HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-10-07 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI 'I I I RBGULAR MBBTIHG: COUNCIL CHAMBBRS CITY OF DJGLBWOOD, CX>LORADO OCTOBER 7, 1963 The City council of th~ City of Engl.wood, Arapahoe county, Colorado, met in regular ••••ion on Monday, October 7, 1963, in th• council Chambers, City Hall, BncJlewood, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor Brownewell preaiding called the meeting to order and the invocation vaa given by the Reverend o. F. Reeg of the Grace Lutheran Church. '1'he Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following peraona were preaent: councilmen: Braun, Kreiling, Love, Parker~ Wooda, Brownewell. Al90 Preaent: City Manager Dial. Adminiatrative Aaaiatant Malone, City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaang. Absent: councilman Miles. The Mayor declared a quorum preaent. 632-2 COHSIDBRATIOH OP '1'HB MIHU'l'BS OP '1'llB PRBVIOUS MBB'l'IHG COtDJCILMAH KRBILIHG MOVED, COUNCILMAH LOVE SBCOllDBD, 'l'llAT 'DIE MINUTES OF 'ftlB COUNCIL MBBTDfG OF SBPTBMBBR 16,,1963 BB APPROVBD AS WRITTBH. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa followa1 Ayes: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Parker, Wooc:la, Brownewell. Haya: None. Abaent: Councilman Mil••· 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-63 REQUEST FOR LIQUOR LICBllSB Br MAX HUHGATB Mr. Richard Simon appeared on behalf of Mr. D. L. Hungate who waa seeking a licenae for Beer, Wine and Spirituoua Liquor under th• trade name of "Hungate•a• at 2796 south Broadway, Englewood. The City Clerk reported that he had received an application for Beer, Wine and Spirituoua Liquor Licen•• on October 4th at 2147 P.M and that the applica- tion form and letter• of reference ae .. ect to be in order. COUBCIIllAH BRAUit MOVED, COUlfCILMAlt LOVB SmcmDSD, THAT PUBLIC &BARING BB &BT Oii '1'BB APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LIC•&B POa 'IBS ccxmcIL MBB'l'DIG OP MCllDAY, .OVlllBBR 4, 1963 AT 8100 P.11. D '1'BB COUllCIL Clllllm&, Cift BALL, MID '1'BAT RO!'ICB OP THIS llBARIHG BB POSTBD ARD PUBLISBm AS RSQUIRBD Br !AW ARD RBGULATIOBS. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ayea: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, ,•arker, Wooda, Brownewell. Haya: None. Absent: councilman Mil••· 'l'be Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-15 PROCEBDIHGS OF CITIZBRS ACTION cauaft'BB llBBTillG OP SBPTIDIBER 25, 1963 'l'he Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 632-6 PROCBBDillGS OP PLMDfIHG & ZOHIHG caua&SIOB llBBTillG OP SBPTJDIBER 19, 1963 The Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 632-7 PROCBBDIHGS OF WATER ARD SBWBR BOARD llBBTIHG OP SBPTIMBBR 17, 1963 The Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 632-5 PROCEBDDfGS OF CARBBR SBRVICB BOARD llBBTDG OP SBPTIDIBBR 25, 1963 The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 632-4 PROCBBDIHGS OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMDtT ARD APPBALS llBBTDIG OF SBPTBMBBR 11, 1963 The Mayor aaked that the minutes be received and placed on file. Minute• of October 7, 1963 632-26 RBLATIRG TO BUDGft Introduced •• a Bill by Councilman Kreiling A BILL FOR Alf ORDillAHCB ADOPTING THE BUDGB'l' OF 'l'HB Cift OP BllGLBWOOD, COLORADO, FOR '1'llB FISCAL YBAR 1964. WBBRBAS, purauant to the provision• of Part 1 of Article X of the Charter of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, adopted by the voter• on July 8, 1958, a budget for the f iacal year 1964 was duly aubmitted by the City Manager to the City Clerk on September 3, 1963, and waa conaidered by the City Counc~l at it• regular meeting on September 16, 1963: and WBBRBAS, a public hearing on the aaid budget waa held by the City Council within three week• after it• aubmiasion, on s eptellber 16, 1963, at the regular meeting of the City