HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-05-20 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I 1· I COUllCIL CllNfmB Cift OP DQL'IMl()Qf), COLOltADO MAY 20, 1963 JmGULAll llDTDJG1 'l'h• City council of th• City of Bnglewood, Arapahoe county, COlorado, -t in regular ••••ion, on Monday, llay 20, 1963, in th• council Chamber•, City Ball, Bn9l9WOCMS at the hour of 8100 P.M. Mayor Brown.well preaidin9 called th• ... tin9 fao order and the invoca- tion waa given by COuncil .. n Chalmer•• Parker. '1'he Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon th• call of th• roll, the follwwin9 per80n• were pr•••nt1 Council.mens a.aun, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brown.well. Al80 pr•••nt1 City Manager Dial, City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaan9. Abaent: councilman Sllukler. 'l'be Mayor declared a quorum pr•••nt. 631-2 CORSIDBRATIOR OP MillUTBS OP PRBVIOUS llBBTI&G COUllCIUIAll llILBS JIOVBD, COURCIIMAll WOODS SBCOllDm>, THAT '1'BB MillUTBS OP .,.. COUllCIL MD'l'Im OP MAY 6, 1963 .. APPROVBD AS CORR8C'l'BD. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa followa1 Aye•: COuncilaen Wooda, Parker, Mil••, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Raya: &one. Abaent1 council11an Saukler. '1'be Mayor declared th• 110tion carried. 622-94 ISSUAllCS OP PAVI9Q DISTRICT RO. 13 BOllDS Pu):)lic Bearing on ordinance Authorising Iaagance COUllCIUIMI BRAUit MOVBD, COUllCILMMI MILBS SSCO.,.,, 'l'llA'l' Tim PUaLIC 118Nll9G cm All ORDillAllCB AU'ftlORIZillG 'l'BB ISSUAllC8 or Clft or mGLSWOeX>, COLOa...\DO PAVIllG DISTRICT )f(). 13 ac:mDS AllD PROVIDDG FOR .,... PAYllS!' or sues BOllDS Witll Ill'l'BRSS'l' lfll8llBOIJ BB OP..-0. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted a• followa1 Ayea: Council .. n Wooda, Parker, Milea, Lov•• Braun, Brown.well • .. ya: llone • .Ab••nt1 councilman Sllukler. '!be Mayor declared the 110tion carried. Th• Mayor announced that the hearing waa for the purpo•• of conaiderin9 an Rdinanc:e for the iaauanc:e of bond• to pay for iaprov-nt• in connection with th• 1963 paving proqram. Be aaked if there waa anyone preaent who wiahed to 8peak on thia .. tter. There waa none. COUllCIUIAIJ BRAUll llOVBD, COUllCILMMI LOVB SBCOllD8D, 'ftlAT '1'llB PUBLIC BMRillG U CLOSSD. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa followa1 Aye•: Oouncilaen Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Ab-.nt: Council-n Sllukler. '1'be Mayor declared the 110tion carried. Paaaacp of Bond Ordinance on Sacond Rtading ORDDIAllCB .O. 17, SDIBS OP 1963 All ORDillAllCS AUTllORIZI&G 'l'HB ISSUMJCB OP Cift OP •GLSl«>OD, COLOJtADO, PAVIllG DISTRICT lllO. 13 BmfD8 AllD PROVIDillG POR 'l'BB PA"l'llm'l' OP SUCH BOm>S Alll) IllTDB8T TllSRmll. (Bill for ordinance copied in full in May 6, 1963 •inutea) waa r-d for the aecond time. .2 Minute• of May 20, 1963 COUllCIIllAll BltAUll llOVSD, OOUllCIUIAll WOODS SSCDJDSD, BAT OltDillARCB RO. 17, &DIBS 01' 1963, U PUSSD Olf 8800111> AllD l'IllAL RUDJllG Am> OltDDBD PUB- LimD IR PULL IR ms BmL•K>OD ep~r.n MD Bll'l'DPRISB. UpDn the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: council.men Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownwell. Bayas Bone. AbHnt: COuncil-n Sllukler. 'fh• Mayor declared th• 110tion carried. 631-54 RBLATIJIG TO BLDIIllATIOll 01' BUSIMBSS • OCCUPATICllAL TAX Mr. Robert Montgomery, Preaident of the Cballber of Co erce, read th• following reaolution1 USOLU'l'IO• n•UAS, on April 25, 1955 fti• loard of Director• of th• Inglewood Chmaber of coa1 erce, through it• Preaident did, upon the informal requeat of th• CityCouncil, appoint a apecial City llevenu• Study annittee to atudy th• City'• financial atr*ct*r• to deterain• the need for addtional revenue, and if the need be found, th• faireat and 110at equitable ..an• of collectin9 th• revenue. Durin9 th• dee ... froa1950 to 1960 th• rapid ~owth of Bn9l....ood preaented my problw. Bn9l.wood W not yet become a eo.e Rule City1 paving diatricta, for example, could not be initiated by City council. 