HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-03-24 (Regular) Meeting MinutesADlOUlUf~D REGtJLAR ~~!TI~n OF !H'! CITY COUNCIL or THI CI!T o~ EJIGLIWOOD, COLOBADO, THIS KOllDAY '!'HI 24th DAT OF !!ARCH, A.D. 1930, AT 7 O'CLOCK, P.X. 11&7or J.~.Abbott oall•d the ROLL CALL: meeting to order and aeted tor roll oall. Culli•on Ab•ent, lfl•l••n ~•••nt, Hall Preeent, MoCor4 Preeent, Pearce Pre•ent, Smith Preaent, 5 Preeent Ab••nt l. Clerk r•a4 bide tor Pire Ho•• troa 'I'll• weatern Beltin« A Paotine Coapa~ Colora4o In4uetrall SUppl7 Co•P&DT Bo7er Fire ApparatU8 Coapa~ w.s.Darle7 & Comp~ gureka Fire Hoee Ktg. Coapa~. Aldenaan ~l•laen KoTed,) Pearce Seconded,) !bat 500 teet ot 2t inoh Couple4 in tlft7 toot lengths, complete with coupling• fro• Th• weatern BeltiDB & Packing Co•P&DT• ROLL CALL: Vlotor Plr• Ho••• attaohed be purohaeed CUllleon Abaent, 1'1elaen A.79. 'Rall ue, Mo Corel A.7•, Pearce ue, S.lth ue. 5 J.7••, Abaent 1, Kqor ao or4wed Clerk read R••olution from Board ot Director• of Th• Chamber of Commerce u tollon: • In u auoh aa th• replar band oonoerta during tb• ewuaer are ao UA1Teraall7 enJ07ed b7 the 00111BUDlt7, ae a whole; tbe aerobante ehould not be coapelled to bear thl• expen•• alone, that the Clt7 be requeated to finance thil propoa1t1on; tbat the band atand be moved to the Chamber ot co .. eroe Park wb•r• aaple parting apace 11 aTailable. releavlng the oongeetion ln th• buain••• dletriot." After aoae dieoU8elon A14el'man •ocor4 KoTed,) Saith Seoon4ed,) !hat it ta the opinion of th• Counoll that the Clt7 la not finanoiall7 able at thla time to 1upport a bani. · ROLL CALL: Cullison Abeent, lttelaen U•. Alderman Hall Koved,) Hall AJe, MoCorl A79. Pearoe A7•. Slllth A79. 5 A.7••· Abaent l, Kqor eo ordered. •l•l••n Seoonded 1 ) That th• bridge aoroaa th• Cit7 Dltoh on K•~n ATenu• at So•th r.o.an Street be built b7 th• Street Departaent, the Cou.nt7 ~ pq half th• ezpen••· ROLL CA.U. s Cullleon Abeent, ll•l••n ue. Hall 178 • KoCol'i A.79, Pearoe A,7e , Sal tfl '7•, 5 U••· Abaent l, Kqor eo ordered. Alderaan Cullieon came at this time. J.W.Blaok. Cit7 '!:ngineer, preeented eetlmatea. for up ae tollowe: I will mak• a ooaplete eurTe7 ae to looation of th• 1.._1ewood Saat.t&rJ' Sewer S79tem and record the eame in th• eewer T book for th• •ma .ot •350.00. Will •ak• the aurTe7 and record the eaae on a linen traolng •P ot Inglewood drawn to a aoale of two hundred feet to the lnoh toe th• ·-of tsoo.oo !hi• waa referred to the SUppl7 co .. ittee. Dr J.llllnger preeentet petition aigned b7 eoae tift7 taxpqer1 aaklag th• Co.aell to ooll814er the puroha•• of the Alezand.er propert7 for a Cl,7 Rall an4 C1Tlo Center lt lt oould be eeourel at a reaaonabl• prioe • .ll•o a1klag the ~r and Cou.noil to zone th• bualn••• 1eotlon ot lllglewoo4 with a Tlew to ellalnate the further oon1truotion ot t1111ng 1tatlon1 an4 other undeeirable buildinc• in tbe bldin••• 1eotlon. !Ill• 11&tter wa1 referred to th• Counoll a1 a whole tor 1n••••l,.t1on. A14•1'1l&n CU1li1on Moyet ) Ball Seoon4ed,i !hat there being no before th• Cou.noll, CoUAoil adJourn. further 'bualn••• to ooae ROLL C.lLL: c.lll•on ue, Wleleen A,7e, Hall .,. • MoCol'i A.79. Pearo• AJ•, Salth A,7e, 6 A7••, •~• Bone. Kqor eo ordered. IU.aate• ot A4Journed Regular Meeting of the Cit7 Council of the Clt7 ot aa.lnoo4, Co1.i:.!J thh Jlon4q the 24th 4q Oj:ft• .t..D. 19'50, •tanl appro•el a1 / thle J>f dq ot -' , A.D. 19,0. I I I 1 . I