HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-01-21 (Regular) Meeting MinutesMinutes of January 21, 1963 REGULAR MEETING: COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, C9LORADO JANUARY 21, 1963 The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colo- rado, met in refular session, on Monday, January 21, 1963, in the Coun- cil Chambers, C ty Ball, Englewood at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor Brownewell presiding called the meeting to order and the invocation was given by Reverend C. P. Reeg of the Grace Lutheran Churcll. The Mayor asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following peraon• were present: Councilmen Braun, Love, Miles, Smukler, Woode, Brownevell. Aleo Present: City Manager Dial, City Attorney Each, City Clerk Beauaang. Absent: Councilman Parker. The Mayor declared a ~uorum present. 631-2 CONSIDERATION OP MINUTES OP PREVIOUS MEETING COUNCILMAN SMUICLER. MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SF.CONDED, THAT THE MINUTES OP JANUARY 7'111 BE APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Council .. n Parker. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-93 RELATING TO PUBLIC BER.VICE COMPANY PRARCHISE Public Hearing !!! Bill for Ordinance COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT 'DIE PUB- LIC BEARillG OR AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A PRARCllISE TO PUBLIC SERVICE C<»CPARY AND CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION OP QUALIFIED TAX PAYING ELECTORS FOR 'ftlE PURPOSE OP VOTING ON THE QUESTI01' OP APPROVAL OP THE FRANCHISE BE OPENED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re- sulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brovnewell. Nays: Mone. Absent: Councilman Parker. 'nle Mayor declared the motion carried. The Mayor asked if there was anyone preaent who wiahed to speak or to be heard on thia matter. There waa none. COUMCILMAM SMUICLER MOVED, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT 'DIE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Parker. The Mayor declared the motion carried. COUNCILMAN WOODS MOVED, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SECmmED, THAT THE PROPOSED BILL POR AN ORDINANCE BE READ IN PULL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follow•? Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownevell. Nays: None. Abaent: Councilman Parker. 'nle Mayor declared the motion carried. I I .. I I I I I I Minute• of January 21, 1963 PEOPLE'S ORDINANCE NO. 1, SERIES OP 1963 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE BY DI! CITY OP DIGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO, TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP COLORADO, ITS SOOC!SSORS AND ASSIGNS, TO LOCATE, BUILD, CONSTR.tm, ACQUIRE, Pm.CHAS!, EXTEND, MAIN- TAIN AND OPERATE INTO, WITHIN AND THROUGH TR! CITY OP !llGLEWODD, A PLANT , OR PLANTS, SUBSTATIONS, AND WORKS, POR 'ftl! Pm.CHAS!, MAJnJPACTURE, ODl!R- ATION, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION Ofl ILECTRICAL ar.RGY MD GAS, !I'lllER NATURAL, ARTIFICIAL OR MIXED, AND TO PURRISR, SELL Alm DISTRIBtn'E SAID ELECTRICAL ENERGY AND GAS TO THE CITY OP smLDIOOD, AND 'ftlE INHABITANTS 'l11EREOP, POR LIGHT,,HF.AT AND P<MER, OR O'ftllR .PURPOSES, BY MEANS OP PIPES, MAINS, CONDUITS, CABLES, POLES AND WIRES STRUNG THEREON, OR O'nl!RWISE, ON, OVER, UNDER, ALONG, ACROSS AND TllR.OUOll ALL STREETS, ALLEYS , VIADOOTS , BRIDGES, ROADS, LANES, AND O'nlER PUBLIC WAYS AND PLACES IN SAID CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, AND PIXIllG 'ftlE TERMS ARD COIQ)ITICllS THEREOF, SUBJECT TO DIE APPROVAL OP 'DIE QUALIPIED TAX-PAnRG ELrx:TORS OP 'l'llE CITY, AND CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION POR 'ftlE APPROV'AL 'ftlERl!OP. wa• read for the fir•t reading. (Bill copied in full in minute• of January 7, 1963) COUNCILMAN WOODS MOVED, COUNCILMA!f BRAUR SECONDED, THAT 'DIE -CITY COUNCIL PASS ON PIRST READIMG THE BILL PCB AN CRDIRARCE GRANTING A PRAllClllSE TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY AND CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION OP 'DIE QUALIPIED TAX-PAYING ELECTORS POR THI PURPOSE OP VOTING ON 'DIE QUES- TION OP THE APPROVAL OP 111! PRARCHIS! AND THAT 'DIE SAME BE PUBLISHED IN PULL IN 'l11E ERGLEWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re•ulted a• follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nay•: None. Absent: Councilman Parker. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Re•olution Relating !2 Election Notice Councilman Woods introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OP S1ECIAL ELECTION WHEREAS, the Public Service Company of Colorado baa made application to the City Council of the City of Englewood for the grant 9f a fran- chi•e a~thorizing the distribution and sale of gas and electricity in the City and baa requeated the City Council to call a special election of the qualified tax-paying electors of the City to be held March 12, 1963, in accordance vith .-tbe provisions of the City Charter of the City of Englewood, and WHEREAS, said Public Service Company of Colorado, baa deposited with the City Treasurer the amount eatimated by him to be expense of said election, which amount ia the awa of Two Thousand Dollars, and WHERF.AS, the City council believe• it to be in the beat interests of the City that said election be held. NOi, l'lllR.~ORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, that the City Clerk ia hereby di- rected to publish notice of a special election of the qualified tax- paying electors of the City of Englewood for the purpoae of voting upon '· a proposed ordinance granting to Public Service Company of Colorado a franchiae for the farnishing of gaa and electric service to the City of Englewood, to be held on Tuesday, the 12th day of March, A.D. 19G3, which Notice shall be published in the Englewood Herald on January 24, 1963. COUNCILMAN WOODS MOVED, COUNCILMER MILES ARD SMUICLER SECONDID, THAT '111E RESOLUl'IOll B! ADOPTED AND APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Milea, Love, Braun, Brovnewell. Nays: None. , Absent: -Oouncilman Parker. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 631-17 RELATING TO DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Mr. Jack Eachon announced that • resolution of intention to create the Downtown Improvement Diatrict No. 1 had b~~ prepared and was available for the consideration of the Counci..,.t this aeaaion. 