'l'h•r• waa an ur9•nt need for additional revenue to CJUrantM bond• to aceo11pliah •tr••t pavin9 and to -t th• need• of th• City•• I · alley approach••, and 1 obligated •har• of th• paving di•trict•. including •uch thing• •• int•r••ction• and I MBSmlAS, thi• Revenue Study eo...itt•• of 40 buain••• .. n, after a year• work and atudy mad• th• following reccwndationa1 THAT FOR A PDIOD or BIGBTB• (18) llOlft'llS 'l'BBRB BB JDIACTBD A BUSIDSS MD OCCUPATIOll TAX U&Im TD BABB, $35.00 ... BUSIDSS PLUS $10.00 PBR .DIPLOYBB POR moss BUSIDSSBS WI'l'BIB '1'BB CITY' LIMITS, WI'l'll A MAXDIUM 01' $350.00 PBR AlllUI, POR SUCH 'IBI•GS AS lftDSBC'l'IOIJS ARD ALLBY APPllOACllB8, and mms, 'l'h• Buain••• and Occupational Tax Ordinance 117 Seri•• of 1956 a• .. ended to March 1, 1957 ha• now been in effect for over aeven (7) yeara, and WBBllBAS, in thi• aeven year period Bnglewood haa increaaed in population from 26,000 to 36,000, become a eo .. Rule City, retail• aalea have more than doubled fro11 $60,000,000 to $133,934,001 per year to .. intain it• rank aa fourth largeat in the State, it now ha• l" Sal•• Tax which for 11 110nth• of operation in 1962 brought in $246,940.56 and the City ••ti-tea f279,000 for a full 12 month• of 1963, and th• recent paaaage of Senate Bill 1266 by th• 44th General Aaaellbly will 9iv• the City approxillately $30,000 additional revenue frOll th• charge of a $1.50 f .. per licen•• for automobile•, alao, in May of 1962 th• City of Denver impoaed a U•• Tax Ordinance which require• our buain••• .. n to lic•n•• th ... elve• in Denver, collect their U•• 'l'ax for aerchandi•• aold and delivered to resident• of Denver and make it payable to Denver. Our buain••• .. n tell ua they are now pay- ift9 more tax•• to Denver than to Bnglewood, and waBRBAS, in 1962 th• Bnglewood Chamber of eo-rce r•~nded to City Council that _... relief be given our buainea ... n by requeating that the Buaine•• and Occupational Tax be reduced. Thi• waa done and effective January 1, 1963 it waa lowered one-third • .,.., 'DIBRBPORB, BB IT RBSOLVBD, Since the original recw.ndation of the buain••• 11en waa that thi• tax be for a period of eightMn month• and -ny ar-• other than buain••• ar-• have benefitted from the u•• of thi• money, and aince thi• ha• now becoFle what i• coa only referred to aa a nuaiance tax and a conatant aource of irritation to our buain••• COlmllunity, and it ha• been in effect for ••ven yeara, it i• the requeat of the Board of Director• of Th• Bn9l9WOOd Chamber of Coaaerce that thi• Buaineas and Occupational Tax be completely eliminated effective January 1, 1964. It i• further reapectfully requeated that City Council give aerioua thought to enforcing our preaent U•• Tax Ordinance or aak the Cityof Denver to give ua a reciprocal tax arrang ... nt in order that out City receive the tax 110ni•• due it from Denver buaines••• doing buain••• with the resident• of Bnglewood. Sincerely youra, /•/ Robert s. Montgomery Pr••ident I•/ R. w. Scarff• Bxecutiv• Manager! I I ~1 , ' I I I I Minute• of Kay 20, 1963 llr. &ate Burt cownted upon th• content• of tbe rwlution ju•t read and urged that th• recoi endation be aincerely con•idered and that the ordinance be repealed. Mr. Willi-Olhner •poke aa an inveator in ca11eroit.' •roperty upon which th• rental diviaion of th• Bu•in••• and occupational ,.. applied. B• apok• of th• fact that varioua tax•• upon property ba" dillini•hed it• return ao that it i• no longer attractive to purcha•e ca1Bercial property for rental. Mr. Wy Spence, Preaident of theBngl.wood 8avin9• and Loan, atated that th• City of 8ngl.wood and th• Chamber of CO ere• have the .... baaic intereat, that ia, to make Bnglewood attractive and th• Bu•ine•• and Occu- pational Tax ia a nuiaance tax in hi• opinion. Councilman Braun inquired if the $160 Specific Regiatration P•• refer- red to in th• Chamber reaolution aa being a aub•titut• aource of revenue waa permanent. Mr. Bob Scarffe, Secretary for th• Cballber of Co1 nerce, indicated that it would be effective for two yeara. Tb• Mayor inquired aa to whether th• City o-l i•nv•r can legally collect the U•• Tax on Denver citizen• from 8ngl.wood .. rcnanta. 