HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-06-15 (Regular) Meeting Minutes,1 I ,I I RBGULAR MDTINGs COUNCIL CBAMBBRS CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO JUllB 15, 1964 lfh• City council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe county, colorado, met in regular ••••ion on Monday, June 15, 1964, in the Council Chamber•, City Hall, SIMJlewood at the hour of 8100 P.M. Mayer Love preaiding called the meeting to order and the invocation waa given by the Reverend Marvin Adama of the Ennanuel Methodiat Church. Th• Mayor asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following per- aona were preaent: Councilmens Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanaon, Rice, Love. Alao Preaent: City Manager Dial, Administrative Assiatant Malone, City Attorney Esch, l>*p~tf !City Clerk Barron. Abaent : Councilman Kreilinq. 'l'he Mayor declared a quorum preaent. 641-98 REQUEST FOR FOURTH OF JULY pC>DTIOR J • llr. Dick Lone, Preaident of the Bnglewood ·Jayceea, requeated a $300.00 dona- tion from the City of Englewood in support of the annual Fourth of July Firework• diaplay to be held at the Arapahoe county Fair Grounda. Diacuaaion enaued. COURCILMAN FULLBRTON MOVED, COUNCILMAll HAIJ&ml SBCORDBD, 'l'BAT 'l'HB CITY COH'l'RIBU'l'B $250.00 TO '1'RE DJGLBWOOD JURIOR CHAMBER OF COMMBRCB FOR THE FOURTH OP JULY PIRSWOJtKS DISPLAY. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaul1111 aa followas Ay••s Councilmen Rice, Hanson, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. •aya: Hone. Abaent: Councilman Kreiling. '!'he Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. Dick Lone, Preaident of the Englewood Jaycee•, requeated permiaaion to drill ~hole in the pavement in which to place a large pole. 'they expect to have a fla9 pole aetter and have taken on a project to purcha•• a new reacue car for the Pire Department. The pole ia to be placed on Broadway approximately ten feet north of Girard Avenue. Diacuaaion ensued. COUllCILMAN ALLER MOVED, COUNCILMAN RICE SBCORDED, 'n!AT PBRMISSION BE GRMt'l'BD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Hanaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Rayas None. Abaents Councilman Kreiling. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-99 RBNEWAL OF 3.2" BBBR LICBBSB FOR BIG TOP Mr. John F. Roaco, Preaident and Mr. David Hillquiat, Manager of Big Top, Inc. 123 Baat Bellevi.w, were preaent in regard to the renewal of thier 3.2" Beer Licenae. aeport• of the Police Department were read in full. COUIJCILMAN FULLBRTOR MOVBD, COUNCILMAR BARSON SBCORDBD, THAT THE RBQUBST FOR TBB RmDfAL OF TllB 3.2" BBBR LICBRSB FOR BIG TOP, IRC., 123 BAST BELLEVIEW BB GRAllTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Aye•: Councilmen Rice, Ranaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Rayas None. Abaent: Councilman Kreiling. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-45 RBGARDIRG WITHDRAWAL FR<»t SOUTH SUBURBAN PARKS AND RECREATION DISTRICT The Deputy City Clerk read the following reaolution in full: Minute• of June 15, 1964 RESOLUTION WRBRBAS, the 1964 Colorado Legislature enacted House Bill #1035 and said Bill waa signed by the Governor of the State: and WHBJlBAS, said Bill amended 89-12-22 Colorado Reviaed Statutes 1953 as amended relating to metropolitan recreation and/or park districts: and WHBRBAS, said Bill contained a provision whereby a home rule city constitut- ing a portion of such a recreation and/or park district could petition the Board of such district acting for and on behalf of the owners of all real and personal property located within the boundaries of such municipalities, and the boundaries of the diatrict, and pray the Board that all such real and personal property be excluded and taken from such diatrict: and WBBRBAS, the City of Englewood, a home rule city, conatitutea a portion of the South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Park District: and WHBRBAS, on March 13, 1964 such a petition waa filed with the said district on behalf of the City of Bnglewood:and WRBRBAS, the Board of Director• of the aaid diatrict ha• gmanted aaid petition and called an election throughout the entire diatrict, as provided by statute, to be held on June 23, 1964 on the question of whether or not the City of Englewood ahall be excluded from the aaid diatri~t: ROW, THEREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Coloaado, this 15th day of June, 1964, that the reaidenta of the City of Englewood and all other parsons who are eligible to vote as tax paying electors within the district, be and hereby are urged to vote at the election on June 23, 1964 for the exclusion of the City of Englewood from South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Park Diatrict. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 15th day of June,.1964 A.D. Mayor AT'l'BST: COUNCILMAN HANSON SECONDED, THAT TBB RESOLUTION BE the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayes: councilmen Rice, Hanaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Raya: None. Absent: Councilman Kreiling. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Deputy City Clerk read the following reaolution in full: RESOLUTION WHBRBAS, it has been deemed necesaary and expedient that the City of Bngl.wood, aak for exclusion from the Metropolitan South Suburban Parka and Recreation District: and WBBRBAS, upon a favorable election on same, to be held June 23, 1964, the City will be excluded from said District: and WBBllBAS, the City will be required to purchase from the Metropolitan South Suburban Parka and Recreation District all asset• owned by said District within the corporate limit• of the City of Englewood: and WHBRBAS, the Deputy City Clerk-Treasurer has certified that theee are eligible unappropriated caak surpluses at this time sufficient to cover the re- quired aupplemental appropriation: ROW, THEREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED that $25,000 be transferred from the Unappro- priated Surplus in the General Fund to the Public Improvement Fund and appropriated I I ii I Minute• of June 15, 1964 RESOLUTION WllBRBAS, the 1964 Colorado Legislature enacted Houae Bill #1035 and said Bill waa aigned by the Governor of the State: and WHBRBAS, aaid Bill amended 89-12-22 Colorado Reviaed Statute• 1953 as amended relating to metropolitan recreation and/or park districts: and WHBRBAS, said Bill contained a proviaion whereby a home rule city constitut- ing a portion of such a recreation and/or park district could ~etition the Board of such district acting for and on behalf of the owners of all real and personal property located within the boundaries of such municipalitiea, and the boundariea of th• district, and pray the Board that all such real and peraonal property be excluded and taken from such district: and WBBRBAS, the City of Englewood, a home rule city, conatitutea a portion of the South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Park District: and WBBRBAS, on March 13, 1964 such a petition waa filed with the said district on behalf of the City of Bnglewood:and WBBRBAS, the Board of Directors of the said district ha• CJll•nted said petition and called an election throughout the entire district, aa provided by statute, to be held on June 23, 1964 on the question of whether or not the City of Englewood •hall be excluded from the said diatrict: NOW, THEREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED by the City council of the City of Engl.wood, COlocado, this 15th day of June, 1964, that the residents of the city of Bngl9WOOd and all other persons who are eligible to vote as tax paying electors within the diatrict, be and hereby are urged to vote at the election on June 23, 1964 for the excluaion of the City of Englewood from South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Park Diatrict. ADOPTED AHD APPROVED this 15th day of June,· 1964 A.O. Mayor AT'l'BST: COUBCILMAN HANSOM SBCOMDBD, THAT TBB RBSOLUTIOM BB the call of the roll, th• vote resulted •• follows: Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Hanson, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Maya: None. Abaent: Councilman Kreilinq. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Deputy City Clerk read the following resolution in full: RESOLUTION WHBREAS, it ha• been deemed necessary and expedient that the City of Bngl.wood, aak for exclusion from the Metropolitan South Suburban Parks and Recreation Diatrict: and WBBRBAS, upon a favorable election on same, to be held June 23, 1964, the City will be excluded from said District: and WBBRBAS, the City will be required to purcha•• from th• Metropolitan South Suburban Park• and Recreation District all aaaeta owned by said District within the corporate limit• of the city of Englewood: and WHBRBAS, the Deputy City Clerk-Treaaurer ha• certified that theee are eligible unappropriated ca•k aurpluaea at thi• time aufficient to cover the re- quired aupplemental appropriation: llOW, THEREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED that $25,000 be transferred from the Unappro- priated Surplus in the General Fund to the Public Improvement Fund and appropriated . I I I I I I I I Minute• of June 15, 1964 for the purpo•• of purchaaing aasets of the Metropolitan South Suburban Park• and Recr .. tion Diatrict. ADOPTBD ARD APPROVBD thi• 15th day Of June, 1964. Mayor ATTUTs BD, COUBCILMAll ALLD SBCOllDBD, THAT THB RESOLUTION TO PUllCHASB 'ftlB PROPBRft FROM THE MBTROPOLITAN SOU'ftl SUBURBAB PARKS Al1D RBCRBATION DISTRICT BB ADOPTBD AID> APPROVBD, AND THAT TBB CITY RBQUBST EXCLUSION PRIOR TO JULY 1, 1964. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Banaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Raya: Rone. Abaent: Councilll&D Kreiling. The Mayor declared th• motion carried. 641-70 RBGARDIBG ISSUABCB OF LIQUOR LICBRSB TO ARAPAHOB LIQUORS COUllCILMAB PULLBRTOR JIOVBD, COUBCILMAB RICE SBCORDBD, THAT THE PUBLIC BBARIRG o• TRB ISSUAllCB OF A LIQUOR LICDSB POR ROBBRT R. LBINO dba ARAPABOB LIQUORS, 4401 SOUTH BROADNAY, BB OPBRBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Banaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Raya: Mone. Abaent: Councilman Kreiling. The Mayor declared the motion carried. (Councilman Kreiling entered and took hie aeat on the Council.) The Mayor aaked thoae in attendance who were in favor of the licenae to atand. !'here were twelve. He alao aaked for thoae who were oppoaed to the licenae. There were five. Mr. Bige, owaer of Drug Fair Drug Store, 4202 South Broadway, stated that he waa alao repreaenting Mr. Lidke, owner of the Cherrylyn Drug Store, 4285 South Broadway. They believed that the requirement• of the neighborhood were being taken care of. Mr. Bige preaented petitions containing approximately 270 aigna- turea. The petition reads aa follows: •Application ha• been made for a package liquor licenae at 4401 South Broadway by a Robert R. Iieino. We the following reaidenta think that thi• area ia now being adequately served by the existing outlets and that there is no need for another liquor outlet in this area." Mr. M. M. SU111Dera, 3140 South Delaware, oppoaed the issuance of the licenae because there was no building at this time and that there beinq two drug store• having liquor licenses nearby the needs of the neighborhood were adequately aerved. The Mayor aaked the proponents to preaent their case. Mr. R. Hoyt, attorney repreaenting Robert R. Leino dba Arapahoe Liquora, reviewed that the property had been poated for more than ten days •n• rewiewe• 'ft•' 'ft• prep••'Y ft•• eeen ... -.. fer •••• Mten -•n ••Y• and legal notice of publication had been prepared by the City Clerk to set forth the time and date of this hearing. He reported that the finding• of the Police Department had been prepared and mailed five days in advance of the hearing, to the applicant aa provided by law. Mr. Hoyt introduced Mr. Robert Liano, the applicant, for the liaence. Mr. LAeno preaented drawings of the propoaed building and atated hi• total inveatment in the atore and building would be approximately $75,000. He atated .that he was not within five hundred feet of any achool. Mr. Liano atated that he ia one-half owner of Bell Center. Minute• of June 15, 1964 Mr. Leino preaented eleven petitions containing 1159 name• obtained within an area of six blocks in each direction of the propoaed atore and believed the requirement• of the neighborhood are not being adequately aerved. The petion read aa follows: "We, the underaigned citizen•, reaident• of voting age of the County of Arapahoe, Colorado, re•iding in the vicinity of 4401 South Broadway, Englewood, Colorado, reapectfully petition and requeat you, th• local licenaing authority to approve the application of Arapahoe Liquor• for a retail liquor store license for •ale by the package only at 4401 south Broadway, Englewood, Colorado. We believe the reasonable need• of the COlllllunity require •uch a licen•e and by this petition express our desire as an inhabitant that said application be approved." Mr. Boyt introduced the following peraon• to testify as to the character of Mr. Liano and the deairablity of the liquor licenae being iaaued: Mr. Leo Hemphill, 4386 South Sherman, Mr. G. H. Watmore, 3900 South Blati, Mr. Watmore alao mm• property at 4415 South Broadway1 Mr. Robert s. Abell, 4020 South Pox Street, Buddy N. Richardaon, 4500 South Acoma, and John Caldwell, 4256 South Penn. In rebuttal Mr. Bige, son of the owner of Drug Pair Drug Store, atated he did not believe there wa• a need for auch a atore aa the two liquor licenaed drug atorea could provide the needs of the neighborhood. Mr. Summers stated he did not believe the amount of signature• on petitions were repreaentative. COUHCILMAN RICE MOVED, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SECO&DBD, THAT THE PUBLIC REARING BB CLOSBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reauted aa follows: Aye•: councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Raya: None. Absent: None. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. COURCILMAB RICB MOVED, COUNCIIMAN PULLBR'roN SBCONDBD, THAT THE APPLICATION POR ARAPAHOE LIQUORS BB TABLED FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Aye•: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Nay•: None. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-6 PROCEEDINGS OF Pl.ANNING AND ZONING CCIUUSSIGN MEETING OP JUNE 3, 1964 The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 632-72 Rezoning of city Park ~ Adjacent Land• from R-1-c ,.t2 B-1 Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Braun A BILL POR AN ORDINANCE REZONING FR<»t R-1-C (SINGLE FAMILY RBSIDDTAL) TO B-1 (B8SINESS) CBRTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF BNGLBWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUN'l'Y, COLORADO caotORLY KNOWN AS THE ENGLEWOOD CITY PARK LARD, TBB BlfGLBM>OD CITYllALL UNO AND CBRTAIN PROPBRTY ADJOINING SUCH LANDS TO 'DIB WBST, MORE PARTICULARLY DBSCRIBBD TBBRBIN. * * * WBBRBAS, pur•uant to ordinance, the City Planning and zoning Commi••ion of the city of Bngl8WOOd, Colorado, ha• duly held public hearing on certain proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 26, Serie• of 1963, a• amended, of the ordinance of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, known aa the "zoning Ordinance of the City of BncJlewood," and ha• made recommendation of the adoption of an ordinance embodying •aid amendment: and, WBBRBAS, The City Council has complied with the rul•• preacribed by its charter and ordinance• in taking the preliminary ~ction in amending •aid Ordinance No. 26, Series of 1963, as amended: and WllBRBAS, the public neceasity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice• juatify the propoaed amendment of the zoning ordinance, a• hereinafter ••t forthr .....,.... I I I I I I I I Minutea of June 15, 1964 HOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINBD BY THE Cift COUHCIL OP 'MB Cift OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. The hereinafter described property located within the City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, ia hereby rezoned from R-1-C (Single Family Reaidential) to B-1 (Buaineaa) amending ordinance No. 26, Series of 1963 of the ordinance• of the City of Bngl.wood, COlorado, aaid property being comnonly known aa the Bnglewood City Park land, the Englewood City Hall land and certain property adjoining such lands to the weat, and being more particularly deacribed aa follows: A tract of land lying in Sections 33 and 34, T.4S., R.68W., 6th P.M., Arapahoe County, Colorado, deacribed aa followa: Beginning at the point at which the center line of s. Bannock Street inter- aecta with the north line of the S~awlt of aaid Section 341 thence weaterly along aaid north line of aaid s~swi. to the northweat corner of aaid slsswi.: thence weaterly along the north line of the SB\SB\ of aaid Section 33 to the eaaterly line of the Santa Fe Railway right-of-way: thence aouthweaterly along the eaaterly line of aaid right-of-way a diatance of 1128.33 feet: thence on an ~angle to the left of ioa•s4•2J" a diatance of 66.69 feet: thence on an angle to the right of 90°38'42" a diatance of 44.0 feet to the center line, aa extended, of the alley lying north of and parallel to the center line, aa extended, of w. Hampden Avenue, the center line of aaid alley being 201.0 feet, more or leaa, north of the aouth line of aaid Section 33: thence easterly along aaid center line, aa extended, of aaid alley a diatance of 970.0 feet, more or leaa, to a point 50.0 feet •••t of the weat line of aaid Section 34: thence northerly and parallel to the weat line of aaid Section 34 a diatance of 54.86 feet: thence on an angle to the right of 45°13'10" a diatance of 127.43 feet: thence on an angle to the right of 11°40'39" a diatance of 65.12 feet: thence aoutherly and parallel to the weat line of aaid Section 34 a diatance of 362.50 feet, more or leaa, to a point on the center line of w. Hampden Avenue1 thence eaaterly along aaid center line a diatance of 780.65 feet, more or leas, to a point on the center line of Elati Street aa extended from the north1 thence northerly along aaid center line, and center line aa extended, of aaid Elati Street a diatance of 642.99 feet, more or leaa, to a point on the north line of the SBllSWliSWlt of aaid Section 34: thence ea•terly alon9 the north line, and the north line •• extended, of aaid SBllBWll&Wlt to a point on the weat line of McKinley's Subdiviaion, Second Piling: thence northerly along said weat line of aaid McKinley' a Subdiviaion, Second Piling, to the northweat corner of aaid McKinley's Subdiviaion, Second Filingt thence ,eaaterly along the northerly line of aaid McKinley'• Subdiviaion, Second Piling, a diatance of 311.15 feet, more or leaa, to the northeaat corner of aaid McKinley'• Subdiviaion, Second Pilin91 thence aoutbeaaterly along the northerly line, aa extended, of McKinley'• Subdivision to a point ·on the center line of the alley lying between aaid McKinley'• Subdiviaion and Flood'• Additi~, aaid center line being 8 feet we•t of the weat line of lot• 3 through 8, inclusive, of aaid Plood'a Addition: thence northerly along aaid center line of said alley to the aouth line, •• extended, of lot 2 of said Flood'• Addition: thence eaaterly along the aouth line, aa extended, of aaid Lot 2 