Council, regular notice of the ti .. and place of aaid hear- ing having been publiahed within aeven day• after aubmi••ion of the budget, in the manner provided in the Charter for the publication of ordinance•: and, WBBRBAS, the Council, after auch public hearing accepted aaid budget and approved aame. a>w, 'DIBRBFORB, BB IT ORDUDD BY 'l'HB Cift COUIJCIL OP 'ftlB CITY OF BRGLBWOOD, CX>LORADO: ~•ction l. That the budget of the City of Sngl.wood, Colorado, for the fiacal year 1964, as aubmitted by the City llana9er and duly conaidered by the City Council after public hearing, and aa accepted by the City Council,j be aaA "belP~ l•~adept*d ~•• the budget of the City of Bngl.wood for the said fiacal year of 1964. Section 2. That the aaid budget aa accepted •hall be a public record in the office of the City Clerk and ahall be open to public inapection. Sufficient oopi•• thereof •hall be made available for the uae of the Council and the public, the number of copies to be determined by the City Manager. Paaaed on Firat Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, COlorado, thi• 7th day of October, A.D. 1963, and ordered publiahed in full in the lftglewood Herald and Bnterpri••· >f5f:~~h11n ¥//C 1 • lliyor -- A'l"l'BS'l' : waa read for COUllCILMAIJ KRBILIRG MOVED, OOURCILMAll LOVB SSC09DBD, 'l'HAT '1'BB PROPOSED BILL BB PASSBD 011 FIRST READING MID ORDBRBD PUBLISBm> D PULL IR 'l'BB DlGLBWOOD BBRALD Alli> BBTBRPRISB. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted a• follows: Ayea: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, .,arker, Wood•, Brownewell. Rayas Ilona. Abaent: Councilman Mil••· The Mayor declared th• motion carried. (c ouncilaan Mil•• entered and took hi• •eat on the council at 8:15 P.M.) 632-64 Batabliahing Mill LIVY Introduced •• a Bill by councilman Love A BILL POR Alf ORDillAlfCB PIXIllG 'l'BB TAX LBVY IR MILLS UPO• BACH DOLLAR OP 'ftlB ASSBSSBD VALUATION OF ALL TAXABLE PROPBRft WI'DIIR 'l'llB Cift OP DIGLBWOOD, COLORADO FOR 'DIE YBAR 1963. WBBRBAS, it i• the duty of the City Council of th• City of BnglM«>od, Colorado, under the Charter of aaid City and Statute• of the State of Colorado, to make the annual levy for city purpoaea for the year 1963, due and payable in 1964: and I ~1 I I II I I I Minute• of October 7, 1963 WBBRBAS, it is necessary for an additional apecial levy to maintain the Fire- .. n• a Penaion Fund at a reasonable level1 and, WBBRBAS, it is necessary for an additional apecial levy to pay interest on water bonds issued as a qeneral obliqation of the City of Englewood, Colorado, and WBERBAS, the City Council has duly conaidered the eatimated valuation of all of the taxable property within the City and the need• of the City for each of aaid levies, and has determined that the leviea aa hereinafter set forth are proper and wiae: NOW, THBREPORE, BB IT ORDAINED BY '1'RB CITY COUNCIL OP 'DIB CI'l'r OF BllGLBWOOD I COLORADO: Section 1. That there be and there i• hereby levied for the year A.D. 1963, due and payable aa required by the Statutes in the year A.D. 1964, a tax of 9.642 mills on the dollar for the General Fund of the City of Englewood, Colorado. Section 2. That there be and there ia hereby levied for the year A.D. 1963, due and payable as required by the Statute• in th• year A.D. 1964, a tax of .500 of a mill on the dollar for the Firemen' a Penaion Pund of the City of Englewood, Colorado. Section 3. That there be and there ia hereby levied for the year A.D •. 1963, due and payable aa required by the Statute• in the year A.D •. 