460 Minutes of January 21, 1963 Thereupon Councilman Smukler introduced and the City Clerk read in full the following reaolution: RESOLUTION A RESOLtrl'ION 'DIELAR.IMG ~'DIE . IllTEl'llON ..;(JP t.DIE ·.cITY · ·cotntCIL . OP 'DIE CITY ~OF mtGLEWOOD, COLORADO, TO CREATE AN -IMPROVEMDft' DISTRICT IR SAID CITY TO BE ICNOWN ·AS DOWlft'OWR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT RO. 1, ENGLEWOOD ·, COLORADO; ADOPl'IRG DETAILS AND SPF.CIPICATIONS THEREFOR; AND ORDERING PUBLICATION AND MAIL- IllG OP NOTICE OP BEARING TO THE OWNERS OP 'DIE PROPERTY TO' BE ASSESSED POR IMPROVEMENTS IN SAID DISTRICT. ..... .. WllEREAS, the City Council of Englewood, Colorado, ha• determined to create Downtown Improvement District No. l in aaid City, and to order the construction of the street, avenue and drain_.• improvement• therein a• 110re particularly specified in the form ~f Rotice hereinafter •et forth; and VllER.EAS, the City Council ha• heretofore adopted a preliminary order directing the City Engineer to make the nece•aary preliminary aurvey•, eatimatea and maps as required by the proviaion• of the City Charter and Ordinance No. 8~ Series of 1959, as amended by Ordinance Mo. 17, Serie• of 1959, of aaid Cityt and WHEREAS, the City Engineer, in purauance of •aid Order, ha• reported to thi• Council the completion of all matter• and thing• enjoined on him in the form and manner •• directed, all of said data bein1 now on file with the City Clerk in completed form and substance, aa by aaid Order and by law required: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP 'DIE CITY OP ENGLE- WOOD, COLORADO: 1. That said Engineer'• reports, together with the detail•, •peci- ficationa, eatimatea, maps and •chedules prepared and filed with the City Clerk be and the same are .hereby approved and adopted by thi• Council for uae in the construction of the improvements to be made in aaid Improve- ment District. 2. That the aaaeasmenta to be levied for •aid improvement• •hall be on an area basis and shall be due and payable within thirty days from and after the final publication of the ordinance ••••••ing the whole actual coat of said improvement• against the real pfOperty in •aid Di•trict; pro- vided, however, that any owner who shall pay hie full a11e1111ent within said period of thirty days •hall be entitled to an allowance of five per- cent CS~) of the amount so assessed against his property and paid ~Y hi•. In case any owner of real estate shall fail to pay the whole of such •••e••- ment against his property within said thirty day1, then the whole coat of said improv@menta so assessed •••in•t hi• property •hall be payable in 10 equal annual installments of principal, with interest on unpaid install- ments at the rate of 6~ per annum, payable •emi-annu~lly~ · the first of said installments of said principal and interest ahall be due and payable at such time as may be determined in and by the a••e••ing ordinance, and the remainder of said annual installment• of principal and interest shall be due and payable successively on the aame day in each year thereafter until all are paid in full. 3. That the ~~operty to be aaaeaaed for aaid improvements shall be the . property within the boundaries of the District more particularly de- •cribed in the Notice hereinafter aet forth. 4. That there •hall be prepared an ordinance, in conformity with and under the provisions of the City Charter and said Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1959, aa amended by Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1959, creating within the corporate limits of said City a local improvement district to be known •• Downtown Improvement District No. l; providing for the construction in •aid District of the improvements, all as is in thi• Reaolution set forth and described, and in accordance with the report, plans, maps, specifica- tions, details and eatimatea of the Engineer of said City, herein referred to and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. 5. That the proposed ordinance will be introduced a• a Bill at the regular meeting of the City Council at 8:00 o'clock P.M. on the 4th day of March, 1963. 6. That Notice of the proposed improvements be given by the City Clerk and published in the Englewood Herald and Enterpri•e, a newspaper publiahed in and of general circulation in said City, ·in three consecutive weekly edition•; therein giving N.tice to the owner• of the property to be aaaeaaed of the matters and things required by law. At or about the time of the first publication, to-wit; January 24, 1963, Notice ahall also be given by prepaid mail to all known owners of property to be assessed with the coat of said improvements. I I I I 11 I I I Minute• of January 21'·, 1963 The Notice to be publiahed •hall be in •ub•tantially the following form: NOTICE 8P A PROPOSITION TO CR!'.ATE A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT IN ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, TO 81 ICllCMR AS DOWN- TOWN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1, TO MAD CERTAIN STREET, AVENUE AND DRAINAGE IMPR.OVDIDTS TBIREIN AND FOR A HF.AR.ING TBIUOll. All owners of real estate and property within the area hereinafter deacribed, and all persona generally, are hereby notified that the City Council of Englewood, Colorado, pursuant to ita own order, under the pro- vi•iona of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Englewood, haa adopted full details, plana and apecificationa for the conatruction of atreet, avenue and drainage improvement• in and for a propoaed local improve- ment diatrict within the corporate limits of Englewood, Colorado, to be known •• Downtown Improvement District No. 1. Said persona are further notified aa follow•: (a) The improvement• proposed are: Curb, gutter and aidewalk removal, replace•ent of aame at new location•, widening of street to 41 feet, additional width of paving required, land acqui•ition, and •tol"ll drainage facilitie•, on Eaat Hampden Avenue, from the Ea•t aide of South Broadway to the Weat aide of South Logan Street; Curb, gutter and sidewalk removal, replacement of aame at new locations, widening of street to 41 feet, additional width of paving required, replacement of Little Dry Creek Bridge, on Weat Raapden Avenue, from the Weat aide of South Broadway to the Ea•t aide of South Bannock Street; Curb, gutter and sidewalk removal, replacement of aame at new location•, widening of street to 51 feet, additional wi~th .