HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-01-18 (Special) Meeting MinutesSPICUL CALL K .. IIG or tHE ·c1n COUJICIL or TD CITY or lllGLBIOOD, COLOBAJ)O,
ma llODAY HI 18tJa DAY or JilUilY, .l.D. 1932.
~•r J.B.Abbett oall•4 the •••t1DI to order and aake4 tor roll •all.
Ollllaon Pr•••nt,
llelaen Preaeat,
Ball Preaent,
Pearoe .lbaent,
KeCer4 Pre•ent,
Bllltla Pr•••t,
6 Preaent, .lbaent 1,
!Jae Clerk read tJae notio• ot tlaia •••t1DI and reported tiaat th• aaae 1aa.4 b•••
dll17 flYeD, •1pae4 b7 tk• Wua7or and three •••b•r• ot the CeUDell, aa4 1•r•oaall7
••r•• or lett at tk• uaual plaoe ot reaidenoe ot eaoa ot tlae •••b•r• of •Jae
Ceaaell. la14 aetioe appeared to be in du• fora, ant laaYlDI b••• 4al7 ex••••••
aat ••rY•t, it ••• ortered tile4.
~or •••t•4 tlaat tlaia •••tins laad been oalled tor tlle purpo•• of ••••14erlrac
tll• at•i•ablllt7 ot obtalniDI r11Jat-ot-wa7 tor oreek olaannel tlaro~a eertaiD
prl•ate propert7.
111'.Bl•l•ea atate4 tllat after ln•••tifation it had been tound that tJa• r11ht-•t•
98.7 tlaro111Jl propert7 owne4 b7 Jira.Bl sabeth L•r•h eou14 be ebt•1••4 at aa
approxlaat• •XJ>•••• ot ti100.oo. fill• would iaolude tae ao•iDI ot a ti•• rooa
Jaeuae to1etller witla a oaaJa P&J••nt to Kra.Leroh, and in retara tlae Cit7 •••14
r•••i•• a 4••• troa Jira. L•r•Ja tor aix lota • .l14eraan KeCert MoYe4,)
Ball 8••••4•4,) ~t tll• K&Jor appoint a Cellldtt•• tr .. tll• ce ... 11
Witla power t• aet, te ••rk witla tJae Welfare Aaaooiat1•• to la&•• •Jaar1• ot tlae .
plaaa ••••••&17 tor obtaiaia1 aai4 r11Jat-ot-w1i7.
ll>LI. CAJ,1
c.1.li•o• £7•, 11•1••• £7•,
Ball £7•,
Pear•• .Abaent,
6 .17••, .lbaent 1,
11&7or ao ordered.
Ma7•r appo1ate4 .ll4eraan li•l•ea, Clllliaon, Saitla and Hall.
A14•raan Clllli•OD MOYe4,)
•i•l••n Seeen4ed,. Tlaat there beiDI no turtker buain•••
before tile Coanoil, Comnoil adjourn.
to ooae
Calliaon qe,
•l•l••• .17•. Ball qe, K•C•r4 .17•,
Pearce .Abaent, Sld•Ja qe,
6 ~··· .lbaent 1, lla7or ao ordered.
lllaatea et 8peeial Call KeetiDI ot tlae Cit7 Counoil of the Cit7 ot Ba1lewoe4,
Celora44' tlli• Ko•4'1' the 18tla ~ot Januar7, .l.D. 1932, atu4 appr•••• ••
4 11 , tlll•-:A-.,_481 ot 1s7 , A. D. 1 gz2.
. ' I