1964, a tax of .195 of a mill on the dollar for the Water Bond and Intereat Fund of the City of Englewood, Colorado. Section 4. That there be and there ia hereby levied for t h e year A.D. 1963, due and payable aa required by the Statute• in the year A.D. 1964, a tax of .964 of a mill on the dollar for the Public Improvement Fund. Section s. That each and every levy hereinabove aet forth ahall be levied upon each dollar of the aaaeaaed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of Englewood, COlorado, and the said levies shall be certified as by law required. Paaaed on First Reading by the City Council of the City of E119lawood, Colorado, thia 7th day of October, A.D. 1963, and ordered publiahed in full in the Bnqlewood Herald and Enterpriae. X/ fl ~ndUo J/ T -T ---Mayor A'l'TBST: waa read for the The City Manaqer reported on the final mill levy required to aaaure the budgeted receipt•. The total levy would be 11.301 ailla. COUNCILMAN LOVE MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES &SC09DBD, 'IBAT '1'llB PROPO&BD BILL BE PA&SBD ON FIRST READING AND OIU••wn PUBLI&Bm> IB PULL IN '1'llB BBGLBWOOD BBRALD Al1D BRTBRPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa followa: Ayes: councilmen Braun, Kreilin9, Love, Miles, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Haya: None. At,••nt: None. The Mayor declared themotion carried. 632-65 Relating ~ increaae af Cigarette ~ Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Wood• A BILL POR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC'nON 16.3-3 (c), LICBm&B PBB, OP 'l'BB MUNICIPAL CODE OP '1'11B CITY' OF DJGLBWOOD, COLORADO, TO alANGB '1'BB OCCUPATIOll TAX Oil CIGARE'l"l'BS PRC»I ONB CBB'l' ($0.01) PER PACKAGE TO TWO CDT& ($0.02) PBR PACKAGE. BB IT ORDAINED BY THB CITY COUNCIL OF TBB Cift' OP DJGLBWOOD, COLORADO: .154 Minute• of October 7, 1963 Section 1. Section 16.3-3 (c) Licen•• rn of th• Municipal Code of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, i• hereby amended to read aa followas •The occupation tax ahall be an amount equal to two cent• ($0.02) for each package of cigarettes aold, offered or diaplayed for aale within the city, provided, however, if a packa9• of cigarette• con- tain• more than twenty cigarette•, then the tax ahall be two cent• ($0.02) additional for each additional twenty ci9arett•• or fraction thereof in aaid package." Section 2. The hereinabove amendment ahall be co-effective January 1, 1964. Paaaad on Pirat Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thi• 7th day of October, A.D. 1963 and ordered publiahed in full in the Bpql!WOC)d Herald and Bnterpriae. ~~~~ff ~-~Mayor ,_ A'l"l'BST 1 waa read for the fir COUBCIIMAN WOODS MOVBD, COUBCILMMI LOVB Sscam>SD, 'l'llAT '1'llB PROPOSED BILL BB PASSBD OH PIRS'l' RBADillG DD ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD I• PULL IR '1'llB mGLDC>OD BBRALI> Al1D Bll'l'BRPRISB. Councilman Braun reported that he would vote •no• on the propoaed bill a• he felt all type• of tobacco ahould be taxed inatead of juat cigarette•. Di•- cuaaion enaued. The City Attorney reported that h• could prepare an ordinance to tax all tobacco but he would need to conduct aome r•••arch on the method of taxation. The queation was called for. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaultad •• follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Hays: Councilman Braun. Abaent: Hone. The Mayor declared the motion carried and aaked that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance covering all form• of tobacco. 631-54 RBPBAL OP BUSIDSS Al1D OCCUPATIOllAL TAX Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Love A BILL POR All ORDillAHCB AMBllDDIG CBRTAIH SBC'l'IOllS or CllAPl'D 16.l or '1'llB MUBICIPAL CODB OP tBB Cift or DIGLmfOOD, COLORADO, BS'l'ABLISBlllG -JtA'IU AS '1'0 VARIOUS SUBSBC- 'l'IOllS 'ftlDBOr RBLATIVB TO 'DIB BUSIHBSS Alll> OCCUPA'IJODL LICDSB TAX POR THB PBRIOD BBGIDillG JAllUARY 1, 1964, AllD DIDIHG AT MIDBicmr JUD 30, 1964, Al1D RBPBALIBG SBCTIOllS 16.l THROUGH 16.1-17 or '1'HB MUllICIPAL CODB or '1'llB CITY OP DIGLBWOOD, COLORADO, BPPBC'l'IVB AT MIDBIGH'l' JUl1B 30, 1964. BB IT ORJaIHBD BY '1'BB CI'l'r COUHCIL OF '1'llB CITY or BmLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. The rat•• hereinafter set forth in thia ordinance are hereby eatabllahed for the buain••• and occupational licenae tax rat•• under Chapter 16 of the Municipal Code of the City of Engl.wood, Colorado, for the period begin- ning January 1, 1964, and endinq at midnight June 30, 1964. Section 2. Table I of aiapter 16.1-2 Standld fcale, of the Municipal Code of the City of Englewood, Colorldo, relative ~elcen•• tax on certain cat•- gorie• of buaine•• i• hereby .. ended to read aa followas •Table I: $10.00 for the firat owner, partner, manager or .. ployee, plu• $3.40 for each additional owner, partner, manager or .-ploy•• up to a maximum nUllber of taxable employ••• of 36. llo tax on -.ploy••• over the number of 36." I I I 11 I I I I Minute• of October 7, 1963 section 3. Table II of Chapter 16.1-2 l~d Scale, of the Municipal Code of th• City of Bnglewood, Colorado, relative toe Ileen•• tax on certain cate- goriea of buain••• is hereby amended to read a• follow•s "Table II: $5.00 for the firat owner, partner, .,nager or employee, plua $1.70 for .. ch additional owner, partner, manager ot -.ployee, up to a m:aid.mum number of taxable employee• of 36. llo tax on 9111ploy••• over the number of 36." section 4. Group D. Contractor Licen•••• of Chapter 16.1-3 License R~ired, of the Municipal Code of the City of BRCJl.wood, COlorado, relative to the 1 cenae tax on certain categoriea of buain••• i• hereby !lleftded to read aa follows: "Group D. Contractor Licenaea: All peraona or firm• performing any and all types of contractor aervicea within the city, in any amount, shall be aubject to tax on the followinq ba•i•: = of contractor defined in 113.11) Amount (if baaed inside city limit•) General Contractor-Unlimited General Contractor-Limited Jobbing Contractor Sub-Contractor Blectrical Contractors (Cl••• A) Plumbing oontracto111 Drainlayinq Contractors $20.00 16.70 6.70 6.70 6.70 11.70 11.70 AW>ynt (if baaed outaide city limit•) $25.00 21.60 10.00 10.00 11.70 20.00 20.00 The foregoinq tax rate• are in addition to any other licenaea or ~ ... due the city under other proviaiona of thia OOde.• Section 5. Group B. coanercial Amua ... nt Licenaeas of Chapter 16.1-3 ~ Lic•na• Required, of the Municipal Code of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, re- lative to the licenae tax on certain categories of buaine•• is hereby amended to read aa follows: "Group B. OOIDercial Aauamnent Licen•••• Sub-Group 1: Reaident amuaement enterpri•••: peraona operation the following general amuaement enterpri••• within the city ahall be taxed according to Table I above. Aaua-ent machine firma (excluaive of • jukebcx·' and .. chanical amuaanent device• upon which a fee of $12.50 per machine i• paid)1 Billiard• and Bowling1 Golf Course, standard or miniature1 Shooting Galleri••1 'theater• and Moving Picture Hou•••: Theatrical and Radio and Televiaion Agenci•• and Services. Sub-Group 2: Itinerant amua .. ent enterpriaea: peraona operati'IMJ the following amuae- .. nt enterpri••• ahall pay the tax for th• period indicated within the city. carnival, $100.00 for the first day: $50.00 for each additional day: payable in advance: Circua, $100.00 for the firat day: $50.00 for each additional day: payable in advance: Itinerant Show (other than carnival or circua), $50.00 for the first day, $25.00 for each additional day, payable in advance." Section 6. Group P. Wholeaale and Manufacturing Licenaes: of Chapter 16.1-3 Licenae Required, of the Municipal Code of the City of Bnglwood, Colorado, rela- to the license tax on certain categoriea of buain•••• is hereinafter reenacted to read aa follows: "Group P. Wholeaale and Manufacturinq Licenaea: A 111nufacturer within thi• aection •hall be conatrued to be a peraon who hold• or purcha••• peraonal property for th• purpoae of addinq to the value thereof by any process of manufacturinq, refininq or by combination of different material• or who ahall purcha•• and aell articles such •• he manufacture•. A wholeaaler within thia aection shall be conatrued to .. an a peraon who purchaaea material• for reaale to retail or jobber out- let• only. If any part of a primarily whole•ale or manufacturing buaineas 156 llinut•• of October» 7, 1963 ahall involve the ••lling of ••id .. teriala to the ultimate conaumer at th• current retail rate, auch buain••• •hall be con•idered a COllbination wholeaale-retail operation and •ubject to th• tax under Table I above. 