HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-08-19 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I amuLUl llBftDIG1 COU&CIL alAllmS Cift OP BBGLBWOOD, COLOJtADO AUGUST 19, 1963 'lb• City council of th• City of Engl.wood, Arapahoe county, colorado, -t in revular aeaaion on Monday, Auquat 19, 1963 in the council Challbera, City Ball, b9lwd, at th• hour of 8100 P.M. Mayor Brown.well pr••idiDCJ called the .. •ting to order and th• invocation waa given by the Revuend c. Arlin Be~on, Jr. of the 8-pden lliii• Bapti•t Church. 'fbe Mayor aaked for roll call • Upon the call of the roll·, the following peraona were preaent1 COuncil-n1 Braun, Love, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Alao Pr•••nt: Acting City Manager Malone, City Attorney B•ch, City Clerk Beauaang, . Planning Director Romana. Abaents council .. n Kr•iling, Mil••1 City Manager Dial. '1'be Mayor declared a quorua pr•••nt. 632-2 CORSIDBRATIOR OF MIBU'l'BS OP PRBVIOUS MBB'l'DIG COUllCIUIAR LOVB MOVBD, COUllCILMMI WOODS SBCOllDBD, 'l'llAT 'l'llB MJ:BU'l'BS OF 'DIE AUGUST 5'1'11 MBBTim BB APPROY&D AS WRI'l"l'BB. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea1 councilmen Braun, Love, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Hone. Atiaent1 COUncil-n Kreiling, Mil••· '1'be Mayor declared th• motion carried. 632-43 PRBSBll'l'ATIOR OP AIJRUAL TRAPPIC IllVD1TORY POR 1962 Mr. A. L. Griffith, of the Metropolitan Traffic Safety council, pr•••nted Traffic Inventory document• to the member• of th• council and thanked Police Chief Till .. n for coordinating information which wa• aubmitted for the report. Mr. Griffith reviewed the uae of the report u a tool for evaluation and atudy of the varioua function• in compariaon with other citi•• and towna of comparable aise. Be diacuaaed the report in aum1ary with the Council explaining that he bad previoualy di•cuaaed the report and it• findiftCJ• with the City Manager, ActincJ City Manager, Police Chief and Planning Director. Be ••t forth that the target for the ca11in9 year waa two-fold, to increaae public traffic aafety education and organisation of the traffic aafety education improvementa. Police Olief Tillman, Planning Directo_L ____ •, and other apoke briefly on the report and it• value. ~ (COuncil .. n Kreiling entered and took hi• ••at on the council at 8117 P.M.) Diacuaaion enaued aa to the evaluation of th• report in .. aningful terma. Badget liaitationa and their effect on a favorable report eo11pariaon were cited. councilman Parker inquired if th• preaenc• of angle parking on south Broadway repreaented a particular ha~d ·.: . Diacuaaion enaued. 'lb• Police Chief reported that approximately ten per cent of all accident• occurring with th• City occur in the two block• in th• downtown area where an91• parking ia located. Th• Mayor thanked llr. Griffith for hi• preaentation and pledged the City'• continued effort• to increaae ita C011p&rativ• rating with other citi•• through- out th• country. 632-41 PBTITIOR POR DBSIGllATIBG WB8T OXPORD 8ftBBT A 'l'llUCJ< ROUTB llr•. Blla B. McOOy, 4301 South Fox StrMt, and Mr•. Mildred Round•, 4296 south Galapago StrMt, preaented copi•• of the text of a petition •ublllitted to Jira. Jtom•n• aa Traffic Manager aa follow•• •Attention of Jira. Roe•n•- Traffic Manager for Bnglewood To whOll it -y concerns We, the underaiqned property owner• on •••t Quincy Street, aublait th• follow- ing petition in regard to diacontinuing the truck route on Weat Quincy Street for th••• r-aona: Minute• of AUCJU•t 19, 1963 rirat-Weat Quincy ha• home owner• on both aid••· Second-'lb• vibration fra. the truck• i• detrimental to hou•• atructure. Third-Belleview i• not a nearby truck route. Fourth-Oxford, with atop light• at Santa re, i• a much wider atreet and include• cc ercial property adjoining th• •tr•t. It would .... 