HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-11-04 (Regular) Meeting Minutes,I I I I RBGULAR MEETING: COUNCIL alAMBBRS CITY OF BNGLBWOOD, COLORADO NOV!MBER 4, 1963 'l'he City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular session on Monday, November 4, 1963, in the Council Chambers, City Ball, Bnglewood, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor Brownewell presiding called the meeting to order and the invocation waa given by the Reverend Francia J. Kappes of the All Soula Catholic Church. 'l'he Mayor asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Councilmen: Braun, Kreiling, Love, Miles, Parker, Brownewell. Alao Present: City Manager Dial, Administrative Assistant Malone, City Attorney Esch, City Clerk Beauaang. Absent: Councilman Woods. The Mayor declared a. Corum present. 632-2 CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING COUBCILMAR BRAUN MOVBD, COUNCILMAN l<REILING SECONDED, THAT 'l'llE MINUTES OF 'l'BB COUBCIL MBBTIHG OP OC'NBBR 21, 1963 BE APPROVED AS WRIT'l'EN. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes:! Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Miles, Parker, Brownewell. Rays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. ~· Mayor deelared the motion carried. The City Clerk announced that due to preparation for the election and other mati:ara that the minutes of the special meeting of October 28th were not written. 632-63 PUBLIC REARING ON APPLICATION POR LIQUOR LICENSE 'l'he City Clerk announced that he had received an application for Beer, Wine, and Spirituous Liquor License for sale in Hotel or Restaurant• by the drink only on October 4th at 2:47 P.M. in the name of D. L. Hungate dba Hungate'• at 2796 South Broadway, Englewood. He reported that the application and letters of reference appeared to be in order. COURCILMAN MILES MOVED, CX>UNCILMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT 'l'BE PUBLIC HEARING ON 'ftlB APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE BB OPENED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Miles, Parker, Brownewell. Nays: None. Abaent: Councilman Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Mayor asked those favorable to the application to present their informa- tion. Mr. Richard H. Simon, Attorney at LllW, spoke on behalf of the applicant Mr. D. L. Hungate. He stated that notice of the hearing had been given by post- ing of the pr .. iaes as well as publishing in the Bnglewood Herald and Enterprise aa required by liquor regulations. Petitions favoring the application were circulated by Mr. D. L. Hungate, Mra. Mona Hungate, and Max Hungate in the immediate vicinity of the proposed outlet. Be stated that 800 signature• had been ••cured and an affidavit of the petitions was attached to the petitions. He read the text of the petition as follow•: Gentlemen: "PBTITIOR To the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado We, the undersigned citizens, businessmen and resident• of voting age of Minute• of November 4, 1963 the City of Englewood, Colorado, re8iding or donducting a buaine•• in the vicinity of 2796 South Broadway, in the City of Englewood, reapectfully petition and requeat you, the local licensing authority to APPROVE the application of D. L. BUllGATB doing buaine•• as HURGATE'S at 2796 South Broadway for a Beer, Wine and Spirituoua Liquor Licenae for aale in a Reataurant by the drink at 2796 South Broadway. We believe the reasonable needs of the community require auch a licenae and by thi• petition expre•• our desire aa an inhabitant that aaid application be approved.