HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-09-14 (Regular) Meeting Minutes4BGUL&R ~EETI~G OF THE CITY CuUlCIL OF ~HE CITY OF El.~LEWOOD, COLOaADO, THIS O'DAY TRI 14th DAY ? ~&PT~Eil, A.D. 1931. 1ila7er J.E.•bbott oalled the aOLL Cilt: meeting to order and asked for roll call. Culliaon Preaent, ielaen Preaent, 5 Preaent, Hall Preaent, Pearce Absent, uocord Pr•••nt, &Ii th Preaent, Abaent 1. ~or aaked Cler4 to read Uinutea. Clerk read all Uinutea of ~eiUlar ~••ting of August 10th, 1931. A14eraan Calliaon Wo•ed,) UeCer4 deeended,) Taat all Uinutea read by the Clerk be approYe4 aa read. ROLL ~ALL: C'11.11aen ~e, lfielaen £7e, Hall A.ye, Pearoe Alr•tnt, 6 Ayes, Abaent KoCercl £;7e, Sllitk J.7•, 1. Mayor eo ordered. Ma7•r aaked Clerk to read reports of Officer•. Clerk read all report• of Officer• fer the month of Au1uat. Alderaan liielaen ~oYed,) Hall Seconded,) '.rhat all report• of Offioera read by the Clerk be reoei••d and filed. ROLL CALL: Culliaon Aye, .Uielaen Aye, 6 Ayea, Hall Aye, · Pearce Abaent, Uayor so ordered. Absent 1, l.loCord A'3•. .;aith Aye, 11 bill• read by the Clerk and O.K'd by the Finance Cowaittee. :.:>ALA:dY l U l D 10734 J.E.Abbott 10736 Lenora Foal• 10730 c.c.conant 10737 Jack Ruaaell 10738 Karl Haatinga 107 ~~ D •.• Weat . 10740 L •• Terrell 10741 A.G.Prataer 10742 J .. •• B.Culliaon 10743 c •• Ball 10744 J.C.~eCord 10746 M.S.Nielaen 10746 L.N.Pearoe 10747 .J.Saith,Jr. 10748 Vauglw Ledford ..1ayor Clerk Attornsy Chief of .Police Aaat.Chief of Police Treasurer · · Police ~•iistrate Health Coram. Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Niiht Fire Driver LIB:aAitY ~U~D 10749 En1lewood Public Library LIGHT ?UlJD 10750 Colorado Central Power Co. FLtE ?Ui D 1 7 51 Jim R binaon 10762 C.Bladholm 1075 3 Hively Garage 10754 aalph EYans 10755 Perry-Jacob 10766 &aerioau-La?rance 10757 1 ·evin 10758 al•h otor Co. 10759 GLQ''• Gar•i• Day Driver Night & ~~nday Man .:>upplies l'ire 5' tube Gas, il .:)upplies Laundry Oil Battery ;lervice PUBLIC I I P3 VZ.lF..1 T ~Ul D 1J760 CharleM ~. itt 10761 Lee ~o vern 10702 C.Langhorn 10763 ·.s.~parkaan 10764 Bnalewood Hardware 10766 Hi•ely Garaa• 10766 H •• Uo ore B uip. 10767 Pike• Peak Gravel 10768 Braeat Harlan 10769 llaDager,Parka & Improvement& 10770 Blakely Gara1• 10771 Ii•• & lerill•On 10772 J .D.Adama 10773 C.Y.Gaatateon 10774 Lutaer ~deraon 10776 G~'• Garaae .;J tree "c Colllla. Labor Laib Or Care dump juppli es Gas Blades Gravel Gaa Crackfil ler Gaa ~upplies Blade Cut weed• Cement work Gae,parta $ 10. 00 125.00 33.33 150. 00 140.00 76.00 25.00 25.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 25.00 $644.33 "160. 00 '11'575.16 ..;125.00 46.00 110.14 94.50 2.31 7.56 2.36 1.75 6.37 1394.99 t 15o. oo 113.00 100.50 50.00 24. 75 9.90 23.80 129.60 6.76 24.76 14.96 13.44 6.46 14.00 6.00 4.16 1688.67 10776 L •• PAillipe 10777 Ke1Ulta1n Statea T.& T.Co. 1J778 Pllbli• SerYiO• 10779 Board o:f ater Comm. 10780 alah ~otor Co. 10781 ~tory•a Ino. 1 0 782 Jaaea ~dams 10783 Johllaona Heati ng 10784 V&Uihn Ledford 1 0 785 .John U&rlatt 10786 C.Bladholm 10787 Bernard Roaebrouih 10788 Gu• ~i•Yera 10789 ~tanley Hill 10790 Barl Hastin g s lv791 Dr.Ralph Ewing• 10792 G~~·~~arage 10793 B.&£ailton Towel ~upply 10794 H1Yely Garage 10795 Ralph EYana 10796 ~l••••d ~hoe hop 10797 Taxi• ~•rYiC• Co. 10798 ick ~trewler 10799 Browne ~ax! 10800 Brneat Harlan 10801 D.A.