'ftl• City Attorney expreaaed hi• doubt• aa to the legality and validity of th• City of Denver U•• '1'ax and would not adviae Bnglewood'• enacting a aimilar proviaion in it• U•• Tax Ordinance. Councilman Love co1 ented upon pa)'9enta mad• by 8n9l.wood buain••• -n to the City and County of Denver and that corr••- pondingly any auch ordinance on behalf of Bngl.wood would be very difficult to enforce. Councilllan Braun inquired aa to the City'• atatua with regard to a redu- ction in the Buaine•• and Occupational Lic•n•• Tax rate aa of January 1, 1963, which waa not effective until February 9, 1963, reaulting in th• City 'l'reaaurer having a Buaine•• and Occupational 'fax ••crow fund which could be applied againat th• 1964 lic•n•••· Be aaked the City Attorney about th• Citt'• obligation in thia matter. Tb• City Attorney reported that th• ordinance could not be made effective on January 1, 1963, reaulting in an overpayment by tho•• buain••• .. n paying their lic•n•• at the fiiwt of 1963 • Be atated th••• 110ni•• do ,!not belong to th• City and that we have th• obligation to ..it• refund. Tb• City Clerk-Treaaurer reported that th• moni•• amount to $16,000 to $18,000. Councilman Braun expreaaed the need to give conaiderabl• thought to th• coat of refunding ••crow amount• to the buain••• men and aaked that a report of th••• poaaible coat• aa well aa recommendation from th• City Manager aa to continuing with th• preaent licen•• ordinance or another ordi- nance be prepared for conaideration by th• Council at it• aecond meeting in June. Mr. Robert Montgomery •peaking on hi• own behalf atated that thi• waa not an att911pt to cut th• revenue• of th• City, but to remove a aource of irri- tation. Be expreaaed the viw that Mny of the -ara of the Chamber think of the Buaineaa and occupational Tax aa a t-.porary thing and would not look a1*ilarly upon a Buain••• Licen••· council11an Parker expeaaed hi• objection to th• tax upon rental• and alao being in the buain••• category. Be did not think it waa legal even though th• court• found it to be ao. Be apoke of a general lack of enforc ... nt of th• Buain••• and Occupational Lic•n••· Mr. M. M. S~r• apok• aa a buain••• man and landlord and atated that he felt th• revenue waa not great, but aerved baaically aa a nuiaance. council.an Braun reviewed the initial conaideration of the Council with regard to adoption of a Gr .. n River type ordinance and after diacuaaion the pr•••nt type waa ••tabliahed. COUllCIUIAll BRAUll llOVBD, COUBCII,1111Alf LOVB SSCOllDSD, 'l'llAT !RB RBSOL'l'UIOR OP 'ftlB CBMBSR OP C<»lllBRCB BB RBCBIVBD AllD TAm UllDD ADVISmlBll'l': 'l'llAT TBB COUllCIL BrrBRTAI• A RBCCWDIJ)ATIO& PRml '1'118 Cift llAllAGD WITH RBGARD TO RBPUllDillG '1'118 MO•IBS BBLD D1 8SCROW Alm '1'0 Vl'llD ARMS OP LICBllSillG IR '1'118 CI!T o• 'ftlB 17TB zay OP JUllB, 1963. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa followas Ayea: COuncil-n Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brown.well. Rayas Rone. Abaents council.an &aukler. 'ftle Mayor declared the motion carried. 631-55 RBLATillG '1'0 '1'118 USE OF PARKI•G LOT POR SOUARB DMICB llr. Don Barth, 2958 South Sherman Street, repreaenting the Whirlawaya Square Dancing Group requeated the u•• of th• aoutheaat corner of the Park-H Sbop parking lot on Saturday evening, July 13, 1963, in connection with the Minute• of May 20, 1963 Old Paahioned Bar9ain Daya. Mr. Barth explained that all of the money from the aquare dance proceed• go to the Bnglewood Recreation Department. Dia- cuaaion enaued. councilman Braun diacuaaed the difference between thi• requeat for u•• of th• Park-H-Shop lot veraua a previoua one in that the proceed• would go to the Bnglewood Recreation Diatrict. COUIJCIIllAll PARKBR llOVBD, comJCIUIAll JIILSS SBCQJDBD, THAT THB CITY COUIJCIL APPROVB '1'llB llSQUBST OP '1'llB WHIRL-AWAYS POR USB OP '1'llB SOUTBBAST CORHBR OP 'lllS PAJUC-•-8S>P PARKillG LOT, SUBJBCT TO '1'118 APPROVAL OP AMBROSB WILLIMS, LSSSBB. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: OOuncil-n Wooda, Parker, Mil••· Love, Braun, Brownewell. •aya: Hone. Abaent: councilman Smukler. . Th• Mayor declared th• motion carried. 631-8 PROCBBDDIGS OP LIBRARY BOARD llSBTDIG OP MAY 14, 1963 631-56 Relatina to eoun~ Library COntgact Th• City Clerk re..S the following reccr endation of th• Bnglewood Library Board: •a.commendation that the Bnglewood City council will accept th• 27.5" alloted to th• Bngl.wood Public Library.• COUllCIIMll LOVB llOVBD, CX>UHCIIMll WOODS SBCO.DBD, THAT TBB RBCaUIBIJm'l'IOlf BB ACC&P'l'BD. Upon th• call of the roll, th• vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: councilmen Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Maya: Hone. Abaent: councilman Smukler. 