• Mr. Simon reported that the building is not beinf preaently uaed •• a rea- taurant but that the Council may consider the matter prior to auch uae aa long aa the building is in exiatence. He referred to a recent reaolution paaaed by the Arapahoe County Commissioners in this regard. Mr. Simon introduced Mr. D. L. Hungate, owner of the propeaed outlet. Mr. Hungate reported on his long residence and effort• aa a buaineamnan in Englewood. Mr. Hungate then presented architectural drawing• and plan• for the converaion of the 25 foot by 65 foot building preaently uaed for car ••l•• and aervice into a restaurant. Be emphasized that prior to the actual operation of the reataurant all County and State health regulation• will be met in the remodel- ing of the building. Mr. Simon introduced Mra. Mona Hungate and Max Hungate to the Council. Mr. Melvin Burgeaa, 2797 South Sherman, stated that he had lived in the area for •even years and that in hi• opinion there waa need for the reataurant as propoaed by the Hungate•. He atated there waa no auitable reatauranta in North Englewood at which a family could dine. He aaid that preaently lae .. deeds to go to Denver in order to aecure a meal auch aa he would deaire. (Councilman Woods entered and took hi• seat on the Council at 8:20 P.M.) Mr. William H. Ernat, 3109 South Lincoln Street, stated he had lived in that location since 1946 and expressed the view that the outlet was needed. Mr. Robert E. Hinaon, 1158 Baat Orchard Road, atated that he had worked in the vicinity nearby the propoaed Hungate'• location for 10 yeara. He stated that aa a working man he would like to have a nice place to go for lunch in that area. Be alao atated that he had known Mr. D. L. Hungate for many year• and there waa no queation in hi• mind about the operation of the restaurant being a credit to the neighborhood. Mr. Henry Gosch, 2790 South Grant Street, owner of the Denver Truck EJlchanqe, apoke of the need for a good reataurant in the area and how nowadays a reatau- rant needs to be able to aerve liquor in order to be successful. He stated that he had not heard of any proteat against the license. . Mr. Willard w. Ludwig, 3230 South Rumbolt, owner of a florist shop in the 2700 block South Broadway stated that in hi• peraonal opinion the proposed restau- rant was neceaaary for eating during the day time and relaxation in the evening. Be atated that he had signed the petition favorably. Mr. Richard Simon apoke fu~ther of the two other outlets in the area namely: Lutz'• Reataurant in Denver and Magnet Inn in the next block. He atated though that there was a need in the extreme northern part of Engl8'4f0od for a good rea- taurant rather than the tavern aa the Magnet Inn represented. Be atated that he and the applicant anticipated oppoaition to the licenae by varioua individuals and groups but that in hi• opinion temperance was the greateat guide in rela- tion to food and dri~. Be thanked the City Council for the opportunity to appear before them on behalf of his client and their conaideration. councilman Braun inquired if there were other• preaent favorable to the licenae. Sixteen persona stood including the applicant•, indicating their favor- able deairea. Any who had not spoken to the Council gave their name• and addreaaea. 'l'he Mayor asked if there were anyone present to indicate oppoaition to the licenae. The-Ct~r Clerk read the following letter of transmittal in full: Englewood City Council Englewood Colorado Gentlemen: "Englewood, Colorado October 30th 1963 I will be in Wyoming for the next 10 days but will aubmit the encloaed petitions. No effort was made to aecure numers of petition•, only a repreaentative proteat. 