HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-05-27 (Special) Meeting MinutesSPSCIAL MBBTI&Ga COUllCIL CBAMBBllS Cift OF BllGLBWOOD, COLORADO MAY 27, 1964 Th• City Council of th• City of Bnglewood, county of Arapahoe, State of COlorado, .. t in apecial ••••ion Wedneaday, May 27, 1964, at 5130 P.M. in th• Council Cballbera, City Ball. Th• following &otic• of call waa read by th• City Clerks May 27, 1964 l!IOTICB OF CALL BY' 'l'HB MAYOR FOR SPECIAL SBSSIOR OF 'ftlB CITY COUllCIL WBDDSDAY, MAY 27, 1964 -5130 P.M. to diacuaa matter• relating to South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Parka Diatrict. Notice and call i• hereby given of a Special Seaaion of the City Council to be held on Wedneaday, May 27, 1964, at 5130 P.M. for the expr••• purpo•• of dia- cuaaing matter• relating to South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Park• Diatrict. /•/ Stanley B. Dial City Manager ADJQfOWLBDGmtDl'l' OF RBCBIPT OP llOTICB The following peraon•, all Councilmen of the City of Bnglewood, COlo•ado, do hereby acknowledge receipt of notice of the above apecial ••••ion. I•/ 'l'ya•r Rice /I/ D. G. Fullerton I•/ Geo. B. Allen /•/ John c. JCreiling , I•/ s .. uel L. Love Th• Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following peraon• were pr•••nt: COuncil.aen Allen, Fullerton, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Alao Pr••enta City Manager Dial, Adminiatrativ• A••i•tant Malone, City Attorney BBch, ~ City Clerk Beau•ang. Ab••nta COuncil••n Braun, Banaon. 'l'h• Mayor declared a quorum preaent. 641-45 RBLATillG TO BXCLUSIOR FROI SOUTH SUBURBMT U'l'ROPOLITAR RBCRBATIOR AITD PARICS DISTRICT The Mayor reported that the South Suburban Board had r•v•r•ed it• deciaion aa to th• area to be included in the election for excluaion from the Diatrict to include the entire City of Bngl.wood, to be held June 23, 1964. Be atated th• purpo•• of thi• .. •ting wa• to re-inatruct the City Attorney aa to legal action aqainat the Diatrict. councilman Allen expr•••ed hi• di•truct of the Board in it• recent action• and wondered if a further reveraal could not be .. de. Diacuaaion enaued. '!he City Attorney noted that llotic• of the impending election mu•t be publiahed ahortly and that he had been contacted by th• Attorney for the south Suburban Diatrict for a legal deacription of the boundariea of the City of Engl.wood. Qualification• of voter•, aa to beinq taxpayer• and other technicalitiea were diacuaaed. COUllCILllAll RICB MOVBD, CDJ•CILMll JCRBILISG SBCX>llDBD, 'l'BAT TBB Cift COUllCIL IDftUCT TllB CI'l'Y' A'l'TORllBY TO BOLD I• ABBYAllCB TllB RBCSft I•STRUCTIOBS RBGARDillG nm POSSIBLB LBGAL ACTIOllS AGAI•ft TllB IWUIB SUBURMll llft'ROPOLI!'U RBCJtMno• Alll> PAllKS DISTRICI' UllLS88 Alll> IP 'ftlB PRBSDT DBCISIOll OP TllB BOARD OP DIUCIORS or 'l'llB SOU'.1'11 8UBUaBAll lln'llOPOLITAll RBCRBATIOB AID> PUKS DISTRICT TO BXCLUDB ALL OP BB Cift OP SllGLDfOOD I• All BLBCTIOR BB CDIPLftSD Tm TBB PllBVIOU8L'I' urmm> TO I•&TRUCTIO•S TO !'RS Clft A'l"l'OIUISY BB DISRBGARDm> Bll'l'IRBLY. Dicuaaion enaued. Councilllan Love expreaaed hi• appreciation for the south Suburban Board'• deciaion to approve Bn91.wood'• petition for excluaion aa auhllitted. COuncilllan Rice ••t forth that the procedure .,r re-incluaion of any .... of the City into the South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Parka Diatrict be clearly aet out and .. de 9eneral information to the public. It wa• generally agreed. I I I I I II Minut•• of May 27, 1964 !'he queation waa called for. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea1 Councilaen Rice, JCreiling, Pullerton, Allen, Love. •aya1 llone. Abaent1 Council.&en Banaon, Braun. ftae Kayor declared the motion carried. Diacuaaion waa conducted aa to mean• and ... thoda of furniahing accurate in- formation to the voter• at the south Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Parka Diatrict election. '!he City Manager ~•ported he had been contacted by the Lea9ue of 11D••n Voter• aa to the City'• plan in thia re9ard. Diacuaaion enaued. 'l'b• Mayor a•mP!arised by atating that the council generally felt that an informative approach ahould be followed and that the Lea9Ue of Wollen voter• literature may be uaed if thou9ht to be compatible with the City'• poaition in thi• .. tter. ,, ADJOUJtlf COUllCZLllAll ALI·D MOVBD, COUllCILMA!t l'UU.D'!O• SBCCllDBD, 'l'llAT '1'BB llD'l'I9G BB ADJOUJUIBD. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea1 COuncil .. n Rice, Kreiling, Pullerton, Allen, Love. •aya1 llone. Abaent1 Council.aen Banaon, Braun. Tb• Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 6100 P.K., Wedneaday, Kay 27, 1964. I•/ B. o. Beauaan9, City Clerk Clerk of the Council ftl• ainut•• of the meeting of the City Council of the City of BllCJlewood, COlorado, held on the 27th day of May, 1964 A.D. atand approved aa written thi• lat day of June, 1964 A.D.