'lh• Mayor declared the motion carried. Th• Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 631-6 PROCBBDiaJGS OP TBB PLAIDIIllG Al1D ZOllillG CCllllISSIO• llSBTDG OP MAY 9, 1963 Th• Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 631-5 PROCBBDDIGS OF '1'11B CARSBR SBRVICB CC»UIISSIOll MSB'l'IllG OF MAY 8, 1963 Th• Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 631-4 PROCBBDI•GS OF 1HB BOARD OP ADJU8'lllBll'l' AllD APPMLS MBB'l'DG OF MAY 8, 1963 631-57 Relatift9 to Bncroachaent~ Sepior Hilb lcbo91 Th• City Clerk read the following recGlllleftdation of th• Board of Adjuatment and Appeal•: "Th• Board of Adjuatment and Appeal• recoreenda to th• City council for their conaideration or approval th• follwoing requeat: Mr. John B. Krwr, Manager Property Service•, SftCJlewood Public School•, re- queata peraiaaion to bury a conduit with low voltage control wir•• between the pr•••-box and th• f ~.eld hou•• in th• dirt area between th• upright curb and th• aidewalk in Baat llanafield Avenue. Thi• will all be in F10iature-proof conduit and will have no 110 voltage aervice.• CODCIUCAll WOODS llOVBD, COUllCILMAIJ BltAUll SSCOllDBD, 'IBAT THB RBC<WM•llQlTIOB BB APPROVBD: THAT TBB Cift AT'l'ORDY BB AU'l'llORIZBD 'ft> DaAP'1' TBB PORN OP PDMIT POR sues lllCROACIMa'l': ARD THAT TRB MAYOR AllD Cift CLDK BB AU'l'HORIZBD 'ft) SIGll '1'BB SAMS o• ese•r,p OF THB Cift OF B8GLBWOOD --COMPLBTBD. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea1 OOuncil.IDen Wooda, Parker, Mil••· Love, Braun, BrownMMll. ••ya: Mone. Abaent: councilllan Smukler. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I I I I I Minute• of May 20, 1963 631-44 RBLATIBG TO All ORDIHAllCB CORRSCTillG m8CRIPTIO• I• VICI8Ift OF TBB WATBR PLAll'l' Introduced. a• a Bill by councilman Wood• BY AU'l'llOUft ORDillAMCB RO. 18, SSRISS OP 1963 AR ORDDIAIJCB COllPIRMIIJG TBB BXBCUTIO• OP A OVIT-C~ DBE> PROM '1'llB Cift OP mGLBWOOD, COLORADO, A MUllICIPAL CORPOltA'IIOll, 10 MU. B8R'1'BA WATTS, ARD COITPIIUID1G TBB ACCBPTUCB OF A WARRAl1'1'r msD ntml MRS. WATTS '1'0 TBB CI'l'r OP BllGLBWOOD, COLORADO, A MmlICIPAL CORPOltA'IIOlf, POR CD'l'AD PROPBR'l'IBS LOCATSD I• 'l'BB SOU'l'llWBST QUARTBR OP 'ftlB 80RTBWB8T QUAR'ID (SW1ii •> OP SBCTIOll 9, 'IOIOJSBIP 5 SOUTH, RAllGB 68 WBST OP TBB 6'1'11 PUllCIPAL llSRIDIAll, ARAPABOB COUll'l'r, COLORADO, TO COIUlBCT BRROR 18 PUVIOUS DBSCRIPTI08S OP ADJOIRillG PROPBRTIBS OWllBD BY TBB PARTIBS AS SBT POR'l'll IR A RBSOLUTI08 ADOPTBD BY '1'BB CITY COUllCIL OF '1'HB Cift OP BllGLBWOOD,COLORADO 08 APRIL 15, 1963 (Bill for ordinance copied in full in official minutea .of May 6, 1963) waa read for the second time. COUllCIUIAll PARICSR MOVBD, COUllCIUIAll LOVll SSOOllDSD, 'IBAT ORDiltMlCB IJO. 18, &DIBS OP 1963 BB PASSBD 08 SBC08D AllD PillAL RMDillG Al1D ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD I8 PULL Ill '1'llB BllGLBWOOD HBRALD MD BRTBRPUSS. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote resulted aa followaa Aye•: Councilmen Wood•, Parker, Mile•, Love, Braun, Brownewell. 8aya1 llone. Abaent: councilman smuKler. lfbe Mayor declared. th• motion carried. 631-49 RBLATI8G TO AUTOllOBILI wascum AllD JUllK YARDS Introduced. a• a Bill by councilman Love BY AU'l'llOUft ORDillAllCB m. 19, SDIU or 1963 AR ORDillAllCB AllmDDG TllB MUllICIPAL com or '1'88 Cift OP aGLBWOOD, COLORADO, BY ADDillG t'llBRB'l'O A -PART VII or CllAP'1'SR 13 U'IABLISBillG A CDIPR••SIYB CODB POR RBGULA'II8• OP AUTCllOBILI 1la8CKDIG YAIJ>I MD JUllK YARDS: BSTABLISBIRG STAllDUDS POR RBGUUTIOll or IUCB YUD8 IllCLUDim UGU- LA'IIOR OP sma Alm RBPUSB DISPOSAL, PSllCSS, ACCUS 80AD8 AllD PIRB BXTillGUISB- I8G SQUIPMBll'l' 7 PROVID~ POR COl 1l·BC'l'I08 OP I•••~IOll rm, AllJ) PROVIDBrG PIDS AllD PIDIALTIBS POR TBB VIOLATIOR t'llB•.mr. (Bill for ordinance copied in full in official ainut•• of May 6, 1963) waa read for the ••cond ti-. . COUllCIIllAll LOVB MOVBD, CODCILMAIJ MILS& ISCOllDSD, BAT ORDIRAllCB llO. 19, SBRIBS OP 1963 BB PASSSD OR SSOOllD AllD PillAL llDDim Alm OJtDUBD PUBLISHSD I• PULL IR 'ftlB SllGLSWOOJ> "P..