'l'heae petition• were circulated by Mr •. and Mrs. Helton, Jack Kenney, Don Huey and myaelf. I 'I I ,, I I I I Minutes of November 4, 1963 There are 173 within three bloc ks and 23 within the City. We object to this Li41Uor application because there are four liquor place• within two blodka. Also the applicant cannot qualify becauae he ha• no operating restaurant and any provisional approval would not be binding on aucceeding Council bodies. We would appreciate your refuaing this licenae. Thank you, I am very truly your•, /•/ M. M. Swmners." "TO THE BllGLBWOOD CITY COUHCIL: We the underaigned citizen• of Englewood Colo and reaidents of 2796 South Broadway hereby protest the isauance of a liquor licenae to D. L. Hungate to aell Malt, Vinoua and Spirituoua liquors at 2796 South Broadway, this city. We feel he cannot qualify for license ~•inc• there are now four Liquor outlets, three taverna and one package store within one block of this location the further additional liquor places would be injurious to the health, peace and safety of the neighborhood. We pray that you deny this license." The Mayor asked if there were anyone else present to oppoae the iasuance. ~ere were none. COUHCILMAH BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN LOVE SECOHDED, THAT 'DIE PUBLIC HEARING BB CLOSED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Miles, Parker, Woods, Brownewell. Hays: Hone. Abaent: None • The Mayor declared the motion carried. Councilman Braun inquired about the four outlets in the immediate vicinity. Be waa informed that in Denver there was a tavern by the name of Club 6, and Lutz'• Restaurant. In Englewood, Magnet Inn and M-D Pharmacy which has a licenae aa a liquor atore. COUHCIIMAN PARKER MOVED 'nlAT THE CITY COUHCIL APPROVE '!BE APPLICATION. The City Attorney reported that under the 1963 liquor law and regulations that first a decision in writing must be prepared and presented within 30 days after the public hearing. Discussion enaued. 'l'BE MAYOR RULED COUHCILMAH PARKER'S MOTION TO BB OUT OF ORDER. COUHCILMAH LOVE MOVBD, COUHCIIICAH KRBILillG SBOOHDBD, THAT THE APPLICATION BB TABT,BD POR FUR'l'RBR COllSIDBRATION ARD PRBPARATIOH GF A WRI'l'Tm DICISIOH. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Raya: None. Abaent: Hone. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-3 PROCEBDillGS OF PARK ARD RBCRBlrflION CC»IMISSIOH MBBTillG OF OCTOBER 24TH The Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 632-6 PROCEBDillGS OF PLAIDJillG ARD ZOHIRG CCllMISSIOH MBBTI8G OF OCTOBBR 24TH The Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 632-74 AH ACTUARIAL RBPORT OF THE FIR!MEH'S PDSIOB Fm1D The Mayor s tated that thi• waa informational that the Pention Board would atudy the report and make poaaible recommendation• to the Council on the matter. 632-7 PROCEEDillGS OF WATBR ARD SEWER ADVISORY BOARD MBBTIE OF OCTOBER '· 29TB The Mayor aaked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 631-27 ·Relating £!:! Contract for Construction Walden-Bollow-Mea~ Creek Conduit The City Clerk read the following reccmmendation of the Englewood Water and Sewer Board: Minute• of November 4, 1963 •ifbat the contract for con•truction of Schedule 1, Walden-Bollow- lleadow Creek Conduit of the Walden-Hollow-Meadow Creek-Ranch Creek Collection System, G2and County, Colorado, be awar.ed to the lowest bidder and that the Notice of Award be in the following form: "NOTICE OF AWARD Certified Mail Return Receipt Reque•ted TO: The City of Englewood, Colorado, having duly con•idered the Propo•al• sub- mitted on October 10, 1963 for the construction of Schedule I, Walden Bollow- lleadow Creek Conduit of the Walden Hollow-Meadow Creek-Ranch Creek Collection Sy•- t-in Grand County, Colorado and it appearing that your porpoaal for performing the work i• in the beat intere•t• of the •aid City of Engl.wood, the ••id Propoaal i• hereby accepted at the bid prices contained therein. 