~f paving required, and atorm drainage facilities, on South Logan Street from the South aide of Bast Ballpden Avenue to the North aide of Eaat Jefferson Avenue -State· Highway 70; Construction of South Cherokee Bridle at South Cherokee Street and West Girard Aveaue; Extension of Girard Avenue from South .Bannock Street to South Cherokee Street, including new curb futter and sidewalk, new paving required, storm drainage facll tiea, drainage a~ructure over Little Dry Creek at South Cherokee Streett Curb, gutter, aidewalk and tree removal, concrete replacement• at new locations, widening street to 51 feet additional width• of paving required, land acquisition, atorm drainage facilitiea, and Denver City Ditch atructure reviaiona, on South Shel'llan Street from the South aide of East Floyd Avenue to the Korth •ide of East Hampden Avenue; All improvements necessary or incidental to the foregoing. (b) The aaaessments for said improvements ahall be imposed on an area baaia and may be paid in ten equal annual ii•tallmenta. (c) Said aaaeaamenta will be due and payable without demand within thirty daya from and after the final publication of an ordinance •••e••- ing the whole coat of said improvement• again•t the real property in aaid District; provided, however, that any owner who ahall pay hi• full aaaeaament within aaid period of thirty daya ahall be entitled to an allowance of five percent (5~). In caae any owner of real property ahall fail to pay the whole of such •••••• .. nt .. ainat hi• property within said thirty daya, then the whole coat of aaid i11prove .. nt •o •••••••d against hia property ahall be payable in ten equal annual in•t•ll .. nt• of principal, •• afore•aid. The firat of auch inatall .. nta of aaid prin- cipal ahall be due and payable at auch ti•• •• .. Y be determined in and by the aaaeaaing ordinance, and the r ... inder of aaid in•tall .. nt• •hall be due and payable aucceaaively on the .... clay in each year thereafter until all are paid in full. (d) 'nle rate of intereat to be paid on unpaid and deferred 'inatall- menta ahall be aix percent (61) per annum, payable aemi-ann\\AllY,, (e) The extent of the Diatrict to be improved ahall be all of the real property in the District, compriaiq approxi-tely 2, 7000, 539 a.quare feet, the boundaries of said District being •• follow•: Beginning at a point 985.8 feet We•t and 218 feet North of the SE corner of SWi, Section 34, Town- ship 4 South, Ranfe 68 Weat of the 6th Principal Meridian, aaid po nt being on the center line of South Cherokee Street and 7 feet South of the •!•: tended North line of Lot 10, Block 1, McKinley Subdivision; thence Eaat parallel to aaid Korth · line and said North Line extended a distance of 158 feet to the center line of the alley between South Bannock Street,And South Cherokee Street; thence Northerly al6ng the center line of aaid 462 Minute• of January 21, 1963 alley to it• intereection with the extended Borth line of Lot 3, Plood'• Addition; thence Ea•terly along aaid extended Morth line and the North line of Lot 3, Plood'• Addition to it• intereection with the center line of South Bannock Street; thence Bortherly along aaid center line of South Bannock Street to it• interaection with the center line of West Floyd.Avenue extended from the Eaat; thence continuing Northerly along aaid center line of South Bannock S~reet a diatance of 295 feet; thence Eaaterly a distance of 16~ feet to the ex- tended center line of the alley in Block 3, s. o. Hamlin'• Broadway Addition; thence Northerly along aaid extended center line and the center line of the alley in s; G. Hamlin'• Broadway Addition to ita interaection with the center line of Weat Eaat- man Avenue; thence Eaaterly along aaid center line of West Eaatman Avenue and aaid center line extended, to it• intersection with the center line of South Broadway; thence continuing Eaeterly along center line of Eaat Eaatman Avenue to it• interaection with the extended center line of the alley in Block 6, Rose Addition; thence Southerly along aaid center line of .~he alley in Block 6! Roae Addition and aaid center line extended to it• 1nteraection with the center line of Eaat Floyd Avenue; thence Eaaterly along said center line of Eaat Ployd Avenue to it• intersection with the extended center line of the alley in Block 2, Premier Addition; thence South- erly along aaid extended center line of the alley in Block 2, Premier Addition, aaid extended alley center line being alao the center line of the alley in Block 7, Premier Addition, to it• interaection with the extended North line of Lot 28, Block 7, Premier Addition; thence Eaaterly along aaid ex- tended North line and the Korth line of Lot 28, Block 7, Premier Addition~ aaid North line being extended Easterly alao being the North Linea of Lota 21 and 28, Block 8, Premier Addition and alao the Borth line of Lot 21, Block 5, Weatview Addition, to it• interaection with the center line of the alley in Block S, Weatview Addition; thence South- erly along aaid center line and center line ex- tended in the alley in Block 5, Weatview Addition, aaid extended center line being extended Southerly alao the center line of the alley in Block 4, Higgin• Englewood Gardena, to it• interaection with the center line of the now exiating Colorado State Hifhvay 70; thence Westerly and Northveaterly along •• d center line of Colorado State Highway 70 to ita interaection with the extended center line of South Cherokee Street from the North; thence North- erly along aaid extended center line and the center line of South Cherokee Street to the point of beginning. (f) A• shown by the eatimatea of the engineer, the probable total coat• of aaid improvement• in aaid Diatrict are $250,000.00. Probable coat• per aquare foot for aaid improvement• are $0.0926. All eatimatea exclude the aix percent (61) for inapection, collec- tion and incidental• and intereat •• provided by law. Ro aaaeasmente will be made for curb•, gutter• and aide- walks in place which conform with the plane and apecifications for the propoaed improvement• and which are acceptable to the City Engineer. Property owners are apecificallp ref erred to the achedule of propoaed aaaeaamenta on file in the Office of the City Clerk from which the approximate amount to be •••e••ed against any particular lot or parcel of prop•rty may be determined. · Upon completion of aaid improvement•, or •• aoon aa the to- tal coat thereof is definitely aacertained, auch coat shall be appor- tioned to the property in the District. Notice of such apportionment shall be given and a hearing will be held prior to the adoption of an .ordinance aaaeaeing such coat, all as provided by law. (g) A hearing on thi• proposition will be bad by the City Coun- cil on the 18th day of February, 1963, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., at the City Rall in Englewood: and a bill for an ordinance authorizing aaid improvement• will be conaidered by the City Council on the 4th day of March, 1963, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., or