110r• logical for Weat Oxford, a through atreet, to be .. de a truck route., n&lao·,., part ::of .Quincy i• not a truck route and therefor• not a direct route Baat for truck 1189. Fifth-Bach property owner on Weat Quincy ha• inveated a large •um of ·110n9)' to repave th• atr••t and we feel that we ahould be able to enjoy a uaabl• atreet fr•• froa truck• and their damaging vibrationa.• Th• City Clerk received th• original of the above mentioned petition from Jira. Ro=•n• and noted that there were 81 aignatur•• to th• petition. Council11an Braun aaked th• Planning Director to report on the .. tter. 'l'h• Planning Director atated that ahe had aaked the Planning COlllliaaion for a recom- ••ndation aa well aa the report from the City ln9ineer aa to th• .. thod of con- atruction of Weat Oxford. She reported that Oxford extend• to the weat paat South Banta re Drive and i• wider aa well aa having traffic aignala at South Santa re. Sh• r..arked there waa very little overall difference in the grad• between th• two •tr-ta. She reported that the Planning oorriaaion had not yet preaented it• re~tion. COUllCILllAll UAUll llOVBD, COUIJCIIMY PARICBR SBCOllDBD I 'l'llA'l' '1'llB CI ft COUllCIL R9C8IVBD 'ftlB PB'l'I'l'IO•. Di•cu••ion •n•ued. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayeas councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. •aya: llone. Abaent: Councilman Kil••· 'l'be Mayor declared th• 110tion carried and referr .. th• matter to the Planning CO iaaion and Planning Director for further review. 631-72 oo•SIDDA'fIOR or CCllPRBB•SIVB ZOUllG ORDI .. CB COUllCILllAIJ KRBILillG llOVBD, OOUlfCIUIAll L09S sscmDa>, !BAT '1'BB COllSIDBRA'l'IO• or '1118 CQllPREmSIVB ZOllillG ORDIMAllCB AllD Mft'aZCI' llAP .. ll9IOYBD PRQM 'l'llB 'fABLB. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa followas Ayea: Councilmen Braun, JCreiling, Love, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. •aya: Hone. Abaent: council.man Nil••· 'lb• Mayor declared the 110tion carried. COuncilllan Wood• reported that he had not h..S tille to review the propoaed ~:1 t:lni '7-iml -,_,'1Wrl 1.qnt t 'for ··~yartoa9 ......_ta O!r;:tlle."Or.,ilf111JC•:ra• am.itted by th• citizena. Be remarked further that aa one COuncilaan waa abaent be would rather that th• .. tter be diacuaaed but that no action be taken until all the •mber• of the council are in attendance. !here waa 9eneral agr•-•nt on the•• point•. COuncilaan Braun expreaaed the need for a detailed report of the zonin9 and exiating land u•• in the vicinity of 3600 block South Delaware. Be atated that upon further inveatigation th• propoaed incinderator ... ndment of th• previou• ... ting i• contrary to other ••ction• of the Building Code. OOUllCIUIAll BltAUB WI'l'BDJlBW '1'BB PROPOSBD AllBllillD'l' '1'0 '1'BB CCllPRBllBMSIVB OltDIDllCB RBLA'fDIG 'l'O '1'llB DBrIU'l'IOR or I•CillDATORS. Diacuaaion wa• conducted a• to the beat way to review the varioua requeated .. endllenta. 'l'h• .. jority agreed to di•cu•• th• ... ndment• in detail on Augaat 26th. OOUllCJ;LllAll MOODS MOYBD, COUlfCII.MAB BRAU& SBOOllDBD, 'l'llA'f '1'BB MAftBR or TIU: CXMPlllBDSIVB ZOllillG ORDDAllCB MID DIS'l'RIC'l' llAP Bl 'l'ABIP Ull'IIL '1118 RBGULUl DB'l'IllG or 'lVBSDAY, SBP'l'•BBR 3, 1963. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted a• follow•• I I I ,I ,I I I I Minute• of Auquat 19, 1963 Ayea: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. •aya: Hone. Abnnt: councilman Mil••· The Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-35 PROCBBDIHGS OP CITIZBHS ACTIOH COllMITTBB llBB'l'IHG OP AUGUST 7'1'11 The Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. Reeo1111endation Relating l§! traffic eonaultant Councilman Love gave the background which led to the reco endation to the council.lien. Be expreaaed hi• confidence in Jlr. J-• -11 and recomaended the •••o of th• Citizen• Action Colllllitt•• aa pr•••nted providing that