HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-09-16 (Regular) Meeting MinutesRBGULAR MBBTIHG: COUNCIL CHAMBBRS CITY OF JDIGLBWOOD, CX>LORADO SBPTDIBBR 16, 1963 '!'he City council of the City of Bn9lewood, Arapahoe county, Colorado, met in r8C)Ular ••••ion on Monday, September 16, 1963, in the Council Chambers, City Ball, Bn9lewood, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor Brownewell preaiding called the meeting to order and the invocation waa given by the Reverend Herbert Hoaanna of the Mayflower Congregational Church. '!'he Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following peraona were preaent: councilmen: Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Al•o Preaent: City Manager Dial, Adaini•trative A••i•tant Malone, City Attorney B•ch, City Clerk Beau•ang. Ab•ent: Hone. '!'he Mayor declared a quorum pre•ent. 632-2 CONSIDBRATION OF THE MINUTBS OP PRBVIOUS MBBTIBG COUIJCILMAN WOODS MOVBD, COUNCILMAB LOVB SBOOllDBD, 'l'llAT 'l'llB MIWTBS OF TBB COUllCIL MBBTIBG OP SBPTDIBBR 3, 1963 BB APPROVBD AS CORRBCTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Ab•ent: Hone. '!'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-57 APPLICATIOB FOR RBIJBWAL OP 3.2 BBBT LICDSB FOR BBLLBVIBW BOWL The City Clerk reported that he had received an Application for Retail Fermented Malt Beverage Licen•• (for •ale of 3.2" beer only) from Interatate Bowling corporation dba Belleview Bowl at 4900 South Federal Boulevard, BnCJl...,ood, Colorado, on September 13, 1963. Be •tated that the exiating licen•• expire• on October 3, 1963, in advance of the next Council meeting. Mr. and Mr•. w. e. Mattock• were pre•ent a• repr•••ntativ•• of the corporation. Councilaan Parker inquired if any difficultie• of the •ale of 3.2 beet had been incurred. Mr. Mattock• reported that a• a matter of policy 3.2 beer waa not ••rved on the concour•e unle•• the peraon were over 21 year• of age. Councilman Parker coamented that thi• appeared to be a very excellent rule. COUllCIIMAR WOODS MOVBD, CX>UIJCILMAN PARKBR SBCOBDBD, THAT 'l'BB RBHBWAL APPLICATION BB GRABTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follow•: Aye•: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mil••, Parker, Woods, Brownewell. Raya: None. Ab•ent: Rone. t'be Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-60 CLOSIRG OP SOU'l'B BROADWAY POR PAllCAICB RACB t'b• Mayor r•COCJni&ed Mr. George Prohlick, repr•••ntin9 the Bnglewood Shrine Club. Mr. Prohlick •tated that the Shriner• were holding th• Annual Pancake Race and Parade on Saturday, October S, 1963. Be •tated th• parade would pa•• from Yale to Kenyon and the race would be from Ba•t Ployd Avenue to a .. pden Avenue. He requ••ted the permi••ion to have South Broadway blocked off for the race at 1~:00 A.M. Di•cu••ion en•ued. COUIJCIIMAR MILBS MOVBD, COUNCIIMAR WOODS SBOOllDBD, 'l'llAT PBRMISSIOR BB GRABTBD TO BLOCK SOUTH BROADWAY PROM BAST FLOYD TO BAMPDD AVBllUB, PRC»I 11:00 TO 12:00 A.M. OR SATUJtDAY, OCTOBBR S, 1963. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: &yeas ·c.uncilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Ray•: Hone. Abaent: Rone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I I I I I Minute• of September 16, 1963 632-26 PUBLIC HEARilfG <a 1964 PROPOSBD BUDGET COUllCIIllAll PARKBR MOVBD, COUNCIIMAR MILBS SBCOllDllD, THAT 'l'HB PUBLIC llBARIRG Oii TBB PROPOSED 1964 BUDGBT BB OPBlfBD. Upon tb• call of th• roll, the vote re- •ulted aa follow•: Aye•: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mil••, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Haya: Hone. Abaent: Hone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Th• Mayor a•ked if there were anyone pr•••nt who wiahed to •peak on the budget. Mr•. Leonard Beirle, 1102 We•t Oxford Place, apok• for th• replacement of the blinking •chool light at Weat Oxford and South Inca inter••ction a• one of th• four replacement• of blinking light• for pedeatriaa actuated traffic •ignal•. She •poke of the difficulti•• pr•••nt at that