HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-09-03 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I JlBGULAR MBBTIHG: COUllCIL CBMBBRS Cift OF DJGLBWOOD, COLORADO SBP'l'BMBBR 3, 1963 'l'be City council of the City of Bnglewood, Arapahoe county, colorado, .. t in reqular ••••ion, on Tueaday, September 3, 1963, in the Council Challbera, City Ball, Bnqlewood at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor Brownewell preaiding called the meeting to order and the invocation waa given by the Reverend Herbert Hoaanna of the Mayflower congregational Church. 'l'be Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following peraon• were preaent: councilmen: Braun, Kreiling, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Alao Preaent: City Manager Dial, Adminiatrative Aaaiatant Malone, City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaang, Planning Director Romana. Abaent: councilman Love. 'l'be Mayor declared a quorum preaent. 632-2 CORSIDBRATIOR OP 'l'HB MIRUTBS OP PRBVIOUS MBB'l'IRG COUllCILMMI BRAUll MOVBD I comtCILMAR WOODS SBCOllDBD I THAT '1'BB MIRU'l'BS OP '1'BB OOUllCIL llBB'l'IllG OP AUGUST 19'1'11 BB APPROVBD AS WRiftBlf. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayea: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Mile•, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Raya: llone. Abaent: Councilman Love. '!be Mayor declared the .,tion carried. 632-29 PUBLIC llBARillG OR ORDIRAIJCB LIMITDIG SBRVICB STATIORS ODUBCILMA11 PARKBR MOVBD, CX>UllCILMAlf WOODS SBODllDBD, 'l'llAT '1'llB PUBLIC BBARillJG Oil All ORDJallCB PROBIBITIRG '1'BB BRBCTIOR OP PILLIBG STA'l'Imf S WI'l'llIB 500 PBB'l' OP BACH OlllBR OR CBRTAIR SCHOOL ID1'1'RAllCBS BB OPBllBD. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Ayea: council-n Braun, Kreiling, Mile•, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Abaent: Councilman Love. the Mayor declared the .,tion carried. (Council-n Love entered and took hi• ••at at 8106 P.M.) The Mayor announced that anyone preaent could apeak on the •tter of re- atr icting the erection of filling atation• if they ao deaired. 'l'bere waa no one preaent who wiahed to apeak on thi• matter at the public hearing. COUllCILMAll 8RAU1' MOVBD, COUllCILMAll MILBS SBCORDBD, 'l'BAT 'l'BB PUBLIC BBARIBG BB CLOSBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea: oouncil-n Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Raya: llone. Abaent: &one. '1'he Mayor declared the .:>tion carried. RBPORT OR UCBll'1' PLOODIRG IR 4600 BLOCK SOUTllBAST OP BROADllAY ftle City Manager reported that aa requeated by the council, he had inve•- ti9ated the atora water problem throughout the aoutheaat area of the City and would report upon the probl-verbally to the Council. Be atated further that llr ... il Barde, Deputy City Bngineer, waa preaent to di•cu•• map• of the drain- age through the area and the propoaal by Harold Bo•kin• and Aaaociat•• for the aolution of the atora probl .. in that area a• well a• throughout the entire City. llr. Barde preaented the in~rmation to the council. llr. Roy Smith, 4690 South Lincoln Str .. t, and Mr. Richard Bott,. 4656 South Grant, aaked queationa of the Deputy City Bn9in .. r and Council a• to aolutiona to the problem. 130 llinut•• of September 3, 1963 Councilllan Braun •poke on behalf of the City indicating that a storm drainage ayat .. for th• entire City waa required at an ••timated coat of f4,000,000.00. Any effort to correct a neighborhood or local problem would aiapl• move the point of th• problem down th• drainage courae a block or two. A atora drainage ayatem muat be •tarted at th• outlet and necaaaary drains and pipe• to carry the atorm water conatructed. Be remarked that several year• ago a atorm aewer diatrict waa propoaed but that legal action by thoae who oppoaed it• conatruction waa aucceaaful. Th• Mayor •••ured M•••r•. Smith and Bott that the City would cooperate by cleaning and keeping clean atorm drain• in the area for which it ia reaponaibl• and encouraging private parties to do the same until the storm aMMr pr°'JZ'•• can be eatabliahed. 631-27 DBPBRRIBG RBCBIPT OP BIDS OB SCBBDULB 1 WBSTBIUI SLOPE PIPBLIBB 'l'h• City Manager informed the Council that prior to the entering into a contract for the conatruction of the Walden Hollow-Meadow Creek Conduit, of the Walden Hollow -Meadow Creek -Ranch Creek Collection System in Grand County, that Water Revenue Bond• muat be authorized. He atated that arran9-..nt• had been made to authorize the r ... ining $2,250,000.00 previously considered by th• Council for th• capital illprovement and conatruction program. Be atated that in accordance with thi• requir ... nt a poatponement of the receipt of bid• until 'l'huraday, October 10th at 11100 A.M. wa• in order. Discussion enaued. COUllCIUCAll LOVB MOVBD, CX>UBCIUIAB MILBS SBCX>BDBD, THAT THB BID OPBNIHG DATB BB CBAllGBD PROI SBPTBllBBR 3RD TO 'l'BURSDAY, OCtoBBR 10'1'8 AT 11:00 A.M. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted •• followas Ayea: Council.men Braun, Kreiling, Love, Miles, Parker, Woods, Brown.well. Raya: Rone. Abaent: Rone. 'l'be Mayor declared th• motion carried. 632-49 AU'l'llORIZillG ISSUABCB OP BOBDS IB TBB AllOUlft' OP $2,250,000.00 Introduced •• a Bill by Councilman Braun A BILL POR AB ORDillAllCB 'ft> Com'RACT All IBDBBTBDDSS OB BBBALP OP '1'llB CITY OP DIGLBWOOD, COLOJtADO, AllD UPOB '1'llB CRBDIT 'l'llBRBOP Br ISSUillG BOBDS OP llAID CI'l'r IR 'l'BB PRillCIPAL SUM OP $2,250,000.00 POR '1'BB IMPROVBllBllT ARD BX'l'mSIOB OP ITS WATBR- WOJUCS SYSTBM: DBSCRIBDIG 'l'BB PORN OP SAID BOllDS: ARD PROVIDillG POR '1'BB LBW 01' TADS '1'0 PAY '1'BB BOllDS AllD Ift'BRBST 'l'BBRBOB. 