-'LD AllD ..., ... aIU. councilman Parker atated. that he "°'1ld vote qaiut th• Ordinance •• it would tend to le9ialate certain person• out of IN•iae••· Di•cuaaion enaued.. COUncil-n Braun r~ked. that the buaine•H• in exi•tence have a year or 110re to ca11ply with the atrict provision• of the Ordinance. Be revi.wed that the intention• of th• Ordinance were to correct an abuH and offer relief to the neighbor• of th• variou• junk yard operatiou. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• followaa Ayes: Councilmen Wooda, Milea, Lcwe, Braan, 8rownewell. lfaya: Councilman Parker. Abaent: councilman S•ukler. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. 631-52 ~TIRG TO PBTITIOR POR ........... Gm DGIJl:nOllll DIS'l'RICT Th• City Attorney read hi• opinion on the .. tter of the referendwa petition on th• Downtown Iaprov-nt Diatrict llo.lcre•t811 i., Ordinance lfo. 15, Seri•• of 1963, •• followaa Minute• of May 20, 1963 "JOSBPB W. S8Cll Attorney and Counaelor at Law 303 Pirat •atbnal aank Building Bn9lewood, Colorado May 15, 1963 Honorable L. L. Brownewell, Mayor and City council City of Bnglewood Snglewood, Colorado Gentlemen: Purauant to directive of th• City council at it• ... ting of May 6, I have checked th• referendum petition on Downtown Improvement Diatrict Ro. 1. !'be petition appear• to be aubatantially r9911lar, and to have 685 aignatur•• thereon. The City Clerk atatM that the number i• well in exc••• of lOJ' of the n\lllber regiatered to vote in th• laat general aunicipal election aa required by Section 47 of th• Chartu.,;. The above aection of the Charter alao provide• aa follow•: "The refer- endUll •hall apply to all ordinance• paaaed by the council, except ordinance• making the tax levy, th• annual appropriation ordinance, or th• order of t::dov ... nta initiated by petition and to b! paid for by apecial aaaea ... nta." underacoring auppliea) Downtown I11prov .. nt Diatrict llo. 1 wa• ordered by action of th• Council and wa• not initiated by petition. In view of the fact that th• Charter •pa- cifically except• from th• referendua local illprov ... nt• initiated by petition, but doe• not -ntion tho•• initiated by Council, I -of the opinion that th• referendum i• intended to apply to iaprov ... nt di•tricta initiated by Council action. It ia, therefore, my conclu•ion that purauant to Section 47 of the Charter th• City council auat either repeal Ordinance •o. 15, Seri•• of 1963, er-ting the iaprov-•nt diatrict, or au•t •ulait it to a vote of th• quali- fied elector• at th• next qeneral aunicipal election aa requeated in the petition. JWB/vb" Reapectfully aubnitted, /•/Jo•eph w. B•ch, City Attorney City of Bnglewood, Colorado Th• Mayor inflUired aa to how long before th• Council auat act upon th• petition•. Bl• City Attorney atated that there waa no liait ••t forth in th• Charter or by law with regard to a .ti .. liait for action by the Council on a referendua a• th• Ordinance ia •u•pended pendin9 action by th• council or an election. Diacuaaion enaued. Council.aan Braun atated that h• had heard froa acme proponent• that they would favor repeal of the Ordinance. Diacuaaion enaued. COUIJCIUIAIJ BltAUll llOVBD, COUllCIIMR LOVB SBCOllDBD, 'l'BA'l' '1'BB CI'l'r A'l"fOaBY BB I•ftRUC'l'BD '1'0 DRAP'l' U ORDIRAllCB '1'0 UPML OltDillUICB 90. 15, SOUS OP 1963. Councilaan Love C'Olllented that to brin9 the aatter to an election would only reault in the •pending of more mon~ unl••• a thorou9h public informa- tion progr .. waa initiated ao that th• citia•n• knew th• purpoae of the Diatrict. Council.an Mil•• atated that th• Council had not talked with the proponent• and received any evidence of their f .. ling• in the matter. Be augqeated that their d••ir•• be aought aa to repealing or proceeding with an election. Di•cuaaion enaued. COURCIIllAll MILBS llOVBD, COURCIUIAB LOVB UCOllDBD, 'l'BAT 'l'llB MOTIOR BB TABI.SD. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote r••ulted a• follow•: Ayea: Council-n Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, Brown.well. Raya: councilaan Braun. AbMnt: Councilman S.ukler. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 631-58 RBLATillG TO ASSBSSMDTS ml PAVIllG DISTRICT llO. 12 'l'h• City Clerk read th• following reaolution in full: I I I I I I I I Minute• of May 20, 1963 .!!.!