'l'hi• Award ia made specifically subject to the condition that you may not order material of any type without prior written authorization of the City of Bnglewood, and no work may be performed after Notice to Proceed during 1963 under the Contract, except •uch work aa may be specifically authorized by the Engineer, the •ame being limited to clearing of right of way and con•truction of access roads •• •pacified by the Engineer. In accordance with the term• of the Contract Document•, you are required to execute the formal Contract and furnish the required Performance Bond within fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days, Saturday•, Sunday• and holidays excluded, from and including the date of receipt of this Notice Of Award. In addition you are required to furnish at the •ame time certificates of inaurance evidencing compliance with all of the recpirements for insurance stated in the Contract Documents. Your certificate• •hall be accompanied by a letter from your in•urance company stating that the in•urance certified meets the entire requirement• of the Specification•. The propo•al 9'11-ranty submitted with your Propoaal will be retained until the Contract Agreement haa been executed and until the required Performance Bond, together with the required certificates of in•urance have been furni•hed. In the event that you •hould fail to execute the Contract Aqreement and furni•h the Performance Bond and in•urance certificates within the time limit specified, the propoaal guaranty which you furni•hed will be forfeited for lo•• by the City cau•ed by the delay and extra work occa•ioned by your breach of contract. • CITY OF BmLBWOOD, COLORADO BY, ________________________ _ ' (Title) Re•pectfully •ubmitted, BNGLBWOOD WATBR AllD SBWBR BOARD By: Robert P, Frantz Chairman COUllCILMAIJ BRAU& llOVBD, CX>U&CILMAN LOVE SBcmDBD, '1'11AT '1'llB l.,...BMDATIO& BB APPROVBD ARD 'ftlAT '1'llB MAYOR AlrD CITY CLBRK BB AU'ftlORIZBD TO •'l'BR Ilft'O A COift'dC'l' WI'l'B BOLSAM CO.CRB'IB PRODUCTS COMPAllY OP •GLBWOOD, CX>LmlADO, TBB LOW BIDDBR, I& 'l'BB AMOUll'l' OP $1,024,860.00. Councilman Love diacuaaed the text of the &otice of Award and expreaaed the opinion it repreaented a aubatantial change from the terma upon which the auc- ceaaful contractor bid. Be aaked that the propoaal be read into and copied into the minutea. Be auggeated that under theae condition• certain leeway ahould be granted to the law bidder if the •ame were reque•ted. The queation wa• called for. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa followa: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Raya: Hone. Abaent: Hone. '1'he Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I I I I I Minute• of Rovember 4, 1963 632-75 Renegotiation .2f Pee• .!2£ South Arapahoe Sanitation Diatrict lfllWllnt 'l'he City Clerk read the following reconmendation of the Bnglewood Water and Sewer Board: •'fhat Schudle III only of the amendment tao the connector'• Agreement between the City of Englewood and the South Arapahoe Sanitation Diatrict, effective aa of Rovember 8, 1959, and reaffirmed ~a• of llovember 8, 1963, be reviaed, effective aa of November 8, 1963, and to be renegotiated 'on or before, but aa of llovember 8, 1963, aetting out tap fee• aa follow•: SCBBDULB III Reaidential: Single Family Unit Multiple Family Unit•- School•----~------------ Boapitala--------------- Trailer court•---------- $50.00 per Tap $50.00 for each Unit $50.00 Per Tap Baaed on Bach 12 Pupil• of School capacity Bquivalent to 1 Tap $50.00 Per Tap Baaed on Bach 4 bed• of Hoapital Capacity Bquivalent to 1 Tap $50.00 Per Tap Baaed on Bach 3 Trailer Site• Bquivalent to 1 TapJ and, that the document aettin9 out auch reviaion be forwar..a after City Council approval, to the proper off iciala of the South Arapahoe Sanitation Diatrict for approval, aignaturaa, and return." COUBCILMAN BRAUN MOVBD, COUHCILMAN MILES SBCONDBD, THAT THE RBCOMMDDATIOR BB ACCBPTBD ARD TBB AMBllDBD AGRBBMBllT PRBPARBD POR THB MAYOR AID> CITY CLBRK SicmA'l'URBS OR BBRALP OP '1'BB CI'l'r OP DlGLBWOOD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreilinq, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Abaent: Rone. '1'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-4 PROCBBDIRGS OP BOARD OP ADJUS'DIDIT AND APPEALS MBBTIBG OP OCTOBER 17'l'H The Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 632-5 PROCBBDIRGS OP BOARD OP craRBBR SERVICE CX>MMISSIORBRS MBBTIHG OF