HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-04-15 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I 11 COUllCIL CllNmDS CITY or DGIJ"OOD' COLOltADO APRIL 15, 1963 llllGULUl DftDIG1 ftl• City council of th• City of Sft9l8WGOCI, Arapahoe County, OOlorado, -t in regular ••••ion on Monday, April 15, 1963, in th• council Chamber•, City Ball, Bngl.wood, at th• hour of 8100 P.M. Mayor Brownewell preaiding, called the ... tin9 to order and the invocation waa CJiven by the ... •rend Lloyd Dixon of the Bill•id• rr .... thodiat Chvch. The Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon th• call of the roll, th• following per80n• were pr•••nt1 counci1-n1 Braun, Love, Mil••, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Al.o Pr•••nt1 City Manager Dial, City Attorney .. ch, City Clerk .. au•aDCJ. Abaent1 OOuncil11an Slaukler. !'be Mayor declared a quorum pr•••nt. 631-2 COllSIDDA'fIO. OP MI80'1'SS or nanoua annra CQUllCIUIAll PHm llOVSD, COUllCIUIAll 1K>ODI 8scam>llD, 'l'BA'f 'rim Ml•Ul'SS OP '1'118 COU.CIL lla'l'DG or APUL 1, 1963, .. UJllOVD A8 coumc'l'SD. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote r••ulted aa follow•a Aye•a council.men Wooda, Parker, Mil••• LoYe, Braun, azow-we11 • .. y•z llone. Ab•ent1 council•n &aukler. 'ftl• Mayor declared the 110tion carried. 631-8 PROCDDDGS or LIBRARY 80UD .....,. or APRIL 9, 1913 'l'h• Mayor aaked that th• ainut•• be received and placed on file. 631-6 PIOCUDDGS or PLUBDG CDUII88IO. llSftillG OP APUL 4, 1913 Th• Mayor a•ked that the ainut•• be received and placed on file. 631-5 PROCSm>ImS or CAJmD SDVICB CCIL'tl88IOll llSB'l'IllG or APRIL 10, 1963 \ 'lb• Mayor a•ked that th• ainut•• be receclved and placed on file • 631-10 .. U'l'lla'l'AL RBPOR'l'S, PIUT QUAJt1l'Sll 1913 'lbe City ManACJer tran•itted to th• coancil and oa1 anted briefly upon the following report• for the fir•t quarter of 19131 Pire Department Police Department Public Work• Depara.nt Building Departllent Traffic Department llunicipal Court Police calla to Liquor 0Utlet8 councilman Parker ccs1•ted upon the nature of th• call• aad• by the Police Departllent to variou• liquor ou~l•t• within tbe City. Be upr•••ed th• viw- point that aor• reutin• check• by th• Police Department of the outlet• to d•- teraine if they were HrYin9 per.on• alr.-dy intoxicated would be in order. Diacuaaion enaued. !'be City 11afta9er atated that he "'°uld review the -tter with the Police Chief. t'b• City Attorney reported that legal action had 1-en brought a9ain•t the City of SntJlawood and the County co i••ionera in connection with th• recent annexation of land generally deacribed a• MilMJ betw9en rederal and Lowell 8oalnarda and .. llniew and Chenango. Be •tau.I that thi• annexation waa effective on Janaary 5, 1963, and had 1-en conteated 1'y ninet .. n citia•n• con- •i•tinv of ten houaebold• in the area. Be atated tbat tbe auit generall~n­ teated the annexation baaed upon illegal pabli•hin9, inadequate petition•, and other legal technicaliti••· Be aaked peraiaaion to defend th• auit. llinute• of April 15, 1963 COUllCIUIAll 8JlAUll Jm>VBD, COUllCIUIAll lllLS8 88CO•riD, !'llA!' 'l'llS Cift Aft'OBD' .. AUIBOaIZllD 'fO DUDD '!BB Cift I• nm 8UJ!' wu.a1 -DOao&r DORClBUS AllD o. a. DmCBJB COllftftlDG '1'118 uclllft' uaa&nOll or A ••nm or canmrm Acus sum>IVJSIOB. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reawted aa followa1 Ayea1 councilmen Wooda, Parker, llilea, Love, Brau, Brownewell. Bayas llone. Abaent1 councilllan lllukler. 