HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-02 (Regular) Meeting Minutes!I I :I I RBCIULAR MBBTING: COUNCIL CHAMBERS Cift OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO MARCH 2, 1964 The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular session on Monday, March 2, 1964, in the Council Chamber•, City Hall, Bnglewoed, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor Love presiding called the meeting to order and the invocation was given by the Reverend Frank McCall of the St. Thomas Community Church. The Mayor asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following per- 80n• were present: Councilmen: Allen, Fullerton, Han•on, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Also Present: City Manager Dial, Administrative Assistant Malone, City Clerk Beausang. Ab•ent: Councilman Braun, City Attorney B•ch. The Mayor declared a quorum pre•ent. 641-2 CORSIDBRATIOR OF MillU'l'BS OP PREVIOUS MBBTI•G -COUllCIUCAll PULLBRTOR MOVBD, COUNCIIMAR BAllSOR SBCOllDBD, THAT THB MINUTES OF TBB MBBTillG OF FEBRUARY 17TB BE APPROVED AS WRIT'l'm. Upon the call of the roll, ~· vote re•ulted a• follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Han•on, Fullerton, Allen, Love. •ay•: lfone. Abaent: Councilman BraW\. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. The Mayor a•ked the Council'• wi•he• of th• approval of th• minut•• of the ... ting• of February 24th. Di•cu••ion en•ued. 'l'h• Mayor a•ked that the approval of th• minute• of February 24th be def erred due to th• fact the member• of the Council had not had a chance to review the minute•. 622-37 PUBLIC RBARIRG ON PAVDIG DIS!'RIC'l' 90. 13 ASSBSSMBllTS COUllCIIllAll KRBILIRG MOVBD, COUNCILMAN RICB SBCOllDBD, TBA'!' '1'llB PUBLIC BBARIRG BB OPBllBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote r••ulted a• follow•: Aye•: Council.men Rice, Kreiling, Han•on, Fullerton, Allen, Love. •ay•: •one. Abaent: Councilman Braun. '!'be Mayor declared the motion carried. (City Attorney Bach entered and took hi• aeat at 8:07 P.M.) Tb• Mayor •tated that the City Clerk had received nuaerou• written prot••t• but aa there were people in the audience who alao wiahed to apeak on their a•••••- ••nt• that they be heard fir•t. ... llr. Paul Saville, 2936 South Sherman Street, complimented th• City Council and th• City Bngineer on the work done in connection with Paving Diatrict Ro. 13. Be did wiah to call to th• Council'• attention a piece of cencrete chipped from th• curbing adjoining hi• property and presented the piece to th• Council. Re a•ked that thi• be repaired at the City'• convenience and that payment on the a••••• .. nt for work done on Ba•t Bat•• Avenue be deferred until th• conatruction of th• sanitary Sewer Relief Line this year. Di•cua•ion enaued. !!le City Manager reported that th• •pecification• will include provi•ion for th• proper repair and compaction of th• atreet •urface and adequate paving after th• inatallation of th• •ewer. Re expr•••ed the opinion that there wa• no proviaion for th• deferaent of a payment of a portion of the a••••sment• in the Diatrict. t'b• City Attorney confirmed that there waa no provi•ion for deferment. llr. Fred Jan•••n, 2946 South Sherman Str .. t, diacuaaed th• need for greater enforc ... nt of truck route• in connection with th• •tr••t improv .. ent• by the pav- ing contractor. 'fb• City Manager •tated that thi• would be called to the attention of the contractor• of Paving Di•trict llo. 14. llr. Myron c. Bott, 3101 South Downing Street, expreaaed th• opinion that hi• aaaea .. ent wa• toe high a• coapared with aaaea .. enta previoualy made for work done in Paving Diatrict llo. 10 which effected th• .... property. Be alao objected to the cutting abort of th• period for private contracting of concrete work. 'fh• City Bn9in .. r explained the need for a deadline ao that th• quantiti•• of work to be done by th• contractor •Y be determined. B• averred that no chaage in the deadline waa Md• once it waa ••tabliahed. 'fh• Mayor aaked that llr. Bott and the City 330 Minute• of Karch 2, 1964 Bngin••r review th• difference between the aaaea .. enta for Paving Diatrict Ro. 10 and Paving Diatrict llo. 13 and report back to the Council. llr. Adrian M. Roberta, 2816 South Grant Street, reported that the atreet ha• cracka going acroaa it which will cauae the aurface to break down ahortly and that due to ahallow placea in th• paving at the gutter lilae allowed water holea and pulldl•• where they did not exiat before. B• coaplained that h• waa not getting full value in a two inch thickn••• overlay. 'l'h• Cit~ Manager and City Bngineer explained th• appearance of crack• •• being an extenaion of tho•• major crack• below th• new aurface and that th••• crack• would be filled aa soon aa th• weather peraitted. Diacuaaion enaued. '!here were no other• who wiahed to apeak in proteat at thia time. th• Mayor aaked the City Clerk to read the letter• •f proteat. 'l'h• City Clerk read letter• of proteat from the following peraona1 llr. Saauel Bradbury, 850 Weat Chenango Aveaue, owner of 3096 South Lincoln, llr. Arthur Rotr-1, 2836 South Grant Street, llr•. ~tl• B. Merritt, 3352 South Pearl Street, llr. and Mra. Jaaea B. Jeame, 2821 South Graat 8treet, llr. and Mra. Pree! Schroder, 2805 South GEant Street, Jira. Kabel Rouae, 2810 south Grant Street, Jira. Mary J. Garriaon, 2942 South. Delaware Street, llr. Barry Ware, 2982 South Delaware Street, llr. Juliua Buaaard, 5901 South Santa Pe, leaaee of property at corner of south Lincoln and Baat Girard Avenue, Jira. llay R. Roberta, 3069 South Penaayl9ania, Jira. llary t'bollpaon, 3065 South Pennaylvania, llr. Barry Crabtree, 3064 South Pennaylvania, llr. J-• w. Guna, 3074 South Pennaylvania, Bae salvation Army, 3085 South Pennaylvania, llr. Louia w. Clay, 3057 South Pennaylvania, llr. Charle• Schell, 3037 south Pennaylvania, Jira. Anna aa-uaaen, 3017 South Pennaylvania, llr. Olin Kuck, 3027 South Pennaylvania, llr. Albert Puller, 3026 South Pennaylvania, llr. au Decker, 3000 SOuth Pennaylvania, llr. L. o. Garretaon, 3070 south Pennaylvania, who alao called to indicate that h• did not have a proteat and had already paid th• ••••••m•nt in full but ha• aigned th• neigbborhoed petition, alao llr. c. B. Gordon, 3067 South Penn·aylvania, llr. and Mr•. Myron c. Bott, 3101 South Downing, llr. Adrain Roberta, 2816 South Grant Street, llr. Charle• M. Lubeck, 2791 south Grant Street, llr. Robert s. connera, 2835 South Grant Street, llr. Stanley K. Dyer, 3080 South Pearl Street, Jira. Darlene •· Boward, 2820 South Sherman Street, llr. and Jira. Roy X..wbert, 3136 South Waahin9ton, llr. Pred L. Ad ... , 2801 South Grant Street, Kra. Roae Clark, 3030 South Pennaylvania Street, and llr. Max B. Denney, 4484 south Pox, who related hi• recent purchaae of the property fr•• of all claim•, tax•• and ••••• ... nta and ••king the atatua. '!be llayor aaked Kr. Myron Bott if he had deterained where th• difference in the ••••• ... nt of hi• property in Paving Diatrict •o. 10 and Paving Diatrict Ro. 13 had occurred. Kr. Bott atated that the dif ferenc• ia due to the reduced credit for the aaphalt on the exiating •tr-t prior to th• illprov ... nt. Be atated that only twenty centa per front foot waa allowed in Paving Diatrict llo. 13 while on Paving Diatrict llo. 10 a dollar per front foot waa allowed. B• atated that h• would appreciate an adjuatllent on the oil credit and indicated that thi• waa hi• firat real proteat •CJAinat paving aurrounding hi• property. lfh• City Manager reviewed generally th• varioua complaint• aa to the thickn••• of the overlay paving and general workmanahip. Tb• City Manager then atated that he had proaiaed Kr. Water G. Boqga, 4301 South Baanock Street, had talked with him aeveral 110ntha ago queationing the rea- ponaibility for the replac .. ent of the curb and gutter along Weat Quincy Avenue at th• llorth boundary of hi• property. Mr. Jlog9• clailled that th• ua• of ch-icala for anow r9110val by the City contributed to th• crUllblin9 of the old curb and gutter which waa replaced in the conatruction of Pavin9 Diatrict •o. 13. A picture of the condition of th• curb and gutter before replac ... nt waa paaaed amoaw the COancilmen. Diacuaaion enaued. The general conaenaua waa that th• action of chemical• on the curb and gutter alone wo~ld be inauf f icient to cauae thia damage and that llr. Bogg• waa reaponaible. councilman Allen aaked for aiacuaaion on th• ••••• ... nta a9ainat the property ownera living in the 2800 block South Grant. 