money for auch an eatillated expenditure of $5,000.00 waa available. The Acting City Manager atated that th• City'• contribution to the Paving Di•trict waa not a• great a• originally ••timated and that moni•• would be available in the Public I11prov-nt Fund. councilllan Braun inquired if other traffic conaultanta had been conaidered. Diacuaaion enaued. COuncilaan Braun expreaaed th• vi.w that th• propoaed atudy could very well beco .. another atudy to be placed upon th• ahelv•• and never uaed. Diacuaaion enaued. COUllCILMMJ LOVB MOVBD, COUIJCILMAR KRBILIBG SBOOllDBD, 'DIA'!' UPOB PURTHBR VBRJ:PICAl!'IOB 'ftlAT MOBBY IS AVAix..BLB Al1D 'l'llAT ftlB CDT BR'l'BR Il1'1'0 A COB'l'RACT WitB llR. JAMBS Sll.-'LL, 'l'RAPPIC COllSULTAllT I AS RBQUBS'l'BD BY 'l'BB CITIZBllS AC'l'IOH CDllliftBB, 'l'O'l'AL COST llOT 'l'O BXCBBD $5,000.00. Diacuaaion enaued. The Mayor reported that Jlr. Dick Grahall, Chairman of th• Citizen• Action Coalaittee, had requeated that mon.y be placed in th• 1964 budget for the implementation of the reaulta of the atudy now undertaken. Councilllan Braun expr•••ed further hi• objection• to the atudy. The queation waa called for. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted a• follow•: Ayea: COuncil .. n Kr•iling, Love, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Raya: Councilman Braun. Abaent: COuncilllan Mil••· The Mayor declared th• motion carried. 632-6 PROCBBDillGS OP PLUDIIllG AID> ZOHIHG CDUIISSIOH MBBTDIG OP AUGUST 8'1'11 The Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 632-8 PROCBBDIHGS OP LIBRARY BOARD JIBftDIG OP AUGUST 15'1'11 The Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 632-5 PROCBBDillGS OP BOARD OP CARBBR SBRVICB CX»lllISSIOHBRS MBBTIHG OP AUGUST IC'IB . 'l'h• Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 632-4 PROCBBDillGS OP BOARD OP ADJUS'IMBlf'l' AID> APPMLS MBB'l'IHG OP AUGUST 6'1'11 Th• Mayor aaked that th• minute• be received and placed on file. 632-42 RBLATillG 'l'O ACQUIRIHG RIGHT-OP-WAY IR 4600 BLOCK SOUTH AC<»IA councilman Braun preaented to the Clerk, to be read to the council, a letter received by him from Walter M. Bogg• dated August 17, 1963, requeating conaideration of hi• request for $1,000.00 for a •trip of land 60 by 80 feet wide neceaaary for the develoimaent and improv ... nt of South Acoma Street in th• 4600 block. Diacuaaion ensued. The City Attorney reported that he had received the right to enter upon the property on behalf of the City and that the contract wa• going on according to achedule. B• reported that he had offered $675.00 for the land which had been appraiaed at $676.00. Diacuaaion enaued aa to the comparable coats of proceeding with condemnation or accepting Kr. Jlo99• offer. OOUIJCILMAll KRBILIBG llOVBD, COUHCILMAll WOODS SBCOllDBD, THAT 'l'BB CITY COUllCIL RBCBIVB llR. BOGGS LB'l'TBR AID> AUTBORIZB '1'BB Cift A'l'fOUBY 'l'O llAICB TBB COUll'l'BR Ol'PD POR TBB PURalASB OP TllB RIGHT-OP-WAY I• A8 AllOUllT T• PBR CBft' GRBA'l'BR 'lllAlf '1'llB APPRAISBD VALUB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Hone. Abaent: councilman Miles. Th• Mayor declared th• motion carried. Minute• of Auguat 19, 1963 632-46 RBLBASB POR IllSURAllCB DAllAGBS 'fbe City Attorney reported that h• had received an inaurance liability re- l•••• form •• a prerequiaite to the payment of ail inaurance claim for a recent traffic accident d ... ging a City truck in the ..ount of $186.67. Be aaked that th• Mayor and City Clerk be authorised to aign the rel•••• on behalf of the City. OOUllCIUIAll WOODS MOVBD, OOUllCIIILMT LOVB SBCOm>m>, 'l'llAT 'l'BB MAYOR Al1D CITY CLDK BB AU'l'llORIZBD '1'0 SIGll TBB RBLMSB. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: council.men Braun, Kreiling, Love, Parker, 1fooda, Brownewell. llaya: llone. Abaent: councilllan Mil••· !'be Mayor declared the motion carried. Rl!l.oc:ATIIJG 'l'RAPPIC SIGllAL AT SOU'l'll moADIJAY A11D JBPPBRSOll 'fh• Acting City Manager reported upon the propoaed relocation of the equip- ment located at South Broadway and Jef feraon Avenue to South Broadway and Kenyon A•enue. Be atated that thia move waa propoaed due to the few left turn• which had occurred from Jef feraon onto South Broadway moving north and the approaching acbool year which would require atudent pedeatrian control at South Broadway and Kenyon Avenue. Be atated that it waa propoaed to leave all of the wiring and connection• to th• aignal equipment intact at th• interaection of South Broadway and Jefferaon, that it could be replaced at a •iniawa of coat. B• reported that the ••tillated coat to relocate the ai9nal waa 110atly labor and wire at an ••ti.mated coat of $707.00. Be atated that no council action waa required •• thia waa informational at thia time. 632-44 WBLL AGRBBMBl1'l' WITH BALL &Am> AllD GRAVBL '1'be Acting City Jlafta9•r reported that an agr-nt had been prepared upon th• baaia of a rental of well on land owned by th• Ball Sand and Gravel CO.pany at the rate of $500.00 per month, payable monthly. 'l'h• official• of the Ball &and and Gravel COllpany ... nded the agreement to provide for th• payment of the rental f-• in advance. Be recomaended that the Council accept th• agr•-•nt and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorised to aign. 'lb• Mayor apok• for the aCJreement and atated that th• Water and Sewer Board had conaidered th• development of the well• and approved the agre ... nt. COUllCILM..U LOVB MOVBD, COUBCILMAR KRBILI9G SBCX>llDBD, 'l'BAT 'l'BB MAYOR ABD CITY Cl.IQU( BB AU'l'llORIZBD '1'0 BXBaJTB All AGRB•arr 08 BmT.P OP '1'llB Cift Wim '1'llB BALL SAllD Alm GRAVBL OCllPAllY POR LBASillG OP WATBR WBLLS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa: Ayea: COuncil•n Braun, Kreiling, Love, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya~ 11one. Abaent: Council .. n Mil••· 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-45 · RIGB'l'-OP-WAY BASDIBft FOR PIPBLillB TO WBLLS Th• Acting City Manager reported that an eaa .. ent agre ... nt had been pre- pared with Mr. Leater w. Bunter ao that the water from the Ball well• could be brought to our treatment plant. Thia agre ... nt haa been approved by the City Attorney and provide• for a payment of $450.00 in conaideration for th• eaaement for a tera ending January 1, 1965. COUllCILMAIJ PARICBR llOVBD, OOUIJCILMAll WOODS SBCOllDBD, THAT '1'BB MAYOR AllD CI'IY er.wax BB AU'l'llORIZBD TO SIGll Alf BASlllDJT AGRBlllBft WI'DI MR. LBSTBR BUBTBR 011 ~P OP 'l'BB CITY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Kreilin9, Love, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. llaya: llone. Abaent: Councilman Mil••· Tbe Mayor declared the motion carried. The Acting City Manager reported that there waa one more pipeline eaa ... nt required to deliver th• well water to the water plant but that the agreement had not been coapleted. I I I I I I I I Minutll • of Auguat 19, 199 632-11 'l'RBASURBR'8iADORT FOR MOllTll or JULY OOUllCILllAll PARXBR MOVBD, oomJCII"Alf 1100DS SSCOllDBD, 'lllAT ms 'l'RBASURBR • s UPORT BB RBCBIVBD Al1D rILBD. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Parker, Wooda, Brown.well. Maya: &one. Abaent: councilman Mil••· the Mayor declared the 11Dtion carried. RBCBSS The Mayor called a rec••• of the council at 9:50 P.M. CALL '1'0 ORDBR 'l'he Mayor called the council to order at 10105 P.M. with th• following •-- ber• preaent: COuncil-n Braun, Kreiling, Love, Parker, Wooda, Brown9Well. ft• Mayor declared a quorum preaent. PRBSDTATIO• or PUBLIC SBRVICB COIPAllY rRAllCBISB CBBCJ( Mr. Harold Ruat, Local Manager of the Public Service Company, preaented the franchi•• tax payment for th• f irat half of 1963 al80 the firat payment under th• n.w franchi•• agr-nt in th• aJDOunt of $42,057.18. 