to a point on the center line of s. Bannock Street: thence northerly along aaid center line to the point of beginning. Section 2. The City council hereby finda, determine• and declares that the hereinabove change in rezoning is justified by the public neceaaity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices. Introduced aa a Bill for an Ordinance at the regular meeting of the City council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, on June 15, 1964, read a firat time in full and aet for public hearing before aaid City council at the regular meeting of the City Council on July 20, 1964 at 8:00 P.M. in the council Chamber• at the City Ball, 3345 s. Bannock Street, Englewood, Colorado. Notice of said hearing emJ>odying thia Bill for an Ordinance in full, oedered by the City Council to be publiahed in full in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae, at leaat fifteen days before aaid hearing. Mayor ATTBSTz Minute• of June 15, 1964 wa~ read for the first time. COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN RICE SBCONDBD, 'IBAT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HBARilfG BB SBT FOR MONDAY, JULY 20, 1114, AND PUBLISHBD IN PULL IN THE BNGLBWOOD llBRALD ARD BNTBRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follow•: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Braun, Love, Allen. Naya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-8 PROCEEDINGS OF LIBRARY BOARD MEETING OF JUNE 9, 1964 The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 641-5 PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF CAREER SERVICE COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF JUNE 10, 1964 'ftle Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. RECESS The Mayo~ called a recess of the Council at 10:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 'ftle Mayor called the meeting to order at 10:15 P.M. with the following per- aons present: Councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Absent: None. 'l'he Mayor declared a quorum present. 641-90 REZONING OP PROPERTY WEST OF SOUTH CLAY STREET BX'l'ENDBD Introduc*J as a Bill by councilman Rice A BILL POR AB ORDIDNCE REZONING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBBD PROPBR'l'r PROM R-1-C (SINGLB FAMILY RBSIDD'l'IAL) TO I-1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) SAID PROPBR'l'r BEING LOCATBD IN THE CITY OP BIJGLBWOOD, COUN'l'r OF ARAPAHOE, COLORADO, ARD BBIRG MORB PARTICULARLY DBSCRIBBD AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SB CORNBR OP '1'HB NW\ OP 'l'HB SSli OP SBC'l'IDN 9, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 68 WEST OF 'MB 6TH P.M.r 'l'BBHCB NORTH ALONG TBB BAST LIN~ OF SAID NW\ OF THE ssi. A DISTANCE OF 856 PBBT MORE OR LESS TO A POIRT WBBRB THE CENTER LINE EXTENDED OF A TRIBUTARY DITCH OP THB BROWN DITCH Ill'l'BRSBC'l'S SAID BAST LINE OF THB NW\ OF THE sza.1 THENCE SOUTHWBSTBRLY ALONG 'l'RB CBll'l'BR LINE OF SAID TRIBUTARY DITCH EXTBNDBD '1'0 A POIBT WllBRB SAID CENTERLIN BX'l'BllDBD IBTERSECTS THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NW\ OF THE SSlir 'l'BDCE BAST ALONG THE 80UTB LID OF SAID NW\ OP THE SB\ A DISTANCE OP 153.S PBBT MORB OR LESS TO THE POI!l'l' OP BBGINNING. WBBRBAS, pursuant to ordinance, the City Planning and zoning Commission of the City of Englewood, Colorado, has duly held public hearing on a certain pro- posed amendment to Ordinance No. 26, Series of 1963, aa amended, of the ordi- nances of the City of Englewood, Colorado, known aa the "zoning Ordinance of the eity of Bnglewood," and baa made reconunendation of the adoption of an ordinance embodyilMJ said amendment: and, WHBRBAS, the City Council has complied with the rules prescribed by its charter and ordinances in taking the preliminary action in amending said Ordinance Ho. 26, Series of 1963, as amendedr and WBBRBAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices justify the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance, as hereinafter set forth: BOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUllCIL OP THB CITY OF ENGLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. The hereinafter described property located within the City of Bngl.wood, county of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, is hereby rezoned from R-1-C (Single Family Residential) to I-1 (Light Induatrial) amending Ordinance No. 26, Series of 1963, of the ordinance of the City of Bng19WOC>d, Colorado, aaid pro- perty located in the City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, Colorado and being more particulary deacribed as follows: Beginning at the SB corner of the NW\ of the SBlti of Section 9, Township S South, Range 68 West of the 6th P.M.1 thence North along the east line of .. id NW\ of the SB\ a distance of ,, I I I I I I I llinutea of June 15, 1964 156 feet more