'file City Manager reported that the City s.gin .. r and Pield Bngin••r carefully inapected thi• atr .. t and had met con- aiderabl• oppoaition by th• property ownera aa the conatructien progreaaed. Be apr•aed the vi.w that b waa not aubatantially better or worae in ita conatruc- tion than th• other• in th• di•trict. I ii ,, I ,1 I I I Minute• of Karch 2, 1964 Kr. George Johnaton,2401 South Pecoa, atated that hi• •ther-in-law owned property at 2863 South Grant Street and he felt that th• aaaeaament waa greater than authorized. Re atated that he recalled the eatimate to be $2.00 per front foot .axiaum. Diacuaaion enaued. Th• City llana9er atated that the ••timated price waa $2.45 per front foot which ahowed on th• original petition• and all related papera. COUllCIIllAll RICB MOVED, COUllCIIICAB ruLLBRTal 89COlll>BD, 'l'llAT TllB PUBLIC llBARillG BB CLOSBD. (Councilman Braun entered and took hi• ••at at th• Council table at 9115 P.M.) Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayeas COuncilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Pullerton, Allen, Love. Bayas llone. Abataining: Councilman Braun. Abaent: Ilona. t'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. GAS AllD BLBCTRIC PRAllCHISE PADID'r POR LU!' llALP 01' 1963 Kr. Harold Ruat, Englewood Manager of th• Public Service Company of Colorado, preaented a check in the amount of $30,095.18 aa a franchi•• payment for the laat •ix month• of 1963. 'l'h• Mayor thanked Mr. Ruat for the payment and th• continued intereat of Public Service Company in the City and it• pro~l .... 632-79 APPOill'!llBRT OP MBMBBRS 'l'O BOUSillG CODB S'l'UDY C<llMI'.l"l'EE COUllCIIICAll RICB MOVED, COUllCILMAIT PULLBRTOB SB009DBD, '!'BAT '1'RE MATTER OP llAXIllG APPOI1"MD1TS TO THE BOUSI9G CODE STUD!' CCWIT'l'BB BB RAISBD PROM 'l'RE TABLE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa followa1 Aye•: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Raya: Hone. Abaent: Hone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. COUBCIIMAH FULLERTON MOVED, COUNCILMAIT BAllSOR SBCOllDBD, 'l!IAT MR. WILLIAM ll!DS, MRS. KAY RO'l'H, MR. GBORGE JORllSOH, MR. JOHii KA'l'CllUR, COUHCILMBB RICE ARD PULLBRTOH, MR. KBDBTB CARLSOH, ARD MR. WILLIAM A. CLAYTOR, WHO WOULD SERVE AS 'l'lllPORARY alASRMAlf, BB APPOIHTED MEMBERS OP A BOUSIHG CODB STUDY COMMIT!'EE POR 'IBB PURPOSB OP RBVIBWillG ALL CODES AND STANDARDS AVAILABLE ARD REC<»OIBHDIHG A CODS POR 'ftlB ADOP'l'IOH BY 'ftlE CITY OP EHGLEWOOD. Upon the call of the roll, the .-te reaulted aa follow•: · Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Kreilin9, Ranson, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •aya: Hone. Abaent: Rone. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-6 PROCBBDIHGS OP PLAHHIHG ARD ZOHIHG C<»OIISSIOH MBBTIHG OP l'BBRUARY 19, 1964 'l'h• Mayor aaked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 641-7 PROCDDI9GS OP WA'l'BR ARD SEWER BOARD SPBCIAL MBBTIBG OP PBBRUARY 4, 1964 'l'h• Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 641-42 Water Exchange Agreement with Denver 'l'he City Clerk read the following recoaaendation of the Englewood Water and Sewer Boards · "That the WA'l'BR BXCllAHGE AGRBIMEHT between th• City and County of Denver, Board of Water Comaiaaionera, and the City of Bn9l.wood be approved for execution aubject to minor modification• which BIMJl.wood'• le9al Water Counael ha• been authorized to negotiate.• 'l'h• City Manager explained that Mr. Shiver• would be preaent later to pre- ••nt th• agre .. ent. 332 llinutea of March 2, 1964 COU9CILMAll BRAUll MOVBD, COUllCILMAll BAllSOR SBOOllDBD, 'l'BAT 'ME MATTER BE TABLBD. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 A7e•: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Raya: Rone. Abaent: Bone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-7 PROCBBDillGS OP WATBR ARD SEWBR BOARD MEBTIRG OP PBBRUARY 18, 1964 'l'h• llayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 641-43 Agr••-nt 121: Purchaae of Lake George Coapanv Water Th• City Clerk read the following recommendation of the Englewood Water and Sewer Boards "'!'hat the OPPBR l"OR PURCHASE OP WATBR agreement, aa aubmitted to the Lake George Compaay, be approved." COUllCILMAll BRAUll MOVBD, OOUllCILMAll RICB SBCOlll>BD, TBA'!' 'BIB RBCOIOIBlll>A'l'IOR OP '1'llB WATBR ARD SBWBR BOARD RAGARDIBG '1'BB LAD GBORGB COllPAft COll'l'RACT BE ACCBPTBD Am DCBSSARY SIGRA'l'URBS BB AU'l'BORIZBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re- aulted aa follow•• Ay••• Councilmen Rice, Kreilin9, Banaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •aya1 Ilona. Abaent: llone. The Mayor declared th• motion carried. 641-44 Relating £2 I••$!! High~ canal Th• City Clerk read the following reco ... ndation of the Bnglewood Water and Sewer Boards "!'bat th• BIGBLIBB CABAL USE AGRBBMBJIT between th• City and County of Denver and th• City of EDCJlewood, be approved aa preaented." The City Manager atated that the copiea were not iaaediately available but he reco .. ended the Council approve th• agre .. ent. OOUllCILMAll PULLBRTOll llOVBD I OOUllCI:utAll BAllSO• SBOOIJDBD I !BAT '1'llE RBOOIUIBllDA- TIO• BB ACCBPTBD Alll> 'ftlB MAYOR Alll> CITY CLBRK BB AU'l'llORIZBD 'fO SIGll Oii 8'RllM.P OP 'lllS Cift. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea1 Councilaen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •aya: llone. Abaent: Ilona. Tb• llayor declared the JDOtion carried. 641-4 PROCBBDIBGS OP BOARD OP ADJUS'ftlD'T Alm APPBALS llEftIRGS OP JMIUARY lBTB PBBRUARY 19, 1964 '!be Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 641-5 PROCBBDillGS OP BOARD OP CARBBR SERVICE CC»lllISSIOllBRS MEBTIRG OP PBBRUAllY 26Tll ft• llayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 641-3 PROCBBDIRGS OP PARK A1fD RBCRBA'l'IOR COllllISSIOR MEBTIRG OP PEBRUARY 27, 1964 lfh• llayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 641-45 Reco ending Illlllediate Regotiationa ,'2£ Blection ~ Bxclud• Englewooc:l from South S\lburban Metropolitan Recreation Di•trict 'fbe City Clerk read the following recommendation of the Park• and Recreation Collllliaaion: "'!'bat the City becJin negotiation• immediately with the South Suburban Diatrict Board ao that the Board can call an electjon to exclude the City from the Diatrict at the earli••t poaaibl• date. Bou•• Bill 1035 waa paaaed by th• Colorado General Aaaellbly, which provide• that the City can requeat excluaion from th• Diatrict.• I I I I I I I I Minute• of March 2, 1964 '!'be City ~ttorney reported that initial atepa have already been taken for the excluaion of Englewood from the Diatrict. Be reported that a reaolution had been prepared and a petition waa in preparation which would call for an election. Th• City Clerk read the reaolution in full aa follow•: RESOLUTIQR WBBRBAS, The City of Bnglewood ia a Rome Rule City within the State of Colorado, and WBBRBAS, Said City ia included within the boundariea of the south Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Park Diatrict, and WllBRBAS, Said City baa a Park and Recreation Department which ia charged with the duty of operating ~he City park ayatem and park and recreation program, and WBBRBAS, It ia the opinion of the City Council that the City can continue in th• future to operate a complete park and recreation program independent of the south Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Park Di•trict, and WBBRBAS, By Houae Bill lfo. 1035, which haa been paaaed by the 1964 Colorado Legialature and aigned by the Governor of the State of Colorado, and is now law, proviaion ia made for the excluaion of the Rome Rule Citie• from metropolitan recreation and/or park diatricta. 90W, TllBRBPORB, BB IT RBSOLVBD BY 'MB Cift COUllCIL OP TBB Cift OF EllGLBWOOD, COLORADO, Thia 2d day of Karch 1964, that a petition be filed with the Board of Director• of the South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Park Diatrict requeat- ing excluaion from aaid diatrict on behalf of th• owner• of all real and peraonal property located within both the boundariea of th• City of Bnglewood and the boundari•• of the Diatrict, pursuant to the proviaion•-of Bou•• Bill Ro. 1035, 1964 COlorado Legialature, aaending 89-12-22, Colorado Revi•ed Statutes, 1953, aa ... nded, relating to metropolitan recreation and/or park di•tricta. BB IT PUR'l'BBR RBSOLVBD, That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to fil• with the Board of Director• of th• South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Park Diatrict a petition for excluaion in accordance with thia re80lution and th• terma of the aforeaaid atatute aa amended. BB IT PURTBBR RBSOLVBD, That the City Clerk ia authorized to deposit with the •aid Board, together with aaid petition, money •ufficient to pay all coata of the excluaion proceeding•. ADOP'l'BD A11D APPROVBD thia 2nd day of March A.D. 1964. Mayor AftBST: COUllCIIMAB BRAUll MOVBD, COUllCIIllAR ALLD SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT THE RBC<»OIDDATIOR BB ACCBPTBD AllD TBB RBSOLUTIOll BB ADOPTBD. (Councilman Banaon left the Chamber• at 9:45 P.M.) Diacu••ion enaued. The queation was called for. th• vote reaulted aa followa: Upon the call of the roll, Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. ••ya: Ilona. Abaent: Councilman Banaon. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. Councilllan Fullerton inquired aa to the procedure to be followed in this .. tter of excluaion from the Diatrict. Diacuaaion enaued. Councilman Braun diacuaaed the many time• that Englewood calla upon ita duly authorized repreaentativea in the State Legialature : and expreaaed hia apprecia- tion for the way the Legialatora have acted on behalf of Englewood. Minute• of March 2, 1964 COUllCIIllAll BRAUll llOVBD, COUllCIUIAR RICB SBCOlll>BD, THAT LB'l"l'BRS BB WRIT'l'D OVBR tBB MAYOR'S SIGllATURB TO BACH OP TBB RBPRBSBllTATIVBS OP '1'BB CITIZBBS OP DGLDIOOD, 'ftlAllKillG !'11111 POR 'l'llBIR CORTDlUBD IllTBRBST AllI> BBLP I• LBGISLATIVB llAftBRS BPPBCTIBG TllB CITY OP BllGLBWOOD, I• PARTICULAR TBB FAVORABLE DRAFTING A11D PASSAGB OP BOUSB BILL llO. 1035. (Councilman Ranson returned and took hi• aeat at 9:48 P.M.) Upon the call of th• roll, the vote resulted aa followaz Ayea: Councilaen Rice, Kreiling, Ranaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •ayaz •one. Ab••ntz Bone. !'he Mayor declared the motion carried. Council .. n Rice called the Council'• •ttention to the fact that the Park and Recreation Coallliaaion changed the title of the plan to make uae of the proceeds frOll the aale of the park land• to "Park Replacement Plan" from "Park Maater Plan". Be auggeated that the Council minutes be corrected accordingly. Diacuaaion enaued. '!he City Attorney agreed that the minutes could be corrected and that '!'he Maater Plan title waa mialeading. COUllCILMAB RICB MOVED, COUlfCIIHAN PULLBRTOll SBCOBDBD, THAT THE CITY CLERK BE DillBC"l'BD TO CORRBCT TllB TITLE OF THE PARK PLAN WRBRBVBR APPEARING IN THE CITY CX>UllCIL MIBUTBS, ESPECIALLY THOSE OF 'l'RE MEETING OP JABUARY 20TR 'l'O READ PARK RBPLACBMBllT PLAN. Upon the call of the roll, the .ote reaulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Nayas Rone. Absent: None • The Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-32 RELATING 'l'O SUBSTITUTE MUNICIPAL JUDGE Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Fullerton A BILL FOR AR ORDIRARCE AMDDING 'l'RE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ERGLEWOOD, COLORADO RBlltMBBRIBG SECTION 18.2 THEREOF AS TO THE POWBRS OP THE MUNICIPAL JUDGE AS SBCTIO• 18.2-1 ARD ADDIRG TO SAID CODE A NEW SBCTIOlf 18.2-2 PROVIDING FOR THE APPOill'lMBllT BY '1'RB CITY COUNCIL OF A SUBSTITUTE MUNICIPAL JUDGE TO ACT IN THE PLACB OP 'ftlE MUIJICIPAL JUDGE WREN SAID JUDGE SHALL BE UNAVAILABLE, SICK, INCAPA- CITATED, DISQUALIPED OR OTHERWISE UNABLE 'l'O PERPORM THE DUTIES OF HIS OFFICE. U IT ORDAillBD BY THE CITY COUlfCIL OP '!HE CITY OF ENGLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. Section 18.2 of the Municipal Code of the City of Englewood as to the power• of the Municipal Judge is hereby renumbered aa Section 18.2-1. Section 2. The Municipal Code of the City of Englewood is hereby amended by adding thereto a new Section 18.2-2 which shall read as follows: "Section 18.2-2 Substitute Judge. The City Council shall from time to time aa neceaaary to aerve at Council pleaaure, appoint a substitute Municipal Judge, who •hall act •• Municipal Judge when aaid Judge is unavailable, aick, incapacitated, diaqualif~ed or otherwiae unable to perform the duties of hi• office, and who ahall act in place of and have all of the powers of the Municipal Judge at auch times." Paaaed on Pirst Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thi• 2nd day of March, 1964, and ordered publiahed in full in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae. Mayor ATTBST: waa read in full. I I I I I I I Minutes of March 2, 1964 OOURCIIllAN FULLBRTOR MOVBD, COURCIUIAR RICE SECORDED, 'l'BA'l' '1'llB PROPOSED BILL BB PASSBD OR FIRST RBADIRG AllD ORDBRED PUBLISHED IR FULL IN 'l'BE DGLBWOOD BBRALD AllD Blft'BRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanson, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •aya: · Rone. Absent: Rone • '!'be Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-33 CBAllGIRG OF THE TERM OF MEMBERS OF PARKS AllD RBCRBM'IOll C<IOIISSIOR Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Braun. A BILL POR All ORDIRAlfCB AMDDIRG SBCTIOR 9.1 OF THE MUllICIPAL CODB OP '1'llB Cift OF aGLDfOOD, COLORADO, TO RBDBPIH '1'RE APPOilftMBllT OP TllB MBMURS OP '1'RE PARKS Alm llBCRBATIOR CC»lllISSIOR. BB IT ORDAillBD BY '1'llB CITY COURCIL OF '1'BE Cift OP DGLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. Section 9.1 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bnglawood, COlorado, i• hereby amended to read as follow•: •.!.a! Parka and Recreation C0111niaaion B~tabliahed. '1'here is hereby eatabliahed a joint comaiaaion of the City of Bn9lewood and School Diatrict llo. 1, Arapahoe county, Colorado, to be known a• the Park• and Recreation Comlli••ion. The said coaaiaaion shall consist of aev .. persona, two of whom shall be appointed by the Board of Bducation of School District Ro. 1, two of whom shall be member• of the city Council designated by the City Council, and three of whom shall be •elected by the four appoint••• designated by the Board of Education and the City Council.• P•••ed on First Reading by the City council of the City of Englewood, COlorado, thi• 2nd day of March 1964, and ordered published in full in the Inglewood Herald and Bnterpri••· Mayor AftBST: waa read for COUllCIIllAll BRAUll MOVED, COUlfCIIltAll HASSOR SBCOllDBD, THAT THE PROPOSED BILL BB PASSBD o• FIRST RBADIRG ARD ORDBRBD PUBLISHBD IR PULL IR 'l'BB BRGLDIOOD llBRALD AID> Blft'BRPRISE. Diacuaaion ensued as to the effect of the ordinance on the existing members of the Parka and Recreation coaaiaaion. councilman Rice atated that he did not agree with the bill. '!'be question was called for. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa .followa: Ayes: Councilmen Kreiling, Hanaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •aya: Councilman Rice. I Abaen t: llone • The Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-72 RBSOLUTIOR EllDORSIHG COMllBRCIAL DBVBaOPllDT '!'be City Clerk read the following reaolution in fulls RBSOLUTIO• WBBREAS, The City Council of the City of Bn9lewood, Colorado, has heretofore endoraed and approved the eatablishment of a major •hopping development in aaid City west of the City Hall on what i• generally known •• the City Park area, and 336 Minute• of March 2, 1964 WBBRBAS, The City Council i• deairou• of pr•••nting to the public what it - de .. • to be aubatantial and coapelling reaaon• for aupport, of auch project, one of which i• projected annual increaae to Bngl.wood'• City Sal•• Tax revenue • ... 'IBBRBPORB, BB IT RBSOLVBD BY '!RB Cift COUJrCIL or '1'llB Cift OP BlfGLBNOOD, COLORADO, thi• 2nd day of March, 1964, that a major reaaon for the aupport of th• propoaed C011111ercial •hopping development in aaid City i• that it would reault in a projected annual increaae of at least $500,000. in Sngl.wood'• City Sale• 'rax revenue. ADOPTBD AllI> APPROVBD 'ftlIS 2nd day of March, 1964. Mayor ATTBST: COUllCIUilAll RICB MOVBD, OOUBCIIMMf BRAUll SBCOllDBD, '!'BAT TllB RESOLUTION BE ADOPTBD Alll> APPROVBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayea: Councilaen Rice, Kreilin9, Ranaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. ••y•: llone. Abaent: llone. 'fh• Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-34 CBAllGIHG DEALER'S DISCOUB'l' C* CIGARBTTE STAMPS Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Braun A BILL POR All ORDillMICE MBllDDIG SBCTIOH 16.3-7 RBGIS'l'RATIO• PBB, or '1'llB MUllICIPAL CODE or '!BB Cift or BlfGLBWOOD, COLORADO, CBAllGI•G TRI DISCOUll'f ALLOWBD TO DEALERS POR Al'PIXIllG CIGARETTE STAMPS PROM 'l'WBLVE PER CBmT TO BIGlft' PBR CBlft'. BB IT ORDAillBD BY '!'BE CITY COUBCIL or TllB Cift or aGLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. Section 16.3-7, Regiatration Pee, of the Municipal Code of the City of Bagl.wood, Colorado, ia hereby amended by •triking th.refrom the last ••ntenc• of aaid aection and enacting th• following laat ••ntence in place thereof: "A diacount of eight per cent of the face amount of ••id atamps •hall be allowed by the city clerk to dealer• authorized to affix ataap• hereunder to coapenaate auch dealer• for their trouble and •xp•n•• in affixing the aaid •tallp•." Paaaed on Pir•t Reading by the City Council of th• City of Bft9lewoed, Colorado, thi• 2ad .. y of March, 1964, and ordered publiahed in full in the Englewood Herald apd Baterpri••· Mayor ATTBSTa waa read for COUllCILMAJI BRAUll MOVBD, COUllCIUilAll RIGB SECO.DBD, 'l'BAT '1'BE PROPOSED BILL BB PASSSD OS FIRST RBADIBG AllD ORDDm> PUBLISBBD I• PULL I• TBB BRGLBWOOD BBRALD Alll> D!BRPRISB. I I I I I I I ii Minute• of March 2, 1964 councilman Kreiling COlllllented that th• Stat• ••t their fee at ten per cent which waa thought to be exceaaiv• ao that citi•• could reduce their allowance•. Di•cu••i•n enaued. 