'l'be Mayor thanked Mr. Ruat and the Public Service CollDany'• continued cooperatioa with the City. ucocarIATIOB or CITIZDS AID) VISITORS PUSBllT Rtport of PloodinG Mr. RaY11Dnd Bruce, 4609 South Lincoln apoke to the council. He reported that a recent rain reaulted in a flooded area in hi• vicinity. Be atated that a doctor'• clinic recently conatructed in the area had provided for only an 18 inch drainage pipe through hi• land while there waa proviaion for much greater drainage aero•• the atr .. t coming into that drain. Be aaked who•• reaponai- bility it waa for th• drainway between the •tr•t and th• alley. The Mayor reported that the City did not have the reaponaibility or authority to enforce tbe conatruction of private drainage faciliti•• on private land. Be reported upon recent law auit• which indicated that •• long aa the water waa continuing in it• natural drain cour•• and the City waa not negli9ent in it• deaign and placing of th• atructur•• that it had not liability. council.man Braun auggeated that Mr. Bruce contact the City Bngineer or Planning Office for the owner• of particular tract• to deterain• if the City aight have acquired a right-of-way through private land for drainage purpo••• in the particular ca•• under conai- cteration or other• in th• ·area. He au9geated that th• City Manager check th• .. tter out and make every attempt to determine reaponaibility •• aoon aa poaaible. Rtlating ,S2 Auto Wrecking Lie••• .119 Jira. S•u•l '& Vard-.i, 1985 Weat Baker, apoke on behalf of Varde•n and Son Salvage Yard with regard to the newly enacted Auto Wrecking Yard licen•• and the fM• connected therewith. She aaked if the Bu•in••• and Occupational licenae f .. which waa effective until the end of thi• year waa not aufficient. Di•cu••ion enaued. '!be City Attorney atated that the Auto Wrecking Lic•n•• wa• ••parate and diatinct from the Bu•in••• and Occupational Licenae and that the Auto Wrecking yard• need both licen•••· He atated that th• additional licenae fee waa baaed upon an ••tiaat• of the coat of adminiatering the proviaiona of the ordinance controlling auto wrecking yarda. '1'he City Clerk •t•ted further that it i• CCI on to have buain••••• licenaed under one or llDre licen•••· He referred to liquor outlet• which are licenaed for aale of liquor aa well aa Buain••• and Occupational and uaually cigarette taxea aa well aa a11Ua ... nt .. chin••· More .2!! P looding Proptrty llr. Roy Saith, 4690 South Lincoln Street, reported that he lived in the aame block a• Mr. Bruce and that he had experienced flood water• coming within a f.w inch•• of entering and flooding hi• ba•-nt. Be reported upon the grading of the alley between Lincoln and Sherman which ha• been in the •••ner to al110at direct the water upon hi• land. Councilman Braun aaked that both reaidenta be notified of the reault• of the inveatigation of the drainage in the area and the reaponaibility of the water couraea. 126 llinutea of Auguat 19, 1963 'l'h• Mayor reported that the owner of the property at 4656 South Grant ha• poured concrete into the curb line chanqing the draina9e. Be aaked that the City M•nager inveatigate. MAYOR'S CllOIC• The Mayor reported that he had appointed llra. X..Wi• II. Kern to fill the vacancy on the Citizen'• Action COlllaitt ... CQU8CIUl-.\ll LOVB llOVBD, COUllCIUIAIJ PARDR amom, 'l'BAT '1'llB MAYOR' s APPOIWlllDT OP llllS. XDll TO '1'BB CITIU8S Act'IOll cmllllftD .. cmnRMBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea: Council-n Braun, Kreiling, Love, Parker, Woode, Brown.well. 8aya: Bone. Abaent: councilman Kil••· 'lb• llayor declared the motion carried. Relating~ Reighborbood lpi•anct 'lb• llayor reported that he had received a letter froa llr. and llra. A. P. •-, 3150 South Clarkaon Street, complainin9 aa to the fir• and health hazarda ·· exiating on the property at 3142 South Clarkaon atr-t, dated Au911at 7, 1963, aigned by five other nei9hbora. 