'l'h• tax for purely wholeaal• and manufacturing firm• •hall be according to Table II above. Greenhou•e operation• •hall be conatrued to be included in thi• group." Section 7. The fourth aentence of :f°»R G. Direct Sellin9 Liceue•: of Chapter l6.l-3 Licenaea Required, of • Municipal Code of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, relative to the licen•• tax on certain cateqoriea of buaineaa ia hereby amended to read aa follow•: •The tax for direct aelling agent• of booka, periodical• tther than newapapera), houaehold warea, bruahea, inaurance, co ... tics, utenaila, produce, building repair and r..odeling, and any good• or ••rvice• not specifically mentioned herein, and not covered by any other aubaection of thi• aection, ahall be $6.60 for each person for three tnontha, or $10.00 for each person for one-half year." Section 8. Group B. Itinerant Reaidential Route Deliveries: of Chapter 16.1-3 Llcenae Required, of the Municipal Code of the City of Bn9lewood, Colorado, relative to the licenae tax on certain categories of business is hereby amended to read aa follows: "Group B. Itinerant Reaidential Route Deliveriea: Any and all delivery vehicles which ••11 and deliver foods, goods or aervicea at retail price• direct to r••idencea in thi• city, and which are repreaenting buaineasea or f irma located outaide of the city limits, •hall be aubject to a tax of $5.00 for each delivery vehicle so engaged. (Bxaaaples of such in operation are dairies, dry cleaners, laundriea, and home bakery deliveriea.)" Section 9. Sub-aection (a) of Sub-Group 1: Reaidential: of Group I Rental Units: of Chapter 16.1-3 License Required, of the Municipal Code of the City of Englewood, Colorado, relative to the licenae tax on certain cate- 9ories of business is hereby amended to read aa followa: "Any peraon who renta, leases or otherwiae provides one or more reaidential unit• for hire ahall be aubject to a tax of $1•00 per unit per one-half year." Section 10. Sub-aection (a) of Sub-Grouy 21 Comerciala of Group I Rental Unlta: of Chapter 16.1-3 Licenae Requ red, of the Municipal Code .-. · ~~ :·-... :.~ .. ~ · .. . .... .:: of the City of Englewood, Colorado, relatiye to the licenae tax on certain cat8C)ories of buaineaa i• hereby amended to read as follows: "Any person who renta, leaaea, or otherwi•• provides any number of co ercial rental unit• for hire •hall be aubject to a tax of $1.30 per unit per one-half year." Section 11. Groyp J. Home Occupation•: of Chapter 16.1-3 License Required, of th• Municipal Code of the Cityof Englewood, Colorado, relative to the licenae tax on certain cat99ori•• of buaineas is hereby amended to read as follows: "Group J. Home Occupation•: "A home occupation ahall be construed to be any person engaged in the part-time enterpri•• of providing any aervice or manufacturing and selling any product in hia own home aa ·~thorized by city zoning re- gulationa. To be taxable under this section, auch enterprise muat involve one person only and conaume more than 520 hour• per year and leas than 1040 houra per year. The tax for home occupation enterpriaes will be $1.00 per one-half year." Section 12. The amended rate• provided for under the terms of this ordinance ahall be de~ effective January 1, 1964. In the event any peraons have hereto- fore paid