HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-02-24 (Special) Meeting Minutes [2]I I I I CALLBD llBBTillG: cou•CIL CBMBBRS CITY OP BllGLBWOOD, COLORADO FEBRUARY 24, 1964 t'he City council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in called ••••ion on Monday, February 24, 1964, in th• Council Chamber•, City Ball, BIMJl.wood, at the hour of 11:51 P.M. t'he City Clerk read the following notice of calls IJOTICB OP CALL POR SPBCIAL SBSSIOR OP TllB CITr COUllCIL for the purpoae of conaideration of the iaauance of a Liquor Lie•••• to Mr. John Juat for aa t eat•~l~•h*•Dt at 65 Weat Floyd Avenue • .. tic• and call i• hereby given for special ••••ion of the City Council to be held on Monday, February 24, 1964, at 8:00 P.M. for the expreaa purpoae of conaider- ing the iaauance of a Liquor License to Mr. John Juat for an eatabliahment at 65 Weat Floyd Avenue. I•/ R. R. Braun Councilman I•/ D. G. Fullerton councilman I•/ 'l'ymer Rice Councilman ACJQIOWLBDGMBllT or RBCBIPT or llO'l'ICB OP SPECIAL SBSSIOll t'he following peraona, all Councilmen of the City of Englewood, Colorado, do hereby acknowledge receipt of notice of the above apecial ••••ion. /•/ R. R. Braun I•/ D. G. Fullerton I•/ 'fymer Rice I•/ William B. Ranaon I•/ John c. J<reilinq I•/ George R. Allen t'he Mayor Pro-tem called the meeting to order and asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the tollowing persona were preaent: Councilmen: Allen, Fullerton, Ranson, Xreiling, Rice, Braun. Alao Preaent: City Manager Dial, Adminiatrative Aaaiatant Malone, City Attorney Each, City Clerk Beauaang. Abaent: Mayor Love. '!be Mayor Pro-Tem declared_• quorum preaent. 641-41 PBTITIOR POR LIQUOR LICB9SB AT 65 WBST !'LOYD '1'be City Clerk reported he had received an application for Beer, Wine and Spirituoua Liquor License for aale in hotel and reataurant by the drink only •ubllitted by John c. Juat in the name of caaual Lounge at 65-75 Weat Floyd Avenue, Bn9lewood. '!'he city Clerk reported that three letter• of reference and the re- quired check• for payment for the licenae were attached. '1'be City Manager reported that the previoua licenae iaaued at the same addreaa had not been voided or canceled. Mr. Glen Helfer, Attorney, repreaenting Jaaper Jones, a previoua owner, and holder of chattel mortgage on peraonal property in the Borae car Bar reported that the Borae car Bar, Ltd., preaently hold• a legal licenae and that ~e would oppose, on behalf of hi• client, the iaauance of a aecond licenae and asked the council to delay their consideration for a reaonable period of ti... 'fhe Mayor Pro-tam asked Mr. Juat for hi• comnenta. Re atated that the eatabliahment waa cloaed and that he would be iaaued a legal l•••• for the premi••• and th• intention waa not to have two licenaea on the premi••• but to aecure one. Mr. Lee Corder, owner of the pr .. iaea, reported that the operation of the Bora• Car Bar had gone from bad to worae and waa jeopardizing the other leaaea in the build- ing. Re reported the bar i• presently cloaed, padlocked under Sheriff'• order and not operating. 'fh• Mayor Pro-tam aakec:l the City Attorney for direction. '!'he City Attorney stated that he had aaaumed the licenae would be a tranafer of the exiatiag license and not a n.w application. Re atated that there cannot be two liquor licenaea at the aaae place and that the present licenae muat be either tranaferred or revoked. Mr. Helfer aaked that the council not revoke the license but allow the creditor• a chaace to recover their inveatment by aale of the buain••• and licenae. 'fhe City Attorney stated that there i• conaiderable factual evidence involved and llOuld Minute• of February 24, 1964 require through review prior to hi• being able to recoamend action for the Council and doubted if he would be able to make auch determination prior to the next meet- ing of th• Council. Kr. Paul Bilat, 206 Logan Street, atated that h• waa th• preaent owner of the corporation known •• Borae Car Limited and he would oppoae any action on the licenae at thia time. ilfb• Mayor Pro-tem awmnarized that the Council waa not able to act at thi• time. ci>U1'CILMA11 !'ULLBR'!OR MOVBD, COUBCIIllAll RICB SICOllDBD, 'l'llAT '!BB MA'r'l'BR BB 'l'ABLID. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayeas Coancilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Fullerton, Allen, Braun. ••y•s llone. Abaent: Mayor Love. The Mayor Pro-tem declared the motion carried. ADJOUIUf COUllCIIMAR KREILilfG MOVED, COUNCILMAN PULLBR'l'OR SBCOllDBD, '!'BAT '1'BB MBB'l'IRG BB ADJOUJUIBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanaon, Fullerton, Allen, Braun. •aya: Rone. Abaent: Mayor Love. llfbe Mayor Pro-tem declared the meeting adjourned at 12115 A.M., 'l'ueaday, February 25, 1964. I•/ B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council 'l'h• minute• of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held on the 24th day of February, A.D. 1964, atand approved as written thi• 16th day of March, A.D. 1964. I I