HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-06-03 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I RBQULAJl MBB'l'IllG: COUBC:IL CRAMB8RS CJ:Tr OF aGLDIOOD, COLOMDO JUD 3, 1963 Th• City Council of th.City of Bngl8WOOd, Arapahoe County, Colorado, .. t in regular ••••ion on Monday, June 3, 1963, in th• Council Challbera, City Ball, Bnqlewood at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor BrownMtell preaidinq called the .. •ting to order and the invocation waa given by the Reverend Marvin Ad-of the -nuel llethodiat Church. 'l'h• Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon the call of th• roll, the following peraon• were pr•••nt: councilmen: Braun, Love, Mile•, Parker, Wood.a, BrownMtell. Al80 Preaent: City Manager Dial, Abaent: &one. City Attorney Bach, Deputy city Clerk Barron, A••i•tant City Manager Malone. 'l'h• Mayor declared a quorum pr•••nt. 631-2 CO&SIDDATIO. OP MillU'l'BS OP PUVIOUS llDTillG COUllCILMIJ PARXBR llOVBD, COUBCIUIAB LOVB SBCOBDBD, 'l'BAT TBB MIMWTBS OP '!'BB COUllCIL llBB'l'DlG OP MAY 20, 1963 BB APPROVBD AS COmcTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Ay••: councilmen Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Raya: &one. Abaent: llone. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. 631-52 RBC<»lllDIDATIOB RBLATIRG TO TllB DBVBLOPllDT OP DOI01'1'0Wll ARM Mr. Robert Montgomery, Preaident of th• Challber of caarwrce, apok• re- garding th• growth and traffic condition• of the City and pr•••nted th• fol- lowing reco 1 enda ti on: "IDIGLBWOOD CllAllm OP CC»lllSRCB Bnglewood, Colorado PIK»l1 Th• Board of Director• of th• Bn9l.wood Challber of Collllerce to: Th• Member• of th• City council of the City of Bngl9WOOCI 'l'h• Buain••• Council of the Bnglewood Ch..mer of C011aerce with th• approval of the Board of Director• of th• Challber llak•• the following recoaaendationa: (1) !!jt a Citizen• Action Co11111litt .. of not more than ten (10) civic leader• be appe nted by th• city council to atudy and recommend to th• Council a pro- gr-compoaed of abort and long range objective• and their aolutiona, to .. intain and improve Bnglewood'• bu•in••• econaay, and that th• Ce>1mitt•• be further charged with the reaponaibility of putting th• approved program into effect and carrying it through to concluaiona. (2) Th• Board of Director• reapectfully •W.itfn the following •t•p• aa a poaaibl• approach to th• atudy of th• probl-the formulation of the total proqraa for development: 1) Th• inclentification of aa many •• poaaibl• of the pr•••ing probl .. • facing Bnqlewood, '2) A d••cription of each problem to indicate it• preaent atatua and to aug9eat the principal factor• in- volved in a aolution, 3) Organization of exiating infor .. tion about each probl .. , 4) Buaination of th• feaaibility of each propoaed courae of action to ••tabliah priority among th• probl .. a, 5) Poraulation of a comprehenaiv• action program deaiqned to produce aolutiona. (3) Th• loard fprtb•r r•co •nd• t;bat th! City furniah a profeaaional traffic and planning oonaultant on a part-time ba•i• to quid• th• C01111itt••'• atudi•• in the formation of the proqr• of action. (4) Th• Board of Dir•Gtor• of th• Bnal'f::i Cb'""er of co tree fully realize• the -qnitud• of thi• probl-and under• a that proqr••• toward• aolutiona will require the total cooperation of th• entire comaunity. 'l'h• importance of the probl .. and the tr ... ndou• reaponaibility that i• to be placed on th• Citizen• Action COIJllitt•• require• that thl pr09raa be develop4'd through th• official action of th• city council. In thi• li9ht the Board of Director• of the Bngl...ood Chamber of CO..erce offer• it• ••rvice• and faciliti•• in aaaiatinq in whatever manner deemed neceaaary." Ir :12 ltinutea of June 3, 1963 Mr. Rate Burt, Mr. Bob Scarff• and Mr. aack Bachon alao commented on the neceaaity of cooperation with the City Council. 