'fh• queation waa called for. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Ranaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. ••y•: •one. Abaent: !lone. 'fb• Mayor declared the motion carried. !'he City Attorney co...ented that the memberahip of the Board of Electrical Sxa•in•r• alao provided for a definite term of year• for the Council appoint•• contrary to recent diacuaaiona by th• Council in thi• regard. Councilman Braun •tated that Bnglewood aDd other •unicipaliti•• have been pre-.. pted by th• State llll.t.h r99ard to th• lic•n•ing requir .. ent• for electrician•. Bn9l.wood •imply approve• any Stat• lic•n•• of an electrician who appli•• for City licen•• without any further exaaination. Be •uggeated that th• City Board be aboli•hed rather than th• teraa of office corrected. Di•cuaaion enaued. Couacil .. n Kr•iling co ented that th• Stat• lic•n•ing proviaion• were aimilar to tho•• of th• plumbing trade. -COU•CIIMAll BRAUll llOVBD, COUllCILIWI AI·LB• SBOOllDBD, 'ftlAT !'llB CIT!' A'l"fOJUIBY .. DiimcTBD TO MODIPr '!BB BLBC'l'JlICAL BXAMims PORTIO• OP TllB CODB ft RBTAI•IllG TllB LICDSI9G AU'IB>Rift I• TllB BUILDI•G DBPAR'BID'r BUT 'l'llAT '!llB STATB BXMI•ATIOllS BB 811118TI'!'UT&D IllS'l'BAD OP CI'IT BXMIIllATIOllS. Upen the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Aye•: COuncil .. n Rice, Xreiling, Banaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love.· •aya: !lone. Ab•ent: llone. 'l'b• Mayer declared th• motion carried. RBCBSS 'fh• Mayor called a rec••• of the Council at 10:12 P.M. CALL TO ORDBR • 'l'b• Mayor called the Council to order at 10:22 P.M. with th• following ... - bera pr•••nt: Couacil .. n Allen, Braun, Pullerton, Banaon, Kreiling, Rice, Love. the Mayor declared a quorum preaent. 622-37 RBLATI•G TO PAVIBG DISTRICT llO. 13 AS8BSSllBll'l'S 'l'b• City Manager explained that a bill for an ordinance approving th• a•••••- .. nt• waa prepared and available for th• Council'• approval tbia evening if they d••ired. B• cwnted that Mr. Bott'• requeat for further oil credit applied againat hi• a•••• .. •nt waa an important one a• it effected all paving a•••••m•nt• where an old black topped atr••t waa repaved. Be reviewed th• hi•tory of th• policy of granting credit for old eil and noted that the current rate of credit of twenty cent.a ,· per front foot had been uaed in 1962 and 1963 diatrict•. Di•e11•aion enaued. councilman Braun expr•••ed hi• regret that he waa unable to be pr•••nt at the public hearing but felt that in the caae of Myron Bott'• a•••••••nt that th• pave- .. nt a••••• .. nt• had reaulted in more than th• correaponding increaae in th• value of th• property adjoining it. Be •poke againat altering the rate currently uaed for aaphalt credit. · A BILL POR Alf ORDI•AllCB 90. , SBRIBS OP 1964 All ORDI•AllCB APPROVIllG '!'BB WBOLB COST OP 'ftlB DIPROVlllBftS llADB I• AllD POR PAVIllG DISTRICT llO. 13, IR THE Cift OP aGLBWOOD, COLORADOr APPROVDG AllD CORPIRMIRG '1'llB APPOR'fIOmtDT OP SAID COST TO BACH LOT OR TRACT OP LAllD IS SAID DISTRIC'1'1 ASSBSSI•G A SBARB OP SAID COST A~I•ST BACH LOT OR TRACT OP LAllD IS Tiii: DISTRICT1 PRBSCRIBIRG !BB MmR POR 'ftlB COLLBCTIO• AllD PAYMBft OP SAID ASSBSSMBll'l'S1 AllD DBCLARIRG All lllDG•cr. WBBRBAS, there ha• been compliance with all th• proviaiona of law relating to the conatruction of paving improvement• in Paving Diatrict llo. 13 in the City of BnCJl.wood, Colorado, created purauant to Ordinance Ro. 13, Seti•• of 1963, finally adopted and approved on the 18th day of March, 19631 and Minute• of March 2, 1964 WBBRBAS, the time for filing with the City Clerk of th• City of Bnglewood complaint• or objection• to the proceeding• of the City council haa elapaed: and WBBRBAS, all auch written complaint• or objection• to th• proceeding• of the City Council were read by the City Clerk and all peraona .. king oral complaint• or objection• were heald: and WllBJlBAS, th• City council determined that all of th• proceeding• and aaaeaa- menta aa originally determined by a resolution adopted by th• City Council on th• 20th day of January, 1964, were confirmed: and WBBRBAS, from th• atatement made and filed with th• City Council, it appear• that th• whole coat of aaid improvement• i• th• aum of $327,596.78, of which amount th• City of Englewood will pay $84,801.19, leaving $242,795.59 to be aa••••ed aginat th• real property in aaid Diatrict, said amount including coat• of inapec- tion, collection and other incidental• and alao including intereat •• allowed by law: and WBBllBAS, frca aaid atatement it also appear• that th• City Council ha• appor- tioned a ahar• of th• aaid whole coat to each lot or tract of land in aaid District, in accordance with th• benefit• to be derived by aaid property and in the propor- tion• and amount• aeverally aet forth in a ae .. lution adopted by th• City Council oa the 20th day of January, 1964, and in a public notice, publiahed in The BDgl.wood Herald and Baterpri•• on January 23, 30, Pebruary 6, and 13, 1964, which aeaolution and &otice are by reference made a part hereof: BB IT ORDAIBBD BY 'l'llB CITY COUllCIL OP 'l'BB CI'l'Y OP DGLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. That th• whole coat and apportionment of the aame, aa aet forth in aaid Reaolution and llotic• i• hereby approved and confirmed, and aaid apportion- .. nt i• hereby declared to be in accordance with the benefit• which the property in aaid Diatrict will receive by reaaon of th• conatruction of aaid improvement•, and a ahar• of said coat i• hereby ••••••ed to and upon each lot or tract of land ,,.thin th• District in th• proportion• and amounts ••t forth in aaid Reaolution and llotice. Section 2. That aaid ••••••menta shall be due and payable at the office of th• City Treaaurer, within thirty days after the final pui»iication of thia Ordinance, without d ... nd: pre.ided that all such aaaeaament• may, at the election of th• owner, be paid in i1latallments, with interest aa hereinafter provided. Pailure to pay th• whole ••••• .. •nt within aaid period of thirty daya •hall be concluaively co .. idered and held an election on the part of all peraona intereated, whether under diaability or otherwiae, to pay in auch inatallmenta. In ca•• of such elec- tioa to pay in inatallaenta, th• aaaeaament• •hall be payable at th• office of th• county Treaaurer of Arapahoe County, Colorado, in ten (10) equal annual inatal- 1.llenta of principal, th• firat of which inatall .. nta of principal ahall be due and payable on or before th• lat day of Auguat, 1964, and th• re .. inder ef aaid inatall- aenta ahall be due and payable aucceaaively on or before th• lat day of March, in each year thereafter, until paid in full with intereat in all ca••• on th• unpaid principal at th• rate of aix per centum <•> per ann•, payable each year at th• ti .. of paying inatallaeata of principal. Pailure to pay any inatallment, whether of principal or intereat, when due, ahall cauae th• whole of th• unpaid principal te beCOlle due and payable i .. ediately, and th• whole amount of th• unpaid princi- pal and accrued intereat •hall th•r•af ter draw intereat at th• rate of one per centma (l") per month, or fraction of a month, until th• date of tax aale, aa by law provided, but at any tia• prior to th• date of th• aale, any owner .. Y pay th• amount of all unpaid inatallmenta with intereat at one per cent\111 per month, or fraction of a month, upon all delinquent inatallllenta, and all penalti•• accrued, and •hall thereupon be reator9111 to the right thereafter to pay in inatallmenta in th• •-• manner •• if default had not been auffered. 'l'h• owner of any property not in default aa to any inatallment or payment may, at any time, pay the whole of th• unpaid principal with accrued int•r••t to the date of the next ••••••ment iaatallaent payment date. Payment• may b• made to th• City Treaaurer at any time within thirty day• after th• final publication of thia Ordinance, and an allowance of five per centum (5") will be made on all payment• made during auch period, but not thereafter. I ... ediately after th• expiration of aaid thirty day period, aaid ••••• .. •nta •hall be certified to the County Treaaurer of Arapah .. County, Colorado, ~or collection, aa provided by law. Section 3. That if any one or more aectiona or part• of thi• Ordinance ahall be adjudged unenforceable or invalid, such judg .. ent ahall not affect, impair or invalidate the remaining provision• of this Ordinance, it being the intention that th• varioua proviaiona hereof are aeverable. Section 4. By reaaon of th• fact that 1 bonda of aaid Paviag Diatrict Bo. 13 are ll9W outatanding •~ad interest thereon will ahortly become due and payable, fund• auat be .. d• available at the earlieat poaaibl• date for payment of auch intereat, and for the imaediata pr•••rvation of the public property, health, peace and aafety, it i• hereby declared that an emergency exiata and that thia Ordinance ahall take effect upon it• fina l ~~••age. Section S. 