HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-16 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI 'I I I COUBCIL CllAllBBRS CITY OP BRGLBWOOD, COLORADO MARCH 16, 1964 the City Council of the City of Bngl.wood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular ••••ion on Monday, March 16, 1964, in the Council Chamber•, City Ball, Snglewood, at the hour of 8100 P.M. Mayor Love preaiding called the meeting to order and the invocation was given by City Manager Dial. 'ftl• Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon th• call of th• roll, the following per80n• were preaent: Councilmen: Allen, Braun, Pullerton, Banaon, Xreiling, Rice, Love. Al80 Pr•••nt1 City Manager Dial, Adainiatrativ• Aaaiatant Malone, City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaang. Abaent1 Ilona. llfh• Mayor declared a quorum preaent. 641-2 COBSIDDATIOB OP MillUTBS or PUVIOVI lmftim COUllCILMAB KRBILIHG MOVBD, COUllCIUIMI IVLLD!'m ISCOllDBD, THAT TBB MIBUTBS or ms llD'IIllG or PBBRUARY 14'1'11 BB APPIOWD Al 11a111•. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted aa followas Ayea: Councilmen Rice, J<reilinq, Banaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. 8aya1 Ilona. Abaent1 Bone. '!be .. yor declared the motion carried. 641-53 RBLA'l'IllG 'fO D01lll'l'01lll PAU:DG LDU'fA'l'IOB llr. Harold Ruat, Preaident of theBnglMIOOd Clt..,.r of Comerce, read a recent re80lution of th• Cb•aber of cowrc:e relatinv to th• parking of altered pick-up tru.ica, reca ending that warniDCJ ticket• be 9iven on fir•t offenae, and that parkinq tiae liait• be extended one hour both in the parkiftCJ lot• .and o.n th• •tr-ta. 'l'hi• would provide thr•• hour parkiDCJ in th• parking lot• and two hour parkiDCJ on th• downtown •tr-ta. . Be •poke of th• re80lution adopted by th• 8nf lewood ebaaber and endoraed and IMtopted by th• Bnglewood Merchant• Aaaoc:iation •• beiftCJ neceaaary to increaae the aboppin9 convenience in Bn9lewood. B• preaented a propoaed text of the court••Y o~ "9rain9 ticket prepared to notify operator• of alter pick-up truck• of the reatric- tion for •uch parkin9 on Broadway ur9in9 th .. to u•• the parkin9 lota. Diacu••ion enaued. council.man Braun queationed th• feaaibility of peraittin9 the firat of- fenae without the ticket and wondered what enforc: ... nt probl ... would reault. Diacaaaion enaued. ft• Mayor propoaed the uae of a permit fora to be diatributed by the variou• retailer• for pro11inent diaplay on cara or truck• uaed by •hopper• at the retailer• place of bu•in•••· Permit• would announce the per80n bein9 an Bngl.wood •hopper aad hi• being entitled .to park two hour• on South Broadway. Di•cu•aion en•ued. ·'fbe City Attorney •tated that th• permit propeaal -Y be ill99al due to diac:rimi- nation between tho•• uain9 parking aa well aa practical enforc ... nt. '1'he City ••••tu' •poke of th• u•• of hourly chalk Mmlsint• a• beiDCJ practical for th• purpo•• of •forc ... nt. Be •tated that aa any change in parkin9 liait• required an ... nd- ment to th• •unicipal COde and that the Mtter needed throu9h review before action.,, 641-58 RBQUSST TO CLOSS TWO BLOCJCS 80U'IB BJtOADlfAY IOR OLD PASBIOllBD BARG.ADI DAYS llr. Ka•••ll apo'k• on behalf of the Downtown Merchant• A•aociation and their requeat for th• cloaing of the 3300 and 3400 block• of South Broadway on July 9, 10, and 11, 1964, for th• Old Paahioned Bargain Daya celebration. Councilman XreiliftCJ aa'ked if the 3300 block Mrcbanta were agreeable to the cloain9 of th• •tr-t in their block. Di•cu••ion enaued. llr. Leo Lentac:h apoke of th• need for both the 3300 and 3400 block• to aake the •ale a auc:c•••· Be di•ca••ed th• uae of a parking lot in previoua year• a• well a• saat and Weat Girard laat year aa bein9 inadequate. Diacuaaion enaued. COUllCIUIAll Bit.AUil llOVBD, concILllMl llAlllOll &sc::oJDmD, 'l'BA'l' ms cin MAllAGD BB DI..:mm 'fO SBCUllB RBPOR'l'I AllJ) ~no•• or m. VAllIOVI DBPAR'IM•T BRADS AID> AGmCIBS IllVOLVBD AS 'fO '1'BB Bl'PBC'l' or GltAll'l'IR ·~••10• JOa '1'BB CLOIIllG or 'IBB 3300 AllD 3400 BLOCKS SOU'lll lmOAIMAY IOR TllltBB O.YI. Upon the call of the rell, th• vote reaulted a• followaa 350 llinut•• of March 16, 1964 Ay••1 Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Ban80n, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •ay•: llone. Ab••nt1 llone. !'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-41 RBIATIBG TO APPLICATIOll POR LIQUOR LICSll88 AT 65 DST rLOYD COUJICIIllAll DBILIBG MOVBD, COUllCIUIAll axes ISCXHIDSD, 'IBAT ma ICA'ft'BR BB JtAISBD PR<M 'lllB TABLE. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote re•ulted a• follow•• Ay••• councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Ban80n, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •aya: llone. Ab•ent: llone. !'he Mayor declared the motion carried. Councilman Pullerton aaked for a 199al opinion on th• reque8ted i••uance of a lic•n•• by Jobn c. Juat dba caaual LoUftCJ• at 65-75 ... t l'loyd Avenue. 'th• City Attorney explained the atatua of the liceaa•. llr. JkMJ•r Simon, reapr•••nting llr. Ja•per Jon••, a8ked to apeak to the Council. 'lb• llaJOr r•covnised hi.a. llr. Sillon atated that he had review8d the law in conaiderabl• detail on behalf of hi• client and it waa ~i• opinion that the aimpleat 80lution to th• exiatence of a valid licenae to Hor•• Car Bar Ltd., Inc. aa well aa a requ••t for a new licen•• at the •-pr .. i••• wa• to revoke the pr•••nt lice-. Be •tated that any other action would require a thorough review of the circnlla8tanc•• and right• of each of the parti•• involved in the exiating licen•• a• well a• tho•• of the applicant with the probability of a lllW auit againat th• City no .. tter what action waa taken. Be di•cu••ed the variou• complicatiou that exiat in connection with th• requeated licenae. ftle City Attorney atated that Mr. Simon'• review of th• •ituation waa excel- lent and that he concurred CJ•nerally with hi• atat•••u. Be •tated that he had di•cu••ed the matter with Mr. Chilton of the ltate Liquor Divi•ion who offered hi• opinion that a hearing waa not n•c•••ary under the condition• that the holder of th• licen•• lo••• th• right to the pr .. i•••· Be •tated accordingly the City coald grant a new lic•n••. B• diacuaaed the procedure for revocation of a licenae alld .6adicated that it waa not clear whether a hearin9 wa• required or not but in order to be con••rvative he •ug9eated that a 11klic hearing be •cheduled for the revocation of th• pr•••nt lic•n•• held by the BorM car Bar, Inc. Di•cu•aion en•ued. CC'AMCILMAIJ JCRBILillG MOVBD, COUllCil.l' ... U IVLLD'IOll SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT 'l'HB DIRBCTIOBS or .. CI'IY ATTOJUfft BB POLLOWBD AllD THAT .,.. Clft CLDX m'l'IIY '1'llB oww OP '1'BB .... CAR MR TO smw RIWIOB 1fllY 'ftlB LICS.U llmULD .,., BB JtBVOJCBD. A PUBLIC BMllDG SCllBDULBD POR 8100 P.M., APRIL 6'1'8 AT '1118 Cift BALL COUllCIL CllMIBBRS. llr. Paul Bil•t apoke to indicate that there wa• nothing wrong with the exi•ting licen•• and he would •••k traufer of the licen•• to 201 We•t Ba..,ct•n Avenue. Di•cu••ion en•ued. councilman Allen inquired if the City control• a tranafer of a licen••. 'fhe City Attorney •tated that it did. The queation waa called for. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•• Ayea1 COuncila•n Rice, Kreiling, Ban.on, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Bay•• llone. Ab••nt: Bone. !'be llayor declared themotion carried. OOUBCILMAll RICB MOVBD, OOUBCIUID DBIISm AllD IVLLD!'O• SBOOBDBD, TBA'!' !BB APPLICATIOB POR A LIQUOR LICBllSB BY JOmr C. JUl'f U 'l'ABLSD. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote r••ulted a• follow•• Aye•: COuncil-n Rice, Kreiling, Ban80n, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •ay•1 •one. Ab8•nt 1 Bone. 'lbe llayor declared the motion carried. 641-54 APPLICA'l'IOB POR LIQUOR Licall A'I 980 Ml'I lllllPDBll llr. Alan Sternber9, repreaenting the s and L Corporation dba Well-come-Inn at 980 Ba•t Hampden Avenue, who waa the application for a .. er, Wine and Spirit- uou• Liquor Licen•• for aale in Hotel• and Reataurant• by th• drink only. Be I 'I I I I I I Minute• of Karch 16, 1964 preaented an application for liquor licenae, letter• of recomaendation on each •mber of th• corporation, certified copy of corporate papera, and a check in the amount of $325.00 for the local liquor licen••· !'be City Clerk received the above document• at 9:07 P.M. Mr. Sternberg atated that hi• client waa prepared to aubmit a printing and publication fee aa the City .. y require. COUllCILMAll KRBILillG MOVBD, COUllCILllAIJ llAll80• 8SCCllDBD, 'l'llAT '1'BB APPLICA'l'IOB BB RBCBIVSD Alll> 'l'llA'l' A PUBLIC BBARillG 01f '1'llB GltAllftm or A LIQUOR LICIDISB AT 980 DST llAllPDm WOULD BB RBLD OB llOIUaY, llAY 4'ftl A'I 8100 P.K. I• 'IBB OOUBCIL CBAMBBRS, Cift BA'·T·, JmGLmlOOD. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •aY.