HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-11-18 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I RBCRJLAR MBBTIBG: COUNCIL alAMBBRS CITr OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO HOVBMBBR 18, 1963 The City Council of the City of Bnqlewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in reqular ••••ion on Monday, Bovember 18, 1963, in th• Council Chambers, City Ball, Bnglewood, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor Brownawell preaidinq called the meetinq to order and the invocation was qiven by the Reverend Francia J. Kappes of the All Soula catholic Church. The Mayor asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the followinq per- aona were present: Councilmen: Braun, Kreilinq, Love, Milea, Parker, WOOda, Brownewell. Alao Present: City Manaqer Dial, Adminiatrative Aaaiatant Malone, City Attorney Each, City Clerk Beauaanq. Abaent: None. 'l'he Mayor declared a quorum present. 632-2 COBSIDERATION OF MIHUTES OF PRBVIOUS MBBTIR; COUBCILMAll BRAUM MOVBD, COUBCILMAH MILBS SBCORDBD, THAT 'l'BB MIHU'l'ES OF 'MB C<XJllCIL MEETING OF NOVIMBBR 4, 1963 BE APPROVBD AS WRI'l"l'BN. :Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: councilmen Braun, Kreilinq, Love, Milea, Parker, Woods, Brownewell. Raya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. COUl!ICILMAIJ MOODS MOVBD, COURCIUIAH MILBS SBCOllDBD, 'l'llAT '1'BB COUNCIL MIRUTBS OP TBB COUllCIL MBBTillG OP NOVDIBBR 4, 1963, BB APPROYBD AS WRITTEN. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as followa1 Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Parker, Woods, Brownewell. Raya: None. Abaent: Bone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-22 REPORT OB MUIJICIPAL PACILift DBDS Mr. John D. Anderson, Architect, presented copies of a report on the Municipal Facility Reeds of the City of Englewood, Oolorado, entitled "Bnglewood Municipal Pacilitiea Study". He discussed the report in conaiderabl• detail with th• council pointing out the various features added since th• preaentation of the preliminary study aa follows: Discussion of municipal facilities in nearby coanunitiea: 1. 2. Greater detail preaented on comparative alternative• and analy•i• includ- ing relocation of Cinderella Cityr 3. 4. s. 6. Incluaion of a letter ·from the City Mana9er relatin9 to financin9 of the project: 'fhorou~ atructural analyaia of preaent municipal building: The aumnary at the end included a third alternative, namely, the possi- bility of locatin9 Cinderella City in th• center of town: Revised property appraisal fiCJUr•• included. Diacuaaion enaued as to report and th• fir•t alternative, namely, that of a new Civic Center development. Mr. Anderson coaaented that he could not pinpoint the coat of this alternative due to the many variable• involved including that of land acquisition as well as location. 'I COUBCIIltAB eaatJB MOVBD, COUBCILMAN PARICBR SBCmDBD, 'l'BAT THE REPORT BB RBCBIVBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as followaa Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Miles, Parker, Woods, Brownewell. Raya: None. Absent: None. 'fbe Mayor declared the motion carried and thanked Mr. Anderson for cominq to discuss the report with the Council. Mr. Anderaon replied that he and hi• company were fur- ther prepared to make additional appearance• and report• in connection with the public~zing of the need for additional faciliti•• aa may be required. Minute• of November 18, 1963 632-71 RBllBllAL OP LIQUOR LICBBSBS POR 1964 ' The City Clerk reported that a l•tter had been aent to all holders of Liquor Licen••• requeating that their application for ren.wal be aubmitted for conaidera- tion at thi• meeting and that the manager or owner of each outlet be present to anawer queationa of the Councilmen. Be read the following application• for ren.wal1 Ben Hoffman dba Bar Barbor, 3484 South Broadway, Inter•tate Bowling Corporation dba Belleview Bowl, 4900 s. Federal Mr. A. L. Perry waa preaent and waa requeated to fill his name in on the appropriate line of the application a• 11ana9er Buy-4-Leaa Drug Syatem, Inc., 3421 SOuth Broadway, John w. and Mary P. Lidke, dba Cherrelyn Dru9 Store, 4285 s. Broadway, Leo Big• dba Drug Pair, 4204 69uth Broadway, Dry Creek Liquor•, Inc., 325 Baat Jefferaon, Bnglewood Elk• Lodge Ho. 2122, 65 Weat Ployd Avenue, Jame• P. Preanall dba Frontier Liquor•, 3511 South Broadway, Ann