'l'hi• erdinance, after it• final paaaage, ahall be recorded in the City Ordiaance Book kept for that purpoae, ahall b• authenticated by th• aigna~wr•• of the Mayor and City Clerk, and shall be publiahed in '!'he lln9lewood Herald and ii ~ I I I I I I I March 2, 1964 Bnterpri••· a newapaper of general circulation publiahed in aaid City, within ••v•n day• after it• final paaaage, and •hall be and re .. in irrepealable until the a•••••- -nt• hereby .. de •hall be paid in full. Section 6. A public Bearing on th• Ordinance will be held at the City Ball in Bngl.wood, Colorado, on Monday, th• 11th day of Karch, 1964, at the hour of 8100 o'clock P.M., and llotice of auch Bearing i• hereby authorized to be given by publi• cation once in '!'he Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae, in it• i••ue of March 5, 1964. IllTRODUCBD AllD RBAD Thi• 2nd day of March, 1964. Mayor AT'l'BST1 waa read for the COUlfCIUCAN KRBILIRG MOVED, COUITCILMAN RICE SBCOBDED, THAT '1'BB PROPOSED BILL POR AB ORDillAllCB BE PASSED OR FIRST RBADillG AllD ORI>BRED PUBLISBBD IR PULL IN 'l'BE BRGLBWOOD BBARLD AllD ER'l'ERPRISE. Councilman Fullerton inquired about the improvement on the 2800 block South Grant. Be noted that eight peraon• had proteated the depth of th• overlay and its adequacy, etc. Re aaked that it be thoroughly checked out. Diacuaaion enaued. Councilman Braun indicated that as he waa not preaent for the hearing he flat that he ahould abstain but due to the fact he was not intereated he must vote no rather than abstain. Discussion ensued. The Mayor indicated that he felt it would be proper to abstain on this matter. The Mayor swnmarized the concenaua of the opinion of the Councilmen that there could not be an adjustment in the oil credit because the oil was not worth as much as it was three years ago as well a e any change made on one assessment would be discriminatory to all the others having adjustment for oil credit. (Councilman Braun left the Chambers at 10:53 P.M.) The question was called for. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: / Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Ranson, Fullerton, Allen, Love. Raya: &one. Absent: Councilman Braun. '!'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-42 RELATING TO WATER EXCHANGE AGRBDIEllT WITH DBllVER (Councilman Braun returned and took his seat at 10:55 P.M.) COUJICILMAN FULLERTOll MOVED, COUNCILMAN RICE SBCORDED, THAT 'l'BE CONSIDERATIOR OP 'ftlB WATBR BXCRARGE AGREBMDIT WITH '!BE CITY AND courrr OF DBllVBR BB RBMOVED PROM '1'BB 'l'ABLB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Braun, Allen. Love. Raya: Rone. Abaent: &one. '!'he Mayor declared the motion carried. ,; Mr. M. o. Shivers, Jr., Special Water Counael, reported that the language waa eo11pleted in the exchange agreement with the two minor modifications which had been diacuaaed with the Water· Board previously. COUBCILMAH BRAUB MOVBD, COUNCILMAH ALLBN SBCOllDED, THAT '!'BB AGREBMDT BB APPROVBD AllD THAT THE MAYOR AllD CITY CLERK BE AU'1'HORIZED TO SIGH '1'BB SAME ON BBBALP OP 'l'BB Cift. Councilman Braun aaked that copiee of the executed agreement be preaented to .. mber• of the Council. Diacuaaion ensued. 'lbe question was called for. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Minute• of March 2, 1964 Ayeas Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. ••y•s Rone. Abaent: Ilona. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-34 RBLATillG TO CRBATIOll OP PAVIllG DISTRICT llO. 14 'fhe City Manager reported that after further review and atudy of the tion of the 3200 block South Delaware and that h• reco1mDended the overlay deferred for one year. Be atated that the propoaed bill for an ordinance alleftded accordingly. condi- be had been Be atated that he had alao received, at 1130 P.M., Monday, March 2, 1964, a letter petition from the owners of property weat of South Maripoaa Street to Santa Pe Lane which requeated that the laying of aidewalk along Weat Quincy be deleted froa the Diatrict. Be aaked the City Clerk to read the petition in full. Council .. n Allen •poke for the requeat atatin9 that often in connection with conatruction curb• and aidewalk• are broken by the contractor. Be expr•••ed the view that upon development of the vacant land that a aidewalk or equivalent would be conatructed at the time of the erection of induatrial buildin9a. '!he City Manager co anted that the petition ••t forth that there were no achool children in the area, therefore, very little if any pedeatrian traffic. COU•CILMAll BRAUll MOVBD, OOUllCILMAll ALLER SBOOllDBD, 'l'BAT '1'llB BILL POR AB ORDillAlfCB CRBAt'I9G PAVI&G DISTRICT llO. 14 BB MODIPIBD TO PBRllIT '!'BE BXCLUSIOll OP '!'BE SIDBWALK AL09G 1fBST QUI&CY AVBRUB PRQI SOU'ftl MARIPOSA STRBBT WBST TO SOUTH SAJITA PB LAD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Rayas Bone. Abaent: Ilona. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Introduced •• a Bill by Councilman Braun A BILL POR Alf ORDillAllCB lfO. • SBRIBS OP 1964 All OaDillAllCB CRBATI&G AB IMPROVBMBllT DISTRICT IR TllB CITY OP BllGLBWOOD, COLORADO, '1'<> .. JmOWll AS PAVIllG DISTRICT lfO. 14; ORDBRIBG TD CO•STRUCTIOll 'l'llBRBill OP STRDT, AVmUB AllD ALLBY IMPROVBllBllTS: PROVIDI&G POR '!BB ISSUAllCE OP BOlO>S OP '1'BB DISTRICT Ill PAmmT POR SAm IMPROVBMBllTS: PROVIDim POR mTICB 'fO COftRAC'fORS Alm 'fO BIDDBU POR SPBCIAL DIPROVBllBllT DISTRICT BO&DS OP SAID Gift; A1ID DBCLARillG A& BMBRGDCY. WBBRBAS, the City Council of Bnglawood, Colorado, purauant to the Charter and Ordinance llo. 8, Serie• 1959, aa amended, of aaid City and the lawa of the State of Colorado, hereby find• ,and determine• that there exiata a neceaaity for the creation of Pavin9 Diatrict llo. ·14, in aaid City, and the conatruction therein of certain atr .. t, avenue and alley improvement•, aa deacribed herein; and WllBRBAS, the City Council ha• heretofore directtld the City Engineer to prepare plan•, apecificationa, .. P• and achedulea in accordance with aaid lawa: and WBBRBAS, the City Engineer ha• made hi• report in the pr .. i••• and ha• filed with the Clerk of aaid City all the mapa and certificate• of hi• aurvey, •• well •• achedulea, plana, apecificationa, approximation• of coat, and all other matter• and thin9a in complete form and aubatance aa by law required; and WllBRBAS, the aaid report so made and filed together with detail•, apecificationa, ••tiaat .. , maps and achedulea, are hereby approved and adopted by aaid City Council; and WllBRBAS, the City Council directed the City Clerk to publiah in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae, a newapaper of general circulation in aaid City, &otice of a propoaition to create aaid Diatrict: and •••MBA&, the council ha• heretofore aet a date for th• Bearing on aaid propoai- tion to create Pavin9 Diatrict llo. 14, auch date bein9 Pebruary 24, 1964: and that on •aid date at 8100 o'clock P.M., all complaint• and objection• that might be made in writin9 concerning the propoaed improvement• by the owner or owner• of any real ••tate to be aaaeaaed, or any peraon or peraona intereated 9enerally, would be heard and determined by the City Council of ••id City of Bn9lewood, before final ac- tion of aaid Council thereon, and that after the determination of all complaint• and objection• waa .. de, aaid City council would take up and conaider an ordinance creat- ing aaid Diatrict and ordering the propoaed improv•••nta1 and 1'11BRBAS, the City Clerk, by advertiaement for a period of more than fifteen (15) day• prior to aaid 24th day of February, 1964, gave notice in form and aubatance of the aattera and thing• above-mentioned •• ordered to be given, in all reapecta in accordance with law and aaid order: and I I ,, I I I I I Minute• of March 2, 1964 w•caBA&, th• City Clerk ha• mailed to each known owner of real property to be ........ with th• coat of aaid illprov .. ent• a llotic• of Intention to create aaid Diatrict, •• provided by th• Reaolution adopted by the City council on Pebruary 3, 19641 and 1ftlBll.BAS, at the ti .. and place apecified in •aid llotice, to-wits Pebruary 24, · 1964, th• City council ••t in open ••••ion for th• purpo•• of hearing any objectiona or prot••t• that might be made againat aaid improvement•: and WllRBAS, certain written objection• were filed and certain oral inquiri•• and objection• were made at aaid meeting: and 1111BRBAS, all objection• were duly conaidered and counter petition• proteating th• incluaion of that alley Baat of th• 4500 block South Acoma bearing aignatur•• of 18 property owner• and proteating th• incluaion of th• alley Baat of the 3500 block South Pearl Street bearing aignatur•• of 16 property owner• r••p•ctively duly noted, and 1111CRBAS, '!he City council by motion •truck from th• Diatrict the improvement• on the alley between South Broadway and South Aco .. Street from South aide Weat Stanford to llorth aide Weat Tuft• Avenue and th• improv .. ent of the alley between Pearl Str .. t and Waahington Street from Borth aide of Baat Jefferaon Avenue to South Side Saat Baapden Avenu•1 and lllD!JlBAS, thr•• individual• queationed the adviaability and timeline•• of the overlaying of South Delaware Street between Weat Baatman and •••t Ployid Avenue• 1-ding th• council to requeat the City Manager and hi• ataff to review the condi- tion of aaid •tr••t to determine if improvement i• neceaaary in thi• Diatrict: and 1fJIBJtBAS, after careful review and analy•i• of the current condition of the •treat, 3200 block 8outh Delaware, the City Manager and hi• Staff have determined that the im- prov ... nt• of thi• atr .. t may be delayed,. therefore, th• overlaying of South Delaware Str .. t from the South aide Weat Baatman Avenue to the llorth aide Weat Ployd Avenue la •truck froa the liat of atreet• to be improv .. ,in thi• Diatrict: and 11111RBAS, a requeat for the deleting or deferring of the conatruction of sidewalk on •••t Quincy Avenue from the Weat line of Maripoaa Avenue to the Baat line of Santa Pe Laa• frOll the propoaed Paving Diatrict llo. 14 waa aigned by 100 per cent of th• wra of property concerned: and WllBJt.CAS, approxi .. tely one-half of thi• land i• undeveloped at thi• time, there are only three reaidenc•• in the area -none of which require aid.walk, the land i• induatrially zoned and upon conatruction of induatrial faciliti•• the aidewalk will be inatalled: conatruction of aidewalk on Weat Quincy Avenue from the Weat aide South llaripoaa Avenue to the Baat aide of Santa Pe Lane i• deleted from this Diatrict1 and WBBaBAS, th• City council hereby find• and determine• that a general public benefit will accrue to the City from the propoaed illprov .. enta1 BB I'l' ORDAillBD BY 'ftlB CI'1'Y COURCIL OP '1'BB CI'1'Y OP BRGLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. Said Paving District Ro. 14 i• hereby created and aaid improvement• hereinafter deacribed, conaiating of atreet, avenue and alley improvements, are duly ordered after llotice duly given and Hearing duly held, all •• required by law. Section 2. Said improvements shall conai9t ofa 1. ••c•••ary grading and excavation, paving with •ix-inch compacted gravel baae courae, with two-inch aaphaltic concrete aurface, and concrete walk•, curb• and gutter• where not already inatalled: to- gether with appurtenance• and incidental• on the following atreeta and avenue•: .2! PRCll South Acoma Street, South aide Oxford Ave. South Bannock Street, South aide Girard Ave. South Cherokee Street, South aide Hampden Ave. South Clarkaon Street, South aide COrnell Aye. ~ &orth aide Princeton Ave. llorth aide Baapden Ave. llorth aide Kenyon Ave. llorth aide Dartmouth Ave. South Clarkaon Street, South aide Dartmouth Ave. Borth aide Baatman Ave. 8outh Clarkaon Street, South aide Ployd Ave. Baat Baatllan Avenue, Baat aide Clarkaon St. South Blati Street, South aide Dartmouth Ave. SOuth Pox Street, South aide Hampden Ave. SOuth Pox Street, South aide Oxford Ave. &orth aide Girard Ave. Weat aide Bmeraon St. Horth aide Baatman Ave. Borth aide Jeffez90n Ave. llorth aide Princeton Ave. Kinut .. of March 2, 1964 .2! ftC»I South Pox Street, South aide Union Ava. Weat Grand Avenue, Baat aide Delaware St. Seath Grant Street, South aide Union Ave. South Buron Street South aide Baatman Ave. South Lincoln Street, South aide Stanford Ave. &oath Pennmylvania Street, South aide Dartmouth Ave. South Pennmylvania Street, Side aide Girard Ave. saat Princeton Avenue, Baat aide Broadway Quincy Avenue, Baat aide Lincoln Weat aide Buron South Sherman Street, South aide Floyd Ave. Weat Stanford Avenue, Waat aide Acoma Street Weat Union Avenue, Waat side Inca St. South Waahington Street, South aide Baatman Ave. South Waahington Street, South aide Hampden Ave. 'fO - ·•orth aide Layton Ave. Cherokee Street extended llorth aide Layton Ava. llorth aid• Floyd Ave. llorth aide 'l'ufta Ave. llorth aide Eastman Ave. llorth aide lllnpden Ave. Weat aide Lincoln St·• . Weat aid• Clarkaon Baat aide Santa Pe Lane llorth aid• Bampden Ave. Baat aide Delaware St. Baat aid• Kalamath St. Borth aid• Ployd Ave. llorth aid• Jefferaon Ave. 2. Seceaaary grading and excavation, compacted aub-grade, and with •ix-inch Portland Cement concrete aurface, for a total over-all width of fourteen faet1 together with appurtenance• and other incidental work on the following alleys: On alley between South Broadway and South Acoma Street from aouth aide Weat Quincy to north aide Waat Radcliff. On alley between South Broadway and South Acoma Street from aouth aide Wast Stanford to north aide Weat Tufts Avenue. On alley between South Broadway and South Acoma Street from aouth aide Weat Allberat Avenue to north aide Wast Bate• Avenue. On alley between South Broadway and South Acoma Street from aouth aide Weat Bat•• Avenue to north aide Wast Cornell Avenue. On alley between South Broadway and Lincoln Street from aouth aide Baat Oxford Avenue to north aide Baat Princeton Avenue. On alley between Pearl Streat and Waahington Street from north aide Baat Jefferson Avenue to aoa:th aide Baat Hampden Avenue. 3. Preparation of preaent aurfaca, overlaying of .... with two-inch aaphaltic concrete, and concrete walk•, curb• and guttera, where not preaently adequate1 together with appurtenance• and other inci- dental work on the following street• and avenueaz .2! FROM ~ Baat Bat•• Avenue, Baat aide South Broadway Weat aide Sherman St. Weat Bat•• Avenue, Weat aide South Broadway Baat aide South Delaware St. South Delaware Street, South aide w. Baatman Ave. Borth aide w. Ployd Ave. Weat Jefferson Avenue, Waat aide s. Acoma St. Baat aide s. Bannock St. South Lincoln Street, South aide B. Yale Ave. llorth aid• B. Allh•r•t Ave. louth Sherman Street, South aide B. Yale Ave • llorth aide B. Amherat Ave. .. ction 3. Said Diatrict •hall be known aa and the aame i• hereby deaignated •paving Diatrict Ro. 14", Englewood, Colorado. Section 4. The conatruction of •aid •treat, avenue and alley improvement• in and for aaid Diatrict, aa ahown by the plana, apecificationa and aapa thereof, prepared by the City Bngineer and approved by the City Council of aaid City and now on file in the office of the Clerk of aaid City, be and the aame ia hereby authorized and ordered the material to be used in the construction of aaid •treat improvement• to be in accordance with such mapa, plana and apecificationa. 'I I I I I I I I Minute• of March 2, 1964 Section 5. By virtue •f· .and in purauance of the aforeaaid law• and the Charter and Ordinance Ro. 8, Serie• 1959, a• amended, of aaid City, local improvement bond• of th• City •hall be iaaued for the purpo•• of paying for th• local improvement• in thi• Ordinance deacribed and provided to be conatructed in aaid Pavinq Diatrict, in an amount not to exceed the coat of aaid improvement•, including engineering, legal and all incidental axpen•••, aa in aaid lawa, Charter and Ordinance provided .• Section 6. Said bond• •hall be authorized by an Ordinance later to be paaaed in accordance with the law• of the State of Colorado, the Charter and aaid Ordinance llo. 8, Seri•• 1959, a• amended, of aaid City • .. ction 7. 'l'he Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to advertiae for bid• to conatruct auch improvement• and for bids for aaid bond• to be iaaued, in three (3) conaecutive weekly iaauea of 'l'he Englewood Herald and Baterpriae, a newapaper of g .. eral circulation publiahed in aaid City, which advertiaement• may run concurrently with th• publication of thi• Ordinance. Section 8. By reaaon of the fact that the completion at the earli••t poaaible date of th• improvement• deacribed in thi• Ordinance i• n•c••••ry to th• inanediate preaervation of th• public property, health, peace and aafety, it i• hereby declared that an ... rgency exi•t• and that this Ordinance •hall take effect upon it• final pa•••9•· Section 9. All ordinance•, or part• thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. '!'hi• Ordinance, after its final paaaage, •hall be recorded in a book kept for that purpoae, •hall be authenticated by the aiqnaturea of the Mayor and City Clerk, •hall be publiahed in aaid City, and after becoming effective, shall be irrepealabl• until the bond• of aaid Diatrict shall be paid in full. Section 10. A public Bearing on the Ordinance will be held at the City Ball, in Bngl.wood, Colorado, on Monday, the 16th day of March, 1964, at the hour of 8100 o'clock P.M., and llotice of auch Hearing i• hereby authorized to be given by publication one• in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae, in it• iaaue of March S, 1964. IllTRODUCBD AJID RBAD 'fhia 2nd day of March, 1964. Mayor AftBft1 waa read in full. cou•cILAAll BRAUll MOVBD, OOUBCILMAIJ RICE ,,SBOOllDBD, '!'BAT 'ftlB PROPOSBll BILL BB PASSBD o• PIRST RBADI•G AllD ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD m PULL I• ms BRGLDDOD HERALD AllI> aatBRPRISB. Upon th• call of the roll, th• vote reaulted aa follow•: Ay••1 Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •aya: Rone. Abaent: Rone. 