•= Ilona. Abaent: llone. t'be Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-32 SUGGBSTBD SUBS'l'I'IVl'S JUDGB llr. a. val Boyt, Bn9lewood attorney, introduced and •poke on the behalf of llr. Roland B. Gebert an Bnqlewood reaident practicin9 law in Denver for the poai- tion of aubatitute Municipal Judge. Be apoke of llr ... bert'• qualification• and introduced him to the council. llr. Gebert •poke briefly on behalf of hi• application and -phaaized hi• diaintereated poaition due to the fact that he had no 8n9l.wood client• in hi• preaent practice. ' 'lb• Mayor atated that the application would be taken under adviaement and appreciated the chance to meet Mr. Gebert. 622-37 RBLA'l'IllG TO PAVDG DI8ftICT llO. 13 Public &Irina .IJl Olldlffpct OOUllCILll..\11 BRAUit llOVBD, COUllCIIMAll RICS 88CIDllllD, BA'J' 'l'llB PUBLIC BBARIBG Oii '1118 ORDDAllCB AU'IBORIZillG '1'BB ASSB8m1B11'1'8 AMI•ft PaGPD'IY IR PAVDIG DIS'l'RIC'l' m. 13 BB OPaBD. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: councilmen Rice, Kreilinq, BanMn, J'ullerton, Braun, Allen, Love • .. y•s Ilona. Abaent: llone. 'l'b• Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. Martin A. Zabel, 3146 South Clarkaon, aaked to apeak. '1'he Mayor informed Mr. Zabel that the amount of any a•••••••nt waa not under review at thia time and that if an error were made thi• may be adjuated by th• Bngineer or 'l'reaaurar'• Office. 'l'h• Mayor aaked if there were anyone pr•••nt for the public hearing on the ordinance. There were none. COUllCIIMAll PULLBR'l'OB MOVBD, OOUllCILIL.\11 BA.1180• ISCOllDBD, 'l!IAT 'l'BE PUBLIC BUJtDIG BB CLOSBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayea: councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, hllerton, Braun, Allan, Love. Raya: llone. Abaents Rone. 'lhe Mayor declared th• motion carried. BILL POR ORDIBABCB 80. 3, IDJBS OP 1964 All ORDillAllCB APPROVIllG '1'BB WHOLE COS'J' or ms DIPR~'l'S MADB I& Al1D POR PAVIm DIS'l'RICT ao. 13 IS '1'BB CITY OP BJIGLafOOD, COLOIADO, APPROVISG ARD COD'IRM- Im '1118 APPOftlcmlD'l' OP SAID COSTS TO BACH LO'I oa 'lltAC'J' OP LAJID IR SAID DIS'l'RIC'J': A88U&Im A SBARB OP SAID COSTS AGAIBST BACB LO'I OR 'lltAC'J' or LARD IS '1'BE l>ISTRICTJ PR•SCRIBillG ftlE ll.U.SR' POR '1'BB COLLBC'l'IO• AllD PAYllDft' OP SAID ASSBSSMBlft'S: A11D DWCIARimJ AB lllBRGDCY. (aall copied in full in Official Minute• of Karch 2nd) waa read for the aecond time by title onjy. COUllCILMAll JCRBILIBG MOVBD, OOUllCILllAIJ ALT• IBCC>m>BD, 'l'BA'l' ORDIBABCB BO. 3, smu OP 1964 BB PASSBD OB SBCOBD Al1D PIITAL JlMDillG Alll> ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD Dl PULL D '1118 89GLBIK>OD llBRALD Al1D IDITBRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaultad aa followas 352 llinut•• of March 16, 1964 Ayea: Councilmen Rice, JCreiling, Banaon, Pullerton, Allen, Love • .. ya: Councilman Braun. Abaent: llone. !'be llayor declared th• motion carried. 632-34 RBLA'l'IJIG '1'0 PROPOSED PAVDIG DISftIC'l' 90. 14 Pyblic bearing .sm Ordinance Ji2 CrHtf piaqics COUllCIUIAll XRBILIRG MOVBD, COUllCIUIU a.AU. UCOllDSD, '!BAT '1'llB PUBLIC llBARIJIG OR '1'llB ORDIDllCB TO CRBATB '1'llE PROPOSBD PAVIllG DilftICT m. 14 BB OPBllBD. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ayea: C8uncilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, hllerton, Braun, Allen, ,Love. Raya: llone. Abaent: llone. !'be llayor declared th~tion carried. 'lb• Mayor aaked if there were anyone preaent to apeak at the hearing. 'there were none. COUllCIUIAll PULLBR'fOlf llOVBD, COUllCILllAIJ RICS lmccm>BD, !BAT '!BB PUBLIC BBARillG as CLOSBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: councilmen Rice, Kreiling, &anaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Raya: llone. Abaent: Ilona. 'l'b• Mayor declared the motion carried. Councilman Braun inquired about the incluaion of th• 3400 South Bannock StrHt with the many change• which may occur if the aale of the park land ia authorized by th• votera. Diacuaaion enaued. councilman Braun pointed out that in any caae of th• improv-nt of the 3400 block South Ba.-ock th• bridge over Dry Creek ahould be replaced. If the ahopping developMnt proceed• the covering of Little Dry Creek through the park area may auppl ... nt any btidft conatructed or perbapa make that bridge unneceaaary. Diacuaaion enaued. 'l'he City Manager indicated that he concurred with Councilman Bsaun•a r~k• and reviewed that th• petition for the improvement of South Bannock waa auaitted to eliminate the atr .. t frc:m conaideration in a downtown improv ... nt diatrict. Diacuaaion enaued. '!he City Attorney doubted if the atreet could be deleted from the Diatrict without following the aame procedure• through which th• Diatrict waa created. 