1111DBAS, the City of Bnglewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, now owns, operate• and maintain• a system of waterworks for the purpose of supplying aaid City and it• inhabitants with water for fire and domestic purpo•••: and WBBRBAS, it i• necessary to extend and improve said waterworks system in order to supply the said City and the inhabitants thereof with a proper and adequate supply of water: and · WBBRBAS, there are not sufficient funds in the treasury of said City to provide for the necessary extensions and improvement• to said waterworks aya- t .. and the City Council de••• it advisable and necessary to issue n99otiable bonds of aaid City in the amount of $2,250,000 for that purpose, said bond• to be delivered at a later date in one or more aeries after public notice of sale: BE IT O~IBBD BY THB CI'l'r COUHCIL OF 'DIB.?iCI'l'r OF BHGLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. That for the purpose of providing funds for the extension and improvement of the Englewood waterworka system, the City shall issue negotiable coupon bonds in the principal sum of $2,250,000, each to be desig- nated "General Obligation Water Extension Bond, Series 196 __ ", bearing interest at a rate or rat•• not exceeding 4-1/2" per annum, payable semi-annually each year, as evidenced by interest coupons attached to said bonds, and maturing as follows: I I I I I I I I Minute• of September 3, 1963 Amount Maturitv $ 10,000 1972 to 1977, incl. 85,000 1978 100,000 1979 110,000 1980 245,000 1981 250,000 1982 260,000 1983 270,000 1984 280,000 1985 290,000 1986 300,000 1987 'l'h• intere•t rate or rate• ••id bond• •hall bear, the date thereof, number, deno11ination, •eri•• de•ignation, month of maturity and provi•ion• relating to call- ing aaid bond• prior to maturity •hall be deterained by a further ordinance or ordi- nance• to be adopted by the City council at or about the time of public aal• of aaid bonda. Said bond• and the coupon• thereto attached •hall be payable in lawful 110ney of the United State• of America at the office of th• City 'l'r•••urer, in Bnglewood, COlorado, •hall be aigned with the facaimile aignature of th• Mayor of aaid City, atteated and counteraigned by the manual aignature of the City Clerk and Treaaurer, under a facaiail• of th• official aeal of aaid City, and ahall be recorded in a book to be kept by aaid City Clerk for that purpo••· All coupon• ahall bear the facaiaile aignature of the Tr•••urer of aaid City. Should any officer who•• •igna- ture of fac•imile •ignature appear• on •aid bond• or th• coupon• thereto attached, ce••• to be auch officer before delivery of the bond• to the purcha•er, auch •igna- ture or facaimile aignature •hall neverth•l••• be valid and auf f icient for all purpo•••· Section 2. '!'hat the •aid bonds and the coupon• attached thereto •hall be in •ub•tantially the following form: (Form of Bond) UllITBD STATBS OF AllBRICA STATS OF COLORADO COUl1'1"f OP ARAPABOB llo ·------- Cift OF DIGLBWOOD GBllBRAL OBLI<aTIOB WATBR BX'l'DfSIOB BORD SBRIBS 196_ $ __ _ 'l'h• City of Bnglewood, in the county of Arapahoe and State of COlorado, acknowledte• itaelf indebted and hereby promi••• to pay to the bearer hereof the aum of 'DIOUSAllD DOLLARS on the lat day of , 19 , with intere•t thereon at the rate of per centum ( ") per annum, payable ••mi-annually on tli• lat day of } and the lat day of each year, both principal and intereat being payable in lawful money of the United State• of America, at the office of the City Treaaurer, in Bnglewood, COlorado, upon preaen- tation and aurrender of aaid coupon• and thi• Bond •• they aeverally become due. (Call feature to be in•erted in aeparate paragraph after public aale.) 'l'hi• Bond i• i••ued by the City council of Bnqlawood, COlorado, for the pur- poae of aupplying the City and it• inhabitant• with water by extending and improv- ing it• waterwork• ayatem under the authority of and in full conformity with the conatitution of the State of COlorado, the proviaiona of Chapter 139, Article 32. COlorado Reviaed Statute• 1953, the Charter of aaid City, and purauant to an Ordinance duly adopted, publi•hed and made a law of ••id City prior to the i••uance of thi• Bond • It ia hereby certified and recited that all the requirement• of law have been duly C011Plied with by the proper officer• of aaid City in the iaauance of thi• Bondi that the total debt of the City, including that of thi• Bond, ·do•• not exceed any liait of indebtedn••• preacribed by the COnatitution or lawa of the State of COlorado or the Charter of aaid City: and that proviaion ha• b .. n made for the levy and collection of an annual tax on all the taxable property in aaid City auff icient to pay the intere•t on and principal of aaid Bond when the ••me become due. 'l'he full faith and credit of the City of Englewood, Colorado, are hereby pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this Bond •• IR TBSTIMOllY WHBRBOF, the City Council of the City of Bnqlewood, COloaado, ha• cauaed thi• Bond to be aigned with the facaimile aignature of the Mayor of aaid City, atte•ted and counteraiqned by the manual aignar:• of the City .clerk and Treaaurer, •••led with a fac•imile of the •••l of th ity, and the coupon• hereto attached to be •iqned with the fac•imile •iqnature o the City Tr•••urer, •• of the lat day of , 196 __ • (PACSIMILB) (Facaimil• Siqnatur,_,__e_) -- ( S B A L) Aft'BSTBD HD COUll'l'DSIGllBD: lDD not -•iGn) City Clerk and 'l'reaaurer I~ Minute• of September 3, 1963 (Form of Coupon) llo ·------- $ __ _ On the lat day of ' 19 *(unl••• th• bond to which thia coupon i• attached haa •been called for prior redemption,) th• City of Bnglewood, in the County of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, will pay to bearer ------~~~~~~~~~~ DOLLARS in lawful money of the United State• of America, at the office of the City 'l'reaaurer, in Bngltiwood, Colorado, being •ix month•' intereat on it• General Obligation Water Bxtenaion Bond, Serie• 196 __ , dated 1, 196_, bearing llo. ------- (Pacaiail• Sicma_ture) City 'l'r•••ur•r *(t'hia ~laaae to appear only in coupon• maturing------- thereafter) 1, 19_, and Section 3. When aaid bond• have been duly executed, th• Ci ty Treaaurer i• hereby directed to deliver aaid bond• to the purchaaer thereof on receipt of th• agreed purch••• price therefor. The proceed• of aaid bond• ahall be uaed for the purpoae of extending and improving the waterworka ayatem of said City and for the coat• and expenaea incidental