'l'b• Mayor declared th• motion carried. 641-46 WATER CBAllGB-OVBR RBSOLUTIOS 'l'b• City Manager atated that th• propoaed reaolution authorizing the inatalla- tion of certain water lin•• in advance of th• improvement of tho•• atreeta through th• propoaed paving district waa a cuatomary procedure. Diacuaaion ensued. '!be City Clerk read the following reaolution in fulls RBSOLUTIOS WBBRBAS, Chapter 8 of the Municipal Code of th• City of Englewood, Colorado, waa originally paaaed and approved on July 2, 1956, and i• now in full f.c• and effect: and WBBRBAS, aaid Chapter preacribed rule• and regulation• for the operation and .. 1ntenance of the Water Syatem of the City of Ba9lewood1 and WBBRBAS, aaid Chapter providea, in part, by aubparagrapha (b), (c), Section 8.7-1 thereof, that th• City may, without petition, conatruct a main of aufficient size to aerve the area ••rved by an inadequate line, when, in it• opinion, the line is cauaing undue hardahip upon the uaera of said line, or on the City: and 344 Minute• of March 2, 1964 WBBRBAS, undue hardahip will accrue to th• City and owner• connected to the pr•••nt private line• in certain location• becau•• of imminent atreet paving con- •truction and/or unnece••ary and expenaive maintenance in aaid locations if the connection• are not made to the City Water linea. llOW, TBBREPORB, be it resolved by the City council of the City of Englewood, COlorado, this 2nd day of March A.D. 1964 that all •ervice connections to the preaent amall private water lines in the following location• be changed over to the City mains as soon aa possible after a City main is constructed because of imminent street paving conatruct i on and/or unnec•••ary and expenaive maintenance in aaid location•, and that char99a:be made according to the •chedule in the current resolutions covering such charges, and that the same be collected by the Water Department of the City: LOCATIONS IN WHICH ADBQUAGE CITY MAINS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO CHARGE OVER OF SERVICES. On West Stanford Avenue between South Acoma Street and South Delaware Street. On south Elati Street between Weat Dartmouth Avenue and We•t Eastman Avenue. On South Cherokee Street between West Jefferson Avenue and West Kenyon Avenue. On south Sherman Street between East Girard Avenue and Eaat Hampden Avenue. On Bast Eastman Avenue between South Clarkson Street and South Bmeraon Street. Paaaed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, thia 2nd day of March A.D. 1964. Mayor ATTBST: COUNCILMAN RICB ADOPTBD AND APPROVBD. 1VBD, COUNCILMAN BANSOR SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT TBB RBSOLUTION BB Upon the call of the roll, the vote re•ulted •• follow•: Ayeas iCouncilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Raya: None. Absent: None. • The Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-47 RELATING TO SCERIC VIEW SARITARY SBllER DISTRICT 'l'he City Manager presented a resolution which authorize• the City Clerk with the aaaiatance of the City Engineer to divide the ••••••manta on apecific parcel• within the Scenic View Sanitary Sewer Diatrict proportionate to the diviaion of those parcel• of land through aale or tranafer which were originally ..... sed for the sewer improvement and certify the revised aaaeaamenta to the County Trea•urer. '!'he City Clerk read the following re•olution in fulls RESOLUTIOll WBBRBAS, by app~opriate ordinance• and reaolution, the City of Enqlewood, COlorado, has established Scenic View Sanitary Sewer Diatrictr and WBBRBAS, the aforeaaid Sewer Diatrict include• a•••••menta againat varioua parcel• of real property within aaid Diatrictr and, WBBRBAS, aubaequent to the compilation of the aaaeaament roll•, from time to time, a part of a particularly deacribed property i• aold and tranaferred, and it beC011•• neceaaary to divide the aaae•ament of the parcel tranaferred: mow, TllBRBPORE, BE IT RBSOLVBD by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thi• 2nd day of March, 1964 that the City Clerk, with the aaaiatance of the City Bngineer, be and hereby ia authorized and directed, from time to time aa occasion .. Y ariae, to divide the aaaeaamenta of apecific parcel• within Scenic View Saaitary SMMr District proportionate to the diviaion of the parcel• of real property against which the same may be aaaeaaed, and to certify the reviaed a•••••- menta to the Treaaurer of Arapahoe Couaty, Colorado. I I I 11 I I 11 I Minute• of March 2, 1964 ADOPTED MID APPROVED 'ftlIS 2nd Day of March, 1964. AftBST1 Mayor COUllCILMAN PULLBR'B>lf MOVBD, COUNCILMAN RICB SBCOllDED, '!llA'l' '1'llB RBSOLU'l'IOR BB ADOPTBD Am> APPROVBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayeas council.men Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. ••y•1 llone. Abaent: llone. '!be Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-48 AU'ftlORIZIRG AGRB!MDT POR PAYI•G AGBll'l' 'fbe City Manager reviewed a propoaed agre .. ent with the Pirat Rational Bank of Bn9lewood to have that bank aerve aa Paying A9•nt for the City of Bn9lewood on ita bond• and coupon• at maturity. Be diacuaaed the advanta9ea of having thia ••rvice rendered by the newly formed Truat Department of the bank and reported that the .. tter had been thoroughly reviewed by the City 'l'reaaurer and waa recommended by Williaa Van Schooneveld of Water B. Reider Company preaent auditora. Be aaked that he or hi• repreaentative be authorized to enter into the agree- .. nt. Be noted that the agreement could be terminated by either party upon thirty daya notice. Diacuaaion enaued. COUJICILMAll RICB MOVBD, COUllCILMAll PULLBRTO• SBCORDED, 'l'llA'l' '1'BB Cift BE AU'l'llORIZBD 'l'O Blft'D I1l'fO '!'BE AGRBBMBft Am> 'l'RA'l' '1'BB Cift MAllAGBR OR BIS AGBll'l' BE AU'l'BORIZBD 'l'O Sicm o• BBBALP OP '1'BB Cift. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote ·reaul ted aa followa 1. Councilmen Ayea1/ Rice, JCreiling, Banaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •ayas lloae. Abaent: Rone. '!'be Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-49 PIRB BYDRAll'l' COftRAC'l'S '!'be City Mana9er preaented, for the conaideration of the Council, the renewal of coat.act• with the Valley Water Diatrict and th• South•a•t Bnglewood Water Di•trict for the uae of fire hydrant• in thoae diatricta. Be atated thia waa an annual review of the contract• with the addition of newly inatalled hydrant• during the past year-. COUSCIUIAll ALT.BJI MOVBD, COUJICILMAll !'ULLBR'l'O• SBCOllDBD, 'BIA'!' TBB MAYOR ARD CI'!T CLBRJt BB AU'l'llORIZBD TO SIGB PIRB Bn>RAll'l' COll'l'RAC'l'S WI'l'B VALLft WA'l'BR DISTRICT Al1D S>Ui'll-BAS'l' BllGLBWOOD WATBR DISTRIC'l'. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa followa1 Ayeas councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •ayas llone. Abaents •one. 'fbe Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-50 APPOill'BIBllT TO MBTRO BUILDIRG CODE S'l'UDY CCIUIIftBB !'be City Manager reported that theinitial atepa were being undertaken to provide a ain9l• Metropolitan Building Code in the Denver area. Be aaked that the Chief Building Inapector be appointed to this Coamittee to repreaent Bnglewood. COUllCIIMAll PULLBRTOR MOVED, OOURCILMAll ALLBll SBCOllDED, TBA'l' CBIEP BUILDIRG IllSPBCTOR WALLACE BB APPOillTBD mGLBWOOD'S RBPRBSBllTATIVB TO TBB MBTRO BUILDIRG CODE S'NDt COlllI'l"l'BB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• followa1 Ayeas councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Lov9'\ ••y•s Rone. Abaent: Rone. Tb• Mayor declared :th• motion carried. 346 Minute• of March 2, 1964 IMPROVBMBBT OP SOUTH CLARKSOR STRBBT if'h• City Manager reported that he had recent corr••pondence from the County lbMJin••r which propo•ed the preparation of a four inch ba•• and a two inch mat on South Clark•on str .. t from Jeffer•on to Union Avenu••· 'lb• total co•t was estimated te be f21,763.00 to be divided equally between Bn9lewood and Cherry Hilla Village. Be r-rked that Englewood ha• earmarked for this purpo•• approximately $9,000. of COuaty participation money and the balance could be ••cured from th• Street Depart- .. at Budget. Councilman Braun expre••ed hi• concern about the ... i••ion of curb and gutter on the Bnglewoed aide of the street. 