'ftl• City Manager inquired if another ordinance mi9ht be paaaed to •~rii.the one block from the ordinance creating the diatrict. 'lb• City Attorney atated that aa the Bond Attorney firm of Tallmadge and Tall .. d9e prepare• the legal paper• and proceeding• for th• creation of the diatrict, h• did not feel he waa able to anawer thia queation. Councilman Rice and councilman JCreiling apoke for in- cluding the atreet in the ordinance under conaideration but that procedure for •triking be inveatigated and information made available for th.Council at a later date. BILL POR ORDIHAJICB .,. 4, 8SRIBS OP 1964 All ORDIHAJICB CRBA'l'DIG AB IMPROVBMD'l' DI8ftIC'l' I• '1'BB Cift OP BRGLBMOOD, COLOR..-'DO, TO BB JmOWll AS PAVIRG DISTRICT 90. 14 t mDIRI•G TllB COBSTRUCTIOll ftlD.BI• OP STRBftS, AVBllUB ARD ALLBY IMPROv.mrrlJ PIOVIDDG POR '1'llB ISSUARCB OF BDm>8 01' !RB DISTRICT I• PA'YllBR'I POR SAID DIP~r PJmVIDDG POR llO'IICB 'fO c:mntAC'fORS Alm BIDDBRS POR SPBCIAL IMPROvmlD'f DilftIC'l' .. DS IR SAID Crl'Ys AllD DBCLARIRG AR mumamcr. (Bill for ordinance copied in full in Official Kinut•• of March 2nd) waa read for the aecond time by title only. ~ «AmCIIllAll BRAU& MOVBD, COURCIUIAll PULLBR!O• ISOOllDBD, '!BAT ORDIHARCB 1'0. 4, SDIU OP 1964 BB PASSBD OR SBCORD ARD PillAL RUDillG AllD OJU>BRBD PUBLISBBD I• PULL m '!BB •vw.xm BBRALD ARD BRTBRPRISB. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote re- aulted aa followaa Ayeaa· councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Pullerton, Braun, Love • .. yaa councilman Allen. Ab8ent: Rone. !'be Mayor declared the ;.ation carried. I I I I I I I I Minute• of March 16, 1964 641-6 PROCBBDDIGS OP PLAllllI8G ARD ZORillG CCllllJlllO. llSftlm& OP PBBRUARY 29'1'11 AllD MARC& 4'ftl 'fh• Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 641-55 Relating ~ Denial S!!_ Rezoning · al, hirlfY pr911rty 'l'he City Clerk read the following reco ... ndation of th• City Planning and zoning Co••i••ion in full: , "lfh• rezoning application filed by Mr. and llra. a. J. Pairley be ••nied for th• following r•a•on•: 1. Land waa zoned induatrial pr•vioualy without developaent and atudie• made at the time of the .Compr•h•n•i•• 10nin9 Ordiance waa adopted indicated a •trong po••ibility of a-2-a develo1••nt. 2. Property owner• in th• area atroft91Y objected to th• propoaed rezoning. 3. IJo valid reaaon wa• given the Co11 i••ion for the rezoning requ••t." 'lb• Mayor •tated that no Council action waa required at thi• time. 641-5 PROCDDIRGS OP 80AJU) OP CARUR SDVICB CCllllJ8810ms UftillG OF MARCH llTB !'b• Mayor aaked that th• ainut•• be received and placed on file. 641-8 PROCBBDI•GS OP PUBLIC LIBRARY 80UD Dftlm OP llARCB lO'l'B 'lb• Mayor a•ked that th• minute• be received and placed on file. 641-53 RBLA'l'IllG TO DOWft01fll PUJam '1'ID LDll'l'S 'lb• reco1 •ndationa of the Bnglwood Challber of CO 1 ere• and Bnglewood Merchant• Aaaociation that altered pick-up truck• pakking in the angle parking apace• on South Brotldway be given a warnin9 ticket on th• fir•t offenae and that th• parking ti-liait in th• coanercial area be increaaed from one to two hour• were revi.wed and di•cu•aed by th• City council. Clounc _ilman Braun inquired if th• annMr would not be the removal of all parkift9 lillitationa in th• downtown ar... Di•cu••ion enaued. councilman Rice indicated that thi• would be adviaable if th• parking could be r•••rved for •hopper• only but there would be no guaran- t-of auch u••· Council.an Allen remarked that h• .ould aupport th• requ••t• of the bu•i- neaalleD for the change in parking ti .. a• he felt th• bu•in••• .. n had made a atudy and abould know what would be good for buaine••· councilman Banaon alao aupported th• chan9e. Councilman Xr•ilm9 r-rked that th• uae of a courteay ticket for parking permit• were worth inveati9atin9 and au99eated that the Traffic Director review th• reque•t• and Mk• a reoa rendation. Councilman Braun revi.wed that one hour parking limit• were ••tabliahed to provide a turn- over of autollOtiv• parking on the main •tr••t•. Be expr•••ed the opinion that within a few month• of two hour parking liait• that th• merchant• would be ..-king one hour limit• again. !'be Mayor cownted that he would favor the propoaal but would like to have the .. tter reviewed by the City Mana9er and City Attorney a• to the implica- tion• of the change and the procedure for th• chaft9• aa well as the Citizen'• Action CO..itte• so that the proposal may be coordinated through their activitiea. 