int•r••ction, namely, that it wa• the bottom of a hill and that many 110tori•t• did not atop for the i»linking red light. Di•cu••ion enaued. councilman Kreiling reported that the State Highway Department wa• often in the •ame po•ition a• the City find• it••lf at thi• time. Many •chool control •ignala are requeated upon State Highway• and the State Highway Department doe• not have a •ufficient budget to inatall all of the aignala requeated. B• •tated that one method that ha• provided a aolution in certain area• ha• been •upport by the PTA in the particular area, which would allow complete or partial financing of the reque•ted light with the State completin9 the in•tallation. Be aaid if thf• were poaaible in Englewood all uf the twenty achool light• could be replaced in one or two year• rather than over the four year period a• antici- pated by the budget. Mr•. Leon Smith, 3936 South Buron Street, Preaident of the Maddox School PTA, atated that the pre•ent fund rai•ing project• meet the coat• of operation of the nA only. She expr•••ed the vi.w that the achool light• mu•t provide year around protection for children de•iring to cro•• Oxford to play at the playground or participate :La 1recreational activiti•• at the achool during the aU11111er, a• well a• during the normal achool year. The City Manager coamented that a petition had been received urging that We•t Oxford Avenue be e•tabli•hed a• a truck route and i• under con•ideration by the Planning C01mi••ion. If thi• petition were approved a greater volume of traffic would use Oxford than at preaent. Other citizen• pr•••nt •poke for the conver•ion of the light. The Reverend Stowell sandmeyer, 4175 South Inca Drive, expre••ed the view that a hou•e to houae collection by member• of th• PTA would be warranted. Mr•. Richard•, Preaident of the Lowell PTA, requeated conaideration of the •chool light at Ba•t Lehigh and South Logan and reported that the High School •tudent• were not careful to obaerve the light and atop when it waa flaahing. Mr. Keith A. Dryden, 3010 South Pearl Street, a•ked about the proviaion in the 1964 budget for financing Park and Recreational activiti•• in light of the continuing south Suburban Diatrict. The Mayor reported that Bnglewood ha• re- ceived only about $5,000 from the South Suburban Diatrict in the developa.""8nt of a ... 11 park in Horthwe•t Bnglewood. The City Attorney reported further that the .. tter of election ha• been held up in court. The petition• calling for an election were filed on &eptember 17, 1962, the .. tter ha• been ••t for trial in October. Mr. Dryden •poke again•t a raiae in aill levy for park purpoae• until thi• .. tter were reconciled. councilman Braun replied that a Park and Recreation budget wa• nece••ary to ... t the maintenance and development of exi•ting Engl.wood park• which would not be affected by the aboliahment of the South Suburban Park Di•trict anyway. Mr. Dryden inquired why the City ha•nt:t requeated and gotten it• 110ney back. Diacu••ion enaued with regard to the City'• effort• in thi• area. Mr. Dryden inquired why the council should drop one tax and then increa•e the aill levy. The City Manager explained that the increa•• in mill levy wa• in the public improvement fund and that an increa•ed cigarette tax had been propoaed to off••t the revenue loat by the repeal of the Buain••• and Occupational tax. councilman Braun auggeated that Mr. Dryden ahould review all budget• and mill levy• which form the ba•i• for the computation of hi• property tax••. The City of Bnglewood • • levy amount• to a little more than l°" of the total. Mr. Dryden auvarized by atating that he wa• in favor of improvwnta, but not by a pro- perty tax levy. Mr. Johnaton, 2401 South Peco•, covented upon a duplication of park and recreation facilitie• in th• lforthweat Bn9l.wood area, whereby Bnglewood •pon•ored a program at the •chool and South Suburban at their newly developed park. Bil alao compalined about the police protection in the Horthweat area and aaked if an increa•ed police budget would provide