'l'he City Clerk re.S the letter in full. The City Attorney reported that a complaint waa all that waa required to correct th• aituation but that neighbor• were very reluctant to aign auch a eo11plaint and appear in court a• required. Diacuaaion enaued. Council.an Love inquired if the BuildinCJ Inapector could not inveati9at• and enforce the ordi- nance on hi• own authority. The City Attorney .. id that without a complaint he could not unl••• he obaerved the violation hillaelf. Relating to Collprth!n•iy• 19pipa Ordipanc• 'l'h• Mayor reported that a letter had ~n received by th• City llanager on Aaguat 7th relating to the rezoning of the area frOll ... t x.nyon to ... t Oxford and South Sherman to South Clarkaon from R-1-C to R-2-B written by llr. Ira John, 4075 South Grant Street and lloel Teter, 3903 South Lovan Street. 'l'be City Clerk read the above letter in full. the Mayor aaked that the letter be received and placed on file with related correapondence on the COllprehenaive zoning Ordinance. 632-48 PROPOSBD DISSOLUTIOR OP VALLBr WA'fBR DI8'1'RIC'1' n. Mayor reported that he had written a letter to the •=bera of the Board of the Valley Water Diatrict and other intereated parti•• relating to the abandon11ent of the Di•trict a• being appropriate aince all the area of the Diatrict waa included in one or more incorporated municipaliti•• at thi• tiae. The City Clerk read the letter to the council in full. COUllCIUIAIJ WOODS llOVBD, COUllCILMAR PARDR SBCmDBD, 'l'BAT ... .J~R'l"l'BR BE UPmlD to '1'llB WA'fBR AllD SBWBR BOARD POR RBVIBW AllD RBCC»llllDIDAfto&:-Upon the call of the roll, the vote r .. ulted aa followa1 Ayea: Council.men Braun, Kreilinq, Love, Parker,· Woode, Brown.well. Raya: Bone. Abaent: COuncilaan Mil••· 1'be Mayor declared the motion carried. COURCILllm'S CllOICB Relating l2 Paa•age ,2! ~ zonipg _m Al Site councilman Braun referred to the preamble of the City Charter adopted by the elector• of the City of BnCJl.wood on July 8, 1958 whereby the people of the City of Bnglewood under the authority of the Conatitution of the State of Colorado did ordain, eatabliah and adopt the Charter for their aunicipal government. Section 3 of the Charter provide• that the City •hall have all power•, func- tion•, right• and privilege• in the operation of a municipality except those power•, function•, right• and privilege• expreaaly forbidden to ao .. Rule municipal cor- poration• and citi•• by the Conatitution or the Statute• of the State of Colorado. Further that Section 37 provide• that in votin9 upon ordinance• the aye• and noea ahall be taken upon the paa•age of all ordinance•, reaolution• and motion•, and entered upon the jouraal of the Council proceedinCJ•· Bvery ordinance •hall re- quire the affirmative vote of the majority of th• llellberahip of the entire council for final pa•aage. I I I 1 · I I I I Minute• of Auguat 19, 1963 'l'h• majority vote aa defined in Section 7 of the Charter to be the great- eat nUllber of vote• received by any candidate or iaaue. Accordingly COUllCIUIAll BltAUll llOVBD, (A) 'l'llAT '1'llB JOURllAL OP THB COUllCIL PROCBBDDGS POR '1'118 RBGULAR MBBTillG OP 80YmlBBR 19, 1962 BB CORRBC'l'BD MD AMBllDBD 'l'O SHOW AllD ftATB 'l'BA'f '1'llB BILL POR All ORDillAllCB IftRODUCBD BY' COUlfCIUIAll SMUJ<LllR cm OC'IOBBR 15, 1962 'l'O zo•• AS C-3 (BUSIBBSS DISftIC'l') A TRACT OP LARD COll'l'AillDG APPROXIl'.ATBLY 57 .202 ACRBS WAS PASSBD BY '1'BB CIT!' COUlfCIL )J()VBMBBJt 19, 1962, BY PIVB APPIIUIATIVB VOTBS AaADft TWO llBGATIVB VO'l'BS RBCORDBD IB TBB JOUIUIAL OP COUllCIL PROCDDillGS: MID (B) 'l'llAT SAID BILL POR AB ORDIBAllCB llOW BB OltDBRll> PUBLISBBD D PULL IB '1'llB BRGL"'OOD BBRALD AllD BllTBRPRISB: Al1D (C) 'l'BAT SAID BILL POR Alf ORDillUCB BB PLACBD OB TD AGW POR TBB BBX'l' RBGULAR JISBTI.0 OP 'l'BB COUIJCIL SUBSBQUBll'l' 'lO SUCH PUBLICATIOB POR COBSIDBRA'l'IOB BY 'l'llB COUllCIL POR PillAL PASSAGE AS Alf ORDillAllCSr AllD (D) 'l'llB SUSPBBSIOB OP 'l'llOSB RULBS Alm PROCBDUU OP '1'llB CI'IY COUllCIL, IP AllY, IllOOBSISTBllT WI'nl THIS MO'l'IOR. 