141-58 CORRBSPOllDaCB RBLATI•G TO CLOSillG OP iOUN UOADlfAY POR OLD FASBIOBBD BARGA!• DAY8 !'be coanunication from the Bnglewood Merchant• Aaaociation dated March 12, 1964, •iCJlled by Bill Patrick, preaident, requeatin9 that th• City Council autbori•• the cloaing off of the 3300 and 3400 block• of South Broadway on Jaly 9, 10 and 11th during the annual "Old Paahioned aar9ain Daya" was read. councilman Allen remarked that h• had heard of no protest to the closing. Councilman Braun r-rked that last year th• proteat to th• closing came after th• Council'• approval at which time th• Council could not revoke the approval or beao11e liable f•r the guarantees to th• carnival COllp&fty. Be suggested that the .. tter be held over ao that publicity could be 9iven of th• request prior to th• Council'• action. '!he City Manager •u99e•ted that a public hearing be held on the .. tter in order that all persona concerned aiflbt have a chance to voice their opinion. !he Mayor indicated hi• approval of th• hearing. COUCIIllAll FUU.BRTOll MOVBD, COURCILllAll ALia SBCmDSD, 'IBA'l' A PUBLIC BBARim U DLD o• '1'llB RBQUBST POR CLOSillG OP '1'118 3100 AllD 3400 BLOCKS OP SOUTH maADDY Oii JULY 9, 10 AllD 11'1'11 AT '1'BB liJUf1' RBGULUl COUllCIL Mm19CJ Oii llOllDAY, APRIL 6, 1964, A'l' 8:00 P.M. m '1'llB COUllCIL arums, Cift BALL, AllD 'l'BAT LBGAL llOTICB OP SUCB llBARillG BB llADB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re•ultted as follow•: Ayeas Council .. n Rice, Kreiling, Ranson, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love • .. ya: lfone. Abaent: Ilona. 'l'be Mayor declared the motion carried. Minute• of March 16, 1964 641-33 RBLATIRG TO TBRMS OP OPPICB OR PARJCS AIR> RBCRBATIOll C0191ISSIOR Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Braun BY AU'l'BORift ORDillAlfCB lllO. S, &DISS OP 1964 Al1 ORDIRAllCB AMDDIRG SBCTIOR 9.1 OP '1'llB llVllICIPAL CODS OP 'l'llB Cift OP B&GLDIOOD, COLORADO, TO RBDBPIH THE APPOIH'!MDT OP '1'llB llBMBDS OP ms PARKS ARD RBCllBATIOR CC»IMISSIOR. (Bill copied in full in Official Minute• of March 2nd) waa read for the aecond time by title only. COUllCIUIAIJ BRAU11 llOVBD, COUllCILMAlf BAllSOB SSCOllDSD, 'l'llAT ORDIDllCB BO. S, &DIBS OP 1964 BB PASSBD OR SBCOllD ARD PillAL RBADillG AIR> OllDDBD PUBLISHBD Ill PULL I• TBB BlfGLDIOOD BBRALD ARD BNTBRPRISB. Upcl'l th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Kreiling, Hanaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Raya: Councilman Rice. Abaent: None. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. Councilman Braun reminded the Council that th• ordinance juat approved would be effective on April 18th thereby creating a vacancy on the Park• and Recreation Comaiaaion. Be au99eated that the appointment of a Councilman be made at thi• ti.lie due to the many activitiea which are under way through th• Parka and Recrea- tion Collllliaaion. Diacuaaion enaued. COUBCILMAR BRAUll MOVBD, COUNCILMAN RICB SBCOllDBD, 'DIAT COUllCILMAR AlrLBR BB A.PPOill'l'ED '1'0 TllB PARKS ARD RBCRBATIOR CC»UIISSIOll IOR TBllURB UPOR TBB BPPBCTIVB ~TB OP ORDillAllCB RO. 5, SBRIBS OP 1964 011 OR ABOUT APRIL 18, 1964. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Aye•: councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanaon, Pullerton, Braun, Love. Raya: lion•. Abatainin9: councilman Allen. Abaent: Rone. irh• Mayor declared the motion carried and aaked th• Clerk to notify the Secretary of the Parka and Recreation Commiaaion of the apP')intment. 641-32 RELATING '1'0 SUBSTI'l'UTB llUllICIPAL JUDGE Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Fullerton BY AUTHORift ORDillAlfCB NO. 6, SBRIBS OP 1964 All ORDIBARCB a\MBllDIRG 'ftlE MUNICIPAL CODE OP '1'llB CITY OP DGLBWOOD, COLORADO, aamtmIBG SBC'l'IOR 18.2 TBBRBOP AS 'l'O 'ftlB POWBRS OP '1'llB JIUllICIPAL JUDGE AS SSCl'IO. 18.2-1 Al1D ADDillG TO SAID CX>DB A l1BW SBC'l'IOS 18.2-2 PROVIDillG POR 'DIB APPOill'DIBllT BY '1'llB CITY COUlfCIL OP A SUBSTITUTE JIUllICIPAL JUDGE '1'0 ACT IN THE ~ OP 'ftlB MUllICIPAL JUDGB WllBlf SAID JUDGE SHALL BB UlllAVAILABLB, SICK, IRCAPA- CITA'!BD, DISOUALIPIBD OR OTBBRWISB UBA.BLB TO PDl'ORM TBB DU'IIBS OP BIS OPPICE. (Bill for ordinance copied in full in official minute• of March 2nd) waa read for the aecond time by title only. COUllCIIllAIJ FULLBRTOR MOVBD, CX>UllCIIllAIJ BAlllOS SBCOllDBD, THAT ORDiltAllCB HO. 6, &DISS OP 1964 BB PASSBD OR SBCOlll> ARD PillAL RBADillG AllD. ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD Ill PULL IR TBS .. GLDfOOD HBRA.LD ARD JD1'1'BRPRISE. Upon th• call of the roll, the vo~e reaulted aa followas Aye•: council.men Rice, Kreiling, Hanaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Raya: llone. A.baent: Ilona. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. I ·I!.· " ' I ,, 11 I I I Minute• of March 16, 1964 Councilman Kreiling inquired about th• procedure for th• appointment of a •ub•titute Judge. '!'he City Attorney stated that the appointment could be made froa any number of Bnqlewood reaident attorneya. 'l'h• City llana9er indicated that th• aalary for the poaition needed to be aet alao. '!'here waa no action taken. 641-34 RBLATDlG TO DISCOUll'l' POR AITIXDIG CIGARBTTB STAMPS Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Baaun BY AU'l'BORI'IY ORDIRARCE HO. 7, SBRIBS OP 1964 All ORDillMCB AMBBDillG SBCTION 16.3-7 RBGI&ftATIOB PBB, OF 'l'BB MURICIPAL CODB OP ms Cift 01' mGLBWOOD, COLORADO, CRABGIRG TBS DISCOUllT ALLOWBD TO DEALERS POR APPIXIBG CIGARBTTB STAMPS PROM 'l'WBLVB PBR CD'l' !O BIGll'f PBR CDT. (Bill for ordinance copied in full in official ainut•• of March 2nd) waa r-d for the aecond time by title only. COUllCIU4All BRAUll MOVED, OOUllCIU4All BAll808 SSCOllDBD, 'lllAT ORDINANCE RO. 7 , &DISS OF 1964, BB PASSBD OR SBCOBD ARD FillAL JlUDDIG AllD ORDSRBD PUBLISBBD IR PULL I• 'ftlB BmLBmD RBRALD AND BNTBRPRISB. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote re•ulted •• foll'owa: Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. 8aya: llone. Abaent: llone. The Mayor declared the .otion carried. 632-72 RBLATIRG TO SllOPPillG DSVBLOPllDT Th• City Attorney preaentad the following reaolution for th• conaideration of th• Council: RBSOLU'fIOR 1111BRBAS, 'l'h• City Council of the City of Bngl.wood, C»1orado, ha• heretofore endoraed and approved the eatabliahment of a major •hopping development in aaid City weat of the City Hall on what ia generally known •• th• City Park area1 and 11RBRBAS, 'l'h• City Council i• deairoua of preaentin9 to the public what it d ... a to be aubatantial and coapelling reaaona for aupport of auch project: BOW, 'DIBRBPORB, BB IT RBSOLVBD BY 'DIE CI'IY COUBCIL OP '1'BB CIT!' OP BNGLBWOOD, COLORADO, thia 16th day of March, 1964, that a .. jor reaaon for the support of the propoaad C0111Dercial •hopping development in •aid City ia that it would reault in a .. jor incr•a•• in employment within aaid City and by reaaon of aalariea paid to the large number of employee• which would be required by aaid development. ADOP'l'BD A11D APPROVBD thia 16th day of March, 1964. Mayor AftBST1 COUllCILMAll BRAUll M8VBD, COUBCIIllAll RICB SSOOllDSD, 'lllAT '1'BB RESOLUTION BB ADOPTBD ARD APPROVBD. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa follows: Aye•: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, &anaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Baya: llone. Abaent: llone. '!'be Mayor declared the motion carried. Minute• of March 16, 1964 621-42 RBLA'l'IllG '1'0 SCBlfIC VIBW SBWD RIGll'l'-OP-WAY The City Attorney indicated that there waa one piece of right~of-way neaeaaary for the Scenic View Sanitary Sawer Trunk Lin•• which had not been purcha•ed aa of thi• date. Be indicated that the owner of thi• ri9ht-of-way wa• the firat to agree to provide the neceaaary right-of-way to th• City but became involved with the Small Buaine•• Adminiatration and in order to clear th• .. tter condemnation may be necea- Ary. Be atated that he had talked with an attorney for the SBA who indicated that a auit could be brought in the matter. 'l'h• City Attorney atated that this matter waa informational at thi• time but would require action in the near future. 641-56 DBBDS POR STRBBT RIGHT-OP-WAY DI _,Rr&nST BllGLBWOOD 'l'he City Manager pr•••nted amall map• of t1llO ar••• in northweat Bnglewood abowing th• propoaed atreet right-of-way and portion• dedicated by owner• of the land concerned. 