greater protection. Be •poke of recent vandali•m at the Scenic View School. Th• Mayor aaked if there were anyone el•• to •peak. There waa no one. Minute• of September 16, 1963 COUllCILMAB BRAUll MOVBD, COUHCILMAll LOVB SSCCllDBD, 'l'llAT '1'HB PUBLIC HBARillG BB CLOSBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote r••ulted a• follows: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Raya: None. AbMnt: Rone. !'be Mayor declared thtjaotion carried. COUIJCILMAB LOVB MOVBD, COUHCILMAll WOODS SBCOllDBD, THAT 'l'BB PROPOSBD 1964 8UDGB'l' BB TBll'l'ATIVBLY APPROVBD ARD 'ftlB Cift A'l'TORllBY BB IBSTRUCTBD TO DRAft' '1'llB llBCBSSARY ORDIBAllCBS TO PLACB '1'HB BUDGBT Ilft'O BFPBC'l'. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Aye•z councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Bayas Rone. At,•ent: None. 'l'be Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-49 AUTHORIZillG 'ftlB ISSUMCB OP WA'l'BR BOBDS Public Bearing .2!! Ordinance Authorising I••"'DCI Ri 12,250,000 Water aonda COUllCILMAll PARKBR MOVBD, COUBCIUIAll WOODS 880CmDSD, 'l'llA'l' 'ftlB PUBLIC llBARillG 08 A& ORDIBAllCB AU'l'BORIZIBG ISSUMCB OP GmDAL OaLIM'l'IOll WA'l'BR BOllDS BB OPIDIBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•z Aye•: Councilmen Bram, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Abaent: None. '1'he Mayor declared the motion carried. The Mayor aaked if there were anyone pre•ent who •i8hed to •peak. Mr. George Jobn•ton, 2401 South Peco• Street, aaked how the bond• would be paid. The Mayor replied that although they were an obligation of the City, the bond• have been paid frOll revenue almo•t excluaively. Mr. Keith Dryden inquired aa to what in- tereat rate the bond• would bear. 'l'h• City Clerk-'l'reaaurer atated that the bond• would be .aold by bid at a rate not to exceed 4'-'• Be r-rked that although _ $2,250,000 value of bond• were authorized that th••• will be ia•ued only aa neceaaary, probably not until February or March of next year. At that ti ... $1,000,000or .,re bond• will be iaaued. Th• Mayor atated that the financing wa• to purchaae and develop Weatern Slope water and that 14,000 acre ~eet waa believed to be the practical amount of water to be derived from the new •ource. Diacua•ion en•ued a• to Englewood'• water need• and development of a diatribution ay•tem to ••rve out•ide the City liait•. OOUBCILMU PARl<BR MOVBD, COUNCILMAB MILBS SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT 'ftlB PUBLIC BBARillG BB CLOSBD. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follows: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Woods, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Ab•ent: Bone. '!be Mayor declared the motion carried. Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Braun BY AUTllORift ORDillAllCB 110. 25, SBRIBS OP 1963 A& ORDillAllCB 'l'O COlft'RACT A& IllDBBTBDDSS Oii B8llALl' OP '1'BB CITY OF mGLBWOOD, COLOJIADO, ARD UPOll '1'BB CRBDIT 'l'BBRBOP BY ISSUillG 8C9DS OP SAID CITY Ill 'l'BB PRilfCIPAL StM OP $2,250,000 POR 'l'BB IMPROY....-r Alll> BXT•SIOll OP ITS WATBR WORJCS ftS'l'mt: PRBSCRIBillG 'l'BB FORM OP SAID 80111>81 Alm PROVIDillG POR '1'BB LBVY OP 'l'AXBS TO PAY 'l'BB BOBDS ARD IH'l'BRBST 'l'HBRBOll. (Bill for an Ordinance copied in full in Septellber 3, 1963 official minute•) waa read for the aecond time. I I ii I I I I 'I September 16, 1963 Minutes OOUllCIIMAB BRAU& MOVBD, OOUSCILMAB JIILBS SSCC*DSD, THAT ORDDJARCB HO. 25, &DIBS OP 1963, BB PASSBD 011 SBOOllD AllD PillAL a.ADDIG AJID ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD IN PULL IR '1'llB DIGLBWOOD HBRALI> AllD IDl'l'BRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Ayea: Councilman Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Ray•: Nona. Ab•ent: None. Tb• Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-58 IllITIA'l'IVB ORDINAllCB RBLA'l'I• 'l'O 098-WAY STRBBTS 'l'h• city Clerk reported that he had received a petition for an initiated Ordinance on Thursday, September 5, 1963, at 11142 A.JI. 