Aldrick, Mary Quayle, dba Gla•• Bottle, 3439 South Broadway, Walter Brom dba Hilda'• Cafe, •386 SOuth Broadway, Silver Saddle Reataurant, Inc. dba Th• Hackney Bouae, 4595 South Santa Pe Hor-Car Inn, Ltd., dba Horse Car Bar, 65 1feat Ployd Avenue, 'l'he City Clerk announced that ad valorum tax•• on thi• outlet had not been paid to the County aa of thi• date. Mr. Lynn c. Shepard, Secretary-Treaaurer of the corporation was preaent and informed th• council that due to con- fuaion over liability for the tax•• that they had not paid but that the corporation waa paying them at the preaent ti .. on an inatallment basis. Councilman Braun inquired aa to renovation and remodeling of the bar. Be c0tmented that the condition of the bar waa very poor. Mr. Shepard replied that within 6 to 8 week• a thoro119h renovation waa planned. John w•a, Inc., dba John W'• Ta• Room 3467 South Broadway Lincoln v. Bonen dba Linc'• E-Z Liquor•, 3353 South Santa Pe Drive, John L. Blair, dba Magnet Inn, 2893 south Broadway, John L. Longworth dba Park 'N' Shop Dri9, 3370 South Acoma, Manael C. & BnlDa C. Ridinger dba Thorobred Liquora, 5050 south Federal Blvd., M-I-D Drug, Inc. dba M-D Pharmacy, 2895 SOuth Broadway. '!'he City Clerk reported that representative• of the Loyal Order of Moose were pr .. ent although they had not filed an application for ren.wal Club License. Mr. Jia 0r ... spoke for the Moose Lodge, stating that the application needed signatures of th• various officer• and they had had difficulty in ••curing theae signatures. The City Clerk reported that two outlet• had not aubmitted their renewal application• as follow•: Englewood Liquor•, The Planbtion. COUNCILMAN KRBILillG MOVED, CDUHCILMAN MOODS SBOOllDBD, TBAT ALL APPLICATIONS BB APPROVBD AllD 'l'BAT RBllBWAL OF LIQUOR LICBllSBS IOR 1964 POR THOSE WHO HAVE SUlllI'.l"l'BD AJr) APPLICATIOll AllD WERE PRBSDT BE GRANTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Woods, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Absent: None • The Mayor declared the motion carried. 'l'h• Mayor announced that a representative of th• Moo•• Lodge submit an applicztion for renewal•• aoon aa possible bu• :that repreaentatives of the Lodge need not be pr•••nt at the time of the conaideration of the application by the Council. 632-63 DISPO~TIOH OF D. L. HUllGATB LIQUOR APPLICATION Councilman Parker aaked the Mayor if the item relatin9 to the diaposition of the D. L. Hungate Application for Liquor Licen•• for a propoaed restaurant at 2796 South Broadway be conaidered. 'l'he change waa agreeable to the Mayor and City Council. Councilman Parker read the following Pindin9• and Concluaiona: FINDINGS AND COllCLUSIOllS 'l'he application of D. L. Hungate for a reataurant liquor licenae at 2796 s. Broadway, Bnglewood, Colorado, came on for public hearin9 before the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, as the local licenain9 authority, at it• r94)Ular ... ting on Rovellber 4, 1963, and aa the reault of aaid hearing, the City Council find• and conclude•: (1) 'l'hat the application was properly filed and i• before the Council pur- auant to the provision• of 75-2-38 through 75-2-43, Colorado Reviaed Statutes 1953 •• amended. I I I I I I I I Minute• of November 18, 1968 (2) That the public hearing upon the application wa• held not leas than thirty day• from the date of the application, and that proper notice thereof was po•ted and published. (3) That the building in which the bu•in••• ia •uppoaed to be conducted ia not ready for occupancy with such fU1Tniture, fixture• and equipment in place aa ia neces- sary to comply with the provi•ion• of th• •tatute•, and that at the hearing the applicant presented architect's drawings, plans and •P•cificationa of such building with its furniture, fixtures and equipment. (4) That at the hearing petition• were pr•••nted signed by 801 persons in favor of the granting of the application, petition• signed by 195 against the grant- ing of the application, 16 persona were pr•••nt in person in favor of the application and none was present against the application. (5) That there are two similar restaurant outlets located in the City and county of Denver within two blocks to the north of th• subject site and one outlet within approximately a block south of the subject •ite, and that the applicant pro- po• .. an operation which is similar to only one of the three other outlets. (6) That