'l'he propoaed atreeta were between Weat Iliff and Weat Wealey Avenue• from south Tejon to Zuni Street• and between West Warren Avenue and Weat Iliff Avenue from south Tejon to Zuni Street•. All of th• deed• had been received for the opening of the atreet between Weat Warren and Weat Iliff Avenue• fr911l South Yalejo to South Zuni Streets. The City Manager aaked that the deeds be accepted by th• Council. Diacusaion enaued. Councilman Braun reported that action in providing additional streets where nece••ary for th• development of the land in th• northweat Bnglewood area had been diacuaaed at th• time of the annexation of the area. Be atated he waa favorable to the acceptance of the deeded parcels. COUllCIIMM PULLBRTO• MOVBD, COUSCILMAll BAllSO• SBCOllDBD, !BAT TBB DBBDS or RIGHT-OP-WAY BB ACCBPTBD POR 'DIE PROPOSBD STRBBTS Bn'Wm DST WARRBS AVBRUB AllD IL%PP AYBllUB AllD WBST ILIPP AVBllUE AllD WBST WBSLB!' AV.DB PROI SOU'1'11 TBJOB TO SOU'IB ZUIJI STRBBTS Al1D 'l'BAT PURTBBR PARCBLS DBBDBD TO 'l'llB Cift POR STRBBT DBDICA- 'l'IO• BB ACCBPTBD AS PRBSBllTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follow•: Aye•: councilmen Rice, Kreilin9, Banaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Raya: Bone. Abaent: Bone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-62 RBBBWAL OF FBRMBlfTBD MALT BBVBRMIB LICBSSB 'ftl• City Clerk read an application for Retail Permented Malt Beverage Licen•e (for ••l• of 3.2" beer only) filed by Ray Ruhland, Preaident, Vic• Pre•idlnt and 'l'r-•ur•r of Englewood Lanea, Inc. located at 4165 South Broadway. Be atated the application waa in order and filed in hi• office on March 11th at 11:20 A.M. 'fhe preaent licenae expire• April 26, 1964. 'l'h• City Man..-r reviewed that no police calla had been made to tile Bngl ........ -.A Lan•• during 1963 or to date in 1964. COUllCILMAll KRBILIBG MOVED, COUllCILMAB A'·'·D SSCDllDBD, 'l'BAT TllB APPLICATIOB POR ~ BB GRAllTBD. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted aa follows: Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. ••y•: Bone. Ab-nt: Bone. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-11 CITY MAllAGBR'S MONTHLY RBPORT l'OR PBBRUARY 'l'he City Manager atated that the monthly report wa• prepared on the a~me for ... t •• laat month with the addition of the Treaaurer'• Report in the front of th• booklet. Diacuaaion enaued. 'ftle Mayor accepted the City Manager'• Monthly Report with commendation•. 641-57 PBTITIOR POR C<BSTRUCTIOS OP SAllI'l'UY &•D 'l'he City Manager preaented a petition for th• conatruction of a aanitary aewer line in the 4000 block of South Huron Street and th• 700 block of Weat ..... u Way with a plat of the area and propo•ed line to •erve the propertie• thereon. Be recoaaended that the Council authorise th• con•truction of theae •.wer•. COUllCIUIAll BRAUit MOVBD, COUSCILMAll BASSO• SSODllDBD, !BAT TBB RBCaulBBDATIOS OP BB Cift MAllAGBR POR 'ftlB COSSTRUCTIOS or A SAllITAltY 8-LID I• 'l'llB 4000 BLOCK SOU'IB BUROS STRBBT AllD 700 BLOCK WBST llA81AU WAY U ACCBPTBD AllD THAT TBB Cift IL-'llAGD Alm CI'l'Y BllGIBEBR BB CBARGBD WITH ms COll8ftUCl'Im OP TBB SBWBR LID AS PBTITIOIQD. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted •• follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Banaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love • .. ya: !lone. A1>9ent: Bone. !'he Mayor declared th• motion carried. 'I I I I I ' I I I Minute• of March 16, 1964 622-37 RBLATIRG '1'0 PAVIRG DISTRICT llO. 13 OVBmAY 'l'he City Manager reported on the aaphaltic overlay in the 2800 block south Grant. 'l'hree aample• were taken on the atreet approxillately ten to twelve feet from th• curb with the reault• that the following thickne•••• were recorded: a.o and one-half inch, two and one quarter inch, one and one-half inch. He review.d the record• in the City Bagineer'• Office•• to th• tonage of material laid on the atreet which would verify an avera9e of at leaat two inch•• overlay placed on the atreet. councilmen Allen and Rice atated that they had inapected the •tr-t also and it looked all riqht to th-. 641-19 RBLATIRG '1'0 SALBS TAX AUDI'IOR 'fhe City Mana9er reported on the activiti•• of Bentley J~a, CPA, Sale• Tax Auditor, for the month of February. B• reported that fl59.00 &al•• Tax revenue had been derived from th• auditor'• activity. Included in th• total waa $480.00 Sal•• Tax receipt• which would be recurring monthly. Diacuaaion enaued. MAYOR'S CBOICB 'fh• Mayor reminded the Council.men of th• councilmen'• Inatitute to be held in Boulder April 3rd and ·4th. Council .. n Fullerton; Kr•iling and Mayor Love indicated that they would plan on attending. Bl• Mayor inquired aa to th• atatu• of the litter receptacle• diacuaaed at a recent .. eting. 'l'h• City Manager atated he wa• in contact with the Jaye••• and report upon the need for additional receptacle• would be received aooa. The Mayor announced the next Urban Mayor•' .. •ting would be held 'l'huraday, March 19th at the Cherry Hill• Country Club. 