'th• title of the Ordinance i• a• follow•: Alf ORDDJAllCB CO&CBRllIRG VBHICULAR TRAPPIC UPOM STRBBTS Al1D OTHBR PUBLIC 'l'BOROPARBS OF '1'BB CITY OF DIGLBWOOD. BB I'l' O~IllBD BY 'l'BE CITY COUl1CIL OP '!BB CITY OP mGLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. 'l'Wo-way vehicular traffic i• and •hall be lawful in the City of Bnglewood upon all atreata and public thorou9hfare•, except •uch alleys, rampa, clover leafa, and atreeta le•• than 30 fMt in width between curbatonea aa may now or hereafter be limited to one-way vehicular traffic by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood. Section 2. It i• and ahall be unlawful in th• City of Bnglewood, Colorado for driver• of automobile• and other vehicle• to turn left on any street or public thoroughfare on which two-way vehicular traffic i• lawful at the inter- ••ction thereof with any other •treet or public thoroughfare on which two-way traffic i• lawful. ; Section 3. All ordinance or part• of ordinance• of th.,t':ity of Bnglawood in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. · Said aignera further petition and reque•t that •uch propoaed ordinance either be paaaed and adopted by you, the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, without alteration• and within thirty day• after thi• petition i• filed, aubject to the referendum, or that you, the Council of th• City of Bnglewood, Colorado, call a apecial municipal election, in accordance with Section 46 of Article VI of 'fbe Charter of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, and, at •uch •pecial munici- pal •l•~n aubmit the above propoaed ordinance to a vote of the qualif iad elector• of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado. Bach aigner •tat•• that he or •h• ha• read or had read to him or her the propo•ed initiative or referred meaaure in it• entirety and under•tanda ita meaning and ha• not aigned any other or like petition for the aama purpoaa. Bach aigner further repr•••nta that he or •h• ha• neither received nor entered into any contract whereby in the future he or •be will receive any money or other thing of value in con•ideration of or a• an induc ... nt to the signing of auch petition by him or her. Bach of the aign•r• hereto, for hi .. elf or h•r••lf aa the case may be, aaya: I •ign thia petition in my proper per•on only: I • a qualified elector of the State of Colorado and of th• City of Bnglwood afore•aid: my re•idence addre•• and the date of my aigning thi• petition are correctly written iallladiately after my name: and I do hereby deaignate the following n•••d per•on• to repra•ant ma in all .. tter• affecting thi•pttitiona Thcmaa c. Moran, 2000 Baat Ba•tman Ave., Bnglewood, Colorado Maurice L. Pike, 3165 South &her .. n st., Bn4Jlewood, Colorado Robert B. Ratcliff, 4025 South Inca St., Sn9lewood, Colorado The petition waa checked for adequacy of •ipatur•• and found to have 511 •ignatur•• affixed thereto, more than enou9h for filing a• an initiated ordinance. The Mayor •tated that the City Council would act upon the initiated Ordinance by paaaing it •• a propoaed bill or by in•tructiDCJ the City Clerk to place the Ordinance on the ballot a• a que•tion to be conaidered by th• voter• at the re- gular Municipal Blection on llovellber 5, 1963. councilman Love •tated thi• Ordinance would ham•tring any effort• for solution to th• traffic pr~l•m in th• downtown area. COUllCIUID BRAU& ARD MILBS MOVBD, COUllCIUIU LOW SBCom>BD, THAT 'DIB PBTITimt BB PILBD AllD BB BROUGHT 'l'O BLBC'l'IOIJ AT TBS llm ·a8CIULAJl llUllICIPAL BLBCTIOll. Upon th• call of the roll, th• vote reaulted •• follow•• Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Kil••, Parker, Wood•, Brownewall. Raya: Rone. Abaent: None. '!'he Mayor declared the motion carried and in•tructed the City Clark to place the Initiated Ordiance on the ballot. 