after the hearing the application waa tabled for further considera- tion by the council. A• a result of the above findings, the council conclude• mMI orders: (1) That the reasonable requirements of the neighborhood for restaurant liquor licenses are not presently served. (2) That the inhabitant• have indicated their desire for the issuance of the license as evidenced by petitions and otherwise. (3) That the license should be granted and is hereby granted and approved. (4) That the applicant shall be notified in writing of the decision of the council by the City Clerk within thirty days after the date of the public hearing by •ending to the applicant a certified copy of th••• findings, conclusions and orders addressed to him at the address as shown in the application. (S) That the license shall not be iaaued until the building in which the buain••• ••~to be conducted is ready for occupancy with such furniture, fixtures and equipment in place aa is nece•aary to comply with the provision• of the statutes, and then only after inspection of the premises haa been made by the licensing authority to determine that the applicant baa complied with the architect's draw- ings, plans and specifications submitted with the application. (6) That within five days from the date hereof the City Clerk •hall notify the State licensing authority of the apporval of the license. COUllCILMAIJ PAltDR MOVBD, COUNCILMAN LOVB SBCOllDBD, THAT TBB FINDINGS AND OOllCLUSIORS POR A LIQUOR LICDSB TO D. L. HlJIKa'fB 88 APPROVBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote r••ulted as follows: Ayes: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Parker, Mile•, Woods, Brownewell. Haya: Hone. Absent: Hone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-52 RBPORT BY ELECTION COMMISSION OP BLBC'l'IOB &Bill> llOVDIBBR 5, 1963 The City Clerk, ex-officio Chairman of the Slection COnaiaaion, presented the information set forth on the statement and certificate of determination of an Election held in Englewood, COlorado, on Tueaday, the Fifth day of November, 1963 aa previously published in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae and filed with the Secretary of State. STATIMBNT ARD CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION OP All BLBCTION BBLD IN ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, OR TUBSDAY THB PIPTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1963 BAllSS OF CANDIDATES OR PROPOSITIONS Kenneth J. Bull Charles E. Bnalow John c. Kreiling Leo P. Lentsch Tymer Rice George B. Allen William Bodan, Jr. Raymond R. Walsh Barry M. Fleenor, Jr. Donald G. Fullerton Robert "Bob" s. Abell William B. Hanson Robert F. Kelley OFFICE VOTED FOR councilman-~t-Large ·;: councilman-At-Large councilman-At-Large Councilman-At-Large Councilman-At-Large Councilman District Councilman District councilman District Councilman District Councilman District Councilman District Councilman District Municipal Judge I I , . ., . I II II III III I '· , TOTAL VOTES 1419 640 2010 1364 2001 463 176 380 447 551 _,386 552 2668 CAST Minute• of November 18, 1963 alARTBR AM.BHI»lDJTS: An ... ndmant to the Charter of the City of Bnglewood adding a new section, dedicating certain property as public parka, vacating any dedicated road within any part not in uae on November 1, 1962 aa a road and limiting the sale or exchange of park land and the opening or construction after llovellber 1, 1962 of streets, roads or highways within any public park FOR 1054 AGAINST 1527 An amendment to the Charter of the City of Bnglewood providing that the proportionate number of qualified electors required to aign petitions accompanying propoaed amendments or ordinances requeating special elections or protesting any ordinance passed by the council subject to the referendum from going into effect, •hall be baaed on the number voting in the last general municipal election preceding filing of such petition. FOR 836 AGAINST 1677 An a.endment to the Charter of the City of BnglMllOod providing that all land within the City of Englewood shall be aubject to zoning or rezoning, and protecting the rights of all citizens to make applications and seek the zoning of their land. IIJITXATBD ORDIRMICB: An Initiated Ordinance concerning vehicular traffic upon streets and other public thoroughfares of the City of Bn9lewood making lawful two way vehicular traffic upon all atreeta and