th~~cenae tax for the year 1963 on the ba•i• of the rates prior to their reduction by C>rdiaance Bo. 1, Serie• of 1963, and have a credit for overpayment of the tax for the year 1963, aaid peraona ahall receive a credit on any licenae tax due for the year 1964 for the difference between the amended rates as set forth in Ordinance Ho. 1, Serie• of 1963, and the previoua ratea. The City Clerk may credit auch persona with payment of the tax from the eacrow fund provided foriin Section 8 of Ordinance Bo. 1, Seri•• of 1963. Section 13. Tlae rat•• ••t forth herein are intended to exactly offset any ••crow amount accruing to any licenaee paying the Buaine•• and Occupational Licenae Tax prior to February 11, 1963. The rate• are hereby defined and ••signated a• the licenae rate for all buaineaa men for the licenae period ending June 30, 1964, aa claaaified under Chapter 16.l of the Municipal Code of the City of BnCJlewood • I I I I I I I I Minute• of October 7, 1963 Section 14. In the event that any peraon having .. de payaent under Chapter 16.l of the Municipal COde of the City of BnglMfOOd ahall have a credit of ~11 amount of exceaa payment, auch peraon ahall be notified thereof in writing e City Clerk-Treaaurer and if auch amount ia not claimed by auch peraon withi thirty daya of the date of auch notice, it ahall be concluaive1y" perawaed that no refund ia deaired and auch amount ahall be retained by the city. Stction 15. All of Chapter 16.l conatituting Section 16.1 through Section 16.1-17 of the Municipal COde of the City of BDJl.wood, COlorado, i• hereby re- pealed effective at midnight June 30, 1964. Section 16. If any aection, paragraph, clauae or proviaion of thia ordi- nance ahall for any reaaon be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of auch aection, paragraph, clauae or proviaion ahall not affect any of the remaining proviaiona of thia ordinance. Paaaed on Firat Reading by the City council of the City of Englewood, COlorado, thi• 7th day of October, 1963, and ordered publiahed in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae. x*~« -·~--~ Mayor ATTEST: waa read OOUJICILMM LOVB MOVBD, OOUllCILMAR PARKBR SBCmn>BD, 'l'llAT ''J.'llB PROPOSED BILL BB PASSBD Oil FIRST RBADIRG MD ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD DI PULL IR TBB DIGLBWOOD HBRALD AllD -.t'DPRISB. : Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayea: Councilmen Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, WOoda, Brownewell. Raya: Councilman Braun. Abaent: Hone. '1'be Mayor declared the ..,tion carried. 632-56 RBLATIRG TO SAllITARY S-BAS-.n' l'OR MR. AllD MRS. STOHR The City Attorney atated that he h.S n99otiated an eaa ... nt agreement between Harold A. and Marie R. Stoner aa required by the conatruction of the Scenic Vi.w Sanitary Sewer Main. He diacuaaed the eaa ... nt in detail and recoaanended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorised to aign on behalf of the City. COURCIUIM BRAUR MOVBD, camcIUIMI LOVB SSCX>llDBD, THAT '1'llB BASJDID1'1' AGRBB- MBllT BB APPROVBD MD THAT tBS MAYOR AllD Clft CLDK BB AU'l'BORIZBD TO SIGH CB BBHALP OP mB CITY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Oouncilaen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Hone. Abaent: Mone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-54 RBPORT OR HIGHWAY DBDS PRBSD'l'BD '1'0 STATE HIGHWAY CCIUIISSIOlf The City Manager reported that a meeting had been held with repreaentativea of all of the citiea within the county and the county Bngineer. ftae reault of the -•ting had been au ariaed and prepared for the council. He reported that another -•ting would be held October 9th with r99ard to the eatabliahing of priority of the project• and that he would endeavor to UPJZ'ad• the priority for the illprov-ent of Clarkaon Street. He urged thoae who could to attend the wting to be held at 1:30 in the county co