146 Minute• of September 16, 1963 632-6 PROCBBDI&GS OP PLMIRIRG AND ZORillG CQlllI88IOll llBB'l'IRG OP SBP'l'BMBBR 5, 1963 'ftle Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 632-5 PROCBBDIRGS OP BOARD OP CARDR The Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 632-8 PROCDDISS OP LIBRARY BOARD MB&Tim OP SBPT91BBR 10, 1963 'l'he Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. BllCROACBMBll'l'S UPOll Cift PROPBR'l'Y 632-59 Bncroachllent ~ 630 Weat B•epd•n Ayenue The City Clerk read a recoanendation from the Board of Adjuatment and Appeal• aa follows: "RBCOMMDIDATIOR POR YARIAllCB The Board of Adjuatment and Appeal• recoamenda to the Bnglewood City council ~or cvnaideration of approval the following requeata for encroachment upon City owned propertys Arthur Ruaaman property located at 630 Weat Hampden Jamea Bppick property located at 3476-78-80 South Broadway Mr. Ruaaman waa preaent to preaent drawin9a and explain the conditions which bad ariaen requiring a atep eithteen inch•• wide by eight feet long and approxi- .. tely •ix inch•• high to be erected upon City owned land in front of a restau- rant building under conatruction. The City Clerk reported that he had received a certificate of inaurance to protect the City from liability ahould an accident occur due to the location of the atep. Diacuaaion enaued. councilman Wood• recoMZended that the City ahould have a cancellation notice in caae the policy ia not renewed or cancelled. The City Attorney indicated that auch notice would be ••cured. OOUIJCILMAR PARKBR MOYBD I COUBCILMAll MOODS SSCOllDBD I TBAT 'l'HB RBC<»OIBllDBD mcaOAca«DTS BB APPROYBD AID> 'DIA'l' THB MAYOR AllD Cift CLDK BB AUTHORIZBD '1'0 DfBR Ilft'O All AGRBBMml'l' OR BBHALP OP 'ftlB CITY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayeaz councilmen Brain, Kreiling, Love, Jlilea, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Abaent: Rone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. councilman Braun explained that the aecond encroachllent would be the width of a brick facing in connection with the rellOdeling of the building. COUllCILMAR BRAUB MOYBD I COURCILMAR PARKD SSCOllDm> I 'l'BA'l' '1'BB RBCQIMBRDA'l'IOR BB ACCBP'l'BD AIJD 'ftlA'l' '1'llB MAYOR ARD CITY CLDJ< BB AU'IBORIZBD '1'0 Bll'l'BR Ill'l'O All AGRl•Bft Oil BBBALP OP TBB CITY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayeaz councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, llilea, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Bone. Abaent: Rone • 'l'be Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-59 COIJ'l'ROLLIRG PILLDG ftA'l'IOllS Introduced aa a Bill by councilman Mil•• BY AUTHORift ORDillANCB RO. 24, SBRIBS OP 1963 All ORDDIAllCB PROBIBITIRG PILLIRG S'l'A'l'IOllS WITBJ• 500 PDT OP AN DTRARCB TO A SCBOOL BUILDIBG OR P~YGROtDJD, OR WI'l'BIB PIYS JIUllDam (500) PBB'l OP AN EXIS'l'- IllG PILLIRG STA'l'IOR PROPBR'l'Y LID, RBPBALlm OaDillAllCB m. 21, SBRIBS OP 1958 (11BICB IS ALSO SBC'l'IOR 2 (f) OP AC'l'ICLB YI OP OJU>I..CS 80. 45, SBRIBS OP 1955, AS Mml>BD) ARD BllAC'l'IRG 'l'BIS ORDillMICB D RBPLAC•Sft' TBIRmP, OF '1'BE OaDI..CBS OF 'l'BB Cift OP DIGLBWOOD, COLORADO, AllD DSCl.YDIG All DIBRGBRCY. (aill for an ordinance copied in full in official minute• of September 3rd) waa read for the aecond time. I I I I I I I I Minute• of September 16, 1963 COUBCILMMJ MILBS MOVBD, COUHCIIllAll LOVB 8SOOllDSD, 'l'llAT ORDD1AHCB KO. 24, SBRIBS OF 1963 BB PASSBD 011 SBCOllD Al1D PillAL RUDillG MID ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD IN PULL IR '1'BB DIGLBWOOD BBRALJ) Al1D DTBRPRISB. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mil••, Parker, Wooda, Brown.well. Raya: Hone. Abaent: Hone. '!be Mayor declared the motion carried. 631-72 ADOPTD1G A C<»IPRBllD'SIVB zom:m CODB Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Braun BY AUTllORI'l'Y ORDillMCB KO. 26, 8DIU OP 1963 CHAPTD .O. 22 OOMPRBHDSIVB ZOllI•G OllDllWICB Al1 ORDIDllCB Mar>IBG '1'HB MUHICIPAL com OP '1'BB Cift OP BmLBWOOD, COLORADO, ft ADDI• 9IDB'fO A llBW CBAPTD 22 COBSTI'ft1TI• A CDIPRD••SIVB ZO&IllG ORDDIMICB roa TllB CI'l'Y OP BaJLDfOOD, COLORADO, roa 'lllB PUUOU OP PRCllOTDG TBB BBALTB, SAPftr, MORALS AllD GBRBIAL WBLPARB OP TRIS allllUlliftr TO ~TB Al1D RBSTRICT 'rBB APPBARUCB, SIZB, CBARACTBR, BBIGBT, MID BULlt 01' _,ILDI•GS MD> STRUC'l'URBS: !O DB'l'DllID '1'BB ARM OP YARDS, COURTS, MID PLM!U SURllOUllDI&G 'l'BBM: TO RBGULATB AID> RBS'l'IUC'1' '1'BB DDSI'l'Y OF POPULATIOB: '1'0 DIVIDS BS CI'l'Y OP DIGLBWOOD, COL09 MK>, IB'l'O DISTRICTS FOR SUCH PURPOSB87 ADOPl'IllG AllD I•COllPORATllfG HBRBllf A rDllDIG MAP WITB ALL 'l'llB 90TATIO&S, RBP-CBI AllD Ol'llD ID08MATIOB SllOWll mu.