through- farea except where curbstone widths may be l••• than 30 feet and certain.other similar ca•es: and authorizing left turns at all interaectiona of public thoroughfare• where two way vehicular traffi~ i• lawful. Total voting Re9iatered Voters 3,925 12,729 FOR 1251 AGAINST 1385 FOR r 1 .:-, 819 AGAINST 1801 Be illdicated that the results of the election were identieal to the unofficial returns previously reported in the newspaper articles. Be announced that Meaar•~ John c. Kreiling and Tymer Rice had the higheat number of 9ot•• cast for Councilman- At-Large and were elected to four year terms. Mr. George e. Allen had the highest number of votes in District I and was elected to a 4 year term. Mr. Donald G. Fullerton had the highest number of votes in Diatrict II and waa elected to the balance of a four year term. Mr. William P. Banaon had the greateat number of votes for Councilman District II and was elected to a four year term. Mr. Robert P. Kelley, running unopposed, was elected Municipal Judge. Be also reported that three Charter Amendment• and one Initiated Ordinance were defeated. COUllCIIMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECOllDED, THAT 'DIE REPORT OF THE ELBCTIOR CX»CMISSION BE ACCEPTED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follow•: Ayes: .. ·councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-6 PROCEEDINGS OF 'DIE PLANNING AND ZONIRG C<»OCISSIOR MEETIRG OF NOVEMBER 7TH The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 632-79 Relating £2 loutina COd• 'l'he City Clerk read the following recoamendation of the City Planning and zoning COmmiaaion in full: •The City Planninq and ZOninq C01111iaaion r .. ind• the City council that the Bouaing COde may be considered and adopted before the first of the year." Diacuaaion ensued upon the reconnendation. councilman Love explained that the recoaaendation waa an effort to get something •tarted on .. a Housing code and that he doubted whether the Conniaaion expected the Code be in exiatence before the firat of the year. 'l'he City Attorney agreed, atating that drafting of a Bouaing Code would be extremely detailed and require review by all those persons concerned. Councilman Braun agreed that the Code would be highly controversial but very important to the development of Bnglewood. Be auggeated that a com- mittee of trained men active in the construction, housing, and inspection field review Denver Bouaing COde independent of the City council and Planning Conunission. 'l'he City Manager reported that he had obtained the American Medical and Public Health Aaaociation Model Housing Code and that a copy of the Denver Code would be secured. Diacuaaion enaued. The Mayor inatructed th• City Manager to investi9ate Code• and propoae a method of action to allow th• earlieat conaideration of a Code by the Council. II I I I I I I I Minutes of November 18, 1963 632-3 MINUTES OP PARKS & RECREATION COllMISSIOS MBBTISG OP OCTOBER 30TH 'l'he Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 632-5 MINUTES OF CARBBR SERVICE CC»IMISSIOllDS MBBTISG OP llOVBMBBR 13'1'H 'l'he Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 632-8 MINUTES OP PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MBB'l'I•G OP NOVIJIBBR 12TH 'l'he Mayor asked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 632-34 MEMORANDUM RELATING TO 1964 PAVDIG PROGRAM The City Manager discussed the following memorandum and recommendation with the Council: "November 15, 1963 TO: All Members of the Englewood City Council PR<»I: Mr. Stanley H. Dial, City Manager RB: 1964 PAVING PROGRAM (PAVING DISTRICT HO. 14) Submitted herewith i• a list of street• being au99eated to the Council for inclu- sion in the 1964 paving program (Paving District llo. 14). '1'he amount of fund• provided in the Public Improvement Pund for the 1964 Paving Diatrict is $110,000.00, of which approximately $3,000.00 should be retained for miacellaneoua curb and gutter replacement• and interaection conatruction, leaving $107,000.00 for the proqram being reconnended. In addition, and as liated on the attached sheet nine ~lock• of overlay are being reoa ended, which will be paid out of the account for this purpoae as provided in th• 1964 Street Department budget. I will be happy to review the reconanended pr09ram in detail with you at the Council meeting next Monday evening. I•/ Stanley H. Dial STAllLBY B. DIAL City