OC'l'OBBR 23RD The Mayor aaked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 632-10 'l'BIRD QUARTBRLY 'l'RAITIC RBPORT '!'he Mayor aaked that the report be received and placed on file. 632-26 AHllUAL APPROPRIATIOll ORDillAllCB Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Parker BY AtJ'l'llORITY , ORDIRARCB NO. 31, SBRIBS OP 1963 AR ORDillMfCB APPROPRIATING SUMS POR ALL MUllICIPAL PURPOSSS IR THB CI'l'r OP •m.BMOOD, COLORADO, IH 'l'BB FISCAL YBAR BBGIDI&G JAEARY 1, 1964, Alll> mDDIG DBClllBBR 31, 1964, COHSTITUTillG WHAT IS TBRl'.BD '1'llB AIDIUAL APPROPRIATIOH BILL l'OR BB FISCAL YBAll 1964. (Bill for ordinance copied in full in official minute• of October 2lat) waa read for the aecond time. COUllCILMAR PARKER MOVBD, COUBCILMAR MILES SBCOllDBD, mAT ORDDIARCB NO. 31, SBRIBS OF 1963, BB PASSBD OR SBCOBD AND PIRAL RBADDIG ARD ORDBRBD PUBLISHBD Ill PULL I• '!BB JDIGLBWOOD BBRALD AND DTBRPRISB. Upon th• call Of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooc:la, Brownewell. Raya: None. Abaent: Ilona. The Mayor declared the motion carried. '192 Minute• of November 4, 1963 631-78 VACATIOR OP ALLBY IR 3500 BLOCJ< BBTWBm SOUl'll LIROOLll ARD SOUTH SBBRMAR 'th• City Attorney reported that in May th• Plannin9 Comaiaaion had reviewed the requeat for th• vacation of th• alley in the 3500 block between Lincoln and Sherman and recoaaended that the alley be vacated aubject to utility reaervationa. Be reported that th• actual vacation of th• alley had not been undertaken and waa recently called to hie attention. A• a reault he had prepared a bill for the Council'• conaideration. Introduced •• a Bill by Council.man Parker A BILL POR Ml ORDIRARCB VACATIRG 'ftlB ALI.Br IR BLOCK 2, BIRTB t:S ADDITIOR TO soum BROADlfAY BBIGB'l'S IR 'l'llB CITY OP BllGLBWOOD, ARAPAHOS COUllft, COLORADO. BB IT O~ BY 'TBB Cift COURCIL OP TBB CI'l'Y OP BllGLBMOOD, COLOR.ADO: Section 1. That th• hereinafter deacribed property located in the City of Bngl.wood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, be and hereby i• declared vacated pursuant to the proviaiona of Section 13, Article 1, Chapter 120, Colorado Reviaed Statute• 1953, aa amended, and that title thereto ahall veat in the owner• of abutting land, •• provided in said Chapter 1201 said vacated land being particularly dea- cribed aa follows: 'the alley in Block 2, Birth'• Addition to South Broadway Height•. Section 2. That the '8c•in above deacribed land ,ia located entirely within the City of Englewood, Colorado, and doea not conatitute a boundary line between the City of Englewood and any county or other municipality. Section 3. That the vacation of the hereinabove deacribed alley will not leave any adjoining land without an eatabliahed public road connecting aaid land with another eatabliahed public road. Section 4. That the City of Englewood doe• hereby expreaaly reserve the righta-of-way or eaaementa for the continued uae of exiating aewer, gaa, water or aimilar pipe lines and appurtenances, and for ditch•• or canal• and appur- tenance•, and for electric, telephone, and aimilar line• and appurtenance•, if any, now located in the hereinabove deacribed part of the City of Englewood. Paaaed on Pir•t Reading by the City council of theCity of Englewood, Q:>lorado, this 4th day of &ovember, 1963, and ordered publiahed in full in the Bngl.wood Herald and Bnterpriae. ~<f.k~<4~~£1+-( __ Mayor ATTBST: waa read COUIJCILMAR PARJCBR MOVBD, COURCILMAR WOODS SBCOllDBD, 'l'llAT '1'BB PROPOSBD BILL BB PASSBD OR FIRST RBADillG ARD ORDBRBD M1BLISHBD IR PULL IR ms IDIGLBWOOD HERALD Alll> BllTBRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Aye•: councilaen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Raya: Ilona. abaent: &one. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-72 RBLATDIG TO FISCAL AGD'.l' CONTRACT IR comCTIOll WI'l'll CIRDBRBLLA CITY DOWll'1'0IOf '!'he City Attorney reported that he had the reviaed contract prepared with Kirchner and Company which met with hi• approval. 