-. SIDfI&G, BSTABLISBillG Al1D DBLIBBATDG SUCB ZOllB DlftUCTS MID TBB BOUllDARIBS TBBRBOP: '1'0 BSTABLISB TBB BOARD OP ADJUS'Dmft AllD APPMLS PROCBDURB BRBRUllDBR, 1111ICll ORDDIAIJCB IS ADOPTBD PURSUM1'1' '1'0 '1'BB COIJSTITUTIOB OP 'l'BB STATB OP COLORADO Am TBm>UGB '1'BB BXBRCISB OP P8WBRS GRAllTBD AID> ACQUIRm> I• '1'118 IDIB RULB CBARTBR ADOPTBD I• 1958 n TBB CITY OP DIGLBWOOD, RBCOGllIZlm THAT ZOBIRG IS UL'l'IMATBLY A LOCAL MID MUITICIPAL MA'l"l'BR, 'DIB I&Tml' OP 'l'BIS CCltPRBBmSIVB ZORIBG ORDillUICB BUE '1'0 SUPBRSBDB WI'l'BIB 'DIB TBRRI'l'ORIAL LDIITS MID O'l'BD JURISDICTION OF '1'BB CI'l'Y OF DIGLBWOOD Al1Y GDIBRAL IAW OF '1'BB STATB OP COLORADO IR COBPLIC'1' HBRBWITB, RSPBALDIG ORDillMCB so. 45, SBRIBS OF 1955, u ··-gnm, AID> PRBSCRIBIBG PmLTIBS AS SB'l' FORTH IR 'l'BB MUBICIPAL CODE OP TBB Cift OP aGLBlfOOD WBial SHALL APPLY '1'0 YIOLATIOBS OF TBB PROVISIOIJS OF THIS ORDIRAllCB. (Bill for Ordinance copied in full in minute• of June 17, 1963) waa read for the aecond time. COUllCIUIAN BRAUit MOVBD, COUllCILMAll LOVB SBCC*DBD, '1'BAT ORDDJMCB BO. 26, SBRIBS OF 1963 BB PASSBD OS SBCOBD AlfD FillAL RMDI•G AID> ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD Dl PULL IR 'lBB DIGLBWOOD BBRALD AND BllTBRPRISB. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote re•ulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mil••, Wood•, Brown-ell. Raya: Councilman Parker. Abaent: Hone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 621-99 RBLATIBG '1'0 VACATICll OP ALLBY The City Attorney reported that on June 17, 1963, an Ordinance vacating a fift .. n (15) foot alley in Block 1, Riggen• Bn9l.wood Garden•, wa• paa•ed on firat reading. Be atated that final paaaa9e of th• bill waa held pending the ntiafactory arrang•ent• for the eaa-nt and relocation of the •ewer. He reported that Mr. Lull ha• agreed to relocate th• •.,.r and pu~ up a bond and reco anded that the Council pa•• the Ordinance • aecond reading. councilman Braun inquired if th• agr•-•nt had been completed by Mr. Lull and the bond .. cured. '1'he City Attorney atated that thi• bad not been done, but he had the contractor'• aaaurance it would be completed ahortly. COUllCILllAll BRAUit MOVBD, COUBCILMAll LOVB 8Km>m>, TllAT '1'llB MA'l'TBR BB TABLBD UftIL '1'BB AGRBBl«llft' BAD BBDJ CDIPLBTBD MID SicmSD ft '1'BB COftRACTOR MD BOBO PRBSB8'1'BD TO '1'BB CITY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulttid aa follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mil••• Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. lfaya: Hone. Ab•ent: Ilona. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Minute• of September 16, 1963 councilman Braun atated that he believed in haying the arrangement• completed before paaaage of an ordinance on f i .. l readin9 aa auch paaaage cou1d not be contingent upon any other matter•. The City llana9er diacuaaed the detail• of the caae and recomaended that the council conaider authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement when th• .... waa available and approved by the City Attorney. Diacusaion enaued. OOUBCILMAB BRAUB MOVBD, COURCIIMAB LOVB Ssoam>BD, 'l'BA'l' 'DIB MAYOR AND Cift CLDK BB AU'ftlORIZBD 'l'O SIGH Ml AGRBIDIDIT •11-ATim 'l'O ftlB RBLOCATIOlf OF TBB SDfBR 'l'RUIDC LID Ill BLOCK 1, BIOGIRS ADDrfIO• o• mALP OP '1'BB CITY Alfi) THAT A PBRPORMAllCB BOND BB SBCURBD 'l'O ASSURB '1'D Cift OP 'l'llB C<»IPLBTION OF THE PROJBC'l'. Upon th• call of the roll, th• vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea: Councilmen Braun, J<reiling, Love, llilea, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Rayas llone. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RBIA'l'IHG 'l'O 'l'DIPORARY CLOSillG OP numa POR SOCIAL PURPOSBS The City Manager reported that th• code make• proviaiona for the Traffic Bngineer to deaignate play atre•t• with the approval of the Council. He reported that thi• had been uaed to date for eatabliahinv aledding areaa, but that re- cently a block party had been requeated and thi• requeat granted without appeal- ing to the Council due to the ahortn••• of notice of th• need. Be reported that he had received further requeata which led hill to brinq thi• matter before the council for a determination of policy. ·Diacuaaion enaued.· ·The City Attorney reported that in hi• opinion the Code waa broad enough to perait the blocking of a street for aocial activiti•• of a neighborhood nature. The City Manager indicated that under no circuaatancea would he per- ait th• uae of alcoholic beverage• and would require that one particular per80n be reaponaible for the blocking of the atr .. t and cleaning up afterwards. 632-11 'l'RBASURBR'S RBPORT FOR '1'llB llUM'fti OP AUGUST, 1963 COUllCILMAB WOODS MOVBD, CX>URCILMAN 8AJU<BR SSCOllDBD, 'l'HA'l' '1'llB 'l'RBASURBR I s UPOll'l' BB ACCBP'l'BD MD PLACBD ON PILE. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, llilea,Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: None. Abaent: None. 'ftl• Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-35 CONTRACT FOR 'l'RAFPIC CO•SUL'l'All'l' The City Manager reported that the contract for th• conducting of a traffic atudy by Mr. Ja-• Small, Traffic Conaultant, waa in it• final atag•• of draft- inq and waa in conformance with the deairea of the Citizen• Action Coamitt•• and authority granted by the Council for the expenditure up to $5,000. Be aaked that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorised to aign th• contract when it waa finally typed. COUllCIUCMI MILBS MOVBD, COURCILMAH KRBILillG asccmDSD, 'l'HA'l' '1'llB MA111t1 AllD Cift CLBRK BB AUTllORIZBD 'l'O SIG& A CONTRAC'l' WJ'lll llR. JMB8 81!U.L, 'l'RAl'FIC COllSUL'l'AllT, OR BEAI.p OP '1'BB CITY. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote re- aul ted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen J<reiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Raya: Councilman Braun. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 63i-61 AUTHORIZING IlfS'l'ALLA'l'IOll OP WA'l'D MAIRS 'lb• City Manager announced that he had received two petition• for the in- atallation of water maina, one in the 3700 block South Lincoln and the other in the 3800 Block South Lincoln. As the petition for the 3700 Block was nearly 10°" and the one for the 3800 Block lacked five aignaturea. Be recoanendad that the council conaider a reaolution orderin9 that the main• be conatructad. Be revi.wad with the Council that thi• waa in the area of low pressure during the laat water ahortage. The City Clerk read the following reaolution in full: I : I I ,I I I I I Minute• of September 16, 1963 .!.!.!.Q~.Y.!lR.I WBBRBAS Chapter 8 of the Municipal OOd• of th• City of Bnglawood, Colorado, waa originally paaaed and approved on July 2,.Jtl6, and~· now in full force and effect: and WBBRBAS, aaid Chapter preacribed rul•• and re9'1lationa for the ~peration and maintenance of the Water Syatem of the City of 8ngl9WOOd1 and WBBRBAS, aaid Chapter provides, in part, by aubparagraph (b), (c), Section 8.7-1 thereof, that the City may, without petition, conatruct a main of auf- ficient aize to aerve the area aerved by an inadequate line, when, in ita opinion, the line is causing undue hardahip upon the uaera of aaid line, or on the City1 and WBBRBAS, undue hardahip will accrue to th• City and owner• connected to the preaent private line• in certain location• becauae of dangeroualy low pressure and/or unnecessary and expensive maintenance in aaid location• if the connection• are not made to the City Water lines. ROW, THBRBFORE, be it resolved by the City council of the City of Englewood, COlorado, thia 16th day of September, 