'l'h• Mayor reported that repreaentativ•• of Trt-county Health Department have offered a tour of the department'• faciliti•• by th• Council .. n and other munici- pal official•. Di•cu•aion enaued. The Mayor a•'ked the City Manager to arrange a date for auch a tour. The Mayor announced that he had received a report on r .. iatration and voting participation prepared by the Pre•ident'• COllli•aion and a letter of tranamiaaion from th• Preaident requeating that a report aa to poa•ibl• reatrictiona to reqi•- tration and voting in Bngl.wood be made. Be ••keel th• City Clerk, Chairman of the Blection Co.,i••ion, to report to th• Preaident on thi• aatter. COURCILMD'8 Cll)JCS councilman Fullerton atated that many of the citi&•n• in hi• Di•trict had expr•••ed concern at the appointment of a relative to a council appointed official aervincJ aa Blection Judge in one of the precinct• in th• Di•trict. He pre•ented th• following resolution for conaideration of the councils RBSOLU'l'IOS In any election held within the City of Bn9lewood, it •hall be the policy of the Blection Colllai••ion to exclude the name• of any elected or council appointed official• or th• illlaediate faaily of any elected or council appointed official from ••rving a• Blection Judge• during any said Blection. councilmen Braun, Rice and Kreiling apok• a9•in•t th• resolution. 'fh• City Clerk, Chairman of the Blection Co i••ion, •poke of the current policy puraued in th• recruiting of election jud9•• and alternate election offi- cial• whereby any of tho•• who have a direct concern in any election or candidate are not conaidered eligible for aervic• aa an election official. Be atated that in th• particular ca•• under diacuaaion that a vacancy occured and the relative of a coancil appointed official waa requeated to aerv• at the la•t minute to fill auch a vacancy. He •poke of the general method of recruiting •f election official• and their duti••· He e11pha•i&ed that ahould any aiaconduct occur that that judge or official would be i1 •diately relieved and aade ineligible to aerve in auch a capacity at any future election. Councilaan Fullerton •p9k• for complete impar- tiality of election and urged that th• Council approve hi• reaolution. Diacu••ion enaued. COUllCIUIAll BaAUll JIOVBD, COOlfCILllAB ICRBILillG SBCOllDBD, 'l'llAT '1'BB RBSOLUTIOll BB nar.m. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reault*! a• follow•• Ayea: councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Ranson, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love • .. ya: llone. Abaents llone. '!'he llayor declared the motion carried. llinut•• of llarch 16, 1964 Councilman Pullerton reported h• had attended a recent Citiaena Action ca itt•• ... ting at which ti•• th• propo•ed ••l• of th• park land and the elec- tion upon thi• liale waa diacuaaed. Be •tated tbat at the ... ting he attended tho•• who favored were about equal to tho•• wbo oppo•ed. Be r-rked that there appeared to be a need to report th• aact acr-9• of land concerned in th• .. 1. and th• pr•••nt u•• of th• land even tboQ9h it i• not City-owned •r controlled. Di•cu••ion en•ued. llr. Jobn J-aon •poke of thi• •tter indicating the extr-• difficulty and eo11plication• involved in the pr•••ntation of thi• information to a group at a public meeting and have th• information cleaaly und•r•tood. Di•- cuaaion enaued. Council•n Rice indicated that he would be unable to attend th• next regular Council .. •ting a• he would be repreaenting the City at a Planning Conference to be held in Bo•ton. B• •tated that the PlannincJ CO 1 i••ion had deaignated Chairman carlaon to attend with Councilman Rice aa an alternate. llr. Carlaon wa• unable to attend. councilman Kr•iling expr•••ed th• oppoaition to any out of •tate travel by any City official for any purpoae. B• r~ked that th• proceeding• of the conference• are uaually .. d• available •hortly after the conference i• concluded. Di•cu••ion enaued. ADJOUIUI COUllCIUIAll llAJl&O• llOYBD, CX>UllCILMAlt 8RAUll ssccm>m, 'ftlAT TllB MBBTDlG BB AD.JOUltllSD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote r••ulted a• follow•: Ayea: Council .. n Rice, Kr•iling, Banaon, Pullerton, kaun, Allen, Love. •ay•: llone. Abaent: llone. ft• llayor declared the meeting adjourned at 11135 P.11. I•/ •· o. Beau•ang, City Clerk Clerk of th• Council . 'fbe minute• of the meeting of the City council of th• City of Bngl.wood, Colo.-.SO, held on the 16th day of March, A.D. 1964, •tand approved aa written thi• 6th day of April A.D. 1964. I I