~.ltll.l.lR.I WBSRBAS, by appropriate ordinance• and reaolution, the City of Bn9l.wodd, COlo...SO, ha• ••tabliahed Pavin9 Diatrict llo. 12r and, WBBRSAS, th• aforeaaid Pavin9 Diatrict i~clud•• ••••• ... nta a9ainat variou• parcel• or real property within aaid Diatrictr and, WBBRBAS, aubaequent to th• coapilation of th• aa .. aament roll•, from time to ti .. , a part of a particularly deacribed property i• aold and tranaferred, and it become• neceaaary to div1de th• a••••-nt of the parcel tranaferred: a:>w, 'ftlBRBPORB, BB IT RBSOLVSD by th• City council of th• City of Bn9lMIOOd, COlorado, thi• 20th day of May, 1963 that th• City Clerk, with the aaaiatance of the City Bn9in .. r, be and hereby i• authorised and directed, fro• time to ti•• •• occaaion .. Y ariae, to divide th• a• .. •-nta of apecific parcel• within Pavin9 Diatrict Ro. 12 proportionate to th• diviaion of the parcel• of r-1 property a9ainat which the •-My be ••••••ed. and to certify th• reviaed a•••• .. •nt• to th• Treaaurer of Arapahoe County, COlorado. Adopted and approved thi• 20th day of May, 1963. ~-/~~/]~ --' ~-~ Mayor ATTBST: COUBCILMAll LOVB ~. COUllCIUCAll PAIUCBll SSCCllDBD, TllAT 'l'llB RBSOLU'l'IOR BB ADOPTBD Alm APPRO~ Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted •• follow•: Ayea: councilmen Wooda, Parker, Milea, I.ewe, Braun, Brown.well. Raya: llone. Abaent: councilman Saukler. Tb• Mayor declared the motion carried. RBLA'l'IllG TO WATD RBSftJCTIO•S Th• City 11ana9er reported upon the hi9h uaa9• of water durin9 the month of May which at time• exceeded the ability of the Water Plant to produce water. Be reported that aa a reault of thi• water ahorta99 that poatal card• ••ttin9 out irri9ation reatrictiona were .. iled on May 20, ·1963. B• CC4 ented that recent ahower• offer very definite, but only t-.porary relief to th• water d ... nd by th• citizen•. B• diaucaaed the proviaion of the Municipal Code, whereby, under an ..er9ency th• City Mana9er could illpoae t-.porary reatrictiona, but that when a reatriction of water uaa9e waa due to a ahorta9e that that reatriction ahould be authorized and iapoaed by the City council. COUllCILMAll PARm llOVSD, COUllCIUIAll WOOD8 UCOllDllD, 'IBAT TBS RBSTRICTIOB OF IQISSTIC WATD USAGS, EP•n JUJGATIO• 1IOULD .. ALLOllSD O• BVBRY 0'1'llBR zay DUB TO BXTRm WATD SBOmGB BB AftllOllJZSD. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea: Councilmen Wooda, Parker, Mil••· Love, Braun, Brown.w.11. Raya: Mone. ;:. Abaent: Council .. n S.ukler. 'l'be Mayor declared th• motion carried. TRBASUllBR'S RBPORT POR '1'BB MOftll DDDIG APRIL 30, 1963 Council .. n Love inquired about th• Defaulted Special Improv ... nt Diatrict Fund. Th• City Clerk-'l'reMurer reviewed th• hiatory of the fund and it• pr•- ••nt operation. B• au99eated that, if poaaible, it would be adviaabl• to have the fund diaaolved. '!'he City Attorney ~tated that auch a diaaolution would require a court order. Th• City Mana9er au99eated that thi• be looked into. Minute• of May 20, 1963 Th• City 'l'rea•ur•r reported that $134,243,12 bad been received in Paving Di•trict Mo. 12 from per80n• payinq their a••••-nt• in full and taking advantage of th• 5" diacount allowed. Be atated that th••• moni•• plu• other intereat moni•• were uaed to call $140,000 of Paving Diatrict Ro. 12 Bond• on July 1, 1963. · OOUllCILllAS PARKBR MOVBD I COUllCILllAS IOVS &•COllDSD I 'l'llA'l' 'l'llB 'l'RBABURBR I 8 RBPORT BB RBCBIVBD. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote renlted a• follow•: Aye•: councilmen Wood•, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Raya: Mone. Ab••nt: councilman Slaukler. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. 631-59 IRQUIRY ABOUT PURCBASB OP POllTIC. OP SU'l' JUl'SIUIOll DRIVB Th• City Mana9er •tated that he had received a letter from Dr. Bthan B. van Ben•choten, 3600 South Broadway, reciu••tin9 that the City ••11 or vacate a •trip of land adjoining Lot 4, Block 3, A. w. Riner'• Subdiviaion, known aa 3649 South Grant Str .. t. Th• •trip i• approximately 25 f .. t wide and in the Doctor'• opinion "'°uld never be of u•• to the City. 'l'be City Manager pr•-nted a colored -P of the area indicatin9 the •trip in queation aa well a• a •iailar •trip which wa• deeded to Dr. llobert s. Byall. 