at an adjourned meeting thereafter, at the City Hall in said City. - 'I I I :I I I I I Minutes of January 7, 1963 (h) A map, estimate and schedule ahowing the approximate amount to be aaaeaaed, and all resolutions and proceedings are on file and can be aeen ·and examined by any person interested at the Office of the City Clerk at any time during buaineaa hours prior to the 18th day of February, 1963. (i) All complaint• and objection• that may be made in writing con- cerning the propoaed improvements, by the owner or owners of any real property to be asaesaed, will be heard and determined by the City Coun- cil at the hearing specified in the above paragraph (g) or at some adjournment thereof, before final action ahall be taken. Adopted and Approved the 21st day of January, 1963. ~~~d L ' v Mayor ~ A'rl'EST: COUNCILMAN SMUIC1'ER MOVED, COUNCILMAN LOVE SECONDED, THAT THE ABOVE RES0Lt11'IOM BE ADOPl'ED AND APPROVED. Councilman Braun inquired as to whether the total square foot area aet out in the resolution includes streets and other City owned land. Mr. Walter Imhoff reported that no streets of City owned property were included in the computation. Councilman Smukler asked for the question. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nays: Mone. Absent: Councilman Parker. The Mayor declared the motion carried. FISCAL AGENCY SERVICES FOR DISTRICT ........... Mr. Walter Imhoff, of Hanifen, Imhoff and Samford, stated that he had not been retained by the Council but had been meeting with the Engle- wood Unlimited Committee since May, 1961. Re offered his services as fiscal agent for the District and read a proposed agreement for this' purpoae. The proposal included provisions that the City would pay bond attorneys direct and amount not leas than $2,500.00 nor more than $3,SOO.OO for theae services and that the fiscal agent fee would amount to $3. 98 per $1, 000. 00 bond issued. . The City Treasurer inquired as to the liability of the City to pay the legal fee if the District did not organize. Mr. Imhoff stated that this fee would be waived if the District were not organized as contemplated. COUNCILMAN SMUKLER MOVED, COUNCILMAN LOVE SECOHDED, THAT THE PRO- POSED AGREEMEMT WHEREBY MR. IlllOPP OPPERED TO SERVE AS PISCAL AGDT FOR THE CITY IN CODECTION WITH THE CREATION OP THE DOWNTOWR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OP THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THAT THE MAYOR AND C'I7Y CLERK BE Atl'l'BORIZED TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OP 'DIE CITY UPON SOOH APPROVAL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Parker. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 631-18 APPOIMTMENTS TO PILL VACANCIES OM VARIOUS BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS The Mayor aaked for nominations for the four year term on the Plan- ning and Zoning Coaaission. COUNCILMAN MILES NOMINATED MR. TYMER RICE TO THE POUR YEAR TERM ON THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. 464 Minutes of January 7, 1963 COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECORDED, THAT NOMINATIONS BE CLOSED AND 'DIE CLERK BE INSTROOTED TO CAST AN URARIMOUS BALLOT FOR MR. TYMER RICE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Council .. n P•rker. The Mayor declared the motion carried and inatructed the Clerk to cast an unanimou• ballot for Tymer Rice for a four year term on the Plan- ning and Zoning Coamia•ion, term to expire Pebruary 1, 1967. The Mayor a•ked for nomination• for a four year term on the Board of Adju•tment and Appeal•. He indicated that there were two vacancies. COUNCILMAN SMUICLER NOMINATED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THE N<»ilNATION OP DR. JAMES P. MEZEN AND MR. A. L. MAR.TIN POR POUR YEAR TERMS ON THE BOARD OP ADJUSTMENT AND APPF.ALS. COUNCILMAN WOODS MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT NOMI- NATIONS BE CLOSED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted · as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Mile•, Love, Brownewell.: Nays: Councilman Braun. Absent: Councilman Parker. The ·ayor declared Dr. Mezen and Mr. Martin elected to the Board of Adjustment and Appeals for a four year term ending Pebruary 1, 1967. The Mayor asked for nomination• for a two year vacancy on the Board of E~aminers of Elect~iana. COtDICILMAN BRAUN NOMINATED MR. 'DIClfAS R. TRAGER POR THE TWO YEAR TERM Off THE BOARD OP ELECTRICAL EXAMINERS. COtDICILMAN LOVE MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECORDED, THAT Tiii NOMI- NATIONS BE CLOSED AND THAT CLERK BE INSTROOTED TO CAST Alf URANIMOUS BALLOT POR MR. TRAGER TO PILL A TWO YEAR TERM Off THE BOARD OP ILIX:- TRICAL EXAMINERS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re•ulted a• follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Parker. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Mayor aaked for nomination• for a four year term on the Pub- lic Library Board. Councilman Woods nominated Mrs. Lewia Kern. COUNCILMAN SMUICLER MOVED, COUNCILMAN LOVE SECONDED, THAT 'ftll NOMINATIONS BE CLOSED AND 'DIAT THE CLERK R INSTROOTED TO CAST AN URANIMOUS BALLOT POR MRS. LEWIS KERN TO PILL A POUR YEAR TERM OR THE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD, TERM ENDING PllRUARY 1, 1967. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follow•: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nays: :None. Abaent: Councilman Parker. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Mayor announced that a vacancy on the Board of Career Service COlllllli•aioners would not occur until June; therefore, the appointment · would be poatponed until that time. 631-8 631-5 PROCEEDINGS OF LIBRARY BOARD MEETING OP JANUARY 8, 1963 The Mayor asked that the minute• be received and placed on file. PROCEEDINGS OF CAREER SERVICE C<»tMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 9, 1963 The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 631-4 PRCX:EEDINGS OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS MEETING OF .JANUARY 9, 1963 Th• Mayor asked that the minute• be received and placed on file. I I I I II I I I Minutes of January 3., 1963 631-10 FOURTH QUARTER AND ANNUAL REPORTS OP VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS The City Manager presented and the Mayor accepted the following reports: Annual report on Traffic Operations, 1982 Fourth Quarter report Building Department Fourth Quarter report call• to Liquor Outlets Annual report of Police Department activities Fourth Quarter report on Traffic Operations Annual report of Building Department Annual report of Municipal Court Clerk Quarterly report Pire Department Annual report of Fire Department Quarterly report of Public Work• Department Annual report of Public Work• Department Councilman Braun commended the local liquor outlet• in the fact that there were onlp two calla by tho•e outlet• requeating police aid, that this certainly reflected good operation and cooperation of many people. 