'l'h• City Manager connented that if under another arrangement the financing of the City Ball by the iaauance of bond• were propoaed if thepreaent agreement would hold. The City Attorney atated that he felt it would. 'l'h• Mayor au9geated that in auch caae a time limit be aet after which time the preaent contract would be void. 'l'he City Attorney cc •nted that he would hold the agreement although the la•••t information in• dicated that Cinderella City Downtown waa not moving ahead on achedule. I I I I ,I I I I Minute• of llovember 4, 1963 632-77 i1 PROPOSED LBASB OP LARD TO LAWRDCB PHIPPS POR CA'l'TLB GRASIRG The City Attorney reported that aome ti•• during June Mr. Lawrence Phipp• had come to hi• office reque•ti119 conaideration of hi• leaaing of City-owned land on the ea•t of the south Platte River in th• vicinity of th• Martin Company aite. Mr. Phipp• ha• a grazing licenae •rom the Martin COllpany and ••curing a aillilar grasing licenae from the City ianediately aero•• the river from the Martin land would be extremely de•irabl• to Mr. Phippa. Diacuaaion enaued. COURCILMMf WOODS MOYBD, OOUllCILMAR JCRBILI•G SllCOllDBD, 'l'llAT 'l'BB CITY AT'fORllBY BB DIRBCTBD TO DRAW A LICDSB POR $25.00 PD YBAR TO LAWRBRCB PHIPPS UPOR Cift-OWllBD LM1D BAST OP TBB SOU'1'B PLATTB RIVD AllD THAT '!BB MAYOR MD CIW CLBRlt BB AUTHORIZED TO SICDJ SAID AG1lBBMBll'1' o• BmLP OP TD Cift. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aafollowas Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Ray•: &one. Abaent: Rone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-68 RBLATIRG TO BUSillBSS LICDSBS The City Attorney pre•ented a copy of a aW11111ary of advantage• and di•advan- ta9•• of the Green River type ordinance. Diacuaaion •n•ued. Councilman Kreiling inquired about the general licen•ing ordinance to replace the Bu•ine•• and Occu- pational Ordinance. 'l'he City Manager reviewed with COuncilaan Kreiling and other member• of the Council that he had prepared a memo relating to area• he and the mll 'llr• of hi• admini•tration felt it advi•abl• to place under licen•e control. In connection with thi• memo the que•tion of enactment of the Green River Ordinance wa• rai•ed. 'l'he City Attorney waa inatructed to review the Green River type Ordinance and he ha• now preaented hi• report. Be auggeated that a middle of th• road type of ordinance be conaidered but that the eo\incil carefully review the report pre•ented by the City Attorney ao that they might direct action baaed upon the information available. 632-78 RBQUBST POR OOllATION TOWARD COST OP CBRift'MAS STRBBT DECORATIONS The City Manager reported that he had received a letter ~eque•t from the Chamber of co ... rc• for the annual City donation toward the coat of Chriatmaa de- coration• in the coaaercial area of the City. He atated that the Chamber requeat for 1963 wa• $2,000.00, $250.00 more than authorized la•t year. 'l'he eatimated expenditure for the entire Chriatmaa Street Lighting program by the Chamber i• $4,466.00. Be informed the council that thi• donation had been budgeted in the Promotional Participation account in the General Pund. Diacu••ion en•ued. Council- man Braun •ugge•ted that $1,500.00 be approved for th• •tr .. t lighting and the $250.00 difference be aet a•ide and applied againat the co•t of conver•ion on achool pedeatrian aignala. He atated that any amount would be helpful in thia program and expreaaed the view that thi• action might ••t a precedent. Councilman Parker expre••ed agreement with Councilman Braun. COUBCILMAR PARKBR MOVED, THAT $250.00 BB AU'ftlORIZBD POR CJIAMBBR OP COMMBRCE • 8ftBBT LIGBTIRG PROGRAM ARD 'l'HB BALARCB OP $1,500.00 BB Sift' ASIDE POR SCHOOL PBDBSTRIAB LIGHT COllVBRSIORS. OOUBCIIllAB BRAUN MOVBD, 'l'BAT '1'BB MATTBR BB TABLBD. councilmen Miles, Love and Braun di•cu••ed th• ne .. for encouraging