Manager SBD/ij Bnc. Block No. 900 & 1000 3500 & 3600 3200 4100 4700 3400 3100 4700 300 3300 3500 3500-3608 3100 4100 3500 2800 2900 4300 4500 4100 PROPOSED PAVING DISTRICT •o. 14 -CITY COSTS Successful Petition• CODE COLOR -YBLLOW West Union Ave. South Pox St. South Washington St. South Acoma St. South Grant St. South Bannock St. South Clarkson St. South Pox St. West Grand Ave. South Clarkson St. Cherokee -Hampden to Ithaca Ave. Cherokee -Ithaca to Jefferaon Ave•. South Pennsylvania St. South Fox St. ALLEY east of Peal St. Alleys -Council Initiate CODE COLOR -PINK Alley east of Acoma St. Alley east of Acoma St. Alley east of Acoma St. Alley east of Acoma St. Alley east of Broadway Eat. City Coat $ 250.00 3,820.00 2,450.00 1,000.00 2,325.00 1,600.00 3,100.00 1,325.00 2,100.00 2,800.00 395.00 4,000.00 1,700.00 710.00 3,665.00 $ 31,240.00 $ 575.00 680.00 250.00 231.00 2,075.00 $ 3,811.00 Minutea of Bovember 18, 1963 Block Bo. 3499 3500 000 100-300 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 800 4500 2700 3200 South Delaware St. 000 & 100 000 -300 2700 100 Petitioned Streets Initiate Alleys Initiate Streets Streets -Council Initiate CODE COLOR -PINK South Pennaylvania South Washington Baat Princeton Quincy -Lincoln to Logan Quincy -Logan to Clarkaon Quincy -Huron to Santa Pe Weat Stanford Ave. South Clarkaon St. South Elati St. Cherokee -Jef feraon to Kenyon South Huron St. South Sherman South Sherman East Eastman South Lincoln overlay -Council Initiate CODE COLOR -GRBD South Lincoln St. South Delaware St. Baat Bate• Ave. Weat Bate• Ave. South Sherman St. Weat Jefferaon Ave. SUMMARY Sub-Total Initiate Overlay TO'l'AL $ Eat. City Coat $ 2,800.00 900.00 3,350.00 8,000.00 8,150.00 13,690.00 5,280.00 2,150.00 1,600.00 1 ,·ooo ·;;oo : 1,210.00 10,000.00 5,050.00 1,200.00 1,540.00 $71,920.00 $ 500.00 110.00 2,630.00 2,735.00 475.00 _Ll00.00 $ 7,550.00 31,240.00 3,811.00 71,920.00 $ 106,971.00 7,550.00 $ 114,521.00 The City Manager reported that $3,415.00 additional coat may be incurred if reaidential owners along 3400 block South Bannock are not aaaeaaed for the full coat of the street widening. Discussion enaued. Councilman Braun expressed his approval of the list as presented by the City Manager. The City Manager atated that he had received a letter on behalf of Saint Louia Church requeating atreet improvement• in th• 3300 block South Sherman. Diacuaaion ensued. The City Manager stated that he would keep the Council in- formed aa to the progreaa in the matter. Councilman Braun aaked that the member• of th• City Council be provided with a map ahowing all improved street• in the City, including thoae improved through the Paving Diatricta. All other atreeta which are unimproved or graveled could then be reviewed and eventually scheduled for improvement. The City Manager atated that he would have auch a map prepared. Councilman Parker inquired about property currently aaaeaaed for Paving Diatrict Bo. 12 improvements which would be aubject to additional aaaesament under the proposed district. He diacuaaed thia probl .. in conaiderable detail. The City Manager reported that diacuaaiona had continued upon the improvement of South Clarkson Street from East Hampden to Baat Bellevi.w Avenue. He stated that the lateat waa that the State may take over Clarkson as highway link. The City Manager also reported upon the improvement of Baat Yale, stating that he had received a call recently that Denver was plannin9 on improving their aide of the joint city boundary. COUllCILMAB BRAUl1 MOVED, CX>UNCILMAB WOODS SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT THE CITY COUBCIL UCBIVB ARD ACCBPT THE Cift MARAGBR'S RBCXIUIB.-TIO• POR 1964 PAVIBG DISTRICT AllD THAT BB PROCBBD ACCORDI)K; TO THE TEllTATIVB SCllBDULB FOR '1'118 ADOPTION OF THE DISTRICT. councilman Parker inquired about the improveaent of South Sherman Street. Be asked that the atreet be deleted from the list. Diacuaaion enaued. The City Manager indicated that a atreet could be deleted from the liat of streets to be improved after the public hearing and that streets had been deleted from the original liat previoualy. I ii I .I I I I ·I Minute• of November 18, 1963 OOUBCILMAN PARKBR MOVBD, OOUNCILMMI LOVE SBCO•DBD, 'DIA'l' 'l'BE LIST OP S'l'RBE'l'S BB MaDBD BY THB DBLBCTION OP 'l'HE 3400 BLOCK SOU'l'll SBBR..M.Alf S'l'RBB'l'. Councilman Love announced that he had aeconded the motion for the aake of diacussion only. Councilman Parker spoke in considerable detail •• to the poasible revision of the entire downtown street system after the conaideration of the traffic program. Be diacuased the difficulties in further widening of atreeta after such a program waa completed. He urged that this be conaidered a• well aa po••ible hardship to the older folk• living in the vicinity. The question was called for on the amendment. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Aye•: Councilman Parker. lfaya: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Wood•, Brownewell. Absents None. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion defeated. The Mayor called for the question upon the original motion. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Miles, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Hone • '!'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-89 C<»1MBNTS ON ANNUAL REPORT ON STATUS OP SBWBR RBPUllDIRG BROWN ESCROW ACCOUBT The City Clerk-Treaaurer commented upon hi• abort memorandum and report awmnarizinq the very detailed report prepared by the Trust Officer of the Pirat Rational Bank of Englewood of the atatua of the &ewer Revenue Refunding Bond Bacrow Account. Two copie• of the detailed report were prepared and one had been transmitted directly to the Utilities Director for hi• f ilea and the other was being maintained in the City 'l'reaaurer'• Office. 631-70 ORDINANCE VACATIHG ALLBY IR BLOCK 2, BIRTH'S ADDI'l'IOH Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Parker BY AU'l'llORITY ORDIHANCB HO. 32, SBRIBS OP 1163 Alf ORDIRANCE VACA'l'IRG 'l'HE ALLEY IN BLOCK 2, BIRTH'S ADDITION TO SOUTH BROADNAY &BIGHTS DJ 'l'HE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAll::>B oomrrr, CX>LORADO. (aill copied in full in official minutes of Rovember 4th) waa read for the second time. COUllCILMAH PARKER MOVED, COUllCILMAH MILES SBCX>RDBD, 'l'BA'l' ORDINANCE NO. 32, SERIES OP 1963, BE PASSED OR SECOND AND PIRAL RBADDIG AND ORDBRBD PUBLISHED IN PULL DJ TBB BllGLEWOOD HERALD AND BN'l'ERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follow•: Ayes: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. lfays: None • Absent: None. 'l'he Mayor dee lared the motion carried • 632-77 REVOCABLE LICENSE WITH LAWRENCE C. PHIPPS, JR. 'l'he City Attorney reported that he had prepared a Revocable License for the use of the surface of city-owned land in the vicinity of the Martin Company Plant for grazing purposes for the annual licenae fee of $25.00 per year beginning lfovember lat of each year. Be reported that the licenae could be terminated upon 90 day• notice by either party. COUIJCILMAH MILES MOVED, COUHCILMAH WOODS SBCX>lfDBD, THAT '1'llB RBVOCABLE LICDSB AGRBBMBll'l' BB APPROVED AND 'l'BAT THE MAYOR AND CI'ft CLBRJ< BB AU'l'BORIZBD TO SIGN TBB SAMB ON BEHALF OP THE CITY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Miles, Parker, Woods, Brownewell. Rays: None. Absent: Hone. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. Minute• of November 18, 1963 RELATillG 10 POLICB .COURT PROCEDURES Mr. William Myrick, Assistant City Attorney, reported that in connection with the proaecution of Municipal Court case• that a •ubatantially greater period of time waa required by peraonnel in the attorney'• office. Re atated that this was due to the qreatly increased use of jury trial procedures. Be qave examples of the hour• required that the attornies be in court which were two or three times that experienced in the paat. Be atated that for the normal retainer the attorni•• were content to continue to provide leqal aervice for the appeal of ca••• for the Municipal Court to County Court but that some other arrangmenta need to be eatabliahed aa to the Municipal Court. The Aaaistant City Attorney aug9eated that a compromi•• be eatablished whereby in each caae where an attorney was repreaenting the defendant that peraonnel from the City Attorney'• Office would be present to repr•••nt the City. In all other ca••• the City Attorney's Office would not be preaent in th• Court to represent the City. Be discussed the implications of the propoaal upon the Municipal Judge whereby he would need to advise the Police Off icera aa well aa the defendants of their rights. Diacussion enaued. The City Manager inquired whether the City Attorney or Assistant City Attorney anticipated any pr°"lema with the moral of the Police Officers in presenting their ca••• without the legal advise they have been accuatomed to previously. Diacuaaion enaued. 