'l'h• City Man&CJ•r atated that in hi• opinion the City would not have u•• for thi• land and that, aubject to review by the Planning Co i••ion, he would r•co-nd deeding of the land to Dr. Van 8enachoten in return for the payment of the co•t to the City of th• land. OOUIJCIUIAll IULSS llOVBD, COUllCILllAll LOVS I.CC.ml>, 'l'BA'l' '1'BB CITY COUllCIL ACCBPT TBB cxn 11.-.....aa • s ucon«JU1MTI011 MD ura mm JmQUBST TO TBB PLAIDII&G (D•IIUIOll roa UVImf; 'l'llAT IP .,.. PLAmI• CCl•lla&Im COllaJRS I• TllB Cift KUAGD' S RBOClllSllMTIOR 'l'llAT '1'BB APPLICAllT U ll8QUiam> TO PAY ALL '1'BB COSTS DCIDDIT 'l'llBJl8TO Alll> AS MAY BB RBQUIRBD I• co•&'l'Im WITH TBS VACATIO. OP TBS LAID>. Council.llan Braun auggeated that th• coat• include the coat of acquiaition becau•• that land undoubtedly wa• bought in connection with the conatruction of Highway 70 through the City. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Aye•: COuncil-n Wood•, Parker, Mil••· Love, Braun, Brown.well. Raya: Rone. Ab-nt: Council.an S.ukler. 'l'h• Mayor declared th• motion carried. TUT AUDIT OP ROYALft PADISftS roR us• OP LAllD Th• City Manager reported that an audit •• au99eated by the independent auditor• in connection with the audit of th• 1962 financial recor•• and book• of the aethod of payment by th• Robinaon Brick and Tile Company and Cooley Sand and Gravel Company of royalti•• to the City of BnglMIOOd for clay and gravel taken frOll City owned land reapectfully waa caapleted. Th• City Manager indicated plea•ur• at being able to report that the auditor found th• -thod of accounting and reporting of royalti•• to th• City accurate and in conformance with CJOOd accounting principle•. 631-51 UUTillG TO CARRIVAL POR OLD PAIBIOBD BARGAD DAYS 'l'h• Mayor reported that a petition addr•••ed to the City Council waa received on llay 20, 1963 in the City Clerk'• office. Be aaked the City Clerk to read the petition. 'l'h• City Clerk read the following petitions •To 'l'h• Honorable Council of th• City of Bngl~ lln9lewood, Colorado ••~ th• underaiqned owner• and occupant• of the property in the vicinity of th• interaection of South Broadway and Girard A•enae, reapectfully •how and petition you: That a permit ha• or i• about to be i••aed to penait a carnival to be held and conducted on Girard Avenue, ... t and weat of South Broadway, on th• 11th, 12th and 13th day• of July, 19631 I I I I I I I I Minute• of llay 20, 1963 That auch carnival conatitut•• a nuiaancei that load, abriekinq and annoyinq noi .. a, and offenaiv• ordora are produced by the motor• runninq and by th• heavy equipment uaed, and by the about• and yell• of tho•• who attend th• carnival: that a carnival attract• undeairable, diareputabl• and often criminal el ... nta of th• population, and that criainal acta and offenaea are ci 1 itted during auch carnival, 'ftlat auch carnival produce• a fire dangeri That the owner• and occupant• near and in the vicinity of the place where auch carnival i• held object th•r•toi that it do•• not produce addi- tional buain•••: that it conatitut•• a fir• haaard and a thr••t to the aafety of their building• and to their individual aafety: Th• under•iCJfted, therefore, reapectfully petition and urq• you not to iaaue any perait, if th• •-ha• not been iaaued heretofore, and if iaaued heretofore, that you cancel th• •-and do not permit th• carnival to be held at ••id location: that, if a carnival ia neceaaary, it ahould be held in a part of the city which i• not improved with reaid•n••• or buain••• buildinga. Reapectfully aubaitted,• Diacuaaion eaauecl. COUllCILMAll llIIi5 s MOVBD, COUllCIUIAll LOVll 8.:ollDBD I 'l'llAT '1'BB PBTITimt BB llBCSIVBD. Council.-n Braun and Parker inquired if th• previoua peraiaaion for the uae of Girard could be reacinded. 'lh• City Attorney -4viaed the Council that if the person• concerned had acted in reliance on the previoua deciaion then the Council could not reacind that deciaion without incurring a liability. 'lh• queation waa called for. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted •• followaa Ayea: Councilaen Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Raya: llone. Abaent: Council .. n Saukler. 