to the iaauance of aaid bonds, and for no other purpoae whatever, but neither the purchaaer of aaid bonds nor th• aubaequent holder of any of them ahall be reaponaibl• for the appli- cation or diapoaal by th• City, or any of it• officer•, of any of the fund• derived from the aale thereof. Section 4. If neceaaary, th• intereat to beco .. due on aaid bond• in the year 1964 •hall be advanced from th• water or other available fund of -id City. For the purpo•• of reimburaing aaid fund and of meeting the inter- ••t accruing on aaid bond• promptly and •• th• .... thereafter become• due, and for the purpoae of providing for th• ultillate payment and redemption of -id bonda, there ahall be and there are hereby levied on all the taxable property in aaid City, in addition to all other taxea, direct annual taxes in each of th• year• 1964 to 1986, incluaive, aufficient to make auch re- illbura ... nt and pay the intereat on and principal of aaid bond• as the same becolle due and payable, reapectively. Said tax•• when collected •hall be depoaited in a apecial fund to be known•• "City of Bngl.wood Water Bxtenaion Bond Fund, 1964", and auch Fund ahall be applied aolely to the purpo•• of th• payment of th• intereat on and principal of aaid bond• and for no other purpoae whatever until the in- debtedn••• ao contracted under thi• Ordinance, both principal and interest, •hall have been fully paid, aatiafied and diacharged, but nothing herein contained ahall be ao conatrued •• to prevent th• City from applying any other funda or revenue• that may be in the City Tr•••ury and available for that purpo•• to the payment of aaid intereat or principal •• th• aame re- apectively .. ture, and upon any auch payaenta, th• levy or levi•• herein provided may thereupon to that extent be dimini•h•d. 'l'he •uma herein pro- vided to meet th• intereatlc;n •aid bond• and to diacharge the principal there- of when due, including th~-co•t• and expen••• incidental to th• iaauance of aaid bonda, are hereby appropriated for that purpoae, and aaid principal and intereat a111Dunta for each year ahall alao be included in the annual budget and the appropriation bill• to be adopted and paaaed by the City Council of aaid City in each year, reapectively. Section S. :It •hall be the duty of the City Council of aaid City, annually, at the ti .. and in the manner provided by law for levying other City taxea, if auch action ahall be neceaaary to effectuate the proviaiona of thi• Ordinance, to ratify and carry out the proviaiona hereof with re- ference to the levying and collection of taxea: and aaid City ahall levy, certify and collect such taxea in the manner provided by law for the purpoae of creating a fund for the payment of the principal of aaid bonds and intereat thereon, and such taxes, when collected, ahall be kept for and applied only to the payment of the interest on and principal of said bonds, •• hereinabove apecified. Section 6. If any one or more section• or part• of this Ordinance shall be adjudged unenforceable or invalid, auch judgment •hall not affect, impair or invalidate the remaining proviaions of thi• Ordinance, it being the inten- tion that the varioua proviaion• hereof are aeverable. Section 7. All ordinanceSor part• thereof in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. I I I I I I I I Minute• of September 3, 1963 Section 8. After aaid bond• are iaaued thi• Ordinance ahall be and remain irrepealable until aaid bond• and the intereat thereon •hall have been fully paid, aatiafied and diacharged. Section 9. Thi• Ordinance, ianediately on it• paaaage, •hall be recorded in Ile Book of Ordinance• kept for that purpose, authenticated by the •igna- turea of the Mayor and Clerk, and •hall be publiahed •• required by law. Section 10. A public Hearing on thi• Ordinance will be held in the council Chamber• at the City Hall in Englewood, Colorado, on Monday, the 16th day of September, 1963, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., and Rotice of auch Hearing i• authorized to be given by publication in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae in it• iaaue of September 5, 1963. Section 11. Thi• Ordinance •hall take effect thirty day• after publiaa- tion following final paaaage. IllTRODUCBD As a Bill thia 3rd day of September, 1963. ~~~ v 1• 1 .,. Mayor A'l"l'BST: waa read COUllCIUIAR BRAUll MOVBD, COUllCIIMAll KUILI•G SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT 'l'BB PROPOSED BILL BB PASSBD OR FIRST RBADIRG ARD ORDBRBD PUBLIEBD I• PULL D1 'DIB DJGLDDOD mar.n AllD Blft'BRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Abaent: Rone. 'fhe Mayor declared the motion carried. 631-72 C<»IPRBHBMSIVB ZOllillG OJU>DIAllCB COUJICIUIAll LOVB MOVBD, OOUllCIIllAll WOODS SscxmDBD, 'l'BAT TBB OORSIDBRATIOR OP TllB CCllPRIRDSIVB ZOllillG ORDIITAllCB .. JtAIUD PROll 'lllB 'fABLB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Abaent: Rone. 'file Mayor declared the motion carried. Councilman Kreiling aaked that the four different area• aubject to a change of zoning by the adoption of the Diatrict Map and in which citizen• proteated or propoaed further change of the zoning be diacuaaed. Councilman Parker aaked that the area that requeated the rezoning by lleaara. John and Teter be diacuaaed. 