'Ille .. yor declared th• mtion carried. 631-44 COltltSC'l'DG LBGAL WCRIP'l'IOB ow am PI.aft SIB ~ City Attorney reported that thro.,h a typocJrapbical error and incor- reat procedure in ~l6owin9 a .. t•• and bouada deacription of a tract of land froa which the City of Sn9lewood parcha.ed a tract of land upm which th• riwer intake r•••rvoir i• located a ck>W in the title to the City land •• well •• tbe ori9inal tract of which th• City land waa initially a part had occurred. !'he reault of the Abo•• error waa that a abain link fence aurroundin9 th• intake reaerwoir waa from four to •ix f-t encroachin9 upon neitJ)lboring pro- perty owned by llra • ._.tha Watt• and it waa deaired to cerrect the deacription. A re.olution of contention by the Council IMMI been prepared indicating the coancil'• de•ir• to deed back th• tract erroneoualy cleaaribed and receive a oorrect deed for the parcel tncl"4in9 the tract encroached upon by the City throaCJ)t-it• cbain link fence. Be aaked that tb• coancil favorab~~ oonaicler the requeat and the procedure Ht out. · 'lb• City Clerk r...S th• following reaolution1 USOLUnOB -DAS, by Warranty deed recorded llovmber 13, 1950 in Book 697 at page 503 of the record• of th• Clerk and Recorder of Arapahoe County, Colorado, COlorado conatructora, Inc., conveyed to th• City of 8n91...aod a certain tract of real property aa deacri-.S therein, and, ·' •aw, the deacription of the pr-i••• containecl in aaicl warranty deed con- tain• error• which error• w.re derived fl'Oll tbe cleacription u•ed in prior deed• to a larger tract of land, and, ••.us, in fencing in the pr-iH• thoQCJht to be obtained by Hid warranty deed,.,, the City of Snglewood conatructed a chain link fence which encroach•• on pro- perty adjacent thereto on the northweaterly •14• thereof approxillately 4.3 f•t at th• 80utherly end and approximately 6.0 fMt at th• 90rtherly end, and, •DUS, it i• deairabl• for th• City of 8ngl..aad and for the owner• of pro- perty adjacent to aaid property owned by 8DcJl8UOod to correct the deacription conta6•ed in th• warranty deed to Sn9l9WOCMI and for SntJlwood to acquire title to the •trip of land upon which it• ••id chain link f•ae encroach••, and •A.US, the moat effective mner in which to correct the title to the property and to acquire the ••id adjacent •trip of land i• by th• achan99 of a quit claia deed fraa th• City of Sn91Mlf004 to the property conveyed to it for a warranty deed to the City of Bnglewood conveying th• property intended to be conveyed to the City by th• deed fro• Color.SO conatructora, Inc. and th• atrip of land upon which the Hid chain link fence encroach••· ... mmtUOU, .. I!' RSIOLvm> that th• Mayor of the City of llnglewood and th• City Clerk of th• City of Bft9lewood are ••thorised to execute a quit claia deed to the real property conweyed to th• City of SncJlewood •• deacribed in that certain warranty deed recorded 11ov.mer 18, 1950 in 8ook 697 at pa99 503 to Bertha watt•, the owner of th• adjacent pr .. 1 ... and to deliver aaid deed to th• Hid Bertha Watt• in exchange for a warranty 4••4 from th• ••id Bertha Watta to the real property intended to be •Gfl'lired by th• City of SIM)lwood by the deed recorded in Book 697 at pave 503 ud the •trip of land adjacent thereto upon which the City'• chain link fence enaroachM. Dated tthi• 15th day of April, A.D. 1963. I -~YdLr~f' ,.