'lb• City Manager •tated thi• conatruc- tion could be done by council' • order where required • Diacuaaion enaued • 'fh• City M .. ager recomnended that the City indicate it• approval of the project as propoaed. COUllCIIMAlf RICB MOVED, COUllCIIIUUI BAllSOR SBCOllDBD, THAT TllB COUllCIL IJIDICATBS ITS APPROVAL OP TBB PROPOSAL POR TBB IMPROVlllD'l' OP SOUTH CLAllDOB STRBB'l' PROM BAST JBPPBJt80ll AVBllUB TO BAST UlfIOB AVBllOE. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote resulted a• follow•s Ayea1 Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •ay•1 Bone. Ab••nt: Ilona. 'fh• Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-41 RELATING TO BORSB CAR BAR 'fbe City Manager read a letter from the Mayflower congregational Church reporting an unanimous vote of commendation by the Englewood Miniaterial Alliance for the high standard of requlation of bars and taverna in Bn9lewood. The letter also expressed it• concern of the operations of the Alley and Hor•• car Bar through which common reat room• were uaed. irbe City Manager commented that the situation had been remedied by the cloaing of the Bar and Alley. RELATING TO STATE CIGARETTE TAX '!'be City Manager reported that the State has enacted a three cent cigarette tax which n~it• action by the Governor in signing or vetoing. COUllCIIIUUI RICE MOVED, COUNCIUilAR BRAUit SECOllDBD, 'l'BAT THE CITY OP BNGLBWOOD, TllllOUGB ITS MAYOR, RBQUBST THAT GOVBRllOR LOVB, GOVBIUIOR OF TBB STATE OF COLOUDO, VB'1'0 BOUSE BILL NO. 1086 WHICH LBVIBB A THREE CBllT CIGARETTE TAX UPON ALL CIGARETTES SOLD IR TRB STATE OF COLORADO FOR REASONS AS SBT PORTH AS FOLLOWS: 1. 'ftlll STATE IS PRB-BMPTIRG A TAX SOURCE BBRBTOPORB USED EXCLUSIVELY BY CITIES OP THE STATE AS A MEARS OP RBVBllUE. 2. TBAT TBB GOVBRROR'S OWN 100 llAR MUBICIPAL GOVBRIMBll'l' CCIOIISSIOlf HAS BOT COMPLETED ITS STUDY, THE RESULTS OP WRICH MAY BB VBR!' PBRTINBBT TO 'l'RB MAftBR OP PillANCIAL ADIIRISTRATION WITBIB TllB STAB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•1 Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanson, Braun, Allen, Love. Rayas Councilman Pullerton. Abaent: None. !'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-12 CORSIDBRATION OP BILLS, CLAIMS AllD IllVOICBS POR '1'BB MOll'l'B OP FEBRUARY COUllCILMAll BRAUlf MOVED, COUNCILMAIJ BARSOR SBCOllDBD, TBAT TBB BILLS, CLAIMS AND IllVOICBS AS APPROVED BY TBB CITY MANAGER ARD LIS'l'BD lft' '1'llB CITY CLERK FOR TBB MOll'ftl OP PBBRUARr, 1964, BB ALLOWED. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote resulted aa followa1 Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Ray•: Bone. Ab•ent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-72 RELATIRG TO SALB OP PARK LUI> irh• Mayor recognized Mr. M. M. Swamera, Mr. B. B. Reed, and Mr. v. R. Bick•, reapre•ntativ•• of Save-the-Park, Inc. Mr. SWllllera asked that the Council hold a public hearing on the aale of the park. Be atated that he had made thi• request before but waa not granted. Be stated that in hi• opinion th• public hearing was nece••ary and within the authority of the Council to do •o. I I I I ,I I I 'I · Minute• of March 2, 1964 Be quoted further from the Englewood Herald and Bnterpri•• which set forth a achedul• of public meeting• on the propoaed ••l• of the park at which speaker• will be pr•••nt and queation• answered but no chance for the oppoaition to be heard. Be expr•••ed hi• objection to thia type of hearing and aaked th• council to allow the opponent• to have an equal number of apeak•r• available for each of th••• meeting•. B• co •nted that th• Citizen'• Action Coamitt•• repr•••nta th• City of Englewood and th••• .. •ting were, therefore, public but no proviaion waa made for the preaentation of point• in oppoaition to the aale of the land. B• aaked aa citizen and taxpayer of the City of Engl.wood that the Citizen'• Action Oomaittee be diacharged. Be reported that no action had been taken for th• 80lution of traffic problem• other than hiring a $5,000. traffic planner. Be com- 11ented that all citizen• are concerned and the City muat .. k• every effort to utilize hi• ••rvicea effectively for the good of all and not a few • . Mr. Reed •poke to indicate that he felt th• citizen• were entitled to both aide• of th• queation. Councilman Braun reported that a group of private citizen• are making their time available to adviae th• public on th• propoaed uae of the park land and the reason for th• poaaibl• aale. 'l'hi• group of citizen• ia very aimilar to that one repreaented by th• per80na preaent tonight. Be atated he could not ••• a reaaon or advantage for a public hearing •• the people were going to vote on the matter at the polla. Re noted that the uae of the City Rall Annex baa been offered to the persona who oppoaed th• aale of the park for an informative meeting. Be remarked that thoae who oppo•• th• aale have th• aame right• to aecure faciliti•• for holding meeting• at which they .. Y pr•••nt their aid• of th• atory. 'lb• Mayor expr•••ed th• opinion that there waa no neceaaity for a public hearing and agreed that the City Council had th• right to eatabliah a public hearing ahould th• .. ed exiat. Diacuaaion enaued. Councilman Braun atated that perhapa what Mr. Summer• deaired waa a debate and not a public hearin9 on th• matter. Councilman Pullerton au99eated that Mr. Swmnera contact th• Citizen• Action Coaaittee to requeat that preaentation be allowed Mr. Suaner'• group. Mr. Sunma•r• aaid he had not had ti .. and cloaed by aayinq that he waa not attemptin9 to force Council into having a public hearing or allowing equal time but atrongly recoanended and requested thia action. MAYOR'S CBOICB The Mayor aaked if the City had adequate litter and refuae containera. Re •tated that he had received a propoaal recently for an advertiaing device. Councilman Ric• auggeated that th• City Manager study th• propoaal and make a recommendation •. 'lb• Mayor announced that the next Arapahoe Mayor• meeting would be held at 61 30 P .M., 'l'huraday, March 5th at the Columbine County Club. Be noted that Englewood waa boa~ing and all Councilmen were invited. Th• Mayor noted receipt of a letter from Preaident Johnaon transmitting a •a.port on R•giatration and Voting Participation•. 'l'h• letter r.iueated that the llayor iaveatigate poaaible restrictions to regiatration and voting in Englewood. (Se• 641-51) Th• Mayor aaked th• City Clerk aa Chairman of th• Blection COmmiaaion to review the report and answer on behalf of the City. council.man Ric• reported that th• recent reque•t for participation Clean-up, Paint-up, Keep-it-up Caapaign of th• Denver Junior Si)aamb•r of atrictly a local activity and not State aponaored, therefore,71aglewood attelM!ed nor did he attend. in the Colllllerc• waa repreaentativ•• Th• llayor announced that he had received a letter from Koelbel and Company ••t- ting forth propoaed terma of l•••• for the llorgren Company Building. H• aaked that copi•• be furniahed to th• ••mbera of the Council. Councilman Fullerton atated that he had attended th• laat Urban Mayor•' Meetiag, at which time th• Preaident of th• Littleton City council indicated hi• deep concern for ... king ordinance• to control amog level in the 80utbweatern Denver area. Council- .. n Fullerton auggeated that th• City Manager k .. p in contact with other repreaentativ•• in th• area ao that all auch action• may be coordinated toward an effective program. Th• llayor auggeated that Councilman Fullerton coatact Mr. Bermaa Oliner with rega.rd to air pollution. councilman Fullerton expr•••ed hi• concern at a recent Career Service Coaaiaaion report that Wayne Mon80n, employ•• of th• Planning Department, be required to compete with all comer• for th• poaition of Aaaiatant Planning Director. He auggeated that if Mr. llonaon ia given and pa•••• th• examination that h• be allowed the position. '!he llayor coaaented that the Career Service Celllliaaion ia an autoaomoua board with no review by the Council or anyone •l•• outaid• of th• courta. 'l'h• City Manager in- dicated that he baa diacretion in hiring from th• top three applicant• but that baaically Career Service control• in th••• area•. Minute• of March 2, 1964 ADJOUU COUBCILMMT BRAUR MOVBD, COURCILMAR BAlfSOB SBCOJIDBD, THAT TBB MBB'l'DIG BE ADJOURllBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• followaa Ayea: Councilmen Rice, I<reilinq, Banaon, Fullerton, Braua, Allen, Love. Saya: Rom • Abaent: Rone. !'be Mayor declared the meetinq adjourned at 1110 A.K., 'l'ueaday, Karch 3, 1964. /•/ B· o ... auaaa9, City Clerk Clerk of the Council The minute• of the meetinq of the City Council of the City of Baql.wood, COlorado, held on the 2nd day of March, 1964 A.D., •~nd approved aa written thi• 6th day of April A.D. 1964. ,,, ' .