631-16 RELATING TO MINORS IN POOL HALLS Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Love A BILL POR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 19.4-2 OP 'DIE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, TO PROVIDE 'DIAT IT SHALL BE UNLAWFUL POR ANY MI1'Cll UNDER THE AGE OP SIXTEEN YEARS TO BE POURD IN A POOL OR BILLIARD ROOM WHICH IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, l!XCEPI' WHEN ACCOMPAllIED BY A PARENT OR A GUARDIAN. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'ftlE CITY COUNCIL OP 'DIE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Section l. Section 19.4-2 of the Municipal Code of the City of Engle- wood, Colorado, ia hereby amended to read aa followa: "19.4-2 Minors Cannot PreJuent Pool Hall•. It •hall be uniaWlui for anr iDlnor un er the age ol •ixteen ·years to be found in a pool or billiard room which i• open to the public, except when accompanied by a parent or guardian." Passed on Pirat Reading by the City Council of th~ City of Englewood, Colorado, thia 18th day of Pebruary, 1983, and ordered publi•hed in full in the Englewood Herald and Enterpriae. waa read for the first time. COUNCILMAN LOVE MOVED, COUNCILMAN SMUKLER SECONDED, 'ftlAT A PUBLIC HF.ARING ON 'ftlE PROPOSED ORDINANCE B! HELD MORDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1903, AT 8:00 P.M. IN 'ftl! COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Ayes: Councilmen Wooda, Smukler, Mile•, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Parker. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. L. L. Parker, owner of the Deluxe Grill and Pool Hall, asked about the necessity of having a public hearing on the change of age limit for minor• in a pool hall. The City Attorney reported that the Council could pass the ordinance without such a public hearing but that it had determined at a previous meeting as being in the be•t intere•t• of the public to have the hearing. Mr. Parker •poke of the agitation against ~l .and pool hall• which could be instigated at a public hearing. Be emphasized to the Council that the pre•ent law i• diacriminating against the Englewood pool halls due to the fact that •tate law provided that children of 16 year• of age and older could p~ay pool while Englewood iaw provided that they be 18 years of age or older. RELATING TO ENGINEERING COllTRACT WITH WHEELER The City Attorney reported that the Water Board need no motion to authorize the Council consideration but that an agreement had been pre- pared and he had reviewed it and would recomnend it to the Council. COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, 'NA!' THE ENGINEER- ING CONTRACT BE REFERRED BACK TO THE WATER AND SEWER BOARD PC. ITS APPROVAL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Parker. Minutes of January 21, 1963 The Mayor declared the motion carried. 631-19 VACATION OP EASEMENT FRANZMANN-FOLKERTS SUBDIVISION The City Manager reported that in order to clear an ea•ement dedi- cated to the City previously for •treet purpo•e• in connection with the Franzmann-Folkerts Subdivision that a vacation ordinance needs to be pa•sed by the Council •• He •aid tltat he had prepared such an ordinance and would give :·it to the Clerk to be read. Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Smukler A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED RF.AL .PROPERTY: BEGINNING AT THE SOtmlWEST CORNER OF LOT 8, BLOCK 1, FRANZMANN-FOLKERTS SUBDIVISION AMENDED PLAT; BEING A SUBDIVISION OP A PORTION OP THE NOR'ftlWEST QUARTER OP THE NOWTHWEST QUARTER (MWiNWi) OP SECTION 34 AND THE 1'.AST POR- TION OP THE EAST HALF OF THE SOtmlEAST QUARTER (Et SEi) OP SECTION 33, TOWN- SHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 68 WEST OP THE 6'nl P.M.; TRANCE NOR'ftlEASTERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO THE NORTHF.AST CORNER OP LOT 9, r.:K 1 OP SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST, ALONG THE NOR.ft LINE BF LOT 9, BLOC , 43.64 PEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOtmlWESTERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POI ON THE WEST LIRE OF THE AFORESAID LOT 8, BLOCK 1, WICll POINT IS 41.31 nn l<>tTH OP 'DIE SOUTH- WEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 8, BLOCK l; 'ftlDICE SOUTH, ALONG THE WEST LINE OP SAID LOT 8, BLOCK 1, 41.31 PEET TO 'nlE POINT OP BEGINNING, ALL IN THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Section l. That the hereinafter deacribed property located in the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, be and hereby is declared vacated pursuant to the provisions of Section 13, Article 1, Chapter 120, Colorado Revised Statutes 1953, as amended, and that title thereto shall vest in the owners of abutting land, as provided in aaid Chapter i ·20; said vacated land being particularly described as follow•: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Lot 8, Block 1, Franzmann- Polkerta Subdivision Amended Plat; being a subdivision of a portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NWiNWi) of Sec- tion 34 and the east portion of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter CE!SEt> of Section 33, Township 4 South, Range 68 West of the 6th P.M.; thence northeasterly in a straight line to the north- east corner of Lot 9, Block 1 of said subdivision; thence west, along the north line of said Lot 9, Block 1, 43.64 feet to a point; thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point on the west line of the aforesaid Lot 8, Block 1, which point i• 41.31 feet north of the Southwest corner of said Lot 8, Block l; thence south, along the west line of said Lot 8, Block 1, 41.31 feet to the point of beginning, all in the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado. Section 2. That the hereinabove described land ia located entirely within the City of Englewood, Colorado, and doe• not con•titute a boundary line between the City of Englewood and any county or other municipality. Section 3. That the vacation of the hereinabove described t:property will not leave any adjoining land without an eatabliahed public road connecting said land with another establiahed public road. Passed on First Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this 21st day of January A.D. 1963, and ordered published in full in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise. ~4 yor - A'M'EST: was read for time. COUNCILMAN SMUKLER MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED, 'DIAT 'nlE PROPOSED BILL BE PASSED ON FIRST READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN PULL IN THE ENGLE- WOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nays; None. Absent: Councilman Parker. I ..,, I I ,,. I I I I 'I Minutes of January 21, 1963 The Mayor declared the motion carried. RELATING TO SCENIC VIEW SANITARY SE.VER DISTRICT The City Attorney reported that the court ca•e involving the Sceni~ View Sanitary Sewer Di•trict had been terminated that the City can go ahead with the formation of the diatrict. He diacu•aed the caae in aome detail with the Council. The City Manager atated that he had made arrangement• to have Bob Kirchner, fiscal agent for the Scenic View Sever Diatrict, to meet with the Council at it• ~ext regular meeting on February 4th to di•cu•• for- mation of the District. 