--.... Mayor \ AftSST1 I I ·1 ,• I I I I :1 Minute• of April 15, 1963 COUllCIUIAll LOVS llOVllD, COUllCILllAll 1IOOD8 asccmDD, tllAT !Bii RBSOLU'l'IOR . U ADOPTBD AllD APPllOVllD AllD BAT 'IRS llA!Oa AllD Bm Cl'l'I' CLDlt U AUllK>RIBD to marrs nm PaoPa ngpe cm BEALi' or ms cxn, to CIAUft m Lmu. WCRIPTim. Upon the call of the roll, the wote reaulted aa followaa Ay••s councilllen Wood•, Parker, Kil••· i.o.e, araun, arownewell. •ayaa Ilona. Abaent: Councilllan Sllukler. !'he •yor declared th• motion carried. 631-25 RBLATillG TO PftI'l'IO• UQUBSTDG ABOLl-"M'l' or ma-WAY STRBB'l'S 'lh• City Jlana9•r atated that there had been placed upon th• Council table, prior to thi• evenin9a -ting, a report by the Plannin9 and Traffic Director upon the petition preaented to th• City CCNaail, conaernin9 one-way atr .. t• in the downtown area. Be reviMfed thi• report with the council, pointing out that it waa th• Planning and Traffic Director'• reca andation that the one-way •tr .. t• continue and be atended to at l••t Dartmouth if not Yale Avenue. B• atated that thi• recwndation waa baaed upon t.be need• of the next two or thrM year• and not upon an over-all traffic •tudy, which waa neceaaary and would be undertaken with the thought of rniwin9 the entire probl• of traffic flow in Bnglwwooc!. Diacuaaion enaued. councilman Parker inquired •• to the n ... ••ity of pa••iftCJ an Ordinance to extend th• one-way atreet pattern on South Aeo•• and South Bannock to DartllOuth Avenue. !'be City Manager atated that an ordinance did provide for the one-way atrMt• to extend to DartllOuth, !Mat that when the ordinance• were codified h• had atricken tho•• portion• froa the COde which were not actually beift9 uaed •• one-way atr .. ta. councilllan Love criticiaed the Planninv and Traffic Diltector'• report in •everal area• for it• lack of conci••n••• and indeci•iv• approach. 'l'h• City Manager •poke on behalf of the Plannin9 and Traffic Director, indicating that the actual text of the report had been rather ha•tily eo11piled in order to have it available for th• Council meetin9. Council-n Parker aug9eated that the City •na9er contact th• Stat• Highway Departllent in order to ••cure aid in th• Traffic Planning pha••· Diacuaaion enaued. 'lh• City Manager reported in aaae detail hi• recent effort• to •eC1111• a qualified Traffic Bn9ineerin9 Aide to revi., Bngl9WOOC!'• traffic probl-. councilllan Braun inquired when th• City Manager believed a complete atady with flow--p would be available. 'l'h• City Jlana99r ••tillated that a de- tailed report with th• reault• carefully diatin9Ui•hed would be available in •ix to ei9ht month•, aubject, of courae, to varioua bud9et reatrictiona. 'l'h• Mayor apok• for a coapr•h•n•iv• •tudy and expreaaed th• view that llorth-South bound traffic on South Broadway, frOll perhap• 3200 to 3600 block abould be •lillinated. The Mayor aaked that the City Manager ••cure a de- tailed report upon the Downtown traffic probl .. • and that the conaideration of thtit>ne-way •tr-ta would be held, aubject to auch further report•. 631-46 RaTillG TO DGLmfOOD •DVICS A11ARDS ~ 'fh• City Manager read a reaolution rela~i~ to the ••tabliahaent of service Awarda for employ••• and volunteer worker• of th• City. A• th• reaolution waa reviewed it appeared that certain &lleftdllenta and cl~rificationa would be neceaaary. COUllCU•All BMUll llOYBD, COUllCIUIAll KJLU 8SCDll.D8D, 'l'llA'l' TBB RBSOLUTIC9 u-11-m-a IOlt'l'll .,.. POLICY OP ma COURCIL A8 '° mnc• AmD8 BB APPROVBD D SUBftAllCB. Upon the call of the zoll, the vote r••ulted a• followaa Ayeas council.Mn Wood•, Parker, llil••• Love, Braun, Brownewell. Bayas Bone. Ab•ent: councilman S.ukler. 