HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-04-22 (Special) Meeting Minutescar.r .. n SPSCIAL Dn'IllG1 COUlfCIL C"BMBIU CI'ft OP BllGLDfOOD, COLORADO APRIL 22, 1963 Th• City council of th• City of Bnglewood, Arapahoe county, COlorado, ••t in apecial ••••ion on Monday, April 22, 1963, in the eouncil Chamber•, City Ball, BftCJlewood at th• hour of 8:00 P.M. 631-47 llOTICB 01' CALL BY ._ t'h• City Clerk read the following llotic• of call for a Special Meetint1 80'1'ICB OP CALL BY 'IBB MAYOR PORA SPllCIAL SBSSIOll OP '1'llB Cift COUl1CIL '1'0 BB R•LD,llDIOaY, APRIL 22, 1963 AT 8100 P.M. AT '1'118 COUllCIL CBAllBDS, CI'IY BATJ. mGLnaOD llotic• and call ia hereby given of a apecial ••••ion of the City Council to be held on Monday, April 22, 1963, at 8100 P.M. purauant to Article 4.3 of th• Municipal Cod• of th• City of Bngl.wood for th• expreaa purpo•• of fill- ing a vacancy on the Planning and zoning co .. iaaion, ter11 to expire February 1, 1966. /•/ L. L. Brown.,.11, Mapor AClCll01fLBDGml OP UCSIPT OP m'l'ICB Tbe following peraona, all Council-n of the City of Bn9lwood, Colorado do hereby acknowledge th• receipt of notice of the above apecial ••••ion. I•/ saauel x.,. Love I•/ a. G. Wooda, Jr. I•/ Stanley G. Mil•• /•/ ChalMr•• A. Parker /•/ L. L. Brownewell ftw Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon the call of th• roll, the following peraona were preaent1 Councilaen1 Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brown_,.11. Alao Pr•••nt: City Manager Dial, City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaang. Abaent: Councilaen Braun, Slaukler. The Mayor declared a quorwa preaent. 631-39 APPOI11'1MJD1'1' TO PLADillG Alm ZO•IllG COIMISSIOll Th• Mayor announced that th• appointment to fill the vacancy on the Plannin9 and zoning Comniaaion .. de at the reC]Ular -•ting on April 15th waa void due to Mr. Robert Starkloff not fulfilling a yeara ainiawa reaidence re- quir-nt within the City liaita. ftl• Mayor r~ked that Mr. Starkloff reaided in an area recently annexed to the City juat after th• firat of 1963. 'l'h• City Attorney confirlled th• atat-•nt aa ude by th• Mayor and conmented that conaidering the .. jor reviaion of the Planning and zoning ordinance •• well aa a complete reviaion of th• Zoning Diatrict .. P that it would be well to appoint a man who had unqueationabl• qualificationa. COUllC IIl'All Mii.SS llOYSD, COUllCILllAll LOVB SBCOlll>m>, THAT EB MOTIOll APPOillT- I9G MR. ROBBllT STAIUCLOPP 'l'C> '1'llB PLAmillG Alll> ZOllillG CDl...llISSIOll BB RBSCIBDBD. Upon th• call of the roll, th• vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea1 Council.lien Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, Brownewell. lfaya1 llone. Maent1 COuncil-n Braun, S.ukler. The Mayor declared the motion carried. ftle Mayor aaked for nomination• to fill th• vacancy on th• Planning and zoning COlllliaaion. COUllCIIllAll LOVS 90MillATBD KBDBTH CARLSO• TO PILL '1'BB VACAlfcr OJI '1'HB PLAllllillG AllD ZO•Im CC»l!CISSIOll. COUllCIUIAll WOODS SOllillATBD JCBN TOUCll'1'01f TO PILL TBB VACANCY ON '1'BB PLMDIIllG Alm ZOllillG COUIISSIOB. I I I I I I I II Minute• of April 22, 1963 comtCIUIAll PARDR MOVSD, COUBCIUIU MILBS SBCOllDBD, lllAT ..UDTIOllS BB CLOSSD. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa follow•• Ayeaa Counci1-en Wood•, Parker, Mile•, Love, Brown.well. •ayaa llone. Abaenta Council-n S.ukler, Braun. Th• Mayor declared th• motion carried. Tb• Mayor conducted a poll of th• Council with th• following reault•a c. K. Touchton 3 vote• Kenneth Carlaon 2 vote• Th• Mayor declared Mr. Touchton to be appointed to the Planning and zoning cc i••ion to fill th• balance of th• term ending February 1, 1961J and co encing on May 1, 1963. ADJOURll COUllCILMAll WOODS llOVBD, COUllCIIllAll PAJtm sscxmDBD, THAT '1118 llSftISJ .. ADJOURllBD. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•• Ayeaa councilmen Wooda, Parker, Mil••· Love, Brown.well • .. yaa IJone. Abaenta COUncil-n lllukler, Braun. 'l'b• Mayor declared th• ... ting adjourned at 8120 P.M. ri /•/ • • 0. Beauaang I City Clerk Clerk of th• council Tb• ainut•• of th• .. •ting of th• City Council of th• City of Bn9lewood, Colorado, held on the 22nd day of April, 1963 A.D., atand approved ••written thia 6th day of May, 1963 A.D.