'l'he City Clerk reported that petition• from the citizen• had been filed with the Plannin9 Coalli••ion at it• Public Bearin9 and .. de a part of the City Council'• file at it• Public Bearing but waa not proposed on the Diatrict Map. Di•cuaaion ensued. Councilman Love •poke of the implication that the City Planning Collllliaaion and City Council are not con- aideriftC) any changes in the Diatrict Map. Be •tated that the recent propoaed change• of Meaara. John and Teter for an area aouth of the High School between Clarkaon and Sherman to th• 4000 to 4100 block a• well aa Mra. Smith and other intere•ted neighbor• request ·that the resoning of the 3600 block South Delaware are not included. Be reported that the Map related to and made change• which reflected the deairea of citizen• of much lon9er standing than tho•• of more recent occurrence. councilman Mil•• elaborated further that in the particular area, th• rezoning of which waa aupported by Meaara. John and Teter, that there waa a need to poat and notify all the re•identa of the area of the propoaed resoning 80 that they .. Y be able to indicate their preference•. The Mayor awmaarized with regard to thia particular rezoning that the Council would •avor greater publication of the propoaed rezoning than that of n.wapaper coverage and diacuaaion at a general Public Bearing. Minute• of Sep,ember 3, 1963 Council.an Kr•iling then revi.wed that Mr. Ben &azarenua aaked for reaiden- tial a-3 or a-4 zoning for the block of south Downing i .. ediately aouth of the Buain••• zone on Baat Ballpden Avenue. Be atated that th• Diatrict Map propo••• Reaidential R-2 • Be expr•••ed the view that there waa no evidence of any need for an R-3 or R-4 zoning and that Mr. &azarenua waa the owner of th• only major tract of land which waa vacant in th• area. Di•cu••ion en•ued. Council.Mn Mil•• reported that a alight zoning change occurred in that area to include all of th• •trip of lot• facing Hampden in the eo .... rcial zone rather than only a portion of tho•• lot•. Councilman Kreiling then reported that there waa the conaideration of the ar-from Delaware to Pox, Ithica to Kenyon for R-3 zoning. Mr•. Saith had preaented a petition oppoaing the rezoning of the 3600 block South Delaware. Di•cu••ion •n•ued. councilman Parker re11arked that only o~or two owner•hip• were involved in vacant land and that nearly all of the better home• were not favorable to the rezoning. Be apoke for •triking th• block from th• Diatrict conaideration. Councilmen Love and Kreiling apoke for th• rezoninCJ,. Th• City Attorney waa aaked the procedure to be follom ahould th• zoning Ordinance or th• Diatrict Map be amended. Th• City Attorney reported that if the zoning Ordinance or Diatrict Map were a-nded the propo•ed a•nd•nt would need to be ••t forth in detail and referred back to th• Planning Comni••ion •ich 11111Duld adverti•• the change and poat the area concerned, hold a public hearing and refer back to the City Council. '1'he City Council would then con- aider the a .. nd•nt after advertiaing and public hearing. Be atated though that only the a .. ndment would need to be publiahed or th• area to be changed on the Diatrict Map be poated. Planning Director Romana waa reque•ted to •how a •P which indicated the land u•age in the vicinity of 3600 block South Delaware. Di•cuaaion enaued. Councilllan Kreiling remarked that of the variou• area• di•cu••ed in connection with the preparation of the District zone Map that thi• area waa the moat troubleaome. Councilman Miles confirmed Councilman 1Creilin9'• opinion and r~ked further that much of the area had a very low valuation. Councilman Parker auggeated drawing a boundary to exclude th• area proteating. Diacua- aion enaued. 'l'he Mayor aaked for conaideration of any other area•. Councilman Creilin9 reported the fourth area that he h-4 noted waa that of the application for B-3 zoning. Be took thi• a• being an occaaion to co ant upon hi• f .. ling and poaition on the propoaed rezoning. Be ••t forth a clarOIM»l99ical order tile coaai.dera~6-of tM a.z •it• for B-3 zoning. B• •tated that varioua reference• had been made to hi• peraonal intereat in th• .. t- ter and that in reply he would call th• attention of th••• people to their own prof•••ional and peraonal intere•t• which were equally a• great or greater than hi•. Councilman Parker inquired about tlhe provi•ion for •tora drainage derived fro• th• KLZ aite. Councilman Kreilinq r•-rked that thi• drainage would be put in by the developer at hi• expense. Council.an Parker inquired if thi• would correct a drainage probl-on South Ogden. COuncilllan Kreiling •tated that it waa intended that thi• problem ahould be corrected and that if a line larger than required for the •hopping center wa• n•c•••ary to take care of thi• additional draina9e the City would ... t that differential co•t. Council-n Kreiling then apok• further of hi• view upon the B-3 zoning, expr•••in9 hi• opinion that an owner cannot be denied hi• conatitutional right to develop hi• own land in accordance with building, zoning and health reatrictiona. Councilman Love diacuaaed the .. tter of th• propo•ed B-3 zoning and the oppo•ition to it and atated that he felt the opponent• had preaented their ca•• far better and in a 110r• conaiderate manner than ever before. Be remarked, though, that the opponent• had referred to all of th• document• previoualy pre- Hnted and placed th-into th• con•ideration of the Council with the contradic- t ion• which exi•t in th••• document•. Be di•cua•ed .,.. of the contradiction• in general: a• good for the community but wrong •it• and completely no good: a• being too far fro• Bngl.wood and a• being too near Bnglewood, that portion• of certain report• were taken out of contest to aupport ~•ir oppoaition and other• of a favorable nature ignored. B• cou anted that one new•paper editor who o~•ed Cinderella City rezoning wa• propoaing a •iailar •hoppin9 center in another area aa being good for that area and that tho•• reaident• around th• propoaed center were hallperin9 progr••• in that area. Councilman Braun apoke in greater detail a• to the above editor and hi• con ent on a recent article. Be atated further that at the la•t Sta~• Conven- tion of the Colorado Municipal League that George Kre .... r, Attorney for th• oppoaition, had apoke on zoning in general and that .. ny of hi• atat ... nt• and co ant• were in direct oppoaition to hi• poaition on th• ICLZ ait• zoning. Di•cu••ion •n•ued. Councilllan Braun atated that the KLZ •it• and tower• repreaented a C011Dercial u .. to th• reaidenta adjoining the ait• and not an agricultural or reaidential u-aa zoned by the county and by the City due to th• lack of paaaage of the C-3 soning ordinance. Councilman Mile• •tated further that a change in land u•• ha• occurred in the area and that vacant land cannot be relied upon to r-in vacant or to develop reaidentially under