'l'h• ·Mayor declared the motion carried. Th• City Manager indicated hi• deaire to have an award dinner on Kay 13, 1963, the aixtieth anniveraary of the incorporation election of Bft9l.wood. Be doubted thou9h whether the Service Pina could be completed by that date. 631-11 TRD&um'S UPORT POR MOll'DI BllDim llAltCB 31, 1963 'l'b• City Tr•a•ur•r di•cu••ed the report and inquired a• to whether th• preparation and -thod of reporting waa aatiafactory to the council. Diacua- aion enaued. 'l'h• Mayor au •rized by atatin9 it appeard that the report wa• adequ~t• and that no chaDCJ•• or au99eationa were to be llade. Th• Mayor aaked that the report be received and placed on f file. Xinat•• of April 15, 1963 631-45 ~'IDG TO TltAllSl'D 01' BUS . l'IWICBISB '1'h• City llanacJar reported that a tranafar of franchi•• fro• Brnaat •· Barbartmon to Bl.mar L. Goodman, dba, Bn9lewood, Littleton, Port Lo«Jan Bua ca.pany, had bean raqaaated and that a Public Utiliti•• eo .. i••ion haarin9 had bean .. t for Monday, April 22, 1963, at 10100 A.M., in ~ 532, State Service• Building. Be aaked that th• COancil indicate it• aupport and favor of th• pro- po...S tranafar. Councilman Parker •tated that h• h.s apokan with the new owner in •ca• detail with r99ard to hi• -thod of operation and axpra•..S hi• opinion that the public relation• and aaaa of th• operation change• affected by llr. Goodran were not too daairable. coumCIUIAll llILBS llOVBD, COUllCILllAll LOVll SacamJm), 'l'BA'f BS llAYOR BB AUl&OUDD '1'0 RIB A L&'ft'D 'ft> '1'118 PUBLIC U'l'ILI'l'I88 CClllI88IOll DDICATillG mBZfDOD'S APPROVAL or '1'BB TIWISl'D (A88J-IM') or .. PVC llO. 50 TO SlillD L. GOODIAll, AllD 'l'BAT IP POSSIBLB RDRMmA'l'Ift8 or .. CI'l'Y ~-:rr-ao~ 'flll DUim. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote ruulted a• followa1 Aya•1 COUncilmen Wood•, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brown.well. 8aya: Ilona. Abaent: Councilman &aukler. !be Mayor declared th• motion carried. RBIATillG 'ft) wmno• STA'fU'l'B Mr. John Jw90ft, editor of the Bn9lewood &arald, atated that a •-ting with Governor Lew• W bean arranged with the county co n i••ionar• of Ad•••, Arapahoe and Jaffer80n COUnti•• at 10145 A.M., tlluraday, April 18, 1963, for th• parpo .. of urgiftCJ th• Governor to veto Senate Bill llo. 257. Ba ur9ed that aa many COUncilaan and Mayor• in th• three-county area ahould plan to attend thi• ... ting aa poaaibly could. 'Iba Mayor ~r••aed aupport of the ... ting ••t up by the county COtmiaaionera·. MAYOR'S CB:>ICS · · 'Iba Mayor reported that Clean Up, Paint Up, and Keep it Up week had bean Ht for llay. 'fh• Civic Acti•iti•• COmitt•• of the Cbaber of co-re• would direct thi• activity in Bn9lewood. !'ha Mayor reported that the next -•ting of th• Urban Mayor•' Aaaociation 1110uld be held 'l'huraday, April 18, 1963, at 6130 P.M. at th• llartiniqut in Anada. Be diacuaaed th• forthcoming Golf 'l'our~nt to be held in Aurora on July 18, 1963. 631-39 APPOill'llUDft' '1'0 PLAllllI8G MD sonm CCIUIISSIOB 'Iba Mayor aaked accaptanca of Mr. P•r•hin9'• recent reaignation frOll th• PlanniftCJ co .. 1aaion. COUllCIUIAll PAam llOVllD, COU8CIUIAll 1fOOD8 SBCmDBD, 'lllAT '1'llB Cift COUllCIL -.TNLLY ACCD'f .. WIGD'fIOll or MR. llADICB PD811I8G r.. ftlB Cift' PLaBI• AllD .. DIG CGllISSIOll, Bl'l'SCTIQ KAY 1, 1963. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaultad a• followaa Ayeaa CDancil-. Wooda, Parker, Milaa, Love, Braun, Brownewall. ••y•a llOna. Ah-nta COuncil-n Slluklar. 