631-17 DOW11'1'0i01 IMPRO,,_.-, DISTRICT RO. 1 Mr. Ray Ludwig, Preaident of th• Downtown Unlimited, requeated the City Council to repeal the ordinance eatabliahing the Downtown I11provement Diatrict llo. 1. COUS:IUIAll MILBS JIOVllD I OOUBCILllAIJ MAUii SBCOllmD I 'l'BA'l' '1'BB QUBS'l'IOll Oii ORDillAllCS llO. 15, SBRIBS OP 1963,DOWll'fOIOI IllPJIOVSllDT DISTRICT RO. l BB amlOVSD Famt 'l'llB 'l'ABLB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayeas Councilmen Wood.a, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brown.well. Raya: &one. AbHnts &one. '1'he Mayor declared th• motion carried. COUIJCILMAll LOW MOVBD, OOUIJCIUIM WOODS SSCOllDBD, 'l'BA'l' 'l'llB CITY AT'l'OIUIBY BS I•STRUCl'SD TO PUPARB All ORDillAllCS RDDLillG ORDIDllCS llO. 15, SDIBS OP 1963 BS'l'ABLISBIIJG DOWll'1'0i01 IMPROYmlm DISftIC'l' m. 1. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa followas Ayea: Coancil-n Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brown.well. •aya: &one. Abaent 1 Rone. 'l'b• Mayor declared th• motion carried. RBGAltDDIG TltAPPIC LIGHT AT HIGBMAY RO. 70 AllD SOUTH BAIDJOCK Councilaan Braun atated that the State Bi9hway Department had r•co-nded certain llOdificationa for the traffic li9ht• at Bannock and Bi9hway •o. 70 which would coat approximately $700.00 and that it could poaaibly be that an extenaion of till• for the left turn cut off could be ••cured. Diacuaaion enaued. OOUllCIUIAll BMUll llOVBD, COUllCIUIAIJ MIL88 SmcDllDD, 19'1 TBB Cift MAllAGBR cmTACT 'l'llB STAB HIGHWAY DDAll'l'llD'f UCIUJ>Im '1'llS lmDIPICA'l'IO. Alm TRY TO G8'1' AR BX'l'•SIOll OP TDlll o• '1'llB LBP'l' '1'URlf CU'1' OPP Mn. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa followas Ayea: Council~ Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Rayas &one. Abaents &one. 'fh• Mayor declared the motion carried. 631-65 ALLSY VACATIO• Alll> RSDSDICATIO• 3800 SOU'lll BllOADlfAY Alm ACOMA STRBBT Mr. w. x. Malone, Attorney for th• BnglewoOd llethodiat Church, diacua- aed the vacation of a portion of th• north-aouth alley weat of th• Methodiat church and the church would dedicate an alley to the north of the church building. 'l'h• following recom endation waa received from the Planning COmaiaaion. •'l'hat the Planning Ooaaiaaion reco ... nd to City Council that th• propoaed partial vacation and rededication of the alley in the 3800 block of South Broadway-South Acoma be favorabl~v conaidered." OOUllCIUIAIJ 8ltAUIJ MOVBD, COU&CIUIAll WOODS SBCOllDBD, 'ftlA'l' 'l'BB RBC<»IMBllDATIO& BB RBCBIVBD Alll> RBPBRRBD TO 'l'llB CI'l'r A'l"l'OIUIBY POR BIS ~TI&. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea: COuncil-n Wood.a, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brown.well. Bayas Bone. Abaents &one. 'lb• Mayor declared th• motion carried. I I I I I I I 'I Minute• of June 3, 1963 RmARDDIG DCLOSIIJG DRAIHAGB DITCH BB'1'WBD BAST DAR'lllOUTB AYmUB Alm BAST BASTMAB AVBllVB Mr. Don Jeltma, 2640 South Joaephine StrHt, aaked council if it would be poaaibl• for the City to encloae the drainage way adjacent to South Lafayette Str .. t between Baat Dartmouth Avenue and aaat aaat:man Avenue. Dia- caaaion enaued. It waa au99eated that Mr. Jelt-contact the City Manager. Mr. Charle• Dykatra ha• a houae near thi• ditch and would like for the City to cover the ditch. 