th••• circua•tancea. • I ii I I I 'I I I Minute• of September 3, 196a Councilman ~arker auggeat .. that the KLZ aite r ... in vacant a• .a green area to provide pleaaant living rather than the development of a co ercial atrip along Benpden aiailar to that exiating along South Broadway. Be indicated that he would vote againat the Comprehenaive zoning Ordinance aa propoaed with th• application of the diatricta on the .. P aa being contrary to health, aafety, moral• and general welfare of the City. Be r~ked that the firat reaident• or occupant• in an area ahould have firat call and their opinion and preference• acknowledged. Councilaan Love replied that he agreed with Councilman Parker in principle but that the aia• of the tract of land under conaideration waa alao important. Where the tract i• -11 the opinion and pref erencea of the nearby reaidenta ia of greater illport than on a larger tract of land in which the area of influence ia that much greater. In the particular application of zoning to the ICLZ aite the ujority of the reaidenta of Bnglewood approve of the ahopping center zoning while a aull active ainority are in oppoaition. councilman Braun •PPk• further on the matter. Councilaan Braun aaked council.Mn Parker aa Oouncil-n from Diatrict &o. 3 whether hi• conatituenta oppoae the B-3 zoning of the KLZ aite. , councilman Parker indicated that h• did not know the deair•• of the citizen• of Diatrict Ro. 3 at thi• time. Th• Mayor aaked that if there were any •endmenta to the Comprehensive zoning Ordinance or Diatrict Map which the council wiahed to conaider. Councilman Parker •UCJCJ••ted that the 3600 block South Delaware ahould be conaidered. COUBCILllAll I<RBILillG MOVBD '!'BAT PASSAGB OR FIRST RBADillG OF TBB CCllPRBBASIVB F.OllI8G OllDDIABCB AS JlBCDlllQlDBD ft TBB PLUDJIBG CCIUIISSIOR Aft'BR PUBLIC HDRillG Am> PUBLIC llBARDIG ft mB CITY COUllCIL, DISCUSSIORS OF VARIOUS OBJBCTIORS ARD ALTDATIORS WI'l'llOU'l' AMBllDIBr1' A8D '!'BAT 'l'BB DISTRICT MAP BB ADOP'IBD WI'l'BOUT AMBMD- llmT ALSO. COUllCILMAN MILBS SBCORDBD TBB MO'l'ICB. Councilman Love apoke for the motion atating that adoption of the Comprehenaiv• zoning Ordinance waa of prime importance and that the Diatrict Map may be -nded at any time in the future. Councilman Parker r..arked in rebuttal that an apart- aent could be built in the 3600 block South Delaware before the reaoning could be achieved. Diacuaaion enaued. councilman Love aug9eated that th• Planning co iaaion be directed to illaediately inveati9ate and review the ara aa of th• 3600 block South Delaware and 3900 through 4200 block from South Sherman to South Clarkaon. 'l'h• queation waa called for. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: council-n Braun, I<reiling, Love, Mil••, Woode, Brownewell. Raya: councilman Parker. Abaent: Rone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RBCBSS The Mayor declared a rec••• of the council untii 10:25 P.M. CALL TO ORDBR The Mayor called the council to order at 10:30 P.M. with the fol~owing Council .. n preaent: Councilmen Braun, I<reiling, Lover Milea, •••M•r,BlfcMlde~e aiownewell. '1'be Mayor declared a quorum preaent. 632-6 P.OCBBDDIGS OP PLAIOIIllG A8D ZOHillG <X»UIISSIOll MBB'l'IllG OP AUGUST 22BD MID AUGUST 2 9'1'B The Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 632-50 Relating~ alternate repreaentative ~ ICRrC 'l'be City Clerk read the following recommendation of the City Planning and zoning Co i••ion in full: •Tb• Planning Oomaiaaion recommend• to the City council that Mra. Dorothy Ro=ana, Planning Director, be deaignated aa the City alternate to Inter County Regional Planning Colmaiaaion." OOURCILMAll PARKBR MOVBD, COUllCILMAll WOODS SBCOBDBD, 'l'BAT '1'HB RBCDIMDJDATIOll BB ACCBPTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa: Ayea: councilmen Braun, I<reiling, Love, Mile•, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: !lone. Abaent: Rone • '!'be Mayor declared the motion carried. Minute• of September 3, 1963 632-7 PROCBBDDIGS OP TBB 11A'IBR MD SBWBR BOARD llBB'l'I&G OP AUGUST 20'.l'H 'l'h• Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 632-51 Supr-Court caae dealing with Water .IE Stwer Rate Control J!! PUC The City Clerk read the following reco ... ndation in fulla •'!'bat Mr. M. o. Shivera, Jr., Water and S.W.r Board conaultant, be authorised to appear aaicua curiae, in civil action llo. 20911, that of the City of 'l'bornton, Colorado va th• Public Utiliti•• COrti••ion before th• Supre .. COUrt of Colorado on the queation of the Public Utility COrtiaaion'• ri9ht to control rat•• for water and aewer ••rvic• from a municipally owned ayat .. outaid• of th• City limit•." COUllCILMAIJ WOODS llOVBD, COUIJCIIllAll PARJCBR SSCDllDBD, 'l'llAT '1'llB ~'fiml BS APPROVBD. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa followaa. · Ayeaa councilmen Braun, 1Creilin9, Love, Mil••, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell • .. yaa llone. Ab .. nta llone. Th• Mayor declared th.,.,tion carried. 632-48 Relating ~ yall•Y Water .!Dd Sanitation Pi•trict 'l'be City Clerk read the following reccaaendation of the Bn9l-..ood Water and Sewer Board in fulla •lfbat the action of the Mayor in hi• letter of Auguat 15, 1963, recom- lleftding the diaaolution of the Valley Water Diatrict and the excluaion of properti•• located within a citya• limit• from the Valley Sanitation Diatrict be approved.• 'l'h• Mayor atated that aa thia waa confiraing hi• previoua action that it was informational at thi• time. 632-35 PROCBBDI&GS OP AC'l'ION CX»IMI'l"l'BB MBB'l'I&G OP AUGUS'l' 21ST Tb• Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 632-4 PROCBBDIBGS OP BOARD OP ADJUS'l.MBNT UD APPBALS UB'l'IIJG 01' AUGUST 14'1'8 Tb• Mayor aaked that th• minute• be received and placed on file. 632-1 PROCBBDDIGS OP BCaRD 01' CARBBR SBRVICB CC181ISSI09DS llBB'l'DG OP AUGUST 28Tll 'l'h• Mayor aaked that th• minute• be received and placed on file. 631-72 ca•IUllICA!'IO& RBLATillG TO ZOllDIG OP KLZ SITB councilllan Braun introduced a letter received by him fro• Mr. Phillip J. ii I Patteraon, Bditor of Weatern Para Life, dated Aug-uat 20, 1963, congratulating Councilman ~1 araun on hi• effort• to correct the ac.ning aituation concerning th• queationabl• i Cinderella City on the old ICLZ CJrounda. J !be Mayor aaked that th• letter be received and placed on file. 632-29 RBIATillG TO BRBC'l'IOR OP PILI.DIG S'IATIOllS Introduced aa a Bill by councilman Mil•• A BILL POR All OllDDAllCB PROBIBITIRG PILLIRG STATIORS WX'l'IU& PIVB 11U11mBD (500) PBB'l' OP Ml mrraAllCS to A SalOOL BUILDDIG OR A PLAYGROUl1D, OR WITllI& l'IVB BU8'DRBD (500) PDT 01' All DIS'IDIG PILLDIG STATIO& PROPBRft LI&B, RBPMLI&G ORDillAllCB BO. 21, SBRIBS 01' 1958 (1111ICB IS ALSO SBC'l'IO& 2 (f) OP AR'IICLS VI 01' OJU>IllAllCB 80. 