le•• to a point where the center line extended of a tributary ditch of the Brown Ditch interaecta aaid ~•••t line of the ..._ of the SBlt: thence Southwesterly along the center li~e of aaid tributary ditch extended . to a point where aaid centerlineextended interaecta the aouth line of aaid 8"" of the &Biii thence Baat along the aouth line of aaid ~ of the SBlt a diatance of 153.5 .feet more , or leaa to the point of beginning. Section 2. The City Council hereby finda, determine• and declares that the hereinabove change in rezoning is justified by the public necessity, con- venience, general welfare and good zoning practices. Introduced as a Bill for an Ordinance at the regular meeting of the City council of the City of Englewood, colorado, on June 15, 1964, read a first time in full and aet for public hearing before aaid City council at the regular meeting of the City Council on July 20, 1964 at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at the City Ball, 3345 S. Bannock Street, Englewood, COlorado. Notice of said hearing ~yinq this Bill. for an Ordinance in full, ordered by the City Cou~cil to be publiahed in full in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae, at least fifteen days before said hearing. Mayor A'l'TBST: was read for COUBCILMAN RICE MOVBD, COUNCILMAN KRBILDfG SBOOaJDBD, 'l'BAT THE PROPOSED BILL BB PUBLISBBD IN FULL IN THE EllGLBWOOD m•M.1Al9 1D'l'DPRI8B AllD THAT PUBLIC HBAR- I8G BB SB'!' POR MONDAY, JULY 20, 1964 AT 8:00 P.11. IR '1'BB CITY COUNCIL alAMBBRS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Raya: None. Absent: None. 'l'be Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-91 REZONING OF THE 2900 AND 3000 BLOCKS OF SOUTH DOWNING STREET Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Fullerton A BILL POR AB ORDIHARCE REZONING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBBD PROPBRft PR<»t R-1-A (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO R-1-C (SIRGLE FAMILY RBSIDD'l'IAL) SAID PROPBRTY BEING LOCA'l'BD IN THE Cift OF BNGLBWOOD,ARAPAHOB COUR'l'Y, COLORADO, ON THE WES'l' SIDE OP TBB 2900 AND 3000 BLOCKS OF SOUTH DOWllIHG, AllD BEDIG MORE PARTICULARLY DES- CRIBBD AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OP LARD IR 'l'HB 8"", SBCTIOH 35, ftMNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RARGB 68 WEST OF THE 6TB GP.M. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BBGIIOJING AT A POINT BEING TBB Ill'J.'BRSECTION OF THE CEN'l'ERLIHB OF 'MB DOWRIHG-COR011A ALLBY WITH THE CENTERLINE OP BAST BATES AVBHUE, SAID POINT BEING ALSO A POIRT OR THE HOW EXISTING R-1-C RBSIDBllTIAL ZOHB DISTRICT: TBDCE MST ALOHG SAID CBl1'1'BRLIHB OF BAST BATES AVEHUB TO ITS Ill'J.'BRSBCTION WITH THE CBHTBRLIHB OP SOUTH DOWITING STRBBT: TBBNCB SOU'l'H ALOIJG SAID CD'l'BRLIRB OF SOOTH DOWHIHG STREIT TO ITS IHTBRSBCTION WITH THE CBHTBR- LillB OP BAST DARTMOUTH AVBNUB: THENCE WEST ALONG SAID CDTBRLINE OF BAST DARTMOUTH AVBllUB, SAID CDTBRLINE BEING ALSO THE BOUNDARY OP THB HOW DISTING R-1-C RBSIDBllTIAL ZOHB DISTRICT TO ITS INTERSECTION WI'm THE APORDIBNTIONBD CBNTERLINB OP '1'llB DOWNING-CORONA ALLEY: TBDCB NORTH ALONG SAID CBHTBRLilfB OF THE DOWl!fING- COROllA ALI.BY, SAID CD1'1'BRLINB BEING ALSO 'MB BOUHDARY OF THE HOW EXISTING R-1-C RBSIDDl'l'IAL ZOlfB DISTRICT, TO 'MB POINT OF BBGIDIHG ALL IN '1'HB CITY OP BlfGLBWOOD, CX>Ull'!Y OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO. WBBRBAS, purauant to ordinance, the City Planning and zoning Commiasion of the City of Bnqlawood, colorado, has duly held public hearing on a certain propoaed amendment to Ordinance llo. 26, Series of 1963, a• amended, of the ordinances of the City of Englewood, colorado, known a• the "ZOning Ordinance of the City of Bnglewood.• and ha• made recommendation of the adoption of an ordinance embodying aaid amendment: and, WllBRBAS, the City Council baa complied with the rulea prescribed by its charter and ordinance• in taking the preliminary action in amending said Ordinance llo. 26, Series of 1963, as amended: and Minute• of June 15, 1964 WBBRBAS, the public neceasity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning parctices justify the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance, as hereinafter aet forth: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP 'DIE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. The hereinafter described property located within the City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, i• hereby rezoned fJDm R-1-A (Single Family Reaidential) to R-1-C (Single Family Re•idential) amending ordinance No. 26, Serie• of 1963 of the ordinance• of the City of Engl.wood, Colo•ado, said property located on the Weat aide of the 2900 and 3000 block• of South Downing, City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, more particularJy deacribed a• follows: A parcel of land in