i••ioner• room. IHVITATIOR TO IftBRllATIOllAL Cift IWIAGD'S U90CIATI01f OOllPBRBNCB The City Manager announced that the International City Manager'• Aaaociation conference for 1963 would be held at the Denver Bilton Hotel on October 13 through 16th. The program of the varioua meeting• and conference• were paaaed among the Councilmen and they were urged to attend one or more ••••ion• aa they.deaired. Minute• of October 7, 1963 632-68 RBLATIBG TO REGULATORY LICDSB PROPOSAL '1'he City Manager called the Council'• attention to a memorandum dealing with licenaea. The City Manager diacuaaed the proviaiona of the memo with the Council. Diacuaaion ensued. Councilman Mil•• inquired about the activity of inaurance agent• in aoliciting client• and whether they would be included. Diacuaaion enaued. Councilman Braun inquired if the Green River Ordinance ahould not be conaidered by the council with regard to limiting houae to home solicitation. Diacuaaion enaued a• to the enforc .. •nt of the Green River O~inance againat local merchant.. councilman Parker aaked that the City Attorney review the Green River Ordinance and prepare a report of its provi- aiona for the Councilmen. 632-55 RBLATING TO PERSONNSL POLICIBS The City Manager reported that a number of diacuaaions have been conducted with regard to changing the proviaiona for annual leave from a calendar day to a working day baaia. Be atated that he waa preparing information on thi• to be included in the ordinance dealing with overtime by auperviaora. Be stated that he would provide copi•• of the propoaal to th• Council in advance of its conaid- eration as a bill for their information and atudy. 632-67 CHARTER AMBl1l»IBl1T RBLATIBG TO ZOllING '1'he c ity Clerk-Treaaurer reported that 8:04 A.M., on October 7th, he had received petition• for the Charter Amendment relating to zoning and rezoning of land in Engl.wood. The petition• were purported to bear 619 aiqnaturea. ABSBBCB OF CITY MAHAGBR OB OC'l'tlBBR 2181' The City Manager atated that he was going to take a week• vacation and would be absent at the next meeting and would have Mr. Malone aerve in hi• abaence. 632-9 BILLS, CLAIMS MID IHVOICBS FOR MOll'ftl OP .. 8mft.IDIBBR, 1963 ' COUllCILMAll PARKBR MOVBD, COUBCILMAB BRAU& SBCOBDBJ>, THAT 'l'BB BILLS, CLAIMS AllD IllVOICBS POR SBPT.IDIBBR, 1963, LISTBD BV' '1'llB Cift CLBRK Al1D APPROVED BV' 'l'llB Cift Jl.\llAGBR BB ALLOWBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. &aya: Bone. Abaent: None. i '11'9 Mayor declared th-,'otion carried. MAYOR'S CllOICB Diatrict ! Meeting Sl!. Colorado Municipal 14199• • Mayor announced that the Diatrict ... ting of Diatrict 1 of the Colorado Kanicipal l4a9ue would be held at the Pinehurat Country Club at 7:00 P.M. on ftluraday, October 17, 1963. All member• of th• Council and department he .. • were invited to attend. OOUNCILMBll'S CHOICB Relating to 4300 Block SOuth Pennaylvania Council .. n Parker aaked what the preaent atatua waa of the drainage way aero•• South Penn Street to what used to be Ford property. The City Attorney atated that the matter was in the court. Councilman Parker expr•••ed the view that if aomeone could approach the preaent owner and gain her confidence that h• felt the eaa ... nt could be secured. Diacuaaion enaued. The City Manager atated that he and the City Attorney would att911pt a aolution out of court on thi• .. tter. ADJOURN OOUllCILMAl!l WOODS MOTBD, COUNCILMAN PARKBR SBOOl1DBD, 'l'BAT THE MBBTING BE ADJOUUBD. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Kreilin9, Love, Milea, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Raya: Bone. AbMnt: Hone. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council The minute• of the meeting of th~ity Council of the City of Enqlawood, Colorado, held on the 7th day of Octotier, 1963 A.D. atand approved as written thi• 21st d~October, A.D. 1963. :I I I I