HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-08-03 (Regular) Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL CHAMBBRS CITY OF DGLBWOOD, COLORADO AUGUST 3, 1964 REGULAR MEETING: The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met en Monday, August 3, 1964, in the Council Chamber•, City Hall, Englewood, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor Love preaiding called the meeting to order and the invocation was given by the Reverend Arlin Reydon, Jr. of the Ha-.cS•n Hilla Baptiat Church. The Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following peraon• were preaent: Councilmen: Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Alao Preaent: City Manager Dial, Adminiatrative Aaaiatant Malone, Aaaiatant City Attorney Myrick, City Clerk Chaae. Absent: Councilman Allen. The Mayor declared a quorum present. 642-2 COHSIDBRATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS COUHCILMAN FULLERTON MOVED, COUNCILMAN RICB SECONDED, THAT THE MINUTES FOR THE COUHCIL MBBTDIGS OP JULY 6, 1964, JULY 13, 1964, AND JULY 20, 1964 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Fullerton, Hanaon, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Raya: None. Abaent: Councilman Allen. 'ftle Mayor declared the motion carried. 642-26 RELATING TO VARIOUS MINUTES AND REPORTS Minute• of the Planning and zoning Commiaaion, July 22nd and July 29th: Public Library Board, July 21st: Board of Career Service Commissioners, July 22nd: cash receipts and expenditures for Policemen's Pension Fund and Firemen's Pension Fund: together with reconnendation that a one mill levy be neceaaary to overcome the continuing increase of liabilities over assets of the Firemen'• Pension Fund were received by the Council. COUHCILMAN BRAUH MOVED, OOUHCILMAN FULLERTOH SECONDED, THAT THE MEMOS AND REPORTS BB REPBRRED TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR CONSIDERATION IN PREPARING THE 1965 BUDGET. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Fullerton, Hanaon, Kreiling, Rice, Love. lfaya: None. Abaent: Councilman Allen. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-90 RBLATillG TO REZONING OF LAND WEST OF CLAY STREET, SOUTH OF WBST UNION Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Rice BY AUTHORITY ORDINANCE NO. 14, SBRIBS OF 1964 AN ORDilfANCB REZONING THE FOLLOWING DBSCRIBBD PROPERTY FROM R-1-C (SINGLE FAMILY RBSIDDITIAL) TO I-1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) SAID PROPERTY BBilfG LOCATED IN 'DIE Cift OP BlfGLBWOOD, COUHTY OP ARAPAHOE, COLORADO, AND BEillG MORE PARTICULARLY DBSCRIBBD AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SE COIUIBR OF TBB llWJii OF THE SEii OF SBCTIOlf 9, TOWllSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 68 WBST OP TBB 6'ftl P.M.: THBllCB lfOR'ftl ALOlfG 'llB BAST LID OP SAID RWli OF THB SEii A DISTANCE OP 856 PBBT MORB OR LBSS '1'0 A PODl'l' WBBRB THE CENTER LINE BXTBNDBD OP A TRIBUTARY DITCH OP THB BaOWN DITCH Ill'l'BRSBCTS SAID BAST LID OP THE NW\ OP THB SEii: mBlfCE SOUTHWBSTERLY ALONG TRB CDTBR LID OF SAID TRIBUTARY DITCH EXTBHDBD '1'0 A POINT WHBRB SAID CENTBR- LilfB BXTDJDBD INTERSECTS THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID RWll OF 'l'HB SB1i1 THBlfCE EAST ALOIJG 'ftlB SOU'l'H LINE OF SAID NW\ OP THE SEii A DISTamCE OF 153.5 PEE~ MORE OR LBSS '1'0 THE POINT OF BBGINNilfG. I I I !I I -..;_ I Minutes of August 3, 1964 COURCILMMI RICE MOVED, COUNCILMMI PULLBRTON SECOHDBD, THAT ORDINANCE NO. 14, SERIBS OP 1964 BB PASSED ON PINAL RBADIRG AND ORDBRBD PUBLISHED IN FULL IN 'l'BB DJGLBWOOD HBRALD AND DJTBRPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Nays: Hone. Absent: Councilman Allen. 'l'be Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-91 RELATING TO REZONING OF CRYSTAL ACRBS SUBDIVISION Introduced as a bill by councilman Fullerton BY AUTHORITY ORDINANCE NO. 15, SERIES OP 1964 AN ORDINANCE REZORIRG THE FOLLOWING DBSCRIBBD PROPER'l'r FRC»t R-1-A (SINGLE FAMILY RBSIDBllTIAL) TO R-1-C (SINGLE FAMILY RBSIDDTIAL) SAID PROPBRTY BEING LOCATED IR THE CI'l'r OP DIGLBWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUN'l'r, COLORADO, ON 'l'BE WEST SIDE OP TBB 2900 AND 3000 BLOCKS OF SOU'l'B DOWNING, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND IN THE ~' SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTB, RARGB 68 WBST OP THE 6TH P.M. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS& BBGINNING AT A POill'l' BBIRG THE IR'l'BRSECTION OF THE CENTERLINE OP THB DOWRING-CORONA ALLEY WI'l'B THE CBNTBRLINB OF EAST BATES AVBNUE, SAID POINT BEING ALSO A POINT ON TBB ROW EXISTING R-1-C RESIDENTIAL ZONE DISTRICT: THBRCB BAST ALONG SAID CBll'l'BRLINB OP BAST BABS AVENUE TO rrs INTERSBCTION WITH THE CBNTBRLINB (OP SOUTH DOWNING STRBBT: 'l'HBNCE SOUTH ALONG SAID CBNTBRLID OP SOUTH DOWNING STRBBT TO ITS INTBRSBCTION WITH THE CBH'l'BRLID OP BAST DAR'DIOt11'H AVDJUE: THENCE WBST ALORG SAID CBRTBRLIRE OF BAST DAR'l'MOUTH AVBllUB, SAID CDITBRLID BEING ALSO '1'llB BOUllDARY OP 'l'HB ROW EXISTING R-1-C RBSIDBNTIAL ZOD DISTRICT TO ITS IN'l'ER- SBC'!'ION WI'l'B THB APORDIBl1'1'IODD CENTERLID OP 'l'HB DOWIJillG-CORORA ALLEY: THDCB IK>R'l'B ALONG SAID CBllTBRLIH OF 'l'BE DOWNIRG-CORONA ALLBY, SAID C.DTBRLINB BEING ALSO 'l'HB BOU1IDUY OF THE NOW BXISTIRG R-1-C RBSIDDITIAL ZOU DISTRICT, TO THE POnrI' OP BBGIDING ALL IN THE CITY OP DJGLBWOOD, CX>Ull'ft OP ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO. COURCILMMI FULLBRTOR MOVED, COURCILMAN HANSOR SEOC?llDBD, THAT ORDIRANCE NO. 15, SBRIBS OP 1964, BE .t..PASSBD ON SECOND AND PINAL RBADING AND ORDBRBD PUBLISHED IN PULL IR THE BlfGLBWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as followa: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Fullerton, Hanaon, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Raya: None. Abaent: Councilman Allen. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-72 RELATIRG TO REZONING OP CITY PARK LAND I Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Braun. I BY AUTHORITY ORDIRANCE NO. 16, SERIES OF 1964 AN ORDIRANC• RBZORING FRC»I R-1-C (SINGLE FAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL) TO B-1 (BUSIDSS) CBRTAIR PROPBR'l'r LOCATED IN THE CITY OP BIJGLBWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUN'l'r, COLORADO, CXl4MORLY IQJOW& AS THE ENGLEWOOD CI'l'r PARK LMID, '1'BB ENGLEWOOD CITY BALL LAlll> AND CBRTAIN PROPER'l'r ADJOINING SUCH LARDS TO THB WEST, MORE PARTI- CULARLY DBSCRIBBD THBRBIR. COUBCIIMAB BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN RICE SECORDBD, THAT ORDINANCE NO. 16, SBRIBS OP 1964, BB PASSED ON FillAL READING MID ORDBRBD PUBLISHED IN PULL IN '1'BB BIJGLBWOOD HBRALD AND BRTBRPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Fullerton, Hanaon, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Raya: None. Abaent: councilman Allen. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Minute• of Auquat 3, 1964 641-84 RELATING TO DRAINAGE WAY IN CHRISTBNSBN SUBDIVISION Introduced aa a Bill by councilman Fullerton BY AUTHORITY ORDINANCE NO. 16, SERIBS OF 1964 AN ORDIHARCE AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE TO THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS OF A CERTAIN DRAINAGE WAY LOCATED •BTWBBN LOTS 4 AND S, CHRISTENSEN SUBDIVISION, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO, TO BE COVBRBD Br SAID ABUTTING OIOJBRS, EXCEPT FOR MT BASBMBR'l' FOR UTILI'l'r PURPOSES TO BE RETAINED Br THE Cift OF ENGLEWOOD •. COUNCILMAN FULLERTON aoVED, COUNCii.MAN RICE SECONDED, l'HAT ORDINANCE NO. 17, SERIES OF 1964 BE PASSED ON FINAL READING AND ORDBRBD PUBLISHED IN FULL IN TBB BNGLBWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote res- ulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Fullerton, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Nays: councilmen Braun, Hanson. Absent: councilman Allen. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 641-94 REGARDING CONSTI'l'UTIONALift OF SALES TAX Question of joining Denver in oppoaing the attack on conatitutionality of sales tax. Diacuaaion enaued. COUNCILMAN RICE MOVED, COUNCILMAN FULLBR'l'OR SECORDBD, 'l'BAT THE Cift OF BllGLBWOOD JOIN DENVER, HOWEVER, NO MONIBS TO BB CCIOIITTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as followa: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Allen. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 642-13 SALE OF TRACT OF LAND NEAR WEST UllION & EAST OF SOUTH PLATTE RIVER The Assistant City Attorney presented sale of a tract of land near Weat Union Avenue and East of the South Platte River to Mr. Dale H. Rea. Discussion ensued. The 1\Council agreed for an ordinance to be prepared by the Aasistant City Attorney granting an easement to Mr. Rea instead of a sale, and be placed on the next council meeting agenda for first reading. 632-72 RELATING TO CORTRACT WITH NEW ENGLEWOOD CCllPABY FOR FLOYD AVENUE The Aaaiatant City Attorney recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk sign the agreement between the City of Englewood and the New Bnglewood Company aa recommended by the Planning and Zoning commission. PROPOSAL FOR 1964 AUDIT SBRVICBS The City Clerk read a proposal from Leslie B. Whittemore and Company to the Honorable Mayor and City council for the 1964 audit service•. COUNCILMAN RICB MOVED, COUNCILMAN ..... SBCONDED, TO ACCBPT '1'BB PROPOSAL, BUT TO ESTABLISH A BASE PRICE AT THE TIME OF '1'HB AUDIT. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayea: Counci~men Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Allen. The Mayor declared the motion carried. APPOIN'IMENT TO THE BUILDING CODE STUDY CC»IMITTEE Councilman Fullerton asked as to the status of a report. Councilman Braun aaked more apecifically as to the Houaing Code. The City Manager explained to the Council that the committee members and members of the Building Inspection Department have been working to update the Building Code to comply with the Denver Code. The namea of Mra. Ruby Mar•hall and Mr. Rex Garrett were submitt*i aa possible replacement• for Mr. Oscar McBee, deceased. I :I I I I I I I Minute• of Auguat 3, 1964 COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN PULLBR'l'ON SBCONDBD, THAT MR. RBX GA.RRBTT BE APPOIRTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Fullerton, Banaon, Kreilinq, Rice, Love. Nays: None. Abaent: Councilman Allen. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 642-27 DISCUSSION OF AIR POLLUTION CONTROL The City Manager informed the Council of receipt of the Air Pollution Control by laws as adopted by the City of Littleton and an invitation to join the agency. Discussion ensued. COUHCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN KRBILillG SECOllDBD, THAT TIE ASSISTAR'l' CITY ATTOIUIBY PRBPARE A FORMAL RESOLUTION POR THIS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Fullerton, Kreilinq, Rice, Love. Nays: Councilman Hanson. Absent: Councilman Allen. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 642-19 ABATJDlBNT OF NOISE OF SWEDISH HOSPITAL BOILER The City Manager and Councilman Fullerton adviaed the council that SWediah Hospital is trying to cooperate to remedy this situation. Discussion ensued. Councilman Rice recommended to qo alonq with SWediah Hoapital to see what correction can be made. The situation will be reviewed at Council meet- inq September 8, 1964. 642-27 REGARDING PARKING TIME LIMIT ON BROADWAY AND ADJOINING STREETS 'l'he City Manager presented a letter from Ambrose-Williams regarding ordi• nance effecting the parking time limit on Broadway and adjoining streets. COUllCILMAN RICB MOVED, COUNCILMAH FULLERTON SECOllDED, THAT THE ASSISTAllT Cift ATTORllBY DRAW UP 'l'BE NECESSARY ORDillAllCBS TO BE DISCUSSED AT THE NBXT COUBCIL MEETING. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Fullerton, Hanaon, Kreilinq, Rice, Love. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Allen. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. MAHAGBR'S CHOICB The City Manager informed the Council that the Public Service Company had paid $43,882.47 to the City of Englewood for the first six months of 1964 for Franchi•• Tax on qa• and electric revenue. The City Manager announced that the City Employees picnic will be held on Auqust 12, 1964 at 4100 P.M. in the City Park. He invited and encouraged all members of the City Council and their families to attend. 