622-37 RELATING TO PAVING DISTRICT NO. 13 Councilman Braun introduced the following reaolution: RESOLt1rION A RESOLtrrION DECLARING 'ftlE INTDTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, TO CRFATE AN IMfROVl!MDT DISTRICT IN SAID CITY TO BE KNOWN AS PAVING DISTRICT NO. 13, ZROLEWOOD, COLCB.ADO; ADOPl'ING DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS THEREFOR; AND ORD!RIRG PUBLICATION AND MAILING OP NOTICE OP HEARING TO THE OWNERS OP THE PROPERTY TO BE ASSESSED PO~ IMPROVEMENT IN SAID DISTRICT. WHERFAS, the City Co~ncil of Englewood, Colorado, has determined to create Paving District No. 13 in said City, and to order the conatruction of the street and alley improvements therein •• more particularly speci- fied in the form of Notice hereinafter set forth; and · WHERFAS, the City Council has heretofore adopted a preliminary order directing the City Engineer to make the necea•ary preliminary surveys, estimates and maps as required by the provisions of the City Charter and Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1959, as amended by Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1959, of said City' and WHERFAS, the City Engineer, in purauance of said Order has reported to this Council the completion of all matter• and things enjoined on him in the form and manner as directed, all of aaid data being now on file with the City Clerk in completed form and subatance, aa by said Order and by law required: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP ENGLE- WOOD, <ILORAB . 1. That said Engineer'• reports, together with the details, speci- fications, estimates, maps and schedule• prepared and filed with the City Clerk be and the same are hereby approved and adopted by this Council for use in the construction of the improvement• to be made in said Paving District. 2. That the materials to be used in conatructing the proposed im- provements are stated in the Notice hereinafter aet forth. 3. That the assessments to be levied for ••id improvements •hall be due and payable within thirty day• from and after.rthe final publication of the ordinance assessing the whole actual co•t of •aid improvements againat the real property in aaid Diatrict; provided, however, t&at any owner who •hall pay his full aaaeaament w!lthin aaid period of thirty days, •hall be entitled to an allowance of five percent (51) of the amount so •••eased against his property and paid by him. In case any owner of real e•tate •hall fail to pay the whole of •uch •••e••ment against hi• property within said thirty days, then the whole co•t of •aid improvement• ao •••e••ed against his property shall be payable in 10 equal annual installments of principal, with interest on unpaid in•tallment• at the rate of 61 per annum, payable annually; the fir•t of aaid in•tallment• of said ·principal and interest shall be due and payable at such time aa may be determined in and by the assessing ordinance, and the remainder of said annual in~· stallmenta of principal and interest ahall be due and payable successively on the same day in each year thereafter until all are paid in full. 4. That the property to be •••e••ed for aaid improvements •hall be the property within the District more particularly described in the Notice hereinafter aet forth. 5. That there shall be prepared an ordinance, in conformity with and under the provisions of the City Charter and aaid Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1959, as amended by Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1959, creating within the corporate limits of said City a local improvement di•trict to be known as Paving District No. 13; Providinf for the construction in said District of the improvements, all as is in th • Resolution aet forth and described, and in accordance with the report, plane, .. pa, apecifications, details Minute• of January 21, 1963 and estimate• of the Engineer of said City, herein referred to and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. 6. That the proposed ordinance will be introduced a• a Bill at the regular meeting of the City Council at 8:00 o•~l~k P.M. on the 4th day of March, 1963. 7. That Notice of the proposed improvements be given by the City Clerk and published in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise, a newspaper.· published in and of general circulation in said City, in three con•ecutive we•kly editions, therein giving Notice to the ownera of the property to b .. aaaeaaed of the matters and things required by law. At or about the time of the first publication, to-wit: January 24, 1963, Notice shall also be given by prepaid mail to all known owners of property to be aeaeased with the coat of said improvements. The Notice to be published shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF A PROPOSITION TO CREATE A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT IN ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, TO BE KNCMN AS PAVING DISTRICT NO. 13, TO MAKE CERTAIN STREET AND ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS THEREIN AND FOR A REARING THEREON. All owners of real estate and property hereinafter de•cribed, and all persons generally, are hereby notified that the City Council of Englewood Colorado, pursuant to requisite petition• of property owners and de•ignation• by the City Council under the laws of the State of Colorado and provi•ion• of the Rome Rule Charter of the City of Enflevood, haa adopted full detail•, plans and specifications for the construct on of street and alley improve- ments and appurtenance• in and for a propo•ed local iaarovement diatrict within the corporate limits of Englewood, Colorado, to be known •• Paving Diatrict No. 13, Said peraons are further notified as follows: (a) The kinds of improvements proposed are: 1. Necessary grading and excavation, paving with six-inch com- pacted gravel base courae, with two-inch asphaltic concrete surface, and concrete walks, curbs and gutters, where not already installed; together with appurtenances and incident• ala on "the following street• and avenuea: ON FROM - South Acoma Street South aide West Tufts Avenue South Cherokee Street South aide of Radcliff Avenue South Clarkson Street South Side Eastman Avenue East Dartmouth Avenue East aide Logan Street South Grant Street South aide Radcliff Avenue South Grant Street South aide Tufts Avenue East ! South Irving Street Pimlico Drive north South Lincoln Street South aide Union Avenue South Lipan Court South aide Stanford Avenue West Oxford Avenue West aide Inca Street South P•arl Street South aide Floyd Avenue South Pearl Street South aide Oxford Avenue South Pennsylvania Street South aide Floyd Avenue West Princeton Avenue West aide Acoma Street Weat Quincy Avenue West aide Bannock Street West Stanford Avenue West aide Delaware Street South Waehington Street South aide Floyd Avenue South Waahinf ton Street South • de Radcliff Avenue TO - North aide West Union Avenue North aide Stanford Avenue North aide Floyd Avenue We•t aide Downing Street North aide Stanford Avenue North aide Union Avenue Englewood city limits North •ide Layton Avenue North •ide Tufts Avenue Santa Pe Lane North aide Girard Avenue North •ide Princeton Avenue North aide Girard Avenue Ea•t •ide Bannock Street Ea•t aide Buron Street Eaat aide Galapago Street North aide Girard Avenue North aide Stanford Avenue ·1 I I .. I I I I 1. OM 2. Minutes of January 21, 1963 Necessary grading and excavation, compacted sub-grade, and with six-inch Portland Cement concrete surface, for a total over-all width of fourteen feet; together with appurtenances and other incidental work on the following alleys: On alley between South Acoma Street and South Broadway from south side West Cornell Avenue to North side West Dartmouth Avenue. On alley between South Acoma Street and South Broadway from south side West Eastman Avenue to 320 feet north of West Floyd Avenue. On alley between South Broadway and South Lincoln Street from south side East Dartmouth Avenue to north side East Eastman Avenue. On alley between South Broadway and South Lincoln Street from south side East Floyd Avenue to north side East Girard Avenue. On alley between alley between South Broadway and South Lincoln Street from south side Hampden Avenue to north side Dry Creek. On alley between South Broadway and South Lincoln Street from south aide East Princeton Avenue to north side East Quincy Avenue. On alley between South Jason Street and South Kalamath Street from south side West Kenyon Avenue to north side West Lehigh Avenue. 3. Preparation of present surface, overlaying of same with two-inch asphaltic concrete, and concrete walks, curbs and gutters, where not presently adequate; to- gether with appurtenances and other incidental work on the following streets and avenues: FROM TO - South Acoma Street South side West Bates Avenue West Amherst Avenue East side South Delaware Street West Amherst Avenue East side South Broadway East Bates Avenue East side South Sherman Street South Clarkson Circle South Delaware Street South side West Bates Avenue South Elati Street South aide West Eastman Avenue South Grant Street South aide East Yale Avenue South Lincoln Street South side East Dartmouth Ave. South Pearl Street South side East Cornell AVenue South Pennsylvania Street South side East Cornell Avenue South Sherman Street South side East Yale Avenue South Washington Street South aide East Dartmouth Ave. North side West Dartmouth Avenue West side of South Broadway West side of South Logan Street West side of South Logan Street North side West Cornell Avenua North side of West Floyd Avenue North aide East Cornell Avenue North side East Eastman Avenue North side East Eastman Avenue North side East Dartmouth Avenue North side East Eastman Avenue North aide East Eastman Avenue (b) The assessments for said improvements may be paid in ten equal annual installments. (c) Said assessments will be due and payable without demand within thirty days from and after the final publication of an ordinance assessing the whole coat of aaid improvements against the real property in said District; provided, however, that any owner who shall pay his full asse•••ent within said period of thirty days, shall be entitled to an allowance of five per cent (5,). In case any owner of real property shall fail to pay the whole. of such assessment against his property within said thirty days, then the whole cost of said improvement so assessed against his property shall be payable in ten equal annual installments ~f 469 principal, as aforesaid. The first of such installments of said principal shall be due and payable at such time aa may be deter- mined in and by the assessing ordinance, and the remainder of said installments shall be due and payable successively on the same day in each year thereafter until all are paid in full. (d) The rate of interest to be paid on unpaid and deferred installments shall be six per cent (63) per annum, payable semi-annually. (e) The extent of the District to be improved shall be all of the real property fronting or abutting on the streets, avenues and alleys between the termini hereinbefore described, including the real property within one-half <!> block of such streets, avenues and alleys. Adjustments will be made for irregular and odd shaped lots and parcels of property. Cf> As shown by the estimates of the engineer the probable cost of said improvements in said District ia $soo,ooo, of which amount the City··will pay approximately $115,000. Probable costs per front foot on each aide of the atreeta, avenues and alleys in said District are: Asphalt paving on streets 36' wide $4.65 per front foot Asphalt paving on streets 44' wide $5.90 per front foot Concrete alley paving 14' wide $5.65 per front foot Asphalt overlay paving on streets 36' wide $2.45 per front foot Asphalt overlay paving on streets 44' wide t2.85 per front foot Paving of other widths in proportion to above estimat~e: Curb1 gutter and sidewalk (Hollywood type) ~3.05 per front foot Vertical type curb and gutter $2.85 per front foot Sidewalk 4' wide $2.60 per front foot 6" concrete slab $0.75 per square foot All estimates exclude the six per cent (63) for inspection, collection and incidentals and interest as provided by law. The coat of paving to be constructed along the sides of corner lots within said District shall be assessed against · properties within one-half Ct> block of such intersections and corner lots on a zone basis in accordance with benefits conferred on such properties. Each one-half Ct> block will be divided into six (6) parallel zones, and asaesamenta will be on the following basis: lat zone abutting on street, avenue or alley •••• 28.553 Next zone ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14.293 Next zone ••••••••• ·• ., .