1963 that all aervice connections to the present amall private water lines in the followin9 location• be changed over to the City main• aa soon as possible after a City .. in i• conatructed, because of dangeroualy low pressure and/or unneceaaary and expenaiv• maintenance in said location•, and that charges be made according to the achedule in the current reaolutions covering such charges, and that th• .... be collected by the Water Department of the City: LOCATIORS IR WHial ADBQUATB CI'l'r MAZRS ARB TO BB CORSTRUCTBD PRIOR TO CBABGB-OVBR OF SBRVICBS. On South Lincoln Street between Baat Kenyon Avenue and Baat Manafield Avenue. PASSBD MID ADOPTBD by the City council of th• City of Englewood, Colorado, thi• 16th day of September, 1963. ATTBST: COURCILMAN P~ PASSBD Al1D ADOPTBD. 2 ~ ( / . /I u< ~ /J 1 A-z.,,Ju/ _b _, '' · ...,. Mayor COUNCILMAN WOODS Smcc>llDBD, THAT THE RESOLUTION BB call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Aye•: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mil••, Parker, Woods, Brownewell. Raya: None. ~•ent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-62 RELATING TO CLAY STRBB'l' RIGHT-OP-WAY The City Manager reported that at different time• private parties have blocked Clay Street which runs from Weat Oxford aouthweaterly to South Federal Boulevard. Recently Mra. Week• ha• blocked th• atreet and dug a trench aero•• it. The City Manager emphaaized that thi• atreet ha• been uaed as a public road for more than twenty year• and that relying upon thi• fact the City had con- atructed a fourteen inch water main in the right-of-way aeveral year• ago. He auggeated that a letter be written to the County co .. iaaionera requeating that they co cwnce action to eatabliah title to the atreet. Diacuaaion enaued. COUllCILMAN LOVE MOVBD, COUNCIUIAN WOODS SBCOllDBD, THAT '1'88 CI'l'r MAllAGBR MID CI'l'r ATTOIUIBY PRBPARB A LBTTBR DIRBCTBD TO '1'HB comm COllllISSIORBRS FOR THE MAYOR'S SIGllA'lVRB RBQUBST:mG CLARIFICATION OP OWllBUHIP OP THB PORTION OF CLAY STRBBT BB'l'WBBR OXFORD MID SOUTH FBDBRAL BOULBVARD. Upon th• call of the roll, th• vote reaulted aa follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Abaeat: Rone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Minute• of September 16, 1963 632-34 RBLATIHG TO 1964 PAVIBG 'l'h• City Manager reported that Mr. M. M. S~r• had ••cured a petition for the widening of South Broadway Street in the 3300, 3400 and 3500 block• four feet on each aid• of th• •tr••t. He atated that Mr. S~r• had requeated additional time to circulate thi• petition for the improv ... nt of south Broadway, beyond the deadline of September 30. Diacuaaion enaued aa to there being no traffic plan• for th• downtewn area a• yet. councilman Wood• co-anted that ahould the petition for the widening of South Broadway be inaufficient that the City can initiate th• illprov ... nt if deairable or neceaaary. MAYOR'S CHOICB The Mayor read a letter from Mr. Gerri Yon rrellick indicating his favor of the recent Council action of approving the C0111prehenaive zoning Ordinance. 'l'h• Mayor read a letter from the Preaident of th• Valley Water District indicating that data i• being compiled aa to th• effect of the dissolution of the Diatrict prior to eatabliahing a meeting. 'l'h• Mayor announced that the Urban Mayor•' Aaaociation would meet .•n Tburaday, September 19, 1963, at which time Mayor Currigan of Denver would •peak. ADJOURH COUllCII.11.MJ WOODS MOVBD, COUHCII.14AH MILBS SBOOllDBD, 'DIAT THE MBBTIHG BB ADJOUUBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Aye•: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mil••· Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Hone. Abaent: Hone. 'l'he Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10130 P.M. B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of th• council The minute• of the meeting of the City council of the City of Englewood, COlorado, held on the 16th day ,of September, A.D. 1963, atand approved as written thi• 7th day of October, A.D. 1963. I I