HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-05-25 (Special) Meeting MinutesSPBCIAL MBBTIBG1 OOUllCIL CBAMBBRS CITY OP BllGLBWOOD, a>LORADO May 25, 1964 'l'h• City Council of the City of Bn9lewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in apecial ••••ion on Monday, May 25, 1964, in th• Council Challbera, City Ball, Bn9lM11DOd, at th• hour of 8100 P.M. PURSUAll'l' to the following calls May 22, 1964 llOTICB OF CALL BY '!'JIB MAYOR POR SPSCIAL SBSSIOB OF TBB CITr COUllCIL MOllDAY, MAY 25, 1964 -8~00••· M. to diacuaa matter• relating to South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Park• Diatrict. llotice and call i• hereby given of a Special Seaaion of the City Council to be held on Monday, May 25, 1964, at 8100 P.M. for th• expr••• purpeae of dlacua- aing matter• relating to South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Parka Diatrict. I•/ Stanley B. Dial City Manager ACJQJOWLBDGIMBllT OP UCBIPT OP BOTICB 'l'h• following peraona, all Councilmen of the City of Sn9lewood, Colorado, do hereby acknowledge the receipt of notice of the above apecial ••••ion. I•/ 'fyller Rice I•/ Donald G. Fullerton I•/ Geo. B. Allen I•/ w.. B. Ranaon I•/ &aauel L. Love 'l'h• Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following peraona were preaent1 OOuncilmen1 Allen, Fullerton, Hanaon, Rice, Love. Alao Pr•••nt1 City Manager Dial, Adainiatrative Aaaiatant Malone, City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaang. Abaent1 Councilmen Braun, Kreiling. 'l'he Mayor declared a quorum preaent. 641-45 RBLATillG TO SOUTH SUBURBAIT MBTROPOLI'l'All UCllD'l'IO• AllD PARKS DISTRICT 'l'h• City Attorney reported upon recent meetia9a and oonaultationa with Aaaiatant Attorney Cria.well aa to what action .. Y be taken in poatponing or •topping the conduct of the election aa propoaed on June 23, 1964, or to dia- aolv• the Diatrict. Be diacuaaed th••• propoaala in a very general way aa h• had not had time to diacuaa them in full detail, althou9h he had inveati9ated the .. tter enough to determine that there were le9al 9rOund• for action to achieve the City'• 9oal. Be aaked authority to enter auit a9ainat the Diatrict in whatever manner and method aa ••• .. to be the moat advanta9eoua to the City. Diacuaaion enaued. COURCILMAIJ AIJ.a MOVBD, COURCILMAH BAllSOR SScam>SD, 'l'BA'l' '1'BB CITY AT'l'ORllBY BB AUTBORIZBD TO PROCBBD AS MAY BB ADVISABLB OR APftOPRIAH IR BIS OPIRIOB AcaIBST '1'BB SOU'ftl SUBURBAIT MBTROPOLI'l'AH RBCRM'l'IO• AllD PllU DISTRICT TO PROVIDB l'OR '1'BB BXCLUSIOB OP TllB CITY OP BllGLDfOOD PJOI 'ftlAT DISTRICT. councilman Pullerton aaked what apecific .. thod• would be uaed. Diacuaaion enaued. '!'he City Attorney atated that one of the firat action• would be to atop the election, aerveral ••an• were available for thia purpo••· If thi• were un- aucceaaful perhlQt• a direct attack againat the conatitutionality of the Diatrict would be uaed. Diacuaaion en•ued. councilman Fullerton aaked if there were any 9eneral concen•u• of opinion a• to the deairea of the reaidenta of th• Centennial Acreaa area and other area• that are aerved by School Diatricta other than the BncJlewood School Diatrict. Diacuaaion enaued aa to the difficultiea involved. (Council .. n Kreilin9 entered and took hi• aeat on the Council at 8130 P.M.) councilman Banaon atated that the member• of the Greater Bnglewood Party had run on a platform of diaaolution or excluaion of Sn9lewood from th• Park Diatrict and he felt thi• waa the only approach the City Council could take on behalf of it• citizena. I I I I I I I Minute• of May 25, 1964 Mayor Love diacuaaed the effect of th• conduct of an election under th• pre- ••nt propoaal, whereby a vote for excluaion of th• Bn9lewood Diatrict only would reault in th• balance of the City being left without recour•• for 9ettin9 of th• Diatrict. Any vote avainat the excluaion of the Bn9l.wood Diatrict would exclude any further poaaibiliti•• of Bnglewood getting out of the Diatrict. COuncil .. n Pullerton expr•••ed the view that the reaidenta of hi• Diatrict wiahed to be in- cluded in the south Suburban Diatrict and favored the preaent propoaal for an election. Di•cu•aion enaued. (councilman Braun entered and took hi• ••at on th• Council at 8140 P.M.) councilman Rice noted that if the reaident• of Centennial Acr•a• deaired a chance to expr••• their opinion they couldn•t under the pr•••nt plan for election, but that they would be allowed thi• privilege if th• entire City of Bn9lewood were excluded, then an election held in thi• area which .. Y deair• to join South Suburban Diatrict were conducted. If th• people then voted for incluaion in th• Diatrict they would have had their chance to expr••• their d••ir••· Mayor Love expreaaed th• view that if Bn9lewod were excluded frOll south Suburban that then th• City or a School Diatrict or any other entity of that nature would be in a poaition to enter into a contract with south Suburban for u•• of their faciliti•• and make th• faciliti•• owned by the City or any of th• individual diatricta available to th• citizen• of the entire area. Diacuaaion maued. Mayor Love indicated th• need to act quickly on th• .. tter of authoris- ing th• City Attorney to proceed. '!be queation waa called for. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• followa1 Ay••• Oouncilaen Rice, JCreilin9, Ranaon, Braun, Allen, Love. 8aya1 councilman Fullerton. -~nt1 llone. ' 'fh• Mayor declared the motion carried. ADJOUU COUBCIIllAll DBILDIG MOVBD, COUllCILMAR BAll808 SSCOllDSD, '!BAT '1'BB MmillG BB ADJOU'aJIBD. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa followas Ay••1 council.men Rice, Kreilin9, Banaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •aya1 llone. AbHnt1 llone. '!'be Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9100 P.M., Monday, May 25, 1964. I•/ a. o. Beauaan9, City Clerk Clerk of the Council 'ftl• minute• of th• .. •ting of th• City council of th• City of Bn9lewood, COlorado, held on th• 25th day of May, 1964 A.D. atand approved a• written thi• lat day of June, 1964 A.D.