'fhe City Manager aaked the council to allow him to investigate whether th• Police Chief and other personnel of the Police Department anticipated any problem• in thia area. He stated that he would inquire aa to the Muncipal Judge~• feelin9a and experience in this same area. The Mayor remarked that the spent in Court would also affect experienced by the City Attorney City Attorney stated that he waa merely preaentinq the problem to same difficulty with lon9 periods of the Municipal Jud9• and to a greater and hi• office. Diacuaaion enaued. not •••king an answer to the problem the Council. time being extent than The Assistant this evening RELATIHG TO SOUTH SUBURBMI PARKS Al1D UCRBATIOR DISTRICT ELECTION The City Attorney reported that the petition• calling for an election upon the diaaolution of the South Suburban Parka and Recreation Coaaiaaion had been found inadequate. Be atated that the Courts would not permit the securing of additional signatures to make the petition• aufficient. Re coanented that he could not recoaaend an appeal of the deciaion due to the abaence of the law to aupport the City'~ ~ontentiona in this reqard. Diacuaaion enaued. The Mayor au99eated that th~tter be reviewed at an informal meeting. BEAU MONDB CASB The City Attorney reported that the action brou9ht by Beau Monday to compel the issuance of a Building Permit had been diamiaaed by the District Court without prejudice. Baaed upon the present zoning which would allow the issuance of the permit upon the completion of the court caaea relating to that zoning. 'l'he City Attorney stated that this waa not a fatal deciaion to the Ci~y'a caae but did represent a aubatantial poatponement of the deciaion on the matter. Be estimated that it would be three months delay in bringing the matter to court. Diacuaaion ensued. 632-68 RELATING '!O BUSDJBSS LICBRSBS 'l'he City Attorney reported that in order to draft a buaineas licenae ordinance he needed to know whether the Council deaired to enact a Green River type ordinance or a licensing tyjMI of ordinance or any combination thereof. Diacuaaion ensued. Th• City Attorney asked that the Council review hi• opinion upon the Green River Ordinances so that he could draft a propoaal for the conaideration of the Council. Be remarked that the present Business and Occupational Ordinance waa in effect until June 30, 1964 and he recol11l\ended the Council apend as much time aa neceaaary in developing a license law in the form that it desired. TOBACCO TAX Councilman Braun asked what the progr••• waa upon the development of a Tobacco Tax Ordinance. The City Attorney stated that to hi• knowledge there waa not a tobacco tax ordinance in effect which taxed all tobacco. He reported upon some of the ordinances which he had discovered. Diacuaaion enaued. The City Manager suggested that he and the City Clerk-Treas\12er reviewed the exiating cigarette tax ordinance and inveatigate the problems in converting that ordinance to a tobacco tax ordinance. REGBST FOR SBWBR BXTBRSIO•S 632-81 John A. Towne for Extention in 3600 Block South Blati Street The City Manager referred to a letter which had been addreaaed to the City I I ' I I I I I I Minute• of November 18, 1963 Council throuqh his office by John A. Towne of Towne Realty Company dated November 5, 1963, atatinq that he waa owner of Lots 29, 30, 31 and 32, Block 18, Enqlewood, and requeated an extention of the sanitary aewer from 333 feet south of his property in the 3600 block South Elati to serve hi• lot•. The City Manaqer reported that the Bn9ineer'• Office had reviewed the requeat and aet the approximate coat for the extension at $1,400.00 which would be off-aet by six poaaible connections at approximately $200.00 per tap. 632-81 Krumholz Requeat .f2!: Sewer .!n 3600 Block South Galapago The City Manaqer reported that he had also received a letter from Harry A. Krumholz, Canvas Products Company, who indicated he was interested in an extension from the present sewer throuqh the alley in the 3600 block South Galapaqo to serve lot• 13, 14, 15 and 16, of Block 14 on South Galapa90 Street. The City Mana9er atated that he had asked the Enqineers to review this request also and that an estimate of the coat of installation was $1,068.00 for an extension which would allow