45, &DIBS OP 1955, AS AllBm>BD) MID DtlllU&G '1'BIS ORDDAEB DI RBPLAC•Sft 'l'lllllt.901', 01' 'lllB OllDillAIKSS OP TBB Cift 01' •GLBWOOD, COLORADO, Al1D DBCLARDIG Alf lllBllGmcr. BB IT O.U.DIBD BY' '1'llB Cift COU&CIL OP TBB Cift 01' mGLaWOOD, OOLORAIX>a 9ction l. Pillin9 atationa ahall not be placed within five hundred (500) f .. t o an entrance to a achool building or a playCJZOund, or within five hundred (500) f .. t of an exiating filling atation property line. mtiop 2. BHl••ecetllO. 21, Seriea of 1958 (which ia alao Section 2 (f) of Arte • VI of Ordinance llo. 45, Seri•• of 1955, aa ••nded) of the City of Bngl~, Colorado, i• hereby repealed and th• above aection 1 enacted in lieu thereof. I I I I 11 Minute• of September 3, 1963 Section I. The City Council hereby find•, deterain•• and declare• that thi• ordinance la neceaaary for the inaediate preaervation of public property, peace and aafety. Section 4. In the opinion of the City Council an -r9ency exiata. '.l'here- fore thi• ordinance ahall take effect and be in force from and after it• final paaaage and publication. Paaaed on Pirat Readin9 by the City Council of the City of Bn9lewood, Colorado, thi• 3rd day day of September, 1963, and ordered publiahed in full in the Bngl.wood Herald and Bnterpri••· X~LZ~~-1 ~ ---· -v 11ayor A'ft'BST: waa read COUllCIIMMI LOVB MOVBD, COUllCIUIAR WOODS SBCmDBD, TBAT '1'llB PROPOSBD BILL BB PASSBD Oii FIRST RBADillG ARD ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD Ill PULL Ill 'l'BB BllGLBWOOD emI·D ARD mTBRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Kreilinq, Love, Milea, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Abaent: Rone. 'fbe Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-29 RBLATilfG TO ZONING OP JCLZ SITB Introduced aa a Bill by councilman Smukler BY AU'l'HORI'l'r ORDINANCE NO. 23, SBRIBS OP 1963 All ORDINANCE ZONIRG '1'llB FOLLOWING DBSCRIBBD PROPBRft TO A C-3 (BUSINESS DiftRIC'1') POR USB AS A RBGIOllAL SBOPPillG CD1'1'BR (IR ACCORDUCB WI'IB 'l'BB PROVISICBS OP ORDIIJAllCB NO. 14, SBRIBS OP 1962, AMBllDIBG ORDDIAllCB l10. 45, SBRIBS OP 1955) PllBSBn' Cift OP DJGLBNOOD ZOllillG (ACCORDIRG TO DIGLBWOOD ORDIRAllCB BO. 45, SBRIBS or 1955) IS R-1-A, WHICH CLASSIPICATIOB IS RBSIDDITIAL, 'IBB SAID PROPBRft TO BB ZOITID c-3 (BUSillBSS DISTRICT) BBIBG LOCATBD IR 'l'llB Cift or BIJGLDOOD, ARAPAHOE COUlll'l, COLORADO, AllD BBillG MORB PARTICULARLY DUCRIBBD AS POLLOWSa A TRACT OP LUlD LYIE IR SBC'l'IOll 35, 'l'OWllSBIP 4 SOU'l'B, RAllGB 68 WBST, IR ARAPAllOB COUlf'l'r, DBSCRIBBD AS POLLOlfS: BBGIIDIIBG AT A POillT WllBRB '1'118 BAST LillB OP BLOCJ< SO, BVUSTOlf BRa.DllAY ADDITIOB BXTDTDBD SOUTHBRLY Ilf'l'BRSBC'l'S '1'HB SOU'l'B LID OP SBCTIOR 35, 'l'OlfllSHIP 4 SOU'ftl, RAllGB 68 WBST' SAID SOU'ftl LillB BBIBG '1'BB APPROXDl.ATB CBll'l'BR LIBB or BAST llAllPD• AVDUB: TBBllCB ll>R'l'BBRLY ALOHG TBB BAST LID or SAID BLOCK 50 TO '1'llB llOR'DI LID OP SAID BLOCK SO, 'l'llDTCB BASTBRLY TO '1'BB BAST LID or 80U'IB LAPAYB'l"l'B S'l'RBBT, tiiBilCB lfORTllBRLY ALOllG SAID BAST LDJB OP SOU'.l'B LAPAYBTTB 8!'RBB'1' TO '1'BB CD'l'BR LID OP BAST FLOYD AVDUB: 'l'HBllCB BASTBRLY ALOllG SAID CBR'l'BR LID or BAST FLOYD AVBllUB TO '1'BB BAST LID OP '1'BB SW 1/4 SBCTIOlf 35, '1'01DISBIP 4, SWft, RAllGB 68 DST, 'l'BDfCB SOtn'BBRLY ALOllG SAID LINB TO '1'BB JIOR'fHMST CODD or 'l'BB SB 1/4 SW 1/4 OP SBCTIOR 35, 'IOWllSBIP 4 SOUTH, RAllGB 68 WBST, 'l'ilBliCB Mft'DLY ALORG 'l'BB BORTH LIRB OP '1'BB -1/4 SB 1/4 SBC'l'IOR 35, 'l'OlflfSHIP 4 SOUTB, RAmB 68 WBST, TO 'ftlB llORTllMST CORlfBR OP 'l'BB SW 1/4 SB 1/4 SBCTIOR 35, 'l'OWBSHIP 4 SOU'J.'H, RM'GB 68 WBST, 'l'BBllCB SOUTBBRLY ALOllG '1'BB BAST LID 01' '1'BB SW 1/4 SB 1/4 SBCTIOlf 35, 'IQfllSBIP 4 SOUTH, RAllGB 68 WBST, TO A POillT WBBRB SAID LID Ill'l'DSBC'l'S '1'HB llOR'1'B RIGll'l'-OP-WAY LINB OP s. H. 110. 70 (BAST HAMPDm AVBRUB), SAID POIB'l' BBillG APPROXI- MA!'BLY 90 PBB'l' l10R'l'BBRLY OP '1'llB SOU'l'HBAST CORllBR or '1'llB SW 1/4 SB 1/4 18CftOR 35, TOllllSBIP 4 SOUTH, RAllGB 68 1fBST, 'DIDCB WBSTBRLY ALOllG SAID llOR'1'B RIGHT-OP-WAY LID 'fO A POill'.l' WHBRB SAID LID IllTBRSBCTS '1'HB BAST LID or '1'llB SW 1/4 SBCTIOlf 35, TOllllSBIP 4 SOUTH, RAllGB 68 WBST, SAID POIR'l' BBillG APPROXDIA'l'BLY 90 PBB'l' l10R'l'H OP TllB SOU'ftl QUARTBR CORllBR OP SAID SBC'l'IOR, 'l'llDlCB SOU'l'IDfBSl'BRLY ALOllG SAID RIGB'1'- 0P-1fAY LID OP BAST BAMPDm AVBllUB ON '1'HB ARC 01' A CURVB '1'0 '1'BB LBrr, '1'118 RADIUS or EICH BQUALS 783 nB'l', POR A DISTAllCB OF 301.4 ,...,, 'l'BBBCB WBSTBRLY ALORG 'l'BB man RIGll'l'-OP-WAY LID OP BAST llAllPDBlf AVDUB PAMLLBL TO AllD 30 PBB'l' ROR'l'B OP '1'D 80Ui'B LID OP SBC'l'IOR 35, 'l'OlftlSBIP 4 SOU'l'll, RAmB 68 1fBST, '1'0 A POmT WllBRB TBS llORTll RIGHT-OP-WAY LDJB OP BAST BAMPDBlf AVDUB IftBRSllC'l'S '1'llB BAST LDTB OP SOU'IB LAPAYB'l'TB S'l'RBB'l', 'l'llDCB SOU'ftlBRLY '1'0 A POill'l' .... 'ftlB MST LID or SOU'.l'B LAl'AYB'ft'B S'lRBB'l' Ilft'BRSBCTS '1'BB SOU'l'B LID OP SBC'l'IOll 35, 'l'OWllSHIP 4 SOU'l'll, RAllGB 68 DST, 'l'IUDJCB WBSTBRLY ALOBG SAID SOUTH LIRB or SAID SBCTIOB TO '1'HB POIBT OP Bmimm, COlftAilfIRG APPROXIMATELY 57.202 ACRBS. waa read for the aecond time. Minute• of September 3, 1963 COUllCIUIM BRAUB MOVBD, OOUBCILMAll KRBILIBG SB0088D, 'l'llA'I ORDillAllCB a>. 