631-63 RBGARDIIKJ TRAllSPBR OF LIQUOR LICSllSB FOR BIJGLSWOOD LIQUOR S'l'ORB Mr. Anthony conrardy, 1053 Kenton StrHt,, Aurora, owner of the Bn9lewood Liquor Store, 3434 South Broadway, waa preaent regarding th• approval of a Liquor Licen••· Th• City Manager atated that th• police report• had been received and were favorable. oomtCILllAll PAIUCBR MOVBD, COUIJCILMAll LOV8 SBCOBDBD, 'l'BAT '1'BB APPLICATIOR FOR ftMJSPBR OF LICBllSB '1'0 MR. AB'l'BOllY COl1DltDr dba DGLDfOOD LIQUOR STORB BB APPROVBD. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa: Ayea1 councilmen Wood•, Parker, Mil••· Love, Braua, Brown.well. Rayas Rone. Abaent: Rone. 'l'h• Mayor declared th• motion carried. 631-69 APPODl'lllBllT TO TBS BOARD OF CARBD SBRYICB C<IUIISSIORBRS COUllCILllAll PARDR JIOVSD, COU8CILMAR LOVS SBCORDBD, 'l'llAT MR. BARVBY MAYD, 4860 80U'1'B GALAPAGO, H APPOIR'l'BD TO '1'llB BOARD OF CARBD SDVICB COUIISSIODRS l'OR A SIX YBAR TUii. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 &yeas COuncil-n Wooda, Parker, Mile•, Love, Braun, Brown.well. Raya: Mone. Abaent: llone. 'l'be Mayor declared th• motion carried. 631-70 AIJD VACATIOR 3500 BLOCK SOUTH OP LIROOLR-SRPJIU ALI.BY 'l'b• Deputy City Clerk read th• following recomaendation of the City Planning and zoning co 1 i••ion in full 1 "'!'hat Planning co 1iaaion reco and to City council the alley in the 3500 block aouth of Lincoln-Sherman alley be vacated on th• IMSvic• of th• City Bn9ineer, •ubject to utility nec•••iti••·" COUllCILllAIJ UAUa1 llOVBD, COUIJCIUIM MILBS SBOOllDBD, 'l'llAT '1'llB RBCQllMDllaTIOR BS RBCBIVSD Al1D UPD•BD '1'0 '1'llB CITY AT'l'OIUIBY FOR TllB PRUAMTIOR OP AB ORDI- llAmCB. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted a• follow•: Ayeas councilmen Wooda, Parker, Mil••, Love, Braun, Brown.well. Raya: llone. Abaent1 l10ne. 'l'b• Mayor declared the .,tion carried. 631-6 MIRU'l'BS OP PLUDIIMG ARD ZORIRG COMMISSIOR MBBTIIKJS OP MAY 23 ARD 28, 1963 Th• Mayor aaked that th• minute• be received and placed on file. 631-66 COllTillUATIOB OP CHBRRY HILLS SAIJI'1'ATIOR ASSOCIATIOR OODBCTORS AGRUMBl1'1' The Deputy City Clerk read th• following reco ... ndation of th• Water and Sewer Board in full: "'l'bat th• head tap or connection fH, aa ••t forth in th• Connector'• Agr•-nt with Cherry Bill• Sanitation Aaaociation, aecuted June 20, 1963, be continued in force and effect for the next two aucceedin9 yeara, aubject to renegotiation on or before, but a• of June 20, 1965, and that an ... ndment to th• Connector'• Agr-nt be drawn and aecuted by proper official• of the City and Cherry Bill• Sanitation Aaaociation, ••ttin9 out auch continuation." COURCILMAll PARKBR MOVBD, THAT '1'1111 RBCC»lllmDATIOll BB APPROVBD. 'l'h• Mayor aaked for a aecond. 'l'h•r• waa none. Th• Mayor declared the .,tion loat for want of a aecond. 14 Minute• of June 3, ~963 631-67 C<*TIMUATIOll OP SOU'l'llGATB SAIJITATIOB DISTRICT comCTOR'S AGRBBMBm' Th• Deputy City Clerk read th• followinq reco ... ndation of the Water and Sewer Board in fulls "That th• head tap or connection fee, aa aet forth in the Connector'• Aqre .... nt with Southqate Sanitation Diatrict, executed June 20, 1963, be continued in fore• and effect for the next two •ucceeding yeara, aubject to reneqotiation on or before, but .. 02 June 20, 1965, and that an ... nctment to the connector'• Agre ... nt be drawn and executed by proper official• of the City and Southgate Sanitation Diatrict, aetting out auch continuation." COUllCIIllAll PARICBR MOVBD, CX>UllCIIMB MILBS SBOOllDBD, 'l'llAT '1'llB TWO YBAR u--f'.-a-sI011 AGJlDMBllT WI'l'B SOU'l'llGATB SUITATIOl1 DISTRICT BB APPROVBD AJII) 'l'BAT mB MAYOR MID CITY CLBRJ< BB AU'l'llORIDD 'l'O SIG• TBB AGRB•D'l' 011 BmLP OP tBB CITY. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea: COuncil.aen Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, Baaun, Brown.well. Kaya: Bone. ~aents 11one. Th• Mayor declared th• motion carried. 131-7 MDIUTBS OP mGLBWOOD WATBR ARD SBWBR BOARD MmDG OP MAY 21, 1963 Th• Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 631-18 m.RDil1G WASTB OP WATD Th• Deputy City Clerk read th• following recommendation of the Water and S.W.r Board in fulls "That th• penalty proviaion of Chapter 8, Par•qraph 8.3-9 of the Municipal Cod• of th• City of Bnqlewood beeliminated and that Violation of auch Paragraph be made aubject to the general fin•• and penalti•• of the Code aa ••tout in Chapter 27." COUllCIUIAll PARKD MOVBD, CX>Ul1CILMAll MILBS SSOOllDm>, 'l'llAT 'ftlB RBCC»UODIDA- 'l'IOR BB APPROVm. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayeas Councilaen Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, .. aun, Brown.well. Raya: Rone. Abaents llone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Introduced aa a Bill by councilman Parker A BILL POR All ORDillAllCB RSPULIRG SSCTIOB 8.3-9 WASB OP WATBR, OP '1'llB MU11ICIPAL CODS OP '1'llB CITY OP aGLBWOOD, COLORADO, RB-BllACTillG SAID UCTIOlf BXCBPT POR ms LAST SDTDCB 'l'BBRBOF AS TO m&TALLATIOR OP A MBTD cm SBCOllD VIOLATI011, AID> PROVIDDIG TllAT SAID SSC'l'1011 SHALL BB BDORCm> Br '1'11S GDBRAL FID AlfD Pm.ALTY PROVISIO.S OF CBAPTBR 27 OP '1'118 SAID JIUllICIPAL CODS. BB IT ORJaDtBD BY 'ftlB CITY COUllCIL OP '1'118 CITY OP BllGLBWOOD, CX>LORADCh Section 1. Section 8.3-9 waat• of Wattr of the Municipal COde of th• City of Bnqlewood, COlorado, ia hereby repealed, and in place thereof there ia hereby re-enacted the following aa Section 8.3-9 of aaid Municipal Code: "8.3-9 waat• of Water. Water ahall be uaed only for beneficial pur- po••• and ahall never be waated. Water ahall not be left running to k .. p pipe• frOll fr .. aing. Water for irri9ation of lawna ahall be uaed only during th• hour• and in th• Mnntr apecif ied by the water co-i•aioner. Sprinkling of gardena, lawna, and waahing of aid•- walka, or other outaid• water uae, •hall be done only by u•• of a nozzle or noazl•• having an outflow appliance no larger than one- quarter inch in di ... ter, and no apray or aprinkltr •hall be placed in a poaition to throw water on a public walk, driveway, atreet or alley while irri9atin9 adjacent areaa, except inaofar aa .. Y be abaolutely nec•••ary." section 2. Violation• of Section 8.3-9 Waag of Water, of th• Municipal Code of the City of BRCJlewood, COlorado, ahall be aubject to th• fine and penalty proviaiona of Section 27 of aaid Municipal COde. I I ·I I I I I I AftBST: wa• read for Minute• of June 3, 1963 council of th• City of Sn9lewood, ordered publi•hed in full in the Mayor COUllCILllAll PAllKD llOVSD, OOUllCILMAll MILS& SSCQIDSD, THAT TllB PROPOSBD BILL BS PASSSD Oii FIRST JtBADIIJG AllD ORDBRm PUBLISllB D PULL IR TBB BmGLIWOOD BBIA'.0 AllD SllTSRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote r••ulted a• follow•: Aye•: Council-n Wood•, Parker, Mil••, love, Braun, Brown.well. Bay•: Mone. Abaent: lfone. Th• Mayor declared th• motion carried. COLORADO PUBLIC SBRCICB COMPAllY PMllCllISB PADIDT Mr. Harold Ruat, Mana9er of th• Colorado Public Service Company, pr•••nted a franchi•• check in the amount of $1,536.00 for centennial Acr••· 631-61 APPLICATIOll POR 3.2 BBBR LIC98S Br BI-LO SUPD llAIUCIT An application for 3.2 Beer Lic•n•• by Bi-Lo Super Market, 4509 South Broadway, waa pr•••nted to council. COUllCILMAIJ PARDR MOVBD, COURCIUIAll llIUS SSCX>llDm>, 'ftlAT TBB APPLICA'IJOll fOR 3.2 BBBR LICDISS BY BI-LO SUPBR llAIUCIT BB UCSIVSD AID> '1'11S PROPD'l'Y POS'l'BD AllD A llBARillG Sft POR 8: 00 P.M., MOIUaY, JULY 1, 1963. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote r••ulted aa follow•: Ayea: councilmen Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Raya: Hone. Abaent: Hone. Th• Mayor declared th• motion carried. RBCBSS Th• Mayor ;\called a r•c••• of th• council at 10115 P.M. CALL TO OR.DD Th• Mayor called th• Council to order at 10130 P~. with th• followin9 councilmen pr•••nt: Councilmen: Braun, Love, Mile•, Parker, Wood•, Brown.well. 'l'b• Mayor declared a quorlB preaent. 631-5 MDIUTBS OP '1'HB ~ OF CARBBR SBRVICB CC»IMISSIOllBRS MBBTillG OP MAY 22, 1963 'l'h• Mayor a•ked that th• minute• be received and placed on file. Th• City Mana9er atated that he had received the 1964 pay plan from the Board of car-r Service Co iaaion•r• ancl wiahed more tia• to atudy aame. 631-9 COllSIDBRATIOB OF BILLS, CLAIMS Al1D IllVOICBS POR MAY, 1963 COUllCIIMAll llARJCSll MOVBD, COUIJCILMAB WOODS SBCQIDBD, 'ftlAT 'ftlB BILLS, CLAIMS AID> IllVOICBS fOR MAY, 1963 APPROVBD BY THB Cift IL.\llAGBR AllD LISTBD BY TBB Cift CLBRK BB ALLOWBD. Upon th• call of the roll, th• vote re•ulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Wood•, Parker, Mile•, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Raya: llone. Abaent: llone. 'l'be Mayor declared the motion carried. Minute• of June 3, 1963 631-39 USOLUTIOll RBGAJU>DG SAM BILL Councilllan Braun read a Reaolution in which th• reaiqnation of Sam Bill from th• Planninq C011iaaion wa• requeated. OOUBCIUIAll BRAUll llOVBD, COUllCIUIAll KIL88 88~, TO ADOPT '1'118 RBSO- LU'l'Imt. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Ay••: Councilmen Wood•, Mil••, Braun. 8ayas Councilmen Parker, Love, Brownewell. Abaents 11one. Tb• Mayor declared the motion loat. 631-66 COllTillUATIO. OF CllBRRY HILLS ' Th• Mayor aaked that th• connector'• aqre ... nt with Cherry Bill• Sanita- tion Aaaociation be reoonaidered. COUllCIUIAIJ PAllJCD JIOVBD, COUllCILMAM KILi& SBCOllDBD, TO BX'l'BBD 'l'BB CO...C- TI08 AGRBBllBllT POR ftO Yu.RS WITH CBBRRY BILL& SAllITATIO• A880CIATI08 Al1D 'l'llAT TllB MAYOR Alm Cift cr.nx BB AU'l'BORIZBD TO SIGl1 SMB 08 BBHALF OF 'l'BB Cift. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• followas Ayeas Council.lien Wooda, Parker, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. 8ayas Bone. Al>eents llone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 631-71 RBGARDDIG COUllCIL VOTB 08 OVBRRULB OF RBSID•'l'& COUllCIIllAll LOVB MOVBD, COUllCIUIAB WOODS SBcom>BD, 'l'llAT '1'llB CI'l'r AT'l'OUBY' BB I88TRUCTBD TO DRAft' A8 MBlll»IBl1'1' TO 'l'BB llUIJICIPAL CODB WBDBBY A TWO- 'IBDDS V0'1'B BY Cift COUllCIL WOULD BB RBQUIRm> TO OVDRULB OllJBCTIO•& 8Y ARBA mIDml'l'S RATBBR '1'llAl1 A SIMPLB MAJORITY AS STATBD D 'IBB MUITICIPAL CODB. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote re•ulted •• follow•s Aye•: Council-n Wood•, Parker, Mile•, Love, Braun, Brownewell. 8ayas Bone. Abaent: Bone. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. ADJOURll COUllCIIMAll PARICBR KOVBD, COUllCIUIAll KILB& SBCOllDSD, 'l'HA'l' THB MBB'l'IBG 88 ~. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•s Aye•: Council.llen Wooda, Parker, Mile•, Love, Braun, Brownewell. 8ayas Bone. Abaent: Bone. The Mayor declared the •••tinq adjourned at 11145 P.M. /•/ J. L. Barron, Deputy City Clerk Clerk of th• Council Th• Minute• of th• ... tinq of th• City council of th• City of Bnql9W'OOd, c:»lorado, held on the 3rd day of June, 1963 A.D., atand approved a• corrected thi• 17th day of June, 1963 A.D. I I I