four connections with a tap fee of approximately $300.00. The City Manaqer recommended that the City Bnqineera be authorized to prepare plans and apecification• for the eonatruction of th••• requeated sewer extension•. COUllCilllAll BRAUR MOVBD, OOURCILMAR MOODS SBCOllDBD, '!BAT '1'BE CI'l'r MARAGBR BE A-UTllO--RIZBD TO PROCBBD TO SBCURB BIDS POR 'l'BB COBSTRUCTIOS OF SBWBR BXTDSIOBS IR 80UTB BLATI S'1'RBB'l' IN THB 3600 BLOCK AllD Ill '!BB ALLBY BBTWBBll SOUTH GALAPAGO ARD SOU'fll BUROll STRBBTS IR THE 3600 BLOCK AllD 'l'BAT BIDS l'Oll CC:.STRUCTIOll BB SECURED POR RBVIBW Br '1'RB CITY COUllCIL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follow•: Aye•: councilmen Braun, Kreilinq, Love, Mile•, Parker, Woods, Brownewell. Raya: Bone. Abaent: Bone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-11 TRBASURBR'S REPORT FOR M0!1'1'B mDDIG OC'l'OBBR 31, 1963 'the City Treaaurer reported briefly upon the balances of each of the funds a• compared with the balances laat year at thi• time. In nearly every circumatance the balance• were substantially qreater. COUllCIU4All LOVE MOVBD, COURCIU4All MILES SBCOllDBD, 'ftlAT TBB TRBASURBR'S RDORT BB RBCBIVBD ARD PLACED Oii PILE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreilinq,Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Bay•: None • Absent: Hone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 632-83 RBQUBST FOR LBllG'l'HENED PARKillG a>URS AT PARK-R-SS>P LOT The City Manaqer read a letter fran the Bn9lewood Chamber of Commerce request- in9 that the City extend the parkinq hour• in the entire Park-R-Shop Parkinq Lot to three hours. The City Mana9er reported that Mr. Ambro•• would CJO along with the arranqement for a trial period. Discussion ensued. Councilman Mile• auqqeated that a trial basis until the first of the year. Diacuaaion enaued. OOUBCILMAH MILES MOVBD, COUllCILMAH WOODS SBOOllDBD, THAT A 'l'BRBB HOUR TIME LIMIT OR THE PARJC-lf-SHOP PARKIRG LOT BE TRIED Ul1'1'IL JARUARY, 1964 SUBJECT TO APPROVAL Br AMBROSE-WILLIAMS COMPANY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Kreilinq, Love, Mile•, Parker, Woods, Brownewell. llaya: None. Abaent: Bone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. councilman Love urqed that the City provide better directory aiqn• to the variou• parkinq lots in the downtown area. Di•cu••M>n enaued. The City Manaqer aaid that he would inveatiqate the matter. CITY MAllAGBR'S CHOICE The City Manaqer reported that the Citizen'• Action Committee recommends the ilmasdiate installation left turn pocket• at Girard and Broadway at an estimated coat of $300.00. 204 Minute• of November 18, 1963 The City Manager reported that State Highway Department aigns would be erected over State Highway &o. 70 directing traffic into th• City of Bnglewood at Lincoln and at Bannock at an approximate coat of $700.00. The Mayor urged the installation of more Bngl.wood City limit signs of an atractive nature. 'l'he City Manager reported that the annual Chri•tma• Par~y and dinner would be held on December 14th at the Belleview Bowl. Be extended an invitation to all the Councilmen preaent atating that the Councilmen'• meal would be free while the wive• would be paid for at a coat of $3.00. The City Manager aaked if the Councilllen elect had any preference aa to the Judge who would swear them into office. Councilaan Blect Pullerton VII• preaent and stated that hi• brother waa a Judge in Denver and he would like to have him swear them in. Thi• was agreeable with tho•• preaent. The City Manager called the Council'• attention to the fact that a resolution calling for a public hearing on Scenic View Sanitary Sewer Diatrict aaaeaament• aet next Monday evening, November 25th •• the date for the hearing. The Mayor reported that the next Urban Mayor•' Meeting would be held on Thursday, November 21st at the Martinique Reataurant in Arvada. ADJOURIT COUBCILMAH BRAUN MOVBD, COU&CILMAll MILBS SBCOllDBD, 'DIA'!' THB MBB'l'IHG BE ADJOURllBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Love, Mile•, Parker, Woods, Brownewell. Bays: None. Absent: None • The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 11110 P.M. I•/ a. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council The minutes of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held on the 18th day of November, A.D. 1963, atand approved aa written thi• 2nd day of December A.D. 1963. I I .