'Iba llayoi .. ~•••ared th• 110tion carried. 'ftae Mayor aaked for ftOlai.nationa to fill the vacancy. COUllCIUWI MAUii ..UllA'l'BD MR. ROm'f S'fAltKLOPP COU9CIUIAll llILU JIOVSD, COUllCILllAll LCWS ammm, 'l'llA'f •mlDIA'fIOllS BB CLOSD AllD 'lllA'f Bii Cift CLDK BB DIRSC'l'BD to CA8'f All UllAllDIOU8 BALTM l'OR a. 8SPJtlOn. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote ramltad aa follow•1 Ayaaa caancilllen Wooda, Parker, Mil••, Love, Braun, Brownawall. •ayaa Ilona. Abaanta councilman llllukler. nae Mayor declared the 110tion carried and declared Kr. Jtobart &tarkloff appointed to the Plannin9 and ZOninq Colllaiaaion for a tara anting rebruary 1, 1966, and affective llay 1, 1963. I I !I I I I I Minute• of April 15, 1963 COUlfCIUIAIJ'S CBOICB Councilman Braun urged that the State Highway aign• and traffic land mark- ing be reviaed in the vicinity of State Bi9hway llo. 70 and South Bannock str .. t. Be related extr ... difficulti•• with regard to the aigning flt the left turn• and the r-.p to South Broadway. Th• City Manager atated that he would review the aituation. · Councilman Wood• inquired a• to the lateat on the Cinderelly City auit. Th• City Attorney reported upon recent legal action•. Council .. n Braun auggeated that the council conaider the aalary increa•• pr011iaed to th• City Manager. Di•cu••ion enaued. 'l'h• City Jlanager atated that both th• aalari•• of th• City Attorney and the City Manager were not ••t by ordinance, but by motion of the council. OOUBCILMAll BltAUll NOUD, COUITCILMAll MILS& SSOOllDBD, '!'BAT '1'118 CITY A'l"l'ORllSY AllD ASSISTAllT CITY AT!OIUIBY BB PAID A JIOlft'llLY RftAillD I• '1'BB AllOUllT OF $250.00 AllD $225 • 00 USPSCTIVSLY, AllD OTHBR CllAllGU AS AUHK>RIZSD AT RATBS AGRBBABLB 'fO '1'BS COUllCIL AID> AT'l'OIUIIBS. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted a• follow•a Ayeaa COuncilaen Wood•, Parker, Mil••· Love, Braun, Brownewell. •ayaa Bone. Abaenta councilman Saukler. !'be Mayor declared th• 110tion carried. COUllCILllAll BRAmt MOVBD, COUBCIUIAll LOVB ssC011Dm, 'l'llAT nm cin llAllMD BB PAID A SALARY OP $13,500.00 PLUS CAR ALLOWAllCB SFPSCTIVS llAY 1, 1963. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted a• followaa Ay••• COuncil-n Wood•, Parker, Mil••· Love, Braun, Brownewell. •ayas llone. Abaents council.an Saukler. Th• Mayor declared th• motion carried. t COuncilllan Mil•• inquired about th• ••curing of architectural ••rvic••· 'l'h• City Manager reported that h• had interviewed approxillately •ixteen firaa and would have a recommendation for th• Council within two or three week•. councilaan Parker atated publicly that in anawer to a recent letter directed to the City council by th• Bngl9WOOCS PrCMJr•••iv• Aaaociation that he had no in- tention of r••igning a• a councilman due to their oppoaition to hi• ••rvic• on the Council and to hi• vote upon the soning of th• ICLZ Tran•itter aite. ADJOUltlf COUllCILMAll LOVB JIOVBD, OOU.CIUIAll PARDR SSCOllDSD, 'l'llA'l' '1'118 llBftillG U ADJOURllBD. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa followaa Ayeaa COuncil-n Wood•, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Bayas Bone. Abaents Councilllan Sllukler. 'l'be Mayor declared th• -•ting adjourned at 9154 P.M. /•/ B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of the council Th• ainut•• of the •••ting of th• c••Y council of th• City of Bnglewood, Clolorado held on the 15th day of April, 1963 A.D., atand approved a• written thia 6th day of May, 1963 A.D.