'fh• Mayor declared th• motion carried. councilman Braun comaented upon the above action and r-rked that pro- ceeding• upon a requeat of City nature involved on th• .... night aa aubllitted waa not in the City'• beat intereat. lie urCJ9d that no action be uken on any -tter of public intereat on the •-night aa propoHd. '!'be Mayor and th• COuncilllen preaent agreed that thia waa an excellent au99eation and that the Council would follow thi• approach whenever applicable. D'l'DSIO• OP TRI-Cift nun ACllmWwrr '1'h• Mayor reported that the Tri-City Trut AIJr-nt will expire June 1, 1963. lie recoa1ended that th• aqrewnt be extended for ninety day• or until Septellber 1, 1963, ao that diviaion of the water right• held by th• Truat hAllld••n th• .--ra of th• Truat -Y be completed. OOUllCIIMAll BRAm1 MOvm>, COUllCIUIAll LOVS ssccm>m, THAT '1'llB TRI-CITY TRUST AG8.B•9'1' BB BX'l'BllDBD AllD ltATIPIBD POR UllSft JaYS UllTIL SBPTIMBBR 1, 1963. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ayea: Council-n Woode, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Raya: &one. dMDt: Councilman S.ukler. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 631-32 lCltAllBR WIGllS PROI CAJtBD 8DVICS CDl...llISSIOH Th• City Clerk read a letter of reaiqnation froa John B. Kr~ frOll the Board of car .. r Service Commiaaionera, effective June 1, 1963. COUllCIUIAll BRAU& MOVBD, COURCILllMf JUI.SS a.cmDBD, 'l'llAT '1'BB RBSIGRATIO• BS JmCBIVBD WitB RBGRBT Al1D THAT TllB MAYOR WRITS A LftHR 01' 'ftlAl1KS '1'0 MR. DAllD. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Aye•: Councilmen Wood•, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Haya: &one. Abaent: councilman &aukler. 'l'be Mayor declared themotion carried. Minute• of May 20, 1963 631-60 SllUKLD'S USIGllATIOll PRCll Cift COUllCIL ftl• City Clerk read a letter from Council.an c. B. Sllukler add.reaaed to the Mayor aa followa: •3161 South Willi ... Sngl~, Colorado April 15, 1963 th• Honorable L. L. Brown9Well llayor of &DCJlMllOod Colorado Dear Mayor Brown9Well: Would you plea•• accept thi• letter aa my notification of my intention to reaign froa th• SncJlewood City Council effective Jlay 31, 1963. '!be reaaon for llY reaignation i• becauae I will be 110ving from Precinct 2 on June 1. Ba•ing th• opportunity to ••rv• with you and the other -n on the Council ha• been an extr ... ly intereating and rewarding experience. Very truly your•, /•/ c. B. Saukler• COUllCIUIAIJ PAltKD llOVSD, COUllCIUIAIJ MILS& SmcollDSD, TBA!' ComJCIUIAll 9lma.D' 8 USIGllA'IIOll BB RSCBIVBD Wini UGJtft Alm 'ftlA'I A Ln'l'D U WRiftD Br TBS MAYOR MD Sicmm> ar ALL tllB COUITCIUlm DPmSillG nm SAU '1'0 COUllCIUIAll mana.D. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea: Council-n Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Raya: &one. Ab-nt: Council.an Sllukler. !'be Jlayor declared th• motion carried. 631-61 ••LATDIG TO GOVBRIJOR'S Vft'O or AmmTIOll BILL n. City Clerk read a letter fram Governor John A. Love addr•••ed to the Mayor explaining hi• veto of senate Bill 257, relating to annexation in Colorado. 631-62 COllllUllICATIOll R&LATillG TO AWARDS DillllBR Th• City Clerk read a letter from R. George Wooda, Pir• Chief, addre .. ed to the Jlayor, CCI entin9 upon the Chief'• f .. linga upon being preaented the 40 year pin. MAYOR'S CBOICB Th• Mayor r•inded th• council.aen of the Urban Mayor•' Golf Tourn-ent, to be held at th• Pitzaimon• Officer• Clul», on July 18, 1963. th• Jlayor aaked how -ny would be in attendance at th• next informal ... ting. All will be preaent except councilman Braun. COUBCILMAIJ'S CllOICB Council.an Parker atated that Mr. Bleaaing and Mra. Wallace had indicated their candidacy for th• vacanci•• on th• South Sa'.burban Metropolitan Park and aecr .. tion CO-iaaion to be filled in th• very near future. B• urged that Council.llen aupport th••• candidate• aa they would have theintereat of Bngl.wood in •ind. ADJOURll COUllCIUIAll BRAUll MOVBD, COUllCIUIAll LOVS S&COllDSD, 'l'BAT TBB MBftillG BB AD.JOURBD. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reiulted aa follow•: Ayea: Council.llen Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brown.well. Bayas llone. Abaent: councilman S.ukler. '!be Mayor declared the ... tug adjourned at 10115 P.M. I•/ B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of th• Council Th• minute• of th• meeting of the City Council of the City of Bn9lewood, Colorado, held on the 20th day of May, 1963 A.D., atand approved aa corrected thi• 3rd day of June, 1963 A.D. I I I ,I