23, sma OP 1963 BB PASSBD OB SBCOllD AllD PIDL RBADIBG AJll) ORDD8D PUBLISllBD I• PULL D 'IBB mGLBWOOD RBRAI.D AllD DlTBRPRISB. councilman Mil•• •tated that he was ab•ent at the la•t ••ting at which time the bill for an ordinance wa• recouidered and declared pa••ed at th• lloYember 19, 1962 ... ting of the City council. Be a•ked councilman Braun what he felt the City would gain by proceeding with pa••age of thi• ordinance in light of the pa••age a• a bill of the co.preh•n•iv• zoning Ordinance thi• evening. OOuncilll&ft Braun •tated that f ir•t of all h• wi•hed to clarify th• record to indicate that th• bill had been pa••ed in &ovember and correct th• record• accordingly and1 Hcondly, he de•ired to clarify the que•tion of whether the three quarter favor- able vote provided in State Statute• wa• binding upon a Holle Rule city which had contrary provi•ion• in it• Charter. Be empha•ized thi• need for information a• to whether zoning was a •tate or local matter. The que•tion was called for. Councilman Love announced that he had voted again•t the change of vote on as a matter of principle but at thi• time he would vote for Upon the call of the roll, the vote re•ulted a• follow•a Aye•: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Wood•, Brown.well. Bay•: Councilman Parker. Ab•ent: None. '1'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-53 RBSOLUTI<B llAMI&G BRGLBWOOD HO. 1 DAM, MCLBLIAll USBRVOIR The City Clerk read the following r••olution in fulls m RBSOLUTIO! 1fllBRBAS, The late Borman L. McLellan, former Mayor of the City of Bnglwood, wa• Yitally intere•ted in the obtaining of adequate water •uppli•• and facilitiea for aaid City and devoted a conaiderable amount of hi• ti.lie and effort to the promotion of the obtaining of •uch faciliti•• and to other public project• bene- ficial to the City at large, and WRBRBAS, 'l'he City now baa under coa•truction and •ubatantially completed a •torage r•••rvoir now known a• Bnglewood &o. 1 Dml, and 118RaBAS, 'l'he City council feel• it proper and appropriate to honor the late Mayor llorun L. McLellan in ac>me .... 11 mea•ur• for hi• devotion to the intereata of the City at large: _,., 'l'BBUPORB, BB IT RBSOLVBD BY TBB Cift COUlfCIL OP 'IBB Cift OP B&GLBWOOD, COLOR...-'00, thi• 3rd day of September, 1963, that Bnglewood llo. 1 Dam be, and here- by i• rena·ed •McLellan R•••rvoir" and that an appropriate plaque be erected at 'the •it• of •aid reaervoir with the nw thereof and in eo11• •oration of the late Mayor llorun L. McLellan. AmOPT8D AllD APPROVBD thi• 3rd day of September, 1963 A.D. ~~$ ~ Mayor --' AftBSTa COUllCILMA& LOW' MOVBD, COU&CILMAN PARJCBR SBC<llDBD, THAT '1'BB JlBSOLUTION BE ADOPIBD Br ACCL>.¥.A'fIOR OP '1'BB COUllCIL. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote re- •ulted •• follow•: . Ay••a Council-n Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Parker, WOOd•, Brownewell. &ay•a &one. Ab .. nta Ilona. The Mayor declared the motion pa•aed by acclamation of the Council. ., ~ I I ~1 I I I I I I Minute• of September 3, 1963 632-42 RBIA'l'IllG TO RIGHT-OF-WAY 4600 BLOCK SOU'ftl ACOMA Councilman Braun inquired about th• pr09r••• in ••curing of right-of-way neceaaary for Paving Diatrict 8o. 13 on South Acoma Street. 'l'he City Attorney reported that Mr. BocJg• had agreed to the increaaed amount and that the paper work waa all that r-ined to be done. 632-47 RBI.ATillG TO 3142 SOUTH CLUJ<SOR 'fhe City Manager reported on aurvey• by the Pire Department, Health Depart- ment and Building Departllent which indicated that although the property waa overgrown with vegetation there waa not a fire hazard to adjacent property, that no rat• or direct health hazard• had been found on the property, and that a• the owner ha• requ••ted peraiaaion to convert a rather well conatructed garaqe to living quarter•, peraiaaion waa denied by the Board of Adjuatment. If •h• had been granted permiaaion ah• would have razed the •hack. Diacuaaion enaued. 'lb• City Manager augge•ted that tlae City Council contact th• Board of Adju•tment and Appeal• urqing the reconaidering of the application by Mr•. Roy B. CUrry due to the extenuating circwaatanc••· Diacu••ion enaued. OOUllCIIM.Alf KRBILDIG MOVBD, COURCILMAIJ PARDR SBC<*DBD, 'l'llAT '1'BB MA'l'TBR BB llB1'DRBD TO TBB BOARD OP ADJUnllDT Alll> APPBALS FOR RBVIBW AID> DBCISI09. Councilman J<reilinq empha•ized that hi• motion waa not intended to influence the Board of Adjuatment and Appeal• to act contrary to the beat inter••t• of the COllllUftity and citizen• aa a whole. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Aye•: Council•n Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Ray•: Rone. Atl••nt: 8one. '1'be Mayor declared the motion carried. REPORT OR WATBR AVAILABILift 'fh• City Manager reported that irrigation reatrictiona were lifted on all propertie• •erved by the Bnqlewood Water Departi.nt a• of Auquat 29th. Be atated that it was not anticipated that any further difficulty would be encountered with regard to water supply thi• year. 632-45 RIGHT-OP-WAY BASIDIDTS D CODBC'l'ION WITH WATBR PIPBLID TO llBW WBLLS '!'he City Manaqer reported that •ignaturea had been ••cured on the eaaement aqr-nt with Mr. and Mr•. Carroll Kopfer from Ball Sand and Gravel well• to the Peteraburg Ditch. Be •tated that the conaideration for thi• eaa .. ent agr ... ent thrOUCJh the year 1964 waa $100.00. OOUllCILMAR LOVB MOVBD, OOURCIUCU MILBS SBCCJm>BD, THAT 'l'llB aa&IMD1'1' AGRBIDIBll'l' BB APPROVBD Mm THAT TBB MAYOR Mm CI'ft CLBRK BB AUTBORIZBD TO SIG& OR BBBALP OP '1'118 CI'l'r. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Aye•: couneilmen Braun, J<reiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wood•, Brown.,ell. Ray•: None. Ab•ent: Rone. '!'be Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-54 RBLA'l'IRG TO RBQUBST FOR HIGHWAY IMPROVlllmTS TO STATB HIGHWAY DBPAR'l'MBIJT FOR 1964 The City Clerk read a letter from the county Bngineer requ••ting that repre- •entative• of the County meet with repreaentativ•• of the City at the county Bngineer'• Office on September 19th at 1:30 P.M. to determine hiqhway• which would be requeated for improv ... nt in connection with the 1964 Colorado State Bigllway Proqram. 