the NW\, Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 West, of the 6th e;&. deacribed as follows: Beginning at a point being the interaection of the centerline of the Downing-Corona alley with the centerline of Baat Bate• Avenue, said point being also a point on the now exiating R-1-C Reaidential zone Diatrict: thence east along said centerline of Baat Bate• Avenue to it• intersection with the centerline of South Downing Street: thence aouth along said centerline of South Downing Street to it• intersection with said centerline of Bast Dartmouth Avenue: thence west along said centerline of Bast Dartmouth Avenue, aaid centerline being alao the boundary of the now exiating R-1-C Reaidential zone Diatrict to it• intersection with the aforementioned centerline of the Downing-Corona alley: thence north along said centerline of the Downing-Corona alley, said centerline being also the boundary of the now existing R-1-C Reaidential zone Diatrict, to the point of beginning all in the City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado. Section 2. The City Council hereby finds, determine• and declares that the hereinabove change in rezoning i• justified by the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices. Introduced as a Bill ,for an Ordinance at the regul•r meeting of the City council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, on June 15, 1964, read a first time in full and set for public hearing before aaid City council at the regular meet- ing of the City council on July 20, 1964 at 8100 P.M. in the Council Chamber• at the City Hall, 3345 s. Bannock Street, Bnglewood, Colorado. Notice of said hearing embodying this Bill for an Ordinance in full, ordered by the City Council to be published in full in the Bnglewood Herald and BnterDrite, at least fifteen days before said hearing. Mayor ATTBST: waa read for COUBCILMAN PULLBR'l'Oll MOVBD, COUllCilllAll ALLIB SBCOllDBD, 'l'HAT llOTICB OF PUBLIC llBAllillG WAS ORDBRBD TO BB PUBLISHBD Ill FULL Ill TBS lmGLBWOOD RBRALD AND BNTBRPRISB AT LBAST PIPTBBN DAYS BEFORE HEARING. Upon the call of the rqll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Braun,· Allen, Love. Haya: None. Abaent: None • ., ' 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. ATTORNEY'S CHOICE 641-57 SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION 4400 SOUTH HURON The City Attorney stated that he was having trouble obtaining an easement for aewer at 4011 South Huron and asked for authority to condemn if necessary. COUllCIIMAN BRAUN MOVBD, COUllCILMAN ALLB!l SBCOllDBD, '!BAT 'ftlB CITY ATTORNEY BB INSTRUCTED TO PROCEED AS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN TllB SBWBR BASBMEN'l'. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follow•: I I I I I I I I Minute• of June 15, 1964 Aye•: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Raya: Rone. Abaent: None. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Attorney aaked for permiaaion to proceed with condemnation of a tract of land belonging to the 1075 Corporation. 'l'hi• tract i• on South Huron Street between Dartmouth and Baatman Avenue• (3100 block). COURCILMAN HANSON MOVED, COUNCILMAN FULLBR'l'OR SBCORDBD, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BB AUTBOIUZBD TO PROCEED AS NECESSARY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted a• follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Raya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. CITY MAHAGBR 641-19 RENEWAL OF SALES TAX AUDITOR CONTRACT The City Manager a•ked that funds be approved to extend the auditing services in the Sales Tax diviaion. The following reaolution waa presented and read in full: RESOLUTION WBBRBAS, it ha• been deemed necessary and expedient to provide auditing servtces for the Sales Tax Division: and WBBRBAS, it ha• been determined that it is desirable to contract with Mr. Bently Jenka, C.P.A. for this service for a three-month renewal period: and WBBRBAS, auch a contract will require the appropriation to the Sales Tax Division for Auditing Services of $1,800.00: and WllBRBAS, the City Clerk-Treasurer ha• certified that there are sufficient Unappro- priated Cash Surplu• balance• available in the General Fund for additional appropria- tion: mow, TBBRBFORB, BE IT RESOLVED that the 1964 appropriation for Finance and Record Departmen~, Proqram 420, be increa•ed by the amount of $1,800.00: and BB IT PUR'l'BBR RESOLVED ,that the City Clerk-Treasurer i• authorized and directed to make •uch revision of the 1964 Budget and in the related totals and sub-totals. ADOPTm> AND APPROVED thi• 15th day of June, 1964 A.D. Mayor ATTEST: COUNCILMAN RM!