and aid- ing the bu•inesamen of the town and although the achool pedeatrian lights are important it should not be promoted at the aubatantial expenae of the buaineasmen and Chamber member•. mB MAYOR DBCLARBD COURCILMAB PARJ<BR'S llOTIO• AID> COU•CIIMAB BRAUR'S MOTION 80'1'B LOST POR WAllT OP A SBCORD. : • OOUBCILMAR LOVB MOVBD, COURCILMAR MILBS SBCOllDBD, 'DIAT '1'llB AMOUllT OP $1,750.00 BB AM'llORIZBD POR 'l'HB 1963 CITY PARTICIPATIOR IR 'l'llB CllA.ICBD OP COIGCBRCB CHRISTMAS STRBBT LIGBTIRG PROGRAM. Diacuaaion enaued aa to the comparative value of Chri•tlla• lighting and school pedeatrian light•. The City Manager auggeated that if a change of policy and par- ticipation in the Chamber lighting program i• in th• offing the Chamber ahould be notified •o that they would have information prior to the 1964 Chri•tma• •eason. COUIJCIIMAB BRAUN MOVED, COUllCIIllAB PARXBR SBCONDBD, 'l'BAT 'ftlB MATTER BE TABLED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Parker, Brownewell. &ay•z Councilmen Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Wooda. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion defeated four to three. 194 Minute• of Rovember 4, 1963 'ftle queation waa called upon the motion of approving $1,750.00 donation. Oouncilllall Braun atated that he would vote no becauae he wiahed to inveatiw•te the poaaibility of a cut of $250.00 -or more from thi• amount in an effort to gather additional monie• toward the achool pedeatrian aignala. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• followas Ayea: councilmen Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Wood•, Brown.well. Ray•: councilmen Braun, Parker. Abaent: lfone. 'file Mayor declared the motion carried five to ai.o. 632-9 COllSIDBRATIOR OP BILLS, CU.IMS AllD IllVOICU POR OC'l'OBBR, 1963 OOUllCILMAIJ PARXBR MOVBD, COUlfCILMAB LOVB sscom>m, '!BAT 'ftlB BILLS, CLAIMS AID> DIVOICBS POR OC'l'OBBR, 1963 AS LISTBD Br 'ftlB Cift CLDJC AllD APPROVBD Br '1'llB Cift 11..-'llAGBR BB ALLOWBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brownawell. Ray•: Ilona. Ab-nt: lfone. 'Iha Mayor declared the motion carried. RBPLACBMBllT OP APPOIBTBE OR CITIZDl'S AC'l'IOR CCllllITTBB 'Iha Mayor reported that Mamon Murch, a 11811ber of the Citizen'• Action eo-ittee, on behalf of the Junior Chamber of COn1erce, a•ked to be reliried from thia appointment. The Mayor •tated that he had inquired aa to a man to -rve in Mr. Murch'• vacancy and wa• offerift9 Wilbut Wright aa hi• appointment to the Citizen'• Action Oo111nittee to repr•••nt the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Di•cu••ion enaued. COURCILMAll LOVB MOVBD, COUNCI:utAH WOODS SBCOIJDBD, '!'BAT 'l'HB MAYOR'S APPOill'IMBllT OP WILBUR waKGBT 'l'O THE CITIZIDf'S AC'l'IOR CCllMI'l'TBB BE RATIFIED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Aye•: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Parker, Woods, Brownewell. Raya: None. Abaent: None. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. RBLATIBG TO BRIDGE ACROSS SOUTH PLATTE RIVBR AT DUt!'llOtJ'l'H AVBRUE Councilman Braun reported he wa• in converaation with repreaentatives of Pipeline•, Inc. who are conaidering locating in the northweat Englewood area and very deairoua of having a bridge aero•• the Platte ••v•r completed at Dartmouth. Diacuaaion enaued. Councilmen Kreiling inquired about poaaible participation of the City of Denver on this project. ADJOURR COOBCIIllAB BRAUB MOVBD, COUllCIIMAll WOODS SBCmDSD, 'ftlAT 'ftlE MBBTIRG BE ADJOURllBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Ray•: None. Abaent: None. 'ftle Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9140 P.M. I•/ B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council 'Iha minute• of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Englh!Ood, Colorado, held on the fth day of lfovember, 1963 A.D., atand approwa41 as written thi• 18th day of November,. 1963 A.D. 11 ii I ,I