'fh• City Manager aaked if the council had any au99eationa a• to the City'• need•. Di•cu•aion en•ued. Councilman Braun •tated that a connection wa• nec••- •ary to South Broadway, a atate highway, from tho•• drivinq weat on State Biqhway llo. 70. Be remarked that although a hiqhway map •how• hiqhway 87 terainating a~· Biqhway 70 that practically apeaking there i• no auch connection from the eaat. Diacu••ion -•ued. 'l'h• City Man-ser atated that he would attend th• propo•ed wting and r-ind the varioua council.llen of the -•tin9 i ediately prior to the date to determine tho•• who would be able to attend. 632-26 PRBSDITA'l'IOR OP PROPOSBD 1964 BUDGB'l' The City Manager •tated the preparation of the Budget h.S been completed and copi•• •Wmitted to the ••ber• of the council on AUfJu•t 30th and he knew they had Minute• of September 3, 1963 not ti.lie to offer conatructive criticiam or caa .. nta on the Budget at thia time. Be au99eated that the council meet informally to review and diacuaa the Budget in advance of the public hearing. He au99eated that the public hearing be ••t for the next regular meeting to be held September 16th. Diacuaaion enaued. 'l'be Mayor announced that the COUncil would hold a apecial meeting for the purpoae of reviewing the 1964 Budget and diacuaaing the progr••• of the archi- tectural atudy on 'l'huraday, Septellber 12th at 8:00 P.M. in th• council Chamber~. 632-55 RBLA'l'IllG TO POLICY OP OVBRTIMB PAYMBllT The City Manager referred to th• minute• of the career Service Coaaiaaion ... ting of Auguat 28th at which time he waa preaent and th• aubject of overtime work and compenaation wa• diacuaaed. He atated that generally •peaking rather than to define each of the auperviaory poaitiona which were exempt from payment of overtille work that the approach of declaring all tho•• employ .. • earning at a rate of Grade 18 or 19 and above be exempted from overtime payment•. He atated that thi• waa an effort to make the r8CJUlation• concerning payment of overtime flexible and yet definite in it• acope. Diacuaaion enaued. OOUllCILMAll BRAU& MOVED, OOUllCIUIAll PARKBR SBCOBDBD, TllAT 'l'BB CI'l'Y AT'l'ORllBY BB DDlBC'l'BD TO DRAft' Alf ORDDIAllCB POR '1'111: PURPOSBS AS SST PORTH BY 'l'HB CITr ll..\llAGSR AllD TBB CARBBR SBRVICB BcaRD AT ITS MBB'l'DIG OP AUGUST 28'1'H. Upon the cafl of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: . Ayea: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: &one. A68ellt: &one. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. RBLATillG TO DOG POUBD USAGE The city Manager reported that he had an inquiry from the Tri county Health Department about the possibility of joint city Health Department uae of &nglewood' a Dog Pound. 'l'he city Manager stated that coat• were being gathered at thia time and information aecured which might lead to a definite propoaal for joint uae of the facility. council.man Braun reminded the City Manager that each citizen pays a County tax mill levy baaed upon all the aaaeaaed valuation within the City and does not receive full value for theae tax dollar•. He comDented that it waa his feel- ing that perhapa all the coats of the operation of the Dog Pound ahould be borne by the county. 632-9 CORSIDBRATION OF BILLS, CLAIMS, AND INVOICBS POR 'l'BB MOll'l'H OP AUGUST COUllCILMAN LOVE MOVED, OOUNCILMAN MILBS SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT TBB BILLS, CLAIMS Al1D DIVOICBS AS APPROVED BY THE CITr llANAGER AND LISTBD BY 'l'BB CITY CLBRK BE ALLOWBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follow•: Ayes: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: &one. Abaent: Rone. '1'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-56 PB'l'ITIOH TO AMBlfD alAR'l'ER AS TO SIGllA'l'URBS DCBSSARY POR AMBllillBllTS, IllITIATIVB ARD REPBRBRIUI Mr. Matthew M. Sumera, 3140 South Delaware, Bnglewood, reported that he had filed with the City Clerk earlier in the evening a petition to initiate a Charter amendment. Be explained that the purpoae of the petition waa to encourage citizen• to participate in their government by .. ending the Charter with regard to the nUllber of aignaturea necessary to propoae City Charter ... ndment or an initia- ted ordinance or to bring a referendum vote. Be diacuaaed the preaent aignature requir ... nta and thoae proposed by the petition Charter amendment. Be atated that becauae of the recent addition to the City registration book• of all tho•• name• of _per80ll• reqiatered with the County that he and other citizen• had felt the pro- poaed amendment adviaable. !'he Mayor aaked if there waa any action required. 'l'h• City Attorney reported that the petition would be checked and if found in order placed upon the ballot by the Blection Colmliaaion at the next regular election of the City to be held on llovember S, 1963. I I I I I I Minute• of September 3, 1963 MAYOR'S CBOICB The Mayor reported that the Arapahoe Mayor• meeting would be held September 5, 1963 at 6:30 P.M. at Andy'• smorgaabord. 'l'he Mayor diacuaaed the possibility of Council meeting with the Volunteer Fire Department and the conflict of their regular meeting and the Council meetings on the first and third Monday nights. Ho decision resulted. COUNCILMBN'S CllOICB councilman Braun welcomed thoae in the audience and expr•••ed his apprecia- tion for their continued interest in the meeting and coanented that it was a rarity to have citizens present at the meeting• of the City council. ADJOURN OOUllCIIllMf KRBILillG MOVBD, COUNCILMAN WOODS SBCORDBD, THAT TBB MBB'l'IRG BB AD.JOURllBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayes: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Miles, Parker, Woods, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Abaent: Hone. '1'be Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 11:49 P.M., Tueaday, September 3rd. B· o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of th• council The minutes of the meeting of the City council of the City of Bnglewood, COlorado, held on the 3rd day of September A.D. 1963, stand approved as corrected this 16th day of September A.D. 1963.