'ftl• City Attorney waa aaked hi• op&nion on th• -ttu·•· 'l'h• City Attorney reported that in hi• opinion thia may be a local .. tter and the proviaiona of the Charter for a ailaple .. jority ia aufficient and accordingly the bill would now be ~:ready for final paaaage •• an ordinance. councilman Love r~ked that the queation of the need for a three-quarter vote had been di•cu••ed at the time the 110tion wa• defeated and inquired a• to the rea.on for the action and change of opinion at thi• time. Councilman Braun replied that if the .. tter .were incorrectly handled previoualy it ahould be corrected and that he would be derelict in hi• duti•• if he did not attempt to make th••• correction•. Di•cu•aion •n•ued •• to the opinion and the timing of the preaent action. 'l'he City Attorney elaborated on hi• previou• atat ... nt, r..arkinq that it waa in connection with the preparation of the Collprehenaive F.oning Ordinance tha~ thia que•tion of .. jority vote occurred and further that there waa ao11e recent court deciaiona touching upon the .. tter. Be aaid that •• thia queation of zoning had not been deterained •• a -tter of local or atate-wid• concern he waa not certain whether the action would be upheld by th• court• or not. Be co-•nted that he waa not adviaing the Council but re- porting upon legal pha••• involved. Councilmen Kreiling aaked the procedure for the paaaage of the ordinance at thia time. 'ftl• City Attorney aet forth the procedure. COUllCIUIAIJ KRBILIBG SBCOllDBD TBB MOTIOB. The queation wa• called for • Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaul ted aa follow•: Aye•: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Wood•, Brownewell. Raya: councilmen Love, Parker. Abaent: COuncil.llan Milea. The Mayor declared th• motion carried. Relating Ji2 Building 9od• councilman Braun reported that Bngl9WOOd'• Building COd• waa paaaed in 1956 through adopting by reference Denver'• 1953 COde. Be atated that Denver ba• aubaequently rev•aped their Building COde which although aimilar to the 1953 COd•, include• -jor change•. Be reported on confu•ion that exi•t• between aiailar aection nUllbera in th• exiating Denver COd• and th• Bnglewood COde. Be urged a thorough review and up-dating of th• Bn9lewood Building Code. Councilaan Kreiling agreed and urged that the Council proceed imaediately. Diacuaaion enaued. 'l'h• Mayor co-•nted that it would be adviaable to provide aa great a uniforaity with Denver'• COd• aa poaaible. COUITCILMAll JCRBILillG MOVBD, COUllCILl"All BRAUll SSCCB>BD, 'l'BAT TBB CI'l'r llAllAGD OOftACT AIU> WORK WI'l'B '1'BB BUILDillG DBPAR'lllDT I• RBVIBWIIJG '1'BB BXISTillG BUILDillG CODB AllD PREPARE A ~TIO& OP CBAllGBS AS MAY BB RBQUIRBD AIR> BBCBSSARY TO COU'O• WI'l'll '1'llB OmBR BUILDillG CODBS IR '1'llB DBllVD MBTROPOLITAR ARM. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• follow•: Ayea: OOuncil.aen Braun, Kreilin9, Love, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Abaent: councilman Milea. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 128 Minute• of Au4)U•t 19, 1963 ADJOUJUJ COUEIUIAll WOODS MOVBD, COUBCILMAB LOVB SBCORDSD, •m&T '1'llB llBB'l'DIG BB ADJOUJUID. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• followa1 Ayea1 COuncilaen lb:aun, Kreiling, Love, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Rayas Ilona. Abaent: CouncillB&ft Mil••· '1'be Mayor declared the -•ting adjourned at 11115 P.M. B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council The ainute• of the .. eting of the City council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, held on the 19th day of Auguat, 1963 A.D., atand approved aa written thi• 3rd day of Septellber A.D. 1963. I