at 10:55 P.M. with the following COuncilaen presents COuncil .. n Allen, Pullerton, Hanson, Kreilinq, Rice, Braun. Ab•ent: Mayor Love. The Mayor Pro-tea declared a quorum present. '!'be Mayor Pro-tem asked the Council'• de•irea aa to the procedure to review the various objection• and prote•t• of the citizen•. 3100 block South Clark•on councilman Allen a•ked for a double check on the adequacy of the petition. !'be City Manager reported it was 51 and a fraction per cent after th• adjuatment for the removal of the •ignature. The City Attorney reported to the Council that there waa no provision for th• withdrawal of a name from a paving petition. 'l'h• Mayor Pro-t .. aummarized by atating th• project would be left in th• Diatrict due to th• .. jority of th• property owner• expreaaing their desire• for th• improvement. Be co ented that the Council ha• never, to hi• knowledge, refu•ed a atreet improve- .. nt if the majority of the citizen• indicated their favorable desires. 3500 South Cherokee !'be objection• were di•cu••ed and th• Mayor Pro-tem •unaarized the opinion of the Council that th• petition waa adequate and therefore, th• improvement authorized. 3500-3600 South Cherokee Strong aajority of property owners favor thi• street. ·. ') I I I ,, I I I I Minute• of February 24, 1964 4100 South Fox 'fh• Mayor Pro-t .. co-nted upon th• proteat from Mr. Gland and expreaaed hi• favor of the behavior of th• ataff of th• City Manager'• Office in reviewing a peti- tion prior to filing. B• atated thi• procedure ia not unuaual and haa occurred aeveral ti•••· 'l'h• final petition bore 51.3 per cent favoring atreet i•prov•••nt. 3500 block alley between waahington and Pearl councilman Fullerton apoke againat th• improv .. ent due to th• aubatantial counter petition filed indicating the major change of the owner• opinion in the area. COUllCILMAll l'ULLBR'fOR MOVBD, COUJICIUIAll RICB SBCOllDBD, 'l'llAT '1'llB 3500 BLOCK ALI.ft OF SOU'ftl PEARL S'l'RBB'l' BB DBLBTBD FROM '1'llB PROPOSBD PAVIBG DISTRICT SO. 14. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote ·resulted aa followas Ayea: Council•en Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Fullerton, Allen, Braun •aya1 Hone. Abaent: Mayor Love. 'l'h• Mayor Pro-tem declared th• motion carried. Alley eaat of South Acoma in 4500 block '!'he Mayor •ro-tem diacuaaed the problem involved. Councilman Rice commented that aome other method of aaaeaament where coaaercial property abut• on reaidential property ..... to be in order. 'l'he Mayor Pro-tem apok• of the need of juat auch a policy and that th• paving of alleys ia juat beginning to be initiated by the City Council, therefore, th• need for a review of th• method of aaaeaament for alley• in th••• condition• ia neceaaary. Councilman Fullerton comaented that th• alley in th• 4100 block eaat of Broadway waa the :•am• baaic probl ... 'fh•r• waa general agre ... nt that the method of a•••••ing alley• needed to be reviewed. '!he Mayor Pro-t .. auggeated that both alley• be stricken pending a reviaion of th• a•••••••nt .. tboda. Diacuaaion enaued. Tb• City Manager auggeated th• Council leave th• alley in the 4100 block eaat of Broadway in th• Diatrict aa a drainage progr .. had been prepared for relieving the probl.. mentioned by th• property owner• in the area who did not oppoae the paving aa atrongly aa tho•• in the 4500 block. Diacuaaion enaued. COUBCIUIAll RICE MOVBD, COUJICIIMBll BAllSOS AID) l'ULLBR'fOB SBCOllDBD, THAT TBB PAV- I9Q OF 'ftlB ALLEY IR TBB t500 BLOCK BAST OF SOU'1'll ACOCA STRBBT BB DBLBTBD FRC»I TBB PIOPOSBD PAVIBG DISTRIC'l' m. 14. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa followas Ayeas Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Fullerton, Allen, Braun. •aya1 !lone. Abaent: Mayor Love. ifh• Mayor Pro-tem declared the motion carried. 'l'h• Mayor Pro-tem aaked the City Manager to place th• need for a determination of alley aaaea ... nt ~ on the Agenda for th• conaideration of th• Council in approximately thr•• montha. 3500 block South Waahington ftl• conaenaua of th• opinion was that the City could not waiC for the propoaed development of th• vacant land. SOuth Cherokee Street from Jef feraon to Kenyon ftl• Mayor Pro-tem indicated that a majority aeemed to be againat the opening of thia atreet. Councilman Rice aaked what th• ()rad• of th• atreet would be in that vicinity. Tb• City Bngineer aaid about the aame aa Weat Kenyon and expreaaed the need for the north-aouth arterial beaide south Bannock and South Broadway. Diacua- aion enaued. 'fh• Mayor Pro-tem commented that there were very few daya in the year in which th• weather waa ao bad that th• roada were impaaaable. Be expreaaed hi• favor for the opening. 'l'b• conaenaua waa that the atreet be left in the Diatrict. 4500 block South Lincoln 'l'be Mayor Pro-t .. atated that there was a proteat againat thi• atr .. t aigned by 9 peraona and it ia aero•• th• atreet from Cherrelyn School. Councilman Fullerton co ented that th• atreet waa in awful condition and ahould be left in. 3200 South Delaware Councilman Fullerton aaked if thia atreet could not be reviewed by the City Bngin••r and City Manager for a aecond time. Diacuaaion enaued. 'l'he Mayor Pro-tem atated that th• Council would rely on the City Manager'• determination after another field inapection. 0 and 100 block Baat Bat•• Avenue Conaenaua of opinion waa that th• conatruction of the relief aewer line could be acheduled ao that th• atr••t need not be diaturbed after laying. '!'he atreet waa achedulea to be left in. Minute• of February 24, 1964 COUllCIUIAll FULLBR'fO• MOVBD, COUlfCILMAll ALL• SBoom>BD, '!BAT ALL or TBB STRBBTS Alm ALLBTS SCIUWULBD FOR DIPROYmlBrl' WITH TBS DCBPIIOlr or TllB TWO DBLBTBD BY SPBCIPIC llOTIOB Alll> '!BB 3200 BLOCK SOUTH DBLAWUB IUIJBCT 'fO RBVIBW PRIOR '1'0 OVBR- LAY BB DftBRllillBD TO BB cou•CIL IBITIATBD SftBftS AS PROVIDBD n THE CBARTBR FOR COllSft'UCl'IOB I• 1964 I• 'ftlB PROPOSED PAVDG DISTRICT •o. 14. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote r••ulted a• follow•a Ay••a COuncil .. n Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, l'ullerton, Allen, Braun. •ay•: lion•. Abaent: Mayor Love. 'l'h• Mayor Pro-tem declared the motion carried. ADJOURll COUBCilllAll KRBILI•G MOVED, OOUllCILMAll PULLBR'l'O• SBCmtDBD, 'l'llA'l' '!'BB MBBTIBG BB ADJOURllBD. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa followaa Ayeaa Council.lien Rice, Kr•iling, Banaon, Pullerton, Allen, Braun. ••y•a Bone. Abaent: Mayor Love. Th• Mayor Pro-t•• declared the meeting adjourned at 11150 P.M. /•/ B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of th• Council The minute• of th• meeting of th• City Council of th• City of Englewood, Colorado, held on th• 24th day of February, A.D. 1964, atand approved a• written thi• 16th day of March, A.D. 1964. I I