642-10 CONSIDERATIONS OF BILLS, CLAIMS ARD INVOICES FOR JULY, 1964 COUllCILMAIJ RICB MOVBD, COUNCILMAN FULLERTON SECONDED, THAT THE BILLS, CUIMS ARD IllVOICBS AS LISTED BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted •• follows: Ayes: Councilman Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreilinq, Rice, Love. llaya: Rone. Absent: Councilman Allen. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. NON-SCHEDULED CITIZENS & VISITORS Mr•. Julia Ostrousky, 744 West Dartmouth, Englewood, Colorado, appeared before Council to complain about the condition of the area on 3200 South Huron and 3200 South Fox. She stated there were rat• and skunk• beinq attracted to that area by qr••• clipping and qarbaqe beinq deposited there. Thia matter was referred to the City Manager'• Office for handling. Minute• of Auquat 3, 1964 Mr. M. M. SWDer•, 3140 South Delawa••· Bnglewood, Colorado, appeared before Council in regard to the lease with Von Prellick for City Ball and co- l•••• on Norgren Building. Be felt Mr. Von Prellick i• u•ing this aa a self aervice to take thi• plant out of competition to hia •hopping center. Mr. Jack Bachon, representing the Englewood Chamber of Commerce and the Bnqlewood Action Conaittee, appeared before Council to officially commend the City Council on the action they have taken the last two meetings in re•ard to the •ale and rezoning of the City Park land. City Manager Dial informed Council that next Monday, August 10, 1964 waa Bnglewood Day at Centennial Race 1'2ack, being apon•ored by the Englewood Chamber of Conaerce. Mayor Love announced to Council that the Arapahoe Mayor• Council will meet at the Hackney Bou•e on Thursday, Augu•t 6, 1964. Mr. Robert Leigh of the Inter-County Regional Planning Cormni••ion will apeak on "Open Space Planning". Councilmen Hanson and Fullerton (~entative) and Rice will attend. APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION COUNCIIMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN RICE SECONDED, THAT MR. ROBERT WHITCOMB, 3255 WBST CHENANGO, BE APPOINTED TO PILL THE STARKLOPP VACANCY ON THE PLANNING AlfD ZOllING COMMISSION, AND HE BE SO NOTIFIED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Fullerton, Ban•on, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Nay•: None. Ab•ent: Councilman Allen. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. COUNCILMAN FULLERTON MOVED, COUNCILMAN RICE SECOBDBD, THAT THE CITY MANAGER WRITE A LETTER TO MR. BERNARD BBAUSANG, OUT-GOING CITY CLERK-TREASURER IN RBCOG- llITION POR BIS LONG AND FAITHFUL SERVICE TO THE CITY OP BRGLEWOOD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re•ulted aa follows: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Fullerton, Ban•on, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Nay•: None. Ab•ent: Councilman Allen. 'l'be Mayor declared the motion carried. Councilman Rice rai•ed the que•tion a• to whether there waa preper liaaon ltetween the local official• and the State Highway Department personnel, or wa• auch liaaon being carried on by the TBaffic Conaultant Manager. The City Manager explained that the work on variou• project• with the State Highway peraonnel was being handled by local official•. ADJOURN COUNCIUIAN BARSOH MOVED, COUNCILMAR BRAUN SBCOBDBD, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURHBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re•ulted a• follow•: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Fullerton, Han•on, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Hays: None. Abaent: Councilman Allen. 'l'he Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M.,liMonday, August 3, 1964. I•/ Ray Chaae, City Clerk Clerk of the Council The minutes of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held on the 3rd day of August, 1964 A.D., atand approved •• written this 8th day of September, 1964 A.D. c:::---:2 t:F£~ ~ --~ity --Cleik I I I I