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l4. 293 Next zone ••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14.293 Next zone ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14.293 Next zone.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••14.293 Total •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1003 No assessments will be made for curbs, gutters and side- walks in place, which conform with the plans and specifications for the proposed improvements and which are acceptable to the City Engineer. The cost of improving street, avenue and alley intersections and of paving in excess of 36 feet width• on streets designated as arterial within residential zoning aa of January 21, 1963, will be borne by the City of Englewood. Credit will be given for partial aaphaltic concrete replacements on certain streets and avenues, and in amounts to be determined by the City Engineer. Property owners are specifically referred to the schedule of proposed assessments on file in the Office of the City Clerk, from which the approximate amount to be assessed against any particular lot or parcel of property may be determined. Upon completion of said improvements, or as soon as the total cost thereof is definitely ascertained, such cost shall be apportioned to the property in the District. Notice of such apportionment aball be given and a hearing will be held prior to the adoption of an ordinance assessing such cost, all aa pro- vided by law. (g) A hearing on this proposition 18.11 be had by the City Council on the 25th day of February, 1963, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the City Hall in Englewood; and a bill for an ordinance authorizing said improvements will be considered by the City Council on the 4th day of March, 1963, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., or at an adjourned meeting thereafter, at the City Hall in said City. I I I I . I I I I (h) A map, estimate and schedule showing the approximate amount to be assessed, and all resolution• and proceedings are on file and can be seen and examined by any person interested at the Office of the City Clerk at any time during business hours prior to the 25th day of February, 1963 • (i) All complaints and objection• that may be made in writing con- cerning the proposed improvements, by the owner or owners of any real property to be asaeaaed, including those to be asseaaed for aide street paving, will be heard and determined by the City Council at the hearing specified in the above paragraph (g) or at some adjournment thereof, before final action shall be taken. DATED the 4th day of February 1963. ~ ,~~· city Cler~ (SF.AL) Published in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise, Englewood, Colorado. FIRST Publication -February 7, 1963 PINAL Publication -February 21, 1963 The Notice to be mailed to the owners of property to be assessed with the cost of said improvements, shall be in substantially the follow- ing form: CITY OP ENGLEWOOD ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED That the City Council of the City of Engle- wood, Colorado, has adopted a Resolution of Intention to create PAving District No. 13 in said City for the purpose of constructing paving, overlaying with asphaltic material, curbs, gutters and sidewalks (where existing improvements do not conform to City Specifications) on certain streets and avenues and alleys in said District, and to assess the cost thereof against the real property to be benefitted by said improvements. You are specifically ref erred to the Amended Notice of Intention to create said District, to be published in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise on February 7, 14, and 21, 1963, and to the plans, specifica- tions and proceedings on file in the office of the City Clerk in said City. A Hearing on said proposal will be held by the City Council at a regular meeting on February 25, 1963, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., at the Council Chambers in the City Hall in Englewood, Colorado. DATED This 4th day of Februa~y, 1963. The above Resolution was adopted and of January, 1963. L~~lf!J ~ .---Mayor " ( S E A L ) COUNCILMAN BRAUN M8VED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, 'DIAT 'DIE RESO- Ltn'ION BE ADOPl'ED AND APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Parker. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 631-20 RELATING Te PUBLIC SERVICE CC»fPANY WELLS . The City Manager reported that he had an agreement prepared by the Minutes of January 21, 1963 Public Service Company providing for the lease of five of their wells to the City. Thia supply for a $1.00 consideration on behalf of the City. He recommended that the aMreement be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign. COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED, 'DIAT THE AGREE- MENT BE APPROVED AND 'nlAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE At11'HORIZED TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Parker. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RELATING TO REVISED ZONING ORDINANCE The Mayor announced a joint meeting of the members of the Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment, and City Council with regard to the comprehensive zoning ordinance at 8:00, Thursday, January 24, 1963 at the Annex. PLANNING OFFICIALS INSTITtrrE The Mayor announced the Planning Officials Institute to be held at Boulder on the 15th and 16th of February, 1963. RELATING TO DEA'nf OF COUNCILMAN PARKER'S FA'nfER Councilman Smukler stated that Councilman Parker was absent due to the recent death of his father. He suggested that a bouquet or plant be sent on behalf of the members of the Council and officials. The City Manager stated that he would do so. ADJOURN COUNCILMAN SMUKLER MOVED, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT THE MEET- ING BE ADJOURNED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Hiles, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Parker. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:46 P.H., Monday, January 21, 1963. The minutes of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held on the 21st day of January, 1963 A.O., stand approved as written this 4th day of February, 1963 A.D. I I I :I