£ MOVED, COUNCILMAN FULLERTON SECONDED, THAT THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTBD ARD APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Aye•: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. llaya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 451 452 Minutes of June 15, 1964 641-100 URBAN TRARSPORTATIO& PLA!DTING The City Manager •poke of an agreement with other metropolitan area agencie• on Urban Tran•portation Study. After di•cu••ion no action wa• taken. 641-71 1965 PAY PLAN The City Manager a•ked that it be con•idered at thi• time. Discussion ensued. COUHCILMAN FULLBR'l'ON MOVBD, COUNCILMAN BAllSOB IBCONDBD, THAT 'DIE CITY MANAGER PROCBBD WI'l'H 'l'HB PREPARATION OP 'MB BUDGB'l' WITHOUT APPROVAL OP 'ftlB PAY PLAN ARD TBA'!' 'l'RB PAY LEVEL OP TBB PLA!DTI&G DIRECTOR BB COBSIDDBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re•ulted a• follows: Ay .. : Councilman Rice, Kreiling, Han•on, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Nay•: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. COUllCIIHAN FULLERTON MOVED, COUNCILMAN RICB SECONDED, THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE A PAY INCREASE OP $500.00 A YEAR POR CI'l'Y MAMACISR S'l'ANLBY H. DIAL BPPBC'l'IVB JUNE 1, 1964. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re•ultad as follows: Aye•: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Han•on, Fullerton, Braun, Allan, Love. Nays: None. Ab•ent: None. 'ftle Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-11 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT POR NAY, 1964 COUHCILMAN HANSON MOVED, COUNCIIMAN PULLERTO& SECONDED, THAT THE CITY MANAGER'S llOl1'1'BLY REPORT POR MAY, 1964 BB ACCEPTED. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote re•ulted a• follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Rice, Kreilin9, Hanaon, Pullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. llay•: None. Ab•ent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-84 RELATING TO DRAINAGE 3100 BLOCK SOUTH LAPAYB'l"l'B COUBCILMAll FULLERTON MOVED, COUBCILMAll HAllSOR SBCOllDBD, THAT THB CITY ATTORNEY ARD CITY MANAGER PROCEED WI'M AN AGREEMEllT WITH MR. JBLTIMA POR COVERING OF THE DI'l'CB IN THE 3100 BLOCK soum LAFAYE'l"l'E S'l'REB'l'. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re•ulted as follows: Aye•: Councilmen Rica, Kreiling, Han•on, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Nay•: None. Alt•ent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-87 SUBDIVISION OF ENGLEWOOD I&DUSTRIAL PARK The City Manager stated that Industrial Builders, Inc. were unable to obtain the type of bond requested by the City, however, the program could be included in the next years paving district. COUHCIIMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCIIMAN ALLEN SBCOBDBD, THAT 'l'BB CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THB PLAT ARD THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CLBRK BB AU'l'HORIZBD TO SIGN SAME PROVIDBD THE INDUSTRIAL BUILDERS, INC. PROVIDE U AGRBIMJD1'1' SATISFACTORY TO 'l'llE CI'l'r ATTORNEY TO ms BFFBCT THAT THE STREETS WITBI• '1'llB SUBDIVISION WILL BE IRCLUDBD IN PAVIllG DISTRICT NO. 15 OR SUBSBQUBll'l' PAVI&G DISTRICTS AT THB DISCRE- TION OP 'ftlB CITY COUNCIL. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote re•ulted as follow•: Ayes: councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Han.on, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Nays: None. Ab•ent: None • 'ftle Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I I I I Minute• of June 15, 1964 641-95 &EPLACDIENT ON BOARD OP ADJUS'l'MDT AND APPEALS COUHCILMAH FULLERTON MOVED, COUNCIIMAN BAllSOll SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT MR. RICHARD O. LOllB, 4875 SOUTH KALAMATB BE APPOINTED TO FILL 'ftlB VACAllCY OR THB BOARD OF ADJUS'l'MBRT AND APPEALS. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted as follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Raya: None. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-94 STATE-WIDE SALB& TAX COUBCILMAR BRAUN MOVBD, COURCIIMAN ALLBll SBCOllDBD, THAT THE Cift OF BNGLBWOOD QO OR RBCORD AS OPPOSING THE PROPOSED ONE PBR CDT S'l'ATE SALES TAX AS PRESENTED IR ITS PRBSBNT FORM. Upitn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Aye•: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Nay•: None. Abaent: None. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. ADJOURR COURCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN HANSON SBCOllDBD, THAT 'DIE MEETING BE ADJOURRBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayea: Councilmen Rice, Kreiling, Hanaon, Fullerton, Braun, Allen, Love. Naya: None. Ab•ent: None • The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 12140 A.M. I•/ J. L. Barron, Deputy City Clerk Clerk of the council 'l'he minutes of the meeting of the City council of the City of Englewood, COlorado, held on the 15th day of June, 1964 A.D., atand approved as corrected thi• 13th day of June, 1964 A.D. ~4"~~~· ----~ -Diputy city Clerk