~utton 10802 Lenora ?oil• 10803 Enalewood Hardware 10804 ~uper SerTio• Station 10805 C.P.B eckel 10806 ~•D•nnell Garai• 10807 B'rank Harri• 10808 Lake Erie Chemical Co. 10809 K.l.Brickaen 10810 Bnal••o d Herald 1oai1 BDalewood Her&ld 10812 Bnil•wood ~•rYice ~tation 10813 Alo7aiua Eppick Gr&JJd Total Alder an ~cCord · oYed,) Caretaker Phone service Pipe & Gaa Nater rent Grease ~•pair wotor cycle .~otary .a1••• ;-jpecial duty ~peoial aerYioes W9rk ·on wotor oycle o':>pecial aervioea .:.ipecial services ~pecial services Gaa ~alysis :nilk Gas Towels Gaa aepair tire Repair ~otorcycle saddle Taxi ~ervice Gaa Taxi SerYice Gaa ire Inspector B'reight,.;;)tamps .;)upplies Gas Check rolls Gaa Gaa iWlS Riot pistol Traffic •iin& .?rintini Printini Gae ~ent re f ll!ld • 70.00 26.90 13.50 1266. 89 2.60 12.30 • 60 23.00 60.00 2.00 15.00 5.00 4.00 7.00 6.00 36.00 • 71 2.00 11.46 .60 1.50 1.00 4.05 1.00 11.44 16.00 13.28 19.35 2.40 2.12 1.02 26.00 50.00 93.10 17. 57 19.55 1.60 35.00 $1869. 24 $4322.79 Culliao n .;;)econded,) That all bills by t h e inanoe Comraittee be allowed. read by the Clerk and O.K'd ROLL CALL: Culliaon Aye, !iielaen Aye, Hall Aye, Pearce Absent 5 Ayes, Absent lJcCord Aye, Smith A.ye, l, Ua7or ao order~d. Alderman UcCord u oved,) Cullison ~econded,) a reduction in her rooainghoaae aoLL CALL: Culli••n A¥•. lliel8en A.7•, 5 A7••· 1.l'ha t the request o:f 11r• Fanni• Dunlnp :for license be referred to tlle Lioenae Co•itt••· Hall Aye, .lil•Cerd A7e, Pearce A~•tnt, S11ita AJ•, Abaent l, ~ayor •• ordered. Clerk read coauau.nication from the Cha~ber of CoJ1.111erce atatina that at a •••tina held September 8th th• condition o:f Hampden avenue •a• discussed and it ••• the oonsenau• o:f opinion that it would be adYiaabl• that repreaentatiY•• froa the Cit7 Council, Board o:f County Co&llliasionera o:f Arapahoe Count7 and Claaaber o:f ce .. erce cooperate in bringing preaaure to bear upon tae State H11a•a1 Departaent to r•••47 the aituation. Tll• Ceuuoil appointed a Ceaaitt•• oonaiatina o:f the follow1n1: J.C.K•C•rd, N.S.liielaen, L.N.Pearce, w.J.~aita,Jr. C.M.Hall and c.c.ceaant, to oeeperate witll Ce .. ittee appointed by the Chamber o:f ce .. eroe. Alderaan lii•l••n OYed,) 3600)Ball ~econded,) iaat the petition for widenin1 Seuta Broadwa7 in the 3500)blook, •ix :feet on either aid• be receiYed and referred to tae Cit7 Baaineer te check a• to the •u:f:fioien•1 o:f front toeta1•· ROLL CALL: Clllliaon J.7•, liielaen qe, 5 A7••. Alderaan Culli•on UoYed,) Ball qe, Pearce Absent, Abaent ~ayor ao ordered. M•Cerd J.7e, Saith A.7•, i, KoCord Seeonded,) That the City Treasurer be in•tructed to take up 4 1000.00 reaiatered warrant• issued :for the purchase o:f the Cit7 Hall. aott CALL: Culliaon ~·· .Nielaen Aye, 5 ~Y••. Hall Aye, Pearce Abaent, Abaent 1, a a7or so ordered. I.loCord qe, S•ita £7•, I I .I r I I Alderaan Ni•l••n UoYed,) Hall Seeonded,) That a rent oolleote4 by the City for th• l.ir. lpp 1 Ok• check be given Aloyaiua appick for e36.00 fer Old City Hall Buildin1, recently pur0Jaa1e4 b7 ROLL CALL: Culliaon 47•, Uielaen A7•, 6 qes, •lderaan Nielaen MoYed,) Hall Aye, Pearce Abaent, ~ayor ao ordered. Abaent 1, J.loCord qe, Saith A-7•, Hall Seoonded,) That tae Ceunoil, C unoil adjourn. there being no further bu11ne1a te c••• befere a LL CALL: Culliaon 47•, llli•l••n £3•, Hall Aye, Pearce Absent, 6 ~··· Ab•ent 1, Mayor ao ordered. MoCerd £7•, Saitll £3•, Minute• •f R•sular Meetin1 of the City Council •f the City •f BD1l•••od, Celorado, taia aenday